"'0Rcestershire. Feckenham
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DIRECTORY.] "'0RCESTERSHIRE. FECKENHAM. 105 Treasurer, Lord Ernest James Seymour, Kingley,Alcester 130 girls & 100 infants; William Rees John, mast~r; Medical Officer of Health, George Haynes Fosbroke Mrs. Emma Craner, mistress; Miss Grace Laugher, l\LR.C.S.Eng., D.P.H. Worcester infants' mistress Sanitary Inspector, Joseph A. Perkins, Astwood Bank National, for Feckenham & Callow Hill, built in 1857, from plans by Mr. H. Day, of 'Worcester, at a cost of Schools. £1,800, & opened in 1859, for 250 children, including A School Board of 7 members was formed here November 12 on Sir Thomas Cook's foundation; average attend- 25, 1874; S. A. Gothard, Alcester, clerk to the board; ance, 140; John Lewis. master John Hunt, Crabbs Cross, attendance officer Carriers.-William Morris, to Birmingham, thurs. & Board, Astwood Bank, opened in 1877, to which an in- 'Vorcester, sat.; Albert Price, to Bromsgrove, tues.; fants' department was added in 18'94, for 200 boys, to Worcester, sat.; to Redditch, mono & fri.; Rogers, 200 girls &; ISO infants; average attendance, IIO boys, to Redditch, wed. & sat FECKENHAM. Darby John, Elm cottage Kettle George, carpenter Browning HaroldConstantine,Manor ho Dolphin Mrs. Belmont house Lilly Brothers, needle stampers Foster Mrs. Abbotslea Eadie Albert, Ashwood house Lloyds Bank Limited (sub-branch) Gould William Charl~s, The Brook Hawthorn Frederick (Edwin Perkins, mngr.); draw on Gutch Alfred, Dunstall court Hiam Charles John London office, 72 Lombard st. EO Gutch Arthur Henry, The Waldrons Hiam James, Wren's Nest Mander Olarence, painter HansoD Mrs. Bradley green Hill Jason :\Iander RGbert Nathaniel, painter Harris Miss Hollington George, Yew Tree house l\Iillward Geo. Oddfellows' Arms P.R Lea Miss, The Rookery, Bradley green Paice Albert, Ferndale Morris &. Yeomans, sewing & machine Marshall Rev. Alfred M.A. Vicarage Perkins Arthur Wm. Kenilworth house needle manufacturers :\Iogg Jsph. Albert Hill,Feckenham ho Perkins Felix Edwin, The Cedars Nash William Henry, tinplate worker COMMERCIAL. Perkins Harold, Laurel house Newberry William, Woodman inn Alcester Industrial Co-operative So- Perkins WaIt. Edwd. J.P. The Grange Paice Thomas & Son, sewing machine ciety (William Perks, manager) Rea Rev. Thomas (curate) needle manufacturers &c Allbutt Frank, cowkeeper Russell Rev. In. Roebuck (Baptist) Peirce Joseph Reuben, coal dealer Allbutt John, farmer, Berrow hill Smith James, Doe Bank house Perkins Joseph & Sons Lim. selWing Allcott Armiel, cowkpr. Bradley green Timson Fredk. Langdon, Prospect ho machine needle manufacturers Baker Henry, machinist, Bradley green Timson George, The Firs Perkins Joseph A. sanitary inspector Baker William, beer retailer Yeomans Bernard, Elsinore Perkins Edwin,agt.toLloyds Bank Lim Barber Geo. Wm. farmr. Upper Berrow Yeomans Howard Frank, Homeleigh Peters David, wh~elwright Barrett A. & H. saddlers Yeomans John Thomas Portman Michael, cardboard box mkr Bolton Fredk. farmer, Bean Hall row, Yeomans WaIter Richard Pollard Charles, builder Bradley green Yeomans Wm. Hy., J.P. The Beeches Richards Henry, butcher &; brick makr Bradley Geo. builder, Bradley green COMMERCIAL. Sarsons William Edgar, baker Burbage George, farmer, Bradley grn Ainge Thomas, general dealer Savage Henry, boot maker Burrow Thomas J. farmer, Chester- A1cester Industrial Co-operative So- Shrimpton WaIter, stationer & news field farm ciety Lim. (Wm.Ohamberlain,mngr) agent, Post office Coobey Henry, hay dealer Andrews Bros. Limited, chemists &; Smith Jas. & Son, needle manufrs Court Enoch, farmer, Bean Hall row gro('ers, & agents for W. & A. Gilbey Smith Edward, cycle mkr. &; repairer Dicks James, carpenter Limited, wine & spirit merchants Thornton AlIen, needle hardener Dolphin David, carpenter Andrews J\Iargt. (Miss), private school Timson George, commercial school Dunne Thomas, draper Arthars Robert, draper Walker George E. Crown P.R Edkins Letitia. (Mrs.), shopkeeper Austin Frederick, picture framer Walker Susannaoh (~Irs.), beer retailer Ellison Thomas, farmer, Green farm Barford Edwnrd, farmer, Tookeys 'Yard Florence (Miss), shopkeeper English John &; Co. Limited, needle, Baylis George & Sons, drapers Webb Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker pm &, fish hook manufacturers Biclmell 1Villiam Frederick,blacksmith Wheeler Jane (~Ess), dress maker Field & Son, drapers Bourne J oseph Yeomans, toilet pin Whitney Edward, cab proprietor Gould W. W. & Sons, needle & fis'h manufacturer Williams Sarnh (Mrs.), shopke~:per hook manufacturers Brooks Jane (Miss), dress maker Yeomans Harold, butcher Green John, cowkeeper, Berrow hill Bunegar Frederick, tailor Yeomans Waltr.Rich. commercl.travllr Handy Henry, farmer. Berrow hill Capital &; Counties Bank Limited Yeomans Williams Henry, needle Hawkes George, stationer (agency) (J. K. Andrews, agent); manufrs. see :Morris & Yeomans Hicks John, baker & confectioner draw on head office. 39 Thread- Hollmgton Wm.Darby, frmr.Grove fm needle street, London EC CALLOW HILL. Jeffs Fredk. farmer. Berrow hill Chatterley Thos.tchr. of music&organst Havwood- Edward Waldron LL.B., Jeffs Walter, farmer &; dairyman Chatterley Wm. Geo. fancy repository D.L., J.P. Sillins Johnson Mark, farmer Cooper Thomas, boot maker COMMERCIAL. Laight George, Old 1I:ose & Crown P.B Cox Wm. Bramwell. stone &mrbl.masn Allbut Frank, farmer, Cruise hill Lewis A.mos, beer retailer Croft John Anthony & Thos. farmers Badger George, farmer, Ham green Milward Stephen, butcher Daniel Mary (Mril.). baker Birch Fredk. wheelwright&blacksmith ~Iogg Joseph Albert Hill L.R.O.P. & Dibble Daniel, Red Lion P.H Boulton George, farmer, Ham green S.Edin. surgeon. & medical officer Gale Thomas, carrier Cuurt John. baker, Ham green Feckenham district of Alcester union Gathercole James, White Lion P.R Court Joyce, butcher & Stock & Bradley district of Droit- Gibbons Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker Court Mary Ann (~:Irs.). beer retailer. wich union Gibbons Frederick, confectioner Elcock's brook Moore Thos. Bradford &; Joseph,frmrs Gibbons John, boot & shoe maker Court Thos. farmer, Wall house )IlIrris James, insurance agent Gregory Hermas, boot &; shoe dealer Croit George, needle scourer & farmer Morris William, carrier & hosier Hicks George, farmer, Grinsty :Newman George, blacksmith Harbridge Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper Lane William, farmer, Elcocks brook Xorris Frances (Mrs.). tailoress Harris & 'Valford, printers Lewis Henry, co'Wkeeper Ilarker Joshua, 'shopkeeper Harris Rebecca (Mrs.), dress maker Martin William, grazier Price Albert, carrier Heath Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper Newman John, farmer,Callow Hill frm Price:\IaryAnn(Mrs.),cowkpr.&coal dlr Hiam Chas. & S0!1s, needle manufrs Nicholls Hubert, farmer, Brook house Bogers Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hodges Alfred, taIlor Palmer William, farmer, Green lane Shakespeare Edward, farmer Hodges Ohas. hair dresser &; stationer Reeves John V. farm bailiff to Mrs. Shakespeare Jason, butcher Hollington George & Sons, sewing Cheape Shekels James, farmer, Berrow hill machine needle manufacturers SmithElizh.(Mrs.),cowkpr.Ham green Smith Alfred, farmer, Shurnock court Hollington Anne (Mrs.), farmer, .A.st- Turner John Francis, farmer,Ham grn Sprosen Fdk. Richd.Lygon Arms P.R wood court Turner Thomas, cowkeeper StylE'r William Wentworth, butcher Hunt Rebecca. (Mrs.). dress maker Yale Albert Wm. farmer, Cross lanes Sutt-oD Josiah, cowkeeper Hunt William, boot & shoe maker Taylor Thos. cowkeeper & coal dealer Hurst Thomas. chimney sweeper HUNT' END. Turner Henry, bricklayer Huxley George. builder Ladbury Robert Boulton Vigers William John, grocer & Post off Johnson Joseph, registrar of births &; Wilkes Alfred, cowkeeper, Berrow hill deaths for the Feckenham sub-dis- COMMERCIAL. Yates Mary (Mrs.), cowkeeper trict, &; relieving officer for the Stud- Bartleet John, shoe maker ASTWOOD B.lliK ley district of the Alce~ter union Bradley Ann (Mrs.) & Tillsley Annie . J ones Thomas, blucksill.lth (Mrs.), grocers PRIVATE RESIDENTS. K~ndall Wm. & Son, cycle accessories Oha.mbers James, farmer, Walkwood Daniels Mrs. Brackenhurst m~mufacturers (letters Headless Cross).