Silk Dresses Hosiery Nemo BINGO Th€ JW .H a U CORK Bingo And
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'THK WEATHER Feroeaet at V. 8. Weather AVEBAOB d a il y CttCCLAHON ter the Meath el Deeembet. INS er teaight luilowea by ruin ur now . warmer SuadBy. n m ^ aattm iB d o n o v M CARSv TROLLEY D ELIMINATE 6.179 Bmiday Bight aad Menday. TRUCK CRASH SATURDAY X^Tb. a s. cuvM oc CONTRIBUTING Three lliread Riiiff- PRICE THREE CKN1 MBBKWBWt to. WUUMUtt (TWELVE PAGES) jp. a Sf ooc% m o« w w ln •• tlW b «< 40 Oobore A*d, woe ^ leM Sheer Chiffon BOBOUBCOd. win ^ *5****^ Twt Acddeitt 0i Sippery R c fi TIm t iIm Hopes T o i^ S m K Bt B hmaMOB. brMfa •»> ilXwor toiBofTow, glvM bjr Ml* Ccater Street; Sfiglit Dan- Patrick Misses His Pants M R k 1WI«y Crmmp, (Uuglitor ^ Prt Stop To Practice FRANCO BREAKS Xr. Md MtB. Bdmaad Cnunp at DRESS HIRANUMA THREATB •twtbnorc, Pb. age, Ne One b HnrL WUdi Afecto H o a e Hosiery SOLONS OF STATE DEFENSE LINE f m . wumbbi k . Boom «< BtW MaoB, win Iw in« tpoclM Toifli Drires For Charito- Extremaly aUppery hj^w aya SALE! Lovaly new shades la MoB^or Bt the oenrtco BundBy Bf- lata yeaterday cauaed a three-car 9 genuine 8-«arrler. 45- REVIEW IN HOMES X^mmi a t 4 o'clock at 8t. Mary ■ accident and a craah between a OF B M E O N A OPPONENTS OF JAP U e F n d s a gauge hose, with rein ■pimpal church. truck and a trolley ear. Property forced neela and toaa tor damage waa aHght and no one wm extra wear. Xra. Wallaec PrdM at 18 Injured. No arreaU were m ^ - Representative William J. Thorn BUDGET MESSAGE Takes Igoalada And Ven- Xinot. Haitfccd. BBd MIM Dorothy careful driving avoided more aeri- PraUa at BoekuUlo, -woro hooteo^ oua mlahapa, and care were operat ton of Manchester haa introduced WITH EXTERMINATIO • t a otorit »howw, TuowUy evonliif ed at alow apeeda during the eve into the Oeneral Assembly a meas- NOTES ANNIVEKSAKV driD By Flanking Bt M»w Prello'* homo, In honor or ning. Sandhig crewa were early on un oalculatad to put an and to the WITH OIKT8 TO AlUfiS -------------------------- —------------m XiB. Eric Crawohof of thU town. the Job aafeguarding the more dan- One Group Of Danaher Nominated As La OoMto wore pwoont from Hartford, geroua hlUa aad eroemnga praetiee of smployera axartlng pres- Frontal Attacks; Only fiiplaialioE Of Wketber ^ ItednrOlo and llanchaater. The drat auto accident laat night, aura on their employsa to contribute Waukegan. 111., Jan. 31.—TAP) Hopes to Do Good | a three car craah. occurred on Cen bor Comnusmiier To Sne* — Prealdent George W. Morns BK SCALE WAR to the funds of Community Cbeite celebrated Ola 35th anniversary AU Intcreatad In the work of the ter atreet near Broad atreet when other charitable or welfare organlsa- Three Main Points Left Bat Qdna Wat Meait Oaorga W. Oraenbaum of 88 Nllan with the NaJonal Office Supply UaadMatcr Chapter, American Red tlone. The btll was Introduced In ceed Tone; Over 900 Company by aendlng letters to Crmb win be welcotne to attend the atreet Hartford, alowad hla car. Silk Dresses RENEWAL SOOH. the House yesterday. While Its Im meetlnx tomorrow forenoon oaual^ It to akld aldewaya Into the Smart V tetar styles In black, teal, wine, blue ana the 120 employes. In each letter BIXLETINJ Reftied; Arka Pn mediate occasion haa been the com- gray. Regular $ 5 ^ and 87.85 values. Be here waa a $100 bill. ^10:80 at the Chamber of Com- parked machine of Anthony Struff plaints of large numbers of Man on general ae well aa on particular BiDs filtered In Assembly Hendaye, Franoa (At the Office in the Hotel Sheridan of 87 Bummer atreet. The colllalon e ^ Saturday to fa t your drMa. They’U move fast “You have been loyal, faith Pat-Asian Poficj knocked the Struff car Into one chester resldcnte employed In Hart grounda at this price. ful employes," said Morris, "l Spanish Frontier), Jan. 31— C M N A W nO O R l bunding. ford that tb^hava been practically Mr. Tbornton’s tntarsat la tha \ New Spring (AP)—The Insurgents' great oamed by Lawrence J. Mahoney of coerced tnto/ront|1butlng to Com couldn’t think ot a tetter way to 280 Pine atreet. matter wae quickly aroueed aad tba Hartford, Jan. 21.—(API — Con- celebrate the day than this." drive toward Barreloaa today sisU China*t li Oiapman Court, Order of Amar munity C lw t drivea la that city, Ita bill now before tha Leglalatura le the B y **AdaUratkMi” necUcut legislators, taking advan was reported to have met Ite anth win meet tonight In the Ma- About ten mlnutea later a truck application would ha statewide. operated by Domenlc Rioeha of 217 reault of It tage of the usual week-end respite, first serious aethpek when a Chinese See F.arly Drire aoBle Temple, with the new oSIcera For a^eral years The Herald haa violent government oonnter-nt- their poaltlona for the Lafayette atreet. New Haven, ran Detalla of the Hiaearg levlewed today In the calm of thelt ence Pkrt Of Into the rear of a trolley car at been f ^ lv ta g annually numerous The meaaura prohibits aajr em tsek drove Oenerolisslmo Fran fliBt time. Each member la expect ,jta from Manchester residents homes the budget message by Gov. co's troops back out of th ' Im- Against Sbiuhing Base; ed to reapond to'the roU*call. lira Center aad Pine atreeta. The trolley ployer or agent i t an amployar from Raymond E Baldwin. had atopped to dlacharge paaaen- they have been practically coro- aoUdUng from any emptoy* any SEE REICHBANK portunt town of Igualada. Tokyo, Jan. 31—(AP) Aatrld Dougan, the new aaaoclate ,.»d to contribute to the Hartford They had with them an admoni gara. A glaaa in the trolley waa contribution to any Community | tion by the stato'a new chief execu Frsaeo*a air raMera swept R ecapture 2 Cities Nearj Kllchlro HIranuma warned matron, heada the refreahment com amaahed, but there waa no further ^_immunity Cheat, though they had down repentedly on Barcelona Chest, eharitoble or welfare organ- tive that If Ctonnectlcut waa to live that axtermlnation awaits | mittee. damage. Policeman Arthur Sey no other connection with the city UatloB, directly or Indirectly, or I today subjecting the capital to than to be employed there while within Ita Income for the next two SHOT AS ROAD numr inveatlgated both accident from making It known to say em years they must lop off from exist a deiuge of bombs while Insur- Hankow; Loaders QoH.| opponents of Japan. "Aa I St. Jaman'a Holy Name Society their Interests lay wholly In this ploye that hla refusal to ao con geat land forces advanced re rho faU to understand to won the flrat aaaalon at the aeriea to town. They reported that under 36” Pre-Shrunk ing services and take severs! mil tribute would bo regarded with dla- lions of dollars from the highway lentlessly on the Spanish gov and hereafter persiat m the ha played between aetback teama tha aystem of "co-operation" be favor by such employer or hla Supor Lambskin woven TO i m n o N Rhanphnl. Jan. 21-- (AP) —After SUPPER DATE IS Nl tween the Community Cheat and and building funds. ernment amt. Uon to Japan.” ha erted In a i raaaaaMtlBg St. Jamaa'a Holy agent, imder penalty of a flna of not in Ane Dupont rayon. Their Governor Baldwin presented yes a long deadlock marked only by ItSmm, Bt. Brldgat'a Holy S a w aad employing concerns they were not before Parliament, '^sre I leas than 10 nor more than $100. The FINE MUSLIN PRINTS creamy smooth texture, terday a maintenance budget of Hendaye, France—(At the Span sporadic fighting, both Chinese and OMinell playera. H m St. only glveD to understand by their dlacharge of an employe beoauee of other aROrnaUve than to Jamaa'a team aootad 54S to lead the BTFRAGIENT employers that they were "expected eeamproof. Arm weave take wo Of SchaebPs Supporters ish Frontier)—Jan. 31 — (AP) — .Tapanese reports Indicated today I his refusal to contribute to gBch a ate them." B t B r tte t team with 14 pointa, that to contribute to the Hartford chest, fund la made punisbable by a-line of SfVery acaaon one of the outstanding sellers to washing Ake a duck to Smashing Insurgent attacks were re that a renewal of warfare 'on a taaai havtav aeored BSi aad the K. ireh Croup but how much that contribution to 81,000. for sheet dresses and for blouses. Small and water. They’re fast color, ported to have, broken the Spanish major scale was near. From Chung To a question wbathor tho North Coventry should b*. They were "put on the $100 In Bank Removed; For anoe waa to China, a fOrelgr af C , te^nw aa laat with 518 pointa. For First The measure haa been referred to large patterns for every type. ® y**- too. Sizes 32 to 40. government s Catalonian defense king, cnilnese military authorlUes X the dilterent toumamenta plasrad gets Jannary spot." 29 afflclal rtp M maroty. "tho tha Judidary Committee. When Hennas hatwaaa tbaaa three organlaatlon Of The Seri Aflbets Home Town Drivas mer CUefs New Job May lines at two points, opening paths Unusual seeiM to the Chicago court at Judge Joaeph frankly admitted they expected Ji- Uon to eorroct aa tt eteadr " hearings are held on It a number of for a prospectivespecUve march on BarBar-1 ^aa |1 man giving the name ofat Patrick Doyle attempted unsuccess- creasing acUvlUes to tns Wsat Hew Torh, Jan 31.—(AP) —A Baron HIranuma, who the B t Janma'a team haa alwayn A serious consequence of this Manchester reddenta are expected to 100 New Puttenu and Colors in 36" Fast Color Punjab alcag a downtown street a«i.aMd laat the pUylng laat night Membara of ^ Coventry Frag practice baa been that when efforts celona.