Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 10-3-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 03, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 70, Issue 33 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 03, 1984." (Oct 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Halloween beer booths to be on East Grand only th I.i ..... t-:i · nh.ltlf' r n'J!tllatlol1~ for Iht' ('C'If'tlr<l llon . th(' honlh restriction Will hrlllg t>clongs , ., rat .... hill' W i': dnnk tht' a l('ohlll St;tff \\rlln =,,('\"{'ral nw:nlwr!'- 01 Ih(' ('II " 's mor(' pl·ople 10 the e n .J:w el Va ught. CII~ c!erk, also IS absorbed InIL you r ~ y:-.tem . 11 .Idmlnl' lr:1tUHl lHld the {'OUll{'1! tf'rtalnOwnl IWlng prO\'ldC'd on sent a memo Iv the council a slower rate,·' \ 'aughi ~ a1(1 In ..\ rt:':o.olUIHIIl p;t:-'~t--d b\ the' thai thC' l..-ol1cl'nlralHHl 01 G, and A\,enue, for which the ("II~ Coun(,ll :\Iondav rf'~lnct!" cx pr("sslO g con.:ern for the the f"'emo .. ·the fact re;!ltl ln::. r('\'('IC'rs on IlImOls A n'nuC' ('It~ ,lgn'cd to contnbute SI000 safely of the public, In her booth!' to (;rand :\\'('ilUC rlurlng IT{'al {>S publl(' safel y hazard:, that o n u~ you are Inebnated no " Booth placement on IIhnOls me mo \ 'aught also c ha llenged a amounl of food can offset Ihr Ih(' " Falr Dil\,S" Hallow('Cn Last \ Cit r a II l}('t' r hoot h~ WCI (' t.:o uld bhx'k a nd or IIlt erfere with de f en~(' of havlIlg some booths eHocls of a lcohol .