Operating Systems Lab

Islamic University – Gaza Engineering Faculty Department of Computer Engineering Fall 2012 ECOM 4010: Operating Systems Lab Eng: Ahmed M. Ayash

Lab # 5

Shell Commands

October 6, 2012 (Terminal): Shell Definition: is a special Linux component that acts as interface between user and kernel.  Shell accepts user commands in English and passes them to the kernel to execute.  Shell is a language interpreter that executes commands read from keyboard or from a .  Shell is not part of the kernel; it uses it to execute programs.

Shell Types: 1- BASH (Bourne-Again SHell): it is a freeware shell and most common shell in Linux. 2- CSH (C Shell): The C shell's syntax and usage are very similar to the C programming language. 3- KSH. 4- TCSH. 5- ZSH 6- BSH

Tip: To all available shells in your system following command:

$ /etc/shells

By default, the BASH shell has a dollar sign ($) prompt, but Linux has several other types of shells, each with its own prompt. A shell prompt, such as the one shown here, marks the beginning of the command line: $

Structuring Commands

- Commands have the following syntax:

command options arguments


Some Shell Commands

Command Syntax Function man $ man {command name} Get about commands. info $ info {command name} Get help about commands. --help $ {command name} --help Get help about commands. whatis $ whatis {command name} Get help about commands. cat $ cat {file name} Display text file. date $ date Display current date and $ date --date= '2012-10-10' Set the date to 2010-10-10(y,m,d). $ date --date='2012-10-10 Set the date to 2010-10-10 and the 11:30 AM' time to 11:30 AM. $ more {file} Display text file content in the terminal. $ cp {source } Files. {destination path} $ du [directory name] Display the disk usage according to space used by file/directory. $ ls [file/ name] Show list of files and directories. $ pwd Print working directory. $ vi {file name} Create text file. $ rm {file name} Delete a file. $ rm –rf [directory name] Delete directory and all its sub- directories and files. $ cd [new dir] Change the current directory. $ mkdir [folder name] Create a new folder. am i $ who am i About the user. clear $ clear Clear terminal screen. file $ file {filename} Determining File Content $ cal Display calendar halt / $ sudo halt To shutdown / poweroff Ubuntu $ sudo shutdown -h now Linux reboot $ sudo reboot To reboot Ubuntu Linux $ echo {text} Display a line of a text $ nl {filename} Number lines of files


less $ less {filename} Displaying the contents of a file on the screen

Some Commands in details

1. ls (list short) ls [options] [files_or_dirs] This command is used for finding out what is in the current directory. It lists the contents of the current working directory. ls –a: used for listing all files including hidden. ls –l : used for listing all files in details excluding hidden files using long listing .

2. Changing Directories cd changes directories: - To an absolute: cd /etc/squid/ or relative path cd ../lab2

- To a directory one level up: cd ..

- To your home directory: cd or cd ~

- To your previous working directory: cd –

3. Removing Directories

- removes empty directories. Usage: rmdir [options] [name of dir] Example: rmdir dir1 rm -r [dir name] recursively removes directory trees. –f: (--force) do not ask any thing. rm -rf dir1

4. Creating Files create empty files or update file. We can use this command in multiple ways:


For example to create three files named: file1, file2, file3:

1. touch file1 file2 file3 2. touch file{1,2,3} 3. for i in $(seq 1 3) ; do touch file$i ; done

5. Copying Files and Directories cp - copy files and directories. cp [options] file destination More than one file may be copied a time if the destination is a directory:

cp [options] file1 file2 destination Note: - If the destination is a directory, the copy is placed there. - If the destination is a file, the copy overwrites the destination.

6. Moving and Renaming Files and Directories - and/or rename files and directories

mv [options] file destination

- More than one file may be moved at a time if the destination is a directory:

mv [options] file1 file2 destination

7. A Text Editor using vi

. Syntax : vi

. Entering Input Mode

a Add text after the cursor. i Insert text before the cursor. R text starting at the cursor. o Insert a new line after the current one.

. Exiting or Saving Your File

:wq Save the current changes to the file and from vi. :w Save the current file but continue editing. :q Quit the current file. This works only if you don’t have any unsaved changes.


:q! Quit the current file and don’t save the changes you just made to the file. ZZ Same as :wq

. Entering Command Mode

esc Switch from Input mode to Command mode.

. Moving

:# move to line # :$ move to last line of file


1. Some commands can be complex and take some time to execute. When you mistakenly execute the wrong command, you can interrupt and stop such commands with the interrupt key CTRL-C.  2. Don’t forget to use: . button to complete any command. . button to exit any opened file. . You can edit text files using graphical editors like: gedit.


1. What is the output of hostname command?

2. Create the following of directories and files using Linux shell commands:


Temp2 Temp3 file1

Write Lab #

file2 file3

Write your Write hello name and ID world!