Not shortlisted candidates for interview for the post of Staff Nurse under NHM, Assam Date : 9/7/2018 Sl Candidate Regd. ID Email ID Address Regd. No. Essential Qualification Qualification Experience Remarks DOB Total No. Name PWD Computer Mobile No Experience Proficiency Father Name Essential qualification Name-GNM Course, Name of course-GNM C/o-MATRON SMCH, H.No.- TRAINING COURSE, Course Duration(Year)-3, Course Start Date- Assam Nurses HOSTEL NO 1, Vill/Town-SMCH 27.10.2014, Course End Date-10.04.2018, Institution Name-SCHOOL [1:=] Degree qualification-B.A., Subject-ENGL HONS, ECOP, Midwives & Health NHM/STFNR A BINOTA binotasingha199 NURSING HOSTEL, P.O.- OF NURSING SILCHAR MEDICAL COLLEGE, University- PLSP, FCES, Stream-ARTS, Institute-NEHRU COLLEGE, 1 Visitors Council no registration No /0780 SINGHA
[email protected] GHUNGOOR, P.S.-GHUNGOOR, ASSAM NURSES MIDWIVES AND HEALTH VISITORS University-ASSAM UNIVERSITY, Duration-3 year, Year-2013, Yes Regd. No - APPLY 19.11.1991 Dist.-Cachar, State-ASSAM, Pin- COUNCIL, Mode-Full Time, Subject-MIDWIFERY, COMMUNITY Percentage-39.9, Division-3, Mode-Full Time 7577828311 FOR 788014 HEALTH NURSING - II, PEDIATRIC NURSING, Year-2017, 0 month(0 year) Percentage-66.57, Division-2 BULUMACHA SINGHA BULUMACHA [1:=] Organization-HCG BANGLORE, Designation-STAAF Essential qualification Name-GNM Course, Name of course- NURSE, Nature of duty- MEDICAL SURGICAL WARD, GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY, Course Duration(Year)- from 04.07.2011 to 02.08.2013, Duration-2 year 1 month [2:=] C/o-MATHEW, H.No.-OLICKAL 3.5,