City of Parkland Department of Environmental Resources



Small Palms – mature height up to 20’ Common Name Botanical Name Alexander/Solitaire Palm Ptychosperma elegans Bottle Palm Hyophorbe lagenicaulis *Buccaneer Palm Psuedophoenix sargentii Carpentaria Palm Carpentaria acuminata Chinese Fan Palm Livistona chinensis Christmas Palm Adonidia merrillii *Florida Thatch Palm Coccothrinax radiata *Keys Thatch Palm Luecothrinax morrisii Majesty Palm rivularis Pindo Palm Butia capitata Pygmy Date Palm Phoenix roebellini *Silver Thatch Palm Coccothrinax argentata Sunshine Palm Veitchia mcdanielsii Windmill Palm fortunei

Medium Palms – mature height up to 35’ Common Name Botanical Name

Carpentaria Palm Carpentaria acuminata *Cabbage Palm Sabal palmetto Canary Island Date Palm Phoenix canariensis Palm Cocos nucifera Date palm Phoenix dactylifera Foxtail Palm Wodyetia bifurcata Hurricane/Princess Palm Dictyosperma album *Paroutis Palm Acoelorrhaphe wrightii Piccabeen Palm Archontophoenix cunninghamiana Latan Palm Latania loddigesii MacArthur Palm (Clustering) Ptychosperma macarthuri Montgomery Palm Veitchia montgomeryana Queen Palm romanzoffiana Ribbon Palm Livistona decora Senegal Date Palm Phoenix reclinata Triangle Palm Dypsis decaryi

Large Palms – mature height >35’ Common Name Botanical Name Bismark Bismarkia nobilis Cuban Royal Roystonea regia Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera *Florida Royal Roystonea elata Mexican Fan Palm/Washingtonia Washingtonia robusta Sylvester Date Palm Phoenix sylvestris

*denotes native to South Florida

Please note: This list is provided as a convenience and is intended for Zones 9a to 10b. It is not to suggest any particular species for your permit or application. Not all nurseries and/or growers keep inventory of the tree(s)/palm(s) and species listed, and therefore availability could be a factor. Also, certain species may not be suitable for your specific site conditions. Please familiarize yourself and make plant selections based on this information. One should also consider the location surroundings, planting space, water requirements and desired function with the landscape and site.