Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 10-3-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 03, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1984 Volume 70, Issue 33 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 03, 1984." (Oct 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Halloween beer booths to be on East Grand only th I.i ..... t-:i · nh.ltlf' r n'J!tllatlol1~ for Iht' ('C'If'tlr<l llon . th(' honlh restriction Will hrlllg t>clongs , ., rat .... hill' W i': dnnk tht' a l('ohlll St;tff \\rlln =,,('\"{'ral nw:nlwr!'- 01 Ih(' ('II " 's mor(' pl·ople 10 the e n .J:w el Va ught. CII~ c!erk, also IS absorbed InIL you r ~ y:-.tem . 11 .Idmlnl' lr:1tUHl lHld the {'OUll{'1! tf'rtalnOwnl IWlng prO\'ldC'd on sent a memo Iv the council a slower rate,·' \ 'aughi ~ a1(1 In ..\ rt:':o.olUIHIIl p;t:-'~t--d b\ the' thai thC' l..-ol1cl'nlralHHl 01 G, and A\,enue, for which the ("II~ Coun(,ll :\Iondav rf'~lnct!" cx pr("sslO g con.:ern for the the f"'emo .. ·the fact re;!ltl ln::. r('\'('IC'rs on IlImOls A n'nuC' ('It~ ,lgn'cd to contnbute SI000 safely of the public, In her booth!' to (;rand :\\'('ilUC rlurlng IT{'al {>S publl(' safel y hazard:, that o n u~ you are Inebnated no " Booth placement on IIhnOls me mo \ 'aught also c ha llenged a amounl of food can offset Ihr Ih(' " Falr Dil\,S" Hallow('Cn Last \ Cit r a II l}('t' r hoot h~ WCI (' t.:o uld bhx'k a nd or IIlt erfere with de f en~(' of havlIlg some booths eHocls of a lcohol .. l'('If'brat lon l 'n(,ke last \'ear. no r<'S tn{·jf'd to Grand A\'c nuC' but ~ca p(" l 'lutf'S should the re be a on illinOIs A\'enue made at the booths will Ix> a llo"€'Ci 1"0 1)(' sci a Iml il ed number of food and In ot her action al Ihf' meetmg nCl:w tl\'e e\'ent, such as a tram last City Counci l meetlllg, Cit y Manager Bill DIXOI1 nuted up on Siluth IllinOIS rh 'C'nu(' e nl (>italnml'nt boo th ~ w(' r(' dera ilme nt. fi re or not." Ed At that lime the a rgt...m e nt thai two olher ci ty agenl.les, the dUring Fair Days. Ort :l6-2i allowed on Ilhnclls Avenue Hogan, c hief of police, sa id m a At tls m('('tlr.g S('pt 24 the was made that booths on Illinois Park Di stnc t and Ihe Ci •.1 rnber Me mos to the cDuneil from th t=' me mo 10 the counci l. The memo Avenue could keep the revelers coun('11 had tx-(,fl reccptlH' to administra tors sa\" thai b\' of Comme rce. hr/e made a lso ~a l d Ihat monng a ll the from becoming easilv In ­ a ll owlIlg a Im111cd number of restricting a ll bOOths to Grand special dona tIOn s fo r en­ boot hs 10 Gra nd Ave nue will toXi C.lted because they· couid tertainm e nt dur i ng th e booths on IIli llO IS A" cnue again Ave nue morc peopl (' Wi ll be hel p to mo\'(~ tne c ntire this year But lx-tween that buy food 10 absorb ;>arl of ,he Ha lloween festi va l These drawn awav from th(' downtov. n cele hration 10 tha t area "where akohol they are consum inp.: m(' (' lln~ and the vole on a rea. The memos also say Ihal a ll of us beli eve II nghtly " Although iI is true lhdli i )'ou St>e BOOTIIS, Pa J!: f" fi Vaily 'Egyptian Wcdne!'iday, Oclnbf'r 3,198-1 . \ '01 iO. ~ oJ:l Southern Illinois University Dixon says to cut ties with Hoye on center n~ Huh Ti :~ 1 this wu~k St a ff \\ r ilt'!" Gus Hoy£' h:!:o, requc-st(od that city gua rantee a ll the fundlllg until Th(' prIlSp('CIS of ~ t an Hove ) ~ GJJode Congress restores the F mHA ' ~ building Ih(' Carhm.d.:dp con, ~ . pow('r to guarantN' Ih(' tax,fr("(' \"1 ' 1111011 l:('nlt'r arl' " remol e'" bonds City ,\lanagC'r Rill Dixon s-lid as ' ·E\'f'n If II IS for a :-o hor! lime he rt't.'ornmenoC'd Ihat thc' l 'll\' I don't:-.('t' th(' nt~ ~ua r antl'e ll1 g ('o"mcll take al..' tlon to ('nd Iht' a S1-1 m il lion prnJl·ct .'· Dixon dl\ 's commllrnenl to HoyE' said ..\ proposal h=: I-I oyc' ,'11<11 tht' (.11' ' ; l\ ~ .Iu\\nln\\u's likl' ;.: 11 Hoye, reading a lettl'r h . had 1I\ ' f'nTo~dt'd da rkroom - \(K' c it ,\ glW r.1n l('e n; m ill ion In senl to the COU!1c tl <:;:;':11,-1 th2.t ih . ~ 1II:t1l ~ dt''\"I' lopt-rs , hul nn(hin ~ bonds for the projC<:1 I'f'cc-jy('d ('Ily had acted In "bad r<llth'· In tl t· \I-"',)!'! . litl k :-. upport from Dixon a nn deahng with ~ llm ThC' letter council members a t a meeting included the hi s tory or lhe Monda\' Augus t. Unde r Ihat plan, the convention center - and Ihe Hoye'·s proposa l \\'as promp­ city would guarant ee $4 ,55 probl ems tha t have kepI the ted b\' the inabilitv of rhe million in bonds for Have - if project from becoming a r a rmcr·s Home Administra tion the FmHA would gua rantee the realitv to guarantee lax.rree bonds fo r rema mder of the bonds needed H o~(! also said prope rt y the proJect. Tax legis lation for the project . owners relt tha t thE' city was pa~ sed by Congress 111 Au gus t Olxon S3 10 smcc that con­ tryi ng to '·stear· land ro r the prohibits redC'ra l agencIes rrom ditions for the d Iy's gua rantee project He said Ihe " hundreds guarantN.'lI1g tax--ex('mpt in, howe not Ix>en mel. the city of thousands of doll a rs'· spent dlls trlal bond!' Although. the shou ld a tt empt to let other by the city In legal fees could rmll,' h~l S !o'a ld that it will df"ve lopers ta ke over the h[lve been used to give land extend the gUdra nt ce on the projecl owne rs a "fa ir" price bonds , the \' ca nnot he tax rree, The council. however , did He c ha rged tha t the cily I .~ pe WHI Staff Photo by Hill Wrs t An rmHA guara nlee of S9 .45 agree !I) a llow Hoye to present wi thheld informa tion a bout million in tax":.exempt bonds for alternat ive financing plans res tric t io ns against selling Cindy (; r e~n, a senior in plant and soil sd ell ('t', pr ~H"tic("rl the pr OJEC t was one of the befo:'e la king final aclion. Hoye liquor nea r the prope rty sun'eying Tuesday ~ear tht' Agriculturf' Bui ldin ~, cond itions of a guarantee pla n said he \\ III offer a lt e rn a t ; v~ a pproved by the council in financi ng plans :0 tht: city la ter S •• TIF:S. Pa~.6 Donovan pleads innocent to 137-count indictment NEW YORK ' AP I - Labor Secretarv dictment charging the m with one count Bronx . one of whose owners was the District Attorney Mario Merola said, Raymond Dono\'an a nd nine olhcr of grand la rcpny. 12;) counts of fa lsifying IOdicted state sena tor , J oseph Galiber, Donovan said afterward that Me rola peOple pleaded IIlnnee"t Tuesday to bU511lesS records Olnd II count!-' of false " may have won loday's bailie by the s tealing S8 million from :X ew York City fdings The indictment sa id the money was misuse of his office, but I guara ntee you on a subwa\" construc tion contract Thc grand la reeny charge ca rnes a stolen from the city Tra ns it Authority, that he Will not Will the war: ' awarded two· \'ea rs before Dono\'an ma ximum pena lt y on conViction or which gave a SUS6 million contract to joined the Reagan administration se\'en years in pnson The other coun t ~ Schiavone as the prima ry contractor, He said he was shocked to learn thai Donovan -- bell('ved 10 be the fll'S1 each tarr\, fo ur·yea r maximums , Schiavone allegedly padded paymenls il none or the questions he was asked Silting Cabine t member ('ver IOdlcted - The uldictm'e nt d Iso nil !ned as mad(' In J opel. a s ubcontractor during hi s a ppearance before the gra nd a ppea red 111 stat e Supreme' Co ur~ in the defe ndants the Schi a vone ("on:-: true tlOn jury lasl week relaled 10 Ihe cha rges in Bronx a long With hi s ",n ('co-defe ndan t ~, Cn of Seca ucus .
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