Questions and Answers # 14
Questions and Answers # 14 ‘From Blasphemeous Names’ Bro. Lee Vayle - September 5, 1992 Shall we pray: Heavenly Father, our desire tonight is to know Your Word correctly by the revelation which has been vindicated to us, and the statutes, Lord, that we may walk therein, and walk softly before You. We know, Lord, that every age has had those men that were obstreperous and they actually did things they should not have done. And even those that were consecrated vessels many times got out of hand. And yet we see in the lives of men, like Paul, and Bro. Branham in our day, men so dedicated to the faith and to the walk of conduct as to make us marvel at the depth of the grace of God in their lives which they were able to gather to themselves, to look to You, Lord, until that grace flowed there, and the Word went forth in the true Spirit of Almighty God. We need that today, Lord. We need it every hour, and especially in the closing hours, because it is for us. And we know when it’s for us, You’ve demanded it, as the prophet said You’ve also “made a way for it.” So, we pray that we’ll learn something tonight wherein we can walk as we ought to walk, as dear sons, as manifested sons to the limited degree in which that is at that time, knowing that the fullness comes forth in the resurrection – though, Lord, we fall behind in those things – allowing no man to take our crown, not allowing ourselves to stop short of the goal but to go all the way.
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