Dramatic Literature II CFA DR101 A1, Spring 2008 Tuesday & Thursday, 9:30-11:00 Theatre Lab Syllabus Instructor Emma Dassori (
[email protected]) Teaching Assistants Rey Lopez (
[email protected]) Tara Matkosky (
[email protected]) Andrea Southwick (
[email protected]) Course objective: Throughout history the theatre has taken on many roles in society. Some cultures have revered it; others have reviled it. In every case theatre has served as a measure of its time, reflecting the values of the age in which it appears. This course seeks to provide you with a foundation of knowledge of dramatic literature from the late seventeenth through the end of the nineteenth century. We will observe the ways in which nationalism, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, race, religion, politics, and class have shaped the history of playwriting and performance. You will develop and refine the skills of close reading, analysis, and interpretation. My hope is that you will leave the class armed with a deep knowledge and understanding of the periods we cover, as well as the ability, confidence, and real desire to incorporate this new-found insight into your own work as theatre artists. Attendance: Attendance is critical to your progress in this course. Classes begin promptly at 9:30. Please arrive on time. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. You will be counted late if you arrive after attendance has been taken. Tardiness will count as half an absence. If you accumulate more than three unexcused absences your grade will be affected. Unexcused absences include classes missed due to minor illnesses (colds, etc.) and outside appointments.