Debit and Stclair Riverams

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Debit and Stclair Riverams Debitand StClair RiverAms INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION CANADA AND UNITED STATES 1972 LAK€ HURON I OHIO L I INTERNATIONALJOINT COMMISSION CANADA AND UNITED STATES LOUIS J. ROBICHAUD,Chairman CHRISTIANA. HERTER, Jr., Chairman BERNARDBEAUPRB EUGENEW. WEBER KEITHA. HENRY CHARLESR. Ross ,J. L. h!fAccu,r,uM, Legal Adviser MURRAYW. THOMPSON,Engineering Adviser J. F. HENDRICKSON,Environmental Adviser D. G.CHANCE, Secretary W. A. BULLARD,Xecretary Former Commissionerswho participated in the inquiry A. D. P. HEENEY MATTHEWE. WELSH D. M. STEPHENS REN~DUPUIS A. D. Scorn CONTENTS CHAPTEE Page I INTRODUCTION ................... 1 The 1949 Reference ................. 1 CanadianStudies .................. 3 CurrentReference .................. 3 I1 CONDUCT OF THE INQUIRY ............. 4 111 THEBOARD’S INVESTIGATION ........... 6 Air QualityMeasurements .............. 6 Meteorological Observations .............. 7 EmissionsInventory ................. 8 TransboundaryPollution Studies ........... 8 ImpactStudies ................... 9 Reduction of Emissions ................ 10 IV PUBLIC HEARINGS .................. 11 InitialHearings ................... 12 FinalHearings ................... 13 V TRANSBOUNDARY AIR CONTAMINANTS ...... 17 Particulate Matter .................. 17 Sulphur Dioxide ................... 18 Odours ....................... 18 Effects ....................... 18 VI AIRQUALITY STANDARDS ............. 20 Ontario ....................... 20 UnitedStates .................... 21 WayneCounty ................... 22 Canada ....................... 22 Summary of Air Quality Standards ........... 23 VI1 AIR POLLUTION IN THE DETItOIT RIVER AREA . 24 Topography ..................... 24 Meteorology .................... 24 Air Quality ..................... 26 Sources of Emjssions ................. 30 Reduction in Emissions ................ 32 TransboundaryMovement .............. 32 VI11 AIR POLLUTION IN THE ST . CLAIR RIVER AREA . 36 Topography ..................... 36 Meteorology ..................... 36 Air Quality .................... 38 Sources of Emissions ................. 41 Reduction in Emissions ................ 43 TransboundaryMovement .............. 43 CHAPTER Page IXREMEDIAL MEASURES ................ 47 Air QualityObjectives ................ 47 ReducingEmissions ................. 48 ProbableCosts ................... 50 Air PollutionEpisodes ................ 51 Surveillance and Monitoring .............. 52 liesearch ...................... 54 X CONCLUSIONSX .................... 55 XITRANSBOUNJIAKY AIR QUALITY OBJECTIVES ... 59 XI1IZECOMMENDATIONS ................. 60 APPENDIX ...................... 62 Text of Reference .................. 62 Membership of the Board and Its Committees ...... 64 Participating Agencies ................ 65 PersonsPresenting Briefs or Testimony at thePublic Hearings ..................... 66 Glossary of Termsand Abbreviations .......... 68 LIST OF FIGURES FIGunE 1 Detroit River and St . Clair River Areas .......... ii 2 Direction and Frequency of Winds in Detroit River Area ... 25 3 Measured Particulate Concentrations in Ilctroit River Area . 27 45 Measured SOz Concentrations in Ilctroit River Area ..... 29 Sources of Emission in llctroit ltiver Area ......... 30 6 Transboundary Flow of Particulatcs in Ilctroit llivcr Area . 34 7 Transboundary Flow of SOz in Iletroit River Area ...... 35 8 llirection and Frequency of Winds in St . Clair ltivcr Area . 37 9 Measured Particulate Concentrations in St . Clair River Area . 39 10 Measured SOz Concentrations in St . Clair River Area .... 40 11 Sources of Emission in St . Clair River Area ......... 42 12 Transboundary Flow of Particulatcs in St. Clair River Area . 45 13 Transboundary Flow of SOz in St . Clair River Arca ..... 46 LIST OF TABLES TAHLE 1 Summary of Air QualityStandards ............. 23 2 Air PollutionEmissions in lletroit River Area ........ 31 3 Air PollutionEmissions in St . ClairRiver Area ....... 41 Chapter I INTRODUCTION TheInternational Boundary between Canadaand the United States passes through the Detroit ana St. Clair Rivers. Atmospheric emissions principally from metallurgical industries, powerplants burn- ing fossil fuels, oil refineries,and chemical industries along both banks of the Detroit andSt. Clair Rivers are transportedby the winds across the International Boundary and deteriorate the ambient air quality in the other country. Under suchcircumstances it is impossiblefor a regu- latory agency to achieve acceptable air quality in its jurisdiction by requiring a reduction or curtailment of emissions if transboundary movement of air contaminantspersists. Transboundary air pollutionis not a new problem in the Detroit River area. The Canadian Government in 1934 informed the Govern- ment of the United States that substantial quantitiesof sulphur diox- ide andsmoke from the industrial areaof Detroit were driftingacross the International Boundary and causing a serious problem in Canada. It was also pointed out that themaximum concentration exceeded the maximum found during this Commission’s inquiry (1928-1931) into damage from air pollution in the Stateof Washington resulting from the operation of the smelter at Trail, British Columbia. THE 1949 REFERENCE After representations regarding air pollution in the Windsor- Detroit area andvessels as a source of this pollution, the Governments of Canada and the United States 1949 in agreed that the International Joint Commission be requestedto determine ifthe cities of Detroit and Windsor were being pollutedby smoke, soot, fly ash, and other impuri- ties, and to ascertain the extent to which vessels plying the Detroit River were responsible. The terms of the reference limited the Com- mission to make recommendations only on measures to reduce emis- sions from vessels plying the Detroit River. 1 The six Commissioners in an interim report, dated October 22, 1952, espr*c.ssodt.he opinion that, thisreference diverted attention from the morc serious aspects of t,lle air pollution poblem by emphasizing l)olInt,ion fl*omvessels. Thc? ab:iternent of pollution f 1'0111 vessel traffic not rcnder air free from thc haza~dsof contarninants frml other m:tjol' sourws. 'l'llcyrecotnmrmded that tllc terms of refnrence be anle11dcd so as to permit t,he dovelopment of ~~ecornlne~ldnt~ionscover- ing the m:1jor sources of po11ution as well as vossels. KO govcrvmental :~ct,ionrcsnlt3cd f om this rec:onltllentlation at that t,ime. The ("o~~lnlission,in its 1!)60 I<el)o~tnntlisr the 1!M Ikference, con- cluded thatt,lw air overand in the vicinityof the cities of Detroit and Windsot. TVXS being polluted on bot,h sides of the Int,ernational 13oun- d.ary to :in extent which was dctrimental to the pneral welfare of the citizens in bothcountries. l'he major factors responsible were the rela- tively high levels of dustfall, airborne particulatcs and sulphur diox- ide from industrial installations and from the combust.ion of large quantities of fuel at other sources on land. The solid fuel consumption by vessels was 1.5 percent of the total fuel burned in the area. However, tlw inter*mitt~cnt air pollutionfro111 vcssels was 11 visiblc source and its effects were evident ina narrow belt adjoining both sidesof the Detroit River. The most. serious contxihuting factor to thelevel of pollution was the flow of considerable amounts of particu1:Ltes from the Zug Island area of the United States into the general vicinit,y of Windsor. The transbounclary flow of contaminant,swas augmented by emissionsfrom vessels. Ihring t,he period 1952 to 1957 smoke emission objectives for vessels plying the Iletroit Riverwere formulatcti by t,hc Commission on an annual basis for use by local authorities. They wore made progres- sively more st,ringenteach year until theCommission was satisfiedthat the reductionof emissions from vessels had reac,lIed a point where fur- ther improvement could only be achieved by further reduction of the number of hand-fired vessels through conversion or ret,irement. The Commission in its I%iO Report recommended t.hat both Gov- crnmc:nts adopt, these ob,jec:t,ives and t:Lke appropriate action to ensure that, t,lley were met,. The two (h\-ernment~s in 1961 ant,horized the ('onmission to nlaintain snrvc~illanccof vessel performance wit,lx re- gard to smoke emissions. During the Commission's surveillance activities thcre WBS no re- laxat,ion in the voluntary smoko zhatement programs of the vessel operators and owners. The city of 1)et)roit. and thc (hnadian Depart- ment of Transport implemented regulat,ions which were consistent, with 01' moro stringent t,han the Commission's objcctivcs. This enxhled the Commission to conclude in 1966 that, t,lw actions required of the IJC for purposes of t,he 1049 Reference on air pollution were completed. 'I'll0 Commission t'hen reqncsted tlmt its responsibility with regard t,o 487-874 0 - 73 - 2 Chapter I1 CONDUCT OF THE INQUIRY In accordance withits usual procedure in suchinvestigations the Commission on November 30, 1966, established the International St. Clair-Detroit River Areas Air Pollution Board. The seniorofficials appointed by the Commission to the Board were from the Occupa- tionalHealth Division of theCanadian Department of National Health and Welfare (the air pollution control sector was later trans- ferred to thenewly created federal Departmentof the Environment), the Air Management Branch of the Ontario Department of Health (later transferred to the newly created provincial Department of the Environment),the United States National Air Pollution Control Administration
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