25 MAY 2018, PLATINUM BUSHVELDER Tel: 081 309 3876 / 072 026 0414, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail:
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[email protected] P03 A woman at the frontline of conservation Limpopo – At 32 years old, Lucrescencia When asked whether Lucrescencia thought motivation behind joining the ranger force. school at Completa de Shambuli, then Macuacua is one of three women who not that she would be able to successfully She said: “I needed an opportunity to get secondary school at Escola Secondaria. only completed this year’s ranger training complete the course, she said, “I was employed, but I also wanted to honour my $IWHU VFKRRO VKH FRPSOHWHG D FHUWL¿FDWH course in Limpopo National Park but mentally prepared to succeed when I mother who loved animals. She named her in Wildlife Management at Instituto Medio passed with the second highest score in applied for this job and had the courage to cat after me. It has always been my desire de Fauna e Ecoturisme Armando Guebuza her class. make it work.” to honour her.” and then started her university education. This is no small achievement considering During the course she was injured, but When Lucrescencia was 14 years old, “I have 23 courses passed already and I that the course is known to be one of the this did not discourage her at all, “The her mother, who took care of her family wish to complete my studies, but for now toughest, most challenging and male by selling tomatoes and vegetables in I would like to focus on the job that I have dominant ranger training courses on offer.