Annual Report 2012 R a of Act Leo Baeck L Nnua Eport L V L T L Nst L Es Tute London 2012 L Leo Baeck Institute London May 2012 Report of Activities Contents
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2012 T OR P RE L ANNUA LEO BAECK l NSTl TUTE LONDON ANNUAL REPORT OF ACTl V l T l ES 2012 LONDON I ISSN 1746-8663 LB Leo Baeck Institute London May 2012 Report of Activities CONTENTS 4 Board 5 Introduction 8 When the German Jews Wanted to be Swiss 12 hrh Princess Anne Visits the lbi 13 Our New Office Premises 14 lbi Appeals 16 Publications The Year Book 16 Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 56 (2011) 19 Leo Baeck Institute Year Book 57 (2012) 21 Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts 74 (2010) 22 23 Research Projects Jews in German-Speaking Academia in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries 23 A History of Visual Expressions of Antisemitism, Emotions and Morality 30 32 Lecture Series European Leo Baeck Institute Lecture Series 2011: New perspectives on Jewish-non-Jewish relations 32 European Leo Baeck Institute Lecture Series 2012: Jews and Justice 34 FilmTalk 2010/2011 36 FilmTalk 2011/2012 38 Jews, Politics and Austria 40 The 1st Annual Leo Baeck Institute Lecture 42 43 Conferences Patterns of Exclusion in the 20th and 21st Century: Racism, Antisemitism and Islamophobia in Europe 43 Emotions and the History of Modern Anti-Semitism 54 57 Forthcoming Events and Conferences International Stefan Zweig Conference in London, 6–8 June 2012: Stefan Zweig and Britain 57 59 Leo Baeck Fellowship Programme 65 John A. S. Grenville Studentship in Modern Jewish History and Culture 66 Leo Baeck Institute and Queen Mary Studentship in Modern Jewish History issn 1746 – 8663 Company limited by Guarantee 67 Leo Baeck Institute ma in European Jewish History Registered in England No. 766699 68 News from the lbi Jerusalem: Highlights 2011 Registered Charity No. 235163 70 News from the lbi New York: Highlights 2011 Layout: blotto design, Berlin. Print: Gulde-Druck GmbH, Tübingen 72 The Leo Baeck Institute 4 INTRODUCTION 5 BOARD INTRODUCTION Chair Prof Peter Pulzer Hon. Treasurer David Goldsmith Executive Council Adam Freudenheim Dr Cathy Gelbin Prof Sander Gilman Dr David Rechter Prof Raphael Gross Board Prof Marion Aptroot (Director) Prof Esra Bennathan Prof Richard Bessel This year marked the first year of the lbi Natalie Zemon Davis agreed to inaugurate this Prof Tobias Brinkmann London fully operating from its new premises new tradition. Prof David Cesarani on the campus of Queen Mary College, Uni- Lecture series, conferences and workshops Dr David Feldman versity of London. Here we teach undergradu- are an important part of our work. We collab- Prof Edgar Feuchtwanger ates and postgraduate students and success- orate with a great many different scholarly Dr Abigail Green fully run the lbi ma programme in European and cultural institutions in London such as Prof Neil Gregor Jewish History. Our PhD students work on the German Historical Institute, the Wiener Prof Christina von Hodenberg challenging projects such as Between “Jews in Library, the Austrian Cultural Forum or the Prof Julian Jackson Germany” and “Jewish Germans”: Jewish Identities Jewish Book Week. Among our partners abroad Dr Robert Kalisch in Modern Germany or The Jüdischer Kulturbund, are the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, the Fritz Dr Anthony Kauders 1933 – 1941: Culture and Normality in Jewish Daily Bauer Institute, the Max Planck Institute for Dr Rainer Liedtke Life under Nazism. Human Development, Berlin, or the University Dr Rudolf Muhs In 2012 we were also very fortunate to find of Fribourg in Switzerland. Prof Aubrey Newman a donor, who finances an ongoing generous The Leo Baeck Institute Year Book is also Prof Nils Roemer PhD studentship that is named after the late flourishing and our cooperation with Oxford Prof Miri Rubin historian and former editor of the Leo Baeck University Press proves to be highly success- Robin E. Sharp Institute Year Book, John Grenville. It is a great ful. The publication attracts more subscrib- Prof David Sorkin pleasure to be able to announce that the first ers every year. We are extremely happy to wel- Prof Jonathan Steinberg recipient of the J. A. S. Grenville scholarship come Edward Fram, University of Beer Sheva, Prof Till Van Rahden in Modern Jewish History and Culture has as new contributing editor, who will guarantee Prof Bernard Wasserstein resumed her research at the lbi and the School our expertise in Early Modern Jewish History. Prof Christian Wiese of History at Queen Mary College, University Shortly after Edward Fram was appointed we Prof Robert S. Wistrich of London. Stipends and studentships for ma learned with great sadness that Robert Liber- Prof Ruth Wodak and PhD students in our field of expertise are les, who served as our contributing Editor instrumental in paving the way for a new gen- since 2008, had passed away on 17th March Hon. Fellows Sheldon Nash eration of scholars into academia. in Beer Sheva. We will all remember him as a Prof Reinhard Rürup The lbi London is now housed in the archi- dear friend and a great scholar. Our Schriften- Honorary Life President Dr Dr h.c. Arnold Paucker, obe tecturally striking Arts Two Building on the reihe saw the publication of a new monograph: Queen Mary College campus. This new build- Johannes Sabel’s study Die Geburt der Literatur ing was officially opened this spring. As part of aus der Aggada. Formationen eines deutsch-jüdi- the opening activities and ceremonies the lbi schen Literaturparadigmas. was honoured by a visit of hrh Princess Anne. Our Leo Baeck Fellowship Programme has This year also saw the first Annual Leo moved into its sixth year. So far we have sup- Baeck Institute Lecture. We are delighted that ported over 60 PhD students in our field who ������� INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 7 Prof Peter Pulzer (Chairman) Dr Daniel Wildmann (Deputy Director) Dr Cathy Gelbin (Member of the lbi London Executive) Carina Chitayat (Office Manager) Markus Cramer (intern from January until April 2012) Carlotta Israel (arsp Volunteer) hail from many different scholarly back- time they spend at the lbi to support us. As grounds such as history, philosophy, literary every year I owe great thanks to Daniel Wild- and film studies or music ethnology. I would mann who, as our deputy director, not only like to express my thanks to the Studienstif- organises many of our scholarly activities, but tung des deutschen Volkes, our co-organiser, and has been very successful in making our strate- the Bundesministrium für Bildung und Forschung, gic partnership with qm a success. which finances the programme and who were On the whole, as I think this report bears both instrumental in making this interna- out, our small Institute is flourishing and we tional programme such a success. can be happy with the amount and quality of Our work profits from the support and ded- work in the field of German-Jewish History ication of our board members. We are happy and Culture we have accomplished with rela- and proud to report that Arnold Paucker was tively modest means. awarded an obe for Services to German-Jew- Prof Raphael Gross ish Studies by Her Majesty the Queen. Arnold Director Paucker was elected Honorary Life President of the lbi London by the agm in June. Louise London retired from the board. We would like to express our gratitude for her longstanding support of our Institute. We welcome Marion Aptroot and Julian Jackson, who became new members of the board this year. Sander Gilman agreed to join the executive council of the lbi. I am very grateful to Peter Pulzer, our Chair- man, David Goldsmith, our Honorary Treas- urer, Cathy Gelbin, Adam Freudenheim and David Rechter for the regular support of our work through their very active participation in our executive meetings. I would like to thank the members of staff of the lbi London. Roberto Crivelli and Carina Chitayat, who stand in for Almut Becker while she is on maternity leave. I would further like to thank our arsp volunteer Carlotta Israel and our Erasmus volunteer Markus Cramer for the 8 WHEN THE GERMAN JEWS WANTED TO BE SwiSS WHEN THE GERMAN JEWS WANTED TO BE SwiSS 9 WHEN THE GERMAN JEWS WANTED TO BE SwiSS Prof Dr Michael Brenner after 1945, this was not met by a great deal of ist Congress convened in 1951, the German fed- The parents lived in Germany, but not as Ger- understanding in the Jewish communities eration was not invited to attend. Even at the mans. Many of them, and even those born ‘My impressions of Germany are such that I felt around the world. At its first post-war meet- World Maccabi Games, the sportsmen and after the war, remained stateless for decades. obliged to turn down several repeated offers ing in Montreux in 1948, the World Jewish women from Germany were not allowed to take If you were on a visit to Israel and were looked that I received from there to have a German Congress passed a resolution which confirmed part as an offical German delegation. Whilst at a little sideways for talking German, you edition of my English book published in Ger- ‘the determination of the Jewish people never the authorities of both German states required would try and eliminate uncomfortable ques- many. I am amazed that you are able to breathe again to settle on the bloodstained soil of Ger- Jewish communities in their midst, in order to tions by quickly slipping in the words: ‘We’re in that air’. So wrote Gershom Scholem, after many’. Similar voices could be heard from make the break with the past clear to the world, from Austria’, or ‘We live in Switzerland’. All making a trip to Germany, in a letter to the other Jewish organisations. The Jewish Agency these communities fought in vain for decades the same, Israel not only exchanged diplomats historian and scholar of Religious Studies, announced in 1950, that for them, anyone who for recognition in the Jewish world.