CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN Matri-Patriarchical Polygynous FONGOT Society of the Bamenda KINNI Highlands, West Africa Volume 44 Summer 2011 Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin A Publication of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology William K. Gabrenya Jr., Editor Florida Institute of Technology, U.S.A. Cross-Cultural Psy- chology Bulletin is an official publication of the International As- sociation for Cross- Cultural Psychology (IACCP). Its aim is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of issues relevant to cross- cultural psychology and to IACCP. The contents of the Bul- letin are intended to reflect the interests and concerns of all members of IACCP. The Bulletin is online in PDF format at www.iaccp. The Bulletin publishes theoretical and position articles, commentary from the membership, news, and statements from IACCP, book/media notices and reviews, and other announcements of interest to the membership of IACCP. Contributions from all areas of (cross-)cultural psychology are encouraged and should be submitted to: William K. Gabrenya Jr., Editor Telephone: +1 (321) 674-8104 Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin Fax: +1 (321) 674-7105 Florida Tech E-mail:
[email protected] School of Psychology 150 W. University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901-6988 U.S.A. Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin (ISSN 0710-068X) is published occasionally and is provided to all members of IACCP. ©2011 International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Communications and Publications Committee of the IACCP Fons van de