FOX HCNTEB SAGS Democratic Gpposition Is OEEK WITH CANE. Spread Propaganda Fori

Waterboro, 8. C., OcL 4.— AS ATTACKS RENEWE

Slippiiig As GOP Jmnps Mussolini In United States (A P )—Rob ^ Mlddlebrooks of r n Asbebdro u ^ t fox hunting and POLICE FIND HORSE bagged a deer with a walking Last Year’s Winoiiig Lead Dies Committee Told. ASTRIDE AlTO HOOD | cane. FRIENDLY ERA Chamberiam’s

The buck, frightened by the Philadelphia, O ct 4.— (A P ) — By More Thaa 500 Votes. fox bounds, darted from the Police speeding to s traflic acci­ woods, ran into a fence, and was Washington. Oct. 4__ (A P ) — I dent found a horse astride the Declares Premier IS ANNOUNCED hurled back, dazed. AU Mid- Girolamo-Valenti, chairm an'^ the hood o f Mra. Maude Bullock's

lebrooks bad to do was swing I^llan Anti-Fascist Committee, de­ ftQtoinobUo. Behind' Dobbin w$s Hare Doae Nodung In a towti election yesterday lustily with a hickory cane. a^bakery wagon with which he clared today that ‘Ttallon consular Nhlch was all disappointing to local BYDALADIER had bolted six blocks. He ap­ officials and secret Fascist agents 'Denlocratle hopes as it waa m o l ­ parently tried to jump over the Than Go To Berchti ore spreading Fascist propaganda car, but the wagon anchored him ing to Jubilant Republlcucf^Man' throughout the ranks of apnla' 200 down. Police helped him off the cheater votem gave the ratlre Re- Itallan-American organtzatfoi^s in Better Rebtions With Ger­ hood. en; Labor O ppoatioi J . publican ticket its mipport by TOW NM EEnNG the United States.

Valenti, a slight dark haired New lead o f 2 to 1, bloeluhg Democratic many And Italy Told sails Mmnch Pi Yorker with a decided Italian ac­ attampts to secure membemhip for VOTES $1,149,116 cent, told the Die's Comfhlttee on their party on , the Board of Se- un-American activities that tbreaU Chamber Of Deputies ' Czechosloydk lectmfih, and, "os IndicaUve of HITIER AVERS and other devices were being used / trend In tto political field, a|iower- tp bring pressure on American- ing Republican candidates with APPROPRIATION ItalJana to gain information about Roosevelt Notes Landed. London, O ct 4.— (A P ) — some 500 more votes than bod beenr tlmm or to make them conform to NAZIS PROUD that party's poll in. last year's an­ FOaclst ideas. Baldwin, Neville Chamberlatifs nual balloting. Democrats salvaged decesXor aa prime mlnlstsr, Accepts Selectmen’s Propos­ He said that there waa in this Paris. O ct 4.— (A P i^ P rem ler a membership on the school board, a country .“a branch of the dreaded OFSUDETENS endoned Chamberlain’s. Munich, registrar of voters, and three cou Daladler today announced the be­ Italian government secret police, dord while the s n g ^ oppositlw ' stables. ginning of a new era of friendly re­ als; Noren Named ZonioR known aa the Ovra,” which he testi­ It bad been the fOQd hope of the newed Jta assault en that poet fied was almllar to secret police of lations with Germany end Italy and Democratic party here to slide la at the dismemberment of Nazi Germany. paid homage to President Roose- Electri6es AmEence In Tri- least one. and possibly more candi­ Official For Fi?e Years, vakia. Spy Oroap Triea Soorea dates as members of the Board of Thew cham d ruins are an thml remain o f the home of Wmia Beck- velt'a peace me.ssages during Eu­ .Baldwin, in his maiden speach "Thia,” he said. Selectmen this time. Popular can­ rope’s crisis week. nmphal Topr Of Newly* the House of Lords, declared Recehre Property Deeds. attempting to “ when the prime mintoter took didate Maurice T. Morlorty had The CHiamber of DepuUes stood American citizens of Italian deacent | blaze, An exploding stove started the declaion to go to Bare been groomed to lead the way as a as one man to cheer when the pre­ and attempa to frighten them when­ there was nothing else o n ____ wedge, splitting on op tt^ n g by ship' mier spoke of “ the great, generous Annexed Territory; Lands With nearly 800 voters in attend­ ever tqey have participated Ifi ae- could have done and I CMfJ ping out Republicans Clarence N. and logical voice o f President that he was able to do i t " Lupiea and Joseph G. Pero, and, ance at High School hall last night, tivltlea which do not conform to Roosevelt" In referring to the Pres­ Faaciat government j^ lley.” The Natirei’ Faithfidnest. While Baldwin M>oka the poOstbly, new Republican candidate Manchester held Its annual toam ident's appeals. , oppoalUon in the Houae o f ( Volenti asserted t ^ t ‘‘Italian con­ /■ Lawrence Converse. The results business meeting, finishing a day of Rsadlng a ministerial dedaratlon b l^ t^ sasslled - CbsinbeilslB - for show that they tackled too much sular officiala are addresalng scores REPUBUCANS CONTROL ily 1 clylc activity which brought, as a on the four-power agreement over Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary), flude- foiir-powsr Munich sgreeBMBt, for the size of their vote, and ol' part o f the meeting, the earlier elec of semi-public gatherings and cloaed Czechoslovakia, he said that hia tenland. O ct 4— (A P ) — Chancel­ was the eecoad day of debate ea'1 though Morlorty led his party by tion o f town offlciola at the state meetings in which they deliver meeUng with Adolf Hitler at Mu­ prime minister’s policies whidi some 300 votes, he was stiU no Armory. Chief among the items of speeches of pure Faaciat propagan­ nich last week mqt'keii the start of lor Adolf Hitler, making s triumphal 2 MORE STATE TOWNS expected to continue through match for RepubUcon low iw. ti Con- business adtich came before the da, acekin^ to undermine Uie Demo­ friendly relatlms between France tour of his newly annexed Sudeten morrow. • meeting arcs t|ie queatlon o f ap­ cratic form o f government.*’ end Germany. ywse, who led hla nearest opponent territory, told an electrified Sudeten "I rejoice that th« eh the opposition by over 800 votes. proval of a budget calling foi on ap­ "The porUcIpatlen of ItaUon ooo- He declared France bad decided German audience today " I didn't (between ChsmbSrlsia Reports of SpUttlng propriation this year of 11,098.850. auls la a matter of common loiowi- StamfonL Chief Prize, Back to eend an ambassador to Rente to Hlt’er) have toksn ploesr*. E _ Although voting was compora- o f arhlch 3887.191.58 must bis raised edge among the American Italians," resume cordial relations with Italy, know how I would sometime gat told a cheering House, "sad In by taxation, the balance aeerulng Valenti testified. “ Among those who IS VACANCIES here, but 1 did )inow that I would Uvely Ught. with only 4,853 of both In a virtual state of auspenaton for my old ooUeogue and prieint in vmrioua rebates and credits, er in­ come.” . PorUes appearing at Um poRs, tiw have repeatedly taken part In Fosji Id Party’s Raaks Again two years owing to France's refus­ bse sceompUshed. I know no l . come from sources ether than taxa­ elet offura in their raapectlve areas al to recognize the conquest of Ethi­ BpeaWng only a short dlstsncs msn who would have bnraidit It I issue gained excitement as reports tio n tW a yaoria appropriationa. spread about that many were split­ art tbs foDaarlng: A W A T IA C n O N opia. from where Sudeten Leader Konrad succesoful Issue.” mode on the basic of the proposed After Ym ’ Rale Henlein loM A n il M forsmlated his ting their tickets, and tk e re ^ a "Consul General V< OeUxet Approves Deeras Fewers Oivsa TransnSsxs Ossitsa budget, aloe ineludo on item o f 353.- York City. The premier carried Into the sea- famous sight demands, the Fuehrer ' Baldwin was given a trsxisad Democrat might slip la. Tlia count 43854. Dm amount of dailelt incurred on the-first taro machines dispelled **rtng the past ytsWo operationa. “Oenaul Ganarat Sagra', Boston. ^ Deinoentie Poliffdaos B m o e S E V E T isteit cabinet approval fbr propooed o r a ^ . It was his Srst speech "F or twenty sreora you remsinad theee fears and hopes. It was a this raising the total, amount of “ Oonaul General P. Paravan, decree powers to "rebuild France’s PsrtlsnMBt slHos May. istr. dear Republican sareep. Pbilsdelpbla, 'bconomy and finances.” fslttful to your votkstrum (raeiki StiU a Oommoaer. bs spoke 1 monay approved lost night for this nationalism.) lower house. One of the most interesting ycor’e town uae to ‘Consul P. DeClcco, New Haven, Paul Marchandeau, finance minis­ n y AkSOCIATED PBES8 Shortly after that be was phases o f this election was the vot­ some 319,000 more than araa appro­ Conn. President Not Expected To ter, disclosed that the government "And for twenty yean 1 re­ priated last year. . KepubUcana counted two ipore would Inslat that Parliament vote it mained faithful to my oellef in the on earl for his port in bttaglng the ing lead that the Republicans de­ “Consul Ysnnelll, Johnstown, Po. veloped over the Dm oem ts os Changes Songfat Influencing Amertoans (3onnectleui towns In their column the decree powers, which would Oarroan people. through the crisis e f Bdwsid VITTe abdication. Judged by lost year's voting figures. Voters attending the meeting were "While enjoying diplomatic Im- today as a result of balloting for M ake Appointments To amount to a virtual temporary dic­ 'tSo we both find each other in Baldwin asserted that *1 would It was hailed JocaUy by GOP lead­ municipal offices In more than icio tatorship, tonight, staking Its Ufo our common racial community, in (Usuttmad ON Page rwe) mobilize our Industry tomorrow" la ers os a possible trend in futui^

MANUHUHTEK EVIUXVLNU HEMAlaO, BiANUHEirriSR. U O N «„ ..;TUBBDAr, OCTOBER 4,1988 F A O C T H R I would 1^ J^satble for tb* town to FEAR IIT H HOUR RUSH recalve dlvldenda froiq Ui* income REPUBUCANS C p ; ORGEOFnCERS 1936 FLOOD WORK Cartoonalities By Paul Aceto general aesslona program." Parti- sc Dr. Woodruff Adds FAMOUS AIRPLANE of tbii water department. Dozen Cows Now Dead SCANDIA ARRANGES STATEWILLBE ■cular Interest In this dlrbcUon this IR . Protect Bandballhw A T OUR S A m LANE year will center on tbe oertlfled per­ LABOR DELEGATES I t waa the opinlob o f Hbwell A SWEEPING 2 ^ 1 formance range, nojv being produc­ ■ M WRECKED IN CRASH Qieney that th* bondholders of tbe BE REINSTATED A f Talcoitville Farm LEADS TO PARDON FOR LADIES'NIGHT ed by several appliance monufoctur-' To YMCA Endorsements water departm n t muat be M^tsetad Autoists Are Urgfld To Report REPRESENTED AT ers in accordance with new hlrt by th* building up of a r*a«rv* fuOd ELECTION \naO RY specifications drawfi by a com n^ NAMEDEMOCRim; •As Soon As Possible To from Income, and that tb* town Uaa HIM hurrieaaa srhleb, ettMOk th *-of caugkt undor.the fsUlag ik9d*- tee which the association set up Dr. WatooQ Vtooitf^ ot ** rqulpped no right to appropriata lucb mon«y (Osottne frem Fege One.) GO M ters M UAW T» Lgr»aa Farm In TnioottvUle two It wao nenrty M houni after tbe Coofict Wbo Helped Keep Avoid Congestion On Last Expect Large Attendance GAS CONVENTION more than a year ago for that pur­ wttb modem ixioma,. bowling Test Pilot Uninjnred As He for any other purpose than to com weeks ago leveling tb* btrn in •term was over befwe the eewe, D a y s . pose. In 22 different points, the new aliaya, gymnaatum, longer rooma and iete pasnnent for th* water Mstem. ter among the RepubUean esndt- which SO ooWrwsra tied hna result­ •till allvo, were taken out ef. the range has been made to excel In per-, er And Pofetti bathingitbing (aelllUea.------It la ------alwM t bad been auggeated that tbla yqar datea for Selectmen: ed In ths denth s( X3 of them with ruins. It developed that msay ot tho Rhrer Out Of Prison Gaiiu Due, to tha hurricane and flood and formance any radge produced In the kept clean and orderly. I t la wlde- Bails Chit tfhen Machine nof appropriation abotilg b* made for Take Back Groop EipeOed Thprsdaj E?ening At past. eomiBUBltjr in tbr following No Opposition two more likely to die. resulting confusion, only a small uaed by men from all parta of th* water departinent at all,' but animala wore badly ia]tirod tad al­ In all town eleotlona there ^la one When the ben wa* blown down, pereentage of can and trucks bave Several Connecticot Officials The annual convention, as la the Chosen For Key Posts ^ I town., that operations might b« Ansneed though ovoiy effort wso amdo to Release On Parole. past, will be tbe clearing house for **TCr?I*k C a : in » V Falls Tb Pieces. position that haa no opposition on By Nartm And Board. tbs cowe were IMutea under the hay. M vo thorn, a doeon died. pasaed through the State Motor Orange Hall. t t e p l M wbtro m m nndnd Wooya * e«n “ Our T la unuaual In that It oar- from,, ths largs cash ruarva, lueh Vehicle inspection lane on- Leonard exchange, of thought on the indus- elthsr tickat, that of rei^trar, Th* Men went to werk end rescued nu All of tbe cowo owned by the, Ig - IMov/es tb " r a i n t Od got 'p l^oU eulturo «nd merciM riea on a program for woman and operation*, ‘Trs*" to tha tima for * street, opposite the state armory. Program For ‘Ammal Lfy'a problems and services with Infant New York Piurty, vota eaat for Robsit N. Vattcb, R*^ of tb* oowi hut three. In another maa Farms wore not |a the bene -----rr w boot p o rtb l* condition* girls. It la a combination y . M. year, and amounting t« 160,OOd, r*- Wethersfleld, Ck:L 4—( a P)—Jo- The second Inspection for 1938 open. ON FV4JNY DAVS'' outstanding rtien both in and outside For many miles amuad. automo­ puMlean Ragiatrer of Voters e year tVashlngtoe, Get 6 ,~ (A F )—O. I, •had were 10 sno^e, meklng ($ total nt the time ef the stona. A targe attendance la expected at McttlMr tiM cburcb, tiM mhool nor and T. w. c. A. or better atlll. It sulUng in a poulbl* two-nui tan re­ *d here on Sept. ^36. there days late the Industry speaking at the varloua ago was 3.866 and for Edward F. 0- arbltan asked tha Ifnltad Auto- eeph Roche, wTiose work at tbe the Ladles' Night program which Session In Atiantic City tilt town la fully equippod to ramt la a Community Social Center under biles rushed to Forboa straat an<1 duction. Sueb a eoura* o f action according to the i ^ t e acbedule, and aesslona. New York. Oct. 4.— (A P) — The tbe able leaderahip of Miaa Marlon Morlnrty, the Demoerstle ragiatrnr, pumps during the 1936 ConnecUcut tbit natd wbieb U tlmo«t unlvorwl Sllvar Lane la Eaat Hartford yes­ was not considered to be sound or mobU* Workers today to rstautat* wlU close on'Thursday, October 13. Scandia Lodge, No. 23, Order of • ' 4tl strongly pro-Roosevelt Amsrien Tinker. 1 bave been a member 1908, a dlfferenca of 760 votes. Th* " i m f young man and beya terday afternoon whet) news spread prectleel by the Town Treasurer. four offlOers expelled by President flood kept high water out of the The hours o f Inspection are 8 a. m. Vasa, will conduct at Orange Hall Next Week. o f the Manchester Y. M. C. A. since vote yesterday for the' same officers Labor Party, having aeeaptsd aa tte *Tn e w ry place where it ia estab- Approve Figures Homer Martin and th* union's Exee- state prison, bad his reward today to 8 p. m. from Monday to Friday It waa organlaed. I gladly and that a plane had crashed in that was; Velteb ' 3863, lor almost 'JOU on Thursday night at 8 o’clock. All own cudidatea thres DemocraHQ IHbod. tb t Y. M. C. A. ia regarded An elong th* line, Mehoney, erm- and 8 a. m. until noon on Saturday. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENTS heartily recommend It to my fellow vicinity.' * . mar* than a year ago and the vote utlvs Board. . —a pardon from a life sentence on choirs will be occupied by women ga • iiafe, clean and wboleaoma een *d with a battery o f typed fligures, IL Y. Stocks a charge of murder. The station will not be open Sundays nominee! for New York atate key Local Stocks Connecticut's member companies elUaene. Tbs plane that figured In the for Moriarty, 1610, or SOO teas than Philip Murray and Sidney Htll- who have servea the lodge as presi­ tar for man. sought to effect changes In request­ The 46-year-old Danbury me­ or holldaya. posts, turned today to the Job o f fla> ~Our own T la a dlatinet aaaet WATSON WOODRUIT” b* received a year ago, which show­ C. I. O. vtee-ehelrmen,. an­ of the American Oaa Association ENGINEERS PAY HIGHER crash was th* famed "Time Fites, ed appropriations, but h* did not se­ chanic was one of three convicts In order to avoid congestion on dents and. tbe Swedish longuoxe will lahlng iU slate. r.nce owned by the late Frank ed a net laln of 600 votes In favor nounced the baola o f thair "eompro-- Famished by Miller sad WUIaey be used. cure the sympathy of tha meeting, Adams Kxp ...... 1184 whose coses were acted upon by the remaining days of the lnq>ection, which supply more than 90 per cent p e Labor party, which eUlrne it Hawks, one nf Am erica's ace pUots of th* Republican party. mlse” settlement as th* Board met tIt t lFenrl Street A ir Reduouo 6184 and his views were not permitted to the Board of Pardons yesterday cat owners are urged to report as Mr*. Emma Svedberg of Hart­ of all the gaa used In thIa SU te, will will have an unbreakable bloc of at Guard, and A rm y dctaehmenu which had been used by him in past prevail. Early Vote U.ght with ^ohn L. Lewta, C. I. O. ehair- Hartferd, Coen. Alaska Jun ford, the first woman to serve HarUord, Oct. 4 — rAP) — 'The least 500.000 vote* for November, man. when It heard 20 appeals from Folr- soon 08 possible Tor the customary be well represented at the aasocla- which had pracedad Hitler Into tbe veara la sokne of bis best timsd ‘The vote was light during th* day WU Ians E. N nrtia Allagbany •••••••••• 1 Scandia as president, will be chair­ State Hlgh\yay Department’s salary nominated last night. In tte flrat The large educational budget waa Murray and Hillman made these fleld county and seven from New Inspection of their motor vehicle*. Uon's twentieth annual convention city. flight*. ' aqtl flgurea show that during ths Loeal RapreaentaMve- Allied Chem ...... a 1 8 4 man of the meeting and the other budget haa been Increased by gso - formal state convention, these three H m iR AVERS approved, aa were all of th* others, two recommandatlona: Haven county. which will be held In Atlantic Cnty, The Fuehrer reviewed the. troop* 'The maohln* hiUI besn sold to without contest, although many last hour 1,300 svent through the ItM p. ns. Qoetatlona Am C a n '...... 9 9 ^ ofneers wUI be as foUows: Vice 899 annually so that 195 engineering major Democrattc designees: tbe United States government and 1—Immediate reinstatement ef Am Home Prod ... 43% He was sentenced May 13, 1921, ITUOICD N. J., next week. October 10-18. employes may draw higher pay with Gov. Herbert H. Lehman "ty* 0ep« and then, escortad b y Sudstsn lead­ question* wsre aaked. and points of obackera. It also shows that from on a charge he kUled Arthur V. president, Mrs. Gerda Thoren; was being used as an experimental Vice-President* Richard T. Frank- Insnmaoe Stocks Am Red 6t 8 ...... 16% Several (tonnecUcut public utUlty booata averaging nearly $300 a vear ator Robert F. Wagner, fo r re-eleoB er Henlein, went to the balcony of Information ware mad* as .th* vot-^ t:S0 In tha afternoon until tbe polls ensteen, Ed Holt and Wyndham Mor­ chaplain, Mrs. Ullioa Gustafson- E^ICINirCRINCi ik e NAZIS PROUD plan*. Yeaterday afternoon, tbe Bid Asked A m 8 m e lt ...... 48 Nonahue of Newtown Nov. 7, 1920, M B . executives will have prominent each. tlon; State Supreme Court Juatlee tha thaatar .which waa richly gar­ Ing on each Item contlouad. With closed there were over 8,000 votes JEALOUSY MOTIVE post ebairraon. Mrs. Ellen Modeon; timer, and Beeret^-Treasurer Aatna Oeeualty 90 94 144 vith a rifle during an argument. parta In the asaoctation's 1038 ettn- landed with flowers and covered plane with special .equipment was tha appropriation for th* ysor ap­ eeat. Am Tel end Tel ... master of ceremonies, Mrs. Hanna The new pay scale became ef­ Charles Polettl, a long-time taken up for a taat by Earl Oftmiin George F. Add**. Aetna Fife ...... 4614 47H Am 'fob B ...... Boyhood friends, among them ventlon. George S. Hawley, presi­ with Swastika flaga. proved, It was voted to adjdum th* Th* Demoerstle organisation at 88% Johnson; assistant master of cere­ fective Oct. 1 with the flrsf checks associate, for lieutenant goveraor. of th* tfnited State* army. He was 3—Immediate reeogniflon In th* Aatna Life ...... 38>4 3814 Am Wet Wks .... 16 Senator George E. Culhonn of Wa- dent OT .the Bridgeport Ona Light OFSUDETENS nnandal phase of th* meeting to work yesterday was the beat In the organiaation of "adinintatratlvs re­ monies, Mrs. Ellen Carlson; Inner showing It reaching the men Nov. l. Selection of Meed Agreed IN MAINE DEATHS (tompany and one o f the aaaocta- Advocelea Unity circling Id 4h* vicinity of the air Automobile ...... 28V4 8014 Anaconda ...... 34V terbury wbo bod not seen th* man nest March, when the tax rat* will sponsibility end euthority." guard, Mrs. Agnes Anderson; outer ft H h C R K O It waa announced by , Department Moreo^ver, Its selection today o tM reeakt history of their party. But 20 years, appealed to the Board. tlon’s nine directors, wiu be the HiUtr*a oantral tbama waa an field In Eaat Hartford at 10,000 feel Conn. Qeneml ...... 38 38 Armour 111 ...i..-.. 94 Jfi guard, Mrs. Ebba Moeller; pianist. fourth Democratic (OanttabM from Page One.) be laid on the grand list to b# mad* even with this organisation tbe U. speaker at the Industrial Gas Club offlclala yeaterday. -admonition for svarybody to put when something went wrong. A Tom By Dissension Hartford Fire ...... 74 H 78V4 Atchison f ...... »<% Rewarded For Flood Efforts Mis* Frideborg Thoren; advisor to DOW-New YORK City - MARCH 8.19C7 James Mead for the U. 8. up as of October 1. O. P. victory yesterday Indicates The union hea been tom for luncheon Tueeday. October 11. M. D. H ighw ay C3ommlaslbper William aside anything that might cause a wing fell off, dropping Into a field Hartford Steam Boiler 47 81 Aviation Corp .... «V4 In granting the pardon, subject to chairman, "Irs. Erica Dahlqulst. C R ^ M A R s c h o o l s 11^ seat vacated by the death of Benater p q t greater Raich which nobody will that Manchaster In the November months by Interhal dissension, Coughlin of the Hartford Oaa (Com­ J. Oox, Personnel Director Harry W. rift In the unity of the ilerman peo­ on the north side of Silver Lane. Name Naran Nauonel Fire ...... 40V4 63H M d w tn C T ...... 9 f conditions which will be imposed by Medical Examber Records^ To Present Program Royal 8. Copeland, waa agreed upoa. •yer be able to destroy again.” election will again be back as one brought to e oilman in th* discharge pany win be'chairman of a meeting Marsh, Finance (3ommlaaloner Ed- ple and for all to deepen the sense Tossed from Plane. Th* meeting, on motion of ialeet- Phoenix- ; ...... 71 80 Balt and Ohio .... 7% the Board o f Parole, the Board re­ The children’s club of Hartford, But there Labor party collobenfe- *V eils'' Punctnate Spaeob of the four officers on tha ground on collection routine* In the account­ war F. Hall and Gov. WUbur L of community eplrlt. Ortman waa toaasd from th* man David Chambers, entertained of th* banner Republican towns ot Travelers ...... 430 440 Bendln .....*.« 33 worded Roche for his efforts during under the direction of John Sved­ CRADUArrED FROM:' tlon with the Oemocrata waa ex> ' Thousands of "hells" by the en* U ey Interfered with Piesident Mar­ ing section of the convention. Arthur Cross approved the ralaea Several plane, but hi* safety belt connected th* nomination o f Carl NoTan to b* Connsctlcut. ' rnbilc uttlltlea Bath 8 t e e l...... 89% the flood two years ago. Mnrder And Snicide Ver* berg. who is In charge of chlldren’e pected to end. A L P leodero, «u— tbuaiaatie crowd punctuated the Mtllton* o f Germans, h* said, tin's harmony program . MANCHESTER HIGH. (I92s) P. Apmann of the Derby Oaa A Elec­ weeks ago. with the ’pai'ach''** a Zoning (Sommlaslontr for flv* The total vota cast y*sterday-waa Conn. L t end Pow ... 49 08 Bath 8teel 7, pfd .. M% Roche kept' the pumps going day activities in the state, will present a lafled with the Democratic nniiilneee Fuehrer’s speech. shared the fate o f the Sudeten Ger­ Murray and Hillman said in a da- tric Company will dtacuss the ex­ landed In a email pin* grove .'east years to succeed Col. William C. e little over one-third of th* total -COnn. Pow...... 44 40 Borden ...... 16% and night until the flo<^ waters re­ program of dances, music and reci­ for re-election os attorney general . "W e have, every reason to be mans. olalon which M urray read to th* diet In Double Shooting. fn A . C . panding marketa for commercial of the Silver Lane pickle factory Chenay who Is retiring from that registration and with the greater Hartford Elea. L t ... 58 60 Can Pae ...... 6 % ceded. He also worked with fifty tations in Swedish. A smorgasbord and comptroller planned to d » to proud of this great German Reich, Ha than dwelt upon maasures to Board that tepid growth of th* U. A. VKC'PRFS* CIOSEPPE CARIBALDI SOCIETY gas sales In a meeting of the In­ He escaped with a few scratchts. body. Immedlataly Wnitar Mahoney interest shown in th* atat* elections, lUumlnetlng Sha. .... 84 86 Cairo, Do P a a ...... 46 other convicts outside the prison supper will be served after the busi­ select Joseph O'Leary of N ew Tork wboae Fuehrer I am,” he continued. be taken Immediately to alleviate W. had brought sarloua admlntstm- dustrial gaa section, and In the TESTS FOR STATE JOBS The falling plane crashed Into a Jumped up to propoe* Felix J. Me- as la always th* oaaa, and th* name eirtford Om ...... 80 84 Cbas and Ohio .... 31% walls. All bad ampie opportunity ness meeting and entertainment, aft­ city for attorney general and Lamg- "And this Germany la pist as Uve problems. same aecUonI W. W. Young o f the tbe depression In ths Sudatan areas. wrecked tobacco shed owned by Val Evttt for the piet. A rising vote proportions holding true, William S). New Bag. Tel. Oo. 148 148 Chrysler ...... u.. to escape. It was said but each man Blddeford, Me., Oct. 4.— (A P) — er which dancing will be held. don Post, former city tenement, proud o f )reu Sudeten Germans. In "The failure to solve thee* prOb- Medical Examiner Stephen A. Cobb Connecticut Light A Power Com­ At tbs conclusion of hla brief ad­ Higgins snd burst Into (lames.. gave Noren a decided prefersnea, S.' Hyde, chairman of the Kepubu- Western Mass...... 37 39 Col Carbon ...... ^ % return^ to his cell at the close of Axel 8. Carlson, newly elected house commissioner, fo r comptrai^ tbla hour we can do nothing also lems hae restUted In conflict end today recorded as "murder and sui­ pany will participate In a sym­ SET BEFORE NOV. 10 ler. rt dress the crowd sang Deutschland A part of the plane In falllnx and ha was declared elected. can town committee, fOela Manches­ ladnstrlnls Col Gas and E9 .... 7 the labors. 1 district master of the Order of tlwa think about our etsmal Ger­ turmoil,” they Said, x x x "The ab* cide” the deaths of Joseph Wi BUo- posium on small Industrial uses for Usbsr Al'es and the Horst Weasel struck a youth who was standing With th* main pointa o f busbiss* Aom c W i r e ...... 34 37 Corn] Inv T r ...... •••••••••• The other cases attracting imme­ Vasa, will be present as will the as­ BRODIE GRANDDAUGHTER man people and our German Reich." ter will again be in th* bands of the sane* of recognised authority has deau, 48. former Blddeford police­ BOWERS INVESTIGATES gas. soniTi while the Fuehrer remained In a lot on the north aide o f Sliver disposed of, th* msetlng pasoad on AM. Hardware ...... 36H Coml f l e l v ...... 144 diate attention of the Board result­ sistant district master, Frank John­ - Ritler was given a tremendous Republicans In avery offtc*. led In some oases to unjuatlflad stop­ man, and Mra. Clarice Leach. 32. aa- The aaaoclatlon’a twentieth annual Hartford, OcL 4.— (A P ) — Any 1WUST HAVE VISAS on the balscony bowing and giving Lane. He received a badly out to the approval of rbutin* mattera Arrow H ond H, Oom. S4H Cons Edison ...... 38 ed In qommutation of sentence from son of Tbomoston. A large number Sm U M whan be arrived at this Following la th* tabulation of the pages of. produo^’on In violation Of aertlng he killed her with a shotgun DOES SAME TYPE WORK convention, according to tbe asao- person who wanU a atate clerical tha Nasi salute. arm. A pollcs fore* not to axcaed 30 was Bluings and Spencer. Cons Oil ...... 8 44 seven years to three years for Har­ of local members attended the C^on- FATE OF LARDNER wor*d-famsd spa. trot*: outstanding oOllectlve bergSlnlng and then shot himself. clatton'a monthly magazine, “will Job at 370 e month la going to get Before he spoke, the local Nasi T h * pilot teamed unconcerned atithorised, town officials wsr* am- Bristol Breas ...... 84 . 1 ” Cent Can ...... 48 old C. Taylor of^'lpartford, convicted nectlcut district meeting at Torring- Berne, Switoerland, O c t 4 — Many in the audience bat' been *-~OcalgnaUs thosa cieotad.) ogresmenta.'' "Everything Indicated Jealousy offer gaa men an unexcelled oppor­ a chance a t aucb a position. leader thanked him' for bringing over tha accident. The plane waa pdwersd to borrow suCh funds a* Colt’s Pat. Firearms. 83 66 Com Prod ...... 68 of bombing the home of Samuel M. ton lost Saturday, at which Henning (A P ) —The Swiss' ederal CduncU . proamt at tbe Sudeten party con­ , Rapnb’Jean was the motive." aald Police Chief tunity to keep abreast of faat-ebang Some time ago State Personnel ruled today that Jc about tha union o f tha Sudeten re- valued at 110 ,dob. might be necessary to operate th* Beg Is Loek 16 18 Del Lack and West 844 Stone o f W est Hartford, president L. Johnson of Laurel street was Boston, Oct. 8— (A P)_Steve Bro . St.'Jean-DerLua, Frtoce, Oct. 4 refiveea ei9> vention In April and recaRsd that 8e:ectroea Rudolph# Vanasae, after Investi­ Ing condlUona in the industry today. Director Harry W. Msrab aald he terlng Switserlond glont with Germany. town's affairs, and reports of the Fafnir Bearings 86 Douglas Aircraft . <...... 4844 of Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Com­ elected to his seventh term as dis­ die Jumped 137 feet off Brooklyn from (Stnaeiqr Hm letn at that .time was content to *Davld CHiambers ...... 3867 gating last night’s shooting In the — (A P )—United States Ambassador Since the Cleveland convention a waa finding It difficult to get per­ hereafter muat have 8' German trnopa preceded the town officials tVers accepted. It Gray Tel Pay BtatlOD 9 11 Du P o n t ...... 139 pany, in 1936 during labor trouble, trict secretary. Elmer Thoren of bridge back in 1886 for a $8 bet taat ask only that the Sudetms be given * Lawrence A. CJonvers* . 3718 kitchen of the Leach home, where Claude G. Bowers today opened on year ago, many unprecedented sona on the qualified lists who were their paaaporta. ,The step Fuehrer harv. marching from was voted to aceopt Steep Hollow Hart and Coolay .... 188 Bleo Auto Lite ...... 32% the local lodge was named as district Hla granddaughter, Helen Hayden, fun autonomy In the CScechoslovak 'Clarence E. L u p in ...... 3766 B uides Thomas Buda, 33, of Bilodeau was a lodger. changes have taken place which wUI wllUng to start at 370 a month. A by way of Falkenaii with air squa­ lane as a public highway. WEDDINGS Hendey Mach., B. ... 8H 10V4 Gen Eleo ...... 43% auditor for three years. now does the same type of work. In Investigation Into the whereabouts to tighten up on the inibwr gg state and the right to practice their 'Richard Martin ...... 2814 34 Bronx, N. Y., convicted of an at Mra. Leach came here from West b' reflected In the program a t A t- deluge of appIlCatlona followed drons laading tha way. The ebtire TOWN MEETING Accept Deedto Landers. Frary A Clk. 26 Gen F o o d s ...... 3844 a way—diving-off lO-foot boards In of James P. LXrdner, son of the late goes into the Confederattoo. 'Joseph Pero ...... teippted holdup In Stamford in 1936, DanvUle, VL. with her husband shortly thereafter. Nasi beliefs. 3726 New Brit. Mch., Com. 22 Vi 24 V4 Gen M o t o n ...... 49 water follies shows—and drews Ring Lordher, who disappeared lanyc City. Development of the wort population turned out to welcome The following deeds, approved by 'H arold M. R e e d ...... 2835 had hla six-year minimum sentence Stanley, a little more than a year As e result Marsh announced eh Incanutim ef Dream. O'Brien-SteDhens do., pfd...... 90 UlUetU ...... 8% down a couple of hundred a week. Sept. 23 while fighting with Spanish certified performance gas range, the the soldiers nrtd shower them with the Selectmen, were accepted by the 'Leland T. W ood ...... 3846 dropped to three. ago. When Bilodeau, a widower examination for clerka, typlats and Today they saw in Hitler the in- Miss Mary Virginia Stsphens, North and J u d d ...... 33V4 24 V4 Hecker Prod ...... 8 f Thua, Helen, a atatueaque 26-year- government forces In eastern Spain. national orcbltecta and buildera pro- flowers. VOTES $1,149116 meeting: Manchester Trust com­ . Asaesaor served a JaU sentence at Alfred re­ STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. ■tenograpbere In the first grade at 'eamatlon of Uisir dream com* u^s daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hording Pack, Stow A Wlloox 7 9 Hudson Motors .. 9 Bowers said be waa acting at the hrom (to produce a new high level The Eger district, third sons to pany, trustee, to the town, land for 'Thom as A. Lewie ...... cently for non-support of him chU- old blonde from Loa Angela*, la do­ aolerlee starting at 8840 annually —•union with Gsmsany. 2846 A. Stephens of 8 OreenbiU street, Russa'I M fg. Co...... 36 36 Int H arv ...... 63% request of Mrs. Ring Lardner, who In aU-gaa homes, the flrat one of be occupied under terms of the Mu­ a storm water sewer on Kensing­ Registrar drsn, Mrs. Leach, police said, visited ing much better In her line th^n her with a maximum of 31,140. Th* strests bcfor* th* tbsatsr berime tb* bride of Thomas Leo Scovtll Mfg. C a ...... 33 25 Int Nick ...... 86% PRAISES COOPERATION cabled him from Milford. Conn., that which waa recently completed In nich four-power accord, was under ton street. M.' A. Orfltelll to the •Robert N. Veltch ...... 3852 DECUNE TO COMMENT him frequently. granddaddy did in bis, but she atlll Perllmlnory practical examina­ Vrher* h* spok* brisfly etsr* Jammsd APPROPRIATION O'Brien, son of Mr. and Mr*. James Silax Co...... IS J4 Int Tel and T el .. 16 her son had been captured by tbe Hartford), national advertising and army rule pending eatabliahment of apeak* with pride of the man who tow* town, property for highway pur- Sehoal Board Stanley W orks ...... 88H 163% Mrs. Leach died en route to a hos­ Insurgents in the Ebro cone. greater attention to competitive tions will be held before Nov. 10 with mthuaiastic Sudeten Germans, local government along Nail tinea. O'Brien of Hartford, at a ceramony 41V4 Johns Manvllle .. pital where she waa driven by Bllo- U maponalble for tbe expresslona. (Contlnoed from Page One) 'posra on Village street. Harlan 'L illian 8. B o w e rs ...... 2828 do., pfd...... 37 V4 39 V4 The ambassador said Lardner was problem* ore a few of the develop­ and a general written examination gathersd to wsIcosm their Fuehrer. German currency-already waa re­ performed this morning at 9 o'clock Kennecott ...... 48% ON BLOECHER’S STATUS dM u’s 19-year-oId son. Wilson, who Commissioner Cox Wishes To doing a Brodle,” and “ oh, well White to the town, property to the •Everett T. McKinney .. 2831 T o r r in ^ n ...... 33 35 6 not Hated among American prison­ ments which will be eviduatad smd will be held a t a later date for ' On an alevation behind the placing Ccechoslovak money. The in St. Bridget's church, which waa Lehigh Val Rd ... arrived on the scene shortly after Thank Ail Organizations Biwdle took a chance.” saoh handed a slip of paper, aa they highway use St Summit street ex­ Constables Veedar Root 46 48 99% er* held by the Insurgents at Bur­ dtacuaaed. The entire program re­ those passing tbe practical testa. thmter stood an honor guard ot exchange rate was one mark (about decorated with palms and autumn LIgg and Myer* D the shooting. WhUe Mrs. Leach entered, on which was printed the tension. R. J. flmltb to tbe town, 'Charles Crockett...... 2846 New York Banks 81% Aiding In Rehabilitation gos. volves around tha theme. 'Gaa Maekahtrtsd 8S man, ths giUta flowers. LoeW a ----- London. Oct. 4.— (AP)—A Reu waa en route to the hospital, Bilo­ 40 cents) to 7 1-3 kronen (about 36 proposed budget as recommended by two parcels on Green road, qn* for 'James W. Foley ...... 2785 Bonk of . New York 838 ^ 8 6 0 Work. marches oii.’ VIOTORY COST 888314 Mrs. Arlyna M. Garrtty, organist LOrillard ...... 20% tats (British, news agency) dispatch deau turned the gun on himself. cents), giving a nominal profit to th* Selectmen. This budget waa highway purposes and ona for storm •Raymond J. Robinson . 2803 Bonkers Trust ...... 43 46 .. 48% " A m ajor concern o f the gaa In* the Reich's new cltliens. Mont W a r d ...... from Moscow said today that offi­ then taken. Item by item, discussed, sewer. •Sedrick Straughan ___ 2736 o f the church, played th* bridal ('antral Honovar ,... 83 88 94 ASSAILS ROOSEVELTS duatry has alwaya been that of find­ Baltimore, Oct 4— (AP)—The Nash K eiv ...... cial Soviet circles declined to com­ To all of the orgOnixatlons, de- For Service and Qanllty and approved. From CJheney Brothers, tbe town Demor ratio mualo. Tbe vooallsta were James Chaaa ...... S3 84 34V. ANDREWS ANNOUNCES ing waya eixl means of iffving com­ cost of Senator Millard E. Tydlnga' N at Blao ...... ment on reports that Marshal Vas­ p&rtmenta, utilities and others as­ SEC RR08PEBITV Although W alter Mahone,y of th* voted to accept a deed for the Ftve ' Se'ectmen Breen and Arthur Keating. Mlsa Cbemieal ...... 43 44 Nat Caab R eg ...... 38% plete aaUafaetton to tbe woman eon* Democratic primary victory over m SHOE REPAIKINO SEE G. A. C a illo u e tte ...... 16«4 Rita Margaret Stephens, slater ot sily K. Bluecher had been deprived WIDOW OF PROFESSOR sisting the State Highway Deport­ DRIVE FOR CONTROL Berlin. Oct. 4.-^ (A P )—Hopes are Taxpayers' League sought to make Acre tract on the west side. Pur a t v ...... 26 38 N at Dairy ...... 13% wimer," the magosln* continued. admlniatratlon - sponsored Rep. high along Berlin ,x>lltlcal and eoo- an Incuralon Into flnanclal flelda to chase of this area for $16,000 waa William R. Campbell . 15^8 the bride was maid e f honor, and Conttnantal ...... 18 18 38 of his command of the Far Eastern ment In the work of rebabtlitation. 12 REGIONAL OFFICES "This problem, so vital to mainten­ SAM VITLVKS N at DUUII ...... Red Army.. David J. Lewis wOe spread on <31r ELEnAHTHIDif noralc theorists that the world may aJaah many ttema of th* budget, he approved by a town meeting held H. OUn Grant ...... 1683 Misa Claire Lenore Stephens, anoth­ Com Hlxebanga ...... 48 i60 , Ooinmlasloaer W illiam J. C ox today Concord, N. H., Oct. 4.-i(AP)— ance o f the domestic load, haa been SHOB REPAIR HERVICE N Y Central ...... 17% DIES OF PNQIMONIA cult court records today — $88 814 look forward to an upsurg* of pros­ did not'develop enough support to In August., ^ Arthur C. McCann . . . 1620 er ciotwr, waa bridasmaid. James First National...... 1606 1650 The maf shal’s name, bowevsir, hea •sulkl tbe follow lnf statement: An a p ^ for support of RepubUc- given on Important plac~ on the t r y to uar a MBpU e f'C m ** N Y N H and H ...... 1% Waahlogt^ Oct. -—( A P ) __Bl- with 111,931 of It a deficit •olkk Koefli!*, u d reaH aan* 701 Main Street perity, now that the war scar* has change the totals aa presented. No Contests Maurice T. Moriarty .. 1006 O'Brian of Hartford waa bast man Guaranty Trust ...... 236 340 North A m ...... 26% net been mentioned In Hie Soviet "Although there ia much work yet an candidatas for national andi^te 4 Several of hla motions did not gain Thomas F. Sullivan .., 1532 press in recent weeks, the dispatch to be done and the full extent ot tbe mer F. Andrews, wage-hour admin t*«t It’* th a ear **>1*1* dwindled. Compared with some town meet­ for his brother and the ushers were Irving Trust ...... n IS Packard ...... 4% Boston. O c t 4.— ( A P ) — Funeral offlM aa “a rebuke” to tha New jpob m m o a second. Questioning the charity Theodore C, Zimmer ., 1584 sold. His name waa omitted from latrator, announced' today the ea root ’** n t r . B * tUs They argue that the Munich four- Joseph Then of Meriden and Thomas Manufact. Trust .... 86 40 Param PIct ...... 11 services will be held here In Trinity damage to the Jtate highways and Deal waa sounded today by Mrs. notorkable reofia* *!*• **(frf appropriation amount. Jay Ruhlnow ings of previous years, last night's Assessor reports of a conference of political tabliabment of 13 regional offices. power accord on peace restored con­ session was without contests, and Marcelino of Hartford. Manhattan ...... 16V4 18 V4 Penn ...... 10% church tomorrow at 11 :S0 a. m e a bridges has not been ascertained. 1 Oeoi-ge Wyeth of Hanover, formerly •t iM it 10% Ban Cortr as>(ul* brought from the Town Treastirer. John T. Hayes ...... 1698 commissars of tbe Far^ Eastern t., for Mrs. Barrett Wendell, ^ He said he hoped that some would Menraat—u d unu-ut to wftat fidence among European nations. earned the designation "harmoni­ Tha nuptial high mass was cele­ N Y T r u s t ...... 88 88 Phelps Dodge ...... 87% 79 desire to take this first opportunity head of the NaUonal Women’s Re- George H. Waduell. the atatement Rerrlatrar army a week ago attended by De­ irtdow of the late Harvard professor publlcui club. be in operation by Oct. 24, tbe d-te keep* §n y uphalt roof wMthav- Oermsny will profit from tha In­ ous.” It was evident that a small brated by th# Rev. William P. Reldy Public National...... 38 V4 38 V4 Phil ■ P a t e ...... 46% to express my appreciation of tbe that for each dollar the town spemla 'Edward F. Morlartv .., 1610 fense Commissar Klementl E. Voro- of English, herself nationally known the wage-hour law becomes effec­ proof. dustries end -raw mpterlals received clement was entirely dlasatlsfled of St. Jamei'a cbuch, where the Title Guarantee ...... 6V4 614 Pub Serv N J ...... - ...... 80 ■ very splendid cooperation the High­ Mrs. Wyeth, speaking at the state on Federal public works. It la thereby School Board shlloff and Lev Mekhlls, vice com­ for her efforts to preserve histori­ tive. Regional administrators L*t u gin r«a a Mahieu*s by absorption' of Ccechoslovak Su- marriage woe to have taken place U. 8. Trust ...... 1800 1560 Radio ■•.•..•■*•...•*•••*■ 7% way Department has received Iron) Republican convention, assailed enabled to aa much aa $10 In with the budgeti but th* great •Edward J. Mumhv ... 1632 missar of defense and chief of the cal sites. C«rtp ielka KeoSiig 1 d(btenland. one Informed economic Reading ...... 16 other State departments, and from what she described os President would be appointed os spon oa pos­ direct aid expense charged against numbers of those who attend the Constables had It not been ao seriously damag­ army’s political bureau. sible, Andrews added. sur lattm tiaa pcicaa. 183 Sprue* Street spokesman acknowle<)ged today. Rem Rand 18% Mre. Wendell, for 20 years presi­ town, city and borough officials, Roosevelt's drive for “one man con­ the voters through taxation. mealing were plain In their support 'James D uffy ...... 1660 ed In the recent hurricane. dent of the Massachusetts society of TentaUve headquarters will be lo­ The nation already ha.s l^gun Wnnta Dlvltlenda Republic Steel ...... 1SV4 public utilities, corporations and In­ trol" of tbe federal administration. of the recommendations made by •Edmund F. Dwyer ... 1668 The irlde who wat given In mar- 43>4 the Clolonial Dames o f America, died cated In Bostoq, New York, Phila­ plans to Unk the newly acquired In­ Hitting out at th* record of the The Poet's Column Rev Tob B ...... dividuals. The Manchester , M a lte x , O the Board of Selectmen and other •John H. Rohan ...... ian.3 ria-re bv her father wore a prlncesa last night o f pneumonia. delphia, Richmond. Cleveland, Chi­ dustries with the German four-year town-owned water lepartment, Wil­ Safeway Stores...... 1844 "The work of the department bos town officers. Thsre were no con­ Joseph V*. Shea ...... 1862 gowTi of Ivory chiffon velvet, with 17% VIEWS ARCTIC REiaONS She left four children, Barrett, of la r g e p k g ...... i l s ^ C plan for economic Independence. lard R. Rogers salted why thia rount. The world ia ao full ef e number of Schenlev Dla ...... been very m aterially advanced by cago, Birmingham or AtlanU, Min­ Lumber & Fuel Coe troversial questions to be sstUed, long Rleeves and circular train. Her 78 ; tS n . Maiy van der Woude, FORMER STATE HEAD Other nations, too, can heneflt, clpal buslnera could not pay a divl- thihga,' Sears Roebuck ...... the whole hearted assistance re­ neapolis, Kansas caty. Houston CMiter St n S l t t and the meeting adjourned at 10:30. DANGEROUS REIJC shoulder len.gth veil o f Illusion with 16% of ^ t ^ , Kent. England: William, R u m fo rd the Germans say. They believe the dent to the town treaaufy. " I f It I'm mire we should all be as happy Shell Union ...... AS PARTIAL UTOPIA ceived from all. Denver, and San Francisco. Chairman of the meeting was lace border fell from a Juliet cap. S o c o n y V a c ...... 14%. o f Hartford, Ctonn.; and Mra. Edith B a k in g r way la open to settlement of ques­ were a private company It would aa kia^a. “This expression of appreciation Baking Powder, Judge William S. Hyde. Duluth, Minn.— Someone touched She carried a prayer shower or gar­ South Pao 17% Osborne, of Auburn. N. Y. OF EAGLES IS DEAD 20c tions on colonies, world monies and pay dividends to ths stockholders,'' —Robert Louis Stevenaon la also extended to those members 1 2 -02. can . . It bad.been - reported that.last off tbe big cannon on the Central denias and valley lillee. The mold 'of South R w y IS International Indebtedness. Rogers said. He did not feel that Omnha, Neb., Oct. 4. — (A P) — of tbe department upon whom has night's session might be adjourned High school lawn after loading It honor waa gowned In rose slipper St Brands Some contend the estahllshnfjent It whs enough that the water de­ You knew. Dr. Victor B. Levina, Creighton Uni­ W ^ted, Oct 4— (A P)—Sherman H e rs h e y to a later date to permit voters to with blasting powder, beer bottle*, satin, princess style, with Juliet cap St Gas end Bl ...... fallen the greater port of the actual The R eason of a long-term Intematlnnal crpdltert partment balanced Its Incoma with There are folks wbq do and folks versity professor, has found In the E. Bunnell, 76, former state presi­ W h study the annual town report, re­ horreshoe calks, ehimke o f Iron, and and arm bouquet e f brensa ebrysan- St Oil c a i ...... “HONBT PLATFORM physical work. These men, whether BakingB a k in g Choco- ( J J system could be the sprtng-bt^rd expenditures. "We ought to gel who d on 't k Arctic a partial answer to his yearn­ dent of the Eagles, waa found dead leased only yeaterday morning rock*. 'The blast, as the piece themums, and the bridesmaid. wiu St ou N J ...... 64% regular or temporary emjitoyees, la te , i/^-ib. pkg. for adjustment of trade wars. ... something back from tjils thing", Those who can and those who won’t ing for Utopia— OT a heart atUck today In bis home D Iffereat However, beoauae o f previous pub­ backfired, shattered windows In the attired in 'a blue allpper satin Tex Corp ...... - ...... 48 worked unceasingly and loyally long liogers affirmed. Waddell told I'm on* e f those who do, " A place free from night cluba, •REPUBLICANS’ GOAL He was also a former president of lication of the propoMd budget In school, threw • pedestrian to the princess gown, with Jullat cap and Timken Roller Bear 6...... 60% hours, laboring many day* con­ from Rogers that a large reserve fund has ground, and shook houses for blocks Sometlmee,. jasz bands, after dinner speechea, the onecticut Bee Keepers' Associa­ Instant Postum, O Q _ Saturday's Herald, It waa con­ arm bouquet of yellow ehrysanthe- T rm Amerisa ...... • • 10 tinuously with only a brief mter- tion. been built up from water depart­ around. .. And sometlmee I wish that I rumors of wars. Republicans and Others la r g e c a n ...... 0 9 C sidered that all Interested persona muma,. , ' Union Carhida 84% Democrata." Boston, Oct. 4— (A P )—With pre­ lude for essential food and rest. I Personal Notices ment Income, this reserve now Pollca recommended a disarma­ D id n 't 90 Hla widow and three sons survive amounting to oven $200,000. "We had opportunity to review the pro­ Followuig tha ceremony a wed­ U,nlon Pao primary differences apparently “Now that the worst conditions BECAUSE;— ment prograim— a-amethlng U l« And Mu may too when you reach 38% Ha returned here last night from The funeral will be held Thuraday. Calo Dog Food, have got to build up this reserve In posals before the taking of last ding breakfast for the bridal party UMt Aircraft 14 months there where he direct^ buried at a "united front” dinner, have been surmouhted this devotion plugging the gun with cement the end 8% Father John’* night's vote. Unit corp the United States Public Health to duty wlU further osaUt the de­ 4 c a n s ...... IN MEMORIAM order to guarantee tbe payoff of and Immediate familtea wat bald at Of this verse. 10 Moasachuaetts Republicans went mr Medicine is not 29 c bonds we- had to Isauo when we tha Green Circle Inn, Talcottvlilc. Unit Gas m p ...... Service survey of Eakimoa along a to convention todqy to shape an partment In the readjustment pro­ In loving memory of *Boyl W. Free- 100 PER CENT But won't you Just a moment U 8 Rubber ...... 48% TWO MEN ARRESTED 'just another cold love, who died Oct. 4, r.i3T, bought the water system", Waddeli th the United States there art Tbe couple left later for an unan­ SOO-mile coastline.. Predicting fu­ “ honest" platform In an attem pt' to gram that ho* been outlined.” remedy”. It not - - * * ■ J f ‘ .•hi... a ‘ju Carnation Milk, •pend? U 8 Sm elt ...... 64V4 explained. He said that If the town 517,000 wage earners In motor ve­ Los Angeles—At least four men nounced wedding trip, tbe bride ture generations 'Will “ineviUbly wrest major stote office* from only helps break 4 tall cans..... TO lltU D I It re^ y could be worse. U 8 Steel ...... 60 MANCHRSTRR, c d v n . 28c owned the system free and Clear, It hicle and part* factories. have the correct answer for the con­ wearing^ a black costume eult with crowd northward," he termed the Demorata. up colds, but ] Ood hat taken you iluddy Vick Chem ...... 83% Arctic regions outlets for future col FOR BOSTON MURDER I He has taken you up above test sponsored here by a shoe etor4 covereigh wine aeceeeoriea. They The worid IS so full of things ...... 28% The party’s stand on the Town­ builds upthel^ody. My-T-Fine Des- Western Union ...... onizatlon. UflEVES ABANDON MTHEIi pAV.'tO T H i - ' And wtapped >oU In a golden cloak chain—a contest to guess the exact will be at home to tbelr friende after That please us every day. West EPond Mfg ...... 107 send old age pension plan waa the uitoaeoir,* I Of Ills all enfolding love. BUDT.ET .APPROVED FOR YEAR ENDING AUGUST 16th, 1939 I t * health fuL serts, 3 pkgs. number of dimes contained In a cer­ November 18 at 8 Gerard' street. So may I Just write down a fewT Woolworth ...... 47% principal question mark aa sessions Boston, Oct. 4— (A P )—Homicide nourishing ele­ J O H n tain shoe. The bride's erfft to her attendant* It'i a good “beginning" way! Eleo Bond and Shara VC iirb). 7% opened. Planks on flood control and detectives today arrested tw o men ments aid in main­ couldn't with you back you knoa Amount. STOLEN POUCE CAR For you muti ba hauPy thara Estimated But for these four men it Is no war* gold crosses sad chaliu, fcnd labor shared tbe spoUlght. In the Brighton section on warrants taining strength, MOKNIE -■sat’i Krasdale Prunes, 23c Appropriation INSURGENTS CONTINUE All >va can do la wait until Recommended Receipts guesswork. th* bridegroom's gifts to hla beat First of ell, please don't forget charging murder of Joaeph P. Gal­ vigor and vitality. 2-lb. pkg., 2 pkgs. Wa''maet asaln tdmawhara. (Charities ...... $ 100,000.00 6 30,000.00 They broke the contest show win­ man and uabera war* laather bill Ibat Peeee Is king, not War; Pittsburgh, Oct 4.— (A P)—Two lagher who waa shot during on ar­ Highways ...... 60,000.00, 900.00 dow,____ .ran off with tbe shoe and Its That the air Is freed from tenslen. gument in a Roxbury tavern Sept. It* value as a proven treatment for Ohio Blue Tip tVa who lovad him bait", mtaa him folds. The bride la a gradMta of SLOW. STEADY ADVANCE .thieves spotted a plain black sedan, Snow a ^ Ice ...... 6 .000.00 6.004 dimes. Tbe kind that makes men love to U key In the ignition awltch. They 24 and who died in city taosoital colds IS supported by certilied medical j moat. Manchester High achool and tha OBJECT TO ARTICLES 19 te^t*. Matches, pkg. of Q | ”h i Oiling ...... 2.500.00 0.00 hate; drove it away, thinking how easy It Oct. 1. . I Cemeteries ...... 9,000.00 6.000.00 University o f Pennsylvania. Sha la a 6 b o x e s ...... C , t.aon and Ffad. fiUtara Elltahath Visitor* to the Yellowstone Park And that many men worked bard STAT waa. Capt. John F. McCarthy Identified /(f ffoearrf year* and Klaanor and .Mothar. Education ...... 380.000.00 dental hygienist and haa bean em­ li Hendaye, France— (A t the Span- o/SS U'CoHvtmeiitg 31.446.00 have ridden 85.248 miles on horse­ and long , 'XODAF BY JEWISH DOCTORS Then the radio blared out: the men aa John McCarthy and Street L ig h t in g ...... 26.000.00 ployed In tha madlclne soad hygiene *h F ron tier)—Oct. 4.— (A P ) - I n - Proof o f Its MorU and Vmluo. 0.00 back during the 1038 season. T o reason what la right and what is WPD. I "AU cars, be on tho lookout for Daniel O’NellJ. r Avalon Tis.suc, 38.000. 00 department of th* Travelers insur­ _:ents continued their slow but Police ...... 1,600.00 wrong , Omasa at a plain black cor. This ia a police Board of Health ...... 6 .000.00 ance Company. Mr. O'Briaa la a steady advance today through gov­ 600.00 itb e M eet ^rlln,^ Oct 4.—-(AP)—German car." 19c .. 11,000.00 Before It wes'too late. ernment hill positions on the Ebro REPUBLICAN CAUCUS Parks and Tree Warden . 0.00 graduate of Hartford High school iD iam atie medical Journals no longer may ac­ The police found It two blocks Each Month Shows A Steady Increase 400.00 Legion Auxiliary river fro n t o f e u te m Spain. Spraying ...... 0.00 and la with tha aanM Inauranoe com­ In a lighter vein, remember too, IS p e tO n cept articles by Jewish doctors, the from the spot where It had been Fairy Soap,^ The Republican .electors of the Dlapatches from both insurgent ' Building Inspector ...... 2 .000.00 3.000. 00 pany In It* caaunlty tmdarwrltlng That when these verses coma to Earth, Nazi Commissioner for Medical parked by Detective* WUllam Harria 6 b ars ...... Town of Bolton are requested to 15.000. 00 and government * sources said ■ re­ 21c State Tax ...... • 0.00 Chooses Justice depaftm ent you . E l U e ______Joumallaro ordereu. today. , and Joaeph Jackson. They w4re In­ meet In caucus at the Center Hall. Couhty Tax ...... 16.500.00 0.00 peated attacka by Insurgent Gen­ In l^ie Number Of Users Of W all be beek on Standard Time. I^TAMkCHX In "GATEWAY* Tbe order added that “our Ger­ vestigating K robbery. \\ Bolton. Tuerdav. Oct. 11, 1938, at Mlliury Tax ...... - 6 .0 0 0 .0 0 0.00 eralissimo Franco’s legions called Fresh Pnmes, A trivial tking, you may prbtaat. man doctors win subacrlha to for­ i7'30 r M , fer the purpose of r.oml- Oarage ...... 1.0()0.00 0.00 P L U S . . JOB E. B R O W N M militiamen to give ground along the' eign Journal* only if they are pub- 2 cans.. .25c i nsting a candidate for representa- Election Ehtpenses 4.600.00 0.00 But when tha whole thing oomee to main highway from Gondeaa to LErS TALK IT OVER" HOSPITAL NOTES teat. "T H E G L A D IA T O R '' liabed by Aryan publishers and ' live In , the General Assembly And Administration ...... 7.600.00 0.00 Mora De Ebro. , edited by Aryan doctors.” STRONG WINDS CAUSE I Justices of the peace. i Advertising and Printing 3.000.00 0.00 You must admit—I dare you not— ■the' government sold the ^Insur­ REGISTER CHECKS Liberal rebate on pur- Assesament and Collection 18.600.00 0.00 That Daylight Time IS not SO hot— gents captured Hills 361, 332 and By order of the Republican Town Admitted yeaterday; Mrs.' Bleek, JOHN A DANAHER and RAYMOND E. BALDWIN cha,ses made in half dozen .Committee. Municipal and Court B u ild in gs...... 6,000.00 180.00 (A t this Urns Of yser, anyway.) 331 after a series, of attacka In SIX BRITISH DEATHS SO Eldrldge street, John Hewitt, FOR U. 8. SENATOR S. R WOOI1WARD. Chairman. Memorial Day 800.00 0.00 Especially when, oh nroe la me. which planes, artillery and tanks FOR GOVERNOR lot or more. 138 WelU-street. ROLLER 9KATING ENDS PRISON 1 E R K Clearly Demonstrating the Popularity, Dated at B->lton, Conn., Oct. 4, Armistice Day ,...... 1.500.00 0.00 M y radio Is an hour hehliul pounded government poaltlona. 1938. Miscellaneous .:... r. 9.000. 00 700.00 Dlacberged yesterday: Mrs. 01g« With everything 1 like to LAKESIDE CASINO L «> ^ n , Oct. 4. — (A P ) — Wind Garbage Collection ,. 18.300.00 0.00 ScotL 75 Autumn street, Mrs. Wel­ Tim e Alee too fast, 1 And. South Coventry GOES TO WORK THERE fna^hlng 93 mllea an hour In some of this Method of Paying Bills. ChUd W e lfa r e ...... 2.000. 00 0.00 ter McLean, and Infant sea, 163 So let us give a marry cheer sections lashed the British Isles and Bond Payments ..... 143,000.00 0.00 Blseell street And turn back our clock* EVERY NIGHT AMD ALL DAT R A B B lrs EYE MAY GIVE ceua^ six deaths during the night. TUESDAY 7:30 P. M. Interest and Discount 83.000. 00 0.00 Admitted today: Ethel Johnstons, more. . SUNDAY McAlester, Okl*., Oct 4.— (A P )— A large tree oruahed a South Lon­ We find many women are now nsing Register Checks ' Dog Llcenaea ...... 1.800.00 . 3,000.00 81 Washington street Paul Hilde­ pree days ago Dr. W. R. Arm- don double-decker bus and k in ^ Please, sun. stay out; aad winds, l a b o r e r LOST SIGHT •nd they tell a » that theae checks save much time over other ' Library ...... 19.000. 00 6.800.00 brand, 80 Linden street Oreale •tny put; atrong completed hla five-year auto three, ^ e other deaths were In THE FALL SOCIAL j Town Court ...... 8 ,000.00 8 .000. 00 8ear)ott0, 86 Cottage street theft term at the aUte peniten­ rural accidents. WTIC • WBRY And Jtsln, refuse to pour! tiary. ! Federal R elief ...... 32.500.00 700.00 Dieeharged today: Mrs. Howard The wind snapped talephone and methods of payingr bills. I f yon are not familial’ with, the Our minds are really too Oonfueed; T O D A Y AM D W S D M B 8D A Y Recreation ...'...... 18.000. 00 3.300.00 Hastings end infant eon. 831 Hageratown, Md., Oct 4.— (A P )— Today he waa bock at the prlaoi ^graph wires, wrecked small SEASON IS HERE! 31.300.00 T o oalculatlone srerre not used— «nnk L. Hoffman. 61, a Uborer, ONI ISSUE — ONE FLATFOl^ simple procedure of using: Register Checks why not call to­ Old Age T a x ...... 36.700.00 s tree t a ataff member receiving 1^8 h o iM and drove ashore many- light : Water Department .. 60,000.00 we nro not n t nil emtieed. monthly. craft. Let as give yoa one of our “Spedar 60.000.00 h l^ since last spring, can-see dimly 350.00 Census: Sixty-eight paUeate. toOnj — but whether hla Improve- morrow so that you can pay this month’s bills this modem • Zoning ...... 0.00 I think today P\ j said enough Hla work a* an Inmate tnatnietor Permanents naie’! 16,000.00 ' Four Acres Lot ...... 400.00 O f thU nnd thnL flependa on •t the Strlngtown sub-prlaon school Accounts Raceivabla 0.00 , whether«hla body con keep alive the ,W 8JT' 3 000.60 TWnra-Df-LAW But beters I go. brought favorable attention. F o r A lim ite d tim e o n ly . . . Dog Llcenaea I^explred ...... 0.00 766.00 *r* i J f rabbit which waa trans- Ite prieen officials named him di­ MANCHODKDO PROTESTS 0.00 Let me propose S U f ^ G I A i n p la n M ^ hla eye aoeket last week. Town Deposit Fiux 300.00 Idaho Fala, Idaho—The flve-dsy- rector of acadenUc courses at tbe Liquor Lloen oaa...... 0.00 30.000.00 A tlmety toast—from V>r. Paul N. Fleming,, who per­ old sons of Mr. and Mra. Matvln SHOW NfGHT ' prison school and resident physi­ Balance Aug. 18th. 1938-...... 0.00 16.713.48 knows. formed the delicate atuwerv last cian. SEQDRE OF BOATMEN PERMANENTS s2.9s up Total of Receipts excluding Tax 308,486.48 Hints* ehd Mr. and Mia. Shirley Here’s hoping that on FortuiM’s A BItt fPUE aOUE saow i w e e k j i ^ ^ i r i t l a n could diatlnguiah Hints* oouldn't be twins but: Total Estimated Sxpmditures . 1.005.680.00 teoe "BHOPWOIUI ANDELP'^ betw w ^ t and dark alraadyT But Tokyo, O c t 4.— ( A P ) — A Harbin Their mothers ere elstsra. ■NOUSH BKCSUITS TO BE For Appointment Telephone 3058 Necessary Property T a x ...... 887.191.88 You’D aersr ose n frown. With M. SULLAVAN n p«flallat^ pra- . UBT TO LEAVE OUT. 18 v^*P*Leh to Oomel, tim Japanese k ' 1 - 1 Their fathers are brothers. And that the ootnera of your mouth - JAMES STEWART ferred not to be named — soldm Km* C Mrs. James Morris,. ibovA ol new* agency, today aald that a 3 ...... 81,098.686.00 They were bom within SS asttt- w iu u r openuons hod been da qUaxelud 81,696.680.00 — A LS O — THE MANCHESTER May home be turned down. Londoi^OcL 4.— (AB) —The War Soviet Ruaeian borter patrol Bismark, N. 0 „ associate Justiee ntee-of sett other In the iD e fle lte f I : fo r y e w Aug. 18th, —LUemnA KAY -WOMAN AOAINCT w end tbe eomee of tbe rab- Offloe xnnouneed today »tia» men Lnken prisoner 18 Mam-hmiinm boat­ 198S ...... 88,46634 of tb* North Dakota Supreme plthL W O M A N " WHh bjenme opaque in n who Joined tbe reguler enny durlnx men on one of tbe river frontleza Court waa Mocted prealdeot o t T b e “ - - few weeke or mrmthM ly t week’s war eeore w o im be between. Mnqclioukwv and Blbetis. TRUST C O . 1 iflS FOUR MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAt, OCTOBER 4,1988 MANrHKSl lSK EVENING HEKALD, MANCHEi$TER, GONN. T U E ^ Y . OCTOBER 4.1988 rsaltsatlon that hs cpUId not. lights Ing crack cf doom. It JUm riffitirr called that laat four-power parley whole regiment of eanMat arguers A Parade That Can’t Be Stopped ^RIAL STORY a t Munich— and by one atupendotui who can make' us b ellevA -^m ost. oommwMr. issa FORMER MARXIST TO GIVE DEMONSTRATION furatnii BrrtUk bluff and out of the panic fright of anyhow—that Henry VVnnd' M thi NBA StnVMn. MB DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Overnight News mCKOUr NUMBS 'THREE ANDREWS SIS1ERS 'NEVER MIND„WE JUST W ONT TA U MURDER TO MUSIC \ FATHER KnXED; rtJBUaHKD BT THB' Chamberlain and Dal.adter won All' greatest : ‘American. It . hga any TUESDAY, pCTOBlR 4 (Ceatral-Eaiteni Standerd Time—P.M.) OF NEW SAFETY DEVICE ■BRALDPRlNTtNO OOHPANT, IML be had demanded at the yery mo­ quantity of people who can make BY NARD JONES tC tc n g m lo, Proiframa aa Liiiat A y Dm tntiratw la Natwark CarraeUana AT HARTFORD’S STATE IS BlaMlI StrMt V ABOUT THAT' Malta Taa Lata ta taearparala) \ ^ 1 N C U Y M A N O f Connecticut AIRPORT TRAFHC HaaafaMtsr. Osdb.v ment be had come to know'That he money out of depreaalaqa or. makS' batio ohslM or trogbs thoroof unloM smcI- -\ GiRLISJAlLED nmiAB rsMOsoit oould win It tn no other way. splendid speeches In the midst of a f"***°"* Includo all avriUblo stations. 'By ASSOCIATED PRESS. Oaasral Haeaa«r NJiC-WEAP (RED) NETWORK To Be Held In Buckland To­ OAST OF OHARACTTERS •JPUNT.—kvor hts koh ksl kSYo kfbb Famoufi Vocalists Begin Five- Basaisa Oetabarj 1. i f t l Already,, doubtleaa Britain and hunicane or make you believe that three days and expect to get away . aXaiC — East) waar wnae wtio COAST—knok koin kol kfpy kvi ksto morrow Afternoon; To Blow MYRNA DOMBEV -r kerolnc. wtaa weah kjrw »fb r wre wn\WUD koz ksrm khbo kemb kray klro' ksu David Goldsteb Pioneer Of Day Engagement; Airlve PaMlaBto m vff Braalaa Baeapt France reall«e“that they siHrender- black, la white, and whyf But With tt Not even a good one. Not 'f Out Tire 'While Car Is Hartford—Federal Judge Edwin Id W ife e f tto' acBsatloaal awlag band wca# wum «w ) cbm wdel; M le^att Cent Boat Break Cable Plimges Chi­ -Baadara ana Batlsaya Eatarad at tha’ ed to a wooden sword. So what? never tow the time when It had no even if he’d wanted to watch his kad wniaq who wqir wdaf izira katp; Speeding. S. Thomas named Harold W. Har- With Big Stage Show. Bnmette Claims Find to tt Otflea at- MaacBaatar. Oaaa^ aa college play on opening game of Mauntalni kna adyl; aeuthi wmhf wab 4iOO— * : » —To Ba Anuuncad <10 m.) Vvell of Stamford receiver for the i ■aaaM Claaa Mall MaMar. What to do but to keep on with few men Itb public life who could ROBERT TAIT—kero. N«wb|M- wamb wlaz kpre wbre: PaciSbi 4:30-,— ----S:30-Lyrica------Lyi ofT.0arraina Prog. Cathofic Lay Speakers At­ football when Rlgge wanted him to 4:45- S:45-Chi^dran'a _____Jirdua Cirdua.aariai— Banal— air devices corporation,'a Delaware cago Field Into Darkness arma'ment^knowing that they can er pkotogntotor—detoettv*. Ml komo khu kpo kfu j l^aa than a year ago. Petty, Lo- auW jRim oN RAnca find the time ^ had tb« wit to b« be somewhere eUe. But some can­ OPTIONAL BTATtoNl (oparata In- . „ aaat:----—alaa, Pour N Oava ‘ Bacal—w An unusual treat is In store to­ concern with g plant in Meriden for ShoL When Sire A t t ic U ANNE LESTER—Mymn-s eloaert •ito— e:g^Praaa*Raoia Nawa Panod "Verne and Maxene Anilrews who Oaa taar to Mall outraco Oermany In the. building genuinely fuimy oh purpose. And taruhawt^ably on althar RBU'of BLUE tends Catechetical MeeL the manufacture o f olr^icondltionlng Par Manu br Mall a# •••9a •••aba did shots In the Bowl tonight would ^tworka): naalj. » b i« irool wfaa____ Iw •:oe— g:0e—Bd Thorgaraan Bporta— morrow for local residents wlio are come to the State theater in H art­ friend. soften Riggs up. M be: Pour Btan Beya nitvork and heating appliances, upon appli­ More Than Hour. • •MB #••••••• and buying o f planes, the only Ur. Curnu Is'one. work WCky waan vw,cbf vu«,cbl: wn»roi,Cantrali interested In highway safety, when ford for a five-day engagement be­ Mother After Argm na^ SSR*®*'tivarad tm r • •• • • •••]•> a a D A N N IE FB E U B Y — offleer aa- Yet here he stood, standing guard won wimj wiba wdav ksbi kana kaU) f'IS~ •'to-k»'Ty wood a Hia Muale cation fffr a receivership. V branch o f m ilitary strength in Mr. Curran has develojMd Into algned to' lavestlgato Loddea Dom- wbow wood wabc wabf ar«l kfyr •:to—---- d:S5—Bob---- Trout About...... ‘Today** ginning today, were c^scUre vocal­ over a-girl he'd neVer seen before •iJS” e:45—Bnoeh Light’a Orehaatra they will have an opportunity to New Haven — Emil MoocolO. o f HBMBM OP THB ABSOCiaTBD which they felt, .themselves Inferior koam: wtar wpti wTa wjaz wfia- Hartford. Oct. 4.—(AP) .— If ists let an overcrovlrded entertain­ New York’s premier humorous eoh' b vf* BWf der. wpun wlod waue wfbe wwnc wcae wava S:0^ I:pO—Sanaa by Kay Maatharton witness juat how a tire reacts when Watorbury was re-elected president Chicago. OcL 4.—(AP) —An ac­ PRBSB and might never see again. And in ! ‘!5~ I.;)t-Hollywaod’a Boraanaceapa there to any voice that’s sure to be ment world— but today— as If by New Lexington, O., Oct. 4— (A P) Tba Aaaoolatad Praaa la aMiaaiaaIr to the Rdch-runtfl they are so troverslallst. And controversy hto pocket was her bag, and In It K.™ *5.*'!? ^ a a wbap waol kthk SiJO— 7:50—Halan Monkan'a iarial— It blows out, of the (tonnecUeut manufketurers cidental "blackout" of tho Chicago Yestordayi .Loddea Dombdy la kfdm ksko krov krii ktok klam wala heaifi above the hub-bub o f the magic—the name Andrews Sisters —Virginia Annon, pretty l^-^ear> aatlUad U Ua aaa at fapablleattoa much stronger than Hitler that they marked by humor Inatead of venom as sure as toxee, was ths w ei^n wrpj ktoa kark kmc; Mauntaini kslr . Whit# at Organ waat of carbonated beverages/ at their ad all aawa aiapatahaa aradltad lo It about to onnoonoe . hto marriage iiO^Bdward O- Rebinoan Play The demonstration will occur dur­ municipal airport virtually para­ la a household- word throughput the that bad killed Ludden Dombey. !H*' kpfa kaal kSl: thou^ds of delegates attending 20th annua) convention:^ nation. Their story reads like a old brunette, *t* iiSO^aek Armatrana — aaat; •i22“ J8'S?~Hal Kamp Oren., buoitt night. Graduating from amateur shows When that day arrives, what will Somebody wrote serloualy to Mr. C H A P T E R r i ■table, though. I t couldn’t have . ■ Ta Ba Anneunaad—waat *ta'man a Orehaatra ist candidate for mayor of Boston, Adrhinistration .announced opening saying. Prosecutor T. B. WlUlanw Others morbidly curious, crowded transferred to an Inside pocket ^ ,®a®l: Edward Oaviat, Barltona—w high speed, but or this occasion the An American Air Line ship from ance on Columbia Bfoadcasttng . ■•ealus Barald German women and children, for HImbar’a Orehaatra J:J*— 5:45—Tom Mix Skeleh—east back in 1005, he said after a mo­ of an emergency branch of the U. of the scavenger fuhctkma of the toward the band platform wbero couldn't hold oue the gun 6 n ’'•*9— Wayna KIng'a Orehaatra tire wlU be e<]uipped with a Good­ New York, with Pilot Tommy System’s popular Saturday night asserted that Virginia was beln^ 5 :59— 9:00—Nawa: Paul Sabin'a Oreh. ment of reflection. S. Treasury Department In New every factory you ruin In tx>ndon or Gotham roach Mr. Curran descrlbaa Lud Dombey had led The Swlnga- police, he told htmeelf. But be CBS-WABC NETWORK 9:39— 5:50—Marlowa A Lyon, Planet year Life-Guard, a new safety Claude and Flrat Officer • Patrick Swing Seaalon. Early In 1038, they held without charge pending on In­ ^■1; TUESDAY. OCTOBER 4 • :4 ^ 5:45—Uewall Themat - aaat Ebcactly how he made out In elec­ Haven to expedite disbursement of were signed to broadcast over Col­ quiry. Paris we will wipe but half a dosen that interesting and (per Curran) toera for the last time. solved to keep the bag a wMle—atm f BABIC — nerit wabo wade irako weao tion to a matter of municipal rec­ achievement which turns a tire fail­ Boyer at the controls, landed In the OInnw Caneart Orehaatra-waat hurricane loans to farmers of the umbia’s coast-to-coast network on Annon woe a cold miner' and pot­ In Berlin or FsBen,” then we shall Suddenly Talt heard Myrna’s tiny, leaat until he waa more certain of •*®l wkbw wkro wjr wdre weau 9:99— ?:9^Baay Acaa Skit—aloo cat ord, for the press of the crowds at ure into a slow leak, dark with the aid of the plane's amiable creature as "tha aeagull of wjav wg»r; Midwaati state. their own Immensely popular series tery worker, but hod been ont oi PASTIES, CANDIDATES stifled cry, and at the same moment a number of things that hs woe t^bm wfbm kmbo kmoz whaa kfab ••19~ Z>U~Mr. Kaon A Loot Paraene St. Joseph's community hall, wbeie The Life-Guard, Which tqkes the searchlights and some/flickering lan­ see how profound and lasting Is this the sink." 9:30- 7:30—Now York Program-wjt: of programs for Wrlgley Products. Work tor five years and dependod he saw Anne Laetor’a stricken gaze now. Krnc hia big yeHow lecture car was place o f the conventional tube, has terns on the field. ' new "pesc*." ■ABT--wbna wpg wtap .whae wore efrb . ,?• ^kimtato, Vielin-natwork Blase Broadway acclaimed ' the m a n l WhdB itm thAB half o f Um r a fto We have statesmen to bum, but toward the girl beside him. In a As be stood there, Anne Lester parked, prevented detailed question­ been hailed by police and fire offi­ Pilot J. H. Walker of another on hU eight children tor support, ptoc wibx wnua waag.wnbf wibs wkbn J-99— 5:00—Caricaluraa in Minie, Or. cials, and heads of safety irganlza- GRANDSON BUYS UNCLE ^Andrews Sisters during their Initial the sheriff eaid. . a s to tirad botera of uijr community go So long as Europe continues to wa^ have only one American who flash he realized that the girl who rushed up to him. "How did you whlo wxbl wbrk wnbx ing. American A ir L in e, plah'e, arriving O lA le — wgat wafa wqam wdod kira 7.80- e;3^lnformatlen Plaaaa. Quli Uon# throughout the United States, appearance at the Paramount ^ o r k to the polls to participate In a mu> ring with the making of armnments its origin to an intinlato musical starchy vegetables and frulto or was to have been In the golden spot­ get out of the Bowl ?’’ Talt demand­ ! ?J^How and Than A t any rate, Mr. Goldstein first from Fort Worth. Tex., with 15 could have coined that phrase. And KT' "V®® krid ktrh ktaa os one of the most remarkable co'n- theater, where a one week engage­ play called "By candlelight” fruit juice. Also start the habit of light was this slender, dark creature ed. "Haven’t they got things la waoo konu kdbe wbt wdaa whig wdbl •■S~ 9 :^-N B C ’a Chieago Jambarae turned his bkek on the gospel of passengers aboard, stayed aloft for TRAN8POBTS OFF FOBMORA niclpol alecUoo It can at leant be the peril of wholesale destriirtlnn his name, God bless him. Is Henry in New York . ‘J t i S 'S " ! ® " * Knight, tha Tanor tribuUons to highway safety In re­ IKE’S POST OFHCE ment was extended to two— then Im­ «m M it which was presented in Vienna taking some form of exercise. If you who had ■ risen unsteadily beside, hand in there yet?" . r * .!? Ifkl® wmbr ktiil weoa wdne ,9:4^10145—C®mmant of Jay Pranklln Karl Marx- 2l years ago; and em­ about 10 minutes and then prepared takca for granUd that there la no and death will not come to an end. By Oobrg* Roa« with immense success a couple kwkh know wmmm wjno weha wear cent years. to land in the dark. The lights mediately signed for a future date, Hongkong, Out 4— (AP) —OUe- ip tralr H. Curran. Somebody like him is at have no other form of exercise, at him. ” I haven’t been In the Bowl for wmaa wcoe wrva - widespread dissatisfaction Among going to be the savior of America. least take a dally walk. Another Im­ His camera forgotten, Talt took Uie post five mlnutoe,” Anne said UipW dkT ■r,.»M «tan wibw kfh 11.90-12:^Auaaa tha Arab, Sarlal to toll others o f his conversion and Calena, Mo., Oct. 4— (A F )—Uncle JEME JAMES IS SURE-FIRE ON But the Bbuberto who are the wkbb wtaq wkbh wceo wabt ktcj wnaz o f an Inner tire inside an outer tube, A half dozen other ships to which inal salary. CHiosen to headline toe oneee troop tronsporto, eocortod b f portant rule to, obeerve In prevent- her arm firmly. "You muat get out desperately. "I’ve been searching 11*15“ 1J'1^ganelng Muale Oreheetra to give public addresses on Chris­ Ike's post office, "Shepherd of the tiM people with tha eurrent conduct TROLLEYS GONE? BROADWAY entrepreneurs of "You Never woo whlblb kr'~agio ’kdah ' " wane wmfz 11:3<^15:8(4-Blua Eaitonc Oreh. both being joined at the base. A ir warnings had been sent arrived late, new vaudeville policy, recently destroyers, hod arrived off FonnoM, Inglng future colds la to avoid con­ of here,” he whispered. all over the lobby sad balcony for tian doctrine. Hla first such lec­ Hills," tourist shrine, was sold at inaugurated at toe Brooklyn Strand 0t thslr pnbUe affairs. Which seams Know" on Broadway, have en­ passes from the Inner tire ( which Is Sheriff's auction yesterday but will but without mishap. ostonslbly for on Invasion of south­ stipation. ' She nodded dully, her clenched Myrna. Where Is she? I saw her ture, Mr. Goldstelii recalled, waa built up of fabric piles) to the outer theater, toe staccato rhythm of toe to ha«s bean tha case yesterday. While the .removal of tro.ley serv­ New York, Oct. —There has been larged It to fit on the ample Win­ 10:00—^Tlme to Shim remain a possession of the Morrill ern Cfiiins. They enid also aeeerni I suggest that you clip out this fist pressed against her teeth. Talt go out with you just after—just -Hal Kemp’s

S'!; UANCHfiSTER BVENIN& HERALD. B1ANCHE81ER. CONN.. TUESDAY^ OCTOBER 4 .19$S MANCHESTER X!' E V E N flN ^ I ), MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4,1938 cniamberlaln had instructed the poasiblF of other powers b'Vurope." FACE British and f t e f ^ amhe sea dots at BAIHWIN £A0DS A CR Biugbi Defeinds Government Berlin to see Hitler, and how <|^. Edward Leslie Butgln,'minister of NAMED FMENDLYERA Blarl of Perth, British ambassador to traitiqiort, spoke next In behalf of Chief Foy Warns Rome, had ben told to make an ef­ RESULTING IN ACCORD the government. THU HARTNETT f fort with Premier Mussolini. He said that ■"to have converted- IS ANNOUNCED BespoadUg to FDR Mesa go y , the Immediate risk of armed occu­ A yi^id Word Picture of the Popular o f Brush POLICE COMMISSIONER *7n .tbat way," Daladler dacUreu. AS ATTACKS RENEWED pation into the background of sen­ “we were responding to the aplrlt ot s sible discussion was the first of the NeW Englander ^Who Led Cubs to Pennant^ Great danger exists in town whsr-1 B Y D A L A D e Preaident Roosevelt's second (Oanlliliisg fitim Page One) many miracles which the prim* min­ 1 Although seven days’ ooUacUon of X sage (addressed to Hitler alone) ister ha* performed." ever there are large qlianUUM of leave*, brush and limb wood haa By CHARLES DCNRLRT ^Two, .Charles Leo, Jr.„ known as leaves------and ■ .brush ■ left from the toe week end. She said that told b-Sorrice Mao, bomnieiit (Oeattaned froas Page Oaa.) which so generously contidbutsd. to those of you who would ptjob oh to Debate went forward aimultAne- Chicago, Oct. 4.—(AP)—Getting Buddy, eight, and BhelUa Ann, three. been cleaned Up and work Is being church aocial rooms. AU ladles make a peaceful aolutlon.” \ storm • damsige, esi>dclaliy when conUnued by town and WPA work part of to* New England area suf­ V'-j bring up our defenses to a^ratlafac-*the House of Lords. line on Charles Leo Hartnett, They reside in their own home, Chi­ residents attempt to burn this debris STAFFORD fered far )vora*-toan Dalton. GILEAD Interested are welcome. .The bust on tha issue. The powen would be Chamberlain then proposed that tory point with the least possible Baron Strabolgt, LaboriU, said: proud manager of the conquering cago. He eays the best thing he men. ) nese meeting of the Ladles' Aid h Vetenuis’ Cirdes, the cblefa of tha four powara meet aocumulatlon, (Shlef Albert Foy of "A demonstration of toe speed with Allan L. Carr,, who Is spending * MRS. CHAJILBS FISH requested until Dec.' 18, he said. delay." "We ’ hold India because the peo­ Chicago Cuw and baaebaU Aaro to ever did waa to get married and adds the South Manchester Fire Depart^ SPRINGS vacation of two or three weeks hers, .eoclety...... Vi^ui be heheld------tbe same after­ at Munich, Daladler asdd, and "M. ple there rely on our word. They miUlbna: '' ! he would have t^ n better off had he which toe fir* from toe debris gath­ 86-8, WUllmantlo noon la toe aim* |Iae*. VOTE LOAN OF $100,000 Speaking of the Oarman people. MuatoUnl backed up their request Declaring that ‘1 can lay my hand ment warned today. , ered on toe Jarvis lot yesterday JOHN C. NBTTO from bis work at to* State hospital, Nmed b SekcfaiNi^ Premier Daladlar said: ‘"With them bdleve w* stand by our friends. Th* big, red-faced, laughing "Gab­ been married years sooner. > . . Middletown, has moved from ^ u l Mrs. John Edwards had chargb with force and succeaa.” on no man" who could have donef by" Hartnett la th* work hone of I “When you aft a ball player who has AU leave* and brush and other travels .was givu to* Herald thu 472, Stafford we hope to .be able to establish dur> 'The premier continued: what CbamberlAln did when be went What are w* going to say to them debris from tbe storm Is being Potocek's cottage on Godfrey HUl, Th# celebration of to* Centennial of the setback (iard party at toe Tol­ able peace." i. now? Is bur prestige as high as It baseball and without a doubt Its settled doW and saves hla money mcmilng by Chief Foy, showing land Grange last Friday night. ODowd Kephces Bowers. "I accepted that Invitation and 1 to Germany, Baldwin praised hla most popular figure . . . he has had you will fea a good ball player,” he burned under careful supervision in clearly to* great danger that exists and Is iKcupylng rooms at MIm C. of to* Gilead Congregational church 'Before reading bis declaration, have nothing“ ilni to regret. 1 would have succeaaor for refusing to bring the was a fortnight ago in India, or the open JarvU lot off Walker in settled areas if any quantity of The Republicans retained political E. Kellogg's place. He will spend will be held Sunday, October 80, In- Tbe regular meeting rt ToUand Rai Daladler declared to close cbliabor- anywherd else?” a remarkabl* carter of 17 year* with opines. / "When they bitnv their t preferred that all Interested power* horror* of war upon Rngland’s. wo­ dougjr they begin to worn and It street dally, C3ilef Foy suted, and brush and leaves art burned by reil- control of Stafford In toe annual toe week ends here when possible. etead of October 9, to* daU aet be­ Grange will be held this evening at Bupre ators in the chamber that '-'Fraihc* "Jew* In Vienna are being made the Cubs, working at the hardest strict oMers have been given to toe Community Houa* when toe first services, Burial was la Grove T t » til^ctinwi •lacted at th* town were present (Cse£bosh>vakfa, land men and*'children when the oourtry Job on the team— '1K8, Charles Dlmmlck, whtatlea and the chuffing of freights "Perhaps, for the first time In the the House of O>mmons in that tact tvith the dictators. Federal Agency. electM: Assessor for tofee yean IlO*®: Agent of toe Town Ue- at 2 o clock. Mrs, May Cummlnge dsy afternoon at th* home of Mrs. Me* and th* Mreetinim'* todgri fOT ^ offlelata. Burial wlU fit In SL J Menu ifw lam AUan. acUva in ax-servlee with the exception of (Communists In MUIvUIa, Maos., and working In a sports writer hung the name' at night recall old days when Ams- 1* the aaaistant hostess. John H. Steele. Reporhr of toe ; indict! history dr the world, everything was black hour before Hitler's message *Tt troiibled me long before I waa steel miU at Woreestar, 26 mUes "Gabby” on him. . . . He has served Lester J. Hutchins, r.. Board of Re^ POsIt Fund, Harold L. Andrews, Ro- ton waa the scene of railway ac­ __i ^ t wy m , ' Could — not b*ww aetaS %bh, a.,d., QrE&oGrand I 1142, Stephen ™Mlehalec 1181, Albert Flrat Selectman Edmund H. Hor­ treasurer for toe Methodist Branch, ise to* eeleotman and tha town Sabra TrumbuU Chapter. D. A. f t pekl f David Chambera; Sacretaiy, Joseph on an -equal footing with him," way aa a man with absolute power. I * for them alnCe 1022. His life time vention. Juror* In to* order of toelr major- 20W 1186. Democratic constables, Britain spent to* week-end at the Mr*. L. Erneat Hall. haa anaounoed toat & atrts pwaRr ’’ Mcaui ssatsd Its slsctlvs and appointive lyindon with Foreign Minister Daladler said. The opposition attack waa re­ . . . game of ball every day. Manage batting avaragb is a altver below The Brotherhood of Operative ton says that h* balteves an esti­ horn* of her cousin. Miss Beatrice treasurer to borrow aa additional O. Paro. /- Georges Bonnet, Daladler told how jUes, Marlon C. Hutchins, r„ F. Arthur H. Adams 1082, George mate Of 58,000 loss from to* recent Th* annual meeting rt to* Union 5100,000 fOr tola purpOSs whtrii sum lag Ochadulad for waffMSflvrt .ibents, offlcen* In the Masonic Tsmple last "Germany’s esteem for France, newed by Clement R. Attlee, lead­ Risk Must Ba Taken | successfully a big league team. To .800. . . . His best year in averages Potters submlttsd toe resolution r*omr. Mertdaa wUl b* hold as plaafiddjrttll ' Highway Committee, Chairman Prime Minister Chamberlain ac- er of tbs Labor opposition, with a •That is a risk that must be catch more games than any othar Stamey Andrewa, r., Chauneey M. I ' 1038, Joseph Klecak 1023, tornado would be too emaU for the Misalonary society of the church was voted with but llttla dlacuaalon. lags. Ohambars, Para. Wood. evening. Th* work of bistslling tbe which I felt upon my arrival In waa In 1035 when he hit .334. censuring toe R FC * loan poUcles. Squire, r., Joseph N. aarke, d., Ma- Q«orre Pander* 1020. Registrar of n ' **'r,*9*2’ ’Twining, was held toe same afternoon at toe to* morning a*aaion opeoBar r t ' Ji Will qiialnted them with tbe findings of private notice of an "urgent" ques­ taken unless you are wUllng to | catcher. Win a The laughing boy — Hartnett — It proposed that toe Federatlra's of­ town of Hebron. A survey by to* Md WMlwe Post of Bast Hartford! Th* •electitoea and town tnasur* aleven o'clock.___ A driegattSk ■ Charity, Chalrmaa Chambera, Lu- new officers was In ebatgs of State Viscount Runciman. ilnofriclal Brlt- Munich, was baaed on the fact that tion to the prime minister. *>n A. Nuhfer, d., Marriiall r . Voters, let Dlst., Raymond Kueni, Tolland County Farm Bureau esti­ same place. Th* officer* elected er were autoorteed to borrow toe ' oused they knew France waa ready to ostracise them completely, )vlth re-1 ptnnant and then to lead a team to who quit a Steel plant because hla ficers either demand removal of toe Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris of Man- were: President, Mrs. Edith Gun­ planning to attend from B u ea gued, ptaa. Read. Maatar Ckxinclllor Howard Randall lih mediator In tha Oerman- Attlee demanded that debate not suits that may ba formidable for the ' a world's chanmlonshlp. ears were frozen, has been an Im­ RFC officials or seek “legislation . Vu **•' Constables in to* orisr I R*P-. 1186, Stanley Dj^erskl, Dem. mate* to* loss to farmers alone aa tosater were Sunday callera at toa customary 5140,000 fOr eurrent *x- TrumbuU cl Public lafaty. Chairman Cham- (^eehoslovak dispute. fight to prevent damage to her viui be shut off before th* "back bench of toelr maJorlUex Oiarlee German, lOl®: Diet.. Joel H. Reed 2nd., ther; Wee president, Mlsa Miriam panae*. — chapter r t tola aUg. r t to* of Norwich and other state officers. whole world. Hla FamUy u fe mense success and has made himself which wto pl^ent chiseling exploit^ 580.000. Even tola may not be 2*®®f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish. Boot Cteplir It MtUk *' were I ham. Martin, OCnvarsa. Including C. Irving Davis, Robert "Need I tell you with that amo­ Interests. | er*"—th* rank and file of the House FamUy: In 1B29 h* married Mar­ era of labor” from obtaining loans B r., Newton R«P-. HT8, William L. Taylor. Dem., largo enough, and then were many Mis* Florence Jones spent toe Underwodd; secretary and treasurer, Th* sum r t 5300 was appropriated Jotait School Board, Chairman "War la different today from one of the most admirable public ■ ■ ■ ng To Mr*. Edith Slmpaon; chalrmah rt Hope <%utar, O. B. 8., wtS hort.^ main c TsagsL Burton Smith and Howard tion we learned that the Ehigllah I —bad an opportimlty to speak. He what It was up to the last three or tha Henrietta Marshall. Children: characters of hla time. of federal funds. Chairman of toe B. s ^ to , r , Louis SoraCchl, d., 2084. Out of approximately 8,000 loaees other than to farmers. Roads **®"«»y »2 to* home for toe obiervaaoe r t Memoiul Day a rneetiag tola eveolnf la MaaaS*! Chambera, Reed, Converaa. observer. In nls soul and conscianca, MIGHT PARADED I also urged that questions concern­ » ip h H. Buell, d.. Raymond E. fsflstered votera only 2200 cast of Mrs. William Johnson in Colum- work, Mrs. Gertrude Miller; com­ *s ^ been the eustoitt fOr Water, Chairman Chambera. Paro, Sehralber. four years. No prime minister RFC la Jesse Jones, on* of Hous­ war* washed out and torn up, the mittee for placing work, Mrs. John baU- ^UOwtag toabuaiMas s*s> concluded It was Imposalble to make Strasbourg, Oct. 4.—(AP) — ing Britain’s guarantee of Czecho­ ton’s leading buslneasmoi. uarke, d., Registrar of , Votera, | their ballot. Last year toe RepubU repair of which )Wi]l be expensive Dia. yoara peat.past. h, Weed. Thoa* who will aerve th* chapter ought to commit his country to war H. Steele and Mrs. Edith Simpson. TheI supervisory oommltt** rt ■Ion thera wtll be a aoolal vrito Uis- during the term are: Master coun­ Czechoslovaks and Sudeten Oer- Franca psiraded her military might slovakia'* new frontiers and a Brit­ unless ne Is convinced that that The potters complained that loans ^ ra o e E. UtUe, r., and Charies w! I can* oani^ toe town b^a ^ rm ity and private property was badly w i'i'; WUltam Bralnard of LlUlan Sharp* la charge. RAH. RaaraaUon, Chairman Oiambara, mana Uva together any longer when ish loan to Prague should be Hartford. Mrs. Jules Rsbllllard and It was voted to hold meetings toe G roveHIU____ oamriery, Inoludt^ Col- cillor, Kenneth Morrison; aenlor on the German border today abortly country is ready. PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS’ were made to empl03rera who re- Ua2?V* Bdueauon, Wll- of is vote*, after being In control damaged in many eases. It will be first Thursday of each month. Raisd. Luptan. all our efforts had consisted In mak­ threshed out thoroughly, •2a® H- Wolff, on both tl^ ets by to* Demqcrats for seven years. Doris and Shirley, Of New onel FranelsFrtael* T. Maxwall. F. W. Auditing, Martin. Pero, Reed. councilor, Harold Lindsay; Junior before Premier EMouard Daladler, "I have no desire today to dwell ABOUT TOWN f u ^ "toelr worken to* right of impossible perhaps ever to know toe Bradlay and Oeorga Arnold wa* ra­ councillor, John Smytbe; senior dea­ ing Czechoslovakia turn toward the addreteing the (Chamber of Depu­ Tbe debate was expected to con­ oOUeetlve bargaining and refuse m At to* business—- — mseUng — v«uvueaUed Bi|at The annuual town meeting ached'^ exact loss sustained. BriUln, were Sunday visttors at tha Oark. Board of Balaetman, O. H. tinue through a third day. It on the past. I want to speak of the appoianted.___ con, Horace Bissell; Junior deacon, federalism which would have aMtir- ties In Paris, predicted an era ot pre.ient and a little of the future. Troop 4, Girl Scouu will hold Its GREATEST NEED REUGIOIT pay toelr workers toe mlnimnw^ A.I1I—8y Town a e rk uled iwfor yesieraByyesterday ai[ernoon,«wasaftemoon^^aa Porter**^ Mf- an<2 Mr*. Wlntorop TWOSOFSINTRMIU Waddell; Agent, Town Deposit ed the Integrity of Its territory?" opened yesterday with a bitter at­ The eeleetmen and toa treeaurer Fund, Old Age Aaalstance Tax Col­ Harold Symington. good relations with Nazi Germany. If I look at the past I know we meeting'tomorrow at 0:80 p. m. wages which prevail In such Indus­ MUDert CoUina with, cnsyton Hunt adjourned unUI Friday night, Oct. were autoorlaed to negotiate and Wa* he asked. tack on the four-power Munich ac­ try.” as moderator, every issue In toe 14to at 7:30 o’clock, Mrs. Pearl Young and eon, Peter, WAPPING isilroa lector, Samuel Nelson, Jr.; Special Treasurer, James Baker; scribe Gen. Maurice .Gustave Gamelin, cord for Czechoslovakia's dismem- have all made'mlatidces. We have (Oontlnned from Page Ono.) have return^ to toplr home in Nevtl execuUva notaa or renewal* of notes Constable Municipal Building, William Canade; marshal, George Declaring that It then became chief of the general staff, reviewed The Ladles Aid society of th* Zion Informed officiaU said tha reso­ w arnl^ dlspoeed of with very MRS. W. W. GRANT mNEWEHIlANDGAIl for a necesaary to face "realtUea," Dala- ment by Alfred Duff Cooper, who all gone nrrong at;on* time or an­ lution waa aimed at toe in­ little trouble. TALCOTTVILLE •‘J* ’’ ■Pon'IIng toe aum- In whole or in part for the so-caUad Oaorga Apel. Converse; chaplain, Gordon Mc­ 36;000 men here on an Inspection other. Lutheran church will meet tomor­ Daughters, at the Aetna Ufe Insur­ JOHN LOTAS mer at ^ home of Mra. YOung’a 8800, Manchester "Bridge Appropriation," thaaa notaa tended dler said: resigned as flrat lord of the admir­ row evening at 7:30 o'clock. dustry. . Flrat waa to* elecUoa of regular toelr ) Grand Jurors, Joel Nichols, John Bride; orator, Walter Joyner; eenlor tour of the border, Including Magl- alty because the Munich term* "There la one observation at thia ance company auditorium this af­ Manebeater 5Sii ***I?"2*’ i?*"' •’*‘2 Mrs. Asa W. Ellis. or renewab not to mooed 510,000. NarfoUt Va., O ct 4 ^ (A B ) — Janaen, Ronald Ferguson, Frank V. eteward, Wesley McMullen; Junlon "We foiind ourselves faced with not fortification troops, reservists Te Oppose Smith OonfirnmUoii.___ officer* which waa carried on Two vessels wera roporUd la dUD* rt 1931 "stuck-In my throat,” and (Chamber­ moment on the Ups of msmy people ternoon. HEBRON Mra. Jphn W. Carter, mother of Tbe sum r t 52,800 wa* appropriat­ . J . E Williams, Aldo Paganl. Harold steward, (Gordon Vennard; standard the following alternatives: muatared during the recent crisis —‘you have got to fight aome day; General Welfare Center No. 41 Another reaoluUon, it was report-1 ®*®®*“2 ‘w e Miwed at to* regular meeting of the ed as to* town's share necessary to culty today as a result r t tod heavy "Either to say no to Sudeten de­ lain's spirited defense. ^ will bold Its regular business seaslcm The meeting was part of the MISS 8. B. PENDLETON The electric Ugbt men are rapid' Rev. David Carter ot Falrhaven. toe A Maher. bearer, James King; almoner. Er­ and apeclal detachments of Moroc­ Debate ikid TonMirowT fight now.' (Jatecbetieal Congress. ed. asked to* convenUon to I n s i ^ *®*™ Hebron Grange at toe GUead <3om- secure an aUotment rt 510,000 from gala off toa Now England coast Mechanic on voting machlnaa. mands and thereby ptish the (Czech­ tomorrow evening, at the East Side _ ...— . . — — . I which appeared In to* »wnn«) town U04-8, WUUmantio ly .reatringing th* wires through Mas*., and a former mlntiUr rt toe roods, nest Smiths sentinel, Earl Kennedy; can cavalry. The government expects to end War Never Inevitable "We are the torch bearera and Federation offtom to oppoa* Senate m i^ty hall, tola evening at 8 toe htgh)*ay commissioner to be Th* Steamer Charles j7 Kaam- fact-ft ChariSB X. Jacobson; aaalstsmt me­ preceptors, Hayden Griswold, Mil­ oslovak government Into ah unyield­ the debate tomorrow When It will Recreation on School street, prompt­ conflrmaOoo of Donald Wakefield rt|tort recently published. AU re- toe . vlUaga and tt ls, expected that o clock. A fine program has been Wapplng (tomrounity church, was used for roads or bridges, known aa maim,--— V discovered Bw la v*aeaasi»%ia%j dlfflmilty io chanic on voting machines, Ralph ing position and the German gov­ "No greater fallacy was ever ut­ ly at 8 o'clock. As late important upon us devolve* a grave responsl- advan ton Stratton. John Spencer, Walter present a motion approving th* blUty," said Miss Duffy. SnUto’a reappointment to to* Na- John N. Hewitt, who went south tomorrow night at toa latest we wiU a guest of bar eon in Fetr^vaa dur­ State Aid prajeote." mllee off Nantucket lightship, w . works P. NortciL ernment to, thus provok- tered. War la never Inevitable In report* froin Waablngton must be tkmal Labor Italatlons Board. ■Kpacting to spend toe winter, taken la tow by the M erritt Gifford, Clifford Sault, Howard Mur- prime mlnlster'a action* In Europe's the distance." .^"Tbe (Convert League of tbe Cath­ have electricity. The Talcott Bro* ing toa recent hurricane end fears Superintendent rt S«hoola PhlUp tola V Eaat Oametaiy committea, Harold phy, and Raymond Batsman. Ing armed conflict which would re. raeeat war scar*. acted on, the officers urgently re- Inohision of toe resolution against ------r I rwchlng Sarasota. Florid*, only a mlU reaum^ operatloiyi Monday at TO# Baatara States annual mam- M. Howe waa tbe chairman of tha maa.aad Soott wrecktag bw lBam <1 Alvord, J6hn Jennay, Lawrence suit in the rapid destruction of Asserting that thera alwayajqueat that all members will be olic Daughters of .America la not Smith appeared to confirm advance I berahl^ nye^g^ which was to have for her eafety were expressed. Sha 51.337 Jolohn Rangston, the retiring head SOUTH The Labor opposltton at a meet­ voting to accept I few days before the hurricane ter being Jdl* nearly two weeka. meeting. ^ lute and eomawherq off to* aoaat TbU Czcchoalovakts. or to try to find a would be fearful casualUe* in war, presant. In addition to business the spiritual fortress which Includes Indications that toe whole question kj*" kfJfi al'toia CoBgre^tlo^ haa returned to her home In East , toe yacht Seven ISeaa, 1* bottltiMr officer was presented, with a past ing today decided to introduce "* only the 004 units which have scal­ They, however, received toelr power Hartford uninjured. Oliver Garter, tsata ostoea BaA^ on av« East Omatsry auperlntandant master councillor’s Jewel by William compromise. reasoned amendment" to tin gov­ Baldwin asked: routine, there will be a luncheon. ^ to* Labor Board’s administration gave such a highly colored report from i different main line. toui^to Bart Kartfoi^Thurad^ Joaeph A. deooaantl, saannger, f the heavy weather. ^ and Saxton, AlessMer tiuncan. COVENTRY “What right has any man to con­ Visttors cordially walcomed. ed the height* of convert-making; it of toe Wagner Labor R*UUona~Act The fourth its ^ hexra)^ that brother of Rev. David Carter has m the iBad) Walsh. Sherwood Brown re­ "If the first hypothesis were ernment’s motion. ^ of to* ravages of wind and flood in Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Monsghan haa announead that to* Oonnael^t The Seven Seas radioed local month: Horthwast Cemetery cominltte*, verified, who ooiild hold that (Czech­ demn to that terrible death hosts of Is rather the radiation and scintil­ would b* toa principal issue at toe ^ which wUl ba annduneed. • also returned from a trip torouxb ceived a Jewel for his efficient work The newly elerted officers of th* It will advocate a return to col • «I««*tlcn to tot fund New England that be would not moved hack Into toelr home after toe Barkshlfe*. k State employment sendee wtU open Coast Guard hsadquartera eariy to- 51.781. Robert J . Smith. Thomas Ferguson. oslovakia's territorial Integrity clvillana unless he knows that all Gibbons Assambly, Catholic La­ lation of Catholicity as exemplified Federation meetlngg. M toa Windham Community Memo­ U ^ *2 **” • •2®**® 2.- Why ®I Weat an Itinerant station tn toa CouncU deyshat her 14 foot motorboat had as ocribe last term. The Jewels auxiliary unit of Earle W. Green lecttve security through the League have been surprised to find all. hla living )Vlto Mr. and Mre. F. Petig. Miss Hsrrtett Sharp and brother Forrest Buckland. would have been maintained after that can be done has been done." dles of Columbus, \ml bold Its reg­ by our personnel to those who A. F. of L. officers tn official re­ rial hospital, caused a alight dlscua- Hebron and other property In ruins Damage don* to toelr house by the Hartfort Waited at toa WeUaoway rooms of to* Memorial buUdlng on a been carried away by to* storm and Northwest Ce'metery superintend- were the gift of the chapter. of Nations and an immediate "sum­ ular meeting at 8 o'clock Friday )vstch and wait lalthout" ports and pre-convention activities farm, Saturday. Ernest Sharp of Mirstlc, were guests a terrible war of coalition, even a Poet, American Legion, of Coventry moning of a world conference to Baldwin concluded hla address by rion mUl It waa made clear that beyond rapalr. He made haste home flood water heceaattated toelr mov full time basis for toe dissemination 1 w—wi>cu arned_^^lt » mmight prCe* a men* ^M^and sexton, Roy Nash. After the installation dancing was evening, October 7, at tbs K. of C. placed heavy emphasis on toe Fed­ ^ a donation was to be asked In­ ®‘*2ney HaU and son, at toe home of toelr brother and enjoyed in the banquet hall. victorious war. and Mafisfield are as follows: Presi­ consider removal of the eeonondc saying: Nuns Bing Oontata but )vss relieved to find that per- ing. family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. rt information to sufferen from to* ^®« t® navigation. The Seven Seas __JEaXLXemetsry committea, Louis "Tbe children of men of all na­ home.^ Immediate^ following the eration's vlaw that Congieaa should stead of to* yearly drive made by Choroh New* David, of Stom , spent Sunday at recent double disaster. U m office i dld-“"‘ ------* "— positkm and tha' C Bidiea, Albert Sedlacek, O. H. Peace Choice Brought Plan dent EMna Lewis; first vice presi­ and political grievances which Im­ business meeting, elephant bingo A choir of more than a thousand rsvls* to* act and curb some of toe ■onaUy he had suffered UtUe dam- Sharp of Foster street last Sunday "We chose peace. Tbe French- peril peace.” tions have their part to play now in nuns in tbe garb of their orders surrounding co m -,.,*. His «.orouHebron placepuu* was pracorac- The rededleatlon of toe church R ato 'b T hours are from 5 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Coast Guard waa attampUtv to Waddell. \ dent Lura Green, (Coventry; second )vill be played by the members, and powers now delegated to toe board Mias Elisabeth Pteroe who U In communicate with to* vessel British plan (rf London (for parti­ In response to Attlee’s question these fleeting hours that are before filled the nave of S t Joseph's ca­ bell which waa to have taken place training at toa Hartford hospital dally and 0 a. m. to IS nooa on Sat­ West Oi^etery superintendent vice president, Vera Whitcomb, (Cov­ refreshments will be served by Mra. to deal with labor disputes. ' I 6M as"!!!* toirS7 ^ h ^ “ “” untouched, and hU c o tU ^ Sunday was postponed. Either tot* urday. This offloa will servo toe and sexton, Thoniu F. Healy. tion of (Czechoslovakia) came from (Chamberlain told the House, "1 us. They have their part to play, thedral thia morning to sing the WUUam Green, A. F. of L. p voted at Giant's Neck and Point O’Wood* ■pent toe day at to* home r t her entry; historian, Helen MacFarland; hope that tbe debate'might close and may ruler* of all nations be William Buckley ai\d her commit­ coming Sunday or toe next the re- resIdiMits rt Verooa, Tolland, South Vole Police Commissioner. S years. Wil­ thlc choice, but at the same time tee. Missa Cantata which opened the dent.. eaUed _---- to*— ------Boaird------"an _Uyall of fur- **:»P*<2 with minor damagraT He mother, Mrs. Marlon F. Pierce, and rta Quotations- we submitted these unhappy propo­ sergcant-at-arms, Evelyn Duktig; tomorrow." guided vrith understanding and with closing day of the Congress here. to* C. I. O.” yesterday In hla key- substituted calling I has been to toa shore places to see dedication aarvicas wUl ba held. attended church services at to* Windsor and Ellington, sad all par­ (AP)- liam Allen, W. P. Qulsh. J , H. Joho- The flrat meeting rt toa Junior sons InUrsatad la securing assist-1| Mfwrvta ■> a ev ------■ aton. sitions to (Czechoslovakia we carried members of executive committee, The pcim* minister cam* to th* knowledge.” Tbs mass was celebrated by the not* spsech to toe convention. pended to read to rashlngllng etc. His family say TOLLAND Wapplng church Sunday. nationi House after a qpnferance with Hla speech waa dollvered from Ever Ready circle of King’s Endeavor Boclaty was bald Sunday MRS. JOHN H. STEELE Mrs. Henry Knapp ' for to noln, Library Directors, 3 years, Kmtly to her engagements taken by Brit­ Ethel Neleon, Andover; Alma Bar- Daughter* will bold a rummage sale R t Rev. Msgr. WUUam H. Flynn of * ’*^>2 «® •®uth tatsr. Martoi afternoon. At tola meeting plana Is the guest of conUctano* rehabuiutlon toe representattvas ara Mkad andli I STOP — -V * ----- « HAY « » T FEVFR E i T U i 0. Cheney. C. B. Loomis, Mrs. C. R> We prefer to be feared rather ain to Join us In an International Earaon De Valera, prime minister th* government aide of tbe House St. Patrick’s church. ItemwgMded th* town's Griffin, who had planned to attend 830-4, RoekvUl* her daughter— ------an(l-on-ln-Iaw, eon-in-law, Mr strike rows, Mansfield; and Gladys Dun- In ringing tones—very unusual In Friday from 0:80 a. m. at tbe for toe aeaaon were made. Mr* and Mr*. Byron E. West. they will be oontaotad wUh to* prop­ to woi Burr, W. W. Woodruff, Lillian Bow­ U}s.n loved, and we care not if we guarantee, for we had persuaded of Ireland and newly elected prasl' Paganl etore. Depot Square.. Mem­ After two days of discussing th* ers. Rdith Strickland. stan, Mansfield. Joint Installation of dent of the l^ g u * Assembly. debates In th* House of Lords. JUNK OtOSSES PACIFIC Strabsnson was In charge. Mlsa Evelyn Zltkus, sister of Mrs. er ilgeney for tkelr partteular aae& hour V arc pMcil because w* have nolhtng the British government to bring th* officers will take plase on October bers and friends are requested to need for tbe mobilization of Catho­ 'ThJ* r Christian ^ — — Endeavor - Society district school of Tolland The Amerleaa Red Crbas wlU also war m Official Stenographer, Raymond but contempt for those who hat* ua help of Its. power and prestige to QueatlooM On Propaganda Lloyd George Expected to Speak lic anergles, tbe convention yester­ rombUedJn a harvest fesUval and Frank Ktipehunos and John J. Lu- W. Smith. 17. David Lloyd George, tbe wartime leave their contributions at tbe store held Its meeting Sunday evening cat of Willimantlc, son of Mr. and hav* a rnrsasauuva. WUUam The —Benito Muaeoltnl. maintenance of peaceful order In Replying to a question on Ger­ Thursday afteraoon from 2 to 6 day began to show how tbe Catholic with Robert Sherman In charga. Th* afternoon at to* Hyds, at toa Common OouacU “A-Z” refusal Sealsr of Weights and Mra. replacing Stafford Sunday. stunts, dance* and piano selscUons sage bouquet of roaee. The nuild Boxing Commissioner fS years), R-.... A i„i,Li r- .... At Ah*'same time, he said. Hitler Britain and Franc*. The place will be announced later, Kaakss. Hartford's Metropolitan of honor carried pink roses. A 'niompaonvUl*. pled guUty to Brar Admlr^ Eroor> S. Ijxnd. forinulated new demands which daughters of Swampscott, Mass., Herbert Morrison, Laborite, re­ and It is hoped all members of both of "bobbing around Ilk* a cork," toe the high Wrier ^ k . TO* 'i®', town h ii beeS John Monaghan. Jr., and Miss Ann w*ra among to* many features. chkrtee of driving aa automobile Walter Vennart, Thomas Kelly. J Th« _ _ , ! could be "considered as an operation have been spending a few days with opened the debate proper with an* , Daladler assured (Jhamberlain that Opera contralto, will sing. S7-yaarH>ld osteopath who turned nance- pertains to toa Joractim e S o S i«#l f *“ “gni u o P®‘^®r] before Prisse were awarded In to* differ­ reception followed at tha bom* rt E. Dwyer. waa "not organizations adll bear the sale in Th* Most Rev. John Glennon, 8. There are Fledls r t New Britato were guesU Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kupchunoa for without a Ueanse and drivlu while 1. lowW ? ‘he characterletlcs and con- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hull. aiMrtlon that the 'W em m ent baa Anglo-French cooperaUon nUiid. . ■aa oaptaln recaUed experlenoes of bulldln^Tf^Sinrt^l “*• ®' rt Mr. and Mrs. John , Monaghan, ent clasaes of the fair exhibit. under toe Influence of liquor la to* Building Inspector. E. C. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wilson and conaUtenUy coId-5iould*r*d the «cTu*lv# of any otherothar understand­ui T, D.; archbishop of St. Louis, will his voyage from toe Orient to •ufi aim boards. In"o*dsr*t»^Mrtl J*-***^ a number of places where Tolland Wllage i* still a busy the Immediate families numbering the Income of the middle class. «cep . for Sr., over toe week-end. about 35 guest*. The bride ra- city court of RockviU* on Monday. Remembo'die Jr. , resort to arm*.". \ daughter Jean, spent the week-end League of Nations and■ ateadlly ing." Observers saw in this a hint be the celebrant and the Moat Rev.' Southern California—much of It such ■ buUdlng a hearing muribe I toelr branehee so Mr. and Mrs. Anthony VUl* rt jUacA Masons are In eWdenee re­ Park Comml.eslonfr (.■) years), that France aa well as Britain coild John B. Peterson, D. O., Ph. D., of matted with the wire* that toe men celved many beautiful and useful He )*u fined 58 and costs rt 517.18 —miUam Allen White. Division Among People with Mrs. Wilson's mother, Mrs. turned Its back on collective securi­ DD YOU KNOW T H A T - ■pent bqttUng whales and fog. held upon toa order of toe select- Stafford were guests of Mr. and placing new chimneys tora off by on th* first ^ 5100 on' toe Thomas D. Trotter, Thomas Rogers. j Julia Potter. ty and collective organisation of make Independent settlements with Manchester, N. H., will preach the In fart he aald, Ilka a this native IB6B. first sent.out were unable to extri­ Mra. Mario De Pellegrini Sunday. faUlng Umbs, trucks loading and presents. The bride’s associates at T-m foil.___ _ L Dalsdlcr then publicly ackriowl- the dictators. sermon. The choirs of St. Thomss’ cate them, and extra help win have toe Underwood company of Hart­ second count" I John____ B._____ Flak BiSSIRIld . Mary Chapman. W W. Robertson. now to mTke th^ ranch CO I edged a dlylalon among French peO- Mr. at)d Mr*. Fred Boynton of peace." Among the features at England's eon, be was off toe coast of CktUfor- ®rfilnanc* doee not effect any and Mra. L. A. Post and earning away heavy loga from elm. Mrs. C. R. Burr. tt. ‘fie Ro. : p,* ju^lng the crlsle. It waa (Jbamberlain’s Joint state- Seminary and St. Joseph's cathedral to be sent maple and pine trees. Several or ford showered her with beautiful Bradford visited Miss R. Estella "I honestly believe," be new "flying batUeahlp” la a ravolv- nia before ha struck resUly go<^ property owners daughter Betty, of MtrideA, .Waited gifts. Custodian of Soldiers' Graves Wood and the Misses Hattie and mant svlth Adolf Hitler of SepL SO ing gun turet which guards the wUI sing. weather. The sound of carpentering, shin­ Mr. and Mria. romar Rlvenhurff Sun* toe ben bouses, barns end garages [•S^M ^^r'^rt. JdImerJbe/£ak/-M. a^SM^SSSe f foTso^Tera ■ anguishing day.", "th at in these negotiations with that led to this exchange of mes­ ‘The greatest menace to . the mund toe lake who wlah to alter The couple left on an unannounc­ •treat was sentenced to OO 'day* in — John Buchanan. Alice Coombs during tbe week-end. Herr Hitler the prim* minister baa tall. ThU ship Is capabi* of 8000- Dr. Pateraen. with bla bride. Ten*. their property or buUdlngs tor their gling, etc., continues to be . heard dav^^ era demolished or in need of repair. Tolland JaU on eharg*s r t Intoxica­ Tree Warden, Horace F. Murphey on'^Nevad. Pastor Emeritus (Charles G. John­ sages. church today la not the opp ,, Mlfomla-born Japanese, oonsum- CarpenUn are busy making neces­ ed wedding trip and will be at toelr been frightaned out of his Ufa. Wenzel Jakzch. leader of German mlla flights wfth a full load ot TTie Friendly Circle club will hold home after October 18to at 52 WU tion and being a common dnmkard. Town (3oiiiusel, William S Hvde. Tf f),* ..A. fk.oo,. « .. ‘oulid In everv political party. In son of Manchester attended churen "The government baa encouraged bombs and guns. or the antagonism of those who I mated a' long ambtUon when be toorislng to* selectmen to ^ n M t a mjattof thia avanlnf at^tha homa sary repairs. There aeems to be H* pled guilty to both counts. Supt. of Roads and Bridges, J If the war threats continue ththe ^ .^ ^ y of political thought and service here Sunday, at the Congre­ SociaJ Democrats (antl-Naals) In tack it from the outside; It la . brought toe 88-foot Junk Hummel- plenty of .work for all. 'the roads llama street, Hartford. price of sugar v.iri go .sky high. rather than discouraged aggression CzecbolBOvakla, arrived In' London Value of aeronautics products *x- laxity and indlffarence of so this ordinance, which ' was e a n l^ * **®“^ *‘*“*'2 rt M ls^ Velma and Eleanor Webh. Robert Felt, son of Mr. and Mrs. L eg ta Fleetlag. ■ Frank Bowen. ' they fought for the •conscience of gational church, as ^Id Mr, and It'either sympathized with the dic­ otted from the United SUtsa from Hummel Into San Pedro yaetarday imanlmously. I now, however, to walk around MIm Faith BUnn and Lorrrtne are out rt commission In all parts SUnley Doboss Post r t to* I Board of Relief lit yearsi. E. T. —Senator .Marao Merradn of Puerto each Frenchman. Mrs. John R. Allen, also of Manches­ to discuss with Labor naembers of of Its own members," be said. with two Ruoalan youths, Nick Per- hoar rt to* towh and aome sUte roads William Felt, returned to his horn* Rico, putting hU finger on the tators or feared the dictators, Parialmant arrangements for help­ Jan. 1 to Aug. 31, 1887, waa 524,- Warns Against Ancient Foes The seventh clause was to 722I*ge streets and sea toe fine Anderson wlU be In charge of toe last Friday afteraoon from toe American Legion win bold a meet­ McKinney, Gu.etavc Sr'hreiher. John "Some-put'their hofce tn ,)iegotia- ter. whose psychology It could not un­ ®anoff and Victor Ermeloff, aa art OB the re ® ^ r t to ^ M ^ ‘•‘“ t. their mraUng. Miss Margaret Well* and are In dangerous condlUon with toe ing tbls evening In to* G. A. .R. slgnlfleanre of the European slf- ing German Social Damocrats who 269,243, which la 78 per cent better The Rev. Leo R. Smith of Buffalo, waahouU and landslides. AU avail­ Manchester Memorial hospital. 1. OLaon. tloniiOtbcn In unyielding firmness. Mrs. Earle W. Rose and infant son derstand." than'during th* eimllar period tn raittee on remodeling the town haii 1withering, and toatr great Velma Webb w in act as hostesses h ^ . At tola time plana will bei iiiitlon. _____ ’■A* for me, chief of the gbvern- have returned home from the Wind, are Itavlng their homes In Sudeten-, N. Y„ epeaking at aa afternoon ■*•• able men are working hours over (jld Age Assi.stiince'Ta.a Enumer- Referring to Soviet' Russia, Mor­ land zones Germany la occupying. 1086. .. slon yesterday warned the church but R a y a ^ I ^ m i. e p e S S g ^ “ •* discussed for to* Joint tnstallaUon stors; Lester McIntosh. Sedrick J. wo ,ui-.f _ T T 'k 'ment, I recognized from the first ham (Community Memorial hospital. rison said Great Drltaln "bad adopt­ 2>rt«lf Of tola eommlttosasSL^ supply rt fir* wood time. - Electricity or telephone BEGIN, AFPLB BUTtNO Which U to be held with to* Aux- All'll * 'minute the Infallible Instinct of the - Nineteen children -of pre-school Most of tbe younger pilots of air­ not to forget Its ancient enemies, ■erWee has not been restored In Straughan Arthur Keating. Thomas ed an atUtude Ui her foreign policy lines are' members of th* Reserve "tbe world the flesh and th*. devil." rt that no Invaetlo^M b5*^S^ ^ 2ooks WATCH FOR REACTION 1221^ Wednaalay evening. Octo- McCann', ■ Clarence Turkir.gton. Ed­ h. ' If "''****‘“* I French people In both movements.- age Were present at the well-child of discrimination against an ex­ USE TRICKY TACTICS Aurch aervlces Sunday ware held town since toe storm. Poles are hei^lf and the other wives { -i; felt the tnith was In th* blend- Officers Corps of the U. 8. Army, About It* concern with tbe newer made owing to toe" recent eontro- 23hurch aervlces Sundav i tora, down or twisted and lines are Meriden. Oct. 4—(AP)—The Fed­ ward G. Llthwin, HaiAif,! Symington. conference held In the firehouse last ceedingly Important miUtary po)srer versy over toe conartldatlM^nf I under •®“some * . .dlfflcumes.®OlculUes. Rather FVaerals. of Oorge Tanntth of Chicago. IIng 6i the two currents, and not In Friday. and several times a year take regu­ antagonists, Facslsm, NasUsm, and strewn across toe road or in snarls eral Surplus CommodlUes corpora- today for whom members of the House Cbmmimlsm, be said. ■e2«» 2a. It W voUd t ^ t t S ^ mW in attend- .ON WELLES’ SPEECH Uon began today to* purchase of The funeral of Parley B. Leonard, ^----- '■ ' theli; contradiction. The newly elected officers of the would have thanked God If w* had lar training flights In army planes TO TEST d e fe n s e! around toe wreckage. The whole former state senator and rity and na-' h to keep abreast of ths military "The church Is a poslttv* and mUtM report at soma futun meet Power was laclffng to run windfall apples from orchardlsta In 1 It Is Incoming apparent that the the French people wanted Coventry League of Woihen voters gone into war.” ing, I tM pipe «r*«naorgana anaand nanohand pumping village is a aorry sight and can town official was largely attended "Ite Jo': ... r* corporations In the future wh* that the Irreparable be avoided. elected at their last meeting are: aeronautical advanoements. forward thing. It is only incidental­ W-^taftOT. Oct. 4— fAZt— t h . never egeln look toe aame. • this loeaUty. CSiarles 8 . Brett rt ar.c r- RasbM Into Rearming Race ly that It Is antl-anything." 2y®jt Bragg, N. a , Oct 4—(AP)— « 2t was votad that toa 8400 do. I *® J * f**®rtrt to gain. There Washington. D. C.. state purchasing from hla home on Elm street on c!n.-' ) A Thought will be conducted in a bowl , The Irreparable was German aggres- President, Mrs. Thomas Graham; MeahwhUe. Great Britain rushed With their book* for th* first Air OoCorps pUots used tricky tactics SUU Department watched today Mr*. Aaron Pratt and daughter. Monday afteraoon. Many city and Torrlngtoa folks rqwrt b|f for the world, to see. jslon. This aggression, by the terms first vice praeldcnt In charge of half'Of 1038 closed, aircraft soanu- Last night at Bushnell auditorium with ______nated to the hospital be added to *?S! P«>ple shivered for reacUon from abroad to Undar- Mary Agnes Pratt rt Windsor were agent for (Connecticut and Rhode *t~nfr.c Into an urgent new rearmament the high school boys and glrla bad "flying fortress’ bombers and to# eatlmatad expensM. *°°?®^2iat. The Rev. H. R. Keen Island, la rapervlslng toe purchases, town officials as well as thrmer savings with 'btoa eosT the rr- •—(ol. Willard T. Chevalier, husi- of.our treaty (with Czechoslovakia! finance. Miss Mary Martini; second race in an effort to preserv* tbs Bfra. James B. OXsqry . faeturen In th* Loa Angales area, otbrt war plaasa today to test toe secretary Sumner WeUee’ declara- St their summer home here Satur- business associates attended ^6),' ness publisher...... | would have’ brought'forth the aid their hour In tbe great Congress. toe selectmen b* autoorlaad to bor- 22® Epjacopal Church on tlon toat arms UmlUUon and world tUiy. If delivered In conUlners, farmers Bead how It ert heattag L _____ dt.t. , And Jesus said unto him, Kocel\-e vice president, membership, Miit. Munldi peace. The funeral of Mrs. Helen A. comprising four of th* nauon's Four students, John Glaeson of this fnny^ scham# of dafensa for Amer­ services. Rev. Dr. Georg* B. 1 fky alght: thy faltb hath sa\ed tnee. ------I and assistance of France. We would Portia -B. Fuller; recordli^ secre­ msQor factories, last week counted row money to cover currente n r r ^ t ^ ®2 0®<2. He drew les- economic reconstnicUoh are needed Mr. and Mra. WiUiem Sank, Sr., of receive 75 cents a bushel for toe Mr. A. E. Wsetha v errt Xetxhig* When Morrison said the' <10,000,- O'Leary of 22 Cottage street, who city, Mias Vbglnla O'Neill of Brook­ ican cities and fortlflcatloas. eon* from toa hurricane and spoke apples; If In bulk 60 cenU. Brookes, pastor r t toe Union Con­ . Hi-.. —St. Luke I8 :« . A fire brigade waa set up In the hhve a.sked you lo fulfill the engage- tary. Mrs. Wilton L. Rose; corre­ 000 ( 550jl00,000) loan Britain al­ died Simday morning, wlU be held mord than 565,200,000 worth of un­ Mmulatoig a raid on aa air base P«n*ee The meetlag than adjourn, tor International atablUty. Crystal Lake were recent gueaU of gregational church officiated at toe innocent hope that by some lucky ments of France sponding secretary, Mlsa Margaret lyn. Miss June Holder of New York ed end voting continued until four .on the war aituation. toelr eon WUUam Sank, Jr., ind been re ready had arranged to ntake to tomorrow morning at her late home filled ordan. . end John Meaban of ProvidaBC*. R. najrrt with grimly real asU-alreraft i^ ^ m e peopla bad an Idas that In a broadcast address, Weiias Charici Faith does nothing alone—noth­ chance there would be no fire. Address Received Coldly Jacobson; treasurer, Mrs. Albert E. Csechoelovakla waa "proof ot ths in New York City atepa are be­ o'clock. • ■eld last night thee* were "toe family. ••TTaooaR r i t—. . —Maxim LItvInolT, Sosiet Foreign at 8:80 foUowed by a funeral mass I„ voiced opinions on the value of rttlUaiy, successive aerial *Nr*avM" troee In to* wood lots did not suf. field at ing of itself, but everything under As Dala&ler went on. his address Harmon. sense of shame ef the British gov­ ing taken to begin construction next Twentyrtx girls ware present at greet underlying needs of today, toe R<(v.aDd Mrs. Robert French ef llrtLBtalhrti* 01 Y/lr Commissar, on the League ol Na- was received coldly by the deputies At the next - meeting of the at S t Bridget's church at 0 o’clock. discussion clubs. toe weekly meeting of the Wri w so much as toe shade trees along Rutland, Mass., were guesU rt Tol­ o l God, by God, through God.—Stough­ ernment," cabinet members heated­ Tha burial will be In S t Bridget's month of an airways terminal which The Rev. John M. Duffy, D.D., soluUon of which becomaa dally k that It cost ma xHte hi Ike V/lr.d3c ton. tions sanctions provUlons. and packed galleriea ICxcept for League oh OcL 27 chairmen will be ly shouted: acouta In to* chapel on Monday af. ™ s2r*ets in toa recent tornado. more necesaary." land friends last week.* Revl/^rench end Laa seesofi I fat V a * assT sni Tarasc; bursts of applause when he men­ cemetery. will eloaely reaemble a railroad Bishop of Buffalo, N. Y., chairman Unhappily tola does not seem to be was a former pastor of toe Congre­ appointed for the various -depart­ ‘Take th* country's opinion of terminal. The atruetura will cost ternoon. (^ne new member was Together with arms limlUtlon and tone, 2' tioned the names of Roosevelt and ments. Tha League will aponsor a of the High School Manual Com- voted Into to* troop, Haael'Robba. w case. Many ownera rt wood loU gational church before the federa­ LAP DOG—AT 510 A LAP that”. Mrs. Mary E. Shaw 51.000.000. mlt tea at national center, presided Squadrons snUt quickly Into R uction. WeUes said, there ahoiiM eeda way down rad sees m beM* in Hart H.AS A OONSCIENCT (Chamberlain, there waa lltUa hand- public carh party In the town hall Moniaoo aald ' Chamberlain’s Mr. and Mra. Caritoa Davenport have suffered sever* loss In toelr tion r t churches. clapping aqd cheering such as might on the ^evening of October 12, (Col­ Th* funeralI ot Mrs. Mary E. Shaw, Four American aircraft manu- and implied that in public high ffrowlng Umber, which was reduced 2*® "a world wide agreement to cease Merritt Carpentertrpen<____ rt______Wetherafleld nsifom bssL* New York—Elbrldge (Jerry Snow, broadcast to th* empire and the facturara art caaUng plans for schools Catholic boys and girls were - aftar r t Sbelbouraa Falls, Mass., ^ r e for all Uma attacks on civuian WINE GRAPES AppI Charles Town, W; 'Va. — Silas have been. expected from the pre­ umbus Day. widow, ot John P. Shaw,' was bald to ruins fit only for us* as fire wee a gueet of Mra. Marlon A. Bakr V m sosT b Aamrim^ iM ff ■ * wealthy banker and broker, decided, United States last sveek "gave a this morning at 0:30 at the T. P. planes capable of carrying 100 pas- weaned from their religious faith. visitors at toa houa r t Mr^ud Mra p ^ ^ tio o s by alr-bomblng and by has be< Moke took a key a prison mate whit­ mier's own mkority. J . Albertlne Bralnard has return­ very dangerous Impression of sheer separated Into single planee to Horace Porter recently. woo^ A Walt to toe Holbrook'* er and stater, Mias LueilIe'"Agaira il*aeteawsra*zt*Hr>si*s**ifssksBiS by Cal' tled from a broom handle, unlocked as he walked through Central Park, In his address Daladler then ar­ ed to resume his studies at Harvard HoUnran funeral horn*. 175 Centar ■sngars and 28,000 pounds of cargo. Other speakera were Brother John Wednesday last week. A R E IN that hi* Pekinese dog waa thirsty. funk.' street 'The funeral mass waa oale- Raymond Tuekar rt Pittsburgh. iS S r .'if*® •2*®®’* ®“ ®y 2reea down, tester; his cell door, and escaped from the rived at. events of the "crucial night Unlvdyalty. Miss .(Charlotte Bralnard 8000 mllee nonstop at an average Joseph of Evanston, HI., who •dis­ " * ’•21 jWto toe road leading to the pond Tbe undersecretary rt sUta gave Mr. and Mrs. 'Emery Clough %kaa I He held It up to tap water from a There xrere repeated opposition brated at 10 o'clock in S t Bridget’s cussed the human qualltlas ■hov.-n •• to^eeofuae toe gunnery hast ahrays beni sssR home, county Jail. of Sept, 27-28." ’ returned on Sept. 20 to M t Holyoke cheers for Morrison and about* of ■peed ef 200 m. p. b. — . . uncle, TressUlan Tucker. impassabto except on foot and pre­ no hint ^wbatoer this govsnunant quietly observed their twanty-sec- Finest Quality Juice .Grapea Man Then he telephoned Sheriff Ernest drinking fountain and promptly re­ Sir Horace Wilson,- (Chamberlain's College, South Hadley to enter th* church by Rev. William P. Reldy, Aeronautlca experts alresdy are by tbe Savior. The Very Rev. Owen 'was eonaldertng takUg the, tpiua- ond wedding anniversary at their W aiflPHTVHKMMi ceived a summon*, a magistrate fin­ ‘‘No!” from th* cahinst benches as paotor of S t Jamea’a church. T ^ Howland Smith has been confined senting dlfflculUes even then. Sev- filed Watson long distance from Hills­ close political adviser, had returned senior class. he continued to denounce Chamber- predicting that 80,000 "fllwar",atr- F. Dudley, of London, Ehig., describ­ P2WB8 PI7P1L8 LISTEN y a l of toe large tnea in to* oak Uvs In calling conferences on to home last Friday. They received at the Best Prices. ot Irvli ed him 510". from Berlin to London with Hitler's Word from Miss Elizabeth White, irarlal Was' in S t James’s cemetery ed his conversion from a minister to his horns for s s v ^ days owing ■ubJecU. many cards end calls in honor rt boro, Va., and asked permission to lain. the bearerc being Mqurice Coleman, planes wlU ba aoaring through the to llhisss. froveara down. 113^ government da Moi pe Jailed again. He^)(M "porry,” he threat to march Into (Czechoslovakia enroute to Miami, Fla., states that aides within 10 yean if th* de­ of England to that of Catholic the day. Ziiifandel, Alicante, Muscatel Morrison said that (%amberlaln Francis Coleman. John Sullivan, priest. Washington, Oct. 4^ (A P )—John property in tbe shape r t buUdlngs at 2 p. m. the next day. their party passed within 60 miles In his convaraatlona with AdoU Hit­ velopment la. properly encouraged. W. Stodabaker. eommlaaloBer of FOUND NBAB IWATB Mr. and Mra. Welter Psaraoa rt When we see a meteorite that "Wa. had only a few hours before nuilp Sullivan, Janoas Egan MMU nOTBCrnOM Is UBthjured. Th* rustic bridge put » p e a n to atrlke the earth, we of Charleston, 8. C. at tha Um* ot ter “could have baon in aa immenH* Tha initial cost of a fllwei plan* education, suggested today that Hartford sad. son Everett Peeraon and Garrigan. us." said tba premiar. "Mr. Cham- tha tornado thare, and only a aUgbt Haary Hutrie. 31b *^ PalsatlnA Oct L-(A P) ® 2"*®' ®«® “rtrowly ot New Tork dty, Mr. and Mn. CkzaRttoa-ffrowtag, aa imj know that ^ nmat ba at laaat 200 ly superior posttioa rtrateglcally U, is almost as low ss ths .upkeep. Of toe total r t z80,855 patenui lehow children cloae tteto ■scaped being crashed down when , . ^ ‘®."**"2®®’ Cxlif* Oct. 4.— ■•“Tor, baa inflered 528, berlalB's radio spsach bad .wamad part of tha storm. Sha is instead of belag a rather nervous •Jewish raridsnte rt Tlbecia* urg. Oarenoe Wtisley and Mrs. Bertha milea away,' atnee It disappeared the world of tbe gravity of tba Meet flhrver* cost Ism than 5M00. ■ued within the last four years a^ H atea whaa to* radio eantee '•21 withhi a toot or (^ )- X r a a Slmpeoo. 84, film char- MfiMyMOf a faitbarto below our horizon while sUU high puled by Mlsa Roe* and Mias Anna spokesman of a eemidetaebed Brit­ Since 1000, and including 1987, It is estimated that while there nieh Important spaaebh* as S i r a . to grant ndrtl y 2er aeW , waa found near death Msaatf ot Manohaeter wera Sunday famr, to aituation. We reaolved to maka Fadusof! Imlay street, Hartford, and tain. ha had baca tbe authoeixsd thera baa come from the motor oar In toa U. 8 . Patoot Office, 38,721, stsiast Arab S J i A T l» m r O m w r n M *roiB carbon monozid# in Kuests r t Ur. and Mra. joha H) owugli la the air to appear jE- effort.' riel Myers M 40JM0,000 drivers in tha United or one In five, eppUad to the design, o< Adolf Hitler and Mnde Uke Jhe one which fciiu-j go Steato. la • flow oC vtcaa afsrepatp thm ,are estoa that 2®* ®aten>o^ at the Riven Chun- Bayer Fruit and Produce nniistiurtluij^ or na* r t awter Itiy chto eariy to ^ . HU onndttloB sewing jo e e tla ^ rt ■Pm neU P la c e . i.v': -H IV*- I ■ ■vV^.;


>AO B EIGHT MANCHE8TEK EVENING HERALD, MANCHESI'ER. CONN„ TUESDAY. OCTOBER B1ANCHE8TER gVENIN^v^ERALI), MANCHESTER. CONN; TOJESDAT, cicTOBER 4,198g Unnsual Demonstration of Safety Device Woodln,-Republtcai^ who was de-* H i Y.M.C.A, Notes l ^ G T O F A C E dared eliated to the office of farat ARGUMENTS HEARD I Miectman by k moderator, iLTOINStiUJ. ' The official nllsd that Tobin was Tonigfht: chosen second selectman aince he 7.;0(^nEagIes wljl meet in the boys / • M ^ BILL LEE ON SLAB was not listed on the Iw lo t as a can­ OFHCERSTONlCp { ON COURT RULINGS club'room.' , — didate for first selectman. Bank Dh BUI Worfd . 7:fl0—Meeting of all leaders of the Intermediate and Senior Basket­ A candidate on both tickets, ly n - tes ball teams in the boys club room. wood B. O a ry (D ) was re-electad first selectman in Preston. He re­ Bowling alleys and shower rooms ,1ft Yanks And Cobs Annonnee Reipiests To bspect Minutes ceived 111 Republican arid 78 Demo­ IMIwortii-Coniefl Post And ANKS AND CUBS CHICAGO W ECOMES are now open. . n . ■/ cratic votes. Tomorrow: l i f t YOUNG SLAB^ STAR DUE DIZ2Y DEAN SAYS Favor Biennial Eleetlons Of Grand Juries Before 2:00—.Baby clinic with Miss Keat­ S t a ^ f i l e r s For First A olS a ry In Joint Cere­ BARLUIS) L0$| ing. . . r-^--- Fairfield , and Groton voted in fa­ CONQUERING CUBS 7:00—Y. M. CTa . softball ban­ Series QasliN, vor of biennial municipal elections MILLION FANS APIECE PIRATES DID NOT te te ’s Highest Tribonal. quet M rather than once a year. The pro­ mony At Masonic Temple. TO FACE posal must M approved by the Gen­ - / TO NQVA in 71H ROI eral Assembly, however. WITH BIG PARADE Chaplin v o t^ not to permit the D^ERVE PENNANT I \ ------— 4 Hartford, Oct,' 4.— (A P ) —The .^4,—)AP)'— Bill Officers o f Dilwortb-CorneU Post, rican leagne HoHs A BROWN STANDS OUT the best IhlWring outfield In the "Hla foot tall goes upXjust cnou^ Lee and Charlie Ruffing were named sale o f aleoHoUc beverages. One bew Has Wealth Of Speed And business,. Supreme Court of Errora, opentni licence held by a restaurant will be 102, AmerlcMi Legion and Auxiliary to make ’em pop up." ^ 0 O ro v*; ISVACANaES t o ^ y starting pitchers for romor- Siigiit Edge 0?er Nati The Yankees are seeking their m m v 'tU aw w court year, heard arguinente affected.' will ha Installed this evening in. Ma­ Gabby HaHnett/Alid Mates When the Pirates w a»i seven PacMc € ^ H 7 ro)v’s opener of the world's ^ e a sonic Temple by Department Com­ third straight world championship, half games ta front/Freddle ■ wiqNT Oel-^ today on two conflicting Supertor PlainvlUe chose WUUam Down- ON E A SU R N GRID Stainnia To Pit Against a record which up to now has de­ Great One Claims Pittsbnrgh Court ruling growing out of the between the ( Imd the ham as first aeleetman and sent the mander William C. Kriiser and Mrs. As Attendance Of Over Llndstrom insisted thAt \thev Fnin When Latter rail, Oolotufi! AWAIT ACTION Gven Royal Homeconung fied all the great clubs, in history. VTOUldn’t win. Undstropi perf^m- Margaret. Palmer of East Hartford town into the Republican column ttk FltoUMk^ taquezt to Inspect the minutes of New York Tankeea. So the Cubs figure that the percent­ the-- Merritt -- ■■ • highway ■ffhvi-'- and— ■* Waterbury for the first time in four years. and their respective installing staffs. Expemiice^pf Rival; Chi /'Shaking Like Leaves In *? both the Bucs and Bi ohn p. C u ^ ^ Manager 's choice age is all on their side. after Bill Terrv »h .» 1.,. |mnd Juries by persons accused ^of EMwln B. Stone (D ) was elected The department staff will oaslat Da- Ten MiDion Sets, Record; nil Terry decUrd decided that he ceives Bad Cot Over U,- DbvM Ai?]. of Lee as bia starter was hardly a Gains Snrprising Victory Celebration; Confident Of It might be noteworthy to recall n. Pndwl*'^ crimes alleged in thwe Investlga- BYROOSEVET first selectman In North O s w n h partment Commander Kruser and longer fitted into the Giant scheme'. surprise, since the right bander Hopes Hmge On Hnrlers; at thla time that the pianU, who 'tkma. waa_the first Democratic, victory Wind;” May Be Of Use To Biyant. who with Le# carried compiled 22 wins as against 9 loss­ Mark Set For Single Game opposed the Yanks Ji)st a year agq, the bulk of -the Cubs’ pitching Referee HaRl Bub Hugh M. Alcorn, special prosecu­ (Continued from Page One) es in the Cubs' spectacular, drive to since 1911 in that community. Orer Harrard; Dartmontk Beating Yankees. tor asked the state's highest court KiUingly fell into the Republican managed to score exacUy one run burden in their phenomenal drive, mttelMr aa4 ‘ the National L e a ^ e penlUiht. Yanks After 3rd Straight in each of the 'flrat three aeries Cobs In World Series. IL to crasa several appeals taken by Senate for romotion to the third column after having had a Demo­ "marks, they’ll get more than Waterbury munic- Manager Joe Mcf^qrthk of the New York, Oct. 4.— (A P )—Add Stin Untested j gamea off Gomes, Ruffing and Mon­ Ume and a half tor overUma. is Most Of Tbe Way.i •T* IC«MC|t''t defendants in t h e ------Pof Appeals. world's champions picked ,th4^ veter­ cratic first selectman last year. Chicago, Oct. 4 X (A P )— Those Ipal scandal case from denials by Vacancies for v/iilch the President te Pearson. Or m a y^ the (Juta my, ChBrttt*' an strong armed Ruffing, and Hart­ New Hartford switched from together that exciting National By OAYU5 TAUM)T ’ anapecte that he Superior Court Judge Emeet A. has yet to announce bis selections scrapping Chicago Ctabx not a truly wouldn't like to bear anything about 'HARRY ORAYHON uto A. MUIA-: nett announced Phil Cavaretta, a Democratic to Republican electing Ltagua pennant race, tbe Yankees' Sn put a Jinx on the Plratoa and ZngUs 01 motions that they be per*?' are: Boston. O ct 4— (A P ,— Brown. great ^ball club, but h6ue|‘ than Lhftf* V> Editor, NEA Service New rork^\M . 4—(AP) — Low;^ a.v«w S^ left hand hitter, would play right Frank Jones first selectman. ■mw atari in tbe Anfericaa League, Chicago. O ct 4— (A P )—The New brought the Bniine he fbrmerly nlttcd to Inspect the testimony In the second, sixth and seventh Favors Incumbent On Tie \., the unusual , Intarest aroused by Dartmouth, Holy Cross and Boston lawful, came home yestet^ay to m anag^ good luck by looking Nova, a lankyN^^g heavywa^BI. field for the ^ b s and tat in the York Tankros, fresh off tbe train, Icago, Qct. 4.— Dlszy Dean saya 1etol4«ailA>, taken by the Waterbury grand Jury circuits and the United States Cir­ qleanup spot. A tie developed in talloUng for such Individual feats u Johnny Jubilant townsfolk, bringing with during the from S u ITtuicmco who hM State's Attorney Lorln W. Willie cuit Court of Appeals In the District college stood today at the top of Join the Cuba in a final workout at Uttar, Prank Demaree will switch from MarshaU E. Caoe'and Francis Jac- Vander Meeria two no-hlt pitching them another National League pen Wrigloy field today In preparaUon i Pirates