'THK WEATHER Feroeaet at V. 8. Weather AVEBAOB d a il y CttCCLAHON ter the Meath el Deeembet. INS er teaight luilowea by ruin ur now . warmer SuadBy. n m ^ aattm iB d o n o v M CARSv TROLLEY D ELIMINATE 6.179 Bmiday Bight aad Menday. TRUCK CRASH SATURDAY X^Tb. a s. cuvM oc CONTRIBUTING Three lliread Riiiff- PRICE THREE CKN1 MBBKWBWt to. WUUMUtt (TWELVE PAGES) jp. a Sf ooc% m o« w w ln •• tlW b «< 40 Oobore A*d, woe ^ leM Sheer Chiffon BOBOUBCOd. win ^ *5****^ Twt Acddeitt 0i Sippery R c fi TIm t iIm Hopes T o i^ S m K Bt B hmaMOB. brMfa •»> ilXwor toiBofTow, glvM bjr Ml* Ccater Street; Sfiglit Dan- Patrick Misses His Pants M R k 1WI«y Crmmp, (Uuglitor ^ Prt Stop To Practice FRANCO BREAKS Xr. Md MtB. Bdmaad Cnunp at DRESS HIRANUMA THREATB •twtbnorc, Pb. age, Ne One b HnrL WUdi Afecto H o a e Hosiery SOLONS OF STATE DEFENSE LINE f m . wumbbi k . Boom «< BtW MaoB, win Iw in« tpoclM Toifli Drires For Charito- Extremaly aUppery hj^w aya SALE! Lovaly new shades la MoB^or Bt the oenrtco BundBy Bf- lata yeaterday cauaed a three-car 9 genuine 8-«arrler. 45- REVIEW IN HOMES X^mmi a t 4 o'clock at 8t. Mary ■ accident and a craah between a OF B M E O N A OPPONENTS OF JAP U e F n d s a gauge hose, with rein­ ■pimpal church. truck and a trolley ear. Property forced neela and toaa tor damage waa aHght and no one wm extra wear. Xra. Wallaec PrdM at 18 Injured. No arreaU were m ^ - Representative William J. Thorn­ BUDGET MESSAGE Takes Igoalada And Ven- Xinot. Haitfccd. BBd MIM Dorothy careful driving avoided more aeri- PraUa at BoekuUlo, -woro hooteo^ oua mlahapa, and care were operat­ ton of Manchester haa introduced WITH EXTERMINATIO • t a otorit »howw, TuowUy evonliif ed at alow apeeda during the eve­ into the Oeneral Assembly a meas- NOTES ANNIVEKSAKV driD By Flanking Bt M»w Prello'* homo, In honor or ning. Sandhig crewa were early on un oalculatad to put an and to the WITH OIKT8 TO AlUfiS ------—------m XiB. Eric Crawohof of thU town. the Job aafeguarding the more dan- One Group Of Danaher Nominated As La­ OoMto wore pwoont from Hartford, geroua hlUa aad eroemnga praetiee of smployera axartlng pres- Frontal Attacks; Only fiiplaialioE Of Wketber ^ ItednrOlo and llanchaater. The drat auto accident laat night, aura on their employsa to contribute Waukegan. 111., Jan. 31.—TAP) Hopes to Do Good | a three car craah. occurred on Cen­ bor Comnusmiier To Sne* — Prealdent George W. Morns BK SCALE WAR to the funds of Community Cbeite celebrated Ola 35th anniversary AU Intcreatad In the work of the ter atreet near Broad atreet when other charitable or welfare organlsa- Three Main Points Left Bat Qdna Wat Meait Oaorga W. Oraenbaum of 88 Nllan with the NaJonal Office Supply UaadMatcr Chapter, American Red tlone. The btll was Introduced In ceed Tone; Over 900 Company by aendlng letters to Crmb win be welcotne to attend the atreet Hartford, alowad hla car. Silk Dresses RENEWAL SOOH. the House yesterday. While Its Im­ meetlnx tomorrow forenoon oaual^ It to akld aldewaya Into the Smart V tetar styles In black, teal, wine, blue ana the 120 employes. In each letter BIXLETINJ Reftied; Arka Pn mediate occasion haa been the com- gray. Regular $ 5 ^ and 87.85 values. Be here waa a $100 bill. ^10:80 at the Chamber of Com- parked machine of Anthony Struff plaints of large numbers of Man­ on general ae well aa on particular BiDs filtered In Assembly Hendaye, Franoa (At the Office in the Hotel Sheridan of 87 Bummer atreet. The colllalon e ^ Saturday to fa t your drMa. They’U move fast “You have been loyal, faith­ Pat-Asian Poficj knocked the Struff car Into one chester resldcnte employed In Hart­ grounda at this price. ful employes," said Morris, "l Spanish Frontier), Jan. 31— C M N A W nO O R l bunding. ford that tb^hava been practically Mr. Tbornton’s tntarsat la tha \ New Spring (AP)—The Insurgents' great oamed by Lawrence J. Mahoney of coerced tnto/ront|1butlng to Com­ couldn’t think ot a tetter way to 280 Pine atreet. matter wae quickly aroueed aad tba Hartford, Jan. 21.—(API — Con- celebrate the day than this." drive toward Barreloaa today sisU China*t li Oiapman Court, Order of Amar­ munity C lw t drivea la that city, Ita bill now before tha Leglalatura le the B y **AdaUratkMi” necUcut legislators, taking advan­ was reported to have met Ite anth win meet tonight In the Ma- About ten mlnutea later a truck application would ha statewide. operated by Domenlc Rioeha of 217 reault of It tage of the usual week-end respite, first serious aethpek when a Chinese See F.arly Drire aoBle Temple, with the new oSIcera For a^eral years The Herald haa violent government oonnter-nt- their poaltlona for the Lafayette atreet. New Haven, ran Detalla of the Hiaearg levlewed today In the calm of thelt ence Pkrt Of Into the rear of a trolley car at been f ^ lv ta g annually numerous The meaaura prohibits aajr em­ tsek drove Oenerolisslmo Fran­ fliBt time. Each member la expect­ ,jta from Manchester residents homes the budget message by Gov. co's troops back out of th ' Im- Against Sbiuhing Base; ed to reapond to'the roU*call. lira Center aad Pine atreeta. The trolley ployer or agent i t an amployar from Raymond E Baldwin. had atopped to dlacharge paaaen- they have been practically coro- aoUdUng from any emptoy* any SEE REICHBANK portunt town of Igualada. Tokyo, Jan. 31—(AP) Aatrld Dougan, the new aaaoclate ,.»d to contribute to the Hartford They had with them an admoni­ gara. A glaaa in the trolley waa contribution to any Community | tion by the stato'a new chief execu­ Frsaeo*a air raMera swept R ecapture 2 Cities Nearj Kllchlro HIranuma warned matron, heada the refreahment com­ amaahed, but there waa no further ^_immunity Cheat, though they had down repentedly on Barcelona Chest, eharitoble or welfare organ- tive that If Ctonnectlcut waa to live that axtermlnation awaits | mittee. damage. Policeman Arthur Sey no other connection with the city UatloB, directly or Indirectly, or I today subjecting the capital to than to be employed there while within Ita Income for the next two SHOT AS ROAD numr inveatlgated both accident from making It known to say em­ years they must lop off from exist­ a deiuge of bombs while Insur- Hankow; Loaders QoH.| opponents of Japan. "Aa I St. Jaman'a Holy Name Society their Interests lay wholly In this ploye that hla refusal to ao con­ geat land forces advanced re­ rho faU to understand to won the flrat aaaalon at the aeriea to town. They reported that under 36” Pre-Shrunk ing services and take severs! mil­ tribute would bo regarded with dla- lions of dollars from the highway lentlessly on the Spanish gov­ and hereafter persiat m the ha played between aetback teama tha aystem of "co-operation" be­ favor by such employer or hla Supor Lambskin woven TO i m n o N Rhanphnl. Jan. 21-- (AP) —After SUPPER DATE IS Nl tween the Community Cheat and and building funds. ernment amt. Uon to Japan.” ha erted In a i raaaaaMtlBg St. Jamaa'a Holy agent, imder penalty of a flna of not in Ane Dupont rayon. Their Governor Baldwin presented yes­ a long deadlock marked only by ItSmm, Bt. Brldgat'a Holy S a w aad employing concerns they were not before Parliament, '^sre I leas than 10 nor more than $100. The FINE MUSLIN PRINTS creamy smooth texture, terday a maintenance budget of Hendaye, France—(At the Span­ sporadic fighting, both Chinese and OMinell playera. H m St. only glveD to understand by their dlacharge of an employe beoauee of other aROrnaUve than to Jamaa'a team aootad 54S to lead the BTFRAGIENT employers that they were "expected eeamproof. Arm weave take wo Of SchaebPs Supporters ish Frontier)—Jan. 31 — (AP) — .Tapanese reports Indicated today I his refusal to contribute to gBch a ate them." B t B r tte t team with 14 pointa, that to contribute to the Hartford chest, fund la made punisbable by a-line of SfVery acaaon one of the outstanding sellers to washing Ake a duck to Smashing Insurgent attacks were re­ that a renewal of warfare 'on a taaai havtav aeored BSi aad the K. ireh Croup but how much that contribution to 81,000. for sheet dresses and for blouses. Small and water. They’re fast color, ported to have, broken the Spanish major scale was near. From Chung­ To a question wbathor tho North Coventry should b*. They were "put on the $100 In Bank Removed; For­ anoe waa to China, a fOrelgr af C , te^nw aa laat with 518 pointa. For First The measure haa been referred to large patterns for every type. ® y**- too. Sizes 32 to 40. government s Catalonian defense king, cnilnese military authorlUes X the dilterent toumamenta plasrad gets Jannary spot." 29 afflclal rtp M maroty. "tho tha Judidary Committee. When Hennas hatwaaa tbaaa three organlaatlon Of The Seri Aflbets Home Town Drivas mer CUefs New Job May lines at two points, opening paths Unusual seeiM to the Chicago court at Judge Joaeph frankly admitted they expected Ji- Uon to eorroct aa tt eteadr " hearings are held on It a number of for a prospectivespecUve march on Bar­Bar-1 ^aa |1 man giving the name ofat Patrick Doyle attempted unsuccess- creasing acUvlUes to tns Wsat Hew Torh, Jan 31.—(AP) —A Baron HIranuma, who the B t Janma'a team haa alwayn A serious consequence of this Manchester reddenta are expected to 100 New Puttenu and Colors in 36" Fast Color Punjab alcag a downtown street a«i.aMd laat the pUylng laat night Membara of ^ Coventry Frag practice baa been that when efforts celona. The insurgents insurgenti said they explain how come he was walking - - River sector. 187-year-old former chonix girt who cabtoot Jan. B to guMo J i appear In favor of Ita adoption. had taken the town#towns of igualadaIgualada and i| culottes. Doyle told the Judge he thoughtightnia trousers vanished ward a “new order to ^ haiag the Brat Ume that they have ment aodaty hava agreed to take have been made In Uanebester to Be That Of A Salesman. by the court Shilling.'* lm*^rtant military baae did what eveiyonewo^ tojlo tuma In putting on monthly aup- Vendrell, both of high strategic Im- In some tavern,tavern. The Judge ordered an examination hla maiden speech bsM o solicit voluntary contributions to PERCALE PRINTS portance because they were key' -• - to miles west of the South Chtas —woke up and found teraeif a iml- ~ ita of the 8rat of the hospital and other welfare drivea psychiatrLst. ling Diet aesslan JuM after points on the fortified "Catalonian metropolls. From there the Japan- iionaire—baMi't decided what Ui do I Mtolster riachlro Artto r"“ A aaa waa bom yaatarday at the aeri*o haa/been announced for Wed these people, having In moat casea Regularly 28c yard. New oolorlnge and nemo BLXLnTN! neaday Evening, January 25. The been forced to contribute to the patterns in peasant stripes, Sorals, nautical Maglnot line" defending the capital. ese would be In a poelUon to carry the vast fortune left her by anam Pan-Aato amhitf Oak Nuralng home ea Oak atreet PUBUC SKTRACK BerUn. Jan. 8 1 ^ (A P )— Igualada Is 28 miles west of Bar­ out their long-threatened Invasion Ujo], Ryppart. . tog n "new E ast As 80 Mr. aad Mra. John Hublay of meal oM be served from 5:30 to Hartford chest, could do nothing to and geometric deelgne. You wUl went sev­ Behtefnebrer Hitler continued 7:80, f t the church community house help the local funds In which they Manchcflter Grcm ScImioI eral dresses of these practical prints. celona On the Lerida-Barcelona of KwangM province. "Borne good, I hope," xxuM etSloal foundation wh _ gda avenue, Eaat Hartford. today Ms eraiHratlon o f. the highway and Vendrell Is near the Thirty mile# northeast of Oxntosi. Helen Wtothrope Weyant. a trim, China and Manchoukno wfll Joaaph ralkowaU of 801 Oek In N cra Coventry. ware Intereeted and with the pur­ eouoervstive Inffnence of Dr. SEES RELIEF BILL FOES poses of which they were *3rm- Friday AtSP. M. Prompt! sp ecia l Mediterranean coast 32 miles south­ fighting was becoming more totenue | cheatnut-balied woman with a pert unltod and linked togoUwr ,torj ; and Infant aoa, Michael, Mra. Marlon Miner Is chairman of itjeliiine tk-hacbt from the west of Barcelona. near Tsungfa where the Japaneee 1 and well-kept figifie. Uve ooUaboration." Eem e dbKharged yeaterday. this Brat aupptr. 8h# will be aaatst- pathctle. 3 Caiih Priiro! Adn. 25e. 36” Fkst Color Plain Betehshaak aad at the aame The Herald called the attention of Side hook foundation with The double Insurgent drive put were trying to advance northward I However, ebe iiaa no ptons w tha The premlor omphaataort fln ad by MIm LOItan Ayras and Mre. tinae moved to toerease Oer- Barcelona on the eastern point of a along the Canton-Hankow railway. | future—becauea ehe haimt had a Fred E. Wamer'a Rockville plaao Amy Smith. Mlaa Marion Hill will RepresenUtlve Thornton to thla sit­ uplift lace bust. Fancy bro­ maay*n armed strength with a TAIONG HARD BEATI aoMty tor Pan-Aatoalam uation some time ago. It has also triangle, with one army moving The ChlneM were reported mov-1 chance to catch her breath yetWK measures for atrengthantofl puplM win appear bt recital, Sun­ be In charge of the dining room. Shantung Broadcloth cade material. Well boned. decree that every able-bodied slowly toward the capital from the In* heavy relnforcementa to the vl-l*|j* has no thought of memmo^. day evening at 7 o’clock at the The supper will conelet of baked editorially denounced the exercise of Bssa ever 17 most keep 8t for reoourceo and nattonal m — ^ coercion of employee by employere rest and another advancing from clnlty of Pakhol. on the eouthweet- j Her blue eyoe were toUl bylld- bo toatttutod an aoon aa Union Congregational church. beans, frankfurtere, cabbage and Special! mBHary service. the Boutbwest. Bockvine. The gueit artlat will be In such matters on several occaalona, An outstanding fabric for aportawear, morn­ em coast of Kwangtung provtnro .red at "Tha ereaUon of a s i. .. carrot salad, brown bread, caka and ing dresags. blouaaa and children's Wear. Both reported victories came aa Slash Of 150 Milfion Expect- DISCORD NOTES near French Indo-Chlna. enUclpat- had bean^ueattedm ^W ment consUtutao our moot Leonard Eccellente, Mancheeter cottcc. Both the cake and the brown Berlin. Jan. 21.—(AP)—Chancel­ surprises to military obaervers on ing a Japaneae atUmpt to laild I tao.QMJDM to $70400400 oxtato.of wloUniBt. A 71AA/7C Twelve colors. obJoeUvo." ho miA. ------bread will be home made. The sup­ 29® lor Hitler extended the cleanup ot the French border, who bad expect­ troopo-______I-*" ----- per* will be served at a nominal tba Reiebsbaak today by relieving od To Be ApproTcd By Enlgbet Lodge, I.O.Q.T., will meet MASONS’ SlIFlM.iKS . . . Rayolite ConwUaa J. Ikaxaher ed the government's line to hold at ipB»e- tea real oatato groatorthM ai^ ------.— a . . . ■etlred waa formerly paator of the the defendant at 570 Vernon street LUNCHEONS 59c Hale’s . BMOirimtkNi mu BmciINr* trt O am i Each Olher.|CASTS MAY SOLVE South Methodlat church of thta 60e Aggortad atrlpa topa with Unad But, hardly had tha aolae subetd while a second column moved north-1 O>lo) conceded ruefully today. is attached. L.T.Wood Co. Cod Liver O il...... , Mtorta with auapanderg. Navy, I eastwardeasiwara along aiong theme coast. coesi. Whenwnen mthe ei Adanaa Is chairman ol the Benate Warrantee Syrup F Ifa ...... 40c ad whan neculatton arose as to PHONE 4496 S5c brown and maroon. Sixes 3 to 5 wbxt resroon would take place ON SHORT WAVES two units ware to sight of each other Buh-commitlm which yesterday fol- Detroit, Jan. 31.—(AP) — The Under terma of a warrantee deed 50c Phillips’ years. they loosed a terrific bail of shells lowed the example at the riouse at PLANE PROBLEMS______u2T&2«.^’tf«a== |S d !» Past matrona of Temple Chapter, recorded by the town clerk. Oak Vick’s Vapo Rub .. sasssss*4 whan the time came to vote on the notea of discord to tha United Auto­ Order of the Eastern Star, who MiUt of Magnesia.. 34c leglMatlon needed for aome of tba and bullets on the government lines. Representatives and voted 1725,- street property haa been conveyed Tbe defenders were caught by the qoO.OOO. Instead of the 5876.000.000 mobile Workers creoeemkftd to a have a part In the program, past by Harold T. Keating to Samuel HOTEL $1.00 50c Hind’s Childim’s chief sxecuUve'a madpr proposals, matrons' night, Wednesday eve­ Honey. Almond Cream Oovernor Baldwtars bmsmw* wax Ntw Sfilm W9 Rtwarel croas lire and had to retire. raquesM by Mr. Roosevelt, to oper- new high today, with tho euo-1euo- , , , ea- em M 188.000400. M* ning, January 85, at the Masonic Richardson. Father John’s ...... iageaea*«5 the M^Hght of a whirlwind sexMon pended leodertidert of one fact!faction nis- W fbTothm ^ UhM aof^ ootato (fullclaira SHERIDAN 84c - « S.1 ate the work reUef agency through S|bs|it|tlO| Of PfutiCt Ftf Temple, are requested to eppear 75c in which CorneUttx J. Danxhsr. vet­ pending aadand preparing to Impeach , , t a. n - fo equally to two nleom of Itapport According to a quitclaim deed re­ 60e MITTENS t o , for rehaarsal Sunday evening at Listerine Antiseptic .. eran union official and father of Specal Rtenwr* At Wdl S, .n. «. tbclr chief opponent-who suspended 8:50 a t the Temple. corded by the town clerk. Oak street Alka Seltxer...... 49c 500 Sheets U. 8. Senator John A. Danaher (R'> lelal DiidsMl At Htar- property has been transferred from 25C-75C was nominated as state labor com- ♦K«m la the first place. title of Catherine Hiiaacy to George Kleenex ...... T raim itt«nlrSS £^”J;ii7. The tangled situation to the now The local Salvation Army corps BINGO Bayer’s Aspirin .... ,i9c.59c and In which the deadline A t M t r w l UUery Are. The other points wore I **"hte approprlatlona committee. wiU observe farsweU Sunday, Jan­ ", Hussey. 136 Sheets 39® for, yrepoaed legislation expired dta-Unlted Auto Workers took oo ii( Ctacenkf M*ab. $1.00 Whits 7 Q ^ Villanueva y Geltru. on the coaat But be added: uary 89, for Adjutant and Mrs. Devise HURRICANE Extra Largs Kleensx. Rad. navy and brsssm oembtaiB- the aspects of a merry-ap-rouod that tertog their omplfo to Under a certlScate of devise. Cod Liver Tablets ^ ^ tlona. Sixes 3 to 5 years. "The CommRtee will probably get 0«wgs K Anscombe, who have DAMAGE Friday Night (« laa Pace EhtM.) the whey fieaten out of It on tbs naver atops, the riders ybit chasing „ , boor. A qnartoi of tou bean tranaierred to Bridgeport, and North Main street roAlty has been each other around **i cUiclee. . , i waamngioiWaahtogtoe, Jan. SL — (AP)— I atoo waa namod by tho tranMerred from the estate of Leon ia not expennive to clear ^ I on tSFirtgBway which conneete the floor of the Senate—aa It uouaUy on Thursday, February 3 at 8 p. m. dom when It makes aa boniest effort The UAW w aa to effect. oevelonmSnt.svelonmeot of a tevatattonary m I aa exoeutors. _ /. / tba oorps wUI have a welcome S. Rlaley to Franele J. Hart. away durinp the next two S t James*s School J5te£?SISJ7So% 3r^rti^ '1iL*Weilrta^tor”“"* imtow with this tocoogruoue lineup: i method .. . a -t casting airplana vrtnge O u t Uafliritoafl E afim t maetlng for Major and Mrs. James months when we are not so J i : 9 C to economtae." ^ No president butjone clalment te hnd fumlages to stogie plecaa,|r------, BawUdered.-w,-.,-. by hei— Beach of North Adams, the new ot- Hall AIR ENTERTAINERS ITtaca^TTliiSSrandVen- laterestod la Baaato Vote tha office: two eecrotery-tr^ureni. n»d lighter than thorn now nance, MIm Weyant rushed. Park Street Mitr* 1 ^ ouUtandlii* develop. . Political and business leaders are nd^bemaeot. floan. Green Stampa Given naonte of the week afterthe fall of two ExeeuUve Boards holding forth ^ govern- eould not underMand SERVICE AND QUALITY TREE SURGERY Th€ J W .H A U CORK waves, be explatoed today. Ann tiM _f.iAaftin» ------imliiboth awaiting the Senate vote with In aepairate ------hotels while the Interop 1| ment'#n,e„f, aerial armament problamaprohlama | "1 had no Idea Uthht 1 wim goli > ^cleytog ty ot 1 n e a t Interest, since It will bo the 77»e Herald Muting project ac- UMBRELLA Repair Service AND TRIMMING 25 GAMES 25c With Cash Sales / READYTOSTRKE In fact, the transmitter to doom] headquarters were dosed: I —The >new----- —method, substituting to be remembererr'to that wi MANCHISTgR COMM> tha Bhro and tha | ^ sentiment, there toward for a single weekly haoivletees receipt of two pairs of Old rmbrellas Made New. An $2.00 Orders eated at Alpine, N. J., JuM acroas | piediterranean last Bunday. ThT nroeram rival bosses plastics for mete) or cfhsr mated- skates from the Reid children, and .All alies. TEL. 8597 the Hudson rtver from New York w est of Barcelona, P Y a ^ 'a foreea “jy union paper, and two ^venUm to ^ eommerclal uae. (Oeotiauea ea PpA P a * *.) two pairs from S. A. LJndherg. JOHN S. WOLCOTT dty, has been aaalgned to 40 mega- started the week by capturing O r-1 of^ntlnued **5*^^!^* elect officers to be heU) In different Baekland. vice preaMsnt LOUIS PALUZZl $50 DOOR PRIZE Ray* Ume D ( ^ Mon cyclee* or seven ipetere. Not only I vere. imnottAiii ti>«m ai um lahajl. To meet contentions that reduc­ dties to March. of Bakellte corporalton. toM the It was reported today that all of 45 BteeO Street 117 Hollister Street Divided; $25-$15-$10. does tha «yatem work aa' tion of the work relief fund would Borne obeervtre predicted ttat Notional Economic Comnflttoe yo»- the 15 youths recently examined for on this wavelength but, $L_.------. force a drastic reduction to WPA ooly the courts could rtralgtaten «Jt He tesUfled ot thFOomnitt- iR E U f f jM m OOC enrollment have been accepted Drawn Until Won! ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS SihiT, h j F«r Rdm n- •trang —««* it wfll perform as effec- to rspeh Igualada. The week'* gton rolls In mld-wlnter, the Bub-com­ the totrlcadea ‘«»Wch groups inoulry Into notonte. This ralaes, with previous enroll­ tivMy ttoatOI Mtorter, 2% meters or at the southern end of the front was mittee arrote Into tta blU a prohlM- by and oppooing Homer Martin, who | saaMand aald the Invention bad ments, to 19 the number of local —pen lower. I about IS milea. baen a carefully guarded secret but men taken for the present camping ak; AdTtrlkin Rchit. The ultra Mioct waves are aasan- While them were tbs prtnetpel (cmrttaoea Oo Pago two) ' ( ea Page fWo.) that he had ibtalned permtsolan to STIR CONGRESS period. tial to the oyatem becaum a wider ...... —— - dencribs it nuhlldy. tranomtoMon band la required than! (tianitonan an n ffo raioa.) One of the armameot probleato, At a maetlng of the Board of Range and Fuel —L fV 8 i-l_____ P a i r _ Proponante of the military train­ In equipment to turn out motel WashtogtoQ. Jan. 31—(AP)— approve-bills for order of paymant ed to pro^ieet today over a proposal porie. 18th OOogreaa concluded Its third a t the Board's meeting Monday. day to Los Angeles and tomorrow to UaMOiittors. but special I DVrU VWUNMJ Ml U* to make miUtaiy tratolag manda­ ing peegram contended It would ------aswelL These would coqti...... • Plasties are a oonbtoatSon of week today amid multiplying signs We Now Have The Dealer Franchise For Ban Francivo. tory for the 800,000 anroUoeo of tho mako tba CCXJ a reservoir of trained org'nic cbemlcalo, to liquid or solid that Dtmocrattc peaco-maksrs fac­ Charlea Booth of this town will A rejection by the American Ax- about tho aame aa the sets now to I ypffaj Tf Bo Mldf BlW cavliton Oonaorvattoa Oorpo flghttog material aad asserted It ed a treaeeadouo ttak to their rttorte apsak oo "Bird Life" at tba regular aociaUon of Advertising AgencMS ot ' be part at the currant na- form, which may bo nMidtrt Into aay Chairman May (D- Ky.) af tho desired solid Bhape under tatenes to aehlsvo party baioMay before masting of the KIwanIs Club at the demands for an tocreoaad w~ PiBkabli oos of the most tm-1 Houm Military______^ _____Oomaiittoi_ peuposad IWWWff WIpMMlOO V. M. C. A- naat Monday noon. Ntaot fktaro tunottcas of "atatto-1 l || May agd flmlrmaa V to m (D.. heat and preowre. Many dovteaa. Ow 1840 caaqialgna. ^ ^ scale and pay for rehoarsalo ' ^ Act lagialatioB roquirtafl ovary av OOC ranging from automoMla atator to- The two major aubjeeta of Ooo- Walter Gorman will funilah tha at- the baMa for the threatenad Rgnha. lip raiflV* would he ita appUcatton memhar to taka not lata ----- q a.), o t tho Hoiaio Naval Gooumttec tecMlanoa prist. LaSalle and Cadillat Cars to tatovtotai which, for aaUafao- have praposod that their committees aulaters to toiephoflo recetvera and greaaional aetton—the relief appro­ Tho AERA. an AFL aOUlM nor more thaa ftve hours of military cooperate oa oao phase ot that pro- drinking glaosre. are made from priation and President Roosevelt's wbooo preMdant to Bddto CaMar. to «_<*», - training each weak. them. Tho toduotry. was vtrtuaUy atmotoUaente—brought hoHlng to XiB. W. H. Dowd, dialrmaa at h a$d AH Sactloim East of tha Coml River From Soirth Gtastsabury T s TWmpnsmrIia a a i picture aad radio comedian, asked "Thea* boys hr* under tha aupar- grant, fomrolatloo of a policy to tha supper oommtttae from the Bingo and Dance I XSmmX^ Mlteblff aaartm reported to* coonhaate tho peoeurement alrcrtu’t unknown before 1810, whaa Bask- the eurfaco the MttemeM generated mtolmums of $15 for a 15-mUnto rlaloo of Anny ofRoara right now»" vnntag Workere group, requeBts I Eastward To WOUauuiUe. tB the taafuace ot ICojor Arm* I ^ 7 ttet Preeldeat ftooe^lt had for both tho armed services. land's father toveoted the modem by the court bin flght two years ago broadcast, $25 for $0 idtoutao and ■trong. the trodamental prfndpla Indleatod that tha tomporaty Na- the fCentuekton oaid. "Bo why aad accentuated last summer by that resccvatloiia for the IM hei 8Pn M Eflmtoato Competltlaa proceos for making the material. $55 for 50 mtoutea, ^ u a $5 aa hour off We m U m "^iniWete off todoems Hcotwinic OommHtoe mlfbt wouldn't It bo a good Idso to give To laveatigata PaaMbMRIta New Deal efforts to defect unfrienu- BBd OBOglitar banquet at the South Army and Navy Club for rehearsals.' tato the treiieBittod were a I ^ Mffnd .to wWd up Ite tnveetlffa them military training Instead of gueb a poUey. May aald, would Mstbodiat church, Tbuiaday evening some of the other programs they The Army baa appotated a apoeial ly Democratle eanators. cf next week, be In by Tuesday actertsUe whldi doea nof aaiat m thm of M opo^ am k tk a t^ t^ tanoM wartime regulatlona oo U>4 board to investigate the pooMbUlttea The situation waa demccatrated MANCHESTER Hw Four-A'a oountar offer was tho wavoo-produoed by aature. Tho gram oeuM act an the laoue at this have?" • ' puichass of aircraft. aUmlnato com- cloarly yesterday when Benator — at naxt weak. Thsy may $15. 830 and435 for anah. reqwctive Ho advocated anch training do- petlUoa bet weea tbs Army and ot the new proeeea. be'BMMla by cBlliag Mrs. Lao Seben- Robert SdkaHer, Pros. Baekland, who explatoed that hla 8:30 TOMORROW NIGHT 4134 period and proposed that perform­ tTtavar oT m ^ mStatatroto ■pito a recant statement by Presi­ Navy to the amtter of acquirtok 4 m. dW 442S. Tba auppar will be I CoaiUr 8traa$ aad Hartford Road company supprieo only the material (Oeottooea On Pegs ttoo) ers rehearae without eomponmrmn dent Roosevelt that tha propotal plaati aad pnrtect the government and that a former eoloool to the Air mcvBd at B:M aad wUl eoMist of Regular and Special Games! Sweepstakes! Toi two,' three or four hours tor had baea tu n a d down, aomettota against uadiM Increaaee In their Cndt no girt gW. POBBt tnrkgy, dnoo- Data nuaTarj Mitodatlia. bade of Corps devtoed the method. aaM it lag, ggaMmd potatogg aad tuntfpa. sack period. ago. woa I be poasible for ntaa m . TEEASdEV BALANfV DOOR PRIZE! . The A. F. R. A. eanbrnees In ito In .other words It omo what la lleirtrtall^ ^ ___ Boto happatt Aad OppsaMIta If Ifr. Roooevett'a request for 8.- «an«la aad paaa. eMacy, enabanj a emherehlp aetors, atogeca, aa- kMiwm ee freaDeoev ttodBletk*L to I The Wn bp BeMtOfV Bpreb CR** Tha plan fouad both support aad -JO adfUtkmal Armv sianea la ustog "rather simple and tooxpon* Washington, Jan. 3L—(AP)—^TTie moot, MrMgg roag...eo4ggt lea jouncers, solo toatnimentaUata. pio- which the wmw frequency m broad- jidehol mod ffYlfehooey y ., oppoalUoo among aiiwb**e of Moyto proved, the Army — -Navy - alve. equipment." to produce a fuss lage o: trtog to two hours. , position of the Treasury January 19: MUSIC BY THE FIVE SYNCOPATOR8s lueara aad aotmd effaet man. east la ebaagod in aeeecdanoe wttn I prorldea foe Mewiaing ah eommlttae. have to -aequiro a total of snout RaceipU 88434.7$4J$: expendi- of the votoe aadlttans whtoh have narntn 8l0q. Rapi sitatatlve a ndawon (IX, tuxes $35.08S.i8448. set ha tinea 8R- Admi88i

HAHCHESTBR EVEOTNO h e r a l d , MANCHEOTE*. OtINN. SATURDAY, JANUAlfr 21, IW t T. Bach, director of the Scandina­ vian Alliance Mission will be with Flying Boat's Wings Are Clipped DAILY RADIO PROGRAfif man surrounded by gangsters nm UB and preach at the evening serv- "1 SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 (Central-Esitorn Standard TUns—HJL) tte tIAW ." tC6. in Ltitinga Du to Satwork Corroctiono To# L«<« •• A cordial Invitation Is extended 0 MINUTCS ADOPTED Buckingham Cougar Tales DISCORD NOTES Not.: All proznim. to k.r and boile eh.'na w fro W lORNTON, CHENEY SET OBITUARY T te principal charges it prefer­ to come and worship with us. hoi) . < on.i to coo.t (. to *) d..lsn»tlon. Includ. .11 avall.Mo .UUOBO. red again Mnrtln were that he had CHURCHES Tuesday evening, choir rehears­ NBC WEAR (RED) NETWORK------Conl.'^art. 11:00^ t«0—All H.ndo os Oooh._yar. ON RECENT DEAin Reach The Metropolis IN UAW REACH oon sp l^ With iMiWag automotive al. 7:46. BASIC - E»il: w«nr iisO'-MMSs fif Micrna PfS* 3 0 Wednesday evening, prayer serv­ Ki«t «'C«I1 kyw wfbr liOO—t;00—M,n AfSlnM W sS industriallau to “disnipt'' tte UAW ; wtmm wwj cDm wdfl. MidwMl* - - AGAINST SCHOOL CLOSE F u n e r a l s that- te had ancouragsd a "ssces- ice. 7:80. Dranui ___ THE CENTER CHURCH ks>l wmmj »\ho wdaf wir# olp; il;30—Prefram BuRet# Preaww* And Spread Over Nation Bion movement" In the union, and SOUTH METHODIST CHl^BCH ■i, Mountain: Horn kiiyl; Louth: wmj^ w*b 1t4^ 2:4>-Pran Hmee, ^ Nra. OiMS YU rtar Ives. NEW m rrUDE - Bev. Dr. EsH B. Story. Pastor - (Congregational) 8T. MARY'S CHI KCH wmo w»mb wjd* kpre wbre; Pacifies said that he eould not eee where that te had sought to create a "dual ^Rev. Watson Woodruff, D. D. Coimecticat N en bers Of As- The funeral of Mra Orace Talntor organisation" by opposing the UAW Rev. James Stuart NelU. Hector Kfl kRw k*'mo khri Kpo there would be any economy In T te Wiiohlogliam gad BOUth QlU-d ) The dlseppearance, however, oc­ OPTIONAL aTATIONSJoportkie to- I ii0 »- 4:00—CharlM Pant ■*• 6ise|k;' Ives of Branford, a former resident (OsntfaMsd fNM m gs One.) andjthe CIO. 10:48 a. m.—Morning worship-and ' torcharmenhl> on olther RBDor BLUE] 4:10-Tlia Oancasaton M RepeseiUtifes, Many transporting pupils extra miles to of Manchester, was held yesterday curred eerly Monday, aad hunters Morning Worship. 10:80. Serreon w to toobury cougar account today Martin appeared waary and hsrv- oorinmi. Dr. Frank T. Cartwright.. Sunday. January 22nd— Third noiworkHK Eott: I wtM wlw 4:00- (;00—Ta Be AnnaiMSto O M Q Hartford. ' sodited PreM Take Ac- afternoon. .Mr*. Ives fraetured regretted that the trail would te too retained hU Claim to tte praaldency, aaaoclate secretary of the Board ol I i by ths minister. Sunday after Epiphany. work wrkv orsiii wwin rht col w|Al. 4:30- t:3»-Kddr OueMn A OrdMitea rails TO Seo Saving reached bsycod tbs suburbs of o m for doga to follow now. found themselves Involved. Neither eua when te talkOd with hewamen ' The Music; Contrail wtfl wtm) wlbA wdajr Kgbi 4:00- 4:00—Braadesol New* ParM, O tta n A re Opposed To her hip and shoulder In a recent Foreign Mloalono, New York City, I 9:30 a. m.—CTiurch school. Men's kuns wvlo whow Kood wobr 4:06- 4:00—Latthtan Nokia Orskes Some pemons queetloned the Manrheettr such as Hartford, New side gave any inkling, though, that after conferring with hla Board last ' Prelude—Andante. Farmer. will kryr konm. 6outhi wnp<» wUk wur fell and failed to recover from her ntghL He aald they would reopen guest preacher. Musical program. Bible doss. • 4:30- •:80-Tha taturday 6 w ^ C Monomy angle taken by the Coyer* tioi On Bodenw ek Injuries. She died Tuesday at It was contemplating legal action. I Anthem—Sun of My Soul. Rey- wiB win* wftft-WHUn wtod 4:00— TM—Tha Amoeleana it Ws Haven and Intervening towns and the union haadquanefo today and Prelude (Opus I8 l- F r ^ c k . 10:45 a. m.—MornlDK Prayer and wfbc wwfic wear witve want Kvoo way Bddwii’i P in For Trade nor, stating that now the Hartford New Haven boapttal. HOUNUMA THREATENS Whether tte parent Congress M wfaa wbnp wo«l kiha kfdin kgko 4:30- T:40-Joa B. Broew A f — Trade school Is overcrowded and spread Into tte real back country expresaad doubt that the anti-Mar­ Anthem; "Song In the Night — Hymn Anthem— Sun of My Soul, sermon. Sermon topic: "C. M. H. ’ 7:00— 4i00—Johnny and Rum I The daughter of the late Ohariea remote from this section some lOO industrUl Organlsaticns again 4:00 p. m.—Evening prayer and kns ktrtV Ht«m wala wrol ktna kark 7:30- tilO-Prat. Quits QuIOM baa a waiting Mat "How can ttey New Haveo, Jan. 2i — (AP) -> tin board would try to ocOupy It Woodman. ittnc; MounUlnt kftr kghi Rto»* Ro® M. and Mery Lord Talptor, aha was ttiles or more. la ■Mrt, tte tale of would take a hand In tte affaire ot also. Anthem: "Ye Watchers and Ye Ritter. ^k|hf i*lilo kpfa kael ktfl: Pacifk; kfbk 4:0^ t«0 —Phil ■akoe. Oaotla, oynm... ScImmI AboEshnieDL acoommodate more pupils wlUwut OPPONENTS OF JAPAN one of its biggest unions, which Offertory Solo—Sun of My Soul. seriDop. Special preacher: The Kev. •i40- 0:40—Oorlo RhadM Maris — Memorial mtnuUa adopted by the bom June 21, 18M In ffhelbune, tte looid varmint tea been lashed The Martin board. Its leader said, Holy Ones"—Davidson. Wllllare Soule of Springfield. &laos. kwk kml k'‘ri» kau kmod wabc. Oaturday Sofenada -etedn building additions in Hertford?" Maes. She was related to aevaral cinims a membership approacblog Scott: Mlsa Robinson. accident the Australian Cont. Cast. 4:44— 4:44—Doas Rl»«e Qoys - •••• Connecticut mernbert of the AMo- bock u far 00 Naw York, whose would oompists plans for a UAW poatlude; "Fugue” (Opus 18)— Po^ude— Postlude In G. Batt- Monday, 6:30 p. m.—Junior choir wee the enquiry. _ early New England famlltea and 400.000, area unknown. Previous "DtL"innu'^,’;:nHi%un^*'.rre-»nd wrecked by a gale.. 12 00— 1:00—Tha Matinaa In Rhythm 4:0S-10:0S-Tha Hit P «»s d 4 ^ _ «o ^ elated Pres* on the death of Theo­ pravlnelal news organs, Uks tte New WITH EXTERMINATION convention In Detroit not inter than Franck. rehearsal. 7:30 p. m.—Girls Friend­ 12:’30— 1:30—Notaa fram tha Cempue 4:40—10:40—Osinlana fram ma Casitel to «iM «* «r r effort to The town's eaeessort, E. U O. wee a direct descendant ut MloaiU etesavon by tte CIO to subdue tha school with man. Hohenthal, Henry Mutrie snd York Tlinsa, this morning are carry­ Morrh to and that It would "lay a 0:80 a. m.—Church Tbe (ajurch School—9:80. ly society. 8 00 p. m.—Annhal Parish 12^50— 1 :6fr—Matropolltan Op. <1 hrs.) 10:00—11100—Na«oi Dana# Or. a in i) MtoiB tU Tr«i)a acbool for Uanebea- dors Bodenwetn, publisher of the Talntor. one of the Arat aattian of ing full column aeeounta of tbe (Oanoaned freas Page Ona.) factional flareups proved effective broader base for repreMntation 4 00- 6:00—Rhythms In CoamopalltPH Thomas liw le are opposed to the classes for alL Tbe Men’s aass—9:30. leader. meeting. ' , NBC-WJt (BLUB) NETWORK New London Day and a eharter Branford befors IMO. Hsr family M ast Naw Torkon are boing fad only tomporariLv. there.’’ 4:15— 6:16—CaHino ttamp CoUeete« aMl ■ ' Manchester Assembly. NO. IB. Or­ aiastcahurya full polios deportment has headed ths UAW sines it parted Automoblla Workeif. They® halj 'i p. re.—Evening service In Tuesday, 7:00—Choir rehearsal. nil of elaUoiia. wttii the deelrabUlty of maintaining der of l^lnbow, will hold Its public and friend, Theodore Bodenweln of town. At that time aha lived with Attendance was complete and the been removed last week by Saturday. 10:00 s. m.-Confirma­ holders of German bonds In salvag­ New York, Jan. 'Jl—The country's 6:30— trKV^H.ollyweod Hill of Run tbe ItoaelieeUr eehool, and will act New London, eharter member of her parents on their farm, located of two men la eonedresd with ths from the American Federation of _/ rffe cha^I. Serreon; "Uvlne Tuesday, 7:00—Girl Reserves. ing some of the money loaned Ger­ f;00. 10;00—OAncIng Mu«lo <1 hrs.) Cent. Soet. Inatallailon Monday evening at 8 cougar hunt dovolopmsnta. But in galleries were filled with diplomatic antl-Martin board. tion class for girls. 11:00 a. m.— to at pereuade the Chief Bteeutiva. The Aaeocletcd Prete, former direc­ on Middle Turnpike West, now observers Of many nations. Whlla Labor In 1036, announceo tbe sus- P Worlds,” with Dr. Story preaching. Tuesday, 7;80—Monthly meeting TO INFLATION many before the Nazis .'ome to pow­ microphone entertainers, now taking CB8 WABC NETWORK itiSe- Klnney;e OfeheMss o'clock at the Masome Temple. The Uio summsrtimo, whan Itinerant penOlon of 16 Of tbe Executive Phlllo MurrtV and Sidney Hill­ Group I: Mrs. WllUsro McCormack, Confirmation class for boys. — --- tfaan Biieee*t ' ItotrtMnUUve WUIIam C. Cheney majority degree wtil alao be oon- tor, end distinguished Connecticut known as Pinehuret. On July 27. many polnU of ths address were a The Week er and at least a temporary snd to a strike vote because of failure ol BASIC — witbc WDfin *'••• New YorkaM eoma up here to speed Board's 24 mambers after they bad man.

MAKCMBOTBR BVBNrNO lUniALll. MANCmaTTBll. CONN. 8ATUBDAT, JANTJAKT SI, ISSf t 100 franr:a a drink. tt to POUR The teem g ^ off to a alow etert but coaea* Some movtae were shown EXPEa 200 TO ATTEND ao if wa don’t get thto out befor* by Sergeant Dubolse, ehowtag i n t ­ regretted that Andy Holzhal- 20TH ANNIVERSARTI this little group get together, It may then ML their atrid* and finally on r mer did not serve In our company. I ...... ^ sskhtjtem Daybeek < ■% the ladi night of the schedule they ern tanka *)|tm*7y. ?*** boards of aideriMn, polio* boards, —It can't operate this state artthtn Another Muzzle not get out at all. We hope every­ folding atresms ta the- PMHpptnee We needed a man to penetrate the ANNUAL 1ADIES NIGBT Its Ineoms without atthar adopting one will have a good Ume. "A rt" went to the top by one gema Thto enemy lines and bring bock a Kraut J b m r i f M t f r d ty or team oommtoslona They waa close but that oqly made it with modem equIpipeifL It Ip ®ol # OFlfAUANU yi practtealty aaatp oao at tha Oovo •TENSHUN ^ McKays orcbestm will furnish the like the old day*. The e »»^ »« Helnie, Frltzle, B.iche. Atlemand ot •>play poUttos.’* Oanarally a p*r- more interesting. Th* teem won 29 Hun (make your own selection) to ' * DOT'S suggaatlena ar providing a I PRESTON GROVER | muale for the dancing, and some en- helves don't leak now and machtae If embers Of BrUleh-Ameritttn faetly dignified ktnd of ^lUtlea** and lost 10 games aad ta the Indl- turn the handle of our Ice cream . .tt t um tog B ntlb tertaihment was arranged by rank guns ore lighter. By the way, the aub To Gather Tonlpht At but "politics" navarthalassi In fact large flow o f lavattus lata tha atat* vlduAl sverages two o t our uion. freeior. Every evening we spread lieLWUW • ! flUi Waabington.—It to Uom aontobortyintontlons that bo la caUIng la toadtog VallussL .. ,, . Hartford boya ar# epoiwortag a jun- w* never heard Of anyone getting traaauty. bttsifiaas man for Infomial aonfar- BUDDIES ''x BEE-EL. Frank Cervlnl and Enieat Wllkl*. Ibr drum and bugle corps to whom our napkins under the trees and Masonic Temple. ^omiiieDt State Officers Tel > nuNTtNO ooMP/urr, m e. gave • atail-blew by blow aeeeuat are up with the first five ta the i partook o( steak and mushrooms II Wmll atfMt onto a board of aducatlon who *00*0 — and that la tha toad of ttie they gave a grand Chrtotroas MmmIm m m . 0 * bb. o' wbat goao oa at aaasr o ( tha nwra nawxpnper atortoa about tha oon- Andefaon-Shen Atndltory—V. f . W. league Th* team to now pointing The convention committee eaye ttot topped off with Ice cream, befor* Over 200 member* of the Brlttoh- tauMAB PBKUUMII didn't bav* a ttgbtnlng rod up. SHOULD BE AD O m O aettvo praaa eonlsranaaa la toia par- foraaca. Awas bSld Wedneaday nlgkt with a The mgular meeting of the An- (or the lead ta the aeoond half ot Manchester chapter gets a 20 pei turning In (or our regular 8 hours American C3ub will attend the an­ Be Preseit At The O f *mi M*M8*r __ Brttlah War Va t^record attendance. Two new candl- the year and start off by bowling of sleep. As (or detached sendee, nual "Ladle# Night" dinner end en­ T f •»* 0 «t***r L tW a m It makae no dlffarene* whether This Mwsyapsr Is fro* to ai /T ( prtuai arorld'a fair. Harry Hopklas' "What arr you doing abdut sub- deraon-SheX Auxmarjr wlU b* held cent split on convention program ordliiAtas tiatog govammant boats Post No. 131 of Hartford nest Mon­ nay, nay, Pauline, not (or yours tertainment ta Masonic Tempi* to­ the admol board to appdnUva or oo^araneaa are aa good aa any, aa- 0 ^ - In the V. F. W. Poet rooms, Man­ advertising If wa seU any. Of Italy Bamiiet . m iM im OmiT OmglM ■»*«?« that It baUsvaa tha ptepessd ssaa pedaUy stoce be haa beeomo oaero- tor ptoaaumT” , ) the auxiliary. They are; Mrs. E. chester Green, ^Tuesday. January day night Jan. 28rd at th# West The banquet committee haa tne truly. I'd rafher be a billeting offi­ night at 6:30. A turkey dinner will A m lM AM ■ oIIAa m CilatM At th* electlv*. Inl— tnst""(i^lon of the officers ot ura latroduesd by Bapnasotattv* tary of oommorc* and ao andowod " I told 'am not to tlda on tbam.'^. RltcMe and Mrs. Ruby Cervlnl. 24. At thto meettog we will have a Hartford alleys. Any more good sltuatton well ta hand. TlckeU cer, like Bee-el. be served by Osano and a fine pro-' H at OOM* At ManckAAttr, Oona, *a So, bacaua* th* schools or* part Peat No. 108, Canadian Loglon of The (llawaehu* Again. amm mil itottT. Thornton, prohlbtUag th* onsrclng with now govommsnt dignity. "A m vou plaaatog to raeonvOM The unit to planning a food sale to short demonstmtloh. of brushes. bowlers ta the Post membersMp who will be out bv the end of thto wees gram of entertainment will be given \ New Brltato. which whs held to the near futura. The time and The Buckingham section of Glas­ under the direction of Billy Brehnan Prominent State officers t€ thi of politics and because th* way ui fo rty or mom roportsrr w o the Nattoaai Scraw Thrasd oommU- , that city last Sunday aftoijioon. Hop* as many ladles as^poaslble wlU ean come out either that nlgbt or and chow will be aarved at ? p. m ’ •OBBCRIPTTOII AATKS of smployas by asspToysis to os alenT" Bvarybody basvia, Includliig place will be published as soon aa a tonbury Is being terrorised by a o( Hartford, Including several new Sons of Italy wlU be present toasort, arhich they get office to—and has aaated to two rows around • tong Bofreahmento war* aefved lojjw - attend. later ta the season will be welcomed February 8th at th* VID* mm tm t m lu ii ...... tribute to Oommuatty Cbssto si niabogany tabla aa Hopktoa strolls Hopktoa. tt turns out to bO o Bafi^ place to available. _ wild glawaeku*. a specie* of cat ■ctl. K * llAAtA at MaII to b »—praCty much th* same as th* Inx th* Impressive ceremony which We would like to congTOtutote | and If they will gat ta touch with Bolton. Your* truly aaw M Mor^ row efternqon at th# annual boi othsr charity or wsusrs fuw to. Ha alts down, then nervously oils queaUon about atendArdlsatlpn .s..\__ ^ W * are aorry to hear Mm. O o ^ _ . _a.- Dv-AekMM lam ixHlI BtCPH thtoin Un. gan In Danbury the other day and developed over a period of seven of Following the dinner dancing will ■kiflA Oaw ...... was to charge of the state ° f f l c ^ | had a bad fsoT on Friday. 13. We Florence Peteraon, who ha* t)een Carl PriaoB be will sign them up. quet of Giuseppe Garlbeldi lodg way In which other admlnlatratlv* boitocea up again and a bottery of of thmads on pipea and bolts. No As no one ta perticular was men h* will be among thoae present. Ed Ita nine lives on the steep mountain be enjoyed to Art McKay's Orche* should* b* adopted by tba Ososs of Meaeachusetta. Commander appointed a* Department PatrtdUc sides of northern Now England officials get their officea. It fre­ photogmpbsm Most away at him. aaawer cornea. Hopklna hadn’t jrSt hope she wtn be able to be around Uoned in our poor verse* ot lest was looking fine. tra music. Sons of Italy at tha clubhouae. B ^ *■««■ *«»••*# under thettUrecUon of Paat la part of the public " I Eras 29 and a trumpeter ta the tah boya aeem# to (U*e vorloua offers Sunday morning and com* to *eAltoa th* urgent neces­ abut th* door and was about to go p,omtaes to be an tatereattag sea- planned end we will know more President Fannie Witerman. if Bi RMl— f4 T«M d It, ha wouldn't get I t To oven ad- a heart teat with the electrocardio­ bend. Th* regiment crossed the around the car to get ta th* other I State Commander Henry thtag alnc# Chemhertato *et the mak* a choloa. For aoma rasoon haa baaa ooavtaoad pot_ooiy sity of clarifying th* situation. about thU et e later date. style bv giving *w*y.Caechosloy*k We are very aorry to hear of Sla­ the Mggar shows have etoyad swiqr vlsa tha amploya that ha ought to graph I roceived this d i a g n ^ " channel and after two day* ta side when tha drunken driver smash- jjj attwdanc*. We are endeavoring to have all Not only helM hnwk u|p < oarda of oducatlOB abiouM oa But It aroo't gat the schools out la Whet a differenei twenty trow ter Ma* McVeigh's Utae^and wtoh from Manchcetor ta th* ^ aaveral contrlbuto part o t hto pay to Health and Diet Anewer: The word "aftytiunia" Boulone went up ta train to Mou- ed Into Uto car. throwing tha Fortta j executive committee will dues paid by January SlaL If you I ta • hoOdlhf ff ftoiB and auperior to mualet- of politics because th* schools are comes ffinn th* Oroek, meaning berg* where tt errtved on August makes. ___ Some______of ua can rememtMT , for her • ipcedy recovery years and thto osaspn mow a ten- Community Oiest to shear ef­ baby around tha Inside of th# car. nionthly meeting ta the have not paid vour dues as yet will when these eeme led* hung on hv 1 oomrade Johnson who to 111 dancy to com* back. ^Ooa but that thay raally are: on* of th* heavtsst responsIblUUa* Maybe English Scarlett "went of rhythm." Blnua errythmlx W. Eye-witneaae# aald tt wa* a miracle Monday evening January you kindiv do ao, so that our mem- •I^ra WUl b* * deflnlU srtup frontery on th* part of the amptoy­ Advice refers to sn Irregularity of the heart “ C squadron of th* 4th Dragoon berahlp chairman can report a 100 the teeth, wouldn't give sway an ,jrtp. Past President Bister root tba aaaia aourea quick of polities—of government that the baby waant Wiled. Th* U jrd W 7:30 p.m. Inch, and even th* Kaiser couldn’t u (esiing . uch better Planned Sunday morning and eU M er. To attempt to jeekay him Ifito By DB. rB A N It MeODT beat. Usually t|i* heart to find Guards woe seat forward to reoon- drunken driver triad hto beat to Neighborhood Night per cent paid up. • fUfferent orgonlxatloa* eonneeU of the ■Mdtoport fast, then Mow,-'then feat, and bb to tiy aad find anytlitag drive them Into the ae*. Aloe and ^ck with a cold and Poet a position wbsra ha dare not rofuso ------Bolter— - .> .BDisak away from tb* scene of » e "neighborhood night" ot Members are rentotaed to bring a ■ — ■ '.'Heurtux to s with th* aosoelatloB are expect- to maho tha tchool board BUDGET MESSAGE Got Southern Accent In India on.' t t to'the’ roiult of an lnterta^ small gift for the "Sunshine Basket” alack, wo# to ue. Prudent Stotor Julia L' ■ueh A contribution aavom of th* LUMBAGO—ITS CAUSE AKO ence with the intptilaes ooming from g l ^ t Uie eneny ^^cmild, | smaah-up k®d *?***>_*4?4!?1 the year will be et th* Armory That Tale ol a Keg. attend ta fuU fore*. J h m aaLRp^olBUva ona. -A t dawn on th* I people or ameahed other cere along*' I ^ # v ^ n * JanusJanuary 31aL Our next Monday evening. slowly gaining. Oovernor Baldwin, coming Into or etoet methods of tba raekateera. BELIEF tti* slno^auricular node; thto noA oyrolo ca the Mona-Charterol he wo. poralyxed drank. After reeding Bee-el'e tragic tele Many thanka to our social com­ Idaa of ’looping th* acboola being th* pace-maker of the heart will be the of a blllettag officer ta France who STUDENTS GET rAU> « office with th* RMmory ot predeces­ It ahould be, and w* hope It wlU ha, YDVA. mittee. ^ , TBBn OLttbSWOttK iM t o f poUUca^ haa aa fin*, high- Vivien Leigh Is Beautiful; Thai's W here She Differs From Muscular rheumatism affscUng and determining the rata et which ------.. ... I oKuuuoo w. v.~ Otaatonbury, Bast paid 106 franca for a on* drink DAILY sor administrations that ware reck­ forbidden by the proposed tow. mipiadroo of Uhtons were coming a motortot blocking hto car he would' Hartford,■»««•>->*• and Windsor Posts and os Lost Sunday's meeting was re­ fiiOkd a aound aa "gotUng th* th* lower beck to called Itmibago. tt beate. Hto Mnus node nuy te {down Um road towards uo. An am- Sate of a keg of vim rouge, our less of th* people's n»ney fresh In have gotten away. they have already edvtaed ua that ported ta the Meneh*aV*r Evening Chapel HI1A.X K- C —(AP)—St^ L U N C H f O N V q jaearta out of p^ttca.** But arhat turn ho Influanoad hgr ilM rtegtm huMi was propored. I lookad cau- Herald eerlT this week hut there heart flita to the brim with eym- Heroine Of The Novel Attseka of thto troubla may follow narve, or by other Influences outaMe Comrade BUI Fortta was at hto they would be out ta force we can nethy to r any oomrade who suffered dmite ta the V o M l e his mind, and faithful to hto prom­ Hously up th* rood aad 1 aaw tbs dolly work a mlla and a half away an a few hlqh Ughte worthy of re- J 5 e ■** Baaa tt aiaanT What doaa atthar uf expoaut* to cold which ceuaea the th* heart Itself. This to not conaid^ count on a large evening. Welter thus. T out* truly wo# fortunate Prof, rredeiiok Koch •* the ts* to effect large savings by cur­ Uhlaaa eomtag. eaaually. The Mfl- at tb* tima of th* seddenL yet he pestlng. The attendance waa gnod Unlveratto of NottttsOuroltaa writ* In New Yorki circulation to b* retarder and fa­ ered a aerioua heart eonditloa, but It eer ta front wee smoktag as s mat­ Sage of the HerUord Times will ex- end the meeting was tateresttag. Indeed to have* « * ^ served * * ^ with ^a com- 1 g ^ M r °hm wliJi Aad Op tailment of preventable expendi­ r to generally on* which shoi'JS racelvs must dig Into hto pockets and pay tertata ua with pictures ot the i.ur- plays end get paid ( ^ U mol ; BoUttca, by any dictionary, la the _____ Zy Oeor(a Rasa By PAU L HAKItthON ; Lomjon, and alao to dramatic acnooi died the eel*. Btraweli eays th* story vors th* accumulation of rheumatic We enjoved listening to National penv which needed a 1 Juty of lo s in g aftar a tures, has sent to the General As­ attention before some more oerloua ter of focL I the damages to hto car bacauae a rtcaa* of last September end other Ktyeh. vho to director Mane* of goeemmant. If public Neo fiorvteo Stefl CorreapoMent ! waa bought "(ram galley prootx be­ toxins In th* tower hack area. c "Than evidently something gave Commander Edgar Miner of Hart tro^ la develops. j - drunkan driver amaabed It up. sheveun**l**®“ . and nencemA W# op- Smtoh*Mm tree wMch King Georg# H O T E L f sembly a budget message predleat' HoUywqod. Jan. 2t.-P rom AUan- i EaeowaghM HMbsnd fore thi publlq ever read iL” Uisa The eMef aymptoms are soraato* the gome away. They bod spotted I tateresttag pletur**. (bounty Com- font Jerry C Leery of Providence Un* Playmoksn. boa J( a tucaUon at publlo ooat la not SoneUiiMa theaa America neourta asaader Edmund Ketobar will be * 4 more tlwa 8300 la •d antlraly oa curtailment He New Terk, Jan. 81—Evary now Wllllanto sayx' It waa jought July and atlffnaxa tocaltxed In the lower w>me**iiwf and they wore turning. and laws work etraagety. In tba and our own Harry Blraell. Mem- Mied end were * ^ * < 1 A t C T ro w n . who Baattat of gbaanunant and bene* of ta, Georgia, ,1? In 1»32 the met and married Hoi- beck muscles and U)to atiffneaa to (Qneetlana Tee Lang) with ua (or hto first visit of th* year manbera of tb* ertonlxal S H E M D A l i urge* deep, drastic cuts. That aad than a slim, rather bandeome long way- about 9800 mile*. , auccesafu London barnater. 30, 1936, exactly on* nxnth after Qucetlim ' "Joaapbhia" writesi OtptataHeniby ookad parmtotoim ben ore reminded that regular paBtlca, arhat laT Tba only poaalbte apt to be most pronounced when the to fanew thorn with & * Hbar ^ iS i thS I ioS; “ itatertetomeat Chairman meetings er* to be held on the aeo­ later tauirt>t w» walk and earrrj asked for the hv^alete plays war* publtohed ta shows courage. Obviously be haa men emerges from a midtown hotel *•” ' ^ . . , . I and be too encouraged her career- publication of the novel. "WUI you enawer th* question* machine gnn ammunlUon. Oer*-1 the tree's Ufa to threatened by angrtogat aducatlon out of poUtlca But not too far to go to find j patient tries to rise to hla feet after troop. Th* flrot troop daahad I wSpriaed he Oscar ^daraon haa o t ^ ptonata ond Tuesday of each month at 8 Polk Ploys." and goes snooping about the atreeta, He was perhaps the most antbuBaS' The Uaatteg Uame he has been sitting down. given In my letterf There ar* If ■kmallv w * took long lourneve for I of eouvenlr Hunters, la to abandon It aa a govemmentAi given little thought to political re­ Scarlett O’Hara, aa Producer David down the rood after th* UMaaa I ^ toreod to pay the drunken the work* “ f ^ * p. m. at tb* Armv and N a w club eyeing every pretty girl With an In­ Uo member ol the audiencs on the Lumbago may develop quite sud­ of them and I. do not think you could mir health on speefnl flat _nrheel^ J actions. That Is honest. fialsnlck would agree. That’s where But to get on: in September, 1936, publtah them. In th* paper. Print Our erden were to mount ^ fM- ^ tte r’a 8100 fin* Moa And w# oro to ae* ^ t a ^ * l« iMd by aU. We wtoh to extend at thia t(m* our dhatUoa altogethar and turn it night ot her great success in "The Georg* Cukor was signoi. to direct denly In an acute form, or It may low on to their support Wh bad aftar said drunken driver Don't forget th# Mte! thanka and aopreetoUon to the box car* north. eeaL aoutli. weaL It happens that on* of the serv­ tent star*. Vivien Leigh woo born, aod ell the just the anawen afld answer bg and several other direcUon# from •tar, Uka buatneaa, to private man- Mask of Virtue." GWTW. Soon Sidney Howard was r-ineln over e period of monuiR er g a D o ^ about a nU*mil* andaad a hMfhalf ™apeada w t o l5 15 day#days ta that frightful . In entering a team tat o thet ^ Hert- Board qf Goveroora for allowing u# ices which ne would do sway with Some of them resent It, more of lovely southern glrla who have been years in a more or leas ohrutiK number, and I win know what yon front to front end beck hut moaUv aiBtBHBt Otherwta* It la no nwr* them are merely curious ea to th* Miss Leigh played "Ophelia" to hired to write the adaptation. By mean." « down th* road w.th awordsrds drawn I atreatJMl.otraat he be wUlwill drink only I ford______Copnty,— ------Amertew the USB of the club rooni. Is th* Manchester Trade School. cultivating their you-all brogue (or (o m which causes Jie pa' Isnt .iiuoh hxi w — 6 ttimMiBii th* Uttla I g f ma Ufa. in j league the Poet thought It w o ^ On Monday e delegation lourneyed front. Usually a wine tank waa .poaalbl* to divorce It from polltlca Identity ot the ecurcber. 'Tboe* be two years can just relax. Laurence Oliver's "HamleL" end this lime the public had begun Ita Answer: Tou ars'correct in that a ^ hod paeaTO throu^ 1 oraxgMde thereirt of hto Ufe. j UW.*****?*..**** hooked on near our nrirate ear and signed up with the Biitish moviex Jlsr-omfort. Somenmes in nese viUag* of L* Cateeu. when CM>tata the Conlen case: Tommy wee add to fellowship to Hertford at It wax hosoltalltv dhaa tt I* poaalble to divorce road Not many people In Mnnchestei stops are flattered—for the chap's For Vivien, daughter of a British game of casting tba roles ot Scar­ chronic cases there will oe periods your questions Bo not land them- whenever th# train stopped w# were She haa made only two pictures lor lett and Rhett Butler, but 'n the salves readily to pubUcatlon. Hose* Hornby ahmited: ‘4th troop dto- r.w2..-n g horn* with a car-load of farant poate and w h ^ night at the Marttord TDVA head- hwHdhig or amti and navy mainte- will agree that the elimination ot name to Georgia Hale end to Eu­ stockbroker In th* Indian city, wife when tha lumbago to especially miartera. Th#^ New Britain hpva. r.t llbertv (unleas under obeervatlon) rope, South Amerloa end right here Alexander Korda, the BrIUsli direc­ early spring of 1987, Seltnich let it ever. It has not b «n nw lioUey in mounL xt action.' High school pupito from a beeket-1 pact Uw team to take ^ t ^ **2?f5* to dash to said win* tank and gath­ ttaara or th* postal aervloe from that school to desirable—that It of a London lawyer, Letfib Human, troublesome. print seeret 'repUea th ihu coluiax-r- “I was on* of th* first down and b X .gem* ope 6 drutten d rl^ It woMd^^ headed hv R * » Ktaoold and Gardi­ at home, they ar* qlraady rafdrrtog aad mothbr of a fi-year-old daughter, tor, but under her Ameiicen oon- be known that th* laada srould go to ' patient who haa bien bother­ er sttflictont nourinhment imtU the would not be a tad place to start when material to used, th* complete cover behind a tree 1 eaw ran him off th* rood and smasbad era and an additional tatereat Now ner Hell'e Wmimantlc*. were ores garatainaiil ami from govern- to him os the aucceaaor to ZUegfSId baa beeem* ^ r l e t t O'Hara for the trect abe will etlll be able to mak* unknown paopl* and Cukor, then in ed by lumbatto over a period of aav- train started again. I f our pal economixlng. Nor would It seem question to given, for tha benefit M th* German officer giving orders to It Into th* ditch. Anotbor eaoa of Uw flrat half of th* schedule to *nt. Harry BlssSn deacrlhed ■MBt*a other nama, polltlca. os a discoverer of beauty. screen versVtn ot “Oone With the one picture a yaar (or Korda. Georgia, Interviewed debs aad co- eral yeara ahould recelvo a thorough (Thrlatmaa ta France. Including Bee-el hod only belonged to an eda. those having Mmiler proMenw who hto troope. Taking steo ^ aim at children's Uvaa being endangered by finished and, Lo and Behold, the W * might as wall start off, then. to be likely that the General As­ There era collectors who can dto- Wind." • And that to bow Darjeeung, India, examination and In addition to th* will be Interested. Beat plan to tree neda o t knocked down pecktag outfit Mm oun he need not hav*| ' lower back being carefully 1 examin­ M 400 y x r ^ I flrad. H* falL That drunken dilvar*. We haven't gotten DUworth-Cornell team to on top. With raoogBltloa of th* tact that sembly will follow the leadership ot com the hand of genius to a dust- n Inches Around prodiiced Scarlett O'Hara In th* in March, however. Clerk Gable you to writ* again, thto Um* giving was the first shot fired ta the overed old caovoa and others who ed. It to etoo wise to Include th* pel­ all tha details o f th* Conlen case the Governor In this or In several Utoa Lalgb can’t possibly carbon flesh, and though East may be Btoat told me that Setonlck bad mantion- four name and addraos and oneioa. Greet War. y e t but we know tb* drunken driver •attMa aebool malntenanc* is a part can vtouallse the gllUartog or brll- and Want may be West, th* twain ed th* Rhett Butler rale to Mm, but vic area, the jotnte in th* lower pert ng a large, stamped eavelepe. A other recommendations of mors or copy Ulaa Mitchell's Scarlett In one of the spin*, and atoa th* f**L ‘T saw anothsr movemont by tha didn't cbooe* the Ifi days ta jell a t polltlca It to rather sUly to talk liano* ot a diamond i- th* nonde­ respect—Scarlatt. the nook insisted, certainly got togatber at toot to that no daflau* offar had baen mad* private reply will than be aent, leas similar character. Vet It to as A general rheumatic tendanicy to old* of a tra* and 1 flrad again. Ws m tha Bast Hartford court case. a f kaaping th* acboola out of what script maos ol th* rough gem. Hale wee not beeuUful. But In other re- spit* of Kipling. and the that ha (Gable) did not want srhleb will be kept ConfldentleL H advanced up Uw road towards the clear as need b« that. In view of the probably the moat unlveraal causa jruu do not.care to do thto, than 1 Jnnier Aatlrltle* Inhatently they are part of. IS blood brother to these. For often ipects. the violet eyes that will do There will be a bltosaro of pub­ to play i t Gennan* on (ooL firing at any The committee on tb* junior Unit the girls be stops seem to have of lumbago and when thto funds- atrongly; advise'that you Make aa When, however, th* poaltlon to Inescapable Increase In outgo re­ ■o nicely for Scarlett’s green ones, licity, a tornado of storlsa about Th* first person cd*t waa Welter ntovement Th# order come for th* ncUvlttos has been e n to r ^ end ar* 1 nothtog sxtreordinary to commend mentM toxloosto sxttte. It moat ba eflort to protect your Maith by o *» takaai that there ahould be every sulting from the enlarged institu­ th* trim figure that will readily give players, sets, costumes and all th* Connolly, in July, 1987, as Gerald rsmevad baforo Uw patient may 4th troop to mounL I could ace ^bout M d y to up thoae who them, and yet when they appear on .U4 a doctor near you. Tea * «L Oire* or'fou. r horses lying i_ta the become membera of the| tional program in which th* state the Illusion of ScerteU's 11-tocn •ubjecte ralavaxt to tba actual film­ O'Hars. Only thi ether day. though, for any sort of potmanontjgs- daatly naod help aad 1 am aeriy to poaalbl* aafcgusrd of the aehoois stag* they ar* todlss of beauty and waist, end tha Imraedtate Brttian road and aome Gennaas Andenoo-Sliaa Junior Corps. Thto I* deeply Involved, such economies glamor. ing of an apic. But baforo tha Mg bis option lapsed and ba atepped out bo unable to give I t . . ~ •galast unclean politics—the quea- aneestrv that may have aome Irwh blow begins, 1 am going to raview ot th* assignment. During variou* itributtng causes o t thto type wound6d* corps wM be nm^oa Um IScout t t a taka* on quite another aspect. must be effected unless the atat* la end French In it a little farther come of Its Matury (ram the time it rasriltaa et the script, hto part had of muscular ihaumattom are: "Our objaettv* liad hem aitain-l Quo part of tbs VS,V S.tn. I • • • t FXoe Fhaeler ed. W * hod captured five prtocaera n * t * to no doubt tu the world as willing ti turn to th* tapping of back—Mias Leigh qualifies emlnent- waa just e 2 S-4-pound aephyr eaua- baen whittled down to an unim­ pooura to cold, exposuro to damp- ta Boltoa wM ba laid out ha a camp NaturaUy, Hale haa had Iota of naao. wrniching or tSfietUig th* low-^ PRIVATE DUTY ffiJRSES - and w* tuned back to rayejota our groimd (6r thto corps. Thors to a •a the rlgtatneaa ot that poaltlon, new sources of revenue. •y- Ing its first,flurry ot Interest. That portant on*. five unusual experlsnces la the quest (or Thougb aUn comparatively im- ar beck, and foot trouMey. Any (bo- regltaeat whim was about brook In thto port of tec grove - them ware some way in which Oovernor Baldwin appears to was away bfick in July, 19Sa, On an afternoon In August 1987, t t bseuty, (or he dUdetoa tha ordi­ known to Amerleba audlenees. Miss tor whick onoeurages a mlsplaeo- aoltos beck. They goiro ua a hearty which can b* used to moiraadvaat- Ifea adaalnlBtraUon of achool affaire have accepted a* a fact th* hypo- nary chorus call. H* found Vara I have board from oomaono who a peispbing David Batonlcl: antorg- hMnt of MM of Um smaU to th* ATTEND TESTHONIAl ebaer when w* arm ed aad Uw Gea- ageOi also tho ban at tb* Orem will Lalgh burst on London (our year* should know that after a rofluiar * oeUca. Gmtata Horaby, who was eons wtahtaffto jota up, get ta touch and womew of an extraordlna- ble. But doubtless hto acceptance of th* Amheaeador Theater In Lon­ new book, agreement that tt would have Gable." Mayei, loce bead ot Faulty posture, and woakneas of th* the first officer to draw blood with oara Daly cam* to him from behind don that summer of 19.88. she had Chester Group At Banquat wtOi BUI B a r r ^ cbalrmsn; Bert 1 ^ high Intellectual plane without of that Immutability goes as far bo fllmad, and alarm that competi- M-O-M. wanted to rstoass th* pte- bock muselao )lus to lack « f * » » - th* sword, received th* OR.O." Moseley, Horry Mathlaaoa. " O / counter to a Boston department almost as unknown In Eng­ In East HsrtfonL falatast ting* of claea, group or and no further than acceptance of store. Once be aat to a certain r*s- Uv* bidding might boost the price tur* if ho loaaod GaMo. Betoatex ctoe, are othei porntN* contrthuUag E x -S *rgM t Thooias was aakad p*toraoa,( Commander Redman or land. But as th* Immoral Htti* beyond th* atoiye tsal value. Mo finally agreed. ceusea. "J .wbaUwr b* rsmamhorad tea aanaa- Adjutant Choosy. Tbs elgntag ot Aanomle prejudice, endowed with public opinion on the question. He laurant frequented by models for Partstenne of the 1780* who “stele Fourteen members of th* Max- days on end walung for a freah they agreed (aeid my Infennanti to Soertott ScramM* If you Dev* boea Bugerliig with 'Uona ha axpailauoed at that first membera eaa be doM at tha Hfy and Infallible realtoatlon of subject of new taxes at all. save to Jamea Miss Letgh at 19 became a great (or the novel, and David Betoatex genew regimen at home srhlch may of danger at aU," h* repUed. "iM 1 New Havaa Forty praa asked If she would play Scar­ be helDful In eUmlnatfaig a rhaiiinatic otol held in honor of the isUrtag ttacal capacity of the commit recognise the present tax structure •tar overnight. won. wantod to do was to gat my mark Tha KXS, Post No. 890 of New He looks almost exclusively at tha London ciitlca who wrote TBve* le tt 8 b* Bold she didn't srmnt tho toxenria then tha fiist thing to do oBicere-at the Church Gornars Jpn. juot as If 1 eras mooting on tea as fixing the limit of the state'* ex­ Havso to opmtag up Uietr new poet |tty, then there would be ho doubt (ac*. Tba body can be greased up. about her talent and beautv tried to Money For HargBisS p ^ but would plaj It if she war* to to take tt abort five day fust on Beat Hartford Friday nighL r a im . " penditures. but th* (ac* la on Ita own. Ha has rooBif ta tee heart of the city oa hktever aa to who ahould have make the usual Clnderena story If tba atory'to true. Belsnirk dM oppoMte ObM* and If no battar Mcar- orange j i ^ or toihato jute*. Atoe Tha fetirlag prMdant of the asao; Tha docummt rewirdhig hto MIH- January 38. =>|roUowtag to tee pro- had bow-ieggad girts to hla shows tott eeuM b* lound. Uka one oflohM daSy. ^ . _ 0 ocatrol of tba schooto. There are many recommenda­ stand up. ‘Th* smlUiig ano saif-pos- very handsomely by Author Mar­ ctoUoii. Mias Mary Mortortp, B^-.^ taiy Uadvl award has a ptoo* of gran W tea night: 7 p. bl to 9 p. and one whose body was ocarrad by In Oetebor. followtng a aartoa of srlU ba of value to ellmlnatlnR th* m But w* have never heard of any tions of economies In th* message ■eaaed MIsa Lelgb promptiv knocked garet Mitchell, srho got I80.WI0. and - U seeretary-tredsuror, K M : hniar oa tea wan o t tea hart room m., CMckm pte supper and fixings: The Average Cost Of to Cooking: Electrically la on accident to Inlancyi Amoag all "Anthony Adverse," only recent teBitt .Natotte Goddard mod* a rhoumatle tmetaa which - havo: been Gertrude B. Ashford 'were givsl) where O.UI uie 'Otap^ad photo- IS who had any plan for creaUng to which no right minded dtlxen It down. She hadn’t ow r been poor, • p. to, to 10 p. m.. Charlie McBnro the undraped showgirl*, ah* aJooe avarred, and aha* hadn’t even novel comparsbis-la popiucrtty, aoM prematu ra admission that she was to ao trrltetlng. 'Hm oaeond thtag to costume Jewelry by thetr aseo^ gr^ihs of Sa.tteoBt Thomaa la hto do to to mak* uoo of oomo, form of aad BtOy Kalley's Pamona Old-Tlm- Ktt aa educational authority as can possibly object. And they ar* wore clothes but the high beauty ol had otem parsnta who opposed her In the open market (or 8Sb,000. b* Bearlstt Thto brought an m- bandamaa’s uniform and agate ta ~ MU lUtwIM Troup* (with I Approximately Ic^Per Meal Per Verson BL Supermen and superwomen Important onea But they are not her (ace carried her through. Hal* digwant ttanlal from WalBUrti. and it hast trsatmont whtoii wtn towsooa The~oS(b*r* of Um aoaoOlatioa tea drab khaki, whan h* married theatrical career. I f th* stoty to net tmiii, J enn t)to etreutoUon through tha ' coat): 10 p. n . to 10401 eWch type somehow do not seem enough to balance the budget im- likes to teach girls to dreao, what On th* contrary, they were well •a* no reaeon for aomo dlaerspaaeieo was one o t two things which soray- are: PtealdenC Mies Gladys hto wife ta Brtghtoa during th* p. n.. Sony Road, wtthout bar fan. tClL sserstary-tTSSsurer, Mtas[to* BsttyBetty I mak* up to wear. Ha goto a thnU to-do. and they gai* bar every between statammte made Kus- ou Mm against nor-right up to tho war. hut la dalaly dram: Jm ntspotrlcfc, ' This low operating cost plus the small inveteent In­ 1 have appeared, as yet, on the less supported by other cuts In ex out of th* gradual smerganc* from I flad that irrttottog aabotanom 1,eria.ertarty. And there you are. Ba*-*L What I ehaneo as soon aa they knew she sell Btrdwell, flatonick'o Boe proas (Lai oatoctloo. The other was bar o n mere quickly gotten rid of If th* champico Bog PtperH Storsoa fito- volved in the purchase of an electric range wringrs elec­ Btaca of dvtllsatlon. When they pendlture which, like the trade Just a pretty girl to a glsraoioua agant, and Informatloa obutnod rsfitoaL counter to hto private <>•* Mias Doris L Rutehhwca. ximar- do you think of that otoryT tetta noted (or radio broadcasts; one. wantod to go Into th* thaater. They ttont to g t w n trsatmont with Intendent of Nurses, Memorlkl Hos­ I wo shall sorely need the first school proposition, become contro­ from Annie Leurl* WlUtams. MMs nmnd, to atete publicly whatltor or "You can't heat tb* Irtoh." lO'AO p. n . to I 0. m.. dancing aad it bar from ter India to the I Ctoop thorapy lamp, natog tho pital; woe the speeto) gneet ol tha tric cooking within reach of every home Itch of them for Prasldeat*, Gov- versial in their very nature. The other day, h* stopped Into a R o ]^ Aeodoeay Dramatic Art in I Hltebell’a literary agent, who hoii- not Mm waa Mrs. Chartas ChapUn. Slamp long anough to ttooroughly Our hate ar* off this week to tea siin he furntohad by I o t aoaociaUon. ‘ ^ wars and Senators—th* acboola The message shows how the budg­ drug store while walking with Bar' " h ^ ” th* entiro lowar hack otsa LogtoB howling team who terougb Soisnaden. Thto whola bsra Daly and bought her m new This to prlmr-tly a boat tisatoMnt their caoMstent' bosrttag la tee | gtvaa tor a cha^ |01 have to wait till there are et can be balanced—within the h o r s e THAT U O M t M S r ^ ^ Aaiarlcaa Laglea league ore shade of lipstick and a now *hsa* equivalant In chssa*. butter or ether espraaaad conccra recantly at tne and to excellent for etlrrlng up the o f 3fi ceate,ceateb aaaad tee Atte to Saturday Reconditioned oogh of them to go around. tax structure. But It also leaves w»itew»ty pirouette and strike aa at­ BARASSEF ItR OWNBM ritUag ea top of tba (mo*. la wUh- of eyebrow pencil. H* took titude. aaktng hie companion what dairy producte, he sMd. fall g Mrth-rata, particularly m local e lre ^ tla a through Um port ulghL January 3S, 2988. Th* New I Tat, rather oddly, there does open for the General Assembly, be­ Devine to dress shops ahosrad Australian oltiea. affected by sorooeas and rtlPnssa tag the boya good luck, ws bop* Haven post hm gnwa^oi they aeed] bs or ih* (mostly she) thinks about They ahould also be gives tsro AbUcBA Tea.—(A P I—Th* eleo^ they keep up tee good srark. to be In every community, a cause' It Ukes no position In definite btr wbat to buy. He makes Mo glrla IL He's completely obUvIoiu of salads, two aervtnga of coofcod toxfy recommandabent. for a When th* lamp treatment laetall a Hto totter, ■iihsaaiii to Baata at lights I flo a sad Auxiliary. Brtttoh Senrlca daaera, t e o b ^ ta tea $ 4 5 - 0 0 Its of govanunant. par- tba Oovernor suggests as poaaib** m tor. He got hto flint job an a aSMiu has bean of davastetlng ot- tha "North Polo," eonteiaad aa al- first reUaff dIBs >o< Bwitm.te raawdy entotaly win ba takm cars of as tor I director by bringing eight beouU' Ogfcr Baadu^. O.—(AP) — which they Of muntcfpal govammant. to ellmlaata, and still operate ua test oxsipt on*. Ho won't tell th* phahettaa) Indm of all UM tMaga U to. t S cu 3# teffnuat xarvlm ,aa dgaretteo, tohoeoo, ate, to eoa-l (First Floor IimUBsUow ) ful glrla along snth Mm whw to lady's aam* bat her taltlato wi Autoa dri ven by Phtt guy aad Paul the tM* of Um Bttx baUL ^ wanted, tt Ban Uuso paga* la ■■ttx frara xB parts c< ^ eacaod by tea Osteraas o f PerM as water tends to run down dar tt balanced budget,' If tt haa th* went to aak (or th* saatgameaL He H. Pray eoiudsd. 1 Mm O ba glad to aend t enterprise and the Intelligence to and reospiMad Um boy n o w tn rrodar who to totoriotod. ax itaa done numberlaaa road Miowa mall ofdar boas* eataiec. - -"Maybs ward batter sail an oBi- WstisrtowB, New Tn k , provtd* tbs needed Income. Broadway revues aad mualeal com oar," Bby mtggsstso. paga articto ott' LCndBAGCV mberahip ea beards of BAT WHAT TOO WANT Poet ma iter Many Handilaks may isealytMito by snlttott to m* to Bxtt 'Lako- City—Mdroltat- Praata •ssi;i^jr£?jss;5sj5:| ^fter all. It la th* General Aa- ediea and films, not to mention BUT GET ESSENTIALS FIRST openod Um totter (or pastel Inapt "Mayb* n i do." Pray ropitod aa Crane, ttpproachlac a cran ing, mw score of night club show*. Ha may ear* o f thto ebarnttn tea bar aad m eooo oal The Manchester Electric Divisiqi strangely enough the aray sambly which must solve Uon boexuaa of tho *ind*flMte i ba flosbod a oadg* and Idcnttsad a tram coming- aad appUed . bit; t t o a ii a «M aad appeovod wu win have a produetton at th* San Fran- targe, self' Haw '<3Ueag»—(A P I—A person Mioald turo of th* oddfsaa." Mmstlt a dsputy obons Th* cor mtddsd of k)t pmrt_ ■tart haawdtotely on te* eattrr eh such parsons gat to be protilema. If tt doaa not like in all ctoco Fair. "Mayhs wo'd bottec cab Um cfiMC mreaaed late a polo, iB srltt set 'whst bo want*—after be at nmfiafthabar. ____ FlUf I’HONl SrU\l(f*(AII I K TI I'jOO TRB OONMBCnCUT FOWBB OOMPANT of .school boards boars a raspects.the program ot retrench Ua to oUna. of middle height, with what ha aasda. aatd Prof. C. V. Ma- AOSTBAUAN WABNB o f pottco." said Bby. Q^BnOMB ANH ta a-dMah. Omae aom Team tntty wrote tele e e tw Stoat auggeatad by Oovamor aarvotts flutterlafi haada^BotoI apt Oapum I OP PALUDIQ BIB **OiMy. totoia# af/krti|2;toakaa. itea> a-gamate tm party tea Legtaa ofif a arnmm ta r n s i It fioao net have to follow It. to dasaoaattnte a dnaea stei r ^ s ter whore h* happsoB to I iCaaMlyi Qaaborra (A P ) it thortto oao thing tt eaat do 1 walktng a ^ satiartlM |^ atom ',.T ■■ K3


HANUHB9TER BVENIWa HKRALU. MANCHESTER. CX)NN, SATURDAY, JANUARY M, 1»8» spent 100 francs a drink. It ia FOUR Tho teaih got off to a alow atart but case* Some movtea were shown ae If we don't get this out before by Sergeant Dubois* showing mod­ also regretted that Andy Holzhal- EXPECT 200 TO ATTEND 20TH ANNIVERSARY Dsyb»ok thla little group gel together. It may then bit their stride and finally on mer did not servo In our company. —It can't operato thla atato adtfeta : —^ the last night of the schedule tbey ern tanks, artillery, planea and also boards of eidarmen, police boerds, Another Mnzde not get out at all. We hope every­ folding etreaipa In the PfelHpptaee We needed a man to penetrate the ANNUAL ADIES NIGRT 4Umrl|Mtir d ty or town oommteslone. Tbey Ita Ineoma without ktttwr adoptlag one will have a good Ume. "A rt" went to the top by one game. Thta enemy lines and bring back a Kraut 1 waa c;oae but that oqly made it with modern roulpmcnt. It is not OFTTAUANLODCi "play pollUoe." OenereUy e per­ practically a«aiy OM af tfea O0var» TENSHUN - McK*ya orchestra will furnish the Uke the old dsy*. Tfea shelter Helnle, Frltrlo. Bachc. Allemand or I PRESTON GROVER I music for the dancing, and aome en­ more InteresUng. The team won 39 Hun (make your own selection) to nor’a auggaatiaM ar ptavMfing a halves don't leak now and machine riembcra Of Brltlsh-American J&imitis Xtnilb fectly dignified Kind of "pdlUca," tertainment was arranged by rank and lost 10 gamea and In the indi­ turn the handle of our Ice cream large flow o f revenue lato tha aUU guns are lighter. By the way, the a «h To Gather Tonight At but "pollUcs” navertbeleae. In fact W ariilngtoa.-ltto time aomobodyynentkms that to H calling In Valluzxl. vidual averages two of our men, Hartford boya are eponsortng a Jim- freezer. Every evening we spread WaUriMM* a t *BB ___ BUDDIES Frank Cervtnl and Ernest Wilkie, > ra iM n a o o o m pan t, me. are never beard of anyone getting treasury. ~ ’ buaineot men for tofornmi o o n i^ ' BEE-EU Ibr dnim and bugle corpa to whom our napkins under the trees and Masonic Tempic. Prooiiieiit Stote OfFicert Ti j gave a mml-blow by blow account are up with the flrat five In the .11 atsMii awMt eato a board of education who •ness — and that ta tto lead of tfee they gave a grand Chrtatmae p a ^ partook of steak and mushrooms iMw. OaM. o* wtat gooa on at aome of tto nwra newspaper stoi sa about tto- efin- Aadereea-Stoa Auxiliary—V. F. W. league. The team ia now polnUng topped oft with lee cream, before Over 300 members of the Britlah- PBiujuaoa didn't have a Ughtning rod up. SHOULD BE ADOPTED The convention committee eays that active praoe cooftrsneee to this per­ ference. ^ ^ . sMMeh War TiiHiranT pwaa held Wedneaday^nlght with a The regular meeting of the An- for the lead In the seoond half uf Manchester chapter gets a 30 pei turning In (or our regular 8 hours American Club will attend the an­ Be Rreseit Al The Sew I. im And It makes no difference arhether "What are you doing about sub- a l a S tolexi^Uon from the post^rocord attendanceTTwo new cant^ derson-Sbea AuxUlary wlU bo held the year and start off by bowling cent split on convenUon program of sleep. As for detached service, nual "Ladles Night" dinner and en­ Thla aewqwpar la fkaa to m petual erorld’s fair. Harry HopKlna’ A large delegation fy dates were initiated as memtsrs of tha school board U appolnUvc or oonfaraneaa are as good as any, es­ ordlnatas itong governmeat boats auxiliary ima present at tto In the V. F. W. Poet rooms, Man­ Poat No. 131 of Hartford next Mon­ advertising If we eell any. nay. nay, Pauline, not for yotirs tertainment In Maaonlc Temple to­ r ~ti^wia a»—>t that It bellavaa tha propoaed aaaa- ■Bd auxiliary l J S T a u S l^ They are; M r* B. truly. I'd rajher be a billeting offi­ night at 6:30. A turkey dinner will Of Italy BamiiieL Ltm* BMMb»ASltai«rM al Ika atoctlva. pecially since to has beeome aiera- for otaaaureT" » lol— tnst""s*.lon tnst" 's.lon of the officersofflrora of nJby Cervtnl. chester Green. Tuesday, January day night Jan. 38rd at the West ■n>e banquet committee has the ure latrodueed by Beproaeatotlve "1 toM 'em aot to rids on them. ■ HarUord alleys. Any more good cer. like Bee-el. be served by Oaano and a fine pro­ at MaaaaaaWA Oeaa, aa Bo, because the echoole ere pert tary of oommer'e and on andowed Post No. 108. Ctanadlaa Legion of 34. A t thta meeting we wtU have a ■Itustlon well In hand: Tickets ■all B a tie rX ______Thornton, prohlblUag the coercing with new gevemment dignity. Are vou planning to raeonvriM Tbe unit is planning a food sale In abort demonatraUon of brushea. bowlers In the Poat membership who will be out by the end of thle week The Olawarktis .\galn. gram of entertainment will be given New Britain, which area held in The Buckingham section of Glas­ Prominent State officers eg tto of poUUcs and beceuae the way m Forty or m ors roportarr are tto National Screw Thread eommU- the near future. The tlnae end Hope aa many ladles aa poeslble wUl can come out either that night or and chow will be eerved at 3 p. m under the direction of BUIy Brennan eowciumow aATaa-, ^ of employaa by aatployata to can- that city last Sunday afternoon. place arlll be publlahed as eoon as a tonbury I-'* being . terrorized by a Vaaf kp Mall ••#•••••••••-jata arblch they get offlot la—and haa eeatod in two rows around a long T" - Evorybo^ bowl* iacludlng later In the seaoon will be welcomed February 5th at the Villa Lou*^ *" of Hartford. InCltidlng several new Bona of Italy wtU be present tomoto; ■ tribute to Oomaninliy Cfeaata *Bd RafreshmenU were eefved fM lw - place ta available. attend'. wild glawackus. a spectea of cat Maaia ^ Itatl •■••••••••••$ ^ to bo—prsfty much the same aa tha mahogany table aa HopMna strolls Hopkin* It turas out to bd a aofp- IM the Impressive ceremony which Wo would like to congratulate and tf they will get In touch with Bolton. Youre truly eaw Bd Mor acta. row afternoon at tha annual bsa^ Oaap ■■■••••••••'•••••••'I otbar ebarity or waltata fuada In.. Ho sits down, then nervously oua quesUon about stendardlzatito W e rte Eorry to hoEf Mrs. Oordy Carl Prieas be will sign them up. gan In Danb\>ry the other day an*i developed over s period of seven of Following tbe dinner dancing will raa oaa Taat •••••••••••••■■*• toq^ in srhlch other edminutretive of threads on pipes and bolt* tfo waa In charge of the state o fflc ^ ^ a bad fall oo Friday. 13. Wc Florence Peterson, who haa been Its nine Uvea on the steep mountain quet of Giuseppe Garibaldi lodg* , ahould* bo adopted by tha Ooaaral botinces up again and a battery of of Maasachusetta. Commander appointed as Department PatrloUc Aa no one In particular waa men he will be among those present. Ed be enjoyed to Art McKay's Orches­ lam OP THB AtBOCIATKO offldqla get their offices. It fre­ photograph.!rs blast away at him. answer eomeo. Hopkins hadn't yat hope she wlU be able to be around tioned In our pMr vereee of last was looking fine. •Ides ot northern Now England tra murtc. Bona of Italy, at tto clubbouse. Blrefe Anwmbly and boeoam law. Baker, In hla usual quikt manner, Inatructor. which nci-ounts for the legs being p a a n ^ quent^’ |urns out that mambera of “Wall. Mr. Becretary, what about heard ot It again soon. week we cannot help but feel that Ck>mmander WUllam A U «i ta on Mlsa Jeaale M. Reynolds, argantaer ■treeL T to dinner will to eerved St iw aalam Praia la laalaslraip It. la our belief that the practice extended the beat wlahea of the The refreshment committee wUl The next quarterly meeUng will longer on one side than on the other and first secretary of the club will t (a tha an at naaMlaallen boerde of education occupy a plana bualnossT" HopMoa griaa that Mons-Yprea Poet. ^ . be held at the club rooms of tbe the many loud protectatlona ot in­ the ticket committee for the Presi­ 1 p. m. foUowed by * epeaktaff P*«" la ethloally wrong and aoonomleal- starter aeray. Ho knows it is A bit Bellevea la PrefH System have to start aervtng coffee Instead It was brought down to the YDVA again be tbe guest of honor at tbe . WM anmm aa«aww aiapariku anai*a« la it not Immeasurably different from We are mighty glad to have back of to * or else M r* Huniil arlll tove Lt. Caldwell Colt Roblneon Poet No. nocence anent the eubject of those dent's Ball and wanU « > • * * ? « convention at Providence last Mav gram of loc* land atato oflleers eC m tm alharwiM •* atMlta« la tkla ly unjuatlflable. It bseomea par­ of spoofing, aa to hasn't boon on the "Do. you believe in tto ffoAt ays-1 verses were the erytnge of con­ help support the affair which ta for ciub annual get together. other offlclkla S q m can perhaps to our ranks again our genial com- to hang the shingle out, and atart 304, 3700 Main street, Hartford, on and appeared in the Horribles Pe­ :Mtotr aa«■ alaa iki total aavi aak- Job but a (ow dajr* tern?" \ ' • science. the benefit of the tafanUla P ^ Y Due to current building plane a the lUOlan American fraternity. t 2___a« karaia.kan ticularly unfair whsn, aa In Hart' “ Now, rred, you're SUB on a , jade. David Holland, who haa r^ reading fortunes at home. A new Sunda}. January 39th, at 3:00 p. m. lade. The crowds drove him wild nominal charge wea made for the *11 rlaklt a* raaablMattoaa at easily understand Earner McLovy s *'Wbat have you to say about turned from a trip to Florida. A STRETCH ■la fund. All those who waM tick The dinner commemorates tto ford, a groat msuiy auburbanltao, to BFchd and spend, and tax and tea ide* for raising funds for our The Department Council of Ad- and he followed the Silk City Gala party thta year for the first tlma. latlal «taBalakaa kirala art alia ra* dedrt for an spp>-lnUke board of good worker and a nice chap to eta or know of any P .’. home to Manchester and holed UP 30th anniversary of tto t a ^ toWlS whom the city la nothlag but and oloct and oloct T* ” It la a tort ^FreJ: “That'a oerlou*" . ? treasury. ministration arlU meet on the same In touch with him. Comrade 'W te education In bis dty wtwilKlt la re­ Hopklna. alao serlouai "T w ," “ have around. We would like Praeldent Helen and In the same place, at 10:SU American Legion AuxUlary In the nearest uncivilized town. It Venarabls Michele R umo ot M M d ^ Fan aatalaa altoat at It. ■■*. workahop and wboae avery Intaraat girl reporter questtonlag bim about Week after week In tto buddy Wlgren la chairman. Ctamrato I ^ town WlU to tto apectal I called that not ao long agr ^^ran- the statement attributed to him but Ha ta tesaed about bla prOn Ouatafeon ot the V. F. W. to know * m. , I The next regular meeting of tbe is expected to appear again In the and sympathy la with tha waltare column we reid these thrflUng war we have a team *U ready to bowl Bradlev, comroap*^ vicinity of Main atreet. Hartford committe* Other gueiita wm to aptred that several members of tt;e ropeatedly daided by Um. - from a cramped office In the Plane are being made for our { i,, Monday Evening Cornell Port. A. U. will have the LOCAL VETERANS GROUPS ■bar AaMrlaaa Ktwapaan Pak< . organlsatlona of Uwtr heme teem* building to a walnut lined ,-rtoriea written by the one any time ebe arUhe* It arlll seem during the YDVA convention In Judge WUUam 8. Hyde. Town T r ^ elaotlve board wars getting thelf' Arthur Krock ta tto autboiite on February 14th meeting at which' January 23rd at the State Armory question of maaaing the colors set 1 Aaanlattoa. room In the 30-acre, five-floor i'Bee-«L and moat averyona would like old times In the G. A. A. to be time we wlU...... celebrate Lincoln.— *a at 8 o'clock The Hoetessee for the June. urer George H. Waddell. Vie practically forced to give all that." (Mr. Kroek of tto Now York MDie to know where he gets ttom. tied bv the tlire thla ta on the press ______HapnaaBUtlaia: Tka raepective auppUaa of household TImee ta one of the several who at­ ot a building houalng tbe commeroe at the old Umber again. Although Birthday, Valentine's Day, and evening will be Mrs. Jane Doleon, SEE- BEE. TO PLAN FOR CARNITAL Thomaa Btack. M r* Mary D e ^ the^'nionay tbey can affard for pur- 8o to be In atylt. I have a Uttle some haven't done much bowling. It It 1a hoped that all “I : ■alkavi kpaatal aaaner—Nia coal free for erlnklng at an extraor- tributed to Hopkiaa the statement department. . Washington's Birthday. Cbnlrroan Margaret Bertecbe, Mary F err* ^ , Cktoapa. Oatrali aak Boalaa. poseo ofriuulty to oomo organisa­ story to tell today which I beUeve will be fun Juet tbe xame. ganizatlons nlD dlaarUy barefaced awtndia on the that ependtng, taxlhg and electing "1 Uked my old office much bst'v If any of the ladles would Uke to Black, Anna Black, (HotUda An- which win probably lead the grand Mary Boshnell (feeney Auxiliary (toalme Alotato. Nick Della Fwita tion outride, their own oommunlUeo wUI prove Interesting to sU who We'U be seeing you In tbe “Buddy Officerfi To Hear Olfera Made tmaBR aoDiT BnRBAO or was tbe business of New Dealers.) tCTe** join a bowling team, caU your dtale, Dorothy Belcher, Mary march. V. 8. W. V. and Joseph BUveater compoae dty treasury operated by a coal He hasn't been around his buga read It. and eaoeclaUy my pal* Nowi" next Saturday. Our regular social, observing Mc­ By AmuMment Companies ICUUATlOlta. and In whlc^ ttey take no personal "That'S the thing the Sedate com­ —Nan. prealdent or O. Buchanan. More Moonan, Irene Brown, Ruth Bunce, The YDVA represenUUvee M the reception committee. ■ dealer. Yet they had all been re­ mittee will ask you when you come new domain yet, but grina as be r^ Bee-el and 8ee-B* . MUdred Clark, Mae Barry. Lena Kinley's birthday was held In the Tomorrow Morning. k'l Tka BaraM Prtatlaateaipaar laa. Interest whatavel^ i-he Utlc of this lltUe story ta: about the team at our meeting Tues­ Veterane Association are hereby garded as very superior persons; up for eenflrmatlon", tw ittH the girl cans: banquet room at the Armory Wed­ •aaadai raaaoniikllllr “ FIret Shot In the Oiwrt W *r" Andeteoa-Sfee* VJ.W . day. Cervtnl and Eva Armstrong. notified to appear at tto Army and ■nkkfaal ananan aapaarlaa la But the major ug|imoat against reporter. Hopkins brushed It aside "The baby got In (hla five-year- Junior Glrta are looking forward nesday evening, Jan. 18. The com­ The V eU rsu AeeoctaUon will It ta eeUmatod that watoN e f « | vsry superior Indeed. Fired By Aa Irtohmaa Last Friday—“ Friday the 18th' — Navy club Sunday, Rocky Mountain regioa were e t o w K taMalt la tka ManrkaataT such practices as thls'ajU to aimed a Mt sourly. old daughteri. Somewhere to this American togtoa to the Dance that they are to have mittee conalsted of some of our Past meet Bundsy morning at 10:30 naralC We go to this great length on building Is s tub pond and she catne On the main ro*d from Boulogne, waa bad luck for at least three of 10:80 a. m. to get •*™**^.**'^* with trout shorn fl.000.000 yean afifenn at doaa not llo In 'he Inodnj^ance Tonight the Rainbow BaUroom In Saturday Bveiilng February 4th at started. Past Commander Ed F i » Prealdenta. Gertrude Buchanan, o'clock sccordlng • to snnouncement this aubjdet because before long HSU WaM and Bee borne with t])C bright Idea of fishing about four end a half miles from our members. Oomradee BUI For- msde by President Fred Beker. before the Impossible mountsta hsr- or diatreas «ff_Mburbanite itoffcara Mona, a atone ta to be put up re­ tln'a and Tommy Conlan's cars wore Bolton wUl be the eesM of our In- the Y. M. C. A. TIckeU are aeUlng zler ta aecond vice prealdent and Rose CoiAterse, Elizabeth Old* Mil­ ^ V a TOKDAT, JANUARY fl Connecticut arlll have to quit stall­ "What do yrou think of the general out the fl.’ihes and making a swliri* rapidly. PIsne tor t hsecrnlvsl to be held rien of today sxtated. In Hartford olT'any othar clty. Njt cording the fact that on August 33, smashed up by drunken drivers and lUel Cabaret Dance of the 1939 eea- Clyde Beckwith ta treasurer of the dred Tedford, Fannie Waterman. ing and asttle the question of level of commodity prices 7“ It ta ming p6ol." Letitta Rady and Myrtle Roessner. next June will be fully dtaruaeed end Elverybody there knows about tto 1914, Private Ehraest Thomas of the Art McCann and a trolley car col­ ■on. This promtaea to be a grand The medal that we are giving to aeaoclatlon. It looks very much reyreeentstivee from eeversl of the SCHOOLS. POLITIC^ rasta In the evil of an tmployer at­ another teaser, and be grin* The tables were decorated with a adiather boarda of education must winsome tot. whose mother ta dead. Fourth Royal Irish Dragoons fired lided In a aklddlng accident. affair with a first rate orcheatra. one of tto girls of the graduating to me BS If Jeem* or msvbe hta Isrgest shows ta the E u l will to tempting to exert any coercive In "Now listen—" be begine, then ex­ very handsome patriotic table cloth Wkilfliiil la aaaUnB ao axtanaian conform to the budgetary llmlta- plains that be Isn't going Into a Sbe spends much time living In tto the first shot In the war that end­ All ex-eenrlcemen'o organization# decoraUons aad tbe usual fine dance clam. U to be presented next pal, Fred Baker, had something to present to mske • bid for the con- A i y C B U I I a f fluenoe whatever on the ua« to ed over twenty yeare ago. Today are Interested tn the safety driving floor. Theae dances are looked for­ Wednesday afternoon, the President do with the treasurer'e Job. Yout and napkins, and big holder for our tlena sat up by the etmatltutod taa- long comment on buslncsa or the de­ Wbite House. trset. . P r m S c f i M M which aa employe, having earned partment of oommeroe until be finds 'There are a few random ques­ sergeant Thomas (to waa promot­ problem and the reduction of traffic ward to Im anUetpaUon by a good and some ot tbe other members ot eerlbe got the Job candles. It ta understood thst ons of the ttva Baard t t adueaUan to atai jaara Ing authorities of their communi- meeting didn't begin unUl 8:80. at hla wags or hla ridary, ahail put it. out what It Is about. tions about tbe dvll service and e tf ed on tbe field) eUU looking every aeddente. So I gneaa 1 am tn order many of our friends and we can the Unit are planning to attend. A very nice buffet lunch waa serv­ best equipped outfits ta the Btast will ■ad mt tha piaaaat tour yaara. ties or erhether they are to be en­ inch a eoldler, with hta Mack mus­ when I Insert thta item in my count on seeing them tonight. Ree- Several membera attended the eo- which time he waa at home so m ed of eaiade. sandwiches, home made seek s foothold ta thta section. Thta Thara la nothing paternal In the "Have you any definite Ideas potntment* r.i k I tfea m m » Uma Brtdcaport la tirely free agents In tha spending about tbe department, or are you "1 am not oontemplaUng a lot of tache and straight back, wears column, and I don't think my friends ervetlona can atUl be made by get­ etal given by tfae Veterans of For to be In bed by 3:18. caka and coffee. Dep't. Prealdent ■how h u msny rides never seen ta relations of empleyar and employe IM the example, vou know.) Ano h i( tha Oanaral AaaamMy to of public money or In the toieurrtng fust seeking your way around?" personnel changes", to any* and tn another uniform. He ta a commla- .the other pen-puetors) wlU yeU ting In touch with Harry Roth or elgn Ware at thalr clubhouse last Mary Mathleu of Wllllmantic and this section end operstu under noaraday* If thers aver gtnulaaly "Of course I have aoaw definite that brief statement ta much soap’ atonaire at a theater in Brighton. about my playing poIlUcs. Henry Weir. ^ evening and all reported having Jeeme Is the fetlow who gave us ■Uff. huge tenL . . fea IfaLtvytoara'a aducatlon of public debt, controlled only ey the secretary'# Job on the P e r ^ - FATHER u No worker oeraa to hla boas Ideas as to criteria that determlna fort. If only ♦emporary, to flocks of England. A t bis home In Stanley The tbe Fortin case - the Fortin Our Hartford County American fine time. Department President Mary Preeldent Bsker h u slso reulved ■d aypeintiva htataad of alao- their own diacretlon. There Is departmental emploires. Road. M ghton. be recalled that car waa parked at tha curbing, Mrs. Legion wUl meet tomorrow after nent ArmtaUce Day OOmroIttae. offen from s targe csinivsl from any aort of acoountlng for tbe con whether somebody la a good secre­ Chances are sUII being eblfi e® Mathleu explained the duties of some ^aa. UndouMadly there arlU be a growing conflict over this eubject. tary of commerce. Aa to anything The thing ends, and tto roverq'- dramatic moment when tto Oer- Fortin who waa operating the car noon, January 23nd, In Plalnvllle. our hand made quilt and any mem­ He'e the lad who has a cold when­ of the committoee. after which Bin- Providence. R. I., end elthough no JOHNS tents "of hla pay envelope, beceuae m.ent baan't fallen, nor been built up rtmnm and the BriUeh flrst clashed. that afternoon, had Just come out of ever he'e asked to eliv- committee h u bun uleeted u yet chorua of approval of tha Possibly the Qeneral Assembly, new, I am aaktng advice and assist Tbe meeUnga of both the Legion ber wbo would like to take a book go waa played, some of our guesta MtDICINL If It were not whoUy and rightly bU anee of everybody I can." He then much. “I had been In tto Army fifteen a ctore and placed her two and o m - and the AuxUlary wlU be held In the kindly contact Mrs. Thomas. to the public ray eecret ambition to It ta thought thst the Vetersu' Aa- pnpoaal from that not In- even In this present session, may sing “ Sweet Adeline." These Brit and members winning the prises. ■ocIsUon o(Boers wUl listen to tha uwn by virtue of bis havtiig aarned years when war brdke out," to said. balf year old son In the car. She Qrange HaU on Pierce etreet. This Our membership supper la being Ptay >.-M under the direction of Past part of the public eoroe to -sallae the urgent necee- " I waa 33 and a trumpeter ia tto ■hut the door and waa about to go promises to be sn IntereeUng ses planned and we will know more leh boy# seems to give a e ^ any vsrious offers Bundsy mornlnx end It. be wouldn't get I t To even ad­ thing elnee Chambertata aet the Prealdent Fannie Waterman. make a ehole* For aome rsaaon i f 1^ M « t — 14 Tatefe « i baaa tmivlaoad not ooiy alty of clarifying the situation. s heart test with tto alactroesidlaf- band. Tto regiment croeeeii tto around tbe car to get in the other ■Ion with Stote Commander Henry about thla at a later date. We are very eorry to hear of Bis­ vise tha employe that he ought to graph. I received this diagnocte." and after two days ta side when the drunken driver amaah- style bv giving awai^CxechosIovah tto Mggar shows haro rtayad away JhBt hoarda of aducatton ahould oa But it aren't gat the eeboola out Gruser In attendance. We are endeavoiing to have all ter Mae McVeigh's tUnesa and wtab from Manchester ta tha past asNinl Not only helna hreak up ' contribute part of hla pay to i 'Answer: Tto Word "af^^thmbl" Boulogne went up In train to Mau- ed into the car. throwing the Fortin duet paid by January Slat. If you la. What a difference twenty y o M ;t|fait ftom and auperlor to rnualcl- of polltlca because the acboola are Health and Diet Tto Post execuUve committee wUl makes. Some of ue can reuiemtoT for her » speedy recovery and also yean and thla aeaaon Show * ten­ ted* ia - buildteg atreai oomcB forai tha Oroak, meaning bergs where It arrived on August baby a ro v ^ Um inalde of the car. have not peid vour dues aa yet wUl Community Cheat la sheer af' hold their monthly meeUng In the when these eame lads hung on tw comrade Johnson who ta 111 with the dency to come back. M ponuea but that they raally ara; one of tha heavlaat responalbllltlee Maybe English Scarlett 0 *Hara "want of rhythm." SInua arrythmin 33. Bye-witneceea aald It waa a miracle Armory Monday evening January vou kladiv do so, eo that our raem- frontary oa tbe part of the employ' Advice refers to an Irregularity of the beset “ C squadroB of tto 4th Dragoon the teeth, wouldn't give ■'"'•Y “ grip. Past Prealdent Stater Lottie T to N win to a dcflalte srtup ■Bd fn o i tha aama aouroa quick of polltlca—of government. that Uie baby wasn't kUled. The 33rd at 7:30 p.m. berahlp chairman can report a 100 punned Sunday morntag sod a U ^ er. To attempt to Jockey him into bant. Usually t|ia hCart ta first Guards waa sent forward to reooo- drunken driver tried hta beet to Inch, and even tto 'Sebrend le feeling . uoh better after ttaidMBBatioii of tha Bridfaport By DB. FBANH MeObT Neighborhood Night per cent paid up. drive them Into the e e * Atae and iwstog etch with a cold anji Past tto diffarant orgaateatkwa eonnaoU a poaltlon wbara he dare aot refuae feat, then iriow,- timn fast, and ao ' potter to try and find aajithlng ■neak away from tto eesM of tbe The flrst “neighborhood night" of Members are remnlned to bring a pnpoaal to maka the aohool beard BUDGET MESSAGE Got Southern Accent In India oii.' It ta'the'ttoult ot jurtaterta^ alack, woe to u * President Bister Julia L'Heuriux la ed with the sewMlatioa are expect­ ■uch a contribution aavoro of the about tha eMmy wa eould.” ba sakL smaMi-up and might hav* kiUlng tto year wlU to » t the Armory ■mall gift for the “ Sunshine Basket' ed to attend ta fuU fore* SPECIAI. jBdPk BppolaUTa ona. L17MBAGO—IT8 CADSE ANO ence With the impuleea eomhig from "A t dawn oa tto 33nd wa sent out people or cmaahed other cars along next Monday evening. Tfea* Tata ot a Keg. slowly gaining. Oovernor Baldwin, coming Into “or else'* methods of the racketeer* BEUEF the slna;aurlcular node; this nodi Tumday evening January 31aL Our After reading Bee-el'a tragic tMe Many thanka to our social com­ ■ lld a Idaa of "koeplnB tha achooli patrols OB tto Hons-Chaiierol road, Uio road, ae he waa paralyzed drunk guests for the evening wlU be the STUDENTS OBT FAID # office with the memory of predeces- It should be, and wa hope It will ba, being the pace-maker of tto heart f t was reported by a scout that a (and we mean paralyzed). Only for TOVA. of a billeting officer ta France who mittee. pM o f poUUca” haa aa One, hlgb- Vivien Leigh Is Beautiful; Thai's Where She Differs From Muacular rtoumatlam affacting and determining the rate at which members of tbe Glastonbury, East ])*ld 100 francs for a one drink FOR THEIR CLAbaWtm* DAILY eor administrations that ware reck­ forbidden by the propoaed law. ■quadroB of Uhlara wars comteg a motorist blocking hU car he would Harttord. and Windsor Poets and aa Last Sunday's meeting was re tipad a aotmd aa ''fOttlOB tha tha lowar back ta called lumbago. It beat* T to CImw node auiy th itam of a keg ot vim rouge, our less of the people's money freth In doam tto road towards u * Aa am- have g ^ e n away. they have already advised ue that ported ta tto Manritester Evening mS ONLY JOB Chapel Hin. N. CL— (A P )—Bta- hiWta out of poUttca." But arhat Heroine Of The Novel turn to Influenoed by tto vMgua huifii was prepared. I looked cau- Comrade BUI Fortin waa at hta Herald eartv thle week but there heart flIU to tto brim with aym- IB TO CARE FOB TKBitf LUNCHI bis mind, and faithful to his prom- Attacks of thla troubia may follow nerve, or by other Influences outeldk tbey would be out In force we can nathy for any comrade who euSered dente ta tto dramaUc elaiaw oe fkaa It inaanT What doaa aithar uf expoaura to Cold which cauaea the tfously up tto road aad 1 aaw tto daily work a mile and a half away are a few high Ugbte worthy of re­ Prof. Fredetiok H. Koeh at tto Isa to effect large aavtnge by cur­ the heart Itself. Thla ta not canaid- Uhlans eeming. eaaually. Tto offl- count on * targe evening. Walter peating. The attendance waa good thus. Towre truly waa fortunate Bouthwold, England— lA P )— A U c circulation to ba retarder and fa­ ered a serious heart condKIoo, hut-lt at tto time of the accident, yet he Sage of the Hartford Times wlU en­ Indeed to have eerved with a com­ Unlvanlty oi North (teroltaa write tailment of preventable expendi­ In New York Bsr In front was smoking as a mat- must d ^ Into hta pockets and pay and the meeting waa Interesting. gardener has been appointed with ! BoUtlca, by any dictionary, la the ta generally one which ehocJC raoalva tertain ue with pictures ot tbe i.ur- mbl ______By Oaorga Rnaa By rA D L HAKKIbON I London, and alao to dramatic school died tbe sale. Blrdwall says the story vors tha accumulation of rheumatic t t t ot teot* We enjoved listening to Nat'onal pany which needed a prlvaU, a pn- tto sole duty of looking after a plays and gat paid for U tures. haa aent to the General As­ attention before soma mors asriewa tto damages to hla car because ' rtesM of last September and other eltkm highly esteemed by omcers. Kqeh, vbo ta dlroetar of tha Cars* Bottoea of govaminent. If public Naa flarvlea Staff verreapoadeat { In Paris. waa bought "tfom galley proota, be­ toxins In tto lowar hack ara* Than evidaatly aomathlng gave drunken driver emaabed It up. Commander Edgar Miner of Hart COmtab elm tree which KUm O j ^ toouMa davaipp* IntereeUng picture* County Com- shavetails and W e ato llna Ptaynakar* has Juat dtatrlhut- .Bduwtinn at pubUo ooot la not a sembly A budget meieage predicat­ Houywood. Jan. 31.—From AUan-1 Baeonraglag Hutoand fore the public over read it." Uiaa Tto chief aymptomc ara arnafitec tto game a w v - Ttoy had spotted SometimM ttom America neourte tord. Jerry OTisaiy of. Providence noneomo. planted at hta boya' camp to 1 3 ^ New York, Jan. 31—Every bow —’’ht • ■ ■■ ■ • mmnder Edmund Keleher wlU be Plied and were accented. A t first sd m on than 1300 la royalttaa to ed entirely on curtailment. He te. Qaorgt* tp parJoalIng. Uidi* WI Williams aaya it waa jougbt July and aUffnacB. locsitxcd In tha tower p,>fMtti(ng aad they w an turning. and lawa work strangely. In the and our own Harry BimeB. Mem Ha Is Colooai F. H. Brown, who dBattar of (ovanunont and hanoa of 1a 1333 she met and married Hol­ back muaelaa and thta etlffneaB ta (Qaearisa i Taa Laag) with us for hta flrst visit of tto year they gay* ua a boras to rlda ai*d mamban o f tto ergaateatlaa waoas urgee deep, drastic cuU. That aad then a allm, rather bandeome long way--about 3003 miles, in 30, 1336, aaacUy one ok nth after OapteJa 'faeraby aMmd parmlK m nsra future you may bear ot hera are reminded that regular uked for the (unpaid) Job beoauM SHERIDANI paBUca. arhat la? The only poaalbla man, a eueceiafu London barneter, apt to ba most pronounced when the Queetian: "Josephine" writeai later taught ua to aralk aad camr pUys wen pubitabed te "Canftea shows couraga Obviously he has man emerges from a mldtowa hotel tact. I and be too encouraged her career. publication of the novcL “Will you answer tjie queetlona to fonew them with tto aabar meet’nga are to be held on the sec­ tto tree's Ufe ta threatened by acts way to fa t oducatloo aiit of poUtJca But not too tar to go to find ; patient tries to rise to hta feet after troop. T to Brat troop dashed ond Tuesday of each month at 3 maehtao gun ammunition. Oeca- PoUi Ptay*" given little thought to political re­ and goes snooping about the atreeU, He waa perhaps the most entbunas- Tto Caatteg Uame he has bc«n sitting down. given In ray tatter T There are I f skmatly wa took loog iournevs tor of eouvenlr hunter* la to abandon it aa a fovemmantat Scarlett O'Hara, as Producer Uevui, of them and I. do not think you could doam tto read after tto Uhlan* WMM not forced to pay tho drunk«n| the worke and we p. m. at the Armv and Navy club action* That Is honest. eyeing every pretty glM With an In­ tie member of the audience on the But to get on; in September, 1336, Lumbago may develop quite sud­ Our oedan w an to mount and fol­ M ver's 3100 fine M s* And we ate to see thM a g ^ time ta had by aa We.wtab to extend at thle Ume our mir health no apecM flat wheeled fBBOtton altoffethor and turn it Selknlch arould agree. That's where | night ot her great aucresa In ‘"The denly In an acute form, or H may pubHah them. In the paper. Print box cars north, east, south, It happens that ona of the aerv- tent itera. Vivien Leigh waa bora, and all tbe, George Cukor waa sighec to direct jiist the aniwore and answer bp low oa to thatr aupport. 9fk bad sure that after eald drunken driverl Don't t e ^ t tto toto. tiumkc and appreciation to tha •M r, Hka buMncaa, to private man* Haak of Vlrtud." GWTW. Soon Sidney Howard waa. Mnaln over a pcrl>n iourneyed signed up with the British muvie* game of casting tba roles ot Scar­ JlK-omfort. Some'imea in neae yUlags of Le Gateau, when C^tata u ,, cooi*p case: Tommy was add to fellowihlp between tto dlf- to Hartford aa It wax hoenltalltv Itooked on near our nrivate oar and than It la poaalble to divorce road Not many people In Manrhestet stops are flattered—for the chap's For Vivien, daughter ot a Brtlieh Chronic cases there will oe periuds your queatlona Bo not lead UieBa- whenever the train stopped are were will agree that the elimination ot She haa made only two pictures tor lett and Rhett Butler, but 'n tne eelves readily to puliUcatloa. Host* H orn^ shouted: '4U* troop die- —turning horns with a car-load 'of ferent posts and while we dldnt ex- night at the Hsrt'ord TDVA head- hwUdliiB or armi and navy inainte- name ta Georgia Hale and to Eu­ stockbroker In the Indian city, wite when tha lumbago ta aaperlally ouartete. Tto New Britain hove. rt libertv (unleee under nbaervatlon) rope, South America and right here Alexander Korda, the British dirac- early spring of 1337, Selxntck let it ever. It baahas MMt t beanhaan myray policy to mount. at action.' High cchool puptta from a basket- pect tto team to take ^ tto honoro ■aaoo or tha postal aervlee from that schfx>l Is desirable—that li of a London lawyer, Leigh Holman, troublesome. “I waa OM of tto flrst down and ^ ^ drunken driver It erould be a lot of fun tor the bowl- Iieaded bv R a» Klpoald and Gardi- to dash to said arina tank and gath­ at home, they are already rafJrrlng and motitar of a fi-year-old daughter, tor, but under ber American con­ be known that tto leads would go to The petient who haa bran bother print secret repilea In (his eolunkn-r er sufficient nourishXMnt until the BMoraniMit ami from tovern- would not be a bad place to start tract ahe will atlll ba able to make unknown people and Cukor, tben m when matertsj ta useiL tbe complete taking cover behind a tree 1 saw I Mm off tto read lud cmactod are aad aa addlUonal IntereM. Now ner Hall's Wdl'mentlca. were ore* to him aa the auOoeaaor to ^Uagfeld haa beoomt Scarlett O'Hara for tne ed by lumbiM Over a period of sav- ant. Harry BlauM) described train etarted again. I f our pal economising. Nor would It aecm one picture a year for Korde. Georgta, Interviewed deba and co- eral years, ahoi - - ■ tto German offlcar gl v ^ ordwe to | ^ |,|to tto ditch. Another case ot | tto flrst half of the schedule ta M B t'a other name. poUUea. I a dlscovarar of beauty. screen veralon of “Gone With the Behold, tto Chriatmaa In fTanee. Including Bee-el had only belonged to an to be likely that the General Aa- There ara collectors who cab die- And that Is bow Darjeeung, Indl* examination and In aijditlon to tha his troop* Taking steady aim at chUdren's Uvea being andeagered by and. Lo and Wa Bdcht aa wall atari off, then, Wind." • win be Interested. Beat plan ta fio^ 400 y a r ^ I fired. He feU. That DUerorth-OornaU team ta on top. tree made ot knocked down peeking outfit llko oun to need not baya mbly will follow the leadership ot earn the hand of genius In a duat- 11 lackee Around produced Scarlett O'Hara In Uie In March, however, Clark Uabic lower back being earefally examin­ drunken driver* We toven’t gotten •rlth raoognitlon of the fact that you to write again, thta tlma giving waa tbe flrst shot fired ta tto eU tto deteita o f tto Oonlan caco overed old caovaa and othara wto Mlsa Leigh can't possibly carbon fiaab, and though fCaat may be Bast told me that Belanlck had mention­ ed. It ta also wise to Inelikls tto pel- •tBoa acbool maintenance la a part the Oovernor In this or In several four name and addraaa and ando* Great War. y e t but we know tto drunken driver can vtauallae tha glittering or bril­ emy Mlaa Mitchell's Scarlett In one and West may be West, the twau ed tto Ithett Butler role to him, but vie area, tto joints in tto lowsr part othsr recommendations of mors or of the spina, and also tto feat ng a latga, stamped anvalop* A " I saw another movemeat by tto didat choose tto 15 days ta Jail « f poUttca It la rather aUly to talk liance of A diAmowi I- tat nonde- rehpeet—Scarlett, the nook Iniiatro. certainly got togatber at last m that no definite offer had been made private reply win tton ba aent, less similar character. Yet It Is aa A general rtoumatle tendsiiCy'te side of a tiea and I fired agata. We m tto Bate Hartford court cace. • f kaephis the schools out of what script maas ot the rough gam. Hale was not beauUful. But In other re- ■pita of Kipling. and the that he (Oablel did not want which will be kept eonfidairtlal. tf edvacced up tto road towards tto clear as need b« that. In view of the la blood brother to these. For ofteo to play It. probably the most nnlvereal eaua* you do not .care to do thta. tton I Juntar ActHrtttas Inharantly they are part of. spectsMhe violet eyes that wljl do There will ba a bllxaaro of pub­ Oarmaas oo foot, firing at a n y T___ to_ committee______oo tto junior_____ Unit Ineacapable Increase In outgo r«- the girls be stops seem to haw of lumbago and when thta funda­ stepngly advlaa that you BfiSka aa :>•< Whan, however, tha position Is so nlcelK*®f Scarlett's green ones, licity, a tornado of etorlea about Tto first parson east waa Walter mental toxlcosta existe, it must to movement Tto order came for tto I octtvtttas has b m entmffed ^ arc suiting from the enlarged Institu­ nothing extraordinary to commend tha trim f l i ^ that will readily give playtra, sat* ooatumee aad all tne Oonnoily, la July, 1381, aa Gerald ■ffort to protect your toaitb hy o m 4th troop iBha* that there should be every lamoved' tofore tto patient may -big a dprtor near you. Ton ert- to mount I could eco I oj,out ready to signrign up tbooe. who them, and yet when they appear on tto tUuaion \of Scarlett'e 11-lncn •ubjeote relevant to tto actual film­ O 'H ar* Only Uh other day, though, three or four boreu tying ta tto peoalbto safeguard of tha schooU tional program In which tha stAta bona for nay aort af permanen tj;e- danUydaatly wnasd ' 'help aad 1 am Sony te wish to bacoma mambm Btege they ara ladles of baauty and walat, and tfea Immediate Britun ing of an epic. But betora tto Big bla option lapsed and to etepped out load sad aoms Germaas Is deeply Involved, such ecorMmlee glamor. to unablaMate give it ' Aadarsao-Sbu Junior •gatast unclean poUtlca—tha quaa- eneeatrv that eBay have aome Irish blow begin* I am going to review of the assignment. During various ^q 9 p. aL to 10 p. m.. Charlie McEnro I ■to averred, and she hadn't even grM)to of Be.geaat8 Thrasu ta bla sad BlUy Keltajr’a Famoua Old-Tlm-1 ■ educational authority as can possibly object. And they ara wore clothes but the high beauty oi la tto open markat tor $WfOO. ba BcartatL This brought an m- do la te maka naa of aoana form of elate* „ had atom parents who opposed her bast traatanant wfetafe win Incraaaa bandatnu'e uniform sad sgate te ~ '«U lUastrel Troupe (wlthl From a Meal Per Person ^ Supermen and superwomen Important one** But they arc not her face carried ber through. Hale theatrical career. If tto aton la aat tnio. 1 dtgaaat danlal from fiataaick, and It Tto officers of tbe 'aasoelstlciq tto drab khaki, arhan to aianlad 'Approximately le Per llkea to teach gtrla to drea* what tto etreulatloo through tto lower cart): 10 p. te. to 10:30 enough to balance the budget un' On the contrary, they were well sea no raaaoa tor aoiaa dtaertpaaoMS was OM af two things arblch sway- s n : Prestdeat, Mtas Gladys fimltfe; hta wife te Brighton during tfea I tj^pe somehow do not seem makt up to wear. He gets a tknU p. a*. Bony Raad, wttbout her fan. to-do, and they gn** her every between stetaaaHita an da By Kua> au him agalnat nar—right np to tto 1 . find that irritettog aptotanaai sserstery-trsaanrer, Mtas Bstty This low operating cost plus the small inve^ent In- have iqipeared, as yet, on the less supported by other cuts In ex out of the gradual amargence from fl. l aalactloB. The other was bar I but te dainty dnoi: Jos Fltepatridi. ebanee to soon aa they knew she sell BIrdweU. Satapich's aoa | 3 ara more qulekly gtetan rid of If tto I.eriarty. . And than you a r* Bee i L What champion Beg PIputa Btarsoa 81a- of dvtUsatlon. When they pendlture which, like the trade Juet a pretty girl to a glaroorous ■gant, and tetarmatkm oMSmad rafuaal. counter to hta private dc- Mtas Doris I. Butehtesoa. anper- do you think that rtoiyT Home ▼olYed in the purchase of an electric range brings elec­ one. wnnted to go Into tto ttoater. They pattant to given a trsabnent with ot te t* noted for radio broadcaate;' we shall sorely need the flrst school proposition, become contro­ seat bar from far India to the from Annie Laarlo W lltom * Mtas amnii; to atete pubUely wtottor or the deep therapy lamp, using the tatendent of Nurse* Memorial Roo- “ You can't best the Irish." 1 -a .im * bl to 1 * m.. -*«»»-«»«g sad of them for Prasldenta, Gov- versial m their very nature. Tha other day, he stepped Into a R^ral Aaadamy ot Dramatic Art in MitfheU'a literary ageat. wfea haa* not toa waa M r* Charles Cfeapitn. lamp Icag enough to Umroughly pltai: w u tto.speetai ffusat ot tto tric cooking within reach of every home aaeoetetlon. j (>m tote s n iiUttoiaa‘- of tax It may wish to lay. it can bla youth—to ta 31 now—and „ you Witt aattta te on*” Ha haa batn for SAAte ClAu* haaa IwJ patlente wfea tumtogu teff [had a good tteM. I f the Oouad l fr ta l TO FINL A UUP to tto a lM to dteeovte tto atahtf d w u g n a a t e e f thaOuadtea La-| the aoBM oupefert at tortr roamlateg I Bad Biraady do* u) T h a fhaaa BBsahar la E atar" I MmeeW la the other retain eoma of the sendees which elded I 1339 to bacioma a msr i')00 o f aohool bonrfla bonia a raapects the profrem of retrench , Ha ta slim, of middle height, with AOBTBAUAM WABNB ot poUe*" caid Bhy. a f tha fear. THU ONIMICnCUT POWIB CJOUPAWT Wbat to naed* aald Prof. B. V. Ma- RCTWKMW AHH oNgtamad te •-diteK CMas sato A ------■a t m y wrote thta aarvous fluttering hand* He ta apt OeHum St Joinm Hookta o r FALUMO BURH BATH "Okay, bare to ta.< tataeg st/eystrrtoksa rife* • ’gsatort mant auggaatod by Oovernor Bald­ I too porty 3or too 1 L n mi l i aMsfe a wee as o f toOMt win. It doaa net have to follow it. to demoaatrato a daaet alap aa a t>t«tlBig te a' A B l ter whSM to happaaa.IO h * T *‘* * o f tfea fi . OBAhimr-lAPl —Tfeo But thare'a o m thing it eaat wtoe welldaff atoeg a sbdet ha 1 haw A f i M t o f asqit dAgy, at m FAC \ HANCHE8TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN SATURDAY. JANUARY *1,1TO» VAlfCIRSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., JANUART t l , 1 9 8 f


CAST o r CHAR.\CrERS. absolutely wrapped up to letting JANE DWIUfilT, heroine. She the squirrels p l^ your pockeL" was engaged bo handsome, young • • • Problem nrebltoet "Hm! Well, there ere squlrreit Axis LANCE BARSTOW. hero. Lanre and squirrel!— roost of 'em trying ted greet dreams for the future i to pick Bomebody’e pocket. At So did I least these are open and above The WORLD This WEEK No. 1 CYNTHIA CANTRELL, orphaned : board about It---- 1 have a plan Action gianddaoghter of great-aiint MaryJ for a house that would be Ideal for OuttreO. SMII another dreamer e r m a n y and Japan signed OME 10,000,0(X) Anteiicans are that empty hillside. I’d like to As Cartoonists Here And There View The Mediterranean Situation unemMoyed — able to work was have a house built from that plan.' G an agreement No\’. 25. 1936, S b a r n e y McKNlOHT, newspa­ Janet eat very etilL a little pre­ to cooperate in "defenM mea­ but uipiMe to find Jobs. About perman. But Barney was more monitory bell ringing to the back sures” against international com­ half, prefumably, are living on *K»ii a dreamer. of her mind. their savings or tHeir relatives. Tha old gentleman carefully munism and invited all other na­ Yesterday: Lance tells Janet If tions—except Russia, of course— Tha others? cracked a peanut, and offered the Tha federal gowmment is bor­ land a new client he hoe In meat to a equlrrel that waa clinging Ragsrdlaasof VoarSiM . . . to join up. Italy enrolled a year OHCIMW ad the wedding might not bo to the leg of his pants. , later. This week the ••fascist axis" gtyoeoi”'* rowing $3,000,000,000 a year to A fipoaoov UMg— make work for 3,000,000 of them. lied so long. He will cell "Like to see the plan?" ho asked JUB At the State Sunday r sandetten gai^ pick^ up two more recruits: Hun­ Statm, counties and cities are spend­ Bat she watts In vain that He took the blueprint from the PRINTING llOAN ASSCGIATION ■Mat win a ^ gary and Japan’s north China for a call. left pocket and spread It out be­ SPENCER CORSETS for a ataMW.. stooge, Manchoukuo. ing $500,000,000 yearly—much of Per Evsey it boiTOweu money, too—to give CHAPTER Xra. fore her. .... trim took, n e i- Hungary's aflUiation, a seml-ofll- When Lance came to the house “It would be charming, Janet SAVINGS AGENCY Me, llgktiy elal Nad newspaper predicted, will 3,000,000 more a dole. next evening, he seemed absent- said after a moment ARE SLENDERIZING aeiiM and a “exert a powerful force of attrac­ That, In round numbers, is "the minded and excited. Janet askehaaUag and re­ reettoa so that of T. P. UoUorwi of week at Montevideo, Uruguay, the Ex-Oerman iCalser observes of the states. recruiting athletes with offers of ship canal and tha Passamaquodto. y that be bad to work that nlgbL January 31. T. P. Holloran the eutomohUo buetoiee fOr mera pairing to eehtom nooeoaory. out, are we going to be all right?” hapless Jews got permission to stay Jerome Greenfield, 17, had been Me., tide-hamesslng project; (3) \ On the day before Leslie Pugh’a Ugbor quality to J m principal upon 175 Center street I NEED? — — — — fR Httler (confloentially): ’%y dear 80th birthday at Doorn. Holland. So. after an­ free ice-cream cones.. . . A Detroit nrhtak the Manchester Laundry bee then ten ysera. has a large display Servlelag ea Ckevratoto to etoo This funeral direotar ------00 days. After that...? Weoerine other flood last an imbecile since birth, his father, woman was treated for hydropho­ give Careful thought to a program ^nnar, Janet put on an old^wowii FUNERAL HOME A Benito, if war starts we would be a Louis Greenfield, 43, told New York tweed lult end a eoft hat, wrap built up e huge and loyal patraoege of naw Chevrolet eon oa band. They offered by the RUey Cberrotot Com wide area end baa always oafiadv* thousaiul times better off than at fall. President bia resulting from the bite of a dog of federal medical aid for the needy; New Haven, Jen. 30»-Leedtag and has made thto tound^ one of invito you to tospeet the eera they pony, toe., end a ueed ear tot eon ored to offer the finsot (ooUltles aad NEW Munich. I wouldn’t have anybody in Air Accidents Roosevelt okayed the spending of police. So last week, he continued, she rescued from an ice-choked (3) pass a law permitting the (ed- a bright green scarf about her tha meat importeat to thla aeotion. venlently leoeted. dleptova a wide he ended his son's "unendurable throM. end want for a long walk building teehnologlate of the nettea neve Ob bead and oasura you that servioa yet at the eamo time hi H E A n N O ' my rear because I've lust made a Britain, hurrying to build up its People $11,000,000 for flood control in the river.... Men’s pajamas decorated erM government to tax atato sala­ (are. Dtotteettve Servlee Med- The managemeat beltovas that e you will M getting your fuU money's •eleetion of need ears. Gulf goaollae makes every effort to keep the ea deal wiUi Back (Polish foreign min­ air power, bad a bad day last Tues­ Connecticut Valley. Projects in­ suffering” by holding chloroform- with cocktail recipet were dis­ ries and the ipcome from future la the park. wm aaeembla at Tala Unlvantty I well-plaeaed patron to more valuable U also dtopenaed by thto local auto­ PLANT.' New Idol No. I The waa hardly a park M January 81 for a National Ooofar- eta Feeimiee. worth when you inveat to e Chevro­ paase as low as pootibM and by as ister). My food supplies toward the day. Of six crashes, five involved cluded a $2,000,000 dam on the drenched handkerchiefs to the boy’s played at the silver jubilee conven­ ■tote bond issues, and vice versa. an In the formal senae of the word; ^ to the euooeas e( hie business then e let mobile firm and automobile aoeee dolag bee bean of mueh banafft and east would be assured because I've Royal Airforce planM. The other, a No longer do the cop and the (ace os he lay in a semi-coma after Congressmen seemed more inter­ •Bce on "tha Low-Ooat Houaa,” de­ merely eettofiad patron and be bos PLU9IMNU . nNNINO AfOl Ompompanoosuc River, a Connecti­ tion of the National Association of Put a large tract of woodland which a m h u l a n c e s e r v i c e During the pest few years, the sortes are Ukowtos evatlabto. reUai to many bereaved, ft to tha ■ B A n n a ooNTBAcmNW.^; got Czecho-SJovakia under lock and commercial airliner, gave 31 pas­ cowboy lead as idols of American cut tributary, at Union Village, Vt. an epileptic attack. Indicted this Retail Clothiers in Chicago. ested, however, in a communica­ ted been deeded to the dty with signed to explore recent techno found that it to poestble to build up Chevrolet has ooma Into Its own w Those et you who are oentemplat- (unction of too oklUod mortiolaa of key.. . . And on top of all, you would sengers a nasty thake-up In land­ boys. ’The aviator is tops now, ac­ week for first degree manslaugh­ tion FDR sent them last week—^his logical advanoae and tha new feell- d a y a n d n i g h t a laundry eervtoa th at toetaod of have ■ handful of trumps against A contract was drawn up trans­ the atlpulatton that It be kept popularity among oU classes of peo­ Ing buyliig a new car thto coowni today to load a hand wham tlw ing. In all, four persons were killed. cording to a Northwestern Univer­ ter, he pleaded innocent. request for a $523,000,000 defense gtrletly in a state of nature. Itlas sdenoe baa made avallabla lot merely giving eetlafeetlon, glvw ple. It Is a beautiful ear, that wiu Spring, wto do well to tospeet UM graatest of toot and offlelaaey to at France from Spain." ferring the necessary land at Union Patents ft Monopoly producUoo of low prioad bomea to 17S C anU r St. Phono .30«0 more by virtue of tto ■uporierity. JOHNSON R UTTLi Measellal: ’Mow careful you are, Among those seriously injured was sity survey reported to the National program on top of the regular army Although the autumn abould have ■tend many miles of borfl end ooa- BOW J8M Chevrolet new. U you all ttinaa nooeoaaiy. Tha amat 'fte da- I Air vTce-Marshal Henry Meyrlck Aeronautics Association in St. Louis Village (pop. 50) to the federal Practical Psycitology Present U. S. law grants patent- and navy appropriations. Commit­ teen to its flret glory, recent wtode tha United States, tt was announc- Both to the proeeasea end equip­ want a good used ear, the Rtloy Adolf!" government. Vermont signed, but holders a 17-year monopoly on ment employed end to the, matter of 1 ststent driving. Every Ckovrolet ■irablo to tola profioiloa a n thaaa Reme Results Ceve-Brown-Cave. this week. For 13 months Buffalo, N. Y., tees studied bills to authorize doub­ and ratoe bad beaten down much •d tod^y* leaving the factory hoe bean teatod Chevrolet Company ean also nerve who go about tola vsiy dlffloult aod The conference buzzed with talk War Secretary Woodring (whose their inventions. To investigate eg lU fire. Only occaslonaJ brave The two day oonferaaoa, JotoUy lervtee os well, tha Manchester you and they staad reedy to ao et Some other Paris papers urged policemen have been making war ling the army’s air-fleet to 6,000 Laundry aaeks to dtoUngulsh Itself and is guaranteed the factory to unhappy task with the toaat degree Foreign Footnotes of President Roosevelt's plan to engineera direct such work) with­ charges that patent laws encourage petchee of erlmeon and gold Md ■Donaored by Yale University and be perfect to every detail of line and ■orvtoe to you to aupplytog naottne of oateaUtteo. that France do something to help held his signature because of un­ on horse-race betting establish­ Industrial monopoly, the Tempo­ plUMt* mahogany stood out among the Life "'«g— will be held at the by eupolertty and, ee a result, e Russian officials pressed an effi­ help 20,000 a year of those boys be­ ments. But buzzer warning systems Majorities in both bouses were poekage of letmdry delivered by thla hAaV or noocaaorlss. Their used e ir lot le The many nmettona af the Dm- the hard-pressed Spanish Loyalists. come aviators. Consensus was that specified “restrictions” in the agree­ rary National Economic Committoe believed to favor spending some otaik gray and black of bare Umbe Yale School of the Fine Arte under to oddltloa to lu beauty and eatie- loeated eo Mato atreet, near the oral diraotor aowadaya are 8s de|l> / French Foreign Minister Bonnet, at ciency campaign by ordering crim­ ment. often thwarted their efforts to get resumed ita hearings in Washington and branches end the somber green the direction of Dean Everett V. laundry aae a ^oraetertstie quality inal trials for M factory managers U. S. aviation facilities would have more money for arms, but voices whtoh bolda old patrons and gains (aetton. Chevrolet to priced within Sheridan Hotel and the ne.v ear may sate as they an af I— “—“** the I04tb aoMion of the League of evidence of gambling. So the cops this week. eg lunlpere anrf rhododendrons. Heeka. tr««Aitig industrtel lebora- . bo viewed at their baedquartere at accused of being lax with loafers. to be vaitly expanded for such a Action And Reaction turned to "picketing.” Uniformed also were raised in opposition. “No Jenetiiwung btlekly along, toak- torlee end indivlduel euthorlUea new ones. No harsh aoepe or sol- the raech of sJl. |t to Inexpensive to value aad. ueraforo. thto Nations council In Geneva, demand­ program. A n d , said one manufac­ ' An engineer produced a tiny one can make me believe,” said viau ere used at this plant eo that pttfoheee a Chevrolet end the up-188 Welia street I t o be oommended tor tin ed that foreign fighters be with- . . . Germany, in an effort to meet Vermont's outspoken Republican patrolmen are stationed in front of thermostat whicn cost $100,000 to lag a circuit of the traUe ahe Uk^ have prepared apedat axhltota, CUAL - COKE an acute shortage of doctors result­ turer: “Greater production ... cer­ Gov. George D. Aiken thereupon •uspected bookmaking Joints, and North Dakota’s Republican Sen. teaL until ahe found hereelf back which wia be prasinted to the you may aand your beet demeak end alwaye aviaoed to draem from the Insurgent forces. tainly is going to lead to less cost.’* develop. Without patent lawa to en­ at the bonch on which ahe had » t RANGE AND FUEL OILS your bnebend*a shirts there without oelptog the bereaved. Urn dlgaURd But Rome newspapers, in a new ing from the Nazi ban on Jewish charged that the federal govern­ police sey the "psychological effect” sure his company a profit, he aaid, Frazier, “that these appropriations Sculpture HaU of tha School. The physicians, will lop two years off ment, by plan­ of many billionsns of dollars are be- with Lance the day he had told her fear of fedtog or doougo. w in be dtofum ed to e eeriae o f gro u p I aM baffttttg arraagameatt efforel outburst of anti-French fury, Hoosier Schoolmaster u ruining the bookies’ business. tha gadget would never have been exhibits will include a eactloo on Prompt OcUvtrloa A telephone eaQ to 8418 will give ooasolae to a small way wttb ttto the time required for a medical ning to go ahead infused for peace and not war.' about hla aalary cut radiant haatlng, a prefabricated thto toundry on opportunity to warned that any attempt to sa\*e the Indiana's tall, silver-haired Paul devuoped. The Senate, meantime, confiTmea Now a lone figure eat on ^ bathroom, Buoresoant tube lighting. At AirnoMB IGIRL SCOUT PARLEY ___ K ntt ■teveas, ef Bootoo. knowtadgo that overytMag pomiUe Barcelona government would dash education. without a writ- Trial's O n bench-a email, rather crumpled demonstrate what tt can do to the eKoeutive dlroetor ot Girl Soouttogoouttog IS betag properly attended lo. m- V. McNutt, 47, laid the groundwork tan agraament, Mayor Frank Hayes, of Water- the appointment of Felix Frank- seoUona of prafabrloated bousaa. way at quality woebtog. Many vo- itself against the Rome-Berlin axis. for hia politiMl career by servuig Showdown Schodulad furtoiv Harvard law professor, to old with a tired fees and and naw matorlaU recently Intro­ MANCHESTER to too Naw Boglaod ea, aad tagrtty of surpoes aad etrtot adher A T w e o victory, Mussolini was was violating bury. Conn., is accitted of conspir­ CIO’s disunited United Auto drooping eh^dere. a cane between LUMBER a FUEL 00. rtod eervloaa ora avoUabto so that ON NEXT MONDAY MtaoMias Pnootorraaeu Loa.boe. ofaa ssow Terb aaoe to all requtremeato aaked. to as an artillery officer in the World "states* rights. ing with 31 other people to "cheat the Supreme Court and Ex-Qov. 5 / ^ e e a When he g to n ^ up duced to tha bouse building Bald. yoor own portleuler needs can be Oily, edueatlen ecaeultaot an the teidenee ot tha wide raspaut ta understood to luve told British In Short War. Ten years later he became na­ Workers union may soon know Frank Muri^iy of Midiigan as at­ A Teehateal PrsMeea Prime Minister Chamberlain in The Vermont and defraud” tha city of over $1,- what is what A struggle foi power a t Janet, however. elM y ^ t ^ T alophoin Sldfi adequately zest. Oln .Boout aattonal staff wU par- litoeh T. P. HoUoraa to hOU by Expelled: A New York newspa­ tional commander of the American legislature 000,000. The case has been In court torney general; and Us commerce gray eyee. like Aunt Merj^e eyes, The aanouneement pointed outl toM. too.k . toatituto prograoL namerwii tomlllea be bee served la Rome lest weekend, is Italy’s price Legion. In 1833 he resigned as desn between President Homer Martin that raaldaatlal puUdtoc te S3 perl I for settling her ouarrel with France per correspondent, from Mexico. v o ^ s $87,500 since Nov. 39, but the first testi­ and UAWs executivt board will be committee recommended confirma­ were keen end Uve... - A half dozen Mlao Loo, f o r a M r t y prooldMia t ef too I of Indiana University’s law school tion of ex-Relief Chief Harry Hop- equirrela were grouped about him. cent lew than It praa in 1939. al­ IlcBbertOf N tliQ iial 8taf over colonial influence in the,M*‘ would Russian ballet director. have them. Other stat^ want and ey charged this week, is Just what records the rate of Uinklng. With it (3) a New Yorker’s bill to require clude Beardaley RunU, of the Spal- of toe eouBcUe In their respective S elected : Vivien Leigh (pro­ barbers contended this week, you can use the money.” that voting machine knobs be paint­ Jsnet laughed and took one, and man Fund Of Nsw York; Robert L 1 R. L, ot a Sold InoUtdto to be held turn Spain oVer to the Rome-Berlin need a set of beetle-browa. They some employes of the city subway they can find Just how tired the eye when he moved the beg boepltabiy ■iato New Tear rssel I to too TJLCLA.. ta Nonrieh on day oQinmualtlea wm take part ta the dictators. Calling such talk a nounced Lee). 25, English actress, Said Aiken: “It is not flood con­ did. is and what causes the strain. ed red. white end blue. Davison, of the John B. Pierce BRAITHWAITE toetitute ptofriuo; Mn. Wtothrop (or the film role of Scarlett O'Hara cited Vice President Gam er (whose to make room tor her, ahe w FoundaUon; Or. John E. Bnrchard ' iiopdsye JgSe “farce,” he appealed by radio to the thick brows curl up at the ends). trol that we oppose. It is the sur­ down beside him. noUciiig as ahe of MazaeebusetU Institute of Taob- fiSPSBriStrsrt H m toaeUoao aad too dutleo of a B. Field, of ProvMaaeo. ft. L; Mn. Mople of government Spain to lay in “(jone With The Wind.” render of state sovereignty and re­ ______I drtoktox to a leemri?. GM Beout local eouaeU, whleb to T. Edward BroMMa. of Maaeheeter. Indicted; Dr. WUllam E. Dodd. Sen. Norris (with the wiry, unruly did so a ron of blueprint that pro- nology: Ralph T. Walker, Praatdent, Itoadaqnate way at raectlag to per- down their arms. t>*pe) and Speaker Bankhead sources to tha federal govern­ Picture Report On The Week In Washington teidisd from hU coat pockaL - The Architectural Leagua of Nsw too oponaoriag group of adutta la coos.; Mra. Robert Rtos; ef New ex-U. S. ambassador to Germany, ment. ..." , ^ 2 « y wife end I used to walk like UMk oommuatty, and tho prognzo. Loadea. Cona.: JCra. Potelval Chap- on a charge of hit-and-run driving (black, shaggy variety). John L. York; MUea L Oolaan. O ^uly Ad­ 2. In The Eetf Lewis, observers egree. has prob­ This week the issue reached Con- ucH Bi inm t f . daoc t t Ovicic, J ^ ^ t down here yaara ego—when ministrator. Fadaral HouMng Ad- I pqfooanel and admhtlofrativo tech- nua. ef Norwich, oad Mra Ratob Britain, in a stiff note to Japan in connection with the injup’ of a gresa when: d»exMmrjn/$M ik a c #ww* 4 tick. ^ ■ e city wee e pup," the old man mtolstratlon; Oaorga W. Trayar. nlquoa ef too aaUoam orgaalaatlon Begor. of Waaterly, ft. L WaaMi NU-UOMB 4-year-old Negro girl. ably the bushiest set of brows in ■Bid; and auddenly hie bright eyae last weekend, lined up with the public life. Secretary Hull's grey 1. The chief of the army engl- f Chief, DIvlaloB of Foraat Piodueto, Ril«y Ch«vrol«t U t a e ^ r : IMPROVBMEN1 SERVICE Sentenced: Joseph Roth, a nat­ ware very gentle. raal Teona. Mi U. S. against any change in the uralized U.B. seaman, to six months ones sre thicker thin some mous­ nears, in hit annual report, included here to alt ■oaetlmee. Ire U. B. O^Tartment ea Afxtenltnre: status of China by force. This week, taches. $17,810,000 for New England flood Preetdent D. W. Atwater of tha H- He totak’s helB BUDGET PERMANENT WAVES ADAMrB*8fitVIUB ffTA-nON in a Nazi prison, on charges of the place I know where people Co. Now to the ttoM to Joto the budget permeaMtt as Japanese bombs killed scores m control in the $351,253,700 which who erant aomethtog from you lumtoating Ftiglneerlng Society, end -4ae Oanttto. der , " carr>-ing a ’’newspaper with com­ Or. CL B. A. Wtoidow of Tale Unl- da Woffo a t. 7M. M il 9S9I abfb. Ton wm find by doing thto you ean hove the munistic tendencies” into Germany. Uncle Sam , tgndew ner be laid could be “profltably ex­ sever think of looking for you.' haroik aftor a States can't tax federal prtqiwrty. pended” for river and harbor work *T Uka to ait here . aometlmee vertity. pennanont waVe outtod for your heir wlthoot a Died: Col. Jacob Ruppert, brew­ ProMdeat Chailas Seymoor at er and owner of the world cham­ Local revenues sometimes suffer, during the next year. too,".Janet voluntemad. "It’e eo Maap Cns Tradsi b fori heavy tax on your poroo otitogo. therefore, when the government 3. Republican Sen. Austin, o( —aorastfuL" Tala U niverse end Htorr R. Lnoa, pion New York 'Yaakees baseball PrasidaBt of to m Ine, wUl addrMe ItSt Cliaersists Mahs Spl8B- Malm your M at permonMtt wove oao yon emi team;* Prince Valdemar of Dim- buys up lend for forest reeen res, Vermont, talked of congresalonal •INdn't know young p ^ l e bo proud of oad oao you eoa onjoy. Revs on o n JJjg o n flood-control reservoirs, ete. Presi­ action to *?restore to the states the thought of reatlng. They the conchidliig dinner of the Tal^ dM Uaad Car Tabsa. OaiPt| May God protect our eeuntiy. THIS ASSOCIATION HAS PLANS FOR mark. who once turned down a always to he rushing around to care Life ODOfarMos et the Uawm Club Long live Dor P atonr. wave If aoeooaaiy. at no extra eoeL chance to be king of Bulgaria; dent Roosevelt crested a Federal rights they exercised before tha Fkil Ts Sss RILET Bsfsra Real Estate Board, this week, to flood control act of 1938 was ktnm where they ere to where they at New Haven ea Fabraaiy 1. SAVING THAT SHOULD APPEAL TO Richard Olney, ex-Massachusetts a to t" T«h Bap. congressman and diplomat; Robert study that and other problwns con­ passed.” Now that the toUaga waa leas DADDIES GET A BHESh PERSONS DESIRING TO SAVE. H. McLaughlin, playnTight; Ed­ nect^ with federal acquisition, New Dealers warned that Aus- - dMse. the white bouse on the op­ PmOBI TWO-TOHED DOU. ward J. Watson, inspiration for ownership and diaposition of land. tin'a proposal might imperil other posite bm aide stood out to an tto’ lUjBJm fib 'Teck’s Bad Boy” : ( ^ l E. SchuUze. The federal government, he dia- flood-control programs. beantitol symmetry aeroas a ra­ 8L Louis—(API—Afthur. Potzovl veteran comic artist; ex-Sen. Ed­ closed, owns about 30% of all U. S. vine ruddy and gold wttb fellsn _jent 14 yearn of Ms fpaie ttoM| THIS IS imAT .GUAM ward P. Costigan, of Colorado. lyid—ranging from .1% in Iowa to Economy Efforts Isava Janet looked over toward irorfctog oa aa tovaeUea. Be Saally 83% in Nevada. tt a mtle wtstfuny. The old gen- 4-WAT BEATING UASiMAU Ohio’s new Republican Qov. John got It—a don that eayn both :------' SERVICB MEANS: JCARdLfr« J# followed the direction of her pApfte Prohibition Prodietion W. Bricker, in a war on “necdlcsa glanea, a ^ oheerved. "Nice loca- Peopla, eepaetany fathwe. have] |l) W iimil ffarveyefl Sen. Morris Sheppard. 8 Texes waste of public funds,” fired 1,047 Ben over there, t a t tt?“ long reeogatoad the unhappor faetl FURNACE Quotes teetotaller, is known as the “father state employes in five days last *T Uka I t" Janet aaid. “TVbat do that pop was getting a }sw dealt (•)' of the 18th amendment.” Each year, week. Oklahoma’s law makara, you think at the houaa?" with the doOa But no eoa waa aMa | Cbina’a new caidtal, Washington W. Somerset Maughem. au-. “Looks ea If it had grown theta, thor: “Writers who tell you on prohibition’s anniversary, be pondering a $28,000,000 deficit, to do much abogt tL -1 •%>39hy Wi Furnaces Vacnam Ckened studied a navy proposal to fortify have been .asked by new Demo­ lust the w ay's house ttmold look. Guam aitd Wakn I^nds-as U. S. they draw their characters out makes a speech in the Senate about Iha votoa boa of tha Patm r doll of their beads are Just plain the evils of drink. This week, on its cratic Gov. Leon C. PhilliM to abol­ As a matter at tact young lady la eompneed of. M plaeeo. The watds I The Mendieeter W O ib iB w ad plane and submarine bases. (See liars." when you came along. I was ait- ffSS^JSff^SSSa $ 5 . 0 0 19th anniversary, h ^ re d lc te d pro­ ish 11 state bureaus. Nebraska’s Ung here, admlrteg that land over "Memo" and “Papa" oewe eat aal G. A. CHAPFELL in ^ .) But i f the U. S. hopes thus Lonis. Jehasan, assistant aoc- ona-houaa laglslatura Is eonaidtr- tha doO IB toted (raw Mda to to interfere with Japan’s China pol- retairy of war: "A bully nation hibition’s return. “Inree times as there and wieefflug agatoat — many women and girls are eroriting Ing a 2S% salary cut for aaveral better liirtnasnt llba Jaeob at Originally a ateara eogii T. P. AITKIN C a ___ a Tokyo paper warned, “the set on conquest always picks its the don di Point Compony SSS people are determined to spots.. . always caranil to avoid in liQuor-sclling pieces.” ha addad. appointive state ofltom. And ttml thaaagM." MSlimaffl. want I dMHmflalaffL W.WM sdtMaitAOiffft nftffi I A m T k ||t Reel.’ a mixtm srith an equal or su­ "as there ere women students in the lar acoQomy rampaignfc a aurvay ’Too dMn’t look R. Ten ai .the perior.^ public unlvcrsiUas, caliagas aad- showed this wsMi, az« asw t in laaohet eoresalael the eoimtcr* aral o4har skataa. ■ftl FAOB m ra ri'Bc KVBMIMO M KKAUI. MAMCUUSHBR, OOMW. "%ATDBDAY, iA N U A B T fl* II MANCHEin'EK EVENING HERALD. MANCHES tV e K. C O N N . B A 'l'U K D A I, X A N U A K Y *1.

Uonal texsa or by tnersastec the dna Fsbrnaiy 1 st for _ state debt That Is your rsspeosl- ogsa are bstwasn |I and fll yaais. NOTED CLERGYMAN A psflsBy o f efts dollar wm bs add- bUlty." AUSTIN HAWES DESCRIBES The nomination of the flB-year-old adafter.March lat If not paid. Donaher to the $9,000 o ysar poet TO LECTURE HERE Jamas Ssrvlosds taw ooUactor. News from Manchester s Neighbors easily repels east now bold by Jooapb M. Tons, a HARTFORD, 45-20 Democrat, cams at tha tatlsnd of STATE’S TREES, FORESTS the Senate session, and was referrsd to tbs Committee on Executive BIG SCALE WAR flies as compared with those 15 Nominations. It requires confirma­ Rer. Dr. F. T. Cartwriglit To years ago, which consisted mainly tion only by tha Senate. STAFFORD State OfTidal Before Mea- •of brooms and shovels. Danaber. a Republican, would Be Giest Speaker M Tke RENEWAL SOON, CONG. B. J. MONKIEWICZ Trade Blasts New Britain By 46-27 Owkemai Bomce b*a Praises tne OOC servo four years from July 1, 1939. Conalderahia Klroe was devoted to The General Assembly will meet SPRINGS bers Of Comopolitan the various fungous dlaeases, the but three days neat week, omitting Sooth Methodist ChordL JOHN C. NETTO the Friday session. Committee CHINA OUnOOK 47$. Stafford " Into Winnihg Colimm As gypsy moth anu other pests, and TO SPEAK IN ROCKVILLE their control, and Mr. Hawes, who meetings will get under way In full Chib, Ghret nhutrated blast the following week. It was Rev. Frank T. Cartwright. D.D. (t ttmm Page Ona.) Sooth Portland to Face PA’S AFTER FIFTH WIN has been a strong sdvocste of the The first group «< Stafford resl- go toward the acnolarahlp fund o t eCC camps, . tated that the boys Indicated that administration rocas.; well-known as an authority and lec- dsnte to bo topped tor honorary M R NS SWEET REVENGE corner of Sheast, aa4 erow the Tel- the CbUege Club. had rendered invaluable service In ures would bo given the right of | turer on Far Eastern eoadltiona and To Be Guest Of Honor At Lecture Of State’s Beanty low River, near Pingmta, to the membership In the Stafford Springs WUI Attend Meeting M. H. S. In Maine Tassle; Cole And Gavello Shine painting white pine aphis with creo­ way. I an associate sserstary of the Board IN TEN LEAGUE STARTS Both branches received a state of Foreign Missions of the Matho- north. Firs department have been approv­ Tbe 19th aanuai meeting of the sote, and applying other prevent­ From Blan, capital of Shensi, ths Tolland County Y.M.C.A. will be Spots. able methods to the sprenc of these Isbor relations bill similar to the I diet Episcopal Church, will be the ed and honorary cards have been 25th Amiiversarj Bu- FOR PREVIOUS DEFEAT Chinese nported they bad surround­ held on Tuesday January 34tb at dltear.es. While now there are Wagner Federal act during yester-1 guest speaks' at the South Metho- Deering Tackles Bristol day's crush. It would affect Intra-1 dial church tomorrow morning at ed the town o f Hotetng. In south, presented by Forest J. Belcher, sec­ the South Coventry Cong,'egato|i BO X SCO RE only 10 CCC camps of the former western Shansi, cutting off Japsnsss retary of the departmenL The de­ qnet Of^Pofish-Amer- Defending Champs Hntl To^l Basket by Basket \ Se?enlb Victory In Nine state Forantar Auatla T. Hawet 30 In the stste. the boys have built state Industries which do not come; 10:45 o'clock. His subject will ba church with supper bring eer within the Federal act and would be | "A Chmern ^ rehtforeemente with bsavy casual­ partment plana to invite 100 clU- 0:30 o’clock and tbe business ^ AS BYCHOLSKI SHINES Manchester H lfh yesterday re-^ |)cnd all next week tn preparing bis deUvared a thoroughty eiijojrable roads, bridges, drained swamps and administered by a three man board. I Dr. Cartwright r ^ r t l y returasd ties. They also rspdrted continued sens to accept the honorary posts Sion to follow immediately, fjm o barges for the Maine Invasion and *------nBST qUABTER ' Starts Before 1,700 Fans P ponds, thinned out Inlerior trees icon Ctizen^Qab Toni{ht eelved a signed contract for tu Holy Cross Qniitet Of muftrated lecture b'fore the Coa- representing labor, Industry and the ■ f™"* elght-m Wbfer BisselTs Cagert For 0 Forde, I g ...... 0 0-0 0 tng In the other game o. the double- day nighL It seems Uksly that Fran Boast Crack Array. Bquatrito, M, long e e t ...... 9 The closing views were of aome of Board's decision Is provided. Method'sm's outstanding mloalon- Chin roe Bstaks Two OlUes Methodist Notes Fortin, I g ...... 0-0 0 or CyBlanehard or Maurice Corren 1 Murphy, Ig . C. Elmore Watkins, attended TufU fighting will be left to the 33 acUve Over 800 are expected to at< 0 0 header program for '‘Connecticut Brown, M. short a id e...... II the flna old New England churches, Another labor Mil would prohibit arles. tha lata James M. Hoover, The CMnsss also said they had re- Rev. J. Arthur Edwarda, pactor U take Cole's place In order to Gavello, M, racing I n ...... 13 3 Oorrentl, lg'< College with Mr. Hawea Introduced members of the departmenL this evening’s celebration. Including Night" at Portland neat Saturday. Manchester High returned to win­ the speaker and called attention to such sa the one in Oosben, another discharge by any ConnscUeut char­ who established a chain r f mission ths Hangchow sector. 100 miles the Rockville Metbodlet church ^EleTenA Win Of Seaun; 8 ~7 1-5 15 Although no Information on the leave Clarke's second team Intact. GaveUo, M, foul ...... 14 In Ellington, and old colonial homsa, The thirty-eight honorary mem­ rity and town officials. Among the The Polteh-Americans will bs 45 the fact that he had received nla tered corporation of any employe stations In Btrnso and contributed southwsst « r .Shapgiud. Thsy rs- have for tha subject ot hie ser- score at half, 13-11 Hancheatar. strength Of the Maine teams has Manchester sterte Ite Jaunt to BBCXlNU QUARTER ning form last night at the State built of native Connecticut timber, bers chosen for January are: A t­ speakers are Mayor Claude A. Mills. Bseking their fifth State Poltah Lea­ Bari Hartford (St) honorary Maater’a Degree at Tuft a because of race, color, creed or much to the elvUlsatlon of that ported thsy bad reroptured Fuyang, moii on Sunday morning. "Tbe Referee, Hills, Four 6-mln. jjerlods been received as yet. It la under­ Maine next Saturday morning at V Davta, M, under hoop...... 16 Armory here and gave a brilliant ■till In an excellent state of preaer- Island. Dr. Hoover died Just a few 30 miles southwsst^ of Hangchow, torney Joel H. Reed 2nd, Attorney Rev. John J. Sobolewakl, assistant Seconds Bow, 33*15. B F T la 1 * 8«. end Juat recently had re­ netlonallty. WUllam M. Krug, Eklward Shea, Might of tbe Merciful." On Sun­ Bcors by p^ods: stood that South Portland Is strong­ o clock from the north end station gue victory In ten starts and thrir U U e. EH. foul ...... 16 exhlblUon of baeketball to trounce ceived notlOcatlon from C. F. vatlon. WUIIOMUittc Food Asked days before Dr. Cartwiight's ar­ and Tuhang, 15 mUro west of Hang­ pastor of S t Joseph’s Ctethollc day e^nlng. Rev. Edwards will Now Britain ___ 4 7 10 13—88 and rdturna home at 9 o'clock Sun­ n th win In 17 gamro this asason Hlllnskt, M. sucker ...... 18 0 Wakefield, I f ,.,.^ ,.',1 t*$ 3 Richard Whitaker, Richard Blason- church. First Selectmsa George C. er than Dewing and te flgurad to Bast Hartford by 46 to 3a Ds- Koratlan. president of the aodely Answers Qaesttoas Juat before Governor Baldwin de­ rival In Borneo. “Tuan Hoover of chow. Fuyang and Tuhang were preach ^ t h e East Hartford Metho­ Monchrotor . . . . 3 10 3 1—15 day nighL Brtatot'e dalegaUon will Melody, EH, short toss .....1 8 0 Draper, rf ...... 0 1*1 3 Mr. Hawes then answered ques­ nette, Amy Bolieau, Edward Ou- provide a severe test tor the Clarke- whsn tha dsfanding Isagus eham. aplte last wash's setback at Bristol, of American Foresters, that he had livered bis budget meaaaga. advocat­ Borneo", Dr. Cortwright'e life of the deepest poteU of Japanero pene­ Scheets, former Mayor John P. dist chuTM of which Rev. J. W. C^> Manchester Trade turned la be on the same train and the acbool- HUlnekI, M. short s ld s ...... 30 0 Gorman, If ...... ,1 1*3 * tions, the greater number of which Hoover, was published In 1936. tration Into the Interior after the preau. Nelson Msdsen, John Goryl, men, triple chnmplona ot the CUIU plona entertain the strong Holy l o ^ fans ohowed their confidence been elected a Fellow, one of IS, ing elimination of tha Wllllmantlc Cameron. Thomas F. ftady, Jr., ter Is the ^ t o r . of Ite meet notable and satisfying boys will undoubtedly put up at tha Cross hoopaters of New Britain at Draper. EH. foul ...... 30 1 Melody, If ...... ,.,.3 l-I 7 were in regard to the hurricane. He Hto Career Invaders' dramatic capture of Hang­ Tito Glansntonl, Percy ParkhursL editor of the Rockville Leader and state and New itoglanJ cage eom- 3 Utke, e ...... 1 3-3 4 o t this large membership of profes- Teachers' Oollege, e bill reached the Louie Madsen. WUllam Schreier, The Epwortji league of the church triumphs of the current court cam- same hotel. Ifanchester aiut Bristol the East Bide Rec tomorrow after­ Davis. M, overhead ...... 33 ,atonal foresters of the United believed that the unusual rainfall, Dr. Cartwright Is a native of chow more than a year ago. Stephen J. Von Euw, editor of the wUl meet at toven o'clock Sunday pctlttono. Kearno, BUI, sucker ...... 32 0 B. MeKenna, e ...... 0 0 House approprieUng $133,500 to the Hhe Olnese alao said they had re­ Michael H. Roberta, Frank John­ pal4^ at tbe East Bide Rac yester­ HOCKEY TEAM BOWS With a record a t seven wins In are old rlvata but on tbis occasion noon. 'States and Canada. preceding and accompanying the Wheeling, West Virginia, and receiv­ Rockville Journal evening at the home of EMe Ells­ Theee rlvata havw met four times THIRD QUARTER 0 Stetaropo, e ...... 0 flfl 0 hurricane, no saturated the ground Institution for tha next biennium. ed his education In Ohio Wesleyan captured Chargehing, In north son, Harlow Bogus, Andrew Mlcb- day afternoon by pinning a derisive nlns starts, Manebaster U detarmm- they’re talnlng In a common causa Beauty Spots Shown Coincidental with the governore The fesUvttiM will start at olx worth of Orchard streeL in the past two years and the Cnle, M. under hoop...... 34 1 Kaarno, r g ...... I ®*® 3 that whole atonds v/ere blown over University and In Garret Biblical In- Chekiang Prov*jiee, controlling the na. David F. Adams, Fred Soblelo, 46 to 27 defeat on New Britain sd to return from the Pine Tree to uphold Connecticut'# reputation The projector war operated by statement that the budget proposed o'clock with tbe march of tbe guests Amerka have amerged on top on EH, foul 34 3 R. MeKenna, I f f ...... 9 9-1 fl If In an exposed location. He ■Utute. Ha first want to China in south ebor* of Lake Tal. Robert Warner, Rudolph Nothnick, Trade that brought sweet revenge State with a victory o\er South for produelng outstanding cage W. r . Schreeder, another forester, diversion of soma $1,300,000 from and President Joseph Orlowskl will IN FIRST SEIBACK three oecaslona Daasllng paaavrork abort s id e ...... 30 0 Lolka, Iff ...... # fl*fl fl thought the augar maples stood tAe 1917 as a missionary of ths Mstho- Meanwhile, nearly one-fourth of Jr., Thomas Polls, Walter Perkins, for the 86-81 setback suffered at the Porttead. Coach WiU Cterke wUi rsprrointattves. aaho has been aeaoclated with Mr. tha state higharaj fund for the fltets give the address of weleomt," with and epactaeutar mesh-rippUng have OavtUo, M, short f l i p ...... 38 Hawes In the work throughout the great wind as well as any. the diat Episcopal .church, serving there Chungking's popuIgtJon was said to Joseph Mottea Raymond Lambeit, Rev. John J. Sobolewakl making the Hardware City last month. It was Litke, EH, teUow u p ...... 38 Police Department, a bill appeared have left ths city since Sunday's sir Joseph Mlchna, Edward Greena been featuru of theae eneountora 9 ^ flfl state for more than 13 years. The large white oaks and many c i the until called to America to become blessing. ths n th victory in 13 sterte for te the past and tndloatlona are that Oav41|o, M, overhead...... 80 older trees with heavy branches suf­ In tha House which arould permit raid and suhoequgnl Jananese warn­ WlUlam L. Taylor, Howard Scho­ GRANDPA’S Manchtster. views gave a splendid Idea of the an associate secretary ot the Board. ings that mors raids weie coming. The speaking program will follow tomorTOw’i olaah will olao provide Cole, M. k)44 s id e ...... SI Maneberiar .....1 4 9 14 fl—M natural beauty spots tai the state fered more than Uioae of a younger the depariment'a expense to be met field, Edward WormstedL WUllam NSW Britain, coached by Bhar- Local Skaters Abrerb A 1-0 a moklmiim amount o t emnt fire- Oavelto, M. under h o o p ...... 34 from motor vebicle receipts. His first appointment In China was ChurghlnK. China’s provlslonnl cap­ B. Hanley, Stviley Blair, Peter the chicken dinner with Chairman Bari Rartterd . . . 9 fl $ fl—39 ftorasts and picnic areas, among growth. as mlaalonary-ln-chsrgs of ths Foo­ of the General committee WilUam CORNERS wbod "Cap" of this town, bad werka. Brown, M, under hoop...... 88 •eore at halftime, 33-lL Manehea' The wdnd came In gusts of from Employment ol aliens In Connecti­ ital, la In hitherto untouched terri­ Gsultn, Robert Fitm trick, WilUam SEVEN GAMES PLANNED them soma of the more recent de- chow District where many thriving A. Rogalus Introducing WUUam V. been beaten only by Its Alumni and The vtaltora have a lineup that In- Wakefield. EH. ,'oul ...... SO tor. RefeHe, PMI Oaapiaa. Tltah cut Industr) would be limited under tory on the upper Tangtse. Kuslansky, John Kelrans, Samuel KIPPY J. SHAFTS Defeat From Hartford, velopmente near Candlewood lake 40 or 00 to 100 miles an hour. It la schools sod churches are located, Sadlak who will act as toastmaster. Simsbury, the latter by a two-point cludea a host of former New Brit­ FOURTH QUARTER estimated that fully onc-flfth of the provlalons of another Mil affecting Panclera and Raymond Csmpo. 12 On the Una eight minute quattoiR and other portions of the South­ and around which are hundreds ot The Past Presidents of the club margin, up to yesterday and tbe ain High lumlnariro now paatiming Melody. EH.1 Ions PO p...... total standing timber of the state labor. In establlahmente employing SHIP PMIKETS PERSIST licking banded out by the Schober- western part of the state. Many villages to which Itinerating preach­ Arthur Smith of West Stafford will be Introduced during the pro­ Drop To Second. FOR HIGH ON GRIDIRON in the Hardware City's Dusty Lea­ HUteskL M, foul ,87 irttarfl Snflo (39) ' . v-as destroyed, and at least 100.000 or leas persons, alien workers Long Beach. Calif.. Jan. 31.— (A P ) 87 of the slides were hand-colored and 10 was Installed as sachem of Onneco gram and each wUl speak briefly. The adoption of new tangled no­ Itsa waa the third loro In twelve gue and with other leading semi-pro Melody, EH, abort toaa B r t shade trees were destroyed on our would be restricted to 10 per rent ol ers are spreading the Gospel. —Chinese picketing of ships loading teama A atrong, well-brianeed ar­ .89 unusually beautiful, particularly In Tribe, No. 54, Improvet* Order Or­ Greetings will be received from tions Is a thing that the Comers gnmss. Murdoch, $1, long pop fl-T 9 roads and city parka It Is not tne total: In tboae employing flU or During hls years In China, Or, ■crap Iron for Japan continued to­ ray, New Britain ta capable a t giv­ the People's and Tunsls forests. der of Red Men at a meeting held number of organlutlons Including Rmi Up Bnily Drad TVs Hanchaster R o e k ^ ehib loot WItaon, M, tang pop ...... 41 19 ______, I ...... fl 2 known how. many ornamental trees leas to five per cent an over 60 to Cartwright was also executive day, with longshoremen declaring In Red Men’s boll on Main streeL hers has never gotten Into far, but The tevndera were highly oou' ing the PA ’e a rovere teat but Coach New to many was the news that tbe Maple Grove Society, Kooduasko Keflejites To Limick Sea­ Wilson. U, aide flip ...... M 19 PUMel,. W ...... 4 9-3 .fl the state bad .wtebllsbed a nature were blown down on private prop- two par cent. Tha employer would secretary of the Centenary Move­ they had etoppro work on ths ships Other officers Installed were: Sen­ they Is a good reason for IL and it fldeet of their ability to whip Mon- Its first match teat n t^ t to the Jtihnny FalkoakI ta quite optimistic Melo^, EH, teul ,4* 30 ment in Foorhow Conference, and Society, 8L Helen's Society, Rosary Court Standing* i ICeflraa, jf .0 0*fl -fl muaenm, an attractive little build­ erty, but as least as many as on the ba required to report the names and for their personal safety. ior sagamore, Thomas Flaherty ain't Just because tolks here 1s nar­ riieaCcr again but - the loeal Haitterd Indiana on tha lattor s that hta cltafgea hava peoiiverid WltaOn, M, abort t id e ...... 4* SO ing, where during the busy picnic highways and city parka. The dam­ superintendent ot the Central in "The men were caUed off the Job Junior sagamore, Leo Venterini Society, (3illd of Mary, SL Joseph's llechanlcs soon tndloated that a dU' rink te Haitterd by the oeofs of frote thelT oluitip end are ready to jfl Mrlkka. U ...... 0 <>*> * employment of all aliens to the state Society and SL Mlcbael'a Society. row minded neither, though plenty of Local League* son Witk Nigld d u k 13 OIBord, h ...... 9 flfl fl periods, trained attendants on na- age calls for united action on the labor commissioner. stitutlonal church, Foochow. He also because of the Increastng danger of prophet. Forest Blair; keeper of ferent story was to be w r i t ^ Into move Into the winning eOlumn. Injury from tbe rapidly growing There wlU be dancing until mid' of them la that way naturally. For 1-0. An rarly aodra by Hartford In the'pralllnliiary. he FA Glrta |3 Mpantaff,".,Iff . . • • • • . . 6 nirs sub^ta are stationed. part of the people and coromunitlea Tha measure creating a seven- edited the "China Cffinstlan Advo­ records, Hugh Ward; keeper of the records. With Johnny ^eholakl In the flrat period broaght the vle- 'Trees Are P ssuifcei said Mr. Hawes, In replacing these cate," and was one ot the organis­ picket line”, said Bhiieet Brown, night with mualo being furnished by Instance, take this aa Juat happened rilapiaybig n sensational eys for ths BBC SBNIOR LBAOCB. A g iii s t LotTcnworth win go after their third tritmph tt ELLSWORTH CHALKS | i flehulta. lig ...... fl flte fl man commlaolon to study election wampum, WUllam SulUvon; coUec- tory . W L Pet Taking for hie subject. "Trees trees which were so valuable to the ers of the National Christian Ikiun. president of the loternatlooal Long­ tor of wampum, Lester RandaU Sojka's Broadcasting orchestra. Tbe haMtsL the Behoberitee ran rings |ten league eterte et the exnenae of {3 Hagedora. .Iff ...... 3 3-3 fl law ravtslon became a lew today last night over to the Wbo<9 Owl . It no dewbt wOoM have bean a PoHah-Amerka . . . . .6 1 .833 the New Britain larolea The open­ and foreste,'* Mr. Hawse called at- beauty of Connecticut. The beauty cll of China. He Is a director ot a shoremen's and Wsrehouserorn's trustee for three years, Paul ball wUI be decorated for tbe occa­ •round New Britain ta the opening with Its stfneturc by Goveinor Bald­ quarter when Hex Bockstrap near different story If Daigle bad been Center Billlarda .,. .4 1 .800 Here On Sept. 29; Also ing game wUI get underway at tsntton to the various trees that are and financial valuea of many prop­ number of Interdenominational Union. "We are not concerned If Stoetzner: guard - of forest, Paul sion. gtansa and piled up a lopsided 17-8 there. As tt was the locate put UP 12TH S T R A ^ I » ' - ^ . 1 0 fl-M win. The chief executive aeld be bad the mstcrisla are considered contra­ Pagan! Barbers . .. .3 3 .500 o'clock to be followed Immediately auiteble for ornamental planting erties In the state have been almost Christian colleges In Chins, and ot Stoetxner; first sannap, Walter Rsritol Snaday committed a lot of damage on to adVan^ge In the first right mlnutro up a whale of a game and niter tha Ctorkenaen * M. E . S.^ |eeini|e ^ (Ifl) ^ not yet decided upon the personnel band of war. That Is s matter for hls family. It all begun at supper Green ...... 3 4 A.LI by the main attractioa. along the hlghwaya, farm lands or r-lned by the wiping nut of these old of the commission, whi.'h must re­ Hwa Nan College ot the Woman's Lonagan; second, Michael Bala. The There wlU be a piano rerital on tbe flrat score the Indians pould Host To Bristol Under ^TOO etranff and 'S K i a . trees Members of cMc and garden the government to deride." time. They set down to a big meal ^ ^ ■ ri^ w te r's teoerves entered the West Sides ...... 0 5 AOO The PA boya wlU praetlea tonight aevonth vtriery otarto thia 0 R. OoI r t » fl-V home grounds Aside from the .ns- port lU findings to the legislature Foreign Missionary eoclety. Red Men wlU present on entertein Sunday evening at seven o'clock at get nowhere due to the opeetneu- neat Tuesday ttv* white pine, there are few ever- clubs can appreciate this damt-ge to Francis J. McGowan, president of over to ^ Sockstrap’e, as Is tha fray for W aeeend quarter and New imm sdhmdulOd freim 5 to.8 o’clock et the Boot Side CrewnM Eady D iifiw (M 1 X. RoIUr if^...a...*.* flte by April IS. Few men lulve hod the opportuni­ ment and amateur program In tbe tbe Unkm Oongregatlooal church by lar defsttas ptay o f "C an y" R ^ , hlghVet East Side Rec: Green vs. Rec and all ptayara are requested gyaens native to Connecticut. Views the fullest extent and collectively ty to know China and the Chinese tbe Waterfront Employerh* Asaoria- auditorium of the Warren Memo­ usual custom. Visiting with Hex M ta la tennehed a ataaHng come­ ffoaHe ter the loeaia. Lights. ■hew Me n 1 HeDowell. i f bfla-aaoaeO 8 ^ A ^rect primary bill would ex. Uon of Southern California, charged the pupils of Fred E. Weraer, In- and his wife was Ike wife's nieos w est Sides at 7:80, PA's ve. Cental I to report on time. The Poltah fl Danoooa, If ...... fl flte erere shown of the famous Cathe­ and Individually should do every­ people as Has Dr. Cartwright dur­ rial baU, Friday night, February 8. structor of organ and ptano ta back that Ootoeored the locals by Neltber team ebuld convert any American AthieUe Oub will hold i Mo Ul effeeU w en ahewa by tha thing possible to replace the loss In elude from the ballot any party that "thte particular case la but one from down to Now York way. and M -7 but atlU left the vlaitora on tbe Billiards at $:80, Barbers hhe. TgartaDotl* B te B ) 30 3 C. BelllA If ...... f l . dral pines In Oomwall, which were which did not poll at least three per ing hls years ot missionary service Mr. and Mrs. Robert Werner, edl-^ Rockville and Manchester. A pro­ prints although Inaumarable ahots special meeting %(onday night at 8 Rod and White eagvra from uninjured by the hurricane and are their communities. many Mmllar cases where com­ she is a pretty girl with modern abort end of a ^ -1 7 count nt half- were taken and all periods ran much WkDsklX^lw ro# MaA < * * . 0 Gbapnteter 1$ .'4.«..«.fl. ^fl cent of the total vote In the le-1 and bis more recent travels to Asia merce has been tied up In tbe tor and bustness manager of tha gram of 13 numbers will b. glvsa VMOA SENIOR LEAGUE. Manehaater High, undefeated butlo'clOek nt tM clubroom an OUnton Bristol leveraaL ta fact beU ISO years old, and If they are not a At the close of his ta'k the state He la thoroughly familiar with the Stafford Press, Mr. end Mrs. John notions modem fads and a big s|h UnM. Skryiqwk 1 ^ Kayko carried the same after thO first goal. The all memhera are eolted to flrat and aeeend tonaw l e ^ t 3 Maidoek, o ..I Ite. forester was given a hearty vote '>f previous election for any ore candl port by refusal of longshoremen to .by a group of pupils, the youngest petlto which ain’t eo modern aa It almost the entire bcoring burden for W L P e t tied niter of C. C. I. L. foetball to l a t r ^ and To 11 Ihrfia. part of the virgin forests are near­ date, unleea that party, he'd e con­ political and social and econonuo Netto ot High street will attend being seven years of age. gaoM waa a rough and tumM# affair I win on tap e< thair gaaro 1 He0haghy»a...... l er to It than any others In the thanks. work, all too frequently through Is senslbls like. New Brltela. , i t Jbhhe ...... -T 1 -JS 19kg. teero n eeven^ame vention end agreed to abide by the movements today agitating China, causes and Issues entirely outside tha annual meeting of the Connec­ The following pupUs wlU take with plenty of aOtlan b ML elaehee . W "'” Texacos...... 6 3 .780 about the taek o f drubbtafl the ta-1 1 Butteiy, Iff 1 ticut Editorial Acaoclatlon at tha Well, they three set dovm at sup­ ...... A Rough BMOuntar'i-: AC tts M It Melted oa thocub a frao- inta fa ll tt waa announced to A ^ b y ' Twetva wtna In a row! vadaro. It waa the 1 Davidabn. iff ...... 4.fl provisions of the set. and Is Intlmataly acquainted with the scope of emplojwr-employe. re- parLi Robert Gerich, Dorothy Cyr- per and et plenty Judging from RockviUe ...... 8 8 .83.1 C<4udi 'ITiomaa P. kelley. and two Southern white cedar abounds in A new group of Mila aimed at many of the new leaders of all the MtlonA Hotel TafL New Haven, this after­ So test and rough the pro- for-atl waa golag to anaue and Manv KftClra ...... 0 3 .63D Tbat'a tho aenoatlonal record o f eat aeora run up by Manc h ^ er 9 Oantan, i g ...... 0 snr swamps and moist places and is Klewlcx, Ruth Schwars, John what tha larrlter was told by Jeremy eedlnga that no lean thqn ate play­ were the loen] toltavron who pleked ••f tbe gamea wfll be played under purported un-AmcrieanIsro made Astatic nations. As a preacher on "OhUgstod", Say Skippers noon and evening. Governor Ray­ Schwars, Jr,, Vernon Klette, Vln- Highland Park .(. . . 1 7 .UM Bllaworth High of South WIndcor scaaon, tha blffhari behm ^ 4 0 KUeneehmldL to ■osful ta r such looatlons. The OutlofTs wife,* who was Interested ers arere waved to tbe raowere on up hockey sticks and were preparad the are llghta at ML Nsbo.. Two defaat plaaad an the McOratbraan SOLONS OF STATE their app^ence. They would pro­ topics relatad to the life ot Asia, he "Tha ship operators", be de- mond E. Baldwin win be the guest glnfa Griffin, Donald Gerich, Edwin Bolton ...... 0 8 .000 ...... « , 9 mestem Douglas fir, Imported from speaker. In tbe doings of the visitor, and personal toulo, Qfayb, Bqyko am to conw to the team’e recue In ease night games have bean held nerr m I Sport* Roundup aa a raoult of Ito Impreaalva flO to It on their home court toot tenth. hibit dissemination of literature hoe been In great demand In Aiueri. cUred. "are legally obligated to ac­ Wirtalla, Walter Bateman and Faith' Games scheduled next Thuraday 3 Murphy, ■..••'It. 4 <9 Washington and Oregon, does well In Paul Rohr of East Main street, was sble to see right Into the neigh­ Griffin of Manchester and Skoesy of trouble but no such SOS waa the pari two yeara and attracted see- triumph ovar TourtaUoUa Higb M against any race or creed, the ho’d- can churches and on lecture plat' cept the icrap Iron cargoes Involved night at TMCA: Eaglea va. Rock erd-breaking nowds o^grid fBna. By BDon RRIMM Bast Hartford put • W j*flfl3 Onwnectlcut, and as for the decidu­ REVIEW IN HOMES overseer In the finishing depart­ Scbelner. boring kitchen with her opera tea, Gharwte and Roaovleh Of New sounded. Btaht aa Coach Hugh Oraei'a oquad Into aeUon, • tart breoMiVi Ing ot military drilla or parade ex­ forms. and the question of wbM constitutes Ass sting at this .fourth annual vine, Texaco# va. St. JOhn’a High­ Leavenworth Hera New York, Jan. I I . — (A P I—Busy 13 ; ' ‘ • 3 -l« Ifl ous trsM and hardwoods the state Is cept by regular military orgenlxa- ment of the Warren Woolen MUl on glaasca Tbe Sockstrape hadn’t pull­ Britain. It was a mighty toogh Carry Bohl and R » Guthrie must ohargro moved another atop eloaar hard playing quintet that might Bean By r w contraband of war la a matter for recital wUl be Leonard EeceUente, ed down their window shades, eo It land Park va. Bolton. Manchester ta elated to» open Its man's nawapaper: rich In them. The tulip trss or yel­ tlons, and prohibit any alien or mem­ Furnace avenue has resigned hls gahM ter Refwie George HUls to be commended ter their epectacular to an undafaated aeaooo. / have made the Anal eount a lot |tort H p rtteR l...... 4 low poplar, so-called because its BUDGET MESSAGE determlMtloD by the federal govern­ a member of the Hartford Sjrm- is presumed as bow they didn't handle but he did a moot creditable campaign on tha evening of Septem­ Hike Jacoba la angeling the new ber of any un-American society or position and has taken a similar play. It was only thnnigh thair y INTBRDIEOIATB LBAOUR. in moat o f the pravtaua _ closer tt It hadn’t b e« eadweter ...^..9 hlnssnms resemble a tulip la a desir­ ment, and not by longshoremen or phony orchestra who will render two mind none If other neighbors took Job and kept the swift-paced action combined efforts that the soorff ber 39, when Leavenworth High of Noel Coward ahow starring Boatriea orrranizatlon from wearing In public puhllcItv-eceUIng pickets.’’ position In Newburgh, N. T. W L Pet. Watorbuiy oomea hera. Ltaven. Charita Muaklewica <«a the etaM atroetaiw ritoottaff. The vtattora peora at balftima. able tree for ornamental use, so Is WILLINGTON groups of violin aelectlons. Ht wlU a look In to see what was a going from turning into n fiee-for-alL stood where It did. The taoata LUUa, and eapaeta to get an hu out peifaraaer frith oevan double- simply oouldnt oonaoet udtt ^ (Continued from Page One.) any uniform or Insignia or any for­ Tha ships Involved are the Japan­ TIgaro ...... • ® ^'222 erorth. beaten 14^ here tn 1937, waa dough back In flva waoka.. . .rcaaen Barttaid. RateiaR Ji the magnolia, although a native of eign country or from maintaining MISS JENNIE H. CHURCH b<. accompanied on tha ptano by Mr. oa there. For this reosoa wo don't MnhchMter woS given 33 chahOas at were hampwed by the toet that eU Engtee •..•••••••••8 1 Aro deekera. baaket but kept trying fla^^S tha South, does well In this climate ese Araum s Maru and tbe Nor­ Werner. hasttate none to tell what did go on. the froe throw Ito o find converted of their ptayeia did not chew up. booked for tha opener lari fall but for thoM glaas backboarda la tha TiBMi alght ndhate aheds or camps In any town or com­ wegian Stjermehorg. Suleldea ...... > • •J®® the game Waa wiped out by the hur­ The Oreermen. who are aaovtag mrouirtiout to motoh tho opood oa4 and is showy In tbs early spring. after more than 900 bills were In­ munity In the state. Tuesday svenlng Arthur J. Oelsec. ANNUAL MEET CALLED Amateurs Te Regtetev FlrsL Hta. Bockstrap she brung Sfl tries, 'While New Britain made Including aome Of tha ragulara. teit Center S prin ge...... 2 4 ricane. Bristol will also play here Garden to that lOXMO of the 13,000 aleng at a clip that haa produeed da. claro of tho Clarkemen, tried and Nona can exceed the beajity of the troduced In tite House and Senate. Among bills was one which would postmaster at South Wllllngton, was Those who desire to compete te on tha supper, and this young visit­ good on only five of 19 attempts. everything considered they did n at night, on October 9. It ta expect­ arote available ter baskribaU art elriva vtetortaF ta a fa ry ------tailed. ^ _ white or paper birch, a northern The flood o f new business yester­ Aatl-Oaerrille Force After tetermlarion, the local regu­ splendid job, one and all. Three of Pirate# ...... 3 < -S * teta KeniHo aad fl Impose an annuel $10 tax on all kiven a dinner party at the Blue Bhangbal, Jan. 31.— (A P ) — A the amateur show to be held at the ing lady, she et a great deal, and la ed that additional hleachera will ba behind tha boardo, o r almoot a o .. . . tar. flaobad briUlant term taom tha Oslo Hnto Career. tree which abounds In Lltcbfleld day. which marked the end of the BT EMANUE LUTHERANS lars returned and exhibited n riasay the Indians nevlously plaved for Hawks ...... '2®® t e Baa$ Barilofd. baeheiora over 40 years of age. The Spruce Inn tn WllUmantlc by the Doniel (Japanese News Agenc\-) dis­ EUlngton Town Hall next Tuesday fact they all did. Then, aa la hie Xtamro scheduled next Monday erected at the Mount to ptevlde Greaay Neale, Tale backfleld eoaeh, outaet In tori nlfbt'a t For Herrin • W Oo*R vj? J " county and is particularly effective first two weeks of the 1930 General receipts from the tax would revert usual custom. Hex alter luppsr, as p— aad shooting offensive that Harvard and Dartmouth college#, night at TMCA: Suiddro va. Center ta the latori to ba mantlbnad far tho A lt fient by I M at hrifttaM. an Oolib Ctanilo^ Bi against an evergreen backgrourd. twenty members of the Twln-X Club patch from Nanking reported tdey night ore asked to gat In touch with eeato for 3406 tana. played superiMy at »wo Assembly, was believed to be a rec­ to the toam In which they live. the dramatic conumttee of the J3- laid down while HrSv EkMUtrnp, was altogether toe mucb for New * This Iom puts Menehsetsr te at Bpringa.^ Hawks vs. Eagles. Tigera Maneheator faera West Haitterd Boaton eollage Job... .Miami la bav* odvantaga that wao navar thieaton' year*, tt was the flnale to hta 4* Dm loMl Mdn Many fine specimens of white ord for a single day. but the total In honor of hls approaching mar- the JspaneM-SDooaored reform gov- helped now by the young rial tor. ond ptaee and puabea Hartford bite trite Oortentt and Davta i The two weeks for the Introduc- ernment of China -ad enacted a law Officers To Be Elected Tomor­ Ungton Orange of which MUo E. Britote to mateh aa Manchester ran vs. Pirates. Thte marks the cloee away on October IS. than rotunia lo g a wtodv apell vrith aoma at tha •d ta tho elootaff portoda. Petra waa ochoonioy career aad he waaad VP btrebes are to be found In the Peo­ for the current serrion fell about rtegs to MISS Hasel Brackett, done tbe dishes. So finally tbs dlsh- Ite margta to 83-31 at the three- the Iced. White, Orewthcr onL Ito gasM wao araU tlon'^ot bills probably saw more daughter of Mr*. Lens Korper providing for the organisation of row Afternoon; Pnstor To Hasrro ta chfelrman. "Jake and (Skrt." r i tbe first round of the league homo to engage Meriden on October Broadway big ohote loojlng rkMc m the only aromber of tbe toatag team a oplendld athletle iroord to ^ k * ple's forest Id Barkhamsted. and an 103 short of the high mark set two waa done and Mrs. Bockstrap quarter mark and then boooted that Ellta, the three eollegteaa played SO. A game with Middletown ta to tally more than onoe pa 'nurtri' by Fhtt Cawteni o t equally fine stand of beecb trees b'enket measures dumped Into the H.-acliett of South WUIlngton. Rich' “rural volunteers" to be’p wipe out radio entertalnere wlU taka part la 'White flanneta, etraw hata—4md years ago. hopper then for years. Yesterdav Make His Report. went off upstairs to get some yarn land by-eight points more In the beat tor. tha Indiana wheraaO Rohl, MONDAY JUNIOE LEAGUE. atatod tentatively for tha night o t ovareaaU. latte waa beta to four beoketp. BUa- khurhtoflM thrives In the same forest. The srd Herrick, president of the club, guerrillas within Japanese-occupied this program. Guthrie and V. Kelley played well, wSr w5 Uegialatlve clerks reported these to knit on, and Hes he waa a snoo^ closing, quarter. In nddlUon to W L P e t October 30. November 3 to open nt W N poaiR scores upon scores made their ap­ v.as toastmaster. ' An entertain­ areas. Attend Meetteg Taka-your-cIMea DspL; wQftk p|K> wea the preMaalnary. beauty of the dogwood In the slate statistics: in and the young lady visitor was ByriMlMO. HUtaokl and Boyko if not better ter tbe loaarB. Kelly preaant but Conch KcUor hM hopea forests has been enhanced wberever pearance. The bills carried onlv the ment followed the d-nner. The Emanuel Lutheran church Delsgatas from tbe Polish Amsrt- atflord-fl ...... 1 « ,H5®» Breadiny eaUiuM ain't get to< M. m r o u wm Senate—Bills Introduced for the left sort of by herself alone In the tet urad ter the wtenecs. mrat. be .eotniacaded far M A iJWn or arranging a game with a teedlnff South Wlndaor taeao Oantan possible by the eltmlnsUon of sur­ tit'e with the notation that a sub­ Vocal aolos were rendered by wto bold ite annual meeting tomor­ can CSttb of RockviUe will attend W attty 1 0 gathar .an whan La Henla apendi cpuaed by o S S * graduatln hart T to ______seea.on. 970. stitute measure would ba offered living room, Hes sleeping sound on ■tant chntter. Holtywo^ Barvlee . .0 1 ffOO [team ta o m vtetalto. The In d hoaro aext Friday. Friday. OorranU at guard rounding shrubbery or weed trcea Everett Beckwith and Eddie Som- row aftornoon at S;S0 o'clock and ths meeting of the State PoUah Pn> Liiteups: tha waa aman houra,,..aaya one: ter'a boMoai hflioih • fll to ifl dm House-Bills Introduced for the ses­ later. ASTS NAY SOLVE the MttM tn ths kitchen. Tbe par> A Nbw arttathla osconda werant gtV' OtouMya ...... • I , <®®* game wiU he ogakiri Bari Hartford "After tha performance 8 0 ^ eau lari right te pteea of Murray, who tant M oa DitoM. OnMoL Loo tad Hogote n The Norway Maple era. Mr. C ilsro, who la the son of n large attendance of mambere la UOcal OrginlratlOB to be held ta lor of course wasn't ocenpisd then \ SB BMtab troubto in the preliminary Manaheater Bro ______away on November 10. Hanehcetor The Nomvay msple Is s wise se­ sion, 1.500. Nominations received Included: hoped for. Bustnero will Include Hartford ou Sunday noon. Tboro Oamea scheduled next Monday A rirteta otoak, thee randa until aha to UL and dM a flna Jah. ooatrlbntod an tho ooortoS $W Bari Total for the session In both Merlin J. Wbalen. New Haven Mr. and Mrs. Alexle Cnlsse of WB as no young tellers had yet had nn ta puU te out a 33 to 15 trtuidph as C. B (M 1 n M t 'a t W eri Aide Rce: Otaimeyta d r i i ^ Wert H M t ^ lection for the home place or along the election of a Sunday school su- attemMng Inciudo WlUlam V. Sod- rettroa a t 3 n. m ."... .aayo anothari Muayklowlea, If ItaBchaetar'a riajrtefRjm Horttard aad Daa oiwa toatnnd t e l.ousea. 2.530. county commissioner; Harry Durant. Umantic, was presented with i PLANE ntOBLEHS time to make the aoqiiaintanee of ■ten and Faceblnlilnl paced the attack. geal a iffo rd '. VA peaeaateaaa the highway, and the speaker cau­ perlntendent and dearoos and true- WilUam Rogaltto, Alderman J, Donahne Stuilialm ^ " I a. $1.7 flokte Henla teaw OsyM. I f ... tto loaaiR MtorMbyite chair. He Is Lieutenant of the Com­ the young Ioqv visitor. PhUUpe fealurad for Mon tioned about planting too near the The General Assembly wll. re:on-i Guilford Town.court; J. Leo Dowd toro to tbs Board of Administra­ Fpteraea. i f Ro e a a emsoa •S^e&.SS&Sti ot tto-fltat ouaitor. toribut thitto vtattcfo and John E. Lynch. Enfield Town pany L, 169th infantry, Connecticut Jnbn IdMak, Julias KoMotMl Prssl' In a few minutes after. Hen he lift fletepaa ubia at tha Stork Oub to roiul. If the latter Is oarrow. It Is vene next Tuesday. « froro Pag* Om ) tion. Daley, i f . . . . a a • a a a IM » puUed obood hy lOte ot' hattttate/ During the course of his message court: Harrta J. Moran, Windsor National Guard of WllUmantlc. dent Joseph OrlowakL waa awoke up by a eound o t rsfite R. Outhrto Rsatetten TDMDAT JVNIOD U tA O V B o Eallay wtth 9 blond young man"...,play- always best to plant shade trees on Raporta of tha various organlm' FUasral Hswday right datenoa Berger, e .... 14-8 advantage on Bari Hartfi tlMQ tocvMnd tiMI Governor Baldwin, whose Inaugure- Locks Tovm court; Harry Bradley, Mrs. Frank B. COavsTse of West and plumping like, on to the floor. Friday agilaat Stata W I* thfaagh graduation and will tag hookoy, ah angarT ■L Walden, e •aaaaaof m and iquetrtte tod the private property. Inside the slc'e- ptoM weald taerroro spsi by as Uons for aetlvlUaa of tha peat year Tbs funeral of Norman. Frederick Kelly White dMenlt totei te dmmkm^ i Baar, now rateraeteg in Now Bag- to comfortablo iguieo to tto Uun eerller this month ended eight Newtown Town court; Sydney C. Wllllngton, wife of Dr. Converse Is He got up from the settoe cautious, bury High and Haneheater ettooete BCdAOCS a e e c • • e • • e^ *8 1 Rials, e ...... •aaaaoaa m took walk. They are not then so liable to much as 35 mllae sn hour. will ba raeelvad. as weU aa tbe re- •'—Wav Ito to eohme tha d a , I enerta tag herragia TT loaetTW % years of Democratic rule in Uonnee- Perrlll. Stamford City court; Louis a patlsat In the Johnson Memorial TennstedL 31. of S3 Hammond and give a look Into the living ton paat tha 43-39 vietory aarned . BMM e»ew999ee8 A :9S land, la aakhor tka boya: "The Tiaey, Ig ... ever te the aeoood qaartro « damage from automobiles or electric Bl eklsnd aah* hs bsl'aved the MHt of Rev. K. E. Brickaon and the stresL son of Mr. and Mrs. C3iartes O. Ifo y Crowthsr Afia iHlaaaaate A Tbra wires The sycamore or button- ticul stated that among the steps de­ E. Nassau. Arthur L. Shipman, John hospital at Stafford Springs. Mlaa room. What met his eyes! .. ttiw teat iogagement hera HSCll SilttelS ••wnwaffi A w tttin aay I quit to Joe Louta. Jerffenaan. iff ...... 3 ■pHe the diaadvaatege .ef.lrth -e< B. Loesva, Milton Nakum, Walter Irene Frank Is also recslvlng treat­ procero .had been worked out only nidget recommendatloRa of the sennstedL who died at hls home on swohaster Trada (48) left wing w*e#«9#W9cS 4 S OaMaBi 1Harry Bntttea how aauld Louta knock ma outT" wood Is s handsome tree In loca­ signed to bring the proposes cost of Board. Following tha maattng, ra- Here, on tbe rug, laid out thte ■h. Walden, rg aaefWtea'-a 0 helgkL outeeerod thair itvole by fl-fl J. SIdor, Hartford Police court; ment 1a the bospltaU ta the united Statea. Friday following a long Ultiros, wiU jroung lady vtsltor, a kicking and a a F T. O. May WIMOttlS •••e;99efl9eeA 8 ^ M a t t efo r r ffuaid, fultena Ttath » tuff 'ua and tbat'a a teCL tions where there is plenty of spare. government within estimated In­ freahmante will m aei ' by ' the t e ? n - l l H i ^ et batfUme wtth Jacob Dunn. Bernard Allen, Henry The D. A. Sokol wlU give a dancs be held on Monday at o m o'clock -t Sopping around tn a dire spasm, ByelmtakL n ... 9 9- 18 right wteg ■hd OanvacM for tecktaa, tto PALACE FIVE HERE Charts thrown ou the screen Il­ come was hla plan to eliminate cer­ Ladlee* Aid SocMty. Geala—erowthar osatatad Wnaea. RUlnrid and Dupont ter| TOteta...... Ifl • SO HUlaakl and Davta rippling R. Shlembob. Hartford county com- this avsalng at the BohsnUan hall la r v c m t i roocsserrixT hla home for mambera of the family waving her arms, and twisting her Fnrctek. rf, rg . « 3-: 3 MS aebeduled neat Tnaoday Sparta eoektafl: lustrated methods of planting, dig­ tain Jobe, prune aalarlea In aome de­ Chicago. Xaa. 3l.-'r ably below the appropriations rec­ army. toa yaabKday bates tha National anhnala had cemented tha frlandahlp church win officiate. Burial win be and drove the animal out Into i r Bfigito, rf, K . . . t e 1-fl Joyea, 133, Onry, Dte,, 110). iZanaepoae.—Diah Domaray. MR th Odeana aad Denver aimounesd eppeosiit at 7>10 0*01009. left they win collect water and de­ nual salary of IIJWO or more. Econotete Ooauntttaa by Oaerga A. nighL He didn't have no chance to H Skiyapak. i f . . . . 1 3-3 Oahtaa oeheduted ter noxt Thura­ iemarkT N. D-. knockad out Jimmy ommended herein." Creating a commission of five A letter from a friend In Oeaoord. Jbatwaen them. In recent yaare Mm te Grove HIU cemetery. day nlgM at tha Bari Side Rae. orttlea ot flffhung cay. Baekland, v|ee-praildent eC tha ' w a Ateaite Mac fuas wjth no dog then. Rushing out 4 Bhicgylii, tt. I f . . fl 1*3 •nddhw tha aelra of tke CeH mnneoa, 13R Dallpa,Tmma, (31. The BagtaR who aftOr pUtoteff The American elm. one of our Bale For Prograoi latrogDced members nanled by ths governoi N, H . who formerly had forty piano M she had served as hoateoa for ■tartteg the aeanwd round: Rayal ..oh, oht pupUs, says the W PA project glvro Bakallta Ooiperattea. A delegatMB of tha mambera of to tbs we'l, Hes ground up a pall 4 Chaniln, ...... 1 T-3 B eaito, tern of tartura to Oitea. flan Antoato.—Had Aptoep. 140. modiron boU tto flrat moath of tto flnect ornamental trees, bss been Legislative leaders told that bills to study health insurance with n Ruppert at waak-ead parties on his 0 Coiwlek, e. If . . . . 0 Ote BIhaa va. Marocno, Bpaadhgya vn, Oneh DspLT muMe lemons to aU pupils, old and aarrisen. N. T „ sstata. ^ tLe Ladlee AuxiUery. AXIJL are full of cold water and run Mck te- tatoa CRy. eutpotateTiflio Mo- sroina have Anally eaught up wtth subject to the ravi.ges of the Dutch providing for tha legulatloo aeeded vtew nf vMtebllshlng a aystem o t 1 TOdaia. rg, Ig ....0 0-1 Falemte flkamwiBki va. O ranW . iQ w gri.j y j R era n ^ J ta .; (10). TWd the Rwrihan Climax Games To Feature young tor prnctieally nothing, which Mtaa WayanL who gave up tha plamilng to attend tha Jotnt meet- ■bte. *“ sa » the jina that seemed to to haagtog elm disease for the past eight or to put the goveraor'a fiscal program health Insurance tn the eteta. 1 Shitechlck. rg ....0 Hsiffhta 39. MeltewlH. 'Fedro Montaiian. 13fl, a for hta team mnkro It very hard for piano teach- stags ta 1939. said her only bobby teg mad inataUatloo to be hrid at Whan he got there the vtaltlng on them ara bow dtaptaytag tho 1 $ years, and people hesitate about Into effect were Introduced •'before AboUehtng the State Board o t 0 Facchlnt, rg . . . . 0 Ote iPuatto Rtoe, U.I te Littla Rock ona alffht and yesterday'* daadllos. 0. PORIHOIIS SMASHED was muaie. Sha Uvea with bar Meriden on Sunday, Jaanaiy 33nd. young lady waa on to her hawes. typo of bookrihan that tm y o n lanting them. The horse chestnut Pharmacy and giving Its dutlea to fl B i^ Ig. rg • •.. • fl 0*1 Raven, tha nrataftanoon. Joe Cage PHJ^^ms Next Week But there were also many meaa- tha State Health oommlaslaBer. M n. Ellsworth WsekA- mother and bet brother, Rex, an aa- Tboes planning to go to Msrtdsn are trying to puD bersed up oa to bar capablo ot ptaylag. / SI to be recommended because of its tact ^ mate strength. Prompfly 4 Koaovich, Ig . . . . 0 0-1 o t ChatttoWOgR fliflppad: " I Tto Now Briteto am y ta ropeeb beauty when In blossom and fine urea which would throw hla budget Appropriating $6,000 from ths Juvenile Orange and atetoat travaUag aserateiy for tha to mast at tha Praaeott block W ATLARIK STORM Thnkasa. Has dashed on to her the bucket o t 0 ' Burak. Ig ...... 0 0-fl .t t t . ta hnra n fbot toai|i. an 1 to pravaonaof teo roeot oovera foliage. It la m native o t Asia. belanctng plan out of kilter. BUls highway fund for diedglng tho Ouil- Weeks, mastsr-wlset a t Qulnaebaug at 1:1515 pjn. t t^'Ctar,...flhan Htta TWO Of eh S M rtt Mondoy alghL^whUo tto run- ferd harbor and rspairtag ths state Oomteg hsra from Wlathrop. MU Tanr TWa Ta water. TIm effect waa elacirie. • FaleonarL Ig fl L*S . .oto tea toeato wifl-oBoouator teto appropriating mllHoae of dollars for Orange twee* vlMtore at ToUnnd McClttskey, Both LMiys_ Fsmnwi Trees The young lady recovered te ooi* - eoAiiMTtha .fl,0n addieu eulto tovo ' aor-up Eagiro taiikta tto loedy eervleae addittonal to those iww fur- doch tn the tosm. Tneeday eronteg. ToUaad Rynesth. JHte. tU -f AP>— Dtaan. te 1930 after graduatlea from The annual odd year teeto win be Hawko. Thete’o a three-way tie tor year and wUl attempt to upheld tM . Ptetures wers shown o t trses Ugh aehool. aha appaarod as breath and two wtMopo. and waa oa - U U ' 37 rouadi but thete'o atin ptanty or wi- which have mads iLa "Who's Who Blsbed by the state havs besn Intro- Appropriating $350,000 for a Orange wae invited to ettead the Tha Pranrii Itear ^ r t a antvad eoaducted at the Rockville High •rat in tto Tneeday Junior League tradlUea of ottor Mordwara Uty State Naval Armory at New Havsn tteby with her parthelea mom eherna girl te Tbraa-Chaara" wtth to her fact in a Jiffy, almoet com- . SnoN at halt 31-17 Manrhaater. ■ 6 tatod hnlroara wtth s'*** teaaro with a wbmdoff array. whMa in Trens," among tbau ths Dr. aehool next week atarttag on Ton- Slated To Race 'T nighi\^^!^^^^t^\i^^*’£:,ts^^ dbced. and promlnsnt aiwong ths taetnltetloa of Boat KilUng^ Orange Win Rogata and te "Tha Merry niately cured. Only atM waa mad. Rateroe, HlUa, Four fl-mta. periods. that ooaa of tt wU to 9 nt tto East flkta Reo but U e Ma­ Graves oqk. a fins largs white eok proposals put forward was ons for Requiring all regulations issued January 3S. The attendance aum furniture demagafl find . day and eontlauteg until Friday. tson aad High Hatteis clash naat by the etete motor vehicle commlB- bruised ky a tantte gala ta tha A t' Makmee" with Osorge M. Cohan. S w waa awfully sore aa a bull pup. Score $y periode: tW^^nStontatoo to w S i tim the oemtaff wdil la Galea Terry, the largest syea- dlvsttlag part o t the gasoUne tax bered fid. All Bast Central Pomona Her teat appearance waa with Eva Tbeee are a different type of w - ta tha botUo on too tatwaan tto week aad ona or tto ottor wUI bo te a vtototy etoner to be printed tn at leaM one laatle. And the expiaaattoa waa 010111114 ^ Mewrtierier . . . . I T T. S wiEnrilihttanrii S L a T u R a a S a fT I t Bdwnrd Cemtohay. to jpri RTld cue- workF* to aa Burs In the state In Stmsbuiy, the to tha towns. members are ewpeeted to be pree- La Oantaimah Ctvie Rapartaiy Thaa- emtnetkte nod are MMrter than the Hew Britata... fl 14 4 *—37 PA ’a aad hnorirod out of the deadlock. The John Brown oak In Barkhamsted. newspaper in each county. A baa'oa tha BMdamant o t to honest people aa take eveato for ' ------Into tha Onrdan tha weak tto Fata It was generally underatood, bow. rot whM Pomona officers are te- tar. old arid year their taea value. It jwma the young Bari flldaR tto othaF aromber of the hensath which John Brown ploynd evsr, that Governor Baldwin erould Requiring that all Instruments ■ ,— , — , — -TT—m-wi----- .-.-..a toteftoff party Of nine, tlnsup tent toriodro t e etalled te Msneheeter February L whoataad ta the i terah aC the tedy vlMtoc wnant throwing no flL ter BIffh at loeal night, a game that to Ittiato te de­ tondhw trio, take on tto fourth- as a boy. and othsra. kaep a elooe eye an the fottds ap- requlriBc legal knowledge be drawn a emeurod ctol alto to whtoh hto aaeri termfl Haaaterd.l3RLMAittolaR (IflI. Iheadofl by tfra Mg toa^ aura, tala High hriRtoate by attorneya Hi the Oood w ni League bowUag but had et hearty, and waa doing a Maw Bittite Trade Jeaaay aa a tha eemlng aprtag hacanaa at hur> Mtould and under ths la- a of your HeUywaul iom . SI— (API^lha made flrat to aro U thsy la reducins a f tha to bo eartota lhayni do tt ■MS use p lo ^ te# . eioonfl rienae damage te tha trees, s Junetlea te say labor dlspota except Harold S l ^ eon of Dr. and Mnu Dteebnrged today: M n, Bteg. Jenoary 50th to Uhraiy Hen or te feeling uuL la the termer caw 9 Nontetowted, Ig . . I 0-9 atoita ito tenth am of m s part o t ' o f Ito aoeeod round, CUffecdh bogy must be aecompanisd by defin­ upon three d ^ notles. Beraeo B. aawtywafl Nas ML Thai .the eampsss sad ptmtrhsis win have ite action Indicating whether any MeteO. 874 Oakland atnaL at eight o'elrak. Mr. flchwtea will cfflbianr atartag at tham te onougb 6 Buffa. I f f ...... 3 1-3 on tto flrat hott. whlto tee Rsqolrteg the motor vTOlcle Blnymrot la tha thread HoOywoed to te surclaa more cautkia te aat SBCSSS in axpeaditurro autheclsed tfeaa o l Mead a aura as thsy te eahai^ mlto avent of tea Might Looffto eyanalto gteshteg flna. Hs Illustrated mod- eilsslrvur to tonUsh two leeks wtth WintaMBtle I ■d te drtvteg to anfiafllr. M n .. daTutteniiriSelf^tiw oa. h i. 14 M uadnart weak, the by appraprtatloas over estimated re­ .sock set at liosnss ptetss. s i m d a (U ) and L a ^ a . «B testhefli aC o o a k a tliif fosaat ceipts o n to bs in s n n i hp work tram South wintMtaa. 83fl TbRaad Ths eU oga amfeUat tea i MtatflhliHj PAGE MANCHBOTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER. OONN. BATURDAY. JANUARY 21i ItANCtllSin'KK iSVENING HERALD. MAN(niESTER, OONN. 8ATURDAT. JANUARY 21.19S9 i'ioB TEM* o r -f Hopelesi

VOIVL ’RWfhtt.*. YAM TteCIlMSS TY O O i SVlAvRMK ’ V\ VA\X ,V RFN.OLD CV\A^-\ Dot.jiT Btvvtyfe Y ou RO DOleJN ANO VuAY -oo TVKANM YOO B U ir SE I.L^^IlE M T//^^/^//;r YRSINMN V4RA A VS.VJF y o o WOO yood MVMto OM TWt , 6 A K t ■ SENSE and NONSENSE oStM cvyFACtogy ______T

A WARRIED MAN 18 ONE W H oT Some old-faahldned folki fear tte 1 Is being Ignored today. ‘ Butsut'^noral not at ! all-ithe way It works nowsdavs. pfofaabla. Mr. Wataon la much what^yoti have to do la to orsa- l o s t AND FOUND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 DOGS—BIRDS—PETS—41 HOUSES FOR RENT 45 Truck Driver (after barely avoid­ and make your demands loud too sensible. ing a crash)—Why didn't you signal FOR RENT—6-6-8 single houses C U L1M CONCERNS Hr. Louis' efforts to Improvs cnouffh, Rttd Uncle Sam will supply. l o s t —PAIR OF OUAS8E8 on FOR SALE— 1932 PLYMOUTH REAL BAROAINB—3 male Boston DAILY PATTERN brfere you turned Into that drive- Summer. Cooper, Walnut, Foreat sedan, reasonable. Appl^ 181 East terrier puppies, pedigreed. Call in Ideal locations. Also flats, 5-6 b.mself are commendable, and PROMISE - BREAKERS meanwhile he does not appear to MANY or Main street. Please return to 30 Center street. 8979. rooms. 3 room heated apartment Sweet Young Thing—Why. stupid. REAUZB T H ^ OF; By CABBL DAY have lost Interest In mangUag'. DO NOT with garage $30.00. Arthur Knofla, CHAMP MORE THAN I always turn in here. I FBNBB. 'fSBY EVEN FOBOCT Summer street. This dress, you s m . Is cut on a mugs even If he 1s as letter per­ 875 Main atreet. Phone 5440 eve­ T H A T A PROMISE HAS BEEN WANTED—AUTOS, POULTRY AND nings and Sundays 3495. tru« princess due In tha back long, fect la the msmly art as ha If Prosperity Is Around------the ----- Cor­ MADE. HA^NO PROMISED MOTORCYCLES 12 SUPPLIES 4» unbroken, va-^ alandarlslng. Tha seemed la so rapidly mowing At a Point Where u GHTLY a n d w i t h o u t AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM BOUT WITH LEWIS ner It's Probably At a Point Where ------bodice In front Is tucked on the down Herr Schmeling. It Cant' Be Reached Due To No Ia R THOUGHT. WANTED TO BUY 80-81 or 82 Ford FOWLS, ROABTEH8, broilers, single houses, also two family Data 1B3S CHEVROLET coach 1265; 1983 nhoulders and aosad lust above the Hand Turns. Poatlae coups, $165; 1932 Chevro­ or Chevrolet pickup truck. Phone ducks and duck aggs. Allen. 37 In excellent locations. Apply Ed­ waistline, to prevent any unstgnuy V WHERE ARE THE HEADS Some people can carry a tune If | let coach, $145; 1932 Chevrolet 5619. Doaac ctreeL Tel. 7618. ward J Holl. I'elephone Manchsa- snugneae. And. from below the KNOCKED OFF BY LEWISf n Noah sailed the ocean blue, ! they don't have to carry It too far. sedan $145. $10 down, balance 20 ter 4643 or 8035. Loas Now Prefers To By Fontaine fV>E gathers, tha skill flows simply over Louis weighs 303 pounds,' Ilad bU troubles Mfne U you. ToonenrIUe Folks months. Cole Motors—6463. ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 the hips. because of the bold Antlers are quite different from BUSINESS SERVICES Therefore this design. Pattern TOVe and drove Hla ark 19S8 NASH SEP AN; 1937 Wash ,Widi Boob Aid HH Road exi>ecta to scale no more than a horns. Homs have a bony core, Uncle "C hew* Wilson, 2 Quip Man OUR BOARDING ROUSE OFFERED 8407, exactly meets the requlrenmata pound leas tor his meeting with I he found a place to park. sedan; 1936 Ford Tudor: 1933 FOR 8AUC—3 HOR8E bob eled In gmwn onto the skull; when broken gc ’ condition. El. W. Atwood, Lake of large flgures. It fits correctly, it Lewis, who anticipates coming In they bleed freely and never g^row Dodge 3-4 panel. 1933 Chevrolet FOR COMMERtTAL and domestic a n y w o r d / slenderlsM and it ia smart with tru­ h library; R isb ffis Tide at 184. A friend in Detroit hae Juet writ­ Antlers have no blood town sedan. Messier Nash. 10 Hen­ refrigerator -.ervlce or refrigerator street. Phone 8987. Local Sport «AV, MATON, -T M e m e ly distinctive simplicity. Jim HowsU, the only real ten us another good I ”cMulaUdn after attaining /rthelr WHICH WAV D D , derson Road. Telepnone 7258. reOnlablng, call 4978. Wayns W. WASASTRANOeW ASMIM' m It will be lovely In velvet wool fellow In camp, waa let |p>' growth, and each year drop off | Phillips. 53 Wa:kei streeL f o r d o w n NT *TME HBk A MMMMR H k a o f d »o '«s L niEL AND FEED 49-A broadcloth, flat crepe and faille. Oa Wednesday. because the demand bai cleanly from the head. •J9LL HIM WM»Re Chatter f«tafongstde the gate, Mm. the women When theyeek- OWL# CLU» H4I O F y P O R CLM, TouH And that It Alls the bUl so sparring mates more of Le- her husband wee goUlg. He I R M I O B ? FOR BALE — BEABCmSD hard and with some ot bis equipment? VYOULPN'T LBAVO ANV ALL BMOirr/ MOVING—TRUCKING exactly aa a platform, bridge and was going on the fllcitet I .oa.-rMkRB a-ood, for furnace, $8 cord mad. Maybe It can't be claaaed as "dolty luncheon fashion that two ot this By BARRY OBATSON Speed is the thing Smoky J< m a m # BUY MB HAD Manchester STORAGE 20 Call 8639. Eklward Buscagllo, North iMe.>fl, I wolk" at the crossroads but the fact motlel will be even better than one. NEA Servtoe Sparta Editor seeks this trip. He's been out'oox- “ You get In there and get to work, HOOPLS LABKLS ALU SOMBTHIUO AaOLir Coventry. Ing partners possessing good Evening^ Herald AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS when you remains that there’s something mys­ It’s exceptionally easy t^ make. you beggar<” •a‘4 wife, "either STORIES lAO O EP Ml# WsCB-^a-MAN** Pompton Lakes, N. J., Jan. 21 — shares of IL want the best in Local and Long terious about tbe sudden switch Pattern No. 8407 la dMlgned for get to work or don't you come home ) eWUERV FOR CAR RARe BE KO 4MIFF6R ■CAD. MV FC . . CLASSIFIED Distance Moving. Dally Express that sends Manchester High against sizes 36, 38. 40, 43. 44, 46, 48. 50 Joe Louis Barrow appears vasfly Louis and Lewis were good tonight." (He went to work). IN STAMPS vwTMAT LOOlAkD tk COMIMO *TPaik; Hartford. Manchester, Kockvllle. GARDEN-FARM- friends until John Henry got to a n d A rrSR Hk PUMP­ ADVERTISEMENTS South Portland High at Portland, and 53. With long sleeves, sics 38 inor* concerned about culture than f a m il ia r . AMO AAAVM 1 CAN Phone 8260.—88 Hollister street. DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 Me., next Saturday night when It requires 5 yards of 39-Inch material. telling of what be intended to do BEAD IT OK NOT: , ED TM’ S e U -O V S FOR bis IS-round meeUng with John to the Detroit warrior. v HIM OFF BSF Count «I8 avarai* words to a lino, FOR SALE -SECOND site pota- hod been announced that Deenng With short sleeves 4 3-4 yards; 11-4 The exnenee of an \ a n h o u r B V R R V - MS TALKBO ™ fnlttati. oumbsrs and abUrsvlaiiuna Henry Lewis at the Garden, Jan. 36. ‘T see when John Henry says mUe driving trip le $1.60, dirid- A .HICCUP/ ^ MkOAIkJSOURI a*ch count as a wurd and compound toea, white and mealy 55c per High would be the opponents of the yards of trimmlzig. eo^YeueAKeo REPAIRING Clarkemen.... Indeed, had not J IS eta bargains 3 rooms furniture t/b the former plays a similar style to the beat against Herr Max watch ou t" Horrified by Wor, All ordars for frreguiat inspriMms the Clarkemen and waa figured to designs in this aew book help you In Ur. Louis bad laid off from w ill bo charged at the one time rato E^asy terms. Phone or write lor a your sewing. One pattern and tbe Schmeling In Yankee Stadium In He Founded Red Cross g MONEY TO LOAN 3:t provide the New England cham­ June. Januarv to June when Herr •poelal ratae for long term every "Courtesy Auto". Alberta Furni­ new Fall and Winter Pattern Book— tar, lady; ain't we got any colon day advertleing given upun regueaL ture Oo., Waterbury. (>>nn. pions with a severe teat. .. .Ueerlng Loula now prefers to spar wltb Schmeling tagged him In their QUIET Swiss youth stood or Ada ordered before me third or flfth REFINANCE your car. Will loan for the most part uses a man-tp- 25 cents. Pattern or book alone— 16 first edition. you llkoT" A the bsttlefleld of Solfsrino in money on automobile. (2>lonlal Uia- 16-pound books. The Alabama- day will be charged nni> for tb* ac* FOR SALE —Andes Combination man defense and Portland depends cents. ‘nils time bis layoff baa ex­ Lombardy on a hot June day In taaJ number of itmee the ad appver* coiint (!orp.. 650 Main streeL Hart­ bom Negro's Idea of a perfect big IN THIS MODE^ AGE 'J ad. abarging at the rate earned but range. Model R-45. Regularly on a zone defense, the same as Bris­ For a PATTERN of this attrac­ bag Is an entire five-foot shelf ot tended from June to January. 1859. He saw the Austrians clash ford. tive model Send 16c In COIN, yrour TRA'VEL a g r e a t DEIAL BUT no allowance or refunds can be made $339.50. Special $184.50 and your tol— them. If be bad bis way, be would ... But Mr. Louis prepared and OFTEN DO NOT GET ANY­ with the troops under Napoleon •a ala time ada atopped after tbe old range. J. W. Hale Corp. NAME. ADDRESS. STYLE NUM­ do road work In tbe library. He trained differently this trip, and III and bis Italian sUy, King Vic­ Afta day. BER and SIZE to THE HERALD, you gather that be intends to pick WHERE. _ _ _ Ko **tltl forbtda**: diaplay lines not HELP WANTED— The contract waa signed, sealed would ratber guard against split­ tor BmmanusL Ths con a gs wa» aold. and d-llvered to Manchester yester­ TODAY’S p a t t e r n BUREAU, 106 8 ^ 0 7 . ting an InflnlUte than split wood. up light where he left off against gr^ther—Your ediool report Is dia. staggarlng: ths Austrians losteSO,- The Herald will not ba reaponaible FEM ALE 3^ MACHINERY AND SEVENTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, Joe Louis may fight like Jack Herr Schmeling. graeeful. Bobby. Aren’t you aahamed 000 men, the alliet 18,000. Thou­ far mere than one Incorrect inaerMoo day and It wasn't until he’d read It L- ____ ^ WANTED-WOMAN, 20 to 30 years T(M)LS 52 through that Faculty Manager N. Y. Dempsey, but he aspires to be an­ That would mean that Mr. of youreelf 7 sands were wounded. af any advartlaement ordered for Lewis would bump smack dab into SO ra I baa one time old for general housework. No Dwight Perry learned Manchester other Gene Tunney. Bobby— Dad, yotl promised me $5 Touched by the bloody scene, NEW USED AND reconditioned a cross between a cyclone and a Tha Inadvertent omiaaiuo of incor* ' cooking. Must stay nights. Tele­ was to meet Portland Instead ot Jack Blackburn, tbe acarfaced If I brought homo a good report, aind Dunant belpad gather the wound­ raat agbllcatton ot adverilaing wilt be tractors, with attractive prices and aifford Peterson (Escorts and old trainer, and Carl Nelson, the burricstne. Mother told me you couldn't afford gIbL tMDS taattd^ only by canrellailnn of the phone 3235. Deering. .. .one may be aa tough as ed. ministered to their aid. H liberal terma Dublin Tractor Co., Betty). fTilcago cop and bodyguard, here­ It. ______aharge made foi the service rendered Wllllmantlr. the other, for all wc enow ot the .MR ENTERTAINERS was an sxptrience he was never L IlO l All adrertiaemente muai conform WOMEN EARN $18.00 Dozet aew- .Va.ne quliits, but it looks as though tofore Louis' only and constant to forget He vowed then that -ANOTTHen a atyla. copy and lypngrauhy with companions before battles, have s a f e DRIVINO Ifl NOT o m jl ing dres.es. Everything furnished. South Portland Is the strongest as somettilng ought to be done for the ragolatlona anmreed by the puuitan* READY TO STRIKE OSTRICH TACTICS been replaced by the erudite Wil­ SAFER BUT IT IB CHEAPER. H b o P U i, , a n and thay reserve the right to Materials ciiL trimmings and in­ MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS j:i it bolds a 45 to 27 de"lslon over HOCKEY vicUins o f WIT. structions. Experience unnecessary. FATAL TO FHEASAMl liam Watson, Michigan's gentls- SOMEBODY PA'YS TOR THE | jadlU revise at reject any copy eon- Deering... .the latter team. Inciden­ BMA8H-UPS AND INJURIES. Three yeeri later Dunant told AU-W OH Tf aidarad obJecttonabla Write. Quality Dress, Church An­ FOR SALE -ONE UPRIGHT piano. (CVintlnued from Fag. One.) manly captain aad one-man track WEEK-END HOCKEY SCHEDULE his story to the world in a small CLOdlHO HOURft—Claaatfled ado tally, baa three players who tower team. By ASSOCIATED PRESS 8a gabllabod oama day mutt be re« nex, .P. O. Box 245, N. \. Reaaonable. Mrs. Jnhn F. Ciillin, over elx feet. . . . Toledo. O.— (A P )—Dr. V. C. Wil­ Hal—At the party the other night but weighty book, "A Souvenir ot Solletino.” It won Instantaneous salved by tl o’clock noon; Baturdaya 17 Bond atreet. minute show would get approxl- liams caught a pheasant by Its tall. Satnrflay I woo the prim for being the uglleot U:U. LIKES ENVIRONMENT notice end out ot it developed the This marks the Hrst time In M. H. mately 185 a week regardless of Hh and a friend, hunting, saw FURNISHED BY WATSON Natlawal Leogw man presenL ,S. cage history that a local team New York Americans at Toroata Caf—Well, you sap. what did you humanitarian Red Crosr In a i M ) (SI TELEPHONE YOUR WEARING APPAREL how minor his part bird land. Following Its tracks, they Bill Watson came to Dr. Joe i : has undertaken a trip of this kind latematlaMl-Ainerleaa Leagtw want to attend for and take such a few years activities of this organ­ By JOHN C TE im Y WANT ADS FUR SALE —FURS 57 Union officials termed tbe counter Bier's famous Pompton Lakes camp ization were to spread around the . .. .and It’s the first time that Man­ saw tall feathers sticking out of a at the Invitation of the Brown ~Providence • ee at Apr'Spiingfleld. * ' ' shanceT . —But Not a Drop to Prink Andover Lake—Large Famished wage proposal “fantastically low. sr-ow bknk. The pheasant bad burled Hal—Because I thought you wors world. S( New Haven at Herahey. going to be thsi*. But Ironically enough Dunant Uroond*; Highly Reslrtrted. John Hayden, repreaentatlve. Tele- fulfill a sports engagement. .. .and ‘1 like the environment that aa a aonvenienc# to adeertiaera, bat It’s the first time, too, that Maine shows originate In New York, Chi All the doctor had to do waa grab Cteveland at Plttsburgb. was to experience much suffering the CASH R a t e s w UI be aecepied as Reanonable for Cash. phone 8224. Ur. Watson furnishes,'' explains Poacher noticed that one of her himaelL At the height of hU rULL FATMEffT If paid at the buel- hail sponsored an Inter-atate attrac­ cago, Lon Angeles and San Fran the feathers and—presto—he bad the changed Mr. Louis, who now Amerieoa Asoedatlea • fH 6 l4 U W P j Telephone 5578 BL Louis at Kansas City. puplU was being dreadful^ work, be passed into 20 years of nSM office 08 or before the eevenib tion In basketball.... cisco and might be silenced If the his pheasant. talks of show horses which he ^ th e other lltUe b w during play day following the irat ineertloa of WANTKU—TO HUY i strike were called. The A. F. R. A. WlchiU at Tulaa. oblivion. He was reported dead each ad otherwise the CHAHijh rides himself, and such. time, end drew near to 1 e group to Tliaa a writer found the old man SteiF T hS»F ANVTRINe L i f T - X I'M RATH will be collected No reepf'hei* ... ' v - .i r — .. Bristol High had a narrow escape lists as members such entertainers Mr. Watson, who returns to Ann hear what waa happaiU^: WANTED TO BUY bidding, suit-' ^ surprising upset last night, EXERCISE 8UNDAT Uvlng oo three francs a day, ae- blUty for orroro la telephoned eds as Jack Benny, Edgar Bergen, who arbor next month for the second Natkmal Leogwa PupUs (InslsUng)—Corns on, BUI, wUI ba SMumed and their aocuracy able for brtxxler bouse, about when...... Otto Winter’s desperate long - i' brings sauc.v Charlie McCarthy to tell ua what your fathar Is. dudad in a barren room. He had asBaot be guaranteed. semester, was a happy choice at Montreal at New York Rangera. ^ an t bis fortune on humanity end 10x10. Write P. O. Box. 102, 5Ian- shot In the final fceconds of play life. Bing Crosby, Rudv Vallee and Philadelphia—Fire Captain Fran­ that. Ur. Wataon la a most use­ But the chUd remained obstinately Chester. New York Americana at Chlcagoi, fcimtMity had forgotten him. INDEX OF I nosed out Middletown High by the ; Phil Baker. Lawrence Tlbbett and cis Hobson and hla men, answering ful bloke. In addition to bis tu­ Boston at DetrolL ■•lent. . ti,. KT-rc-T, .TV, tii.v I , margin of 34 to 32 after the Jascha Helfets are vice-presidents. Teacher decided that she had bat­ Tbe name o f Dunant was hailed an alarm from a store building, nad toring and secretarial work, he Utefaational-AiMvleaa Ltagw -O ^ .M CLASSIFICATIONS EMERGENCY W.VNTEDTO BUY low priced used A.ylun, Cltyites had staged a be Virginia “Payne (Ms Perkins)J' Is sees to it that the Utlebolder does ter toiterfen. and, breaking up tha again. He wss given the ribbons garden tractor, also plow, to walk up to the eighth floor be­ Springfield at Nehr Haven. and prizea, s pension, end he Htytita a a a •••••• a ••••••••••• • S latcd drive that knotted the count at president of tbe Chicago local, and ,not lack pacing over snowy roads group, took little BIU aalda. , . Write Box B, care ot Herald. cause tbe elevatora weren't running. Philadelphia at Provldeiic*. Teacher (gently)—Why wouldn't ■hared In tbe Nobel Peace Prize Hagagemaata •••••••aaaaaaaaaea j 32-all In the final quarter . , . the prominent members Include Ann In the early morning. Herabey at Cleveland. Marrlogaa •• •••••••#•••••••••# — I victory enabled Bristol to take tern, Seymour (Mary Ma.Itn), Frances Puffing and weary from carrymg Mr. Watson was aa amateur you answer their question T He died finally in WIO, after turn­ Obatba aa*.aaaaaaaaaa#«aa«aa porary poBaeasion of first place In Pittsburgh at Syracuaa. A t first BUI would not reply, but CALLS Carlon (Kitty Keane), Bess Flynn band chemical extlngiilahera, the champion at.Baglnow, nad It la American Aaaedatton ing his last cent over to the Bed Card af ^^aaha a«#aaaaaasaaaaa ROOMS WITHOUT I the CCIL standings. (Mother Monahan), Henry Saxe, firemen arrived at the scene—only reported that oh graduation from BL Paul at Minneapolis. In the end It seemed to almost be a C ro s s . The humanitarian Is shown la Mamortam ••aaaaaaaaaaaaaa# BOARD relief to him. and he burst out: •Aat and Foaad aaaaaaaaaaaaa*# (Daddy Warbucka), Hugh Stude- to find the store's sprinkling system college he may try his large band Tulaa at 4l Louis. here on a 1928 Swise stamp, hm - AassaaMmenu ...... I" other League game played. baker, (Bachelor's Children), and already had put out the flames. Little BUI— Father's the beared oring tbs 100th annlvcrtsry of his ► OR RENT LARGE comfortable Mendcn notched Its first victory of at busting beaks, but tUa la Im- (No games sebedulad lairt nlghL) Parsoaala ...... lady In a circus, miss, so, of course, birth. Aniomebtle# furnished room In private home, i ^ e season by down West Hartford. 1 couldn’t say. ((^ipyriakt. l»*t. KKA «.rvles. lac.) Aatamobllaa for bale ...... POLICE Breakfast If desired. Relerences. 28.25. The league standing Is now Atttomobllea for Enclianc# ••••• Tel. 8183. aa fnllnwn; Ante Accet^orita-~Tlree ...... By w m ie ie w . I.. Pet. By ( rime___ OUT OUR WAY Auto Rapaltlng^Haloung ...... 4 3 4 3 Sylvim FREl'KLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosaer WASHINGTON TUBBS Aato Beboota ...... Al’AKTMKNTS, FLATS. Bristol ...... fi 1 .833 FLAPPER FANNY By Clyde 1 CANT THINK MOW TO 6CT THATE JUFT W»«MI Aatoa—Bhip by Truck ...... Manchester ...... 4 1 .800 -com tMSSvNustamet.ine. r m. a n v. a mt of • HOLD EVERYTHING Lewis sboD MMftMsl rmmas hmi THSy orr ««jye uKK A atoa r o t Hlra ...... 8 TENKMKNTS «.» Middletown ...... 2 4 .333 -auMPHtRve‘‘c 1 1 £ T '^ '^ - 'OUR MONT/ eAOK FROM fiUM LiM ••TMMV KBBP Oaragea—Service—etoraga ...... IS West Hartofrd . •> from v w i L e r M Motarcyelae—Btcyelaa ...... II FIRE 4 .333 T *TRUR eiktius eGMtt THINKIN* TOO HARO FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, Meriden ...... !*. 1 4 .200 TMR HCARTo^ AND ONLY FROM A , BACK WHOT X kofmoweo Wantad Autos—Moioreyclea •••# II SOUTH furnished or unfurnished, garage. TO LOAN H1M--T CA?YT TO WORK, AND TH ^ ■aalaaae oog Prvfeealeanl Pewirce HCMir THAT tvm eUFreRBO----A Keep FAPe UR# ue Buslntaa bervicca Offered .... II New house. Insidated, little heat It's too bad that Mlddletou-n didn't HtART THAT HAS KNOWN RAINi* t h in k a r m t it in fcm o o l Household Services Offered .a ..II*A 4 3 2 1 required. Reasonable. Inquire 33 have Just a little more drive to up­ iR'XMW▲kj* ------ORKlN:. Building—4Joniracttng ...... i« Wlndemer. street. Tel. 6-8800, set Bristol aa that would have given fflorlaio^Nuraerlea U Faaara] Dlroctora ...... i« NORTH Hartford. Manchester e splendid chence to cop Beating—Plumbing—RooBag ••* 17 the title outfight again this year . , taaurance ...... n 5 4 3 2 FOR R E N T -F IV E ROOM flat, now Manchester faces a dlffleult 9 E S M 8 Millinery —Dressmaking ..••••• It with heat furnished. Apply M. J. task to beat Middletown on the lat­ Moving—Trucking—Btoraga •«.. to ter's home floor on February 10 Public Paaaenger Bervica ..••..8 0 A Ooughlln, 185 North Main streeL - Painting— Papering ...... jj Meriden comes hero February 3 and ProfeatroBal Service# ...... It AMBULANCE FUR KENT--8 ROOM tenement. Manchester plays West Hartford ^ M ir in g ...... II 104 Woodbiidge atreet, all improve­ away on February 17. then faces i & l Tailoring—Dyeing—Oeaning ,,, It ments. newly renovated. Tel. oooo CRO<5M< ...... A Manchester Trust Co. Trust De­ Manchester Green travels to WU- ...... u partment. llmantlc tomorrow afternoon to play Waatad—InsirDctiona ...... go 3 0 6 0 ATs Bakery at the YMCA . . play­ Ptue»r1el RENT—TWO FtOOM apart- ers will meet at the EUist Bide Rec ...... II (QUISH) Baalnesa OpportunitUe ...... t j menL tncludea bain, kitchenette, at 1:15 o'clock. 24L r 7 ^ crm W m S 3S r ~ Money to Loan ...... n new stove, and hot water beater. Help aeC SttuetleM 4 3 4 0 Redecorated. Orford Bldg., 869 Help Warned—Female ...... ic Main. Apply Marloiv'a Balp Wanted —Male ...... II Saleemen Wanted ...... IC*A HOSPITAL Malp Wanted —.Male or Pemalo.. 17 FOR RENT—6 ROOM tensmenL aU Agaato Wanted ...... n -A modem Improvements. Available Hitoattoos Warned—Female .... in Feb. IsL Inquire 177 Maple SL H i I •Kaatlona Wanted—M ale ...... i» 5 1 3 1 *mue------Bmplnyment Agenetea ...... «o Wanted FRU4TRICnON Mvo StoeS Pef Femittr— Tebfclee BUSINESS LOCATIONS Doge—Bird.—Pel...... 41 BOY TO PEDDLE GOOD U * . gtoek—V.hIciM ...... 41 WATER DEPT. FOR RENT 44 PAYING Faaltry sad 8up.li.. 41 Waat.d— Poultry- stock 44 FOR RENT— LARGE OFFll'Jt HERALD ROUTE Fee Sale—MlM.Ha. room In State Theater Building- IN BOLTON SECTION Artlsla. Per Bala ...... - 3 0 7 7 Apply manager of State theater. l-XI • m u uid Sccaasoiia. ... 4S (After 5 P. M.) Baddlos MsUrlal. 41 APPLY ymmdMBUKJBl Mauoad.—Watshae-Tl.walrv .. «< t *'Sb« an* my FVaneh taaehar mn$ta come from different W . tttiMl Ap.HaaM . Radio .. OI 7 8 6 8 HERALD O rn C E parte o f Um cowntry ’abe couldn’t understand a thing 1 **You needn't be ao snooty—your mama haan’t got aide Foal aad P.^ ...... l-A pockets lilce m iner OerdM—Parar— Dalrp Prodaou M Read The Herald A d n -me pRv BOYS. ■ aaaikild Oooda ...... 11 Maahla.rv aad Tools ...... Si MANCHESTER laatraM.au By HAMIJN OVtM aad gtor. E M iaim t lll l St W A T E R C O . Privately, It’s Not So Fanny ggsslal. at tb. B u r u ...... 'ss MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE The Job’s Finiahed By THOMPSON ANU C'OIX ALLEY OOP WMTUa Apparat—Pars ...... It 0youM .ioo eeuawsTMMr Wasted—Ta Bap ...... si CACKLK-HiAO M AUN * 5 9 7 4 NVEA "THIS CALLS F ca A 1 ^aoyR/M'ZSLARE THEBe/ VJNO OADe I WHY, M AJOR IVCXl'QB ceKRMMUf NOI/THKrSM«T *TV4E MEAlOTiMe, MC/QA.TMB CHeF/y-vou 'lOONWA • o a M . Without Board ...... St y o u FKttMISSIOM ID kiorr OOMSlOBUklO ALT/ c a l l e d MX) ftOCUftMCLpa- Kiuoio aieuRS-AK^AiMLMi MeAUrMYD , aQNNAOn’ HTICHE^ . » sardaia Wsaud ...... SS-A TUB OFFICE r j MOR6 SHOCrrUd&Oat »j& DowM’THeariuDto Foe. TMANKB/AS FOR O /f.IM B K A lC a O , aSTnuhi Wiuu Oaaatrp Board BtaarU ...... :S0 G A S C O . ■iMAR. N U R S E *-tO e w Y A COUPLE. OF MOMTHS/UAflE pum voa HSA ADO UAL EUFORPtt jcr LMBTf/ POBMSae IDNIAHT/ J ■Male—JUaUaraat...... si BOLE AS SOOU AE WE ACT* ^ WHRM'S ALL THIS Waalsd HaoMS Besrd SS AttE'OUt AND I HAk/e AAl IMPOOTAWT e O N M A . ■aal ■asal. Pa. Baas 04ffK M niMA-THMia A WDBLD HAFFBMl ApartUMla riau. TMSM.au .. s> 5 0 7 5 X ycnuiae- •asisw iMMtloM fat Bm i . . . Jdaaaa. Fat Baat ...... a '...... ,SS Bakerbaa Far BMt •••••••••••• SS BaaOMr Homm For iM t ...«.• Si JFaated So BMtt dS ELECTRIC CO. Bm S ■ttasi mm Bah BBafMMei Baildlaa tar Bala r ItasSpua PropMtp tor Bale . . . . . T4 5 i a i Wmmm aad L ud Ms Bala . . . . » n Vasus Sot Sal...... M aa... V3 SmSp tar Bala ...... m ft •SHM Frepeitr fM Bala ...... Is f f l di4sa far Sal...... IS Evnning Herald ■eSBl gjttat. tor Exahaag* . . . . . It • t—Rasi CMata...... ft ■— lip 5 1 2 1 - SSetJpM ...... u 8 m ... ft i ’ i i