Winning Strategy I, Casino Gambling

PS 23: Winning Strategy 1, Maine Slots 2018

320-Character Description: Winning Strategy 1-Maine Slots 2018. One of several winning strategies I've discovered for newer-style casinos, presented after having laid a foundation of 22 episodes. Slots is a thinking person's game, and not just about pushing a button. Plus, Maine slot machine casino gambling. Opening

Hello! Today’s episode #23 of the Professor Slots podcast discusses Winning Strategy I: Only Win Immediately. Plus, slot machine casino gambling in the U.S. state of Maine.

Thank you for joining me for the Professor Slots podcast show. I’m Jon Friedl and this is the podcast about slot machine casino gambling. It is where I provide the knowledge, insights, and tools for helping you improve your slot machine gambling performance.

Show notes are available within most podcast Apps or at

“Jon Friedl from The Professor Slots Blog reveals all of his tips and tricks for thriving in the casino environment. Discover how to assess casinos to pick the best near you, choose winning slot machines, and identify your gambling goals: being entertained, earning comps, winning take-home cash, or combine them. Jon has won 90 taxable jackpots and a luxury car in 9 months of slots play - and made a profit at slots gambling since 2013.” On Last Week’s Episode…

In case you missed it, on last week’s episode I went over Who Sets Winning Odds, specifically that casinos with control over slots like to tinker with the odds of winning to improve financial performance, which just so happens to generate winning patterns to be exploited..

Also last week, I reviewed slot machine casino gambling, including how the gaming industry has become an important part of Louisiana’s culture and economy, including the spread of video poker across loosely-defined truck stops.

I hope you enjoyed listening to my last episode as much as I enjoyed making it for you. Call To Action #1

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling

Remember to visit to get my Free Report Revealing … The top 7 online resources for improving your gambling performance, including the one I’ve used as a top-tier slot machine casino gambler.

Let’s get started with the first segment of the show: Winning Strategy I: Only Win Immediately Introduction to Winning Strategy 1 Only Win Immediately

As I’ve been mentioning for some time, winning strategies exist for slot machines at newer-style casinos. Beginning with this episode on Winning Strategy 1: Only Win Immediately, I’ll start explaining those winning strategies my gambling research has uncovered can happen at a few of the newer casinos. Recall that I’ve identified newer casinos as any gambling facility built or heavily renovated since about 2012.

But, what if you don’t gamble at newer casino? Well then, make sure to check out my descriptions of the only way I know how to win at older style casinos by taking a listen to Professor Slots Podcast Episode #21: Winning on Slots at Older Casinos- Slots 2018.

My podcast episodes have provided slots basics as well as stories of my slot machine gambling experiences. These have laid the foundation for a more detailed analysis and explanations on how to improve the odds of winning when playing slot machines. As mentioned, I’ve already covered the single approach that can be taken with less modern gaming technologies.

Beginning with this post, I’ll begin providing systematic yet straightforward analytical explanations to what can be, and indeed was, learned from my gambling experiences at modern, newer casinos. These systematic analytical explanations might alternatively be called winning strategies.

This segment has the following sub-sections:

1. An Introduction; 2. Not All Winning Strategies Will Work at Your Casino; 3. Seven Winning Strategies at Newer Casinos; 4. Getting Started with This Strategy; 5. My Personal Bias Towards High Limit Slots; 6. How I Learned this Strategy; 7. Some Disadvantages; 8. Several Big Advantages; 9. Its Impact on Gambling Goals; 10. Thoughts on Optimizing This Strategy; and 11. a Summary.

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling

Not All Winning Strategies Will Work at Your Casino

These strategies can help players to win. People work hard to succeed at their regular jobs every day. Why should success at gambling be any different? Players need to learn the skills necessary to get ahead, to do better, even if it is to get just a little ahead. If a player's goal with slots gambling is to make money, then that is what they need to figure out how to do.

Also, I need to make clear to you that these strategies don’t always work. Why? Because the patterns they are taking advantage of may or may not exist at the casino you visit. Why might these winning patterns not exist? Because these winning patterns are man- made. Whether they work or not depends entirely upon the specific casino being visited.

Because of this, you’ll need to become an experimenter. That is to say, you’ll need to get used to checking a casino for winning patterns to take advantage of. I’ll explain the patterns I’ve found. And, I’ll explain how to make the most out of them. Your job is to try to find them yourself, wherever you are. To do that, you’ll likely need to experiment.

Whether or not you also try to make the most out of the winning patterns I’ll be identifying is entirely your financial decision. Once again, please remember the number one rule of casino gambling: The only money you should take to a casino is money you can afford to comfortably lose. Seven Winning Strategies at Newer Casinos

I’ve already previously explained how to improve the odds of winning at older-style slot machines which have not renovated to the latest in gaming technologies, including how to recognize older-style slots from newer-style slots found at new and renovated casino venues.

I've already further described the technological differences between these two types of slot machines, and why they are important to understand when applying techniques that try to improve the odds of winning.

Having already made these descriptions, the bulk of the content I’ll be presenting next describes strategies that can be used to improve the odds of winning at slot machine gambling at newer casinos.

Anyone can apply these strategies to their own gambling goals and player styles. While I’ve already discussed Choosing Gambling Goals, I’ve yet to do the same for the player styles I’ve also identified.

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling

I’ll explain these six different player styles at a later time, including how to develop an overall approach, or even an individualized campaign, to improve their odds of winning at slot machine gambling.

The seven strategies I've so far identified are:

1. Win Immediately at a Slot Machine, Then Nothing (A Cheap Way to Win); 2. Advantage Plays with Progressive Slot Machines; 3. Complimentary Gifts as Compensation; 4. Winning Advantages of Special Events; 5. The Most Reliable Holiday Patterns; 6. Playing a Slot Machine Showing a Win; and 7. Win a Jackpot, then Return Later.

As I discuss each of these strategies in upcoming posts and podcast episodes, I’ll also include the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy. I’ll also discuss how best to combine them to optimize performance for maximum profits.

The strategies to follow are meant to improve your odds of winning so that, overall, you are making money, i.e., getting a greater than 100% return or payout percentage on your bankroll, rather than losing the average 90% to 95% expected loss per bankroll cycle.

During playing seasons when casinos have systematically reduced the overall odds of winning, for whatever economic reason they might have for doing so, these strategies will again improve the odds of winning.

However, gaming economics and casino financial projections being relatively unknown to players, these strategies may or may not result in a greater than 100% return even if they do provide an optimal playing performance: Put another way, the house really, really wants to win.

Again, the strategies to be discussed may not apply at the casino or casinos you frequent. Additionally, be wary of applying them at Indian or tribal casinos, as the rules of operation at those casinos are based on their unique business contracts with the state rather than effectively generic state gambling laws as applied to non-tribal commercial casinos. Getting Started with Winning Strategy 1: Only Win Immediately

After over a dozen visits within three months at a secondary pari-mutual racino, I identified a clear pattern to winning I'd not seen before. Once I proceeded to use it, I won six taxable jackpots over the next two months. As you should be asking yourself at

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling this point, did I make a profit? Yes, I did. The beauty of this powerful strategy is that nearly all of the revenue won is profit.

The pattern I discovered was simply this: Every taxable jackpot I won occurred within the first few plays or bets on the machine. After that first jackpot, either large and taxable or small and not taxable, I wouldn't win another jackpot for what seemed like, in my experience, a very long time. I saw this behavior again and again, from all of the slot machines I played at that particular pari-mutual racino.

As per usual when I first visited, I'd engaged in conversations with slot attendants and floor managers about recent jackpot winners. They told me about slot machine gamblers who had won quite a few taxable jackpots when moving from machine to machine, one taxable jackpot after another.

Obviously, this newly renovated casino had set up the slot machines to perform in this matter as a way to control their profits. Unfortunately for a casino employing this type of setup, this setup can be heavily leveraged by the savvy player that spots this easy-to-see pattern. My Personal Bias Towards High Limit Slots

So, going forward, I decided to play only high limit slot machines for 5 spins or until I won any sort of jackpot, whichever occurred first. Next, I made a not unreasonable assumption that this pattern applied to every machine in the high limits slot room. Combining this with my general approach, I applied this approach only to those slot machines I'd previously assessed as worthy of playing.

Meaning, I played only the slot machines that I decided fit my winning slot machine criteria: having multipliers, high limits, usually with bonus spins available. Finally, and this is something I really thought was interesting, I realized that this pattern didn't require much money to be successful. I decided I'd try using it with a relatively small bankroll of $500 within that casino's high limit slot machines area.

As an aside, I recently received an email response pointing out how I usually only talk about high limit slots. In other words, I have a player style that tends towards high limit slots. This is a personal choice on my part, and does not impact whether or not any of these winning strategies can be used. They are equally applicable to any denomination or credits bet, not just so-called high limit slots. How I Learned Winning Strategy I: Only Win Immediately

Let’s get back to my story about how I learned of this winning strategy. I carefully made my desired bankroll in overtime pay, waited for payday, withdrew the bankroll from my

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling bank account, and went back to this casino intent on using this and only this strategy to assess its relative level of success.

I'd sit at one machine, put the whole bankroll into it, and played maximum bets until I'd placed 5 bets or won anything. Then I'd move to the next slot machine, and repeat the process. I did this again and again, on machine after machine, right down one row of machines, then up another row. In all, at that time for that casino, I'd usually win a jackpot before spending 25% of my bankroll on an individual slot machine.

During the visit that I first deliberately tried this strategy, I won 3 taxable jackpots on three different machines in 25 minutes, each jackpot occurring about 6-7 minutes apart. Thankfully, the slot operators at this new casino were highly efficient, using smart devices on their arms to communicate with each other and the cashier’s cage.

Nevertheless, each time I won a taxable jackpot it took about 5 minutes for the slot operator to come, take my government issued I.D., complete the paperwork, clear the machine, then go off to retrieve my hand payout for the jackpot I'd just won.

It was at this point that I'd cash out of the slot machine I was on and move to the next machine, where I'd proceed to again win a jackpot within only a couple of plays. Once again, the slot operators would arrive to complete the hand payout requirements. For this second taxable jackpot, won so soon after the first, I could not offer them my I.D.: It was still in the hands of the first slot operator!

I did still have my player card, though. Thankfully, they seemed to understand and accept that circumstance. So, they proceeded to complete the paperwork, clear the machine, and go away to retrieve that particular jackpot. I repeated this process yet a third time on the next machine in the row of slot machines.

In this way, while clearly using this strategy, I won 3 taxable jackpots within 25 minutes with an actual playing time of about 10-15 minutes. Total profit was $6,100 for a 1,200% return on a $500 bankroll. Some Disadvantages

There are, as with most winning strategies, downsides when using this pattern that savvy players should be aware of. First, it's a highly obvious pattern. Not only is it relatively easy to figure out, it is easy to notice when someone else is doing it. Second, if a player sits down at the next machine and notices that the last spin was a win, then they may need to skip that particular slot machine.

More precisely, all slot machines should be skipped if they've been played recently. It can be difficult to visit casinos during those times of the day when slot machines have

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling not been played for at least a few hours. As a consequence, even in a high limit slots area, most slot machines are actively played within a given 24 hours or so.

Consequently, this strategy works best if playing slot machines at odd hours, when at least a few of them haven't been played fairly recently. It can be inconvenient to play very early in the morning, say at 5 a.m. However, I've found between Noon and 2 p.m. on Sundays to be nearly as good a time as any, and far more convenient than some. Several Big Advantages

Here are a couple of corollaries to this approach which should be mentioned as they can make a positive difference. First, consider 1-credit, $100 denomination slot machines. I don't often play $100 bet machines, but I've found this approach to be quite favorable for to doing so.

In my experience, using this strategy is the only method I've found that sometimes can result in a jackpot from a $100 denomination slot machine. I must confide that I find it quite exciting to win any amount of jackpot on a $100 bet machine, where even the smallest jackpots can go over the $1,200 taxable limit.

Second, sometimes playing a slot machine already showing a jackpot is actually a very good idea. Often, players will avoid a slot machine showing a big win. Sometimes they will avoid it for days. So, if this winning pattern is in effect by the casino, that becomes the machine to play simply because it has not been played for so long.

Once, I went to this casino one Friday evening for reconnaissance purposes, and saw a 1-credit, $100 denomination showing a large jackpot win. It was still there the next evening, when I again visited for research purposes.

Finally, when I returned the following early afternoon at my usual time for playing, I saw that the same large jackpot was still showing! It was still showing the same jackpot! I then consciously realized that I knew that it hadn't been played in over 2 days!

I immediately hurried over, but $100 into the machine, and on the first button push won a $5,000 jackpot. For me, that experience provided substantial validation for this winning strategy. I now had direct evidence that a machine hadn't been played, had predicted a jackpot would be won quickly, and then proceeded to do just that.

It is worth pointing out that playing to this pattern can be highly disruptive to employing other winning patterns, strategies, or approaches. Why? Because it's such a cheap way to win at slots! When taking a relatively small bankroll is more than enough money to win with, with even less probably being enough, why bother trying another approach that requires a larger bankroll, takes more time and energy to succeed, and still has the potential to lose that larger bankroll when unsuccessful?

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling

Its Impact on Gambling Goals

This is a winning pattern that is disruptive to gambling, because it hardly seems like gambling. It either works, or doesn't, and either way the experience is over quickly. It also has the consequence of not being conducive to accumulating points in players rewards club systems, resulting in the subsequent loss of those comps.

Perhaps these consequences matter to individual players, but perhaps they do not. It depends on each player's style of gambling. Specifically, whether this winning strategy as a positive or negative impact on your gambling goals depends on what your gambling goals are. Thoughts on Optimizing This Winning Strategy

To optimize this winning strategy, each week a player could make many, many short visits to a casino for relatively very little cost and a high likelihood of financial profit - if that casino has set up its jackpots this way. So many trips may increase the total amount of miles on your vehicle, of course.

If a player finds a casino presenting this kind of pattern, the absolute best way of maximizing payout would involve making a decision about how often to visit. A decision will be needed to determine how often a prior visit and win doesn't interfere with the player's current visit and possible wins. Should a player visit every morning during the week before the casino gets busy? Or, should they visit every other day?

I’ve found that every day was too often, but every other day was about right. However, it was not entirely consistent, likely due to every day at the casino being somewhat different in terms of how busy they get. Some days have special events, like it's a race day, or perhaps it's some sort of holiday.

Maybe it's the end of the fiscal month, or the end of the financial quarter. Or game day, whatever the specific sport is. Even the weather, and season of the year, can have an effect on casino attendance. All of these kinds of events can disrupt the best frequency of visits for this winning pattern.

Once again, remember that expecting to win is unrealistic. A player's goal is to improve their odds so that they win more often than not, so they make some amount of money rather than lose some amount of money. And, it all adds up!

Also, remember that confirmation of success only comes from the spreadsheet recording your stake, wins, and net return per casino visit. In a later post, I’ll go over several useful recordkeeping methods for determining if you are indeed coming out ahead, or if it only seems like you are.

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling

Again, when using this strategy, watch for slot machines that show wins, especially taxable jackpots. Other players will assume that that slot machine should be avoided, by assuming that it has just paid out. This is more likely to happen with taxable jackpots.

However, as previously discussed, that machine could actually have been sitting idle for an extensive period of time and, if this strategy is in effect, is quite likely to provide another jackpot.

What is important here is, how long has it been since an idle machine has been played? I've even gone so far as to record the displayed reel symbols on slot machines, then returned a day later to play only those machines still showing the same reel combination.

I still think this is a fine approach, if rather time consuming, except that what I learned was that absolutely none of the reel combinations were the same between one weekday to the next! In other words, all the slot machines were used by at least one player over the twenty-four hours I was away, even though it was a weekday, which I had assumed would be a slow day for the casino.

There are some possibilities here for finding an efficient way to note which slot machines have or have not been played. And, there may be different times of the year when this works better than others. The lesson I learned here was that 24 hours was too long of a period to wait for a slot machine to be idle. If none are idle that long, then a shorter idle period is needed.

A good assumption is that evenings see the most player activity. So, an improved strategy would be to visit the casino in the morning to record the reel combinations, then again just before the players started arriving at, say, 4 p.m. on a weekday.

The inconvenience of this optimized approach is, in a word, tedium. It requires enduring repeated daily visits to a casino as well as accurately recording reel combinations on up to 50 high limit slot machines.

Personally, I tried the 24-hour idle approach for about a week when I was living within 20 minutes of the casino where this strategy was working well. Then, not long after, I moved to 60 miles away from that casino, so never felt that I had a good the opportunity to try the 8-hour idle approach. Nor did I ever get truly efficient at noting the reel combinations shown on all those slot machines.

Keep in mind that these two personal inconveniences are only that: personal inconveniences. It's not like I didn't make a substantial profit by using this approach.

The $5,000 taxable jackpot that I won after one push of the button on a $100, 1-credit slot machine that I'd originally noticed had been showing the same jackpot for two days has

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling more than financially compensated for the gas and mileage of daily visits to that casino well into the future. So, there is that. Summary of Winning Strategy 1: Win Immediately Only

In summary, winning strategies exist. The first such I’ll be presenting that I’ve discovered at newer-style casinos is Winning Strategy 1: Win Immediately Only. Prior content on slots basics alongside my slot machine gambling experiences has provided a foundation. This foundation of ideas and perspective now allows more detailed and analytical explanations which is where winning strategies reside.

First, I warned how not all winning strategies will work at casinos you visit. Not only do they need to be modern casinos, but it would be best to mentally prepare yourself that winning at slots is a thinking person’s game. There’s quite a bit more to it than simply pushing a button.

Next, I mention that Winning Strategy 1: Win Immediately Only is only first in a series of winning strategies on which I’ll be discussing in the near future. This was followed by an brief introduction to Winning Strategy 1: Win Immediately Only.

After that, I confessed my own bias towards high limit slots, which in no way is a requirement for successfully using any of these winning strategies. As usual, remember to only take to the casino money you can afford to comfortably lose.

Further, I provided the story of how exactly I personally learned this winning strategy. Then, I proceeded to go over both its advantages, disadvantages, and its mostly likely impact on the most common gambling goals.

Finally, I provided my thoughts on how to best optimize using Winning Strategy 1: Win Immediately Only, followed by a summary conclusion. Call To Action #2

Remember to visit to get my Free Report Revealing … The top 7 online resources for improving your gambling performance, including the one I’ve used as a top-tier slot machine casino gambler.

Show notes for this episode are now available within most podcast Apps, but are also available on my website at

Up next is the second segment of the show: Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling. Introduction

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling

In this episode segment, I provide a brief overview of the current state of gambling in a U.S. state, U.S. territory, or U.S. federal district emphasizing, by far, anything of interest to slot machine casino gamblers.

Here goes.

Maine slot machine casino gambling exists. Maine has two casinos as well as two racinos (that is to say, racetrack casinos). One casino and one racino offer slot machines. The second casino is a American Indian tribal casino offering only Class II gaming, including high-stakes bingo.

Both racinos offer table games as well as the expected pari-mutuel wagering. Further, off-track betting is offered at four pari-mutuel parlors around the state. Relevant Legal Statutes on Gambling

The minimum legal age for is:

• 21 for slot machine casino gambling; • 21 for poker rooms; • 18 for pari-mutuel wagering; • 18 for the lottery; and, • 16 for bingo.

Maine state gaming regulations allows two casinos: the Hollywood Casino Bangor and the Oxford Casino which, for 2016, had a total net gaming revenue of $132 million.

Slot machines at racinos were approved in 2003 via a state-wide referendum, although it was rejected by registered voters in the city of Scarborough. To this day, as a result, the Scarborough Downs Race Track does not offer slot machines.

In 2010, another statewide referendum approved the establishment of Oxford Casino, which offers slot machines and table games. Table games were allowed in 2011 for Hollywood Casino Hotel & Racetrack Bangor.

Maine has four federally-recognized American Indian tribes, which Maine law allows to offer high-stakes bingo games. Prize values for these bingo games are unlimited. Maine’s Penobscot High Stakes Bingo Casino has a bingo hall that seats 1,800 bingo players.

Maine’s legal rights with regards to tribal gaming is unusual relative to other states. The application of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act is excluded due to Maine’s tribes being subjected to the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act. Unlike most states with tribal gaming, tribal land in Maine is subject to state law.

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling

Maine’s gaming regulations require a minimum return of 89% on all electronic gaming machines. Note that this state law requirement applies to Maine’s tribal casino. Slot Machine Private Ownership

Next up is a usually short statement about slot machine private ownership, which I have included in case you live in this U.S. state and are considering owning a slot machine. Here it is:

It is legal to privately own a slot machine in the U.S. state of Maine. State Gaming Commission

The Gambling Control Board for Maine consists of five members appointed by the Governor. This Board is supported by The State of Maine Gambling Control Unit within the state’s Department of Public Safety.

In 2017, the Maine Legislature assigned to the Director of the Gambling Control Board the enforcement and administration of the laws governing fantasy sports, beano/bingo, and games of chance. A review of these areas is currently underway, with proposed rules to be found at the Gambling Control Board’s Rulemaking Information webpage.

The stated mission of Maine’s Gambling Control Board is

“to provide efficient, effective, and consistent regulation of authorized gaming in the State of Maine.” Gambling Establishments

In this section, I’ll discuss Maine gambling establishments.

I’ve thought about not verbally telling you’re the names of each state’s casinos, but I’ve found I like to say the names of casinos. They are often interesting but, more personally, I just like saying them.

However, as usual, the website links for each casino, assuming they have set up a website, is available by clicking on this segment in the show notes available at

Maine has two casinos and two racinos offering slots gambling as well as harness racing. Harness racing is a form of racing where Standardbred horses trot or pace while pulling a two-wheeled cart called a sulky. Off-track betting is also offered at four pari-mutuel parlors around the state.

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling

The largest gambling establishment in Maine is the Hollywood Casino Hotel & Raceway Bangor. From mid-2015 through mid-2016, the average payout percentage for electronic gaming machines was 89.88%. The second largest is Oxford Casino. From early-2016 through mid-2016, this casino’s average payout percentage for electronic gaming machines was 91.44%

• Hollywood Casino Hotel & Raceway Bangor in Bangor, Maine (racino) o 923 gaming machines o 16 table games o Harness-style horse racing • Oxford Casino in Oxford, Maine (casino) o 800 gaming machines o 22 table games • Penobscot High Stakes Bingo Casino in Indian Island, Maine (tribal casino) o Pull-Tab gambling o Bingo gaming (1,800 seats) • Scarborough Downs Race Track in Scarborough, Maine (racino) o Harness-style horse racing Summary

In summary, Maine slot machine casino gambling exists at one of two casinos as well as at one of two racinos. These gambling establishments are Hollywood Casino Hotel & Raceway Bangor and Oxford Casino. Both facilities also offer table games.

While the second casino does not offer slot machines, this tribal casino does offer high- stakes bingo games seating up to 1,800 individuals.

Pari-mutuel betting is available at both racinos while off-track betting is offered at four pari-mutuel parlors around the state. Call To Action #3

Remember to visit to get my Free Report Revealing … The top 7 online resources for improving your gambling performance, including the one I’ve used as a top-tier slot machine casino gambler. Podcast Reviews

Next up is a 4-star review provided by Christopher T. Price from the Amazon on February 23, 2018 for my Amazon Kindle eBook Learning to Win:

• Title: A conscientious, fun, and informative read

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Winning Strategy I, Maine Slot Machine Casino Gambling

• Review: “Professor Slots knocks it out of the park with Learning to Win. His illustrious background and clear writing style make for a fun read. Even though I'm a seasoned gambler I gleaned lots of information that I plan to put to use this year.”

If you’d like to provide a rating and review for this podcast, which will may well help other slots enthusiasts decide to take a listen to one or more of my episodes, simply:

• Use your podcast App • Visit if you’re an Apple device user, or • Visit for Android users. Podcast Interviews

I’d also like to welcome new listeners to the show, thanks to other gambling podcasts I’ve either been on or otherwise interviewed by.

First, thanks to Vito at Cousin Vito’s Casino Podcast for a fun and informative 30- minute interview on his podcast episode 74: Beating the Machines with Professor Slots. Those interested can find this interview by visiting

I have a another interview coming up shortly, but I’ll wait to tell you more about where to find them until it’s actually been released. On the Next Episode of Professor Slots

Part I of the next episode of the Professor Slots podcast has, once again, not yet been determined. However, it’s tentative title is Winning Strategy II.

Part II of the next episode of the Professor Slots podcast is another brief overview of the current state of gambling in a U.S. State, Territory, or Federal District. This time, I’ll be talking to you about the great U.S. State of . Closing

That’s the end of another great episode of the Professor Slots podcast. Thanks so much for listening! Show notes for this episode can be found within most podcast Apps or at

I plan to have the next episode come out very soon for you, where I’ll have more amazing content for the show.

Until the next episode: Have fun, be safe, and make good choices! Bye.

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