1984 Acl Membership List
1984 ACL MEMBERSHIP LIST Following is a listing, of. the 1984 Jens AIIwood Yigal Arens Jacek Bankowski members of the Association for Linguistics Computer Science Instytut Informacji Nauk. Computational Linguistics as of the Goeteborgs Universitaet Univ. of Southern California Technicznej i Ekonomicznej time this issue of Computational Erik Dahlbergsgatan 11B SAL 200 ul. Zurawia 3/5 Linguistics went into production. S-411 26 Goeteborg, SWEDEN Los Angeles, CA 90089 PL-00 926 Warszawa, POLAND Personal members are listed first, Richard Alterman Anthony Aristar Robert F. Barends ordered alphabetically by last name. Computer Science 343 Alexander Hamilton 5502 Windward Drive Institutional members follow, University of California San Antonio, TX 78228 Austin, TX 78723 ordered alphabetically by country, Berkeley, CA 94720 province (for Canada), city, and then Cheryl A. Arko John A. Barnden Alan Altman 690 9th Avenue NW institutional name; for the United Computer Science 217,4,7 McClellan New Brighton, MN 55112 Indiana University States, the sorting is by ZIP-code. Cupertino, CA 94014 Douglas John Arnold Bloomington, IN 47401 Personal Members Kurt Ammon Languages and Linguistics Naomi S. Baron Fibigerstr 163 University of Essex Southwestern University Maria Tereza Aarao D-2000 Hamburg 12 Wivenhoe Park, Colchester Georgetown, TX 78626 Softmedia Pesquisa e WEST GERMANY Essex, C04 3SQ, ENGLAND Joseph Barone Desenvolvimento Robert A. Amsler Stephanie August PO Box 53 Rua Rego Freitas, 530-B7 Bell Communications Research UCLA/AI Center, HAC Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 Sao Paolo, BRASIL 01220 445 South Street 7824 McConnell Avenue Frederick B. Bart Clifford Abbott Morristown, NJ 07960 Los Angeles, CA 90045 2217 Cheyenne Street 441 S.
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