Six Bunted Fatally Here WITNESS AVERS REPUBUCANS GAIN FASCISTS 4^1 BALDWIN LAUDS ACTS A SWEEPING 2 TO 1 SECRETA ELECDON VICTORY RESULTING IN ACCORD Italian Consular Officials I FOX HCNTEB SAGS Democratic Gpposition Is OEEK WITH CANE. Spread Propaganda Fori Waterboro, 8. C., OcL 4.— AS ATTACKS RENEWE Slippiiig As GOP Jmnps Mussolini In United States (A P )—Rob ^ Mlddlebrooks of r n Asbebdro u ^ t fox hunting and POLICE FIND HORSE bagged a deer with a walking Last Year’s Winoiiig Lead Dies Committee Told. ASTRIDE AlTO HOOD | cane. FRIENDLY ERA Chamberiam’s The buck, frightened by the Philadelphia, O ct 4.— (A P ) — By More Thaa 500 Votes. fox bounds, darted from the Police speeding to s traflic acci­ woods, ran into a fence, and was Washington. Oct. 4__ (A P ) — I dent found a horse astride the Declares Premier IS ANNOUNCED hurled back, dazed. AU Mid- Girolamo-Valenti, chairm an'^ the hood o f Mra. Maude Bullock's lebrooks bad to do was swing I^llan Anti-Fascist Committee, de­ ftQtoinobUo. Behind' Dobbin w$s Hare Doae Nodung In a towti election yesterday lustily with a hickory cane. a^bakery wagon with which he clared today that ‘Ttallon consular Nhlch was all disappointing to local BYDALADIER had bolted six blocks. He ap­ officials and secret Fascist agents 'Denlocratle hopes as it waa m o l ­ parently tried to jump over the Than Go To Berchti ore spreading Fascist propaganda car, but the wagon anchored him ing to Jubilant Republlcucf^Man' throughout the ranks of apnla' 200 down. Police helped him off the cheater votem gave the ratlre Re- Itallan-American organtzatfoi^s in Better Rebtions With Ger­ hood. en; Labor O ppoatioi J . publican ticket its mipport by TOW NM EEnNG the United States. lead o f 2 to 1, bloeluhg Democratic Valenti, a slight dark haired New Yorker with a decided Italian ac­ many And Italy Told sails Mmnch Pi attampts to secure membemhip for VOTES $1,149,116 cent, told the Die's Comfhlttee on their party on , the Board of Se- un-American activities that tbreaU Chamber Of Deputies ' Czechosloydk lectmfih, and, "os IndicaUve of HITIER AVERS and other devices were being used / trend In tto political field, a|iower- tp bring pressure on American- ing Republican candidates with APPROPRIATION ItalJana to gain information about Roosevelt Notes Landed. London, O ct 4.— (A P ) — some 500 more votes than bod beenr tlmm or to make them conform to NAZIS PROUD that party's poll in. last year's an­ FOaclst ideas. Baldwin, Neville Chamberlatifs nual balloting. Democrats salvaged decesXor aa prime mlnlstsr, Accepts Selectmen’s Propos­ He said that there waa in this Paris. O ct 4.— (A P i^ P rem ler a membership on the school board, a country .“a branch of the dreaded OFSUDETENS endoned Chamberlain’s. Munich, registrar of voters, and three cou Daladler today announced the be­ Italian government secret police, dord while the s n g ^ oppositlw ' stables. ginning of a new era of friendly re­ als; Noren Named ZonioR known aa the Ovra,” which he testi­ It bad been the fOQd hope of the newed Jta assault en that poet fied was almllar to secret police of lations with Germany end Italy and Democratic party here to slide la at the dismemberment of Nazi Germany. paid homage to President Roose- Electri6es AmEence In Tri- least one. and possibly more candi­ Official For Fi?e Years, vakia. Spy Oroap Triea Soorea dates as members of the Board of velt'a peace me.ssages during Eu­ .Baldwin, in his maiden speach "Thia,” he said. Thew cham d ruins are an thml remain o f the home of Wmia Beck- Selectmen this time. Popular can­ rope’s crisis week. nmphal Topr Of Newly* the House of Lords, declared Recehre Property Deeds. attempting to “ when the prime mintoter took didate Maurice T. Morlorty had The CHiamber of DepuUes stood American citizens of Italian deacent | blaze, An exploding stove started the declaion to go to Bare been groomed to lead the way as a as one man to cheer when the pre­ and attempa to frighten them when­ there was nothing else o n ____ wedge, splitting on op tt^ n g by ship' mier spoke of “ the great, generous Annexed Territory; Lands With nearly 800 voters in attend­ ever tqey have participated Ifi ae- could have done and I CMfJ ping out Republicans Clarence N. and logical voice o f President that he was able to do i t " Lupiea and Joseph G. Pero, and, ance at High School hall last night, tivltlea which do not conform to Roosevelt" In referring to the Pres­ Faaciat government j^ lley.” The Natirei’ Faithfidnest. While Baldwin M>oka the poOstbly, new Republican candidate Manchester held Its annual toam ident's appeals. , oppoalUon in the Houae o f ( Volenti asserted t ^ t ‘‘Italian con­ /■ Lawrence Converse. The results business meeting, finishing a day of Rsadlng a ministerial dedaratlon b l^ t^ sasslled- CbsinbeilslB- for show that they tackled too much sular officiala are addresalng scores REPUBUCANS CONTROL ily 1 clylc activity which brought, as a on the four-power agreement over Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary), flude- foiir-powsr Munich sgreeBMBt, for the size of their vote, and ol' part o f the meeting, the earlier elec of semi-public gatherings and cloaed Czechoslovakia, he said that hia tenland. O ct 4— (A P ) — Chancel­ was the eecoad day of debate ea'1 though Morlorty led his party by tion o f town offlciola at the state meetings in which they deliver meeUng with Adolf Hitler at Mu­ prime minister’s policies whidi some 300 votes, he was stiU no Armory. Chief among the items of speeches of pure Faaciat propagan­ nich last week mqt'keii the start of lor Adolf Hitler, making s triumphal expected to continue through 2 MORE STATE TOWNS match for RepubUcon low iw. ti Con- business adtich came before the da, acekin^ to undermine Uie Demo­ friendly relatlms between France tour of his newly annexed Sudeten morrow. • meeting arcs t|ie queatlon o f ap­ cratic form o f government.*’ end Germany. ywse, who led hla nearest opponent territory, told an electrified Sudeten "I rejoice that th« eh the opposition by over 800 votes. proval of a budget calling foi on ap­ "The porUcIpatlen of ItaUon ooo- He declared France bad decided German audience today " I didn't (between ChsmbSrlsia Reports of SpUttlng propriation this year of 11,098.850. auls la a matter of common loiowi- StamfonL Chief Prize, Back to eend an ambassador to Rente to Hlt’er) have toksn ploesr*. E _ Although voting was compora- o f arhlch 3887.191.58 must bis raised edge among the American Italians," resume cordial relations with Italy, know how I would sometime gat told a cheering House, "sad In by taxation, the balance aeerulng Valenti testified. “ Among those who IS VACANCIES here, but 1 did )inow that I would Uvely Ught. with only 4,853 of both In a virtual state of auspenaton for my old ooUeogue and prieint in vmrioua rebates and credits, er in­ come.” . PorUes appearing at Um poRs, tiw have repeatedly taken part In Fosji Id Party’s Raaks Again two years owing to France's refus­ bse sceompUshed. I know no l . come from sources ether than taxa­ elet offura in their raapectlve areas al to recognize the conquest of Ethi­ BpeaWng only a short dlstsncs msn who would have bnraidit It I issue gained excitement as reports tio n tW a yaoria appropriationa. spread about that many were split­ art tbs foDaarlng: A W A T IA C n O N opia. from where Sudeten Leader Konrad succesoful Issue.” mode on the basic of the proposed After Ym ’ Rale Henlein loM A n il M forsmlated his ting their tickets, and tk e re ^ a "Consul General V< OeUxet Approves Deeras Fewers Oivsa TransnSsxs Ossitsa budget, aloe ineludo on item o f 353.- York City. The premier carried Into the sea- famous sight demands, the Fuehrer ' Baldwin was given a trsxisad Democrat might slip la. Tlia count 43854. Dm amount of dailelt incurred on the-first taro machines dispelled **rtng the past ytsWo operationa. “Oenaul Ganarat Sagra', Boston. ^ Deinoentie Poliffdaos B m o e S E V E T isteit cabinet approval fbr propooed o r a ^ . It was his Srst speech "F or twenty sreora you remsinad theee fears and hopes. It was a this raising the total, amount of “ Oonaul General P. Paravan, decree powers to "rebuild France’s PsrtlsnMBt slHos May. istr. 'bconomy and finances.” fslttful to your votkstrum (raeiki StiU a Oommoaer. bs spoke 1 dear Republican sareep. monay approved lost night for this Pbilsdelpbla, ‘Consul P. DeClcco, New Haven, Paul Marchandeau, finance minis­ nationalism.) lower house. One of the most interesting ycor’e town uae to n y AkSOCIATED PBES8 some 319,000 more than araa appro­ Conn. President Not Expected To ter, disclosed that the government "And for twenty yean 1 re­ Shortly after that be was phases o f this election was the vot­ KepubUcana counted two ipore ing lead that the Republicans de­ priated last year. “Consul Ysnnelll, Johnstown, Po. would Inslat that Parliament vote it mained faithful to my oellef in the on earl for his port in bttaglng the veloped over the Dm oem ts os Changes Songfat Influencing Amertoans (3onnectleui towns In their column the decree powers, which would Oarroan people. through the crisis e f Bdwsid VITTe abdication.
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