S*K 2N Store Iuto the Premises Lately Occupied by Woman, and the Boy As W Ell
^mT\ E LETHBRIDGE NEWS. VOL. IX. LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA, N. W. T., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1894. NO. 43. UNION BANK of CANADA CTHX^KCH. NOTICES Brainerd'e A Armstrong's Embroidery , grass of emerald hue. The subject is re IRRIGATION IN CANADA. j aud Knitting Silk iu all shades at Miss I ceiving the closest attention of Cornmis Xethbrtbge flews The Dominion S.ml* TWO Delegates Is publish* d everj v I »da NOTICE. Gleudinning's. j sioner Hamilton and his staff, and although Knox Chorda, Presbyterian. AT 1 111 Head Office, Quebec. to tlie <'on:>rc*ft_ little of a NEWS OFFICE, ROUND 8TR1 Pastor, KKV. CIIAS. Mchn.i.or. B. A. The Union Bank now presents a very j practioal nature will be done this The Dominion of Canada tends two dis ear k is LETHBBIDGB. \I.tk_i.TA, N W.T., Capital Paid-up, - $1,200,000.00. Our complete and unrivalled Sunday Services, 11 a in. and 7.30 p.m. neat aud tidy appearance since it has been j Y ' expected that in the early spring ! tinguished gentlemen to the congress, both Sabbath school and Bible classes, 3:00 p.m. renovated. The new desks and railings j work on the improvements will be started, K. T SA1 N'D£RS. Rest, - $280,000. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8*0. p.m of whom are connected with the Dominion stock of Cloth for Fall is now Mr Christian Endeavor, Thursday, 8.Oo p.m. have been put in aud the managers offioe has ; - Pierce, of Calgary, inspector of interior department, under the minister of Rates of Advertising i ontracts, , iysl .
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