On 10/8/2020 the Zion information email received a tip from (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) stating that (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) was heading to Zion(b) (6), (b) (7)(C)

The subject, (b) (6), (b) (7)(C ) (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) was reported to be driving (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) vehicle was located by Ranger(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) on the afternoon of 10/8/2020 (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) .

The investigation component was critical and ongoing throughout the search. A comprehensive investigation report was prepared by lead investigator (b) (6), (b) (7)(C).

Investigation revealed that on 10/06/2020 (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) had (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) shuttle ride from (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) up the scenic drive.(b) (6), (b) (7 )return(C) time was supposed to be 16:30 hrs on 8/6/2020. It is unknown whether (b) (6), (b ) boarded(7)(C) the shuttle to go up the Zion Scenic Drive (see investigation report).

Each search team throughout the incident was equipped with a GPS tracking device and documented their activities on ICS 214 Activity Logs. Track maps and the ICS 214’s are included in the case file.

The search efforts described here are those of the official search effort. It does not include any activities performed by the families search effort.

10/9/20 search operations for (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) commenced and the investigative team continued gathering information. With the initial report (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) efforts were focused on looking for clues in places (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) from. (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) had (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) may have been dropped off (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) shuttle at the Grotto trailhead. The Grotto trailhead is one possible starting point (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) . 3 search teams and a helicopter were utilized to search these areas.

Below is a summary of search activities on 10/9/2020:

Helicopter Search: A helicopter was used to search the base of Lady Mountain and the base of Angels Landing to the Temple of Sinawava. The helicopter flew for about an hour with a Zion searcher on board. A map of the rough search area flown by the helicopter is in the case file.

Lady Mountain Team: A team of three hiked to the top of Lady Mountain looking for any sign of recent travel and any clues. The Lady Mountain route is difficult but popular as a mountaineering route. It probably averages one to two ascents per week during the summer season. It requires Fifth Class climbing. The average party uses a rope and technical rock protection in at least two sections of the route. There are multiple sandy spots on the trail where it is very obvious when someone has traveled it recently. The team completed the ascent and did not believe there was any sign of travel within at least a week. They did not find any clues. The Lady Mountain route is accessed by the Middle Emerald Pools trail. The base of Lady Mountain makes up the South wall of the Emerald Pools cirque.

Emerald Pools Team: A team of two hiked the Emerald Pools trail and searched (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) on foot and with binoculars. A map of their search area and description of their activities is located in the case file. This team spent approximately 7 hours searching the area and found no clues.

West Rim Team: A team of two hiked the West Rim Trail to Angels Landing and to approximately Telephone Canyon.(b) (6), (b) (7)(C)

They located no clues. A map of their search area is located in the case file.

A flyer with the subject’s photo and description was created and distributed on 10/9/2020 as well.

Number of people involved in search efforts: 16

10/10/2020 Search activities (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) Angels Landing from Refrigerator Canyon up canyon to the Temple of Sinawava. During the day the investigative team received information on the tip line that the subject may have been seen starting the Watchman trail around dusk on 10/6/2020. The Reporting Party (RP) of this information was fairly confident that the person they saw was the missing person. Therefore, a team also searched the Watchman trail and areas off the Watchman Trail. In addition to these areas a team searched the entire West Rim trail from Lava Point to the Grotto trailhead. Maps of all of these search areas as well as descriptions of search team activities are located in the case file. No clues were located.

Investigation continued to provide guidance in the search activity. Due to the lack of sign on the Lady Mountain route (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) . Due to the report of the Subject being seen on the Watchman trail, basically the rest of the park and outside the park was opened up as potential search areas. The decision was made to focus search energy on areas that could be accessed from the main canyon and Scenic Drive.

With the area of probability being increased greatly yet with no clues to narrow down the search area the decision was made that a helicopter search would not be worth the risk to rescuers and visitors as it’s probability of success is very low. The same decision was made for the same reasons to not use search dogs.(b) (6), (b) (7)(C)

Number of people involved in search efforts: 25

10/11/2020 Search teams were assigned to the park’s West side trails. All of these trails would be accessible from the Scenic Drive. A team was also sent to search common places in the main canyon where people camp out of bounds. For a total of 5 search teams. These teams were instructed to interview all hikers, check campsites and check attractive looking places to camp. Trails covered included the West Rim, Wildcat Canyon/Northgate Peaks, The Connecter Trail and Laverkin Creek. No clues were discovered.

Number of people involved in search: 22

10/12/2020 Search teams were assigned to The /Birch Creek area. The area between the Court of the Patriarchs and the Zion Lodge on the East side of the scenic drive. The PaRus Trail and open areas between Canyon Junction and Watchman Campground. The area between Angel’s Landing and The Temple of Sinawava. No Clues were located.

Number of people involved in the search: 16

10/13/2020 This was the first day that an in person briefing was provided to the family by the IC and Family Liaison Officers(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) ). This became a daily briefing where I would discuss our search efforts for the day, review what was done the day before and explain our strategy for the next day.

Search teams included two dog teams. This was the first day the dogs were utilized. A dog team searched the Watchman Trail and vicinity (a tip line call provided a credible report that (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) may have been seen at about dusk on the Watchman trail on Oct.6th). A dog team also searched the Weeping rock closure area and between Big Bend and the Temple of Sinawava on the West Side of the River. (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) A search team was assigned to the East Rim trail. A search team was assigned to the Cable Mountain trail. A search team was assigned to the East Mesa Trail including .

No clues were located.

Number of people involved in the search: 29

10/14/2020 This was the first day that the family started an organized search effort of their own. I made it clear to them that their organization was to be separate from ours as we have strict requirements for our team members and we couldn’t accept the liability of using their volunteers for our effort. The family was working out of the conference room at the(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) . This is where the family briefing would take place for the rest of the incident.

This was the first day of drone activity. Superintendent Jeff Bradybaugh verbally approved the use of and agency drone for this emergency. A drone operator from the Grand Canyon flew missions from the 14th through the end of the search on the 18th. The drone footage is all available in the case file. Drone footage was provided to the family to look through for any clues.

The drone operated on the Watchman trail and vicinity, the Weeping Rock and Hidden Canyon area and the(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) .

A search team was sent to re-search the East Mesa Trail to include the entry into Mystery Canyon. A search team was sent to the social trail along the river between the Grotto Trailhead and the(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) Two teams were sent into the Pine Creek area between the Great Arch and Pine Creek Bridge (a tip was provided that made this area a priority, this is documented in the investigative report). A search team was sent to the base of Angel’s Landing to focus on a report of an out of the ordinary item near the base of the Minotaur. Due to the tip in Pine Creek, thermal imaging cameras were set up in strategic locations and night time ops with NVG and a thermal imaging scope took place.

No clues were located by any team.

Number of people involved in the search: 21

10/15/2020 Drone activity took place in Pine Creek, again investigating the tip regarding the possible sighting in Pine Creek. A search team searched the boundary adjacent to Watchman Campground and the area behind watchman campground. A search team searched the Climbers trails to the Confluence area and the Cragmont area. Two search teams made a loop searching from the Grotto Trailhead around Emerald Pools and down the Sand Bench trail then back up along the river and the administrative horse trail. (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) Dog teams were scheduled to arrive and work this afternoon but they arrived late and will start work in the morning on the 16th.

I had asked Detective (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) with Washington County to meet with us to analyze our investigative efforts for the search. He met with us at 1500 hrs.(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) provided a detailed overview of all his activities to that point and what he was continuing to work on. My goal in requesting this review was to have an outside set of professional eyes critically analyze our actions and methods in order to point out any blind spots or weaknesses in our tactics and methods. It was also to confirm that we were doing or had done everything that they would have done in a similar circumstance. Detective (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) concurred that our methods were sound and that we had done everything that he would have done in a similar circumstance. Detective (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) offered resources to forensically analyze (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) cell phone once we obtained it. This is technology that can retrieve items that have been deleted from a cell phone. (b) (6), (b) (7)(C)

No clues were located during the days search efforts.

Number of people involved in the search: 26

10/16/2020 5 dog teams from “ Search Dogs Inc.” Came down from Northern Utah to help in the search effort. They were volunteers and coordinated all of their own logistics. Two of the dogs were able to do 15 mile days. Dog teams were accompanied by at least one NPS personnel to assist with area orientation and communications. Dog teams searched the Grotto trail from Zion Lodge to the Grotto, the Weeping Rock/Hidden Canyon area and along the river up to the Temple of Sinawava (this was the second time the Weeping Rock area had been searched by a dog), the PaRus’ trail and areas around it, the boundary area from the OC Tanner Amphatheater, and the West Rim trail to Telephone Canyon and around the Telephone canyon area. A search team searched the base of the Great White Throne area from the Grotto to Weeping Rock. The drone operated in Pine Creek.

I had asked (b) (6), (b.) (7)(b)C) (6), (b) (7)(C) of Washington County to come and review our actions and tactics throughout the SAR. (b) (6), ( b) (b)(7)(C) (6), (b) (7)(C) is the (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) for Washington county.(b) (6), (b) (was7)(C) at the morning briefing with (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) After the briefing I provided a very detailed overview of the search and search activities to that point. My goal in requesting this review was to have an outside set of professional eyes critically analyze our actions and methods in order to point out any blind spots or weaknesses in our tactics and methods. It was also to confirm that we were doing or had done everything that they would have done in a similar circumstance.(b) (6), (b) ( 7)(C)(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) concurred that we had done and/or were doing everything that they would do.(b) (6), (b) (7)(C)mentioned a few more places that a drone could be helpful and offered resources to assist with drone searching. This is a technology that they employ much more frequently that we do as they don’t have the administrative and security hurdles that the Federal Government has.

No Clues were located during the day’s search efforts.

Number of people involved in the search: 27 and 5 dogs.

10/17/2020 5 dog teams worked again. Two hiked up to the Telephone Canyon loop on the West Rim trail. They went opposite directions around the loop, met half way and continued on the loop. A dog team searched the Clear Creek drainage between East Entrance and Tunnel East. A dog team searched the Watchman trail (second time a dog had searched the watchman trail, this was a cadaver dog). The dog on the Watchman trail “changed behavior” according to the handler, towards the end of the loop trail. The dog was interested in something over the edge. There is a cliff band about 80 feet high at this point. Due to the change in behavior a search team was sent to the base of this cliff. The team searched the length of the base of the cliff that runs below the trail. No clues were found. The drone operated in the Lower Telephone Canyon area as well as the Upper Telephone Canyon area accessed by the Telephone Canyon loop trail on the West Rim. By the end of this day the dogs were exhausted and all dog teams went home. The dog handlers said that without the discovery of a clue of some kind, they could not think of anything they could do that hadn’t already been done. I had asked for LE assistance from surrounding parks in order to provide some rest for Zion staff. A ranger from Lake Mead and a Ranger from Bryce came to assist. The ranger from Lake Mead had arrived on the 16th and the ranger from Bryce arrived today.

No clues were found.

Number of people involved in the search: 29 and 5 dogs

10/18/2020 A search team searched the lower Left Fork (Subway Route) from the Left Fork Trailhead to the Subway feature and back. A search team searched the Chinle Trail. Another team accompanied the drone operator who worked in the main canyon area, the base of the Watchman trail and the base of the Three Mary’s. At the (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) briefing on this morning I spoke to the (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) about the plan for continued search efforts. This would be day 10 of active searching. I explained that we would continue to search but we would be transitioning to drone operations and investigation as the primary activities. I explained that in the absence of any clues it was no longer practical to put people in areas or on trails with no foreseeable end. I assured them that any credible tip or clue would be followed up on robustly. This morning our lead investigator had received a tip from the ISB tip line. The tip was that the night before at dusk this individual had seen a hammock(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) The reporting party thought they saw a person in the hammock but were unsure. This tip came in mid-morning on the 18th. Rangers followed up on the tip and at 11:20 hrs, located (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) in the area described by the RP.(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) . (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) . She was able to walk (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) .(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) was brought to the Emergency Operation Center where(b) (6), (b) (7)(C) agreed to an interview. The interview is in the computer case file. (b) (6), (b) (7)(C) .

End of Report.

ITEMS IN CASE FILE: • ICS 214s documenting daily search activity • Maps of search tracks provided daily • Daily Incident Action Plans • Media Releases • Investigative Report • Ranger Supplemental Reports • Time Sheet and Major SAR Expense Log • Taped Interview with (b) (6), (b) (7)(C)