Subchapter V—Marine Occupational Safety and Health Standards

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Subchapter V—Marine Occupational Safety and Health Standards SUBCHAPTER V—MARINE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS PART 197—GENERAL PROVISIONS 197.456 Breathing supply hoses. 197.458 Gages and timekeeping devices. 197.460 Diving equipment. Subpart A [Reserved] 197.462 Pressure vessels and pressure piping. Subpart B—Commercial Diving Operations RECORDS GENERAL 197.480 Logbooks. 197.482 Logbook entries. Sec. 197.484 Notice of casualty. 197.200 Purpose of subpart. 197.486 Written report of casualty. 197.202 Applicability. 197.488 Retention of records after casualty. 197.203 Right of appeal. 197.204 Definitions. Subpart C—Benzene 197.205 Availability of standards. 197.206 Substitutes for required equipment, 197.501 Applicability. materials, apparatus, arrangements, pro- 197.505 Definitions. cedures, or tests. 197.510 Incorporation by reference. 197.208 Designation of person-in-charge. 197.515 Permissible exposure limits (PELs). 197.210 Designation of diving supervisor. 197.520 Performance standard. 197.525 Responsibility of the person in EQUIPMENT charge. 197.300 Applicability. 197.530 Persons other than employees. 197.310 Air compressor system. 197.535 Regulated areas. 197.312 Breathing supply hoses. 197.540 Determination of personal exposure. 197.314 First aid and treatment equipment. 197.545 Program to reduce personal expo- 197.318 Gages and timekeeping devices. sure. 197.320 Diving ladder and stage. 197.550 Respiratory protection. 197.322 Surface-supplied helmets and masks. 197.555 Personal protective clothing and 197.324 Diver’s safety harness. equipment. 197.326 Oxygen safety. 197.560 Medical surveillance. 197.328 PVHO—General. 197.565 Notifying personnel of benzene haz- 197.330 PVHO—Closed bells. ards. 197.332 PVHO—Decompression chambers. 197.570 Recordkeeping. 197.334 Open diving bells. 197.575 Observation of monitoring. 197.336 Pressure piping. 197.580 Appendices. 197.338 Compressed gas cylinders. APPENDIX A TO SUBPART C OF PART 197—SAM- 197.340 Breathing gas supply. PLE SUBSTANCE SAFETY DATA SHEET, 197.342 Buoyancy-changing devices. BENZENE 197.344 Inflatable flotation devices. APPENDIX B TO SUBPART C OF PART 197—SUB- 197.346 Diver’s equipment. STANCE TECHNICAL GUIDELINES, BENZENE APPENDIX C TO SUBPART C OF PART 197—MED- OPERATIONS ICAL SURVEILLANCE GUIDELINES FOR BEN- 197.400 Applicability. ZENE 197.402 Responsibilities of the person-in- APPENDIX D TO SUBPART C OF PART 197—SAM- charge. PLING AND ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR 197.404 Responsibilities of the diving super- BENZENE MONITORING—MEASUREMENT visor. PROCEDURES 197.410 Dive procedures. APPENDIX E TO SUBPART C OF PART 197—RES- 197.420 Operations manual. PIRATOR FIT TESTS APPENDIX F TO SUBPART C OF PART 197—SAM- SPECIFIC DIVING MODE PROCEDURES PLE WORKER CERTIFICATION FORM 197.430 SCUBA diving. APPENDIX A TO PART 197—AIR NO-DECOM- 197.432 Surface-supplied air diving. PRESSION LIMITS 197.434 Surface-supplied mixed gas diving. AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1509; 43 U.S.C. 1333; 46 197.436 Liveboating. U.S.C. 3306, 3703, 6101; Department of Home- land Security Delegation No. 0170.1. PERIODIC TESTS AND INSPECTIONS OF DIVING EQUIPMENT SOURCE: CGD 76–009, 43 FR 53683, Nov. 16, 1978, unless otherwise noted. 197.450 Breathing gas tests. 197.452 Oxygen cleaning. 197.454 First aid and treatment equipment. Subpart A [Reserved] 383 VerDate Sep<11>2014 08:06 Nov 22, 2017 Jkt 241210 PO 00000 Frm 00393 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8006 Y:\SGML\241210.XXX 241210 rmajette on DSK30RV082PROD with CFR § 197.200 46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–17 Edition) Subpart B—Commercial Diving § 197.203 Right of appeal. Operations Any person directly affected by a de- cision or action taken under this sub- GENERAL chapter, by or on behalf of the Coast Guard, may appeal therefrom in ac- § 197.200 Purpose of subpart. cordance with subpart 1.03 of this chap- This subpart prescribes rules for the ter. design, construction, and use of equip- [CGD 88–033, 54 FR 50382, Dec. 6, 1989] ment, and inspection, operation, and safety and health standards for com- § 197.204 Definitions. mercial diving operations taking place As used in this subpart: from vessels and facilities under Coast ACFM means actual cubic feet per Guard jurisdiction. minute. § 197.202 Applicability. ANSI Code1 means the B31.1 Amer- ican National Standards Institute (a) This subpart applies to commer- ‘‘Code for Pressure Piping, Power Pip- cial diving operations taking place at ing.’’ any deepwater port or the safety zone ASME Code means the American So- thereof as defined in 33 CFR part 150; ciety of Mechanical Engineers ‘‘Boiler from any artificial island, installation, and Pressure Vessel Code.’’ or other device on the Outer Conti- ASME PVHO–1 means the ANSI/ nental Shelf and the waters adjacent ASME standard ‘‘Safety Standard for thereto as defined in 33 CFR part 147 or Pressure Vessels for Human Occu- otherwise related to activities on the pancy.’’ Outer Continental Shelf; and from all ATA means a measure of pressure ex- vessels required to have a certificate of pressed in terms of atmosphere abso- inspection issued by the Coast Guard lute (includes barometric pressure). including mobile offshore drilling units Bell means a compartment either at regardless of their geographic location, ambient pressure (open bell) or pressur- or from any vessel connected with a ized (closed bell) that allows the diver deepwater port or within the deepwater to be transported to and from the un- port safety zone, or from any vessel en- derwater work site, allows the diver ac- gaged in activities related to the Outer cess to the surrounding environment, Continental Shelf; except that this sub- and is capable of being used as a refuge part does not apply to any diving oper- during diving operations. ation— Bottom time means the total elapsed (1) Performed solely for marine sci- time measured in minutes from the entific research and development pur- time the diver leaves the surface in de- poses by educational institutions; scent to the time to the next whole (2) Performed solely for research and minute that the diver begins ascent. development for the advancement of Breathing gas/breathing mixture means diving equipment and technology; or the mixed-gas, oxygen, or air as appro- (3) Performed solely for search and priate supplied to the diver for breath- rescue or related public safety purposes ing. by or under the control of a govern- Bursting pressure means the pressure mental agency. at which a pressure containment device (b) Diving operations may deviate would fail structurally. from the requirements of this subpart Commercial diver means a diver en- to the extent necessary to prevent or gaged in underwater work for hire ex- minimize a situation which is likely to cluding sport and recreational diving cause death, injury, or major environ- and the instruction thereof. mental damage. The circumstances Commercial diving operation means all leading to the situation, the deviations activities in support of a commercial made, and the corrective action taken, diver. if appropriate, to reduce the possibility Cylinder means a pressure vessel for of recurrence shall be recorded by the the storage of gases under pressure. diving supervisor in the logbook as re- Decompression chamber means a pres- quired by § 197.482(c). sure vessel for human occupancy such 384 VerDate Sep<11>2014 08:06 Nov 22, 2017 Jkt 241210 PO 00000 Frm 00394 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\241210.XXX 241210 rmajette on DSK30RV082PROD with CFR Coast Guard, DHS § 197.204 as a surface decompression chamber, Shelf subject to Coast Guard jurisdic- closed bell, or deep diving system espe- tion. cially equipped to recompress, decom- Fsw means feet of seawater (or equiv- press, and treat divers. alent static pressure head). Decompression sickness means a condi- Gas embolism means a condition tion caused by the formation of gas or caused by expanding gases, which have gas bubbles in the blood or body tissue been taken into and retained in the as a result of pressure reduction. lungs while breathing under pressure, Decompression table means a profile or being forced into the bloodstream or set of profiles of ascent rates and other tissues during ascent or decom- breathing mixtures designed to reduce pression. the pressure on a diver safely to atmos- Heavy-weight diving outfit means pheric pressure after the diver has been diver-worn surface-supplied deep-sea exposed to a specific depth and bottom dress. time. Hyperbaric conditions means pressure Depth means the maximum pressure conditions in excess of surface atmos- expressed in feet of seawater attained pheric pressure. by a diver and is used to express the Injurious corrosion means an advanced depth of a dive. state of corrosion which may impair Dive location means that portion of a the structural integrity or safe oper- vessel or facility from which a diving ation of the equipment. operation is conducted. Liveboating means the support of a surfaced-supplied diver from a vessel Dive team means the divers and diver underway. support personnel involved in a diving means the operation, including the diving super- Maximum working pressure maximum pressure to which a pressure visor. containment device can be exposed Diver means a person working be- under operating conditions (usually the neath the surface, exposed to pressure setting of the pressure relief hyperbaric conditions, and using un- device). derwater breathing apparatus. No-decompression limits means the air Diver-carried reserve breathing gas depth and bottom time limits of appen- means a supply of air or mixed-gas, as dix A. appropriate, carried by the diver in ad- Pressure vessel means a container ca- dition to the primary or secondary pable of withstanding an internal max- breathing gas supplied to the diver. imum working pressure over 15 psig. Diving installation means all of the Psi(g) means pounds per square inch equipment used in support of a com- (gage).
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