The Southern Benue Trough and Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria: a Stratigraphic Review

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The Southern Benue Trough and Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria: a Stratigraphic Review

Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International

12(2): 1-16, 2017; Article no.JGEESI.30416 ISSN: 2454-7352

The Southern and Anambra Basin, Southeastern : A Stratigraphic Review

Onu Frederick Kelechi1*

1Department of Geological Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, , Nigeria.

Author’s contribution

The sole author designed, analyzed and interpreted and prepared the manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/JGEESI/2017/30416 Editor(s): (1) Ioannis K. Oikonomopoulos, Core Laboratories LP., Petroleum Services Division, Houston Texas, USA. Reviewers: (1) Aigbedion Isaac, Ambrose Alli University, Nigeria. (2) Moses Oghenenyoreme Eyankware, Ebonyi State University , Nigeria. Complete Peer review History:

Received 8th November 2016 Accepted 1st December 2016 Original Research Article Published 13th October 2017


A review of high impact literature on the Southern Benue Trough and Anambra Basin was undertaken to enhance the understanding and definition of the basins in terms of their evolution, area extent, sedimentation history, as well as their litho- bio- and sequence stratigraphy. Early works of [1,2,3,4], and others, which formed the basis for the stratigraphic study of these basins were employed, but were updated by recent reputable works of [5,6,7,8,9,10] and others. The geologic formations encountered in the basins include: the Asu River Group, Eze-Aku Group, Agbani Sandstone/Awgu Shale Formation, Nkporo Group, Mamu, Ajalli, Nsukka, Imo, Ameki and Ogwashi-Asaba Formations. Controversy surrounding the stratigraphy of the Anambra Basin, depositional environments and conditions, and age of geologic formations present in the study basins were considered. The aspect of sequence stratigraphy requires more work for a more accurate definition of stratigraphic surfaces required for the establishment of systems tracts and sequences.

Keywords: Anambra Basin; Eze-Aku; sequence; stratigraphy; Benue trough; depositional environment.


*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected];

Onu; JGEESI, 12(2): 1-16, 2017; Article no.JGEESI.30416

1. INTRODUCTION transgressions and regressions [3]. As a result of these tectonic events, the axes of the main A close study of the various basins and sub- basins were displaced, giving rise to three basins basins of the Nigerian continental margin reveals such as: the Abakaliki-Benue Trough, the the differences in their stratigraphic evolution, Anambra Basin, and the Afikpo Sub-Basin. Murat which are attributed to the differences in their also believed that changes in thickness and structural and tectonic framework. The natural facies of the sediments throughout these basins processes that caused these differences in inevitably resulted in the creation of a large stratigraphic evolution are the main reasons for number of member and formation names. The the different formation types that occur in first of the depositional cycles occurred in the somewhat close proximity within the studied pre-Albian times, and was confined mainly to the basins. Therefore, there’s a need to outline each Benue-Abakaliki Trough. This was terminated in of the geologic formations that exist within these the Santonian time. The second depositional basins, with a view to appreciate the process – phase dominated the Anambra basin as well as response mechanism(s) responsible for their the narrow Afikpo Synclinorium. This was deposition within the part(s) of the basin(s) they brought about by the Campanian marine are found. It is however observed that each transgression which ended in the Paleocene major phase of sediments deposition in the time. Also the third and final depositional phase studied basins terminates with the deposition of started in the Eocene time and coincided with the prograding deltaic sands during a regressive development of Niger Delta basin, and further phase. It is important to carefully study the continued to the present [13]. basins, especially the stratigraphically complex Anambra Basin, so as to understand its 1.1 Geologic/Tectonic History of complexity and help clear the controversy arising Southern Benue Trough and Anambra from the composition and age of the first Basin sedimentary deposit in the basin. The tectonic history of Southern Benue Trough, The Cretaceous sedimentary basins and sub- Southeastern Nigeria dates back to the Pre- basins of Southeastern Nigerian include the Albian times. According to [17,18], the Abakaliki- Southern Benue Trough, Anambra Basin, Benue Trough originated as a failed arm of the Afikpo Syncline, Calabar Flank and Mamfe triple junction -ridge system, which led to the Embayment. The sedimentary basins developed separation of Africa from South America during on the Basement complex of Nigeria as an ‘X’ the Aptian/Albian. The opening of these arms shaped depression oriented in the North started in Mid Aptian in the Southern Atlantic East-South West (NE-SW) and North West- by crustal stretching and downwarping, South East (NW-SE) (Fig. 1) [11]. The major accompanied by the development of coastal controls on sedimentation in these basins evaporites basins. It reached the Gulf of Guinea resulted from eustatic sea level changes, basin by Late Albian and extended North East, to form tectonics, and local diastrophism. The basins’ the Benue-Abakaliki Trough. However the North stratigraphy and paleogeography have been East-South West (NE-SW) trending Benue– studied and described by various workers, such Abakaliki Trough is thought to be the result of the as [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16] amongst Pre-Albian rifting of the African Shield, prior to others. the opening of the south Atlantic, [19].

Geological work in Southeastern Nigeria dates [3] identified three main tectonic phases in the back to the early 1960’s, but most of the Benue Trough which controlled the basin filling. published information from these studies relate to The first phase began during Albian and was general geologic observation and description characterized by movements along major NE- from fossil localities. In fact, the first stratigraphic SW trending Benue–Abakaliki Trough. This led to study of the Southeastern Nigerian basins was the emergence of two stable areas on either side carried out by [2]. of the Benue–Abakaliki Trough, called the Anambra platform on the west and Ikpe Platform Sedimentation is believed to have been initiated on the East (Fig. 1). The NW-SE trending Ikang after the separation of South America from Africa Trough, Ituk High and the Eket Platform are in the Aptian/Albian, and was controlled by three found on the eastern flank, and all persisted into main tectonic events and epeirogenic the Tertiary without Significant changes. [20], movements. These resulted in a series of marine made a comparison between Benue Trough and


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Calabar Flank tectonic and structural deposits of intermediate and basic intrusive rocks characteristics (Table 1). They outlined the major found at Abakaliki, Ishiagu, Lokpaukwu, Akpoha tectonic phases as well as the significant and some other localities within the region. transgressive and regressive events that occurred. The intensity of the folding varies greatly from NE to SW and locally from the axis towards the A second major tectonic event (compressional edges of the basin (Fig. 2). The effects of the movements along the established NE-SW trend), Santonian tectonic phase are restricted to the caused a generalized folding which affected the Abakaliki Anticlinorium in the Southern Benue Cretaceous sediments in the Benue-Abakaliki Trough. This second tectonic phase was Trough [21]. This led to a series of NE-SW interpreted as the closing of an embryo Benue trending folds that resulted in the Abakaliki Ocean [12], and was as a result of differential Anticlinorium, and the subsequent downwarping movement between two parts of the of the Anambra Platform, to form the wide as a consequence of differences in the rate of Anambra basin and the narrow Afikpo spreading and direction between the section of Synclinorium on the west and east of the the Mid Atlantic Ridge opposite the bulge of Abakaliki Anticlinorium respectively, [13]. The Africa and also south of the Gulf of Guinea. The depressions became the main depositional exposure and subsequent erosion of the targets from Campanian to Paleocene. The onset Coniacian, Turonian and Albian Formations of this folding phase in the Late Santonian was resulted from the upliftment and folding of the accompanied by pronounced igneous activities. Abakaliki Anticlinorium. These account for the occurrence of massive

Fig. 1. Tectonic map of southeastern Nigeria during Albian-Tertiary (adapted from [3])


Onu; JGEESI, 12(2): 1-16, 2017; Article no.JGEESI.30416

Table 1. Tectonic and structural characteristics of the Benue trough and Calabar Flank (after [20]

Benue trough Calabar flank Structural alignment NE – SW NW – SE of the basin. First major tectonic Aptian to Early Santonian with Aptian to E. Coniacian. Latest phase. possible uplift during Albian to with uplifts during Early-Late Cenomanian Albian, Late Cenomanian and Early Coniacian. Significant i. Aptian – Middle Albian i. Middle Albian transgressions during ii. Late Albian ii. Cenomanian - Turonian first tectonic phase. iii. Cenomanian – E. Turonian iii. Coniacian iv. Coniacian Significant regression i. Middle Aptian i. Late Middle Albian during first tectonic ii .Latest Albian - Cenomanian ii. Late Cenomanian phase. iii. Late Turonian iii. Late Turonian iv. Early Santonian End of the first major Characterized by compression Characterized by simple vertical tectonic phase. movements resulting in folding and movements with folding of uplift of the Abakaliki – Benue folded Cenomanian and older belt; fold axes was parallel to sub- sediments. parallel. Second major Subsidence of the Anambra platform Rapid subsidence in the Lower tectonic phase in the Lower Campanian to Middle Campanian to Maastrichtian Eocene, followed by uplift and followed by rapid uplift with no subsequent progradation of an Early clear evidence of deposition of Tertiary delta. Early Tertiary Sediments.

Fig. 2. Tectonic map of southeastern Nigeria during the Campanian-Eocene (adapted from [3])


Onu; JGEESI, 12(2): 1-16, 2017; Article no.JGEESI.30416

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Cenomanian, Turonian-Coniacian and Campanian-Maastrichtian [9]. The Anambra The materials for this review were obtained from Basin on the other hand is a stratigraphically high impact papers of previous researches complex basin, therefore it is important to carried out in the study area. These researches carefully study it so as to understand its addressed various geologic aspects such as complexity. It appears more likely to assume the basin evolution and tectonics, biostratigraphy, age of the first sedimentary deposits in the sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, economic Anambra Basin to be Post-Santonian, due to the geology, etc. The papers were studied theory behind its evolution. The structural style of individually so as to grasp the ideas conveyed by the basin, associated with deep faults (graben the author(s) in order to pick out points that are nature) may be responsible for this blanket relevant for review. erroneous belief that the basin does not contain Pre-Santonian deposits [8]. Studies by [18] and 3. DISCUSSION [15], suggested that only the eastern part of the basin (Abakaliki area) should contain Pre- Santonian sediments. Recent study by [7], 3.1 Stratigraphy of Southern Benue however shows that the northwestern part of the Trough and Anambra Basin basin also contain Pre-Santonian facies. Palynological study carried out by them, [2] undertook the first detailed study of the indicated the presence of diagnostic pollen stratigraphy of the southern Nigeria sedimentary and spores such as Afropollis jardinus, basins, and he proposed many of the Cretacaeiporate pollen such as Cretacaeiporates lithostratigraphic units in the region. The mulleri, C. scabratus, C. polygonalis, stratigraphic history of these basins has been Steevesipollenites binodosus, Galeocornea sp, widely described to be characterized by three and Hexaporoticolpites emelianovi, which are all sedimentary phases [4], as a result of the three Albian to Lower Cenomanian group of forms. [6] tectonic episodes that occurred in the region. indicated that thinner shale successions of Asu Shifts in the basin axis and sedimentation during River Group, the Eze-Aku and Awgu Formations the periods preceding tectonic activities lead to are reported in oil exploratory wells in the the three depositional phases - the Abakaliki- younger Anambra Basin and also in the marginal Benue phase (Aptian-Santonian), Anambra- areas to the Abakaliki Basin. Benin phase (Campanian-Mid Eocene), and the Niger Delta phase (Paleocene-Recent). The first As earlier asserted, the stratigraphy of the two phases (Abakaliki-Benue; and Anambra- different depositional basins in Nigeria as Benin phase), are relevant to and form the basis described by [2] displayed a large number of of this study. The Asu River and Eze-Aku lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic divisions. Groups, and Awgu Formation where deposited Also, a paleogeographic description of the during the first phase of the Abakaliki-Benue Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary in Southern basin, the Benue valley and Calabar Flank. The Nigeria was presented by [3], based on the major second tectonic phase resulted to the Santonian depositional cycles which resulted from three folding and upliftment of the Abakaliki region and main tectonic episodes that occurred in the area. the accompanying shift of the depocenter into the The sedimentary deposits that make up the Anambra Basin (formally Anambra platform) and stratigraphy of the studied basins, and their the Afikpo Syncline. This episode saw to the paleogeographic descriptions are reviewed deposition of the Nkporo Group, Mamu, Ajalli, below. Nsukka, and Imo Formations, and Ameki Group. The Niger Delta basin which started in the 3.1.1 The Asu River group Paleocene due to the tectonic movement was a result of the third sedimentary phase The Abakaliki area contains the oldest sediments development. This tectonism inverted the in southern Nigeria - “the Asu River Group”, structure of the Abakaliki region and thus which lies unconformably on the basement displaced the centre of deposition further towards complex. The Aptian-Albian alluvial fans and the south of Anambra Basin [8]. marine shales of the Asu River Group, represents the inception of sedimentation in the The sedimentary fill in the Southern Benue southern Benue Trough [22]. This consists of Trough consists of three major unconformity- sandstones of the Mamfe Formation [2] and bounded depositional successions: Albian- shales, limestones and sandstones of the


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Abakaliki Shales in the Southern Benue Trough. facies at Uwakande 1, Obubra south east Nigeria The shale is mainly characterized by species of provided significant evidence of fluvial conditions Mortoniceras and Elobiceras, is deeply during the deposition of the Eze-Aku Formation weathered and contain radiolaria, echinoids, in the Turonian, and revealed the type of some pelecypods and gastropods [23]. The transporting medium; the mode of sediment sediments are folded in the south of Abakaliki, deposition; as well as the environment into which with a fold axes stretch of NE-SW. the sediments encountered in the study area were deposited [26]. The Asu River Group extended into the Cenomanian as a transgressive deposit within The thickness of the Eze-Aku Formation varies, the rest of the Southern Benue Trough (Abakaliki but may attain about 1000 meters in some places Trough and Afikpo Syncline). The Cenomanian is [1]. According to [27], it varies for up to 1200 marked largely by regression in most parts of meters, and is overlain by about 900 meters of Nigeria, but at the further southeastern parts of bluish-grey, bedded shale with some fine-grained the Southern Benue Trough (towards the carbonaceous limestone beds (Awgu Shale), Calabar area); the stage is marked by the marine which are in some places replaced by sandstone transgressive Cenomanian Odukpani Formation facies (Agbani Sandstones). The lowermost part which rests directly on Precambrian basement of the Eze-Aku Formation contains Turonian rocks [23]. [2,24], estimated this deposit to be ammonites while the top is Early Coniacian in the about 1000 meters thick and deposited under Afikpo Syncline. The Eze-Aku Formation also shallow water conditions. The beds at the base changes into shaly limestone (in the Nkalagu are arkosic sandstones, followed by a quartzose area), calcareous sandstone and sandy sandstone-limestone facies with a predominance limestone. The type locality of Eze-Aku of shale in the upper parts. These deposits were Formation is at Akaeze South East Nigeria. described as typical nearshore sediments by [2]. The sediments however are of shallow water Controversy has trailed the depositional model origin, and are about 600 meters thick. The for the Amasiri Sandstone of the Eze-Aku Calabar Flank on the south-eastern limit shows a Formation, Southeastern Nigeria. The study of NW-SE trending fault which also controlled [10], which asserts that the sandstone unit sedimentation. According to [2], the type locality represents the uppermost part of the Eze-Aku of this formation is along the Asu River Formation on the eastern limb of the Abakaliki Southeastern Nigeria. Anticlinorium and occurs as parallel ridges trending in a NE-SW direction, is adopted in this 3.1.2 The Eze-Aku Group paper.

The Turonian marine transgression saw to the 3.1.3 Agbani Sandstone / Awgu Shale termination of the generally regressive conditions that existed during the Cenomanian. In the The Southern Benue Trough witnessed the end Southern Benue Trough, the Turonian is of regression in the Santonian with the full represented by the Eze-Aku Group (which emergence of the Abakaliki area. The Coniacian- consists of hard grey and black calcareous shale, Santonian regression resulted to the deposition limestone and siltstone of the Eze-Aku of the Agbani Sandstone/Awgu Shale in the Formation) and the inter-fingering regressive Abakaliki-Anambra Basin [23]. The sediments sandstones of Agala and Amasiri Formation were derived from the now uplifted Abakaliki members (outcrops within the Afikpo Anticlinorium and deposited in the downwarped Synclinorium on the South East margin of the Anambra Basin. There is a marked non- Abakaliki Anticlinorium) [9]. A shallow water deposition of the Coniacian–Santonian environment for the Eze-Aku Formation was sediments in the Afikpo Syncline; hence the suggested by [2] based on ammonite contents; Awgu Shale is missing in the Afikpo Syncline and [25] based on foraminiferal content. [4] stratigraphy. The Late Santonian is marked by an regarded the shales of the Eze-Aku Formation as extensive subaerial unconformity in the Anambra transgressive deposits in shallow shelf settings. Basin as well as the Abakaliki and Afikpo The shales laterally grade into the sandstone of Synclines. It is however possible that deposit of the Amasiri Sandstone, with type locality at Awgu Shale must have been eroded away within Amasiri near Afikpo, and Ezillo Formation. the entire Afikpo Syncline, hence accounting for Sandstone outcrops extend from Afikpo through its absence. Ugep, and then to Apiampu. The conglomerate


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The Awgu Shale is mainly bluish-grey shale with previous workers include ammonites occasional intercalations of fine-grained (represented by Libycoceras dandense, and sandstone and thin, often mainly shaly Sphenodiscus) which dominate the lower levels limestones. In the Anambra Basin, the shales are [2] and pelecypod (Inoceramus) which occur well-bedded with a thickness of about 800 mainly in the sandstone/siltstone lenses at the meters [8,23]. The beds are rich in ammonites upper levels [5,31]. and other molluscs including fish teeth. Palynological study by [8] revealed that the The Nkporo Group is essentially marine sequence is dominated by angiosperm pollen sediments of deposited by the third transgressive such as Monocolpites sp, Tricolpites sp and cycle within the Anambra Basin. Its deposition Retimonocolpites sp. Other diagnostic forms that ended in the Early Maastrichtian in both characterize the formation include Zlivisporites Abakaliki-Anambra and Afikpo Synclines (Fig. 3). bianensis, Peromonolites perireculatus and The Shales made up of carbonaceous Odontochitina sp. Therefore, the Awgu Shale is shales and coals with the upper half deposited in dated Coniacian. New forms of dinoflagellates lower floodplain and swampy environments; that appeared in the sediments suggest a overlie the Nkporo Formation [28]. It is found transitional environment of deposition. north of Awgu and exposed at Milliken Hills at Enugu, restricting the facies to the central and 3.1.4 The Nkporo group northern parts of the basin [29,32]. The sediments have a poorly developed foreshore Earlier workers such as [15] and [18] took the and shoreface with extensive coastal swamps, Nkporo Group as the first oldest sedimentary and were assigned Campanian to Lower deposit in the Anambra Basin. But recent works Maastrichtian (Fig. 3) based on diagenetic by [7], opened up the possibility of having Pre- species of palynomorphs such as Santonian sediments, at least at the Cingulatisporites ornatus and Tricolpites northwestern part of the basin, hence helping in tienebaensis [29]. [9] indicated that the clearing the controversies associated with it. deposition of the sediments of the Enugu/Nkporo Formations reflect a funnel-shaped shallow The Nkporo Group forms the basal facies of the marine setting that graded into channeled low Mid to Late Cretaceous sedimentary cycle in the energy marshes. Southern Benue Trough and Anambra Basin, 3.1.5 The Mamu formation deposited during Late Campanian. It is generally exposed at Leru, 72 kilometer along Enugu-Port The deposits of the transgressive Nkporo cycle Harcourt Expressway, and is described as a was overlain by the Lower Maastrichtian coarsening upward deltaic sequence of shales sandstones, shales, siltstones and mudstones, and interbedded sands and shales with and the interbedded coal seams of the deltaic occasional thin beds of limestone deposited Mamu Formation in most parts of the Anambra during a short interval of marine transgression Basin [6]. The Mamu Formation was deposited [28]. The thickness is estimated to be 1000 as the broad shallow sea that existed at the time meters maximum [23]. The age assigned to this of deposition of the Nkporo/Enugu Formations, formation is based on the presence of gradually became shallower. Predominance of Afrobolivina afra [29]. regression resulted to the deposition of the continental sequence of Ajalli Formation on top The Nkporo Group is made up of three members of the Mamu Formation, followed by a return to – Afikpo/Owelli Sandstone, Nkporo and Enugu partially paralic conditions that were responsible Shales. The arenaceous facies of the Afikpo and to the deposition of Nsukka Formation. Owelli Sandstones are lateral equivalents to the Nkporo Formation in the Afikpo and Anambra The Mamu Formation is restricted to the Basins respectively [9]. According to [30], the Anambra Basin and Afikpo Syncline in Owelli Sandstone is an elongate shoestring sand southeastern Nigeria [23]. It was previously body to the northwest defining a meander belt of known as the Lower Coal Measures, and fluvial channel system and a fluviatile point bar. It contains marine intercalations composed of is massively bedded, hard and often ferrugenious ammonitiferous shales [1]. [29], stated that the (in some parts) and friable. It may be prominently sediment pile varies across the basin and ranges cross bedded, medium - coarse grained with from 75 to over 1000 meters at different parts of pebbles, and sometimes aligned at the base of the basin, and were deposited on estuarine the cross beds [30]. Body fossils recovered by floodplain, swamp and tidal flat floodplain.


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Fig. 3. Correlation chart for early Cretaceous-Tertiary strata in southeastern Nigeria (modified from [15])

The formation occurs as narrow strip trending overlain by a considerable layer of red earth, north-south from the Calabar Flank, swinging consisting of red, earthy sands, formed by west around Ankpa Plateau and terminating at weathering and ferruginization processes, and Idar near the Niger River [9]. The Mamu exhibits significant thickness variation from less Formation is dated Lower to Mid Maastrichtian than 300 meters to over 1000 meters at the [15], and is well exposed at the Milliken Hill just centre of the basin [15,23,30]. The formation on the outskirt of Enugu, along Enugu- exhibits a dominant cross bedding sedimentary Road. structure. It is associated with reactivation surfaces, mud drapes, tidal bundles, backflow 3.1.6 The Ajalli sandstone ripple channels cut and fills, lateral accretion surfaces, as well as Skolithos and Ophiomorpha The Ajalli Formation which is regarded as the ichnogenera [28]. The Ajalli Sandstone as well as “False-Bedded Sandstone” overlies the Mamu its underlying Mamu Formation accumulated Formation [33], with its type locality along the during the epoch of overall regression of the valley of the Ajalli River near Enugu [23]. It is Nkporo cycle. It marks the height of the mainly unconsolidated, poorly sorted, coarse-fine regression at a time when the coastline was still grained sandstone, poorly cemented; mudstone concave [9]. and siltstone, and is dated Mid to Late Maastrichtian. The sandstone is typically white in 3.1.7 The Nsukka formation colour but in some cases, iron-stained. Thin bands of white mudstone and shale in the Ajalli The diachronous Nsukka Formation (Late Formation occur at intervals and increases in Maastrichtian - Early Paleocene) which is also number towards the base. The formation is known as the “Upper Coal Measures”


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conformably overlies the Ajalli Sandstone [39]. [11], placed the outcropping Imo Shale at [2,33]. It is comprised mainly of interbedded Paleocene to Early Eocene. [15,40,41] placed shales, siltstones, sands and thin coal seams, the Imo Formation at Early to Late Paleocene. which have become laterized in many places The formation varies laterally into sandstones in where they characteristically form resistant some parts of southeastern Nigeria. These capping on mesas and buttes [32]. The basal lateral equivalents are the Igbabu, Ebenebe and bed begins with coarse to medium-grained Umuna Sandstones [2]. sandstones and passes upward into well-bedded blue clays, fine-grained sandstones, and 3.1.9 The Ameki group carbonaceous shales with thin bands of limestones [2,34]. This is the regressive sandstone succession that overly the Imo Formation. The Eocene witnessed Sedimentological evidence of [34] suggests that regression due to the uplift and erosion of folded the Nsukka Formation represented a phase of sediment as a result of the post Maastrichtian fluvio-deltaic sedimentation that began close to folding movement that affected different parts of the end of the Maastrichtian and continued the country. Regression continued throughout during the Paleocene. The depositional the Eocene [2]. In the Abakaliki/Anambra basin environment of the formation has been areas (Fig. 3), the Ameki Group is made up of suggested to be in many ways similar to that the Ameki Formation, Nanka and Nsugbe of the Mamu Formation (that is Sandstone members which are lateral transitional/shoreline, mud flat and swamps, equivalents, whereas in the Afikpo Syncline, it deposited during a largely regressive phase). has only one member (the Ameki Formation) [15,42]. The formation consists of a series of The Nsukka Formation as well as the overlying highly fossiliferous greyish-green sandy clay with Imo Shale marked the onset of another calcareous concretions and white clayey transgression in the Anambra Basin during the sandstones [23], and may attain a thickness of Paleocene. Outcrops of the Nsukka Formation about 1400 meters in some parts. A thickness of can be seen along the Enugu-Onitsha road in the about 1900 meters was suggested by [39] in the valley of the Nadu River. area of Ameki and Mile 73 and half, on the eastern railway. The type locality of the Ameki 3.1.8 The Imo shale formation Formation is between Miles 73 to 87 along the eastern railway, near the Ameki station [23]. The The Imo Formation consists of blue-grey clays formation shows rapid lateral changes in facies in and shales, and black shales with bands of Southeastern Nigeria, and may locally show calcareous sandstone, marl, and limestone [2], shale development or inclusions of white and with a maximum thickness of about 500 meters. mottled claystone and sandstone. Carbonaceous It marks the onset of another transgression in the plant remains are rare but lignified wood may be Anambra Basin during the Paleocene. This present. Paleocene transgression also deposited its lateral equivalents - the Ewekoro Formation in The Nanka Sands in the Anambra Basin has its south western Nigeria. The formation lies type locality at Nanka. It consists of fine to conformably on the Maastrichtian Nsukka coarse sandstones with abundant calcareous Formation in the Southeastern portion of the shale and thin shaly limestone intercalations Southern Benue Trough [23]. below and unconsolidated cross bedded white or yellow sandstone, with bands of fine-grained The Imo Formation is said to be of Paleocene sandstone and sandy clay above [23]. The age as indicated by its ostracode and Eocene Nanka Sand marks the return to foraminiferal biostratigraphy [2], and microfauna regressive conditions with well exposed sand recovered from the basal limestone unit [35,36]. waves suggesting the predominance of flood- The type of rock and trace fossils of the basal tidal currents over weak ebb-reverse currents sandstone unit reflect foreshore and shoreface (only suggested by the bundling of lamina [37] or delta front sedimentation [38]. The type separated from each other by mud drapes locality/area of the Imo Formation is along the reflecting neap tides) [9]. A good outcrop of the Imo River between Umuahia and Okigwe Nanka Formation is at Umunya section, 18km Southeastern Nigeria. At the type area, the from the Niger Bridge at Onitsha on the Enugu- formation has a thickness of about 500 meters Onitsha Expressway [43].


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Fig. 4. Base-level and transgressive–regressive (T–R) curves. FR = forced regression; NR = normal regression [49]

Environments that ranged from nearshore yielded a Mid Eocene age for the basal part. The (barrier ridge-lagoonal complex) to intertidal and Ameki Group and the overlying Ogwashi-Asaba subtidal zones of the shelf environments were Formation in the Southern Benue Trough and suggested for the Ameki Formation by [42] and Anambra Basin are correlative with the Agbada [44]. [45] suggested that the sediments were Formation in the Niger Delta. deposited in shallow marine environments, where water depths range between 10 to 100 3.2 Sequence Stratigraphy of the meters. However, [46], interpreted the Southern Benue trough and Anambra depositional environment of the Ameki Group as Basin estuarine, lagoonal, and open marine, based on the faunal content. The Ameki Formation shows The sequence stratigraphic interpretation steeper dips than the overlying Ogwashi-Asaba employed in this study is based on the shifts in Formation, indicative of an unconformable the shoreline trajectories (Transgression- relationship. Its age has been considered to be Regression, T-R cycles) brought about by the either Early Eocene [2] or Early-Mid Eocene global fluctuations in sea level (base-level) and [47]. tectonics. [29] identified about five transgressive episodes in the Benue Trough; four out of these 3.1.10 The Ogwashi-Asaba formation are wholly or partly linked to global sea-level changes. [32] also recorded at least five major This represents the last sedimentary deposit transgressive episodes from the stratigraphic within the Anambra and Afikpo Synclines. It lies succession of the Anambra Basin from the Late unconformably on the Ameki Group. The Cretaceous to Eocene, which were correlatable Ogwashi-Asaba Formation comprises of to the global eustatic sea level chart. The alternating coarse grained sandstone, lignite Turonian marked the most widespread seams, and light coloured clays of continental transgression, although it is not clear whether origin [13]. The age of the formation was this transgression was caused by a link between suggested by [2,6,15], to be of Oligocene- the Benue Trough and the Tethys Ocean in the Miocene, although palynological study by [48] North [13,25].


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In defining a sequence stratigraphic model for River Group (top of Basement Complex) serves the basins, it is vital to identify surfaces of as the first sequence boundary. The Maximum sequence stratigraphic significance that can Flooding Surface is hung on the Albian- serve, at least in part, as systems tract or Cenomanian boundary, indicating the end of sequence boundaries [49]. These surfaces are marine transgression. Regressive conditions defined relative to two curves; one describing the started during the Late Albian period in most base-level changes at the shoreline, and the parts of Nigeria. other describing the associated shoreline shifts (Fig. 4). The Cenomanian witnessed a return of shallow water conditions as sea level began to fall (Fig. Sequence stratigraphic surfaces, and systems 6). The overall regressive event ended in the end tracts, are all defined relative to these curves in of the Cenomanian. The Asu River Group Fig. 5. The transgressive–regressive curve deposition continued into the Cenomanian as a describing the shoreline shifts is the result of transgressive deposit within the rest of the the interplay between sedimentation and base- Southern Benue Trough (Abakaliki and Afikpo level changes at the shoreline. The first Synclines), although most parts of Nigeria transgression which occurred as the sea witnessed regressive events during this era. The incursed over the basement rocks in the Late Odukpani Formation which lies unconformably Aptian/Albian following the opening up of the on the basement within Calabar area was also South Atlantic. The failed arm of the triple rift- deposited by marine transgressive Cenomanian ridge system opened up the Benue Trough, events [23]. thereby creating the accommodation space where the Albian Asu River Group sediments The second transgressive event started in the were deposited. This marine transgressive Turonian as sea level began to rise again, episode which was triggered by sea level rise leading to the deposition of the Eze-Aku persisted throughout the Albian. In the Abakaliki- Formation in the Southern Benue Trough, as well Anambra and Afikpo Synclines, the base of Asu as thin deposit in the northern part of Anambra

Fig. 5. Sequences, systems tracts, and stratigraphic surfaces defined in relation to the base- level and the transgressive–regressive curves [49]


Onu; JGEESI, 12(2): 1-16, 2017; Article no.JGEESI.30416

Basin close to the Abakaliki area. This marked by an extensive subaerial unconformity transgressive episode ended the generally in the Anambra Basin as well as the rest of the regressive conditions that existed during the Southern Benue Trough (Fig. 6). The Awgu Cenomanian. In the Afikpo Syncline, the Shale beds are rich in ammonites and other interfingering regressive Amasiri Sandstone was molluscs including fish teeth, and the sequence deposited as a lateral equivalent of the Eze-Aku is dominated by angiosperm pollen such as Shale. The Turonian transgression persisted into Monocolpites sp, Tricolpites sp, and other the Early Coniacian. The maximum flooding diagnostic forms such as Zlivisporites bianensis surface is roughly taken to be around Early and Odontochitina sp [8,23]. Coniacian, marking the end of transgression. The Turonian to Early Coniacian is interpreted to The Nkporo Group consisting of Owelli represent transgressive systems tract deposits. Sandstone, and Nkporo and Enugu Shale members in the Abakaliki/Anambra Basin as well Regression commenced during Mid Coniacian as Nkporo and Afikpo Sandstone in the Afikpo when the sea-level once again began to fall, Syncline was deposited as sedimentation leading to the deposition of the Agbani resumed during the third transgressive cycle in Sandstone and Awgu Shale in the Southern these basins during the Late Campanian [6]. It Benue Trough and Anambra Basin. This was laid on the top of the third sequence regression continued till Early Santonian. boundary (SB3) (Fig. 6). Ammonites However, deposits of Agbani Sandstone/Awgu (Libycoceras dandense and Sphenodiscus) Shale Formations are not found in the Afikpo dominate the base, while pelecypod Syncline, probably due to a time of non- (Inoceramus) occurs at the upper levels [2,5,31]. deposition of sediment or erosion. In the Deposits of Nkporo Group represent the Anambra Basin, the sediments were deposited transgressive systems tract which indicate as highstand systems tract, being derived from landward shift in the shoreline during Late the uplifted Abakaliki Anticlinorium and deposited Campanian to Early Maastrichtian in both in the Anambra Basin. The Late Santonian is Anambra and Afikpo Synclines (Fig. 3).

Fig. 6. Sequence stratigraphic model of Southern Benue trough and Anambra Basin using the Transgressive-regressive curve


Onu; JGEESI, 12(2): 1-16, 2017; Article no.JGEESI.30416

Later part of the third transgressive cycle that erosion of folded sediment as a result of the Post deposited the Nkporo Group was also Maastrichtian folding movement that affected responsible for the deposition of the Mamu different parts of Nigeria [2,23]. The Ameki Group Formation. This formation was probably is made up of the Ameki Formation, and Nanka deposited during the period between sea-level and Nsugbe Sandstone members that are lateral stillstand and end of sea-level rise (during base- equivalents in the Abakaliki/Anambra Basins; level rise at the shoreline. This marked a change whereas in the Afikpo Syncline, it is made up of in the direction of shoreline shift from only one deposit - the Ameki Formation [42]. The transgression to subsequent regression as the end of the Eocene regression is marked by the broad shallow sea that existed at the time of sequence boundary 5 (SB5), and the deposits deposition of the Nkporo/Enugu Formation represents that of a highstand systems tract - the gradually became shallower. The transgressive last observed in the Anambra, and Afikpo phase ended in the Mid Maastrichtian and also Synclines, and the rest of the Southern Benue signified the end of deposition of Mamu Trough. Formation. The Ameki Group was succeeded by the The predominance of regression at the later Ogwashi-Asaba Formation. This formation stage resulted in the deposition of the Ajalli unconformably overlies the Ameki Group. It is a Sandstone Formation on top of Mamu Formation. transgressive deposit, laid as marine influence The Ajalli Formation is dated Mid to Late was renewed during the Late Eocene to Late Maastrichtian. The formation is associated with Oligocene. The formation as well as the reactivation surfaces, mud drapes, tidal bundles, underlying Ameki Formation is correlatable with backflow ripple channels cut and fill, lateral the Agbada Formation in the Niger Delta basin. accretion surfaces, as well as Skolithos and Ophiomorpha ichnogenera [28]. The end of 4. CONCLUSION regression during the Upper Maastrichtian is marked by subaerial unconformity identified as The Southern Benue Trough and Anambra Basin sequence boundary 4 (SB4). The Ajalli have been studied extensively by various Formation and the Upper part of Mamu scholars, who helped to form and define their Formation are deposits of highstand systems stratigraphy. Tectonic activities that created tract (Fig. 6). Interplay of alternating marine and these basins also caused the upliftment of areas continental conditions resulted in the deposition flanking them, which formed source areas for of the paralic Late Maastrichtian to Early sediment supply depending on the direction and Paleocene Nsukka Formation. This signified the duration of shoreline shift. These tectonic return of marine influence over the former overall activities also caused the axis of deposition to regressive conditions that gave rise to the shift, especially during the second tectonic phase deposition of the Mamu and Ajalli Formations. It when the Anambra Basin emerged from being a forms part of the transgressive systems tract platform, and the Afikpo Sub-Basin was as well deposits in the Southern Benue Trough and formed. Anambra Basin. Various episodes of shoreline shifts which Predominance of transgression during the occurred from the Cretaceous to the Tertiary Paleocene resulted in the deposition of the Imo resulted in the formation of the formation types Shale. The Imo Shale was deposited between discussed in this study. At least three the period of sea-level rise and end of sea-level transgressive cycles were recorded in the basins rise, leading to a landward shift in shoreline [49]. studied (Fig. 6). Previous workers took time to This formed the last and bulk of the transgressive define the age relationships, environments of systems tract deposits in the basins under study. deposition, and prevailing conditions at the time The maximum flooding surface of the sequence of deposition, as well as litho- and bio- facies is placed at the boundary between the characteristics of these formations thereby giving Paleocene Imo Shale and the Eocene regressive us a basis for further studies / validation and Ameki Group. As the sea-level begins to fall once criticism of their works. again within the vicinity of the Southern Benue Trough and Anambra Basin, the shoreline shifted Southern Benue Trough which is erroneously basinward resulting in the deposition of the termed ‘Lower’ Benue Trough by some authors Ameki Formation. This Eocene regressive covers a large area where the Albian Asu River succession was deposited due to the uplift and Group; Turonian Eze-Aku Formation; Coniacian


Onu; JGEESI, 12(2): 1-16, 2017; Article no.JGEESI.30416

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