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The California Tech VOLUME CXVII NUMBER 11 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA TECH.CALTECH.EDU JANUARY 21, 2014 TERRAscope program continues earthquake research CYNTHIA ELLER detailed maps of ground shaking GPS devices. That all changed in of geophysics Mark Simons using of seconds of warning to people Caltech Today so that they could respond to those December 2004 with the magnitude data from GPS systems installed in areas about to experience in need immediately after a quake,” 9.3 earthquake and resulting by the Japanese had produced ground shaking, and minutes of Since the magnitude 6.7 adds Egill Hauksson, senior tsunami that struck the Indian extensive measurements of ground warning to people potentially Northridge earthquake 20 years research associate at Caltech. Ocean off the west coast of Sumatra, motion, as well as earthquake in the path of a tsunami. Japan ago (January 17, 1994), researchers To give us this new view of Indonesia. Quite abruptly, Caltech models constrained by this data, invested heavily in an earthquake at the California Institute of earthquakes, Caltech collaborated scientists had an enormous amount that provided new insight into the early-warning system after the Technology (Caltech) have with the U.S. Geological Survey of information coming in from mechanics of plate tectonics and magnitude 6.9 Kobe earthquake learned much more about where (USGS) and the fault ruptures. that occurred January 17, 1995, earthquakes are likely to happen, California Geological The Tohoku- on the one-year anniversary of the and how danger to human life Survey to form TriNet, Oki earthquake Northridge earthquake, and the and damage to property might be through which a vastly was unprecedented: system performed well during the mitigated when they do occur.
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