ONE WORLD. ONE CHANCE. ONE WORLD. ONE CHANCE. Green Party Green Party Jean Lambert A proven track record EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT When you voted Green, you elected Jean ELECTIONS 4TH June Lambert as London’s Green MEP. She has voted to: • make sure you are treated equally, whatever your age, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation or belief • protect your rights at work • stop cruelty to animals. Jean Lambert, Green MEP Jean has worked to: • protect your environment and London’s Green Candidates your health Jean Lambert Miranda Dunn • give you a voice when decisions Ute Michel Shasha Khan Shahrar Ali John Hunt are taken. Joseph Healy Caroline Allen Your vote really counts Just one in ten voters backing the Green For information about this campaign, or to donate to it: Party on 4th June should ensure Jean phone: 0207 99 80 492 Lambert is re-elected to the European text: GREEN to 81707 Parliament. Under the proportional Calls will be charged at your standard rate voting system every vote counts. Vote email:
[email protected] Green and help get Jean re-elected. VOTE GREEN. RE-ELECT JEAN laMBERT. VOTE GREEN. RE-ELECT JEAN LAMBERT. Promoted by Martin Bleach on behalf of London Green Party, both at 1a Waterlow Road, London N19 5NJ. Printed by York Mailing Ltd York YO41 4AU on 100% recycled paper. ELECTION COMMUNICATION LONDON REGION ONE WORLD. ONE CHANCE. Green Party We want a future where we live The European Union will be part of our changing future. within our means: How it changes will depend on your vote.