Geografijos metraštis 51, 2018 ISSN 2335-8610 SHIFT-SHARE ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF TOURISM ON LOCAL INCOMES IN HUNGARY Dr. Martin Zsarnoczky Lead researcher of Matralab NGO, PhD, Assistant Professor Kodolanyi Janos University, Institute of Sustainable Economy, Department of Business Studies and Tourism Frangepan 50-56, Budapest, Hungary Phone: +36-709-388-874. E-mail:
[email protected] Zsarnoczky M. SHIFT-SHARE ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF TOURISM ON LOCAL INCOMES IN HUNGARY. Geografijos metraštis, 51, 2018. Abstract. The present research applied a novel approach for analysing the impacts of tourism-related incomes within the whole of the local economy. The novelty of the analysis is given by the fact that the research was carried out on the basis of the district administrative units of the Northern Hungary region. The analysis examined the share of tourism related incomes in the local economies of the respective districts. The results showed that tourism has an impact on the level of local development, but at a different level in the cease of the different settlements. The results furthermore implied that by itself, even well-developed tourism is not enough to guarantee local development. Local development depends on several different factors, and in the case of all other positive processes, tourism can contribute to the development level. According to the results, tourism has a multiplier effect: it has the most positive impact in locations where the whole economy is well developed – in these locations, tourism can significantly strengthen the already prospering economic processes. References 8. Figs 12. Tables 5. Keywords: Shift-share analysis, tourism planning, tourism region, tourism income.