Monday, 9 March

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Monday, 9 March Room 1A Room 1B Room 2 Room 3 Room 6C Room 6D 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 M1A • Edge Computing M1B • Cognitive Optical M1C • Photonic Sensors M1D • Novel Active M1E • Symposium: M1F • Next Generation Presider: Yawei Yin; Networks Presider: Joel Villatoro; Univ. Devices Quantum Information TOSA/ROSA Microsoft Corp, USA Presider: Josue Kuri; Google of the Basque Country UPV/ Presider: Mitsuru Takenaka; Science and Technology Components LLC, USA EHU, Spain Univ. of Tokyo, Japan (QIST) in the Context of Presider: Yusuke Nasu; NTT Optical Communications Photonics Laboratories, (Session 1) Japan Monday, 9 March Monday, M1A.1 • 08:00 M1B.1 • 08:00 Tutorial M1C.1 • 08:00 Invited M1D.1 • 08:00 Tutorial M1E.1 • 08:00 Invited M1F.1 • 08:00 Invited Telemetry-driven Optical 5G Machine Learning in Multi-layer Mid-infrared Gas Spectroscopy Graphene and Related Materials The Enabling Role of Optics and Pho- A Single Channel 112 Gb/s PAM4 Serverless Architecture for Latency- Optical Networks: Why and How, Rui Using Fiber Laser Driven Supercon- for Photonics and Optoelectron- tonics in the National Quantum Initia- Optical Transceiver Link Based on sensitive Edge Computing, Istvan M. Morais1; 1Infinera, Portugal. This tinuum, Camille-Sophie Brès1, Davide ics, Andrea C. Ferrari1; 1Univ. of tive, Michael G. Raymer1; 1OMQ, Univ. Silicon Photonics and CMOS Elec- 1 3 Pelle , Francesco Paolucci , Balazs tutorial addresses the questions of why Grassani1, Eirini Tagkoudi1; 1Ecole Cambridge, UK. Graphene is an of Oregon, USA. Optics and photonics tronics, Haisheng Rong1; 1Intel Cor- 1 2 1 Sonkoly , Filippo Cugini ; MTA-BME and how machine learning (ML) can be Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, ideal material for optoelectronics. play key roles in integrating Univ., poration, USA. Abstract not available. Network Softwarization Research useful in multi-layer optical networks. Switzerland. Middle-infrared (mid-IR) I will show that graphene-based industry and government research to 2 3 Group, Hungary; CNIT, Italy; Scuola Some key concepts are illustrated gas spectroscopy based on turn- integrated photonics could enable move quantum information science Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy. Latency- by realistic use-cases highlighting key fiber lasers offers simplicity and ultrahigh spatial bandwidth density, and technology from theory into sensitive serverless subfunctions are the challenges and requisites of robustness. Here we review recent low power consumption for next practice, including the central areas optimally deployed at edge and cloud adopting ML. work on fiber-laser driven mid-IR generation datacom and telecom. of quantum sensors, communication according to telemetry-retrieved data spectroscopy leveraging efficient Heterostructures based on layers of systems and computers. from the 5G transport infrastructure. dispersive-wave generation in silicon atomic crystals can also be exploited Once deployed, serverless functions nitride waveguide covering 3-5 micron in novel optical devices, such as single provided extremely fast invocation region. photon emitters, and tuneable light time of less than 450ms. emitting diodes. M1A.2 • 08:15 Flexible Optical Network Enabled Hybrid Recovery for Edge Network with Reinforcement Learning, Meng Lian1, Rentao Gu1, Yongyao Qu1, Zihao Wang1, Yuefeng Ji1; 1Beijing Laborato- ry of Advanced Information Network, Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecom- Rui Morais received his Master of munications, China. The proposed Science in Mathematics and his PhD hybrid recovery utilizes flexible optical in electrical engineering, both from network with reinforcement learning the University of Aveiro. He joined to recover IP fault for edge network. Infinera (then NSN and after Coriant) in The testbed experiments indicate, 2011. He is now serving as an enabler Andrea C. Ferrari is Professor of Nano- the recovery time is 20% of rerouting- on the adoption of machine learning technology at the University of Cam- based strategy for a heavy-loaded by identifying use-cases that would bridge. He is the founding director network. pave the way to the appearance of of the Cambridge Graphene Centre self-driving networks. and of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Graphene Technology. He is the chair of the Management Panel and the Science and Technology Of- ficer of the EU Graphene Flaghip. 48 OFC 2020 • 8–12 March 2020 Room 6E Room 6F Room 7 Room 8 Room 9 Monday, 9 March Monday, 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 08:00–10:00 M1G • Machine Learning and M1H • Chip-to-chip Optical M1I • Optical Signal M1J • Positioning Beam- M1K • Dis-aggregated Access its Applications Interconnects Processing steering for Advanced Wireless Networks Presider: Hussam Batshon; NEC Presider: Madeleine Glick; Presider: Youichi Akasaka; Fujitsu Communications Presider: Michael Freiberger; Laboratories America Inc, USA Columbia Univ., USA Laboratories of America Inc, USA Presider: Nan Chi; Fudan Univ., Verizon Communications Inc, USA China M1G.1 • 08:00 M1H.1 • 08:00 Invited M1I.1 • 08:00 Invited M1J.1 • 08:00 Invited M1K.1 • 08:00 Tutorial Neural Network Assisted Geometric Shaping Co-packaged TeraPHY Optical I/O Enables Narrowband and Low-noise Brillouin Ampli- Optically Controlled Beam-steering Wire- The Telco Cloudification, from Open- for 800Gbit/s and 1Tbit/s Optical Transmis- Next Generation of Data Center Appli- fication for Coherent Communications, Mark less Systems, Ton Koonen1, Ketema Me- cord to SDN-enabled Broadband Access sion, Maximilian Schaedler1,2, Stefano Cal- cations, Vladimir Stojanovic1; 1Ayar Labs, D. Pelusi1, Takashi Inoue1, Shu Namiki1; 1Na- konnen1, Zizheng Cao1, Frans Huijskens1, (SEBA), Saurav Das1; 1Open Networking Foun- abro1, Fabio Pittalà1, Georg Böcherer3, Maxim USA. Abstract not available. tional Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science Ngoc-Quan Pham1, Eduward Tangdiong- dation, USA. Abstract not available. Kuschnerov1, Christian Bluemm1, Stephan and Technology (AIST), Japan. Advantages ga1; 1Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Neth- Pachnicke2; 1Huawei Munich Research Center, of Brillouin amplification for phase noise erlands. Wavelength-controlled 2D steering of Germany; 2Chair of Communications, Kiel sensitive 64-QAM coherent communications mm-wave beams and infrared beams provides Univ. (CAU), Germany; 3Huawei Technologies are described. The limits of narrowband gain high communication capacity, privacy and France SASU, France. End-to-end learning enhancing the carrier-to-noise ratio of noisy energy efficiency. Using diffractive elements for amplified and unamplified links including pilot tones for high performance optical signal and accurate user localization, delivery of binary-mapping is proposed to improve the carrier recovery are shown. multiple 10GbE video streams by infrared performance of optical coherent systems. beams is demonstrated. 1.0dB and 1.2dB gains are demonstrated on coherent 92GbaudDP-32QAM 800Gb/s and 82GbaudDP-128QAM 1Tb/s measurements, respectively. M1G.2 • 08:15 Deep Learning Based Digital Back Propa- gation with Polarization State Rotation & Phase Noise Invariance, Bertold Ian Bitachon1, Amirhossein Ghazisaeidi3, Benedikt Baeuerle1,2, Marco Eppenberger1, Juerg Leuthold1; 1ETH Zurich, Switzerland; 2Polariton AG, Switzer- land; 3Nokia Bell Labs, France. A new deep learning training method for digital back propagation (DBP) is introduced. It is invariant to polarization state rotation and phase noise. Applying the method one gains more than 1 dB over standard DBP. OFC 2020 • 8–12 March 2020 49 Room 1A Room 1B Room 2 Room 3 Room 6C Room 6D M1A • Edge M1B • Cognitive Optical M1C • Photonic M1D • Novel Active M1E • Sympsium: M1F • Next Generation Computing—Continued Networks—Continued Sensors—Continued Devices—Continued Quantum Information TOSA/ROSA Science and Technology Components—Continued (QIST) in the context of Optical Communications (Session 1)—Continued M1C.2 • 08:30 Top-Scored Monday, 9 March Monday, M1A.3 • 08:30 Invited M1E.2 • 08:30 Invited M1F.2 • 08:30 « Multi-layer Network Slicing for Ac- Proposal of Brillouin Optical Time Scalable Measurement-Device- High Output Power and Compact celerating Business Velocity for Edge Domain Collider for Dynamic Independent Quantum Key Distri- LAN-WDM EADFB Laser TOSA 1 Computing, Akihiro Nakao1; 1Interfac- Strain Measurement, Yin Zhou , bution Networks with Untrusted for 4 × 100-Gbit/s/λ 40-km Fiber- 1 1 ulty Initiative in Information Studies, Lianshan Yan , Xinpu Zhang , Wei Relays, Hoi-Kwong Lo1, Wenyuan Amplifier Less Transmission, Shigeru 1 1 The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan. Abstract Pan ; Southwest Jiaotong Univ., Wang1, Feihu Xu2; 1Physics, Univ. of Kanazawa1, Takahiko Shindo1, Min- not available. China. The dynamic strain sampling Toronto, Canada; 2Univ. of Science gchen Chen1, Naoki Fujiwara1, Ma- rate of Brillouin-based distributed and Technology of China, China. I sahiro Nada1, Toshihide Yoshimatsu1, sensors is limited by fiber length. For review the recent developments of Atsushi Kanda1, Yasuhiko Nakanishi1, breaking this limit, a Brillouin optical quantum key distribution networks Fumito Nakajima2, Kimikazu Sano1, time domain collider is proposed. A with untrusted relays based on the Yozo Ishikawa3, Kazuyo Mizuno3, 10-times enhancement on sampling Measurement-Device-Independent Hideaki Matsuzaki2; 1NTT Device In- rate is experimentally demonstrated. quantum key distribution MDI-QKD novation Center, Japan; 2NTT Device protocol. Technology Labs., Japan; 3Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd, Japan. We achieved the world’s
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