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October 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984

10-3-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 03, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff

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th I.i ..... t-:i · nh.ltlf' r n'J!tllatlol1~ for Iht' ('C'If'tlrclongs , ., rat .... hill' W i': dnnk tht' a l('ohlll St;tff \\rlln =,,('\"{'ral nw:nlwr!'- 01 Ih(' ('II " 's mor(' pl·ople 10 the e n .J:w el Va ught. CII~ c!erk, also IS absorbed InIL you r ~ y:-.tem . 11 .Idmlnl' lr:1tUHl lHld the {'OUll{'1! tf'rtalnOwnl IWlng prO\'ldC'd on sent a memo Iv the council a slower rate,·' \ 'aughi ~ a1(1 In ..\ rt:':o.olUIHIIl p;t:-'~t--d b\ the' thai thC' l..-ol1cl'nlralHHl 01 G, and A\,enue, for which the ("II~ Coun(,ll :\Iondav rf'~lnct!" cx pr("sslO g con.:ern for the the f"'emo .. ·the fact re;!ltl ln::. r('\'('IC'rs on IlImOls A n'nuC' ('It~ ,lgn'cd to contnbute SI000 safely of the public, In her booth!' to (;rand :\\'('ilUC rlurlng IT{'al {>S publl(' safel y hazard:, that o n u~ you are Inebnated no " Booth placement on IIhnOls me mo \ 'aught also c ha llenged a amounl of food can offset Ihr Ih(' " Falr Dil\,S" Hallow('Cn Last \ Cit r a II l}('t' r hoot h~ WCI (' t.:o uld bhx'k a nd or IIlt erfere with de f en~(' of havlIlg some booths eHocls of a lcohol .. l'('If'brat lon l 'n(,ke last \'ear. no r<'S tn{·jf'd to Grand A\'c nuC' but ~ca p(" l 'lutf'S should the re be a on illinOIs A\'enue made at the booths will Ix> a llo"€'Ci 1"0 1)(' sci a Iml il ed number of food and In ot her action al Ihf' meetmg nCl:w tl\'e e\'ent, such as a tram last City Counci l meetlllg, Cit y Manager Bill DIXOI1 nuted up on Siluth IllinOIS rh 'C'nu(' e nl (>italnml'nt boo th ~ w(' r(' dera ilme nt. fi re or not." Ed At that lime the a rgt...m e nt thai two olher ci ty agenl.les, the dUring Fair Days. Ort :l6-2i allowed on Ilhnclls Avenue Hogan, c hief of police, sa id m a At tls m('('tlr.g S('pt 24 the was made that booths on Illinois Park Di stnc t and Ihe Ci •.1 rnber Me mos to the cDuneil from th t=' me mo 10 the counci l. The memo Avenue could keep the revelers coun('11 had tx-(,fl reccptlH' to administra tors sa\" thai b\' of Comme rce. hr/e made a lso ~a l d Ihat monng a ll the from becoming easilv In ­ a ll owlIlg a Im111cd number of restricting a ll bOOths to Grand special dona tIOn s fo r en­ boot hs 10 Gra nd Ave nue will toXi C.lted because they· couid tertainm e nt dur i ng th e booths on IIli llO IS A" cnue again Ave nue morc peopl (' Wi ll be hel p to mo\'(~ tne c ntire this year But lx-tween that buy food 10 absorb ;>arl of ,he Ha lloween festi va l These drawn awav from th(' downtov. n cele hration 10 tha t area "where akohol they are consum inp.: m(' (' lln~ and the vole on a rea. The memos also say Ihal a ll of us beli eve II nghtly " Although iI is true lhdli i )'ou St>e BOOTIIS, Pa J!: f" fi Vaily 'Egyptian Wcdne!'iday, Oclnbf'r 3,198-1 . \ '01 iO. ~ oJ:l Southern Illinois University Dixon says to cut ties with Hoye on center

n~ Huh Ti :~ 1 this wu~k St a ff \\ r ilt'!" Gus Hoy£' h:!:o, requc-st(od that city gua rantee a ll the fundlllg until Th(' prIlSp('CIS of ~ t an Hove ) ~ GJJode Congress restores the F mHA ' ~ building Ih(' Carhm.d.:dp con, ~ . pow('r to guarantN' Ih(' tax,fr("(' \"1 ' 1111011 l:('nlt'r arl' " remol e'" bonds City ,\lanagC'r Rill Dixon s-lid as ' ·E\'f'n If II IS for a :-o hor! lime he rt't.'ornmenoC'd Ihat thc' l 'll\' I don't:-.('t' th(' nt~ ~ua r antl'e ll1 g ('o"mcll take al..' tlon to ('nd Iht' a S1-1 m il lion prnJl·ct .'· Dixon dl\ 's commllrnenl to HoyE' said ..\ proposal h=: I-I oyc' ,'11<11 tht' (.11' ' ; l\ ~ .Iu\\nln\\u's likl' ;.: 11 Hoye, reading a lettl'r h . had 1I\ ' f'nTo~dt'd da rkroom - \(K' c it ,\ glW r.1n l('e n; m ill ion In senl to the COU!1c tl <:;:;':11,-1 th2.t ih . ~ 1II:t1l ~ dt''\"I' lopt-rs , hul nn(hin ~ bonds for the projC<:1 I'f'cc-jy('d ('Ily had acted In "bad ren mel. the city of thousands of doll a rs'· spent dlls trlal bond!' Although. the shou ld a tt empt to let other by the city In legal fees could rmll,' h~l S !o'a ld that it will df"ve lopers ta ke over the h[lve been used to give land extend the gUdra nt ce on the projecl owne rs a "fa ir" price bonds , the \' ca nnot he tax rree, The council. however , did He c ha rged tha t the cily I .~ pe WHI Staff Photo by Hill Wrs t An rmHA guara nlee of S9 .45 agree !I) a llow Hoye to present wi thheld informa tion a bout million in tax":.exempt bonds for alternat ive financing plans res tric t io ns against selling Cindy (; r e~n, a senior in plant and soil sd ell ('t', pr ~H"tic("rl the pr OJEC t was one of the befo:'e la king final aclion. Hoye liquor nea r the prope rty sun'eying Tuesday ~ear tht' Agriculturf' Bui ldin ~, cond itions of a guarantee pla n said he \\ III offer a lt e rn a t ; v~ a pproved by the council in financi ng plans :0 tht: city la ter S •• TIF:S. Pa~.6 Donovan pleads innocent to 137-count indictment

NEW YORK ' AP I - Labor Secretarv dictment charging the m with one count Bronx . one of whose owners was the District Attorney Mario Merola said, Raymond Dono\'an a nd nine olhcr of grand la rcpny. 12;) counts of fa lsifying IOdicted state sena tor , J oseph Galiber, Donovan said afterward that Me rola peOple pleaded IIlnnee"t Tuesday to bU511lesS records Olnd II count!-' of false " may have won loday's bailie by the s tealing S8 million from :X ew York City fdings The indictment sa id the money was misuse of his office, but I guara ntee you on a subwa\" construc tion contract Thc grand la reeny charge ca rnes a stolen from the city Tra ns it Authority, that he Will not Will the war: ' awarded two· \'ea rs before Dono\'an ma ximum pena lt y on conViction or which gave a SUS6 million contract to joined the Reagan administration se\'en years in pnson The other coun t ~ Schiavone as the prima ry contractor, He said he was shocked to learn thai Donovan -- bell('ved 10 be the fll'S1 each tarr\, fo ur·yea r maximums , Schiavone allegedly padded paymenls il none or the questions he was asked Silting Cabine t member ('ver IOdlcted - The uldictm'e nt d Iso nil !ned as mad(' In J opel. a s ubcontractor during hi s a ppearance before the gra nd a ppea red 111 stat e Supreme' Co ur~ in the defe ndants the Schi a vone ("on:-: true tlOn jury lasl week relaled 10 Ihe cha rges in Bronx a long With hi s ",n ('co-defe ndan t ~, Cn of Seca ucus . ~ J . of which Oono\"an " They engaged In a scheme wh e r e b~' lhe 73-page indictment. "The indictment who inrlude a Democr atl(' stale senator was pxcculive \'Ice prcsldent. ilild Jopel they fil ed innaled. phony. f, lse rt'Cords was obviously prepared before I All plf>aded innocent II) a 1:l7-c oun t 10- Contracting a nd Trucking Cllrp. or the wilh lile TranSit j1 'Jthority, ,. bionx leslified." he said. Inis IBHE seek.:o· tighter admission standards Ji\" K a rf'n Wilthf' r J;?: f'r mathemallcs and S(' I£' n('e, a nd c urre nt proposal requiring dean or education, is in the q~orning SiaffWritf' r two years of e )ectiv ~ in roreign f('wer subjects will not be process of helping high schools language, mus ic or art. pursue'i, a nd the Faculty Senate to prepare. Beggs was nol \lo.. lh ' UI1f1\ : hi ~ h, 'in-;'II, Ill!no i~ co llt'g es a nd Presidenl Al berl Somil said will look at a nothc set of a vailable Tuesday to com "en!. universit ies Will have until 1990 Tuesday that the SIU-C Faculiy require ments comparable with The IBII E p assed in to require specific subject.s for Senate docs not have the the resolution . November 1983 guidelines that admission under a resolution reco:nmcndations on Its agenda He said the Univers it v will recomme nded Ihal publ ic Cubs will 1.3-0 passed Tu ..da y by the Illinois this month, but will give the m wait until 1990 to impose new universities require subjects Board of Education, ··serious attent ion" beginning at admiSS ions standards. saying comparable 10 Ihe high school in first ~UI11(' The resolution recommends its ~ovember met-l ing, Under that It would be unrealistic to diploma requirements to be tha t a ll inst:tutions - private thl' resolu tion, public univcr­ impose the stricter guidelines e££ective ror students entermg (J~t:ins t Padres a nd pUbllt require the sities have unt il Jul\' 10 submit a by Ihe original dale 01 1987. Ihe ninlh grade in the t984-85 - Svorls ~ .. follow ing hi gh sc j~ oo l subjects proposal on how they Wi ll meet Hi gh schools need lime to vear . The Universily submillcd fou r years of Englis h: three IBHE gUidelines , " 1001 up" for the change. Somil a' proposal 10 comply wilh Ih05e yea r ~ o r soc ,a l s tU dlC S, He said the l ' ni\'(' rslt y's said . il dding Ihal Donald Beggs. guidelines in July. Silkscreenlnil Monollrammlnll GJVewswrap fnllravlnll AKC . ndlvldual Letterln nation e Pups - ~ 89 . 00 Monday I mg /~ I f~mgle Gr •• k "" Study says R eagan\; policie!oi 20 % OfF Persian Female ~\~ ~ 12S.00 .11 iMttck lit",. have cost elde rly $ 24 billion Tuesday S/tg,~, Silver Color Copp~r Eyer \\:\ S HI ~l; ' r o:\ t AP ' - IllinOIS ' elderl\' haW- lost $1 2: hllilun III Fr.. tII""'r \'a nous forms of federa l aid IWl'3USl' of Pres ident I 'h~ agan ' ~ hudlH'1 Dwarf Bunnies wI,., ... pnliclC'S . ac(:ordmg to a study released Tuesday hy a go\'('rnnH.' nt J DflIy! 'IS. 99 wo rk er ~ union and a sCOIor clt lll'ns organization Thl' report. I:-.~ u('(l Wednesday by the Am('rican r ('rier.1t ion of Sla te, ('ounty a nd \1u nlclpal Em pioyC'P:o. a nd th .. :\allona l ('ounnl of SenIOr rltlz('n!'. pcgg('d I hl' t'O"'\ JUST ARRIVED! Ali inrtoek na tionally for Heag.:tn s pendmg {'ul s O\'('r four y("Jrs at S24 billion, Juvenile Iguanas 134.99 nr $90(1 for ('ach older Am('r it. ~ m The studv's a uthors s.w"! IIw\' SIU items esti mated ft"'cI('rai a Id losses by comparing H'eagan administratIon Beautiful-Bright Green ~ I x-ndlng and prOjected spending wi th what likely wou ld h.1 \'" 20% OFF happened If Carter a 0l1110 lstratIOIl poliCIes had remamf'd In (' ffl'ct Come in and visit our new Call our Sales Rep "DOGGIE DELI" ( :ullrt uq!.-d lu It·. It'' nc'IH~ r,,, !"ot~nrr h ""lIclt-I1I'" for your trouP. Nw gl1f;i~1 to muneh f,,, your moms /1'1 WASHINGTON , API - The Supreme Court was urged Tuesday team. business. etc • . to help combat drug trafficking a nd \'Iolence in the nati on's public Fish Sale Every Wl!lJn"'~ntilll H.'11MiIII tIM ~(.' hool s by trimming students' legal protecti on aga inst sea rches by the., teachers. " The FOl'rth Amendment should be held Inap· lIeN" p.r ~ pl ica ble to school sea rc h e~, . a New J ersey prosecutor a rgueo 10 !=eeking to have teachers exempted from the rules te whic h police TH•• ISH olficers must comply. Tne Co nstit ut ion's Fourth Amendment ~est(J s fo rbids unreasonable gO\'ernment searches Genera ll y. polic(' m ust obtaIn a tour l war r ~ nt based on probable sus pkion of a cflmc before conducting any sea!'ch. SIIII" "",." o",-rifth IIf "lIIeri"III'" n",nl"'" ill WASH INGTUN ' AP I - Almost one·fifth or a U aoulI'Arnen cans have mental problems of \'a rying degrees, and men, cO lttrary to previous belief. have as ma ny emotiona l disorders as wo men. says a major go\'ernment study released Tuesday Thc most com· prehens l\'e sur\'ey of mental disorders e\'cr conducted in the Coited States found tha t about lq percent of a ll adults (,ver age lR suffe r with a t least one psychi a tric disorder. but fewer than 20 percent of them scr:k professional help, US ing U.S. Census ri gures 10 adjust the dab, the researchers said the percent ages tndica t e:!~ ~ Imllton & Americans have some kind of ment a l disorder dunng ;111\ :o. IX · month per iod. a lthough some of these prohlems may be nltld or transient.

BOIl"'t· \'(~tt· #!lUlrunl. · ~'" ;o. u('iul ",p(' lIri l~ ,.ai!"ot~ BO WA SH I:\GTON ' AP > - The House "oted 417·4 TuesOay to guar a ntee Social Security recipients a cost·n( ·!t\"lOg ra lSt' .J an 1 {'\'en if innation is held helow 3 percent. The Senate a lr{'ady has Inventory t:learance Sale approved the legislation. which was sought by Reagan JI1.Jul~ when it looked as though the 3 percent trigger on which ('urrC'nt 1..,,\ ba!'('~ at the Ramada Inn, Carbondale a cost-of-living increase would not be met. Thursday and Friday Oct. 4th and 5th state Everything must go! Save on Amplifiers. Tuners . Rec ievers . Turntables . Cossette Decks. Speakers and Video Recorders while supplies lost. Register to win a Kenwood Stereo in the WTAO Ferraro speaks at auto plant. giveaway. Drawing Friday at 4 :30. must be present to win . hears workers' grievances BELVIDERE lAP > - Geraldine A. Ferraro learned firs,hand. Stanton Cartridges Headphones Tuesday why millions of usually Democratic blue-coll a r workers are backing President Reagan in November 's genera l ela tion. She Reg . 550.00 Reg . $12.'5 talked to about 300 workers at a Chrysler pl ant in this northern Now Illinois community and heard their la undry list of complaints about Now $1' •• 5 56." the Democratic Mondale-Ferra ro ticket - rangi ng from the policies of Jimmy Ca r ter to abortion. But the Democratic \"ke presidential candidate countered by reminding the workers Ihat Democrats backed the bailout plan tha t saved Chrys ler and that Reagan is mired in a confrontation with terrorists in Lebanon more KENWOOD KD21R r--- . deadly than the hostage situation in Tehran, . 'rjt-' Turntable EX-t'o""i.'1 kill", 1"'0: c'otllIht lIr"'r 7 .. hour ", .. i~(- - Reg. 517'.00 CHICAGO (AP) - An ex-com 'ict was taken into custodv Tucsdav . . I NOW when he fell as l ~ p in a l\" orth Side tavern a ft er fatally shoot ing two ...;e,:• -_ people a nd takmg a third hostage in a i ·hour s iege. po lic{' said . --.:-. ~ $99.00 J ~f!1es Seuffer , 28. w ~ o recently was released a ft er serving time for kIlling a roommate ," t978. was a pprehended at the Eagle's ~ es t Kenwo~s ~ Taver n s hor tly a ft er 9 a.m .. said po li ce Superintendent FretJ Ri ce. No shots were fired as the suspect was ta ken into custodv. Police best turntable said Seuffer, who sometimes lived al the tavern and did ·odd jobs there. was as leep when they rushed in the bui lding. LSK200D SPEAKERS .... ThuII!"ound", rU('4 ' IItilil~ ' ", hutoH", . :,!ruul) "'n~ ' ''' EAST ST .. LOuiS , AP I ~ Thousa nds of "",'r and elderly p<'ople $165.00 face potentlit!ly deadly utility shutoffs this winter because the\' cannot affo rd to pay their bills. a Southern il linois group said 10 a pica for sta le help, " If some acti on isn't taken ImrnC'diatelv, ~ome people a re gO in g ro freeze co death:' said Willia m R. · "reeb . • 23Di gWitaattsl Per Channel r-a. '24'" spokesman for the Metro Ea!'t Elw rgy loalillon " It 's Ih(' most • Boss & Treble $100.00 ser ious criSIS I'vP seen , .. NOW $138.00 pol.

Se'ec"on of Zenith ond I USPS 169220 1 Kenwood Video Recorders BROW'N& Publi sh~ c4aily i~ the Journalism and Egypllan Laboratory Monday COLQ1.1BO thr~ugh Friday dunng regular semesters and Tuesday through Friday NOW dtu:lng summer term oy Southern lU inois University,' Communications 210 N. 14th Street r~d d l n g . Carbondale. IL 62901 , Second class postage paid at Ca rbondale, $551.00 Horrin, Illinois N~tW'i:;~ 1 ~n~n~~~ I~U~~~~a~~n~~(i~T~(~!~a t ions BUi ldIng. So . Illinois Oldest Kenwood Dealer - 4 Heads S.ubscnpllOn rates are $30,00 per year or $1 7.50 Cor SIX months Within the ~:~~i ';~ t es and $45 ,00 per year or $30 ,00 (or six months in all (oreign - I ~ Day Record ~ ...... - Wireless Remote Control U ~~~:;~~~ r~~~e~ ~te6~lddr es.s to Dally Egyptlar.. Soothem IllInOIS I'.q.:.' .!. . \),1 11\ 1-:).!~pltan , llr lnl X'r:l , I~.j j Lower minimum doctoral GP A to be considered R\ Eo F olt' \ (' h an~(' Graduate School show that 22 of ~l a H \\ ri't ·~ Increases not be referred to the councIl. said Tu{'s tia\' ! Prohl(' ms som€' d('partments 32 !' tudell ts pl aced on probati on GraduatC' Counci l fa<'u ll\' mcnt 1Il('f(·a:-.(· .... .1ft' h:I\'£' \\ 1111 till' ('urr('nt po h ('~ :t(lt' r the last ,'ea r 's fall ..\ r('~olullOn th.l! \\ Olli d ImH'r IIll'illdt' ~ lI l1 allons III which a wlthu; the pUf\·IC' .... of the' Sl'Il1('stC' r had GPAs' hc tw{'e l1 :l 0 The Faculty Senate's posit ion thl~ 1ll1l11111Um (;P:\ n 'qulrl'n In dnctorii l studl'nt 1:0: (' nrollf'd III and 1,2;') Graduate Council .:1\'0 10 prohat lo n III dnclnral IS :hal ma tt er s conce rning onh 0 1H' ('ours(.~ , and ff'('(' I\'es a T hC' Ed ul' ~lIlonal P nhclcs progra m:- will h{' cOfl~1(1t'r(>d h\ R 111 thaI ('t1tl rSt' Tha t s ludl'nt fa c ulty sa la ry me rit i ll c r eas (~ " The Graduall' ('(/un('11 .... th(> Gradual£' Council Thur~d tt\ ' ("Cl lll mltl C'<.' \\'111 prescnt tha t should be referred onl" to the would I)(:> put on prohallun resolution cha rgl'd Wl lh thp respon!o-Ihllit.\ Th<.' {'oum' lI a pprm '£'d in Anol he r ('Oll('('rn has bcen thl' senate The sena te ha's asked of e nsunng an atmo~ p h('r e at :\ov{'mb<.'r. 1982 Ih(> raising of the ad: inis lratlOn nol to bring contc-nilon th.1 1 ~OI11(' students Tlit.· ('ounc il will al~o d ISl'USS . the Univers ll y that IS optimum the 111IIl1mUll1 (j PA requlrcm{'nt a re discouraged from la kll1g those I :stl ons to the Graduae for research e fl orls :\·lent In · a nd r(' ~ (' r 10 Ih{' Educationa l Counci ecause It feels they a re from ~ {l 10 125 to aVOid progra ms outsld (> Ih C' lr ma jor Polt l'les committ ee, " request creases a re, in parI. based on prohd tlon and 10 graduat(> I)(>ca use of Ih (' rl :w gt'r of getllllg not Yo .thin th e counci l' s resea rch , ~J the wa\' t!1C' h\' th(' F:H: ull \' Sena t(' to the jurisdiction, Som(' d ('pa rtm en t ~ t,a v(> si nce" a B or belm\ adm tnlstratlonOthat a ll ma tl C' rs Universll\' handles me nt IS (>xprf'!'s('d ('OIl('f'rns about tha t Figu re~ ohtal nf' ci by Ih(' l'oncerning faculty salary ment di rectly 'related to resea rch James E\'ers, pres id ent of thc produc'tivity," E\'en said Reagan backs Donovan., sees 'lynch atmosphere" R\ Th.' ;\ sso('iat{'d Prf" ~ Embass\' a nnl'X 'P t:shed a bruplly onto Ihe \' t'l lh C' r Dl' m oc r atl c d{'f'-' Ils l\'e, President Reagan presidentIal (·;tndldate Wa lt e r int e rrupted hi!' ca mpa ign da~ ' F lVl ondfl le nor hi S running on Tuesda\' to la!5 h out at wha t 'llate, Gl'r'l ldtn(' F r rrilro, ca lled ti{' ca lled ':a h'I1l'h a lm ospher£~ " upon Heagan to n rl' Do no\'a n, s urroundlll~ hi!' appol nl (,(, ~ and who Im Jlll'diately wen I on a pa id to r eaS~E' r l hiS support fo r flC'wl\' lea\'(, of ahsent'(' md icled Labor S ec r ('lar~ Howe\'er , :\londCl le ca ll ed for Rannond Dono\'an Heagan to ('o ndu(,t a Dono\'an Al so, fo r Ihe first lime, th (> 1Il\'esligation of his own , and he Dreside nt said tha i he "and no cr itkized Ih{' president for hi s Oll t:' elsc" bore respons ibility for qUick commC'nt that " I Irust in a ny fa i lure 10 pr o te c t his integrity," Ame r;cans m lhe l l,S, Embass \' " I think Ihal was wrong," annex III Bei rut - a statement ~Iondal e sa Id of that quick his Democratic opponents have backing. been demanding since :he On the subject of th e Beirut terrorist bombing last month, oombinJ? Rea gan said ' 'I'm nol All four of the major can· going [Q deli\'er somebody's didates were out campaigning head up on a platter " as penalt\, Tuesday. addresSi ng such long· fo r anything Ihat mig"'! have running issues as the economy gone wrong 10 a ll ow CI ~I! rr ori s t and foreign policy in stops to dr i\'e hi s explos i\'es-Iaden \'ehicle close to the building. r~~ng~i~~o ~~k~ns:~i~~1~~xaas~d He noted thai Secretar\' of Howe\'er , the main attention State George Shult z on Sunday focused on Tuesdav's in· accepted respons ibility for any d:ctme nt of Dono\'an a nd the fa ilure in securil\', and he sa id continulOg after malh of the thai \\'as " typica(of George a nd Sept. 20 bombi ng that kill ed t~ I apprecia te it \'ery much," p e ople , i n c l uding two But he a dded, " I wa s Ame ri cans, at the Amer ican respons ible a nd no one else, FBI files espionage charges in two unrelated investigations

WASH IN GTON (AP ) .. The the most elus i\'e types of spi~ . a FBI charged an East German so·call eo " illegal." who a rnves woman Tuesda y with s pying f ~ r here a~ an ordinar y citizen not the SO\,let Union and Ihe attached to an embassy and not gra ndson of a priz,e-winn!ng given diplomatic status . American his torian wlt.h seiling She was said to have been l.S. satellite photographs of a trapped by a U.S. Army Soviel warship to a London ser geant who pretended to work military jour nal. for the Soviets , The two we re a rrested )'londay night a t airpo r~ s here In the other case, Samuel P;CIIlN' ,"is d ' N Y k III the Lormg Monson. 40. of Crofton. Th . I k' a n III • ew or J\1d , ""as charged under the .\ KF\'S lam('raman I ~ SllhoUNI Pd as Ih (' sU,n rc~tball ~a m ~ a~ ('ap~ Gi r ar d ~)~ u o, (' ~a u I ~ un~~il~~~1~~~~~~o n , 6i, of East espIOn agE." s t a tu t ~ With seIling loNs un lhf' SE'tO Indl.\ns dUrin )! lasl "{'(·k s pll'kf'd ul' th('lr hrloo l Yolllih en ', _j. lf.. G(>rma nv, was a ll egedly one of secret U,S. sa tellit e photos , St~te Board of Education will meet at SIU-C R" Uarr{'n lI ill ock the Items on the agenda, they a tJU s(' pn'\'c ntion pr o~ r a m s m('('ti ngs at other locations (f!CUS on why changes a re Sia H \\'rilf'r "i!1 be hea ring fl \'e reports on prC'sented by rcpresentat l\'cs of a round the sta t(> to give more net'dC'd in the way [unlJs a re educat ion in Southern Illinois beJle\'llle Public Schoo ls and " people a chance to present distributed to schools around Ttf' Stat{' Boa rd of r:ducallon Includ ing. one by Donald Jl e g~ s . tru,l rll altc rnat l\'e program opinions to Ihe Board, said the s t~lt c , w,;; 'i1e<'t a t I p,m Thursday In SIU·C Coll ege of Ed ucalJon presented by educators from Fin ley . Stu 'I1t Cent er Ba il room A. dean. :\l ?di son Count y Do na ld Gill. Ill inoi s Lilgene" Finley, publk In ­ Beggs' reporl Will be nn th{' Befor(' Ihe regul ar meeting . ~ upenntendent of ed,:!catl on, format ion s pecialist for tIn' pre pa ra tion of educatIOnal d h Id ' the legis lat i\'e and will be presen ' in g hi S , own 0 1 dlll anl:. the Boa r ~' I~ It s ('ommitle<' WI ll meel at 9 a ,m , III recommendations on fundlllg to board, sa id whi le the board personnel Othe r re ports include 111(,{,: ,ngs In <.' Ithe r Spr ing IC or 'II th e committee, won't be taking action on any of a ;-eport on drug a nd alcohol

Cover Your Face! ' 7i'ji;I,,; a; f;e,,;. i;Ba;' ~;roo;~;~;!;T ;;'h ;;O;n~;~;~;~;:;:;!;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiii1 Disgusting and Horrible Masks, Masquerade lAasks, Beards, Kits , Happy Hour All DaV and Night! fOITOUI Costumes, Wigs , Make-up HALLOWEEN 12.2S 7St S eedrails AffAIRS ... ond much much more all ot reasonable prices I 8-10PM 'HterHaUottal JashioHS 50c! shots of watermelons, University Mall, Carbondale 25c! drafts 549-3671

Da dy Egypl lan, Ck tol)(' r :t I~" P ,Ij!I"\ 'Daily 'Egyptian Opinion C& Commentary Tailgate policies need more thought lilE l '1\'EH:-iITY ha!'. lakC'n lll(,iI ~ un' :-: In (' mlrol the l'lIl '1it" ­ P,II't lC' :-- Th ~(> po l H.:J(.'~ " III go 111\ 0 ('(f('('t ttm, Saturday · kc-g !- \\ III he ha:Hl N'l . party mg will be permilled onl ~ from 11 a m io 1 :(11 p In 11m: dUring halflmw. unde raJ!<' drinking 1.1 \\ ~ ,,111 he enft,r (,'('o, and lhe dlf(' I.:1 IIr Indlff'ct :- 31(' of alcoholic bC\'l'rnW'S will hE> prc,hlhllf'O \1 0" \ of I h('!'-\' pro \"I:'l on~ ~n'n t \'(' r ~ pral't ll'al 'I he kl-'g han IS Iht' I rJ~ t praClll'a l A big pa .. 1 of thC' 1<-l lig;n:ll g dura 1:- 1hat man" orgallll:ll10n!'i. pa r u'lpat<· Wllh k ('g~ of (hplr flw n In ,Hici11Ion. ('Irll..1Il17.atlons lll :1 kf' lllonC'y ;tllh(' tal g~1tt' icsll\'it ips h~ .... dllnl-! food :-tnrl t l\ he-f prnnlOllIHlal ll t'ms E\'PI1 P Olllll'I

TilE E\Fn lt(,E:,\II-: ~T of under:ige drinking la\l, ~ also is im .. pral'tJ('al II IS Itkely that many Im drragp drinkers will not attend the gar.H' . but \\ III stay home a lid party. While school spirit should on'rrlde the desire to drink spirits, there isn't much sense in en· Mr. MacDonald's leller on suggesl Ih al Mr. MacDonald or b\' other means ." forc lOg drinking age laws at the tailgate parties. The drinking is admiss!on policy POIOtS Oul take time to read Webster's B,' Ihe wa\'. ~lr ~l ac D o nald . l'OnfmM to a sma ll area and most of the students a tt ending the clearl y Ihe problems of nol only definition for education and this' statem'ent is a lon-on tailgate parties a rell'i obnoxious hell-ra isers. the American education svstem . tra i:1ing , They are one and the sentence. So much for your right Fina lly , proh ibitmg the direct or ind irect sale of alcohol does but the verv nature of those who s?me. Again. a new kind of 10 insull my Engli sh usage Ill y 1':.1\·e ments The Cni\'erslty fears thut some student organi zations control too- much of our futurt< lo gic ~ ar gumenL'i to your statement IS we nay ~(' II items at inflated prices and then gi ve away beer with the The lasl lime I had 10 deal wilh Last but by far not the leas t. Ihat must face realit\' and ~ urchase Student s groups deny this. but prohibiting it will ease the someone of Mr Ma cDonald's Mr. 7\1 acDonald tries to com· fa cls. FIrst. returning 10 high possibilit y of that happening. mental horizons was whf'1l J pare college education to a school may be all rl ght for The best wa y for the UOIvers il y to C'ontrollhe crowd is to patrol challenged represent ative fool ball learn. I agree wilh young people. but what about the area a nd take action against troublemakers. Philip Cr a ne for Ihe 121h Royal's statement. hut Ihe ol der "",,pie' ('a n they .-\pparently. the limversity has been looking at this problem si nce congi{:5sional seat. Mr. Crane's again i\lr. 7\ lacDona ld fails to rea ll y fit In'! As far as the JU ni or !'prmg BUI it seems convenient that something is being done only r~ponse to ques ti ons about his see Ihe logic. The leacher is Ihe college a pproach, they are a lso da\'s before Parents Weekend The Universit \' should seek more bt-liefs were gi\'en in two ways. coach that must turn players instituting these sam(' higher Input from s tudents and othpr rnivers ity administrations as to how one. persona l insults about the who feel good about themsel\'es requirement!" to best control ta il gate parties Then. the Uni\'ersity should be able person, or failing that. he would into a team . That does not mean That lean'S us Wit h "olher 10 ('ome up wi th a j>lan that IS workable. and makes beller sense, use the mosl perfecl Engli sh If) the coach has Ihe righl 10 limll means." Perhaps 7\lr 7\l ac­ say absolutely , olhir.g aboul who ca n Ir\' out for the team Donald would like 10 "'pla on everything but th ~ s ubject. Now, perhaps we can look at this . We ml ghl jusl fond our· Mr. MacDonal1 has slaled the onl y part ot 7\lr !\lac· sel\'es in a~ reem ent. un ies:,,- of thai I lacked log;... He says in Donald's leller thai dea ls wilh course 1\·1r. :'\l acDonald ha s All colleges are party schools his letter that he wo.-ked without the is!. lJeof ' SHE. Hestates tha t recognized tha t Without olher gra nts to attend cotJ ege Later people who do '101 qualify under means our co ll eg e~ \\, III he One last comment concerning sferred from Ihe L·. of I. al in the same sent en: c he a lso the proposEd rules have three popula led by Ihe pro\'lle ~,·d rr" :\lr Charles Patrick McAtee's Chi cago. We had enough parties sta tes that he entered coll ege by choices. I 4uole. " The Illinois dim \·iew o(lallgalingat S IU-C'. going on during the weer. to means of a state scnolarship. I Board of Higher Educalion I challenge Ihe genlleman 10 I have 10 agree wilh Ihe "",,pie maK e your head spin. And II.£" U. presume th ~ t is an example of proposals do nol nullify one's stop the insults and produce "'ho ha \'e alread\' differed wi th of I. a l Chi cago doesn'l even logic in Ihe firs l degree chances 10 qua lify for college some solid sugges tions for a ll hiS na rrow \'lsion' of the campus have a foolbalileam. Laler in Ihe leller he slales admission by goi ng back 10 high people 10 gain Ihe righl 10 , I. communil \' here. As the ot her I would also like 10 poinl oul that "crit e rion · reference school. a lIe nding remedia I tempt hi gher educa tion. peopl e ha"e sialed. I 100 chose Ihe faci Ihal Ihe majoril)' of grading" is good fo r Iraining. programs in cont in uing Ilanit'l DpFoss(', Sophomort', 10 allend SIU·C - over Ihe sludenls here reali y do spend but not education. I might education or at junior coll eges. Rusi n("o;; s E ducation. l'OI\'ersit\, of Illinois. mind \'ou the bulk of Iheir lime hilling Ihe - because of Ihe hIgh ralings books. We do our best to get the coml!1 unicati ons school has Ihrough Ihe week's load of received In the recent "ear. AI ~ ssig n ed reading, writing and Soccer team neglected by ISC head least v.e ha\'e the assurance of arithmetic. Tailgate parties. as beong inslrucled by Ihe lop others have pointed out. a re our Reading the recent a rticle on students . B\' the sam(' token. supposed to represent . peo~ l e in our fie ld . \\'ell . Mr. way of b lowing o ff Ihe funding for the international one wouJd ' assume, the ISC What is a soccer tournament. 7\l cAt ee ,. there goes your fruslralions Ihal being a coll ege soccer tournament. I was ap- s hould be more concerned about after all: It is another opor­ hYPOlhesls aboul Ihe lack of sludenl br ings. I like 10 Ihink of palled. 10 say Ihe leasl. by the being Ihe represenlalive body of tunity fo r the internationa l quality facult y at thi s in ­ it as showi ng the rest of the comment by the president of the that enormous l\' d iversified pilgrims to integrate 101 0 the stitution. world lhat one can ha \'e a good Int.ernational Student CounCil popula tion. . ca mpus community, and to :\ow. e\'erything may not time whi le ser ;ous!y pursuing concerning the United Nations On this campus, some na ti ons have some fun a mong Ihem· alwavs run like clockwork at an education, soccer team, As a rationale for ar e represented by one or two s ieves. But. no. We ha ,'e Ihi s pl ace. bul I can slill take If Ihere are olher people who culling Ihe U.N. lea rn logether siudenis. The\' also feel Ihe regulations to foll ow, Irs like prode in lelling my fri ends Ihal I feel as Mr. ~ : " "Iee does. Ihal wi th Iwo other teams from the sam e cultural a nxieties a nd the the nasty neighbor who shouts a m al sludenl . 1 SIU·C regar· the fa culty here is not up to par tournament. the pres ident need to belong to a group in a l Ih e kids. "Go and find some dless of Ihe parly school image wilh Ih"1 of the U. of I. or any slaled Ihal Ihey "do nol offer order 10 a lieviale Ihe pressures olher place 10 play. you ' lI break we ha \'e acquir ed in the last Of her uni\'ersity in Ihe country, much 10 Ihe ISC ." He af· of a life awav from Iheir a window ." decade BUI Mr McAlee. lake a Ihen kindly go Ihere. If anolher lerwards im plied thai Ihose counlries. Whai do \'ou lell look at the other uni,'?rs lties in school meets up to your holier teams are not in good standing them, goand get 15 more friends In the same line with m\' th iS country, including a ll thp tha n thou expectations, then with the ISC. away from home :0 be initial opinion, I strongly sup. commuter schools. Am' and please pursue your education Wh ar s going on Ihe Ihe ISC recognized by the ISC? II is pori a nd congralUlale Ihe probably a ll of them a re : 'party elsewhere. The res! of us don't " !l eadquarters . ·· Mr \'cry pathetit to see you, Mr. Health Sen'ices for takingsu('h s('hools" In their ow n right. One want or need you here in President: SIU-C is one of the President. sticking with some a radical and nC'('cssar\' s tand Just has to know where to look Soulhern Illinois. - P aula nation's top universities which vague regulations instead of against the burea u c rac~: freaks fno Ihose people rolling around liu{'kn f:'r , Sophomore, Jour­ accommodates a la r ge responding to a need ,'oiced by III the ISC '\ron '\JI, 111 ohlivion I know. as I tran- na li s m, population of international some of the people you a re Graduat(' Stud('nl. EnJ;!h sh Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Letters policy S'gned a rh ci ... " ,ncl lell(>r \ v, e w po~n t~ a nd a t~er FOfit.'8?I.1_ASTIlt 15.o.p.: eommenloroe" re llect t~e op,n.on\ of I~e" o u l ~or~ only 1lMEi?ICA'51WtTY 5/llNfJ5 FOR. Un\'9ned ed.' ('r.ol .. rep' e .. en! a ( on~en"u\ a t I~e 00,1'1 Egvpl ,a n CVW7/{1N6 THArS9lCJ'W7lJn Ed.lor,ol Comm.nef' .... nO\€! member" o le 'ne "Iude nt ed.:or ,n ap (j{.(R'f. MI?Y fi)(j 1IflIDN. ethel Ihe e-d .lo ro o , POqll! e d ,lor a new,> .. toff member tnfO' NIKUfAII SUR".IlIOII/TY 50 7lIKI3 10 (1.111.., manog'ng f'd 'ior ond a Journo l,,,", Senool fO tullv fT Ffll»I .0£, 60/? A I07t ~ member _CA'5~ ISAV(l1l; lette" 10 Ihe M ,Ior moy be .. ubm' " ed by mo ,1 or d ''''nlv 10 8 fFOl'lMc. Ihe ed,toflol page ed,to r Ro('m 12.. 7 Co mmun.c ol!0", 8u dd "'g Ulli lellen ,, ~ oul d be t..,pewr.llen double .. paced All h~ne' .. Off' .. uble cl 10 ed,I,ng a nd _ .11 be l,m,Ied 10 SOO _ o rd .. lell", .. 01 Ie" ~ InO f' 150 _ o rd.. w ,1I be g ,ven preterence tOI pub l'(, Ol 'O l1 SIude,..l" m u,,' ,denl.l.., th,·m .. e l.. e .. !J Y cia'> " and mO tor to cul t~ member" ~ f rant.. a nd ~epo "men l non o codem.c \loll bv po ,> ,Ioon a nd depor Imenl lelle,,, \ ubm,IIf!'d b.., m o ,1 .. hould onclude '''e oulno l .. addle" and lelttphone number lelle" fOI "", ..... "I'Col,on 01 outnor$h,p COtlno ' be mode _ ,II not be p ub l.,hed Liberation theology carries on ~etters--- church's commitment to justice College textbook prices

~EITlIEB ~ II .· ~ ("Ell b\" struggle of the revolutlon'l ry tho Pope nor scolrled b~' tho class." Certainlv there is high for several reasons \ 'a lican '~ theologian !), similarit\' betw~n the views Lrona rdo BoH has survived of Ka r l 'Marx and those ex· This letter is in reply to the revision cycle. Elementar) ·hlgh hi!' Uoman holidav Boff I!' the pressed by church people in letter bv Mr Will ia m E. Quick school texts a re revised on a H · \"(~ ar - old Brailh,," Fran­ Ihe field Falher Tom Burn ~, a which appeared in the Sept. 6 fl\lp·year cycle, Most textbook (' ISean priest who ha~ wntten Brookl\"n , ;0..: y , ~l a r \' kn l)lI issut' of the Daily E gypt ian. publishers look at a 20 percent (' xl('nsl\ ' ('I~' - and po\\'crfull\' priC'!"t \\'ho ha s served the poor Your rccent letter to the Dail\' revision a ft er five yea rs and - on liberation theology In of Peru fo r the past 16 yca r!' Egypl ia n cerl ai nl y s truck hope to lim it thai revision to as Latin Am!'rlca ~ assN!' Iha t the La lln Amenea hom £' l-i cl \'lng just wrillen rI(' h \\'hat coll ege textbooks cost. ami rather stable - the teaching of H. 1 1Ing~r. the church's Washington Post mlllont\,'s Illd iff('r('nc(' to II . like \ ' Oll . I am somewhat spell ing has not changed au:honl\" on doctrinal or· Writers Group If bot ~ 1 ~larxl s m d nd shockOd by the expense nl a rked!\' in 20 vears and Iht: thodox\" Onl\' da\'s before the rhnstJanil;' con\'crge on Ih l:'; H a',' lOg worked for i:1 major revision.of a hi story text means ~ ummonin g: the ('a r dinal point. II IS absurd to concluo(' publisher. McG raw· Hili Inc .. I adding a new chapter a t Ih e end rf'I('asro a lengthy lexl tilled. P\'er\'ollC' understa nds wh(l t Ih;1I the t rosses a top the am a lso awa re of the pricing of the book - these revisions " Instructions on Ccr talrl th(" . term mea n!' . T ilt' (.' hurdles in La t in A men(';1 slruc ture of e lementar\' , are low cost as compared 10 A'!,<,cts of tho Thoolog~ of definition In the Ha tzinger a re being replaced by Ihf' secondary and college texts . co ll ege texts where research<>r ation .. text i:.; bot h broad a nd precise : hammer and sickl e. Church Major publ ishers a re loo king at and rather dra matic changes in When the Inevitable media liberation theology "refers leaders like Ca rdinal Pa ulo a mass market when thc\' an\' field mean r2\.ilccl revisions headlines followed fi rst 01 a ll to a special concern Arns of ArchbI shop Helder publish element a ry·high school a bOut ever\' ~ecolld or third " " atican Objects to for the poor and the \'ic tims of Ca mara of Brazil ha\'e not texts, the number of grade year. PJblishers pass these Llbe ratl ~n Theology:' said oppression. which in turn oc-en duped by Ma rxism. S or school and high school students costs 10 the consumers. and you one major newspaper - a begets a commitment to ha\'e priests like Tom BUrns. being far gre:J ter than those in and I end up paying S30 to S50 drama appeared to be un· justice. " who work in the slums , The\' coll ege. In addition. the adop­ each for our children's books . folding . Depending on who This keeps with the are committ ed to a non\'iolent tion procpss favored in such I'm sure this informal ;.)n was telling the slory. Rat· revolutiona ry mission tha t revolu ti on. a nd as long as that s tates as Te)l'as ens ures doesn't make you any ha ppier zinger was c~ s t as t.he hea vy has a lways been the essence com mi tment rem ai ns no massive profits fo r textbooks about payin g fo r your student's or hero flushing ou t heres);, of Christianity. It has no a mount of overla p between chosen b\' sta te committees. books. ~ "t I hope it does expla in Boff was seen as the lalest s hortage of practitione rs, Ma rxist analysis and the Print runs fo r a text a dopted in wha t causes this wide gap in \' ictim or rascal getting the from St. Stephen. the first Gospel is a doctrina l threai to Texas can top )00 ,000 copies. cost between elementary·high eye from the Vatican. mart\'r, to EI Salvador's the church. The typical print ru ~ for a school and college textbooks. "one of this was happening, Oscar Romero, one of the college text seld om goes over You might check wi th one of the The church that gave the latest. It is in line with wh at AS I.ATI~ AMEBICA 10.000. These sma ll runs push peopl e who sell to your .chool world the Inquisition was the Lo t.1I American bishops theologians have been saying unit cost up, hence the rather system about the cost of college erect ing no stake on whic h to said in 1968 al Medillin. in the ir less r ever e nt sta rtling difference in the cost texts vi s·a·vis elementary-hi gh burn BoWs thinking. Co lom bia : " In many in· moments, the Va t ican's between elementa ry-hi gh school SC hOO' texts. The differentia l is As the oon-confrontation stances Latir. America' finds hi s tor ica l record on un­ texts a nd coll ege texts. astounding, fades. liber ation theology itself faced with a s iluati :~m of ders t a ndin g int e llect ua l Another factor which forces If I o n be of an\' further itself is 00' vanishing from the injustice that can be called complexit ies is mixed, From up the cosl of college textbooks assista nce, please cali or write. scene. It has been a major institutionalized viol("nce ." the astronom\' of Galileo to and whic h miti gates against the Jack R , O,'er. Executh'e social force for the past 15 To Am ericans. the four the psychiatry of Freud a nd reselling of used texts is the Dirrcl{'r. L' nh' e rs it~, Relations. years in Latin America, churchwc·:ilen slain in EI the paleontology of Tei lha rd whether or not the media or Salvador a re the best known de Chardin, the Va ti can is Va ti can have chosen to notice vi ctims of that violence. But zero for three. it. With the Reagan ad· from northern Guatema la to Solution for tired reps mi ni s tra tion 's Ce ntra l so uthe rn C hil e , the The on gln of the current Last May I wrote a letter to discussed. Am er ic .. ;'l policies still at odds hemis phere runs red with the problem is more with the the Daily Egyptia n ca tling for a As the main repr esentative of with the Catholic's church 's blood of numberless priests. European·influenced theolog· new Li ndergradua te Student the s tudents to the ad· efforts to establi sh peace in sisters and laypeople who ians in Rome than with Organization election a ft er USO minis tration. Mr , Le ig hton the r egion , li berati on have been killed from thinkers like Boff who not onl y President Andy Leighton wrote should be more careful about theologians are one of the carryi ng out the demands of write theology but live it a letter condemning se\'era l what he says a nd does, He count e rfo r ces to the libera t ion theology. They among the poor. Boff said proposed graduate programs should a lso be aware that milita ri zation prog r a m s ha \'e not been academics recently that the "great fear because most of the students although voter reg.istration is pus hed by Washington. aiming position papers al th a t liber a ti on theology using them would be foreign , importa nt. it is not hiS only duty. each other . provokes is not caused b it s This year he 's a t it again , If Me. Leighton is too exha usted ~()TlII~G 11\ Ratzi nger s use of Marxis t analvsis Lut b\' telling us the University. isn't to perform hi s duties, maybe he text says that Rome is about THE " A TI ("A ~ is con· its dema nds that ihe church going to enforce the new ta il gate should think of resigning, That to muzzle thinkers like Boff. cerned that libe ratio n break it ~. lies with the op· policy, He tells us , thiS, so we way he coul d get some rest and :\0 names are mentioned, no theology is too close to pressors, won't he upset at hiS fall~ re to s tu'dent s could get some books a r e cited and no Marxism for God a nd man's attend an important m('('tlOg at representation , - ;\I ike ana t he m as iss u e d . If comf0l1 , In genera lizations, The Latin American which the new policy was Phillips, Junior, (f("O logy, anything, the Vatica n wapts the Ra tzinger text warns tha i church. to its glory. has begun to c ontinue supporting " for the Ma rxist...there is no th at break. It should be cause liberation theology as long as truth but the truth in the for a bl essing from Rome . Time for Craft encore As one of the or igina l letter prcsldential campalgi'is tha n of wr iters respor.ding to th ~ Nikki the content of Crafrs message. Craft editor;a!. I feel oblt ged to Let 's end this distortion, Senate to debate draft-aid link write again, . , Each of the writers means The problem wi th the on g:nal well : each of the a rguments has these men poor, Everv citizen concerned Supreme Court act IOn . editor ia l was that lt did not some value a nd demands in· The draft registration·schrol !f ,"au believe that men a nd vestigation. To continue in the about equal treatment in this women should both have equa l correctly communicate Cra ft ·s country should be aware of aid decision is a blatantly sexist message. The responding let· current vein is to undermine action -cur rently pending in the move in a country that is sup· opportunities to receive higher each intent. education under these same ters hoped to cla rify tha t U.S. Senate . posedly leading thc way in message a nd prevent Craft If popular awareness and The Supreme Court ruling sexua l equa lit y. It literall y conditions. please ta ke five understa nding is our common minutes of your day to call from dismissed from popular which forces ma les to register forces men to sign up for the considera ti on on the basis of an goal, we have to provide un· chance to die vio lently before Illinois Sf''lators Charles Percy contaminated. unmuddied food for the draft before they can and Alan Dixon a t their local uncomprehending and distor­ receive any financial aid for they are ever given the chance for thought. offi ces a nd tell them you sup­ ting review. schooling is bei ng cha llenged by to learn and grow peacefully. II The personal-professiona l I feel it's time we invite Nikki forces low -income men who port the rider that . Senator Craft for an encore , - Gw~ n Sena lor Edwa rd Kennedy of Kennedy is s ponsoring. An mudslinging we have recently Massachussetts. The senator is don't wish to be associated with Drury. Gr a dua lr Studenl. equa lity that so ma ny have witnessed on this page seems a ttempting to pl ace a rider on the milita r y to fo rego college mor e reflective of current Hi~h er Edu!'a tion. a nolher bill before the Senate and the chance for many highcr· struggled for needs our support. - Kr ith Tuxhorn, CarbondalC' , which would r e pea l the paying jobs. thereby keeping Use tact in T-Shirt design "II'" 'O W&I• ..,rl , ..." -O'''lll'rO'' Everyone voting is the key I noted in the Daily Egyptian violence against a nude fema le I ra n across this a nonymous may say, ·' \\'XII. I a m only om:. ad aboul a Halloween T·shirt body - an act of violence that is message and believe it applies votxr. It won't makx much desig n cont est with . some all too rea I to manv women of nicely to the poor student tur· diffxrxnce." But you sxx, in ~ wistfulness, I would hke to Carbonda le and IS far too nour during electi ons, ordxr for thx xlxctoratx to bx ~=-, " make m\" r equest of a ll preva lent in t' dC'clde monetary policy through decisions. whcn~ you'lI have 10 pay ·· fa ncy schmancy" pT'Ce~ f')1 d"n\" ' Th" ,,~1.., ":: I<'Ction Day. are lik ely to ThC"c anaJvsL<; d etec t ~d signs attitude ." plObw.n IS 11 you h<'lvc a gOt".:M"i Imw and hu Idh '" hn! ... DII p"'1ple .... ,;. maintain thei r current looser ea rlv in September that the Da" id Jones. ccono!Tl ist at the louk at you a~ II you ve belched In church gnp on the nation's credit reins. central b3r.:. was supplying New York sec ur ilie~ dea ler of Or you could lake them down 101m- Slnp bUI could you u'all~ Wl V'")UI pri\'ate analysiS predicted. more money to the bankmg Aubrey G. Lanston ,nd Co .. said own mothe r gelling ··down & dln y'''' Th... onlv v'dblp "'1I.,rn.,lll. ... f.n bo... th Interest rates. which have system. letting interest rates he believed the Federal Reser ve you and you: p emmlS h.n 90110 t-..- Free \ slipped a bit in recent weeks. drift downward. wi!! " hold to an unchanged • Do those plastIC swor:' ...... d link- papoll' posture."' umbellas makE' thot dunk wonh d o"I1.'l, ,.,OIE') should hold steady, said the Private economist All en Sinai {Fred's edrtonal commentl This Sat: Country Fire with Jerry Jenning on fiddle. TIES: Deal with Hoye could end To Reserve a table call: 549·8221 ContinuNi (rom Pag(' 1 a good relationshIp." would not a ppl y and the city He said in the 10 months he could ISSU(' sul f lclent bonds ror Open at 1:00 for Cubs vs Padres boundrv of the Walnut Street has been city manager. he .tnd the center. Dixon said. The Great Drink Specials! Bapllst' Church A city or· the ci ty staff have acted In good memo would have to be tran­ dlllance prohibited IIqour sales faith "" Ith Hove. sferred 10 a new dC\'elopcr by NO COVER wllhin 100 feci of thf." property If 1'1(' city attempts to bring Itl Oct 25. he said. lin of the church "I ove said. .wother developer. Hoyc wlil The :-.iatlOnal Group or Reggae, Funk & Motown Nne how('\"er. that state law onl\' hl.l\·p 10 agre<' to sign over IllS Cumpanles has offered to build rf"qu ired thaI liquor not be sold " memo o( intent " to issu{' honds Ihe con\'ention center wi thout 50¢ Old Style Drafts $2.50 Pitchers Wllh1l1 100 (ef'l o( Ihe church (rom the CII\' t o ,I new guarantees from the city or the 75¢ speedrails $ J Heineken Lt. & Ok . budding. He ,aid the church d('\"elopcr. Dixon :o;a id . FmHA However. the group $1.25 Mescal Double Shot. salt & worm properl~ ' was need('d ani\" 10 Thi' " Hostenknwski bill." ~I$ would reqUIre Iha t the ci ty issue comply with the clly ordmanc(' 111{' lax hIli IS known. placed a ciwugh tax· free Industrial Ih!!ltdrd~j!ht "Frankh·. for Ih(' dO,,"!1to\\tl " cap" nn the amount of l:lx-frCf" rcvenue bonds for the project Be at A irwo ve ~ d('\,clopment to work. there hond~ a llHIIlIl.'lpah t' .... all ISSUf' The group t.'Stimatcs tha~ the' must be ~ goon relallonshlp."· The limit. basf'd 01. populalu)1l. project will CG!,t aboul S16 , B & -:. \ . nixon S31d " 1 don 't know If :'lr. woul d not ;;t1low ('ilrbo nd ~'I1<' 10 million. . IInyc's commenls contri but e> 10 I s~> ue ~ ulflclenl bonds (01 the FmHA offi Cials had IIldicated W ill g ive e w ay 3 pairs ('(lm'cntlon center Howe\'cr. ~I wllIlIlgness to g ll ~1ra nt('(> the BOOTHS: Bet>" s: nc(' tl1{' l1u'mn of Intent IssUlllg tax·1rc e bo nds before thc the' bonds to Hoy" was gi\"en to !lnstenkows lu tax bill was limit ed 10 Grand him 111 Oc.ooc·r 19R.1. the limit ('ul1linu('d rrom P a1!(' I dona ll nns hOl\'(" ,-'IlIo\\'cd the SlUdcnt Proflrarnl1lrng Council 10 book two band~ on Frida\' mght 111 addl1l011 10 the IWO set up (or ~al u rday Variety is the Dixon saHi that th{' t'ost o( the h~lnd s on Fnda\" b onl\" SHOO Accordmg to a budge'! sub· milled to Ih(> ('oun('11 b\' Spc. II WII! cost S--1.600 10 ~taJ!(" .JIld p a~ for the bands on Saturday spice mght " We did s uggest to Ih(> Student Programming Council the fact thilt the band budget I for Saturday I was high a nd that s taging the bands could be done for less than what lh e\' ha d f':lt !,;l ld. our linNi." Dixon "but WP of \\ ' ('T ~ un~u c(' <":'

CARUO!'l.'UALF 1025 E. M.ia Sf ft"t

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I GF;ntertainment Vaily 'Egyptian Pete.- Tosh"s new albunl'disappointing"

but Tosh dm's not do enough to al bum was th e lack of ex­ ·reggae. 1\\ .I illl l.udrmal1 "A n ~ /I)/} m Iiiif1 lf Tosh had heen more eXCIIl'O ~i :l lr Wrilr!'" the song to ma ke it completely citement and energy so vit et l to a reggae. He ta kes it aboul live performa nce and et lbum. (lnd enthused. the blending of PC'lt.'r Tosh 's new album. GReview yll ha lfway there. a nd then quits. Tosh aClU all v sounds hored rock and reggae mighl han' " Capt urcd Live." ' should han' " Egual Ri ghls·Downpresser . and very une"nthused in the worked bett er. and Ihe album had the na tura l. exciting 1\1 (1 11 . ' the next track. is a fa ir lalbum . as If he wou ld ralher be mi ghl "ave rea ll y been a knock · rh~· t hl11 of regg.. '1C'. and th e ~ x ­ his. Again, (hi s song does nOI efforl. but again. is more of a doing a nylhing excepi playing .out. Cl1('ment and enC' r gy of a Ii\'e SPem 10 have much of a blend of regg(l e a nd rock. ra t.her alhum. bUI il didn ·1. Jamaican rhythm to it. a,d Ihan slraighl reggae. In fact. two words to describe see m ~ to be, again . more rock The album . which is blissfull y Ihis album woul d Ix> boring and 'n' roll . short. c1o::: es with " Rastafa ri disappointing. Wilh Ih e nexi track. Tosh Is," in which Tosh sings praises The album is boring beca use makes a slep lo ..~ ;a rd s reggae, about his fa ith. it lacks excitement and energy. but doesn't seem to quile gel What this album needed was and it is disappointing. because. Ihere. " African." " hich tell s some rea l reggae. in stead of the ordinarily. Tosh puls out good bl ack people everywhere thai reggae· roc k hl end Ihat resulled. !ni"derial. and one would expect the\' are African no matt er When done skillfull\'. such a a li ve effort by the former where the\' li ve. is (I blend of hlend can rea ll y be appealing. member of the' Wai)prs. Boh reggae and rock 'n' roll. and is but. supris in gly . Tosh does not ~I a rl e y' s old back·up hand . 10 be all righl. blend Ihe Iwo forms skillfully. great. From " African" Tosh moves In fact. on e wonders why The a lbum. and the show at inlO "Get Up. Siand Up ... which Peter Tosh, who is known for Ihe Greek Theatre in Los was co-written by Bob Marley. playing slraighl reggae. and An geles where it was recorded. and is one of the few I rue reggae playing il well. would wanl 10 opens with " Coming in Hot. " a songs on the album. with pl enl y combine the two anyway. Tonight in Fiddler's Lounge song lhat sounds more rock ' 0 ' of Jamaican bea t ~ nd melody. Perhaps he was seeking to Live Jazz Featuring roll than reggae. Side Iwo opens wltii :t horrible appeal 10 more people. bUI all In the very next song. " Bush rendition of the Chuck Berry Ihis album will do is lurn people Doc t o r , " T a sh makes a classic. " J ohnny R. Goode." off to an otherwise (except fo r the Rick McCoy Trio s ta tement about legalizi ng Ordinarily. thi s song would Ihi s album ) Ialenled person. ma rijuana . a fa vorite cause of sound good with a reggae beat. Another problem with this 8pm-l lpm Jazz night is Margarita Nighl 'The Bear" a mediocre tribute film 11 08 W. Mai n 457·7711 By ~I o r ~an "'a lkn ~ r hi s coaching career . Staff Writ('r 'A Fi/mO Certainlv there must have been sonie Olhci compelling The Bear may havp brought GReview~ rcason to reha!: h a Holl vwood thousands of cheers and a formul a Iha l ha d ' been generation of glory to the But a n unconvinci ng physical cxha ust("d \'cars earlier l lm\,ersitv of Al a bama and Its resem blancc was onh- the most The a udience IS given li llie Don·s Jewerly ~ f oo tba ll team . but there isn't oh\'ious and tr i\' ia l problem the olher than a capsul ized version much to cheer a bout with the iilm possessed St rue I urr was of Ih e life of a coll ege foo lball Engagement Rines ~ 1984 release fA " The Bcar." a the movie's real downfa ll. coach. The direclor. Ric hard C. tr ibute to the legendar y coach The movi e begin s \"'ith The Sara fi a n, seemed content to st;>.rr ing Gary Busey. Bear's record breaking victory 'make a movie tha t made no ca ll It is at best a mediocre tribute over Auborn io which he for the unusual or unexpected. If film that gh'cs a simpleton view beca me the a n·lime winningest ther e was something truly of The Bea r . P aul W. Brvant. coach in "ollege fool ball. Then unusual a bout the ma n. not the and is. a t worst. a fl awed imd Lh (" movie regresses to Bryant 's coach. then the audience d id n't 1/3 10 40% OfF inc((c(: tua J portr .1 ~' a J of the ma n college days wh en he was a tight I get to see It . Wll0 ",ent on to a mass more end a t Alaba ma. This is a tired Could it be tha t some folk s in victor ies in his career tha n and o\'C'ru sed convention for Holl ywood saw a n opportunity am'one else. tribule movies. " The Bear" to cash in on the timeliness of THE t EnBuement RinB Busey. wh o did a surpris ingly could ha \'e used a little - any ­ I3r yant's death by simply cha!'llll ng job of portraying ingenuity. slapping logelher - a la Ihe Specialists 1950's rocker Buddv Holl v The firsl scene aft er Ihe shift jock movie formula - a movie severa l years ago, is d ea rl )' back in lime promplly relales that was liltle more tha n a miscast as lhe gruf[ and im ­ the ori gin of Bryant 's nickname. chronology of his gr idiron feats' posing palriarch of Alabama Bryant. who apparently woul d If the a nswer is no. then that 400 S. Illinois Ave. foo lba ll. One mUSI search long do anyth ing for a buck. agreed proves tha t these folks have no and hard 10 find any ph ysical to wrestle a grizzly bear. That business making movies. lf the Carbondale resembla nce between the two may ha ve been the film 's answer is yes then they could Jf bevond the famous black and hi ghli ght. for whal follows is a have better served the public by 457-5221 wh ite checkered hat Bryant perfeclly prediclable and making . "The Bear" a TV wore to games. ult ima tely boring chrl)nology of movie. Op-por-tun-i-ty Party Packs 1 Opportunify is defined in the dictionary -Ron rThe Peneuin) Cey Party Pack I a s a 'l00d position. chance. or prospect II Chicaeo Style Hot Does w/Frys ...... $11.11 for advancement. -GarY rThe Saree) Manhews Party Pack At SIU. opportunity is defined as the 8 Po~ish ~ausaees w/Frys ...... $12.36 Studenl Alumni Council. -Steve rRambow) Trout Party Packs I eallor: bucket ot shrimp w/Frys ...... $18 .98 S.A .C. is an opportunity to: (serves 6 10 8 people) or V2 eallon bucket ot shrimp w/Frys ... $9 49 grow (serves 3 to 4 p.ople) • PLUS OUR REGULAR MENU! lead ini1ia1e NOW DE LIUE RI N~ 549-1013 to serve SIU

S.A .C. is looking for those individuals who a re dedicated. hard working. ond w :ll ing to rE, ;>resent SIU . Toke the opportunity. Call Carole Smith at 453·2408 or stop by the Alumni Association near the Student Center Audilorium for on application & intervie w appointment. 521 S. l11inois C... ndlle New Rickie Lee Jones album shows her personality change

R\'JdrCurl The Unsigned Painting a nd The Siaff Wr ilr r "il n "il /bum Weird 3east. " Rickie starts wilh an introduction call ed Rickie LC'e Jones Isn' t the "Thl'me For The Pope:" which same oj' gal. Un tl-)e cover of her GReview an accordian. a ma ndolin new album. "Thl? l\'l agazinc.-' a nd 12-string for a n \ Ihunt l'ou c-If'<; ' Hf Pla1a Hf'l'Ord,. one notices she's taken off h (" f lIaJi"n sound that gives you the funky hats . gallon rid of her phasis on the chorus ins of feeling of fl oating through the long brown CiI!3 'Tclle . •~:tnd has a the s tory, You can still sna p canals of Venice. While the soft look about her. hr 's even your fingers to them, but they're notes of the mandolin flutter. gotten a haircul. just not as funky. Hicki e hums in the baCkground. Yes. Rickie Lee has lost her The first song on the a lbunl It's a nice piece. cool. easy·going look . and her gi \'cs a hint lhat Ric kie's up to a In '·The Unsigned Painting·· music has. too. " The Magazi ne" little morc serious busi ness. and ··The Weird Beast:· Ri cki e should still be leaning against " Prelude to Gra\" it\" :' is a short a5am shows that her songs a re your other Rickie Lee J ones instrumental with a gentle now more poetry lhan slory. In a lbums . but this a .1E' will stand combination of piano a nd vi olins ··The nsigned Painting:· her out a s ha ving a dis tinct per­ thot g,,·es the feeling of fl oating. focus goes from a lost love to her sonality. Rickie has gotten But the next song, "Gravity," childhood when she could s me ll sC'rioll s . Her personality cha nge th umps you ba('k to ea rth with a doughnuts cooking in the back of is good for half the songs. but it theme of loneliness and a sou l­ church. And part of the song she makes the rest of her songs like sound. doesn't even sing : she just talk s metallic and uncomfortable. " ) try to imagine a no ther quietl y while a digita l syn· Rickie Lee fa ns are used to pla net. a nother sun. where I thlsizcr taps a way in the kick·back . finger snapping don·t look like me and background. songs about neat ('haraclers \~ \'erylhing I do mail ers." si ngs At one point in the SOhg . she that I{'( Ri ckie's beautirul voice Rickie. whispers : "SO I think it's not so run free to a great mixture of much the painting as what yo u percussion. piano. horns and " Deep Space" is a nother give your:;l'lf by what you lea\'e. back-up voca ls, Thosp ::" PC~ f)f s pace song a nd It IS Si mply your s ignature .. .. songs have turned marl? pop in fan tastic. The ani\' two sounds In ··The Magazine.· Ri ckie this a lbum . in it a re a digitai synthesizer . Lee J ones gives her Signature to In ··Juke Box Fun·:· ·· 11 Must which sounds like a plano. and an a lbum that sounds nice while Be Lon'" and " Runaround ," Hickie's soft voi ce, She sings trying new It-.cmes. but sounds the horns a r c there. the qu ietly about s tars. dreams. awkward when she lrys to get rhythmic back-up vocals are and the blues. and it lea \'es vou tha t head bobbin' sound of there. but the songs just aren·t in a eas\" 'I\ood the wav Rickle's previous a lbums. One thing"s the smooth Hickie Lee .Jones of sweel \'Dice can. . the same. though. and tha!"s a past alhums, The music i!' Another new twist is a twr.­ \'oice that's as pretty and moody louder. a nd there is more em- part song call ed "Rorschachs : as a fl utter ing leaf in the wi nd.

Beer and Bowl Bash Every Thursday

$5.00 per person BUSCH Free Popcorn &. Peanuts Tequila Sunrise · 8 !jf Gets You All Draft Beer *CUBSvs. PADRES * and Bowling Watch Game On Screen T.V. from 10pm-lam ~ !J!adied !/lucia'! AMARETTO STONE SOUR E5'1Pti~11 Sp"rts CC'1tcr ~ S-I. oo !i~~/rpa«. llIu c, 1t Old Rt . 13 Eost (Behind the Moll ) 529-41 55 '1Hlu."le ~fjf) ~II,a" Cf}f('ne 50(; TONIGHT Dr. Bombay & The Sax Maniacs 9:30-1:30 ntilfeo BILLlAIDS PIILOUI SPECIAl Tralleis 4&.a.DA'r& ...... Whiskey 8 5 ~') Go~don'S ITALY Sour ./ Gtn& , Tonic ~ ~ \ !f!tft'!l'- 10 DAY ...... $ 1 099.00 _J"J.!):J ...... :.J Includes: R) A~R NEW YORK-ROME ,~~, . '\. FIRST CLASS HOTELS, CONTINENTAL In,~'!l /~, BREAKFAS1', DINNER DAILY, SIGHTSEEING rJJ ...... , Vj Ii MANY EXTRAS. LUNCH SlllECIA r~ VISIT OUR ITALIAN DISPLAY AT )C:PENNEY OCT. 6 P\ '!striction may apply. Fores subject to cho'1ge. Ilot I)ogs 3Se 2 CONVENIENT LOCA nONS:. VIENNA ALL BEEF Williamson Ca. Airport 21 N . 11 th Murphysboro lOam-2 pm 997-2358 684-5500 JJPJJ JJlL.~ -ALL COLLECT CALL COLLECT Workshop can help disabled through art B .. · Cathv (trown There will be s h ort e r Another way they might learn with the use of a miU'ocom· of November. siarr Writf'r workshops. along with en· is through drama. " If you're puter. Swisher said student vo lun­ tertainment. a rt activities. rloing any little pi ece of drama. The children will also get to teers a re needed to help at th e Handicapped children. their exhibits and a tour of the kids ha ,'e to be responsible for hear storytelling, and watch festi\'al to escort the children, teachers and their parents will museum. their part." said Swisher . ··It .breakda ncers perform. The help them off ani on elevators, ha \'e the opportunity 10 learn Swisher explained that there teaches Ihem to be responsi bl e children a re a lso welcome to put and hplp with the activities. how the handicapped can cork ,", are many ways handicapped a nd it teaches them how to on their own performances a: i 'lo r mote in~l"I !"m alion on the their livcs through the arts at a students can benefit from the communicate." she said. the festival. wo rks hop and the restival. Parent-Teacher Workshop on arts . For ins ta nce, she said , Students can choose from As a nother part of the festival. contact Susan Swisher at Oct. 10 and a Very Special Arls "Some kids don't know how to s uch activities as I:' utton· student a rt work will be Southern Illinois Ar ts. Box 3282. Festival on Nov . 15. 'ead verv well. but they ca n s till making, cookie decorating, displ ayed in the Student Cen· Ca rbondale. III . or call (6IB' 536- Th • • vents are being held 10 earn thr ough puppets or ~ain tin g , a nd printmaking. .t er ·s Art Alley during the month 206R teach 'l chers. future teachers. music," They will also have the cha nce and p'trenlS how to help han­ "Of course. if you were blind. to learn about dra ma. da nce, ~a_._a_a_D. dicapped studenls learn through you wouldn't paint. but you poetry. and about making BA"QUETS Now there's the arts : to provide com ­ rl)uld use clay," she sdict music. both traditionally and PARTIES municati on with professionals another choice in the arts; and to celebrate the RECEPTIO"S talents of disabled students. ACROSS 54 Calilornia 614-2200 Southern Illinois New At Ihe workshop professionals • Toronto City Computer Dating Service will demonstrate how chiidren Maple - 58 Of a period can be hel ped through drama. 6 Funny chap 59 Of mOU lhs Todays ?~fJ '4 Send for Questionnaire lO W rfd pany art projects. arllherapy. music 6 1 love 11 tA - - ease 62 Velocity IBANQUETl Stacey Enterprises and dance. Susan Swisher. edgy 63 Formerly chairv.'omen of the program. 15 Fancy case &4 Monickers P.O . Box 2526 said art education and special 16 Inner· prel 65 Stadium Puzzle ~ Carbondale, IL 6290 1 educalion students could really 17 Hodtey gear deck 18 Headland 66 Satisfy "._a_a ___ .• benefit from these workshops. 19 Canucks Of 67 Idaho fI... er The festival is geared more Ya nkees Puzzle answer s toward children. and Swisher 20 Ratio 10 100 DOWN EXPRESS said a ll children. not just those 22 Cargo space 1 Speech are on Page 18. with disabilities are welcome. 24 Alaskan delee! 26 Ridges 2 Ms . Somme, BUS ~7 Weary Ir om 3 WInglike walking 4 Tycoons Cosmonauts get 30 Understand 5 Iron alloys accounl 43 Flame d ouser SERVICE 3 ' Arbiters; 6 TIme periods 28 Atlanta's 46Gl ms.I heroes welcomr COllOQ . 7 Wolle<:! down arena address ALL RESERVE SEA TlNG 32 Rig hI now 8 USSR: abbr 29 Unlocks: 4 7 AulOS after longest flight 37 Compo PI 9 Aversion poe\. 46 Skil led 38 Peaked to Am.d 33 Alii 49 !m arel 40 Inlet To CHICAGO & SUBURBS MOWSCOW (AP I - Three 11 " ll's -- 34 Walk ed o ... er SO NAS A's 4' Ra ... ealer Irtck" 35 Mil an money concern So\' iet cosmonauts returned 43 Shape 12 P lalf~fm 36 Tubers 53 Sea eagle DEPARTURES RETURNS 10 44 Cape safely Earth on Tuesday and 13Domlc!I.!:s 38 Cigar 55 Body zoot 45 Coasts EVERY SUNDA Y were hailed as heroes for 21 Recent: prel 39 1917 j azz 56 Journey 48 Confirm ma king histor y's longes t 23 NymPh claS&C 57 Bacletlolo· 51 Candle manned space fli ght. 25 Mosl r,O,d 2 wds. giSt's WIre 52 BewaIl Leonid Kizirn. Vladi mir 27 Bank 42 Sweet cake 6C Tennis serve Solovyev and Oleg Atko\' rode a Soyuz descent capsulo to a AIR COND., WASHROOM EQUIPPED , RKLINING SEATS la nding on the steppe in So"iet STOPS lOCATED THROUGHOUT CHICAGO & SUBURBS Ka zakhstan to s uccessfully complete 237 full days in space. The Soviet news agency Tass THE STUDEN'r TRANSIT said that although Tuesday was the 238th day of the mission. they had completed 237 full days ONL Y $39.75 ROUNDTRIP in space. Tass said th e three (1 way also avoilable) cosmona ut s wer e in good ph ysical condition. TICKET SAI.ES OFFICE lOCA TED AT They s urpassed the e n· 715 S. UNIVERSITY AVE durance record of SO\'iet cosmonauts Valentin Lebedc\' on the Islond-see map below .lOd Anatoly Berezovoy. who OPEN M·Th 10:30am-5pm. f'rI7am.4pm


lltAVEL t..CE!'.'l)'>\ : ) our mk"'Slon. ;.h"uld \'flU dt-odt' 10 accept. L~ to trans· 1"'lr1~'Ou~lf :;\,<,arsLn1oth('fut\Jre. m.kt" a k around and \\'ruethnX" essays of up tCI ;(\) words each For the- nrs! (WO ~\~ •. \'Ou ate 10 \\THe about slgmf· Jeant d("\'l lormenls In 3n-,' N.O (1{ the folkN.-;ne ~u~l eCl areas Il Electromc Commumamons, 2 t [ncr!:.,.. l J Aerospact-. "' ) M.armt' S\'st('ms. ) I BLomedlcal Tt"ChnoIUl.!\' C'T (oI/Compulers In a uurJ t~'. \'Ou ate to \\'TlIt" aOCoUllh(" ....."clallmp.'ICt I..,f the chan!!" ,'Ou\'{" pn.-d1Cted 'ou~ cnme-. \\,11 be Ju J~ acroTdmg {O \.."J\.'aO\·Lr'\· ! 30'>;.1, fe:l...~blhn' I k~ I. clanl" (11 exrn.- "'5.lnn' "-~ lanJ Il.1!lhlill)' tlCft.l PASSE S CERQUA UFlCAllONS, Am r<'r .., nn cn n.~l1cd a_ d n'\.'U b r ~ ull-nnlt' ~ fuJl'm al an a.:CTt"JncJ 1_' S ~" ,lIl'1!l' ,l, UnL\'t'rsln rna\ " nlt'f. wuh 'hI' "'':t'rUCln \lllull·nmt·lacuir'\· rnt·m· t-t-ro. rn... ·1\ 'U" wmnl'!'" .md H(.'nc\'wdl l'm;,k. t"",> PACKISG LIST: TOl'nll'r thCWm(·~l . nr~:,.'I.:l t·a r h rn fll!\.~U I name .IJJn·... ~ cpllti..ft.· ;mJ Jl'\'!atl!'J rna),,! on ,on ... 1., 11 ",hCt'll'lrar't:r \\'t'al-n n.·t,J \ \'Uf T.... hll1 'I:'· ... . U't· (an -cnd \t.u a H t,"t"\",,'\·n Futun.. t T... h:r1 d''''ll!nl'J h Ftt'nch Lllu .. rr.m 't Jean ~ll .:ht'l n.I,," E.l..:h (11th" lhh.'l·l-...... ,..." J\"uld~· f1.r<'J d, 'u bil"~raced, (,l0 '>C.T •• r:,t,· ..,1 _ \; II" ~hl'C.·b u IIhnui \ '(\UT nanw al ·he (Op AUSh(' l':~ .Jwuld ht· ij1ar;("d ' ''·'j..'~tht·! and '>C.'nl. unlnldcd, The H or'\t.j·w~. 11 Fururisl: Awards Competition, P.O. Box 10Cl9F, 600 So.dh Coun,), Road t8, Mianeapoli5. Minnesota 55426_ AJll'nm!,..... mu ... t h: ptl~rmarkcJ no L,t"1 than [\....-trnbel ll. 19!\; \" 'ml \t'~ WIll lx, Thlo noo b·o maLI b.. Ft-bruar\' I. N~; All rn:t~ \\-;11 be: a\\ ... rdt-d PAYLOAD: A taL,1 of }(') ""nnen. ",,11 ~ sekctt."d and ;r.t.'arded the IOllou-; n~ THE 1984 HONEYWELL pn:e-s ,(' First Place \\'mners "" 111 rt'CCE\'t' FUfURIST AWARDS ~2 .(\XI and an all·t·xpen'>C.' paid tnr fOE ('10.'0 to the Hone'i\\\:11 Futur ... t AU'3rds COMPETITION Banquet m l\ 1L nncaroh~ Th(,\, \\,11 also be offrrcd a paId 19 ) Ho n~",,'Cll Beyond scientific specuiation and extrapolation, perhaps ummt'r Intemshlp the richest inspiration for imagining the future comes from 10 5«ond Place \"'Jnn c~ U ' ,11 n.'aw(' ,/1(' exploring our daydreams and realizing that today's fantasy may 10 Honllrabll' Mennon \\'mncn u'llI become tomorrow's reality. If you have imagined what our rttc'M' SIl\.1 IMJrld like in 25 years, now is your chance to release those AU ('ntnl"!t an.' subWCl 10 0fflCtai will be ruio :lnd f{"1:ul.auon~ for pamclpaoon thoughts - tempered with your knowledge of technology ­ and enm If \'Ou an- IflIl'TeStt'd In rC'Ce1\'lng a.::o"" (If mO Il~ dcuJed regu­ by entering the 1984 Honeywell Futurist Awards Competition. !.aoons. wrut' t!UtUnsl Rules. PO Box If your ideas are among the most imaginative and feasible, you 2(X)9, 6CK' South Count)' Road 18. Mmncapollll, Mmnoc)I'a l)S4Z6 will be awarded $2,000, a trip to a futurist awards banquet and lOget..... , we can find tM _wen. logrttte-r. we c." Unci the .....wera . a Honeywell internship. Read the a=mpanying travel plans to Honeywell find out how to enter. And fUel u!' for a trip to the year 2009. Honeywell

Daily Egyptian, October 3. 19M . Page II BAC has new philosophy and publicity strategy

th ('\l1thia B('ard ret urning. Nona Edmondson . members jeopardize their eve rywhere, Our buttons, t­ council. the Panhellimc CouncIl. Siud«'nl Writf'r graduale assislanl 10 Ihe BAC. priority dates of various social shirts and other paraphenelia which is m ade up o f appoinled Hoberl Elmor e. fun ctions a nd organiza tiona l will lhen be available 10 lhe representatives of black Greek Some tougher guidelines are senior in engineering. to fi ll lhe r.leetings which are held a t the pUblic." Crossley said, orgaI1l7.3tlOns. anrt the other SIX In store' for the " new" Black s lot of coordinator until a Si udent Cenler. he said. The firsl pha se of [he public organizations that a re members Affair.-. (ounclL "Unity a nd coordinator and assistant Crossley said [hal he did nol relations strategy was when 20 of [he cou ncil. pride 111 what's yours" is the coordin1tor coul d be elected in a nticipa te proble ms with at­ SAC members who wer e Cr oss lev believes Ihal he and ph.losoph y [hal will permea le Lhe fall term. lendance because the lea der· deputized as registrars went out hi s new s ta ff ca n re-estabhsh the st ructure of BAC. said Afler becoming Ihe coor · ship abilities of [he executive and registered people to vote BAC"s credibilily ··Cons.derlng Michael Cross ley. [he group's dinator . Crossle\' and his OCI,I,: council members and the unity who live on Ca r oonda le's nor­ that we basicall v started f rom newl v elected assistant coor­ execut ive sta ff ·pmpointt.-'d the and pride Iheme should pn· theast s id e, scratch and have succcsfuli~ dina ior major problem Ihal shook Ihe courage council me m bers to The second ph ase. Sunda y. handled Ihe proiJlems " 'e e';· S.nce BAC was founded st ruct ure of the BAC. Failure to take a n interest in BA C, wa s a progra m ca lled "Getting counte red sin ce we assumed our nearly 15 years ago as an attend the bl - n ~ llnU ' I \' council "We a re doing a complete 10 Knnw HAC held al Ihe positions, and we won't r<1iL our nr ga nlzat lOn dedica ted to meeting was targelc'd as It-e about face, a nd \.I.;e feel our Studenl Ccnler. The program unity in pride theme wililak t: us enhancing student awareness priority coun cern. public rela ti ons ~ tr a t eg~: will, introdueed the e xecuti\'e a long way," said Crossley aboul black co n,·crns. Ihe BAC "SOrPf of the counell mem· make the !:SAf' more \' ISIOI C anel had nevcr encountc red the be r s d.d nOI take BAC re-esta blish our credibllltv with problem II faced Ju~t S IX week~ seriouslv," rro~s lc \' sa id " We the public," Crossley S~ll d : ago - no permanent coor­ Will t~ following our con­ The Ihird ph.," of Ihe public dinator or assistant coordinator :~ tll ul lnn 10 the letter a nd. from rdatlOr.~~ :,trategy will be :0 PINCH {(l o\'e r~ ~ the management of now on , when council memhers ~ , )Onsnr dunng the week of Oct llw('ouncil fat! 10 s hO\~ up al the m(, (, l lng~ 2:l .. , !...o\'e Bt\ C" week for ! 'pon learning Ihal Ihe elecled mor e Lh~.n tWice Ihry wdl h(' rC<.TuitlOg new members " We PENNY ('oordillator and aSSistant inact in' Wi ll have fly ers beanng our coordinator would not be One(' .nactl\'!,. ('oun('11 unity a nd pnde then'e d isplayed PUB Cub fever burns at Wrigley Field Openin9 at 1:00 pm CHICAG O . AP . - ·· T.ckel 10 stands, bl eaChers stacked atop tl'arn, " owner E rnie eochams Hp3vcn," re"Jj the T-s hirts apartment buildings a nd c:tr ,a.d.laughiog. outS ide Wngley\'llie - home of wash bavs converted iato Sou\'cnir sellers were doing a Playoffs vs. Padres Wrigley r' .e1d. Ihe Chicago rubs parking lois b n ~ k business in souvenir T­ and thuusands of fans who The game d idn 't sta rt until ~ hlr t s, caps. pennants, beach Bie Screen T.V. turned Ollt Tuesda\ for the first 1' 2:; p .1I1 CO T. bUI by 10 : :10 a In tnwels and " honorable, fabul ous game of Ihe :\atlonal League thousands of fans were jam­ and dlslingUls hc-d Pad r es, playoffs agalnsl Ihe San Diego ming the streels Bustcr~ bultons," PadrE"s A Mc Donald's restaurant But with sC3 lper5 rcportNly across the s treet from Wngley E\'<"n the Waveland Avenue On Special During the Game asking S250 a IIckpl for box Field was ador ned with r ubs F lf(' Station across the street • seats, man\' Cub fans were memorabilia, ('vcn though II 's from the ballpark wa!; burning SO¢ Peppermint Schnaaps content Just' to gather around pari of Ihe fas i-food chain with Cubs (('ver, having the field and soak up the ca r, owned bv J oan Kroc, who also changed the sign above ItS front In the Lewis Pork Moll nI \'aJ -like atmosphere There owns the'San Diego l-' adres door to S3\', "Official Firehouse were slre<>ts lined With so u\' ~OI r " We're rootmg for th{' horne of Ihe 198 ~\\" orld Series 3C COPIES S~'. ' SE RVI GE ac Sell Serve Quah ty Copies 5C Enlargement.: & ReductIons XEROX 9210 STUDENT AID. Gelbng """'9" ""'lege 1Sn'1 easy Bu1 helD 1$ on me way Because DomIno's Pizza 1$ ottenng you finanoaI asstStanee on your next Pizza The Ptz2a $2 made Wltn lOOO1t. natural ana trest!, noI frozen IOPPlngs Ano we 'll doI.wr It, custr;m. .T\8()8, to ,..1111" ALUABLE COUPON your door In 30 mInutes or 1._. Off less, GUARANTEED Call Domll'lO's PIZZa ,,".oJ help yoorseff to the be'A tastIng I~ SAVE $7.50 I pizza aroun<: = Use toward any future service or repair •• DOMINO'S . in our Service Department. One to a PIZZA . customer. One to a transaction. Must be I DELIVERS'· • presented at time of purchase. • Minimum $25,00 purChase NOI valid on specials or FREE. • Paris C

• ~ ~~I~~es FIUla, Addillonal Paris & Malerlals hlta II •....• ReQUired _...... E'!p , date: 12 - 31 - ~ M. A. Buick-Honda ,.--,..,--tt Hwy. 13 at Reed ;u Station Rd. 997·1 610 Carbondale prices good thru October 6. 1984-we reserve the right to limit-none sold to deal",'5

national Grade A large eggs doz.

v.ith oouporl in store & $20 purchase - senior citizens with $10 purchase

USDA Choice center cut chuck

was roast ll 1.89 lb.

Washington State extra fancy red or golden delicious apples. lb.

3 ~ Ibs. & dow.1. tender, fresh meaty spare ribs b 1~

buy one 16 oz. ple9. long style """"'" American Beauty sandwich Spaghetti was bread

lOea 24: 2/1 you gel _ free16 Ol- pkgs. lor .83 with ooupon I •

12 size national-- Camomia sno-wh~e 2% milk cauliflower ~1~ ~99

If you find lower prices overall (excluding specials) at any other supermarket which fills all your triple the needs, fresh meat , produce , daw)" . grocery , etC .-National will pay you triple the difference , In cash! First shop National. buy 1 each of at least 25 dnferent items. totaling 520.00 Of more. Then compare prices on the same items at any other ~upermarket. If their total is k)wer. bring your itemized National receipt and the other market's prices to National's store manager and we'll pay you difference trople the difference. in cash! low priCe guarantee National , low prices you can believe i:1 .

1), 111 \ ":1.:\I'II,III. lh""I.', t . I~~ . f ' .I l: I 'I . t - 1966 MUSTANG COU PE. 289 V-8 - Campus CjJriefs- .£ · d automatic transmission. new in· a S S 1 1 e S terior. new paint. completely II'Ell:-lESl)A), MEETI NGS: C1 ~~~rl~S3~~~'it~!~ · S4000 B EG I NN I l\'G dr iver Blacks InteresloU in Business, education classes for the 9452Aa44 5:30 p.m.. tudenl Center physically handicapped will be '73 CHE VY LA GU:>A 4 dr. Mississi ppi Room : Golden Ke\l held from 7 to 9:30 p.m. on ~~~~~~~~~~~ automatic, ai r. V8. Midas muffler. Nationa l Honor Society, 6 p . m ~. Wednesdays beginning OCI. 3. IL II ~~~;r.d. batl. Vinyl lOp. A;} I ~~~is Siudeni Center Missouri Room : More informa tion is ava ilable Dance·A·Thon dancers a nd from Division of Cont inuing 1972 CHEVY MALIB U new brakes. \· olun t ~rs. 6 p.m .. Recreation Education. 536·7751. Directory Automobll.. new trans .. dependable ca r. $1250 I I 993·Zi82 . C('llter Room 158 : Int ernational obo 8977Aa36 Folk Dance Club. 7 p.m .. , mall :\' E II' \\'OIO,S bl' a rt isl 'n BLAC K (' A1\. 11\ no. power Davies Gymnasium: SIU Ru sell Oakes are beii1g shown for Sol. Ca l·crs. 8 p.m .. Quigley 11 8: daily through Nov. t6 a t the ~ ~~~~I. $~ :soG~~~~33~~ ak~7 f~~~ Southe rn illinois Amateur Auto Ca rbondale Park Di slrict Of· 10 71 VW SUPERBEETLE Runs Radio Cl ub. 8 p.m.. Student & fice, Hickory Lodge, 111 5 V. Part. Servlc.. ~ood . $550 obo. 1959 VW Ca rmen Cenler Kaskaskia Roo m. Motor4I LO~GBRANCH PRE- 1960's ~~r:~!~A~~~n~ ~~~:r~ e~~ 3~ ~~a~ I,' ~E .Y REMODELED CO N- CA RBONnALE . 3 BDRM . hou:.e. ~.E~~~:s"o~ Th~~~~ g~~~~kl ror tower speakers. $275 . 1-985-2878 - !~ 3I"t~~~t ~i ra!~e.&t;~g:r t~~~ $450. Ba!:>eme nt. gas. heat , No orange-brown awn mg. 892 IA f36 after 6 pm & weekends. JOi6Ag35 Apartments bedrooms furnished & un- ~e,.a:~7 - ~~~ : or waterbeds. ~~-r~ Rl'SS IA & SCAND INAV IA TOLIR. P I ON E EnG RAP 1-1 I C ~U~~~~~e~~:~':nl~aCr:;~~~~~g_ N::~ ~~~:~la~f:;~9-61~~e~~er£ier . ,L-3- B-D-R-. -. - C- L- O- S-E--IO- S-I-U- a-n-d-n-ew 93958345 2 BDRM . HO USE. Fireplace, sun PI~\9 ~~J~~·l e\le . 5~~ . J;~'t · aftu~~ e5 heat. now. 945SAf40 J07 1A g37 li brary. Price reduccd. 529-1539. NICEST IN CARBONDA LE. ~~m~. ~~~l~n~r ~7':t9Ji;~s 91348a33 beauti ful 3 hr.. top quali l 4-plex. 6494Bb33 COMM ODORE 64. TAPE. disk c ~~:'~in~.V~ea~e~~!~t::iser$~ : drive. printer. three word CA RBON DALE . 2 BEDROOM . tf~~iances . car pel. air. st~B5aZ:4 THE PRIVACY OF a house. ,he ~cessors . s prebd s heet. des k. unfur nished. Vcry clean. nicely security of a duplex in this recently Cd" 529-2384 . 943bAl'39 , . 549-0065. lI66Ag39 built 3 bdrm. unit South of Car­ ~~~~r~!~~nJu~?Ir g~ ~~~tl~dt ft~~ ~~ EXTRA SHA RP 2 bedr oom STA INED GLASS W; ~ ':DOWS by bondale. heat pump, I''';! bath. Lease. 457-4747 or 549-6!25. ~~~~~s~~ ~ ~ ~t~I~~ ~:~~ c~~~ : rr:ji.s:J~.nfJx~~t~· ~~.4~i:~ I~ TV RENTAL 946tBa35 pus. $350 Pur nished . SlOO un- ~~~e4~;_~~f: country se tti9n3~rg~~\ seen on boardwalk in Makanda. (option to buy) rurnished. 529·1741. 9396Ba44 549-1720. 1142AfJ4 CASH LOVELY 2 BDR. Ga r den a pt. STOVE & RE F R IGERATOR near Memori.iil Hospital. All brick. SO UTHWEST 2 BD R a ~a r lment. furnished. call 687-1256 and after 7. w. buy TV'. workIng or not 6&H23'. 9393Bb3' SHERWOOD S TEHE C TV Repair Fr_ btl mate. W~r~~il~~'!i ,~~~~~ey:j. ~~~~ ~~~~r;e~i~ 1 1~~~~51 ~rn~;~~0~ri RECErVER am-fm wi th turntable YO UR OWN FI REPLACE. & 2 BI C Venturi Speakers. $200 . A-lTV 715 S. III . Av._ or grad Also Vaccum cleaner $SO. 8 ft. ~~~]~t~ssionais ~~ ~~~ ~~~!u~~e ~ ~~~~ ~~'!i~~~g s;u03~~~s washer. dryer & lar ge dining count er or bar. shel\'es fo: book­ room. " or 5 tiedroom'ion James St. case. etc. $15 each. 993-6642. 3 ROOM F URN ISHED apartment. ~~~: ~t~~~ .~:t~ ~~~~~i~ . ~~~~ . Priced affordable fo r 3 or more 1l47AfJ5 rl Pets and Suppllea No pets. 687-1052. 8973Ba33 94 12Ba45 ~2fns . Ca ll Woodrurr t'1~B~7 NICE BASEMENT APART- 1,------. HANDICAPPED? T IRED OF ·1 wheelchair? Ha\'e fun! Hide a ME NT. Z bdr .. car peted. close to House. WE ·LI... MAK E YOU a deal you ~i!~y s~:"~R~f:e ~~~.K~~ofsuPi can't refuse on th; ~ :- ~modeled 3 or ~~~4~~~~}ed 3 - wheele~ i5?A/ls ~ Jr~~:\:e~2~9.rrl~· :: O$e~:f.°~~ : " bedroom home on No rth wormed. Lay-away plan possible. University. Big yard. good parking !i175 ea. 724-45SO. 9456Ah45 807 1. 1012Ba38 2 BEDROOMS. II ::! baths, car pet. TYPEWRITER. IBM SELEC­ all appliances. ai r. di shwasher. 1-:1 TRIC II . 549-1329 . 1053Af38 2 BEDROOM APT. . clean. 3 mile to Logan College. 1-983-6')26. C~~r ~\' ~~~[f[~~r. . 'r5~:~~~ns . ~h~pdO: :;\ 1:niale~ ~~ _ 24~n~;~~ blocks from Rec. Priced reduced. 1202 Bb37 IOOOBtH7 JENNY'S ANTIQUES A:>D Used 8am - ~2 noon. ) I 36Ah33 only $150. Water furnished. 529------Furniture. buy & sell. Old Ht. 13 1368. 1188Ba33 C'DALE. Q l ET ONE bedroom I BEDROOM CO TTAGE. one milp and 1'2 north or. 51. No pelS. W. turn souih at Midland In:! I house for rent. Water. lrash fu r­ I , -I nished. Close to clinic. 549-0367. $ISO. 457-4745 . l008Bb33 Ta\'ern. go 3 miles. 549-4978. Bicycles N~W RO OMS, carpeted. ap­ 1468Af52 I pliance. water & tras~ick-up , Leave message. 10i0Bb37 'BEDROO M. NEAR rec. Gas S225. MEN'S 2' INCH Shooun len speed &:_~ i 7~~e f e rred . I~~ a~ i heat. Would consider special terms I I to 3 or .I mature renters. 529-1786 I 3 weeks old SI\re r. toe chps. water Electronl" botlle, pump. bag i.wk. must sell MURPHYSBORO. F URNISHED a fter 4pm . II39Bb33 ONE bedroom. Sinfle onh' need L-______-lI ~,o..~{h~/~9~~~3sdl for $1~06s41( $1970 Phone 549-0353. 8S31Am46 SANYO 550 5849 CALL Naw RentIng For Fall BUY & SELL used furniture and Hex.- to Campa PRINTER SALE antiques. S. on Old 51. 54~i.~~in36 684-4145 a- EPSO N RX -BO- Specio l $299 Newly Remodeled EPSO N RX -BO FI T $399 COUCH-DAYBED- SSO . Ca ll after EPSO N RX- IOO 5499 5. 549·5703. 94OOAm35 1'1\ Fumished or Unfumished EPSON FX-BO $549 DUN N APARTMENTS EPSO N FX-I OO $8:19 Mualcal Bigger 30B W. Cherry EP SON l Q 1500 $ U95 ..,. , COMREX CR " $599 SOUNO CO RE . ON E year ~n­ 2&3 (daisy w heel) niversarv sale. Name your pnce COLO R MO NITO R $250 on anyth ing in the store. No One Bedroom Apts. Bedroom 402 W _Oak reasonable offer refused. PA 609N. Allyn SUPPLIES rentals & sales ~ recording studios. 715 S. University. On the. Island. Furnished 205 W_ Cherry Sing le Sided Disks $15.95 457-564) . Rent. OW" & cons~~~~~. Swimming Pool S04 Ash 2 Do uble Sided Disk s $29.95 Laundry Facilities BOSE 901 SERI ES IV. Loud- 405 E. Freemon Store Houn Tennis c.~urt 205 N. Springer 9-6 Man ond Fri. 9·5 Tue$.-Thun. rrsa~ear:i~ega~fe~~~:r s~e~i ~~ vesting in Bose full range direct Convenient Location 10-. Sol ME. _ln ~~:u:,ifhsr:'!Tf ~~~ Nl~i;~: lions . Ca n't lose at $650 . pro 2M South lewis Lane c...... ' •. IL O. B. O. Ca ll J eff aI 529-5583. 529-1112 or 54'-3375 1040An34 5"-M72 Daily Egyplian. October:;. 1984. Page 15 .•• ,t " O' .' · !'I() . 40 SOUTliERN ·~; ~bii e Hom' Park. Extra nicc. 2 bedroom, 14x16 Duple... I!ving room . . newly carpeted and oecoratcd. air. natural gas. fur· .1 oace. S2OO-monl h 549-7180. 549-8505. CA RTE RVILLE 2 BDR.• back 8946Bc39 ~:~~ : :~_~~cck . pa rk inll:ls~1 AfJULT :-~:A!vt~ \ ~:/~~? ~~~12 Emi l ta~t \ n 2s~~iI IDEAL COUNTRY SETTING for I'INTAL~ VIOlO SHOWS . ~ ~ l park. No dogs. 684 ' ~ B~I:i this recently built 3 bdrm. duplex. SEKA· HOlMU·TOf' XXX STAR S Wash-dryer hookups. heat pumps • ...IC,uc) DfTU Itoj UAAOf lU:l OI HG 821 S Il. AV CAR 80NDALE 2 nORM 5Ox l0 behind rrL"

&~~1~~ \?a4~ ~~i O~t'.°7~r~~m ~g NEW TOWNHOU SE, 2 Bdr m . 9394 8 c44 unrurnished. heat pi Imp. no ~ I S . JI ~ mi. East or city hmlts l'lear Rt. 13. 549-6598 e\·enings. 33638(44 OFF' . 51. extra nice. 2 bedr&om . ~~~d~~~'r . ~~~g c~~~~. nwa~~ ~~ : C ARB O ~DALE · VERY N ICE . drye r hookup. cus tom kitchen. !~X~ro~~t ~~~~if:stio~~' ~~~ ~ l;;i noored atlic Unity Point School. TH E II AKDY MAK . CAR· 457-8924. 9463 8 c36 $32,1') . ~ r month. 54U 505 . 94588(46 PENTR Y. roofi ng. dry walling. ~ a in. lin gh e lectrical, ya rdwqrlL 1 BE DROO M T RAILER. mile and HALF OH WHOLE. We can rest I -;! north on 51. No peLS. $125. 457- \' Y~~ i~~ : Rent tll em t h~~~~ l ;~~~ go r ~~ ~ l f l eQ~~~ :t / I ~, ~~~~ 4i45. 10078c33 Reasonable rates, 457-i026. 2 & 3 bedroom. clean. new carpet. Ni ce 2 BDR .. C· dale. carsel. , J furn ished. A·C. cabl e. new decks, P IANO L ESSONS G IVE ' : wa ler. trash. Ja wn care. ~~~~5"'! f~5m;:: util. i n ~ ~~2~4 UMt-mq:,+W.i:.d' beginni ng through adv89a5n5E4ced6. l [jii~~~~~ii~J reasonable rates. ~ca r nivcrsity Internationa lly recognized concert Mall. 549·3670. 9434 Bd 4 Business Property e~~f~~rm ec01 1~~~ ~ a~~.~r f :~~;h l ~1~~~ A:r ~~~A~~ 3~~~ ~1 t!~I' j~bo P OLLY'S ANTIQUES AND high "~O R REl\T. 2 bdrm. mobile . _ cus todia l. maintenance. or .1 n" Co nser va tor ies ), Call (o r con· homes. $16.') and up. 5294 301 sultation (rom IZ- 2. 457-8502 . LOCATION FOil OP . lypework. Calll-""0I548-948! .. · 94 2IE33 ?:r;~r~h~~:sd ~~n r~lI c;; (~.~u ~~~ 9453BNi PORTVXITY" Let them know 89/60 37 T YP ING. EDIT ING . BOOK ~ . bSo~~~~~lo~ee!~~:nd'"s~ XEII'LY IlE ~I OD L E D . 12x60. 2 :~~ 3 classified. It'll h e~3~~~ ;IJ Wt\ NT TO WORK but can't fi nd Our countr y look is r eal : not a nd :I bedroom!'. fu rnished or ' your nic;hc ? Ha ve the DE indexing. Experienced. Theses. Disser tat io ns. te rmsa pers . On cont r ived. One mile w. or unfurnished. carpeted. anchored. classifi c bedrooms. (urn .. located on mqWBW'W ' s~ r i b e d . Tc rmpapers. theses­ E rark Strcct No pelS. 529·5878 dissertations. bOok manuscripts. mornings only. ;).$9·· 1230_ I068E52 or 52:1-4431 10178c36 A ~TI - V I O L E!\CE VO Lero.; - t~.fJ"!!;n~ i.v;gi n~~:~i~~~~g.~~~ · CO MP TEll DATING. SEND fo r I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 BEDROOM . FU RKISHED. 3374E077 clea'l. Ideal (or single 14'a nling ~~ir~ n ~e~ u ~iJL~~ . I ~~~n~~:~~ i ~~f1~~niSif: · c;:~~da~~t?~~~ . Coalition On TV Violence a nd DA '·ISCOXSTRl:CTION: LARGE 1057E53 ~~rceo~r:_c6 gl~· r:2m~t:icha:rL~'li~~ Int ernat io nal Coalition Agains t or ~mal1 jt)bs. we do it all. Low \'iolent Enten ainmcnt. non·profi t Prlct's frce estimates. H7 - 8~ 38 . ~ E ED A P APE R t\'ped ~ IBM g'r~b ~~crat:d . I ~r~·~t ~9.kI~a~: cit izen ~ r oups . Monitori ng. 7325E038 research. o(fic-(' work. Un h'ersit\' :; ~9 · 1002 after 5 pm' Il60BN2 Selecreasonabletric. rfasatest . agnaua ranteedacc ur ale no' I [~~~~~~~~~ii u o( Ill inois. 1·21i·3&H 920. R5i8C77 \mHD PHOCESSIXG . W11..50. ··S errors. fh9-2258 1069E52 rLE \ "\ 2 SED ROO. quiel neigh· bltrhood flower bed . lake o\' er J A ·ITOR FL·L1r T IME. vear ~~tnfh~~~' ic3iSS~n ~~~. %h~~ ';PRAY t\!', D Bl1 FF October leas,,-,. ~HO a rno Water . Irash a rou nd wo rk. 1\11 equipment resuml'S. form letters. maifi ng . ~ i al Cars ~inted $1 65. body mcluded need renter b\' Oct. 6 s u;>pli e d . T r ans p o rt a t ion lists. Very experienced. 5!9·2i22. RIDE KEEDED DESPERATELY ~57 - S-'>96 Keep trying . 1045 Bc33 91 16E53 :jY ~~ i~~~i~~rnaan i ~:4~~~U ClS. (rom Ca rten ; )) e to 51 . Money is ~~~E~~t ~t~~~ . r8,u~~~~i~t;02:s 11 58E52 negotia bl e. Call 985·8070. As k (or TillE D OF ROO MM ATES? 1 Bldg .. Cartlondale. JL 62901 . :-1. ""A""I ~""l -::D=-ES:-:I -=-GN"'"-=- St-ud"";o-. ~ a r m .nlS Dan. 102503..) bedroom apt. rurnished. clean & 8967C36 designed, conSlructed and alt ered. ,..VPING , QUALITY WORK. low '6uiCl. Located 2 m i. cast of Open 7 days. 529-3998. 8846E33 HE R R IN T IGERSHARKS S EEK traennles ,papers Edit ; ~g. et. c.3. \Cat.3 iJablll 4 57e-4568. Th.eses . r[j~~~~~~~III ] ~t~ ~a;~~~ ~~'y~~~ ~~~~'( re~ part-time swim coach. Will work CEHTWIED MECHAN IC WILL I079E42 :'1 0m 1159Bc..J 2 ",,·age group swimmers. Posit ion repai r autos · reasonable. Ca' i now open thru ~ um me r of 1985. 549-33 11 TYP1:'-JG. TH E OFF ICE. 409 W. or 985-8OOG. 1035C:H ~~~ i~a~~!~ n~~.\DJc:: r ce nt 0~3rE~ Main. 549-3512. 1207E52 LA ~D . 15 ACHE. . outh o( Rooms COMM U." IT Y ~1E KTAL HE ALTI1 :\turphvsboro 0(( HL 12i. 10 min WANTED (rom SIt: . wooded "'ith small ~~~ ~.y[; ~ril~sl 'clt:~~~Irp,~'t i;~ Ar. you 0 mole ~tween IS·34? (' reck bu\' now. build later. ~57 - will include ('li ent obsen·at io n. If loa. you a re a mong the g roup '-======--=-'----'1111\84. · 9435Q47 ~upe r\' ision . •:n d s u~rt i \' e ser- I'ughelol 01 fisk to, lesll(ul0 ' WANTED TO BUY. C l a s~ rings. (oncer Stop by the SIude nl Heotth gold & silver. br oken jewelry. C BDE:\. ~ . 73 AC R E . fr uit trees. woodsto\·c . ..J bdr home near r}~·~· t~a";~~fa8~~\;eq~friJ - h~~d Aueument Cenler In the Studenl ('~ inl~ i . s~e\~!i.nf5i~t Coi ns. ~16 F37 Cenler 'or la ke home lestt(u'ar sc-hools. S35.()('(). Ca ll 833·5146. 833· .P rg&:atr 4260 1047Q35 ALL T HE CO ~IF"O R TS of home 1 ce;~~f n!~o~n}ecE~? f.rc seIt-exom InStrvcl'lOOi ood trrIonnollOn. room S200' n1o All meals. laundr\'. College. Carbondale. IL 62901 LOST WALK TO IV ('ampus 5 \'T old trans_ uLiI!Ile-: included. Female EOE Deadlill(' ror applications IS PRE N NT1 preferred Cal: ~9-7107 11 35 Bd33 Octotx'r 15. 1984 I 193C35 ranch. 5 bdr .. central air. ref . call .UtTHRIGHT StO\·C. washer·drver. $47.900 Call "r•• pre g na ne .,. I •• lIng WAITHESSNEF.DED ,\PPI.Y al i\ ZIP PERED BROWN "im'l Gerl .Johnson at { ~12 ) 96"-13 18 (onflde n Tlo l o" "lan(. 12OOQ38 S I. Bowl. ~ew RI. 13 . Ca r· , pouch rull of dr ahing tools. vin· !roomma tes ten·ille. daytim 1150<:51 549. 2704 tinilY o( Comm. Bldg., 9·28 p.rn Mondoy· f- n ooy HI GII CHOOL T t;DEXT waOled lOo.m ..• p.rr.• ~~i~y' ~~~ion~ :~~~7 ~,~ess~B:9J:U TWO·S COMPA:;Y ROOMMATE 2 U W. MAIN Finding Service t\eed a place or 0 K~: Y IlING WI T H 5 kevs and gold {~~e ~ ~~~ ; .I"A~JI~~iit: r~; ~ s~·~r~ i ~~ ~ ~\P l a~~c~o;:~eta~::~~~\~S Gatsby's I H8C ~ 5 CENTRAL SERVICE C!fl1\~' i l~a~td54~.gr5~~~m ~~~ ~~!t Call 457-8784 . 9192Be-IO 4400 work. 11 52G 36 WE NEED NUIlSES. MASSA C 687.4389 FEMALE ROOMMATE FOil 3 Memor ia l Hos. Metroj>O lis IL needs RNs. 57·bed pri!:".ary care. Updoteyour m ~~~~m~f~~~i:ec~~~ ~ oR~~ :n~~ ' inc. 6-bed CCU- IC . non ·invasi\'e e lectrica l service to \-hUUmrm -\ one third utilities. 529·3510. cardioJog\, dept .. team n u rsin ~ . 9449Bo47 a more e ff icient BA LLOON BOUQUETS $1 2.50 & fn~~r~,~~~ i ~ ~ ~ a~d~~f8 _ ~~ 4~ ~~ ~ 6: 200 Amp panel.$550.oo $1 5.00. We deliver. We also have nursing dept.. Mon .- Fri. ~ 1 OR 2 to fill large bedroom in ~a m - 3pm . Add outlets whe re clowns for that special occasion. roomy 3 bdr. house. Gas heat. 1205CJ3 Happy Birthday behind rec. 529-4635 or 529-1539. you need them the most ~:~ . fg~ . r:J~'I ~a zy Cooler ~i~n2 1192Bo43 OVEIlSEAS J On . S MM E R. ·$20.00 each· Damola Security lights NON.SM OKI NG· LEWI S P a r k . ~~'st;~Ni~~ ' K~~~~~il 1je l ~~ ~ ' beginn ing Nove mber . 457-0554 In sta lled ·$75.oo \*.j@-liW3WW,WI aft er 4:30 pm 536-1i91 ext. 22 (rom f~e 'rJOC. Si~.t ~:inL: r~_ lt:? · 7 :3()-4:'IO. 1145Bo39 Corona Del Mar. CA 92625. 11 64C52 R OO MMATE WANTED FOR SE LL FRAGRANCE . FA MOUS Large Stocle of MAIN ST. RECORDS furnished 3 bedroom house. Close GRAND OPENING 10 campus. Ca ll 684-59 17 or 529- ~fN r:~;~ ni~ i ~~ ~~ ~1i c ~e tf~~ U.S., State. Foreign ~ . 1045Be35 ~;~~kAd~ ~r:z t~i ~.~~~. ~~\~~i~: Flagl Oct. 5 &6 come. Ca ll Sybil 's:I-800-82S-ISOO. 10 a.m.·9 p .m . FEMALE ROO MMATE . NICE Vaughn Parade FIOGt location. 51 37.50 per month. 549- I1 63CJ7 Toba cco Pipe s 6810. call a fter 5. I1 54B Materials .'.Ioxell topes DELIVERY DRIVER Sheeting, Fringe, TO SHARE NICE 2 bdr. ~upl e x . T·shi rts Murda le a rea. $200. utilities in· WANTED Twists c1aded. Call Cindy. 5411-11290 a fte r Must have own K· SH E Stuff 5:30 pm. I066BeJ7 car and insurance. Ready Built Backgrounds a nd othe r ite ms. and figures EVD:YDAY LOW PRICES ~tTI~U~~ .E 2- Rb~~~o~O~ u~~Y;hea For Most Current mobi le home. 549-1349. 10808 e35 FOR RENT OR SALE lp·S AND CASSETTES II rose in RESPONSIBLE PERSON TO 305·307 W. Wilio" .. $6.95 the Desert share nic'e 2 bedroom house, Stoo ~ (in olley) l l l BMoin SI. per mo. a nd I .. utilities Co n- ~ Ca rbonda le, Il Mt. Ve rnon , Il From ~~n~ ~~~ _ ~~:!~~ncat~ e,d~~h;d~ sB: 1i 521 S. Illinois North of Marion Cartervill e. 985-4266. no answer, ph: 5.49· 1010 Mom & Dad try again. 1081Be35 549·1013 Just off 1·57

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Country oven Chip IIIate Cookies •.• Prelllluill Country Oven popeye $2'-~ Potato .-0• . popcorn ChipS ...... ~:. -.. rite ".11 ".lIorl~e Caralilel "Ct. Apples •... P .....

Ch_.eFOOd Borden Alilerican Singles ... TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS: ThlnCru.t $ Sausage 2 -ROUTE 13 EAST, CARBONDALE Plz·za ••••• - •••,.., .: ._r'If _..... , ~" .." .. -2421 W. MAIN, CARBONDALE - Hernandez contends for AL honors THE ANSWER n" John ;'\elson Cubs probably will win the or ttlC' Associatt"

CHICAGO (AP) - Never lei il said thai the Chicago Cubs a ppeal only to underdogs. They aiso appeal to at least one goal - Billy Goat. thai is. the mascol of a popular Chicago tavern of the same name. When the Cubs m eel the San

Diego Padres in alional lust hit In thiS coupon and League playoUs, they'll be mall to FAMILY PlANNING cheered by Billy Gool as well as OFFER. PO Box CIr6~ . Delran. thQUS3nds of humans. Ncot.' Jersey 08075 and wt! ..... U send)QU In an unmarked mallcl a padcage 0( thret Senuod Vaginal Con· tracepclve Supposltones Puzzle answers A Gu~ to !=amIty Plannrng BookJeL and a 50c st

P : I~(, IR. t)i1lly E~yptlRn , Ortoiler 3. 1984 Fielders impr ove play in hockey fest

B\' SI('\'{' K ou los Prior to the hockev fes!. " We were much improved in at len inner. said she knrw she slammed in the rebound for her siaff \\'ritrr Coach Julee IIIner said the that aspect this weekend and would eventually score because firsl goal of the season. Salukis have shot off les than 10 thai prevenled Ihe big gaps we she was playing well in practice. Thoy scored nine goals Friday The IU·C field hockc\' team percent of their shots on penalty had belv "en the line of players " I didn'l feel any pressure as in victories over Western and didn'l meel ils goa l of s" 'coping corners. But lasl weekend, thc\' in Ihe Purdue game." IIIn er a starter because even when I Eastern Kenlucky 16·2 ). but all four game!> in Ihe Saluki gOI off 15 of 38 s hots for ~ 39.7 said. was reserve. , got to playa lot in scored only one goal Saturday in Hockey Fe 1. but it improved percen: ratio, and scored their The Salukis a lso gal some praclice." Crowley said. " I their victory over Ohio ( I"() a nd sen'ral a peelS of lheir play las t firsl lwo goals on penalty corner scori ng from Crowley and sta rted playing sl r~nge r and IOSSloSouthwesl 12.() 1. weekend. attempts this season. Simpson. who were blanked in .ome Ihings slarted clicking for In winning three out of four " I Ihought we did a much Iheir firsl five games Ih is me this weekend ." " We had opportunities '" the games. Ihe Salukis did a beller beller job of stopping Ihe ball season. They each scored two first ha lf 10 score againsl Ohi o Job of shoot ing more shots on a nd gelling th e shots ofr." Ili ner goals apiece in Ihe hockey fes!. Simpson's goal against a nd Southwest. and I was pena lty corners . lheir line of s aid . " I Ih oughl Nancy a nd sccountcd for a ll of the West ern originated on a shot by disappoinled we didn 't score." players did a beller job of 1McAuley ) did an excellent job scoring against Western Illinoi s. teammale Pally Lauer. who she said. " We galla do a beller backing each other up, and or. thE" stick stops." Crowley scored bolh of her was Slapped by Kull. Simpson job of scor ing." inners Kath\' l 'ro'A'le\' a rid In the loss to Purdue on Sept. goals againsl Weslern. She beal Nadine Simpson finaliy gal 23. IIIner said her line of pl ayers goalie Laura Kull on a penally unt rackt d offensive)\', w.)uld have 10 do a beller job of slroke by slapping Ihe ball inl o The Salulds' defense can· backing each other up. he said Ih e lell side of Ihe ne!. and Varsity South tlnued to pl ay well. a ll owing Ihe Saluki pl ayers did a beller deflocled in a s hot from only fo ur ~ o ;l l s in fo ur games job of backing each other up in McAuley on a pena lt y corner. BarberShop a nd notchllll! t" 0 s hutouts, the tournament. Crowley. a first ·yea r starler 704 S. Illino is " A Touch Of Cia.," 457-6564 ' . .... _ ... _,...... 10 .. Women golfers finish second .....U,, ' ..-II,. .II .. _ .... " 10 W . Mal" Car b o "dal. " Roffler of Carbondale " M • • • MI , . , in Lad.'Y Boiler Fall Classic 5"·1510 '-"ll Ii,' .\ niw .f , SlCIn rr 1 ~ l l be rg c r sa id rounds. • I CI< l'l ''( BlLlCVE' St:lff Writ(,,· Kartheiscr's rounds of 76 <.Ind " As a tea m, we were the last wtu.., cAU.. 77 earned her meda list hor/ors to h~a \ · e . W,. practiced until I fl'lAO f. t, T~ROl!.(,tl PlA t.. -A - NIAR'.>f:f>. I Fttt. 'f~f:'{ CAN 61ve >'Ov. ).; arlheiser fini shed fir I in Ihe Lisa win. It will help her con­ for what wc\'c a lrcad\' done. MfC7t CAI- ADvtLE: ANt? Lad:; Boiler Fall Cla ssic al fi dence and it will help lhe tear:l . but it makes the tea m want AWF(). L\\ L af ~ \ ' c tle . India na this She has pl a yc" super and more. ANt? THE. Hf.ALTH MAKE A APPO INT"\E;N'f wee k (~ n d . teady. It ' s amazing ! Sh!' " There a rc no ifs, coulds or %.ONICE ~S A-r Fa'" 101A AT 11i E. HEALTH The a lukis fell two strokes played 138 holes wilhout a would: in golf. The way to ~ RvI U: . h~R£ '~ 1l'C. shy or ~orth c rn Il linois, a team double bogie," Si a lberger said. overcome is to play one shot at a 4:'30!! Coach Sonya Sta lberger did not " Two rea ons ror her con· lime and maintain a con­ NW'lSf;R- 5 3b-55B5 expect to win. Purdue, tht: sistency ha vc been her menta I centration level. There's no W ~t' · fa'·orite. fi nished third. concentration a nd her abilitv to to hit all shots perfeet. so It " I told the players I'm thrilled p.ay s ma rt golr. he handles does n't do any good to gel wit h the second, 1 think the\' a rc difficult sit u P' ions well a nd can mad," Slaiberger . aid. pica, cd. But we can do better ­ recover For the first I:me in the ,'alukl two strokes got them thinking," Bertram pl ayed t\\ O rounds III golf season, weather was not a Sta lbt'rgcr said the low 80s .llld tied for seventh, factor !11 play Sla ibe rger said Saluki gol fer .JI Ii Bertram Gi l\lagnusson tied for ninth. the Purdue course was a fun gaid. " We coul d'\'e ,\ on . We " Jill is \'cry close to breaking course 10 pl ay, except for No, 18. \\' ~1n t 10 dn 1)('l1 el' . S('{'ond IS s ull [he 80s barner and s he's lea," a long par 5 wilh 3 Ircach('rous good. I'm h:lppy , ning, Gi's hilling the ha JJ we ll Sipping green tha t IIlVltcd many " We a re a team th;;!l 's rC31 and she's pleased with Ihat." three pUl lS in the final round. stead" We got strong pla y from Slalbe.rgcr said. The Salukis improved from e\'cr)od\, and we' re I>i ayin g Leslie Thompson and Pal the fi rst dav total of 324 to 31i , l e am - oriclll :l tC" d go l f ." Putma n put in good second·day tying the team low for the year.

Delicious Authentic Ptlrm Ix /)({J' JlJ84 SUGARED HO~1E BELGIAN WAFFLES aV\ ay from H ot or Carry Out Mortin Bo king C('. HOME 12 N . 17th St .. M'J r physboro PARENT'S WEEKEND OCTOBER 5-8

GO CLIMB FnIDA'f OCTO.U sn HOSPITAUTT. NOIIMATlON fiLM· "MO SCOW ON HiE A VIDEO. "MI SSI NG" AND REGISTRATION AREA HUDSON" 7 :00pm & 9 :00pm 9:000m-12:00 noon Student Center A uditorium IlOCK 6:45pm & 9:00pm Siudoni Cen'", Gallery lounge A dmiss ion 52.00 WiTH...... 4th floor video lounge Student Center Adm S 1,00 GREEK SING " THE BRASS BAND" 8:00pm COffEEHOUSE CONCERT lOom-12 noon Shryock A udiforium 8:00pm, Student Center Siudoni Cen'''' Galle

Tickets a va il oble a t the Student Ce nter Central Ticket O ff ice To Register & for more information, Parents' Weekend is co ordinoted b y SPC Specia l Events Ca li ... Joe Stehno . 529.4161 or For more information call 536·3393 Tim Galpin. '36·2166 Green's trades give Cubs strong pitching staff

By James Litke cinctly. in the C u b~' starting rotation is >Ia rts . Like Sulcliffe, he throws lead a ll season long. He also has or thr Associated Press " Better players:' he la ughed. the son of Ihe lale Dizzy Trout. dll four pilches in lhe basic a 9-7 won· lost mark. Smith is a " ma ke for better managers .. who pitched for Det roit against reperloi re well. but has .dded a power pilcher . pure and simple. CHI CAGO l AP) - There was And this is the order this Chicago in lhe 1945 World faslball tha I lurns over like a with a fastball rivaling San nothing wrong with e Chi cago ma nager will send out against Series. the lasl lime Ihe Cubs cha n.e;cup. Diego's relief ace. Rich Cubs pitching staff hefore Ih e the Padres: qualified for post-season play. That situation. in turn. could Gossage. season that a shopping s pree - Ric k Sutcliffe. With 14 In retrospect. the 27·year· lurn on the bullpen. Tim Stoddard. who was couldn' t solve. ThaI's what straight wins a nd the National old's season rr.ay have sta rted Smifh aClually has 33 saves. dominating early in the season changed Coach Billy Connors League Easl clinching game when he reporied to spring enough 10 havc been chasing St. as a middleman, a lso cou ld see from a man who was preparing a lready lucked in hIS pocket. Ih e training with a 47-54 career Loui s' Bruce Sutter for Ihe . ' L somcwork to pa tch a leaky boat to Ihe Cy Young a ward is a good bet tn mark and Connors met him at owner of a sleek. new yacht. follow. Sutcliffe. acquired from the airpor t. Connors we nt to sprang C levela nd i n .Jun c. is ;'U you're here to screw training looking over 3 starr that unquesl io nably Ihe holl esl around ," Connor said. " get • managed just 71 wins in 1933. ir. baseball right no\\ . back on that plane ... you can't a nd fini shed last in earned run The 6·foot·i righlhander Ihrows be Ih e jokester all your life." a\'erage. General l\lanager a ll '~u r basic pil ches - fastabll. - Dennis Eckersley. The Dallas Green promised him eUl've. slider a nd changeup - vetera n right-hander came to pitching. bul Con~o rs figured well. Besides excellenl conlrol. Chicago in the deal tha i senl Bill thai was like promising Ih e he wraps his wrist around the Buckner to Boston. Eckersley. moon. ball and hides il from Ihe hiller more than a ny other menber of " He went out and got pitching until lhe lasl possible moment ­ Ihe slaff. has bet!n viclimized by wher. nobody else could gel a decided advantage when you a 12ck of support. a nd his turn in pitching. He got us a nderson. can send it towa rd hoole plate at the rotation unerringly put him Wednesday toddard. Eckersley. Sulcliffe 95 mph to begi n with. in ,he path of Ihe opposilion's Live Bluegrass and Frazier," Connors recalled Sutcliffe led Ihe sta ff III wins best pitchers - 1 ew York's last week when the ubs clin­ ' 16' . EHA (2.69 1. shulouts 131. Dwight Gooden : Philadelphia's with ched the National League East com plete games I7 l and Steve Carlton a nd Ci nci nnati's Di\'ision title. " I give him all the 11551. He a Iso could credit in the world:' repeat on the mound if there is a M ~~~n~~~~·o n . Despite those WAMBLE MOUNTAIN Manager J im Frey aid the fourlh game. back problem s. Sanderson a rne thing. a little more sue- - Sle,'e Trout. The ooly lefty managed a n 8-5 record and 23 RAMBLERS

Cubs' hitters have big shoulders N. Washington 457-3308 , . 8\' James Lilke counterparts. r ight-handers luggage before he came to or Ih(' As soc.ia lffi Press Eric Show. who pit ched in the Chicago. fi ll ed the Cubs ' fi rst game. a nd Ed Whitson. perennial leadership void. a fa ct ~!EI!!!!1~~l!!!!d Ca rl Sandburg called Ihis Ihe who will open game three when casily confirmee by his team· Ci ly of Big Shoulders. but il the Padres return home. leadi'ng 19 game-winning HBI. wa sn'! unt il another Sandberg Wilh the exception of Leon - Keith More land. Until Mel SIUC INTRAMURAL SPORTS and a host of other imports Durha m. every Cub hitter from Hall was shipped to Clevela nd in Sponlors arri"ed al Wrigley Field thai Nos. 2 through 7 swing from the the deal thai brought pitcher Men's, Women'. and CoRee the Chicago Cubs had enough righl side. The only other left ­ Rick SUl cliffe 10 the Cubs. INN~RTUB( WATER POLO T(l'UIIN ,"H'(~ITS •• muscle to wear the poet's handed ba iler in Chicago's Moreland played only against mantl e. order is NO . 8 man Larrv Bowa. le fl ·hande rs . And this group. with the a switch-hitter who could hardly number two through seven be called a long-ba ll threat. - Ron Cey. His average IS ELIGIBLE: All currently enrolled hillers averaging about 19 home This is the order Frey will down t .240 ) but you'd never slue students who have paid their Recreation f ees. Student runs and 90 runs ba tted in, likely use in the playoffs. which know from his lotal production. spouses, f aculty/ stoff and spouses with current SRC Use Cord proved strong enough to hoist kicked off Tuesday. a club-high 25 homers and 97 or who pay $10 entry fee pe' tournament . Former waterpolo the National League East - Bob Oernier. The Cubs' RBI. Cey pl.lyed with an injured wrist during most or the stretch team members are eligible to ploy in A Div i ~ j on only, w ith a championship nag for the fi rst lead·ofr man is hovering around limit of 2 such participants playing for 0 leam ot a time. time in thec1ub's histor y. the .280 mark. and is third on the run. but never sl:J.cked orr. " Most of the guys in the club in runs scored j 94 ). - Davis. He is thc last big bal ENTRIES DUE: 10:00 p .m . M onday . 10/ 8 , SRC Infarma1ion batting order can do extra-base - Sa ndberg. 1'\0 relalion 10 in the stretch. but few dubs damage." Chicago Manager Desk. tp ~ poct. Sandberg's play in ,he boast a 0. 7 hitter with 19 home J im Frey said. "If anybody let's runs and 94 RBI. LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED UNTil 5:00 p.m . Tuesday. 10/ 9. with field will mean a Gold Glovcand 52.00 la te entry fee. the front guys on base. he'lI be his performance al the plale is a looking at a long stretch before - Bowa. Hitting just .223. lhe trong a rgume"l for the NL's 38-year-old shortstop is down ther e's any relief. " Mosl Va luable Player Award. CAPTAINS' MEUING: 4:00 p.m . 10/ 8 . Roam 158 SRC Thai streIch probably looks about 40 points from his career OfFICIALS' MlUING: S:OO p .m . 10 8. SRC Golf Room more threatening to San Di ego - Ga r y Matthews. The a verage. Bul his bal is hardly the reason General Manager southpaw Mark Thurmond. who jour neyman outfielder with San ROSTERS AVAILA8tE AT SRC INFORMATION DE SK is scheduled to face Ihe Cubs in Francisco. Allania a nd Da ll as Green broughl him a long game two. tha n 10 either of his Philadelphia stickers on his from Philadelphia .

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Sun-Thurs open til Midni ght Fri & Sot open til 2:00am Big Mac Pacl( Pile up J'holO by Jill Ba ke r An ita Colf' man d h'ed for l hr sidelinr in a 3 nOIl.regulatioTl third ha lf. SIU-C won. 6-1 . This Big Mac, "omen's r u g b~ ' g~,"le against the Unin'rsit\' of w('(·:kend. t he club tra \'c ls to Cha mpaign to Illinois. SIC-C tied th(" ga m(' at onr I r~' apiece. In COIl1 )1Ne in the "'ub-L" ni on Tourna ml' nt . - Large Fries, & Medium Soft Wrigley's manual scoreboard Drink reminds fans of days gone by $1.99

By Xick Geranius r<...oquests for information and teams. Of the Associatt'd P rt'SS has stopped granting in­ Of course (here's the score per terviews. Jim Small. a pub,IC of the game in progress. CHI CAGO (AP ) - In an age relalions spokesman for the plus score per innings of the of electronic scoreboards leam.said. crosstown White Sox game. featuring huge tele\"ision Perched on the corner of And there's a place on the screens and more information heffield and Waveland board for the scores of all the avenues. above the oUlfield other major league games that than a sports page. Wri gley day. although they usually jusl Field's manual scoreboard is a bleachers. home of the famous Bleacher Bums. the green say " nile game." MIlE _ ...... ~OJ' throwback to lhe days when Phil scoreboard is one of many The sc'oreboara IS operated by Cavarretta palrolled the . oul­ a six-man crew made up of fi Id and Gabby Hartnett hIt hIS charming features of Wrigtey Field. stadium groundskeepers. ~1 OFF " homer in the gloamin.·· They slide big cards into The scoreboard. buill i" t937 Along wilh lhe ivy-co,'ered Med. or Lg. pjzza oulfield walls. lhe lack of lights. grooves in back of the as part of a major improvement scoreboard as the game program at lhe Chicago Cubs lhe cozy 37.000-sea t capacity In House or Delivery and the colorful Bums lhem· progresses. providing in ­ ballpark. is lhe only manuall) fo rmation as quickly and ef· 111m-Close operated one left in (he ma jor selves. lhe scoreboard is a reminder of how baseball used ficiently as any modern -N. tlNr...,. .,Ii#­ leagues. scoreboard. Lately irs drawn plenty of tobe. Offer expires 10-3-84 attention as the Cubs prepare to Baseball fans can learn all " There are !lUl ''''~lly any facHhe San Diego Padres in lhe they need from lhe board. in­ a rguments (0 change (he FREE DELIVERY allnnal League Championship cludi ng lhe time of day. lhe scoreboard'" Small said. "il's Series beginning Tuesday. numbers tf lhe umpires. lhe part of lhe nostalgia at Wrigley Field. As long as Wrigley Field Th~ ~co r eboa r d is so popular score. lhe number of lhe baller. lhat lhe grounds crew has been the ball and stike count. the stands. lhe scoreboard will ovuwhelmed by media outs. and total hilS for both stand'" GREAT SHAPES FITNESS CENTER Little Dance Company offers Saturday dance classes for children. The American Tap Also, \~\\\~\~ "\~~\\~ .: . - PRESENTS HAPPY HOUR Opening new pre-school class . All Day & Night With Thursdays at 9 am and .. . Tumbling for che",rleaders Thursday nights 6:30 pm 4 •• DRAFTS For more information call A~ce Vogil 457-2565 529-4404 $2.00 PITCHERS 50~ LOWENBAAU 70¢ Seagrams , SPECIAL OF THE MONTH Stngrnm·s 75~ Jim Beam V.o. 7S•• p ....rall. 75. ON SPECIAL ALL DA Y & NIGHT

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Dally Ef;!ypllan. Octobcr3. 19M. Page 2i Thorne leads fielder~s tough defense By Sle\'e Kou los StarrWrilrr was in a nd out 'If moods a Jot EoS I and I realized if I didn't gel and il really effec'ed my game. out here now. I mighl nol gel Since lefl halfback Mindy " Bul this year. I'm happy another opporlunity," she said. Thorne is a defensive player and here. I love the game of field " I was offered the scholarship her role is 10 SlOp her opponenls hockey. and I think the con· here and, at firsl , I didn 't wanl from advancing the ball, she centration and attitude of our to go so far. bul then I thought it isn 'l going 10 allracl as much leam is so much beller than it would be- gm ~tri me trJ ~e1 attention as an offensive player was last year. J th ink it shows in away and pr"w up." who scores a 101 of goals, everybody's play. not just She said her father, Geo"ge Bul Thorne is the mosl con, minc," Thorne, also influenced her defensive sistent player on the decision to come 10 SIU·C. He alukis field hocl·.y leam Ihis IL L1\EH ItE CHUITED worked at one time for Studenl seasen SI ·C field I >ekey coach Thorne oul of Cheshire High Subscription Service. and would Ju!ee IIIner said. a. J has played School in Connecticut. IIIner travel around Ihe counlry and an importanl role in helping said she offered Thorne a visit many universities. He IU·Ctoa6·2·! record. scholarship afler Thorne was remembered SIU·C as one of the Thorne has continuaJly recommended by her high nicest campuses he's seen. stripped her opponents of the school coach, Arlene Salvali. ball and has made a key con· '" knew Salvati personally THOH1\E. WHO said the 10 Iribution the Salukis' strong because , coached with her at Salukis' goal is 10 qualify for the defensive performance this Ihe Olympic Developmental NCAA tourn a m ~nt , says the season. The defen e has only Ca mps a.nd , knew the kind of team is looking forward 10 its allowed eight goal> in nin e players she lurns oul." IIIner crucial three-game trip to the games for an 0.89 average, The said. ." wenl with her East Coasl from Oct. lIto 13. defense has r ecorded five evaluation ." '" think everyone is really shutouts. Thorne said she selected SIU· getting up for our Easl Coasl Con Ihe recommendalion of her trip," she said. " Most of us are "THE OPPOS I1\G players older sister, Kim, a nd her from Ih e East Coast and a lot of don 'l beal Mindy very often. and father. She said Kim played two our parents will be there wa1- when they do. she recovers," years of field hockey at Indiana. ching us. Everyone realizes if IIIn er said, "She has good and influenced her to go 10 a we want to get any recognition stickworl: and moves well to the school in the Midwest. (i n the NCAA poll) . we'll have 10 lefl. and works well with Sharon '" looked al a 101 of schools out gel il whil e were oul East ." I Leidy. left wing) and Dana lRiedel.leftlink >. " IIIner said Thorne looked ~ ------I impressive a t times last year in Oct. 1-0ct. 6 I her freshman sea ·'nn. but said Staff Pholo b ~' Bill West I she was too erratic. I Thorne said it ook ner a while Left halfback Mindy Thorne has helped the SIU-C fi eld h ()(' k e~' team hold opponents 10 onll eigh. goals in nine games, I to get adapted to li ving away I from home last year a nd that I effecled her play. problems, being so far away my first y~ar . .and ,I wasn' t I "I rea lized las I year I had from home:' she said. " It was reaHy sure If I liked It here. I I I I I Men golfers endure tough weekend HAIIlCOT $7.50 I I By Anita J . Stoner Northwestern won the len­ weath~r bolh days." he said. PEIl" '"' COT $27.50 I Staff Writer team meet on the strength 01 The Saluk is 'improved each I four of their golfers who finished round of the 54· hole tournamen!. I Northwestern won the Ill inois in t.h e lop five. Northern Illinois but it was not eJiough to catch I 'ntercollegiate Golf Tour· and BradJey followed. Northwestern, the team Vaughn I nament thal was held last Saluki golfer Jay Sala finished expected to win. weekend. The sru-c m en's golf in the top 10, but he was not I• learn finished seventh. pleased. " I think we'll do better in our ~-""_~ ' " We pJayed bad as a team and "Jay did not play up to his next tournamenl." Vaughn said. ___ we aU know it," Saluki Cuach ability. He wasn't satisfied. and Darren Vaughn said. neither was I ," Vaughn said. ~~~e~~~r~o::::i~I:~~~~~t~·P utt ing " A lot of three pUliS really "The JIIinois Stale course al killed us. Besides pUlling. we Normal is a good course. The On Ocl. 12. 13 and 14, Ihe were taking double and Iriple key was gctt!:1g gMd, accurate Salukis will be al the niversily bogies." he said. lee shots. We also h_d good of Illinois Invitational. MATTHEWS: Eyes recordbook Continued rrom P age 24 for Rick ISutcliffe). The runs the award. The most im­ give a pitcher more fuel ann portant thing is for the leam Matthews' second homer more determina lion .. , towin." was a three-run shot in the '" said to my teammates Matthews was acquired Cubs' six-run fifth . earlier 'Don'l be afraid to from Philadelphia, along " I was just glad to Le able dethrone me.' If we win, it with outfielder Bob Dernier to put some runs on the board doesn't matter whoever wins in March. The Wednesday 0::: C W THE WELLNESS CEN'TER Jam Session > L Moosehead (All day & night) o u U 95¢ o B Tanqueray 95¢ and z 40S S. Illinois Block or White Ru ~si an s $1 .75 ~:.~.. :..... :...... ,~...... Beginners Classes M Learn the Basics SlU students, faculty & community of Permanent Weight and d:~~·'. Lewis School Gym (Corner-Grand Ave. e 4th Oegree Loss in this Supportive lone) Block Bell Group Setting and .ample some tasty treatl. 5 week group to begin WED. OCT, 17 3:30.5:30PM THURSDAY You must registe r by . F_I:(5 OCTOBERe FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th Resident '20, Non·Res. 7-9PM (within Cdal. Classes !ltari Tues O~t, 2 city limits) Classes meet Tues .. Thurs 5 - 6 :~ pm Regi,;trationThurs . Oct, .. . 5·6:30 pm or ca ll Mr. M ike Wodiok. 549-4A1

Pa~p 22 Oady F:~ypllan . 0cIober3 , l984 • CUBS: Win 13-0 l'ontinuf'd (rum P OlV.f' 2.' aort Fi\,e'. if neCC53arv, will IK' oncr he gut five runs. it w,as ~ played a t San Di ego 'SalUrriay little lough 10 come back.·· a nd Sundav The Cub, ,,,,d Sutcliffe worked seven in· P ~ ldres were the onl\' leam~ In mngs. gave up Just tWf) hits. the Jeaguf~ thai had n OI h<' f'll 10 walked five and struck oul tht· pl ayoff. under the dl\'ISlflf1 eighl format. which bcgan in I 'Hi!. The Cubs last won lh(-' penna nt 1:\ .\ I)Il ITIO'\ 10 Ihe Cubs In 1945. setting a n I.CS I'ccord with ttlC The g~:mc was off Ic ial.,,, hy five in one game. Matthews coll ege umpires. wCJl"km~ 10 broke a n LCS record bv placc of the regul ar U Il1 P ~. ,\ hu homering In fo .lr s tra iglll w('re on strike, Bul. \\ Itll flu.' playoff ga mes. His ('thers came scorc su lopsided. the pn': , when he wa~ with Philadelphia . of :Imat(>urs never IJ '4.:c.tlllt' a The Cubs 16 hits was an NLC fa ctor . record. as was their 13 runs. and The \;L used ani\' fou r fIlcn , their six runs in the fifth inning rather lha n the norma l s ix· l11an sel 'II1olher NLCS mark. major INlgue crew. Their victory margin was the All four - Dick Ca'-anaugh al IJ rgesl 111 . ·L playorr hislory home plate. Dave Slickenmcyer and Ihe s huloul Ihe mosl lop­ "t first base. Joe Pomponi at sided second and J oe Maher at t~ ; rd "The way we 1>layed today. - were from the Big 'fen Sta rr P hoto by Stt' phe" Kennedy we probably coul d have beat Confere nce. All hod worked (; ra('p ;11 III ot ;011 anybody," Matthews . . But during the umpi res' regular· season strike in 1979, Sa luki (rN' sa(t"l y John Field CU I brokr til' a n on P agr I II ) a lsfI proddrct " a ss ct C'(f' II Sf' , Thl' an Diego·s gol a 101 of pride. a nd Ihey' ll pU I their best foot pas!- intt'llctt'd (or outhrast ~li sso uri S t : II(~' S Sa luki !- \\ill bC' a hOI11(' this S:Hurd :.n ' al!ain !- I fo rward tomor row. We just Sl"TCLIFF E. A right.hander. J) a\,id .J:H' kson dtlrin ~ last S a tllrd ay ' ~ ,:!a mf' , ~ or lh ('r n 10 \\ :1. (:amf' liOll' is I : :W IU';. have to slav on an even keel. We coasted through Ihe first thr~e don't ha\'e'to sweep a team just innings wi thout giving up r nit. to makea point." Garvey got the first hit off the Cubs' ace when he reached on a Payton humble about record; D E II:\t E ll , WIIO scored bunt single to lhird with onc out three ru.ns. a nd Matthews hit in Ihe fourth. Slowed by the high solo homers off right ·ha nde r grass in the Wrigley Field in· Eric Show for the Cubs" fi rst two field. the ball did not get 10 looks to gain 15 ~ OOO yards runs in the fi rst inning. Sutc li ffe Chi cago third basem"n Cey in hit a leadoff homer in the third. lim £', and Garvev beat the thro\\ LAKE FOREST ( AP) - and welost.·· against Dallas. a nd Matthews added a three­ tofirst . ' Walter Pa \'ton doc~ n 't like to That's what bothered Pavton ' ·1 ha ,·e nothing 'pecial run homer in the fi fth inning Mter Graig Nettles flOPped talk abo'UI per son a l ae· the most. During his career the planned othe r than my mother during which the Cubs sent 12 oul. SUlcliffe s uddenh complishments and that could Bears have playe : the mighty wi ll be a t the game because she men to the plate agains t reliever struggled with hi s -cnnlrol lie m"ke this the toughest week of Dalla Cowbc:;ys five times and has been here for two weeks," Greg H a r ri~ . walked Terr\' Kenned\' on four hi s illu trious career , lost a ll five games - including P ayt~" said _ ·Tm lea,-ing Ce)' hit h,s fou rth career pitches. a nd wa lkccl K('\'in The Chicago Bea rs" out· one in lhe pla yoffs . everything else up to lhe Bears' playoff homer in tite s ixth in· McHcynolds on fi ve p itcJ lt~ S sta nding running back needs ·'1 thought we were going to managerr,.:nt. ni ng. Ca rmelo Ma r linez Ihe n hil a only 67 yards against New win the game." Payton said. ·' 1 hope they keep it as utcliffe. Iraded to the Cubs si nk ing line drive to r ight on Orleans unday to break Jim " We've played them five times professional as possible"· June I ~ from the Cleveland which Keith Moreland made a Brown's career National a nd we' ve been on the short end Payton said. adding he would India ns. yi elded only si ngles to diving catch for out No, 3. Footba II League rushing record of thes ti c~ a ll five times. not invit e Brown to attend the Ste \'c Carve \, and Ga r r v of 12.3 )2 yards. " Thi'5 learn doesn't care for game but if lhe former great Te mpleton. W'arren Brussta'r The Padres again troubled " You can never tell what's Da ll as .. · he said . " We wanted to ha ppened to show up lhat would a ll owed fo ur hits in the last two SUlclirre in the fifth . bUI Ihcy going to ha ppen'" said Payton beat them . They're Amer ica 's be n ne. innings . left runners at first a nd third when told it seeml"Cf ob\'ious that team. It would have lh.>en greal ·· My job is the record .. · when Too\' Gwynn and Garve\' he would break BrClwn' record to stick it to them . Payton said, s talin again. " M y (;t\M E T WO is schedul ed a t popped ou't in succession, Shov.:, this week. ·'1 was so pumped up 1 goal is 15.000 yards and .Jim Wrigley F ield Wednesday, wi th 15·9 during the regular season, ··By the grace of God I have couldn't see a nything or a nyone Brown's record just happens to Ga me Three at San Diego left in lh innin g. for a pmch, reached this le,·.1 of ef· two or three reet awa y from me, fa ll in the way.'· Thursday night. Games Four hitte r . fectiveness a nd only by His that's how badly we wa nted to There was some thought that grace will I surpass that m ark ," bea t Dallas . 1 was afraid I was Payton might have s urpassed hesaid, the only onc who felt tha t way Brown in the Dallas game had Fast SevIce Near SIU Campus Pavton rushed 25 tim es (or 155 until 1 ta lked to Ma tt Suhey and he been g iven more op· \'ards Sundav in a 23·1 4 loss to Ma tt told me he felt the same port.unities in the second ha lf. SAL ...IUSTAQY ballas. He g'ai ned 130 yards in way about it." but Payton said, ·'1 didn·t think a bout lhal.·· The Typl"tll People the fi rst half but carried only As for records. Payton said: Weea.. fi ,·e times for 25 yar ds in the " The hardest thing to do is to Coach Mike Dilka explained was successful /ost week. ta lk about one's personal ac· why P ayton didn't get lhe call so it Is being extended second ha lf _ Ward Processing Our Spedalty " I don't concern m yself with com plishe nts whe n there a re 40- more often in the second ha lf. IiI Sol .• Ocl. 6, 1984 Other Computer Services that .. ' Payton said . flinching plus guys on a team ." ' They made adjus tme nts .. ' Bring In ''' is coupon when he again was asked why Actually. Payton proba bly Ditka said. " We sent in two and recei ve Available he wasn't call ed on m ore ofte n will topple two of Brown's plays fo r Wa lter a nd he was PERMS-$25.00 in lhe second ha lf. records lhis week if he manages stopped both times. We did what 'olso Monday through Saturday ·-rm a player . not a coach .. · to rush for a t least 100 yards. He we wanted to do. The pla y action 9am4pm; 7pm·IOpm has done it e very game thi s passes were wide open. we just Haircuts-$6.oo & $7.00 he said. " They made some Hairstyfes-SIO.oo adjustments in their defe nses. I season. ma king il the besl start didn't get the ba ll there. Stacey Enterprl... of his IO·year career . ·· Hopefully. Wa lte r gets lhe 529-1622 Now open on had no idea of how m a ny yards I M ondays P.O. Box 2526 had gained. 1 wasn't thinking It would a lso be his 59th 100- record this week and we get a Carbondale. IL 62901 vard game, surpassing Brown's victorv," he said. "Tha t's the Eost Walnut about the record. All I cared Co; bondale 52"-1292 abo!Li-RC)Mii;s-PiZZA------,ut was winning and lOSi ng record of 58. ,, " ich he ti ed main ihing." I FREE Delivery I $1.00 off 32oILCokenw. : Maclurn.1AIrg8 wit h delivery of small Y.J_ or medium pi:ua or ~_ 64 OK. Coke FRII .... with large or X.large : We Always Deliver FREE Cokes ~\(',~1SDAYS \. GO TROPICAL ~~~':_l3_~~ ~ ~ L______AT CHANNEL 1 ,;.\it,~l;\UJ!'W SIU to CHICAGO·s Southside and Northwest Suburbs! ,~ At! L_vlng: SIU Friday 5:10pm I<-~~ " ~ Chicago Sunday 5:00pm ~,. $40 ROUND TRIP NOI'llSTOP ~ ArnIe !o oys. Call Mon · Fri 9:00·5:00 ·'R(:- serve now tor yo ur 215 \1, W. Main Thonksgivlng trip home I '· 549-2993 around completely." By John ~elson or th(' Associated Pr("ss San Diego Manager D; ck 'Sarge' eyes NL playoff history Williams said at least one of CHI CAGO t AP) One Chi cago's homers - Cey's - nickname is enough for Gary CHICAGO t AP ) - Gary Matthews was crowned the Matthews is tied for second might have been aided by a Matthews. . Matthews took a big step MVP after the 1983 ser ies for most career hom e runs in strong wind blowing out. Frey He's already "Sarge." He toward becoming the fi rst whe r e he helped the NLCS play with five. Johnny thoughl the wind mighl ha ve doesn't need to be ·'King." player to repeat as the Most Philadelphia PhiIlies beat the Be nch also hit five in six been even more of a facto. Malthews belted two home Valuable Player in a Na tional Los Angeles Dodgers by series with the Cincinnati "It was a big fac to r. to tell the runs as the Chicago Cubs hit a League Championshi p Series hlttmg .429 with three home Reds and Greg Luzi nski hit truth." Frey said. " Dick said record·breaking five . powering with a pair of homers against runs and eight RBI. five with the Phill ies. Steve there was only one wind-blown Rick Sutcliffe to a t3-o victory the San Diego Padres on The homers Tuesday a lso Garvey of the San Diego homer. but I'm not so sure. You Tuesday over the San Diego Tuesday. marked the. fourth straight Padres is the leader with get the ball up in this park . and Padres in the first game of the Chicago routed Sa n Diego championship sen es ga me in seven in four series while the wmd can make a difference atlonal League Championship 13-0 in the first ga me of a which Matthews ha s playing with Los Angeles. of 30. maybe 40 feet ," In any case. Williams said. Series ...... bes:"':'t.":O:"f.:=;fi;'v:;:e .::..:;s"er::.i:;:es:-=_a...,s -=fi,..':~" ..,-_~h~omcredred. . a major league See ;\1ATI"HEWS. Pa~e 22 "1 sa id ea rlier to my team­ C ubs blasted homers. "The long ball got us. and I said mates. don't be afraid to we gol oft to a good start. ThlIl's Deillier. Ron Cey and . for the refrain from talking a bout I thought it would be a low· dethrone me." said Matthews. always im port .. nt in an LCS." first time this year - Sutcliffe, momentum," Cubs Manager scoring game." who was Most Val uable Player said Matthew . who had four who was 16·1 with 14 straight Jim Frey said. " I don't believe Williams said he had seen of the 1983 NLCS with RBI . victories to end the season . in it. You can be hot with the Sutcliffe a lot sharper. " but Pr;IadeIphia. Besiees Matthews' two. the bat. and if you face strong " I just want to win. I'm glad Cubs got homers from B~b " MOME!'iTUM i\!'iO I like to pltchmg tomorrow, it ca n lurn See Cl:BS. Page 23

SQorts 'Daily 'Egyptian Spikers travel to Mizzou By Iluant> C r 3 ,y~ Sports Editor

After a week and a half aWd\" from competition. the alukl volleyball tcam will tra,·.1 to Columbia. Mo. Wednesda, to face the Lady Tiger . Assistant Coach on\ a Locke said the l\Jissouri squad is one of ~iur;:~!~fr:~!'Th~~, ~::~s the "The team has a lot or seniors, " she said, "ond they have played together ror a while." Locke said that while the Lady Tigers don 't do anyone thing all that well. they keep the ball in play and get into po ition well. "They are always a scrappy team." she said. "They don't run a fancy offense. but they k""p the ball in play and are more consistent on defense ." Consistency ha s been a problem this year for the Sa lukis. anti Coach Debbie HUlltcr has worked with her team in that area. Shesaici a kev for SIU·C will be to style an efficient defense. " It will be up to our ability to addpt on defense." Hunter said. "We can't be patterned to the e.v:tpnt that we 're playing one a luki ddensi" e back Ron Page made sure that SEMO wid" receiver Brain Palmeter didn't hold on tCJlth e b311. p~a se of the system. That's the key for the rest of the year. We're not a big·sized team. so we need to bt good on defense. Another important area will FreshInan practice aids future be the Sa'uki. abUi ty to block the Lady Tigers' shots. "Blocking will be very im· King completed a nu mber of s. trength. D :Jr r said on ly 36 Bv Mike Fre, we wanted to see if the freshmen players are currently able to portant to the match," Locke SiarrWriter ' are getting better." he said. passes. including a long gain to said. " Pat t icholsonl. Chris " We want to give them playing flanker Derrick McCIellon. and bench press over 300 pound . (Bovd l and Lisa (Cummins ) lime. It's a developmenl- I thing Brown was also effective in and this presents a problem Saluki football Coa '.:l1 Ray when SIU·C plays strong. will'need to be ready to g~ up ," Dorr ha s said he is nlost con · and it also ser ves :is an moving the ball through the air. Key pl ayers {or Missouri are assignment check. We need to Fullback Steve Bunn. a na tive physica l teams sllch as Richie Ponquinette. Sharon cerned with the present, but he Arkansas State or this does have an eye on the future. know if our youn g pla yers are of Belleville. looked good as ~ a tur ­ Olmstead and Sandy Orent . learning their assignments ." well. He broke a few of long day's opponent. Northern Iowa. "Sandy is a good setter," qecause of this. Dorr has " We have to get stronger ." ~ started a 3().minute freshman Dorr said the scrimmage is runs, including one for a Locke said. " She will give them videotaped. and he and his touchdown. Dorr said. "Only 36 !>Iayers can scrimmage at each Monday bench press over 300 pounds and a lot of good sets." practice. While the freshman coaching staff evaluate the tape On defense. linebackers " Richie is a very ta lented to examine t;le strong and weak Henry Peer and Fredeie Jones that's too few . \I e hope to in· players show their talents to the crease this number. and that's athlete." Hunter said of the Saluki coaching staff, the up' points of the freshman players. pl ayed well, making several Lady Ti ger's outside hitter. He said they try to grade the strong tackles. why we stress the weights. We perclassmen di sappear to the lift Sunday. Monday and "Olmstead is their best overall locker room to go through a scrimm ag~ . looking for im· Friday. During the offseason. player." strenuous weightlifting session. provement each week . Meanwhile. the other players Hunter said a key matchup The SaIukis played their participated in one of the three ",.ost of th ~ players lift everY could be Chris Boyd against Dorr said this serves a dual Jay." , purpese for his team. First. it second freshman scrimmage weekly weight lifting sessions PonQuinette. that Dorr schedules. All players gives the coaching staff a Monday. and a few of the Dorr said onIv two Salukis. players looked as if they might not plaYII!g in the scrimmage chance to evaluate the progress defensive lim~ men Mike Brascia "They use Richie a lot like we of the freshman players, and it play well for SIU·C in the near are r"'1uired to take part in the use Chris ." she said . " We are workout . and Darren Wietecha. are able also allows the upperclassmen future. to bench press o\'er 400 pounds. going to try to create a battle an opportunity to build up their Both Pat King and Kevin with th05e two." Dorr said th e sessions are Brascia is the Salukis' strength and conditioning. Brown, two highly·touted strongman. benching a team· The match will be pt ayed at quarterbacks, had success neccessary because the Salu kis " We don't play a junior high 4'10 pounds. 7:30 p.m. at Hearnes Center. varsity schedule. and as a staff moving the ball in the workout. need to increase their team


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