Computer Modelling of Groundwater Occurrence
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2019 Vol. 4, Issue 3, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 249-258 Published Online July 2019 in IJEAST ( COMPUTER MODELLING OF GROUNDWATER OCCURRENCE USINGGEOPHYSICAL PARAMETERS – A CASE STUDY FROM GANGAIKONDAN AND MANUR BLOCK, TIRUNELVELI DISRTICT, TAMILNADU, SOUTH INDIA R.Soundar Rajan CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad 500 007, India R. Ramesh, Ganapathy Subramanian, Visagan Sundararajan National College, Tiruchirapalli 620 001, India Abstract - Underground water resources can Key words: Groundwater, Geophysical be identified using many geological, parameters, Computer Modelling, VES. geomorphological, structural and lithological criteria. The Geophysical methods are more I. INTRODUCTION useful, indeed, tell us about the exact disposition of the concealed underground The study area is forming a part of Gangaikondan water, its quantity and quality. Among the Panchayat, located in Manur Block, Tirunelveli various geophysical techniques, Electrical Taluk, Tirunelveli district, Tamilnadu (Fig1). Resistivity methods are widely used and Gangaikondan is a panchayat town in Tirunelveli producing appreciable results. Despite district and a suburb of Tirunelveli city in the state sufficient rainfall, large part of India suffers of Tamil Nadu, India. It is located about 20 km from water scarcity. Ground water occurs in north of Tirunelveli Corporation on the way to weathered or semi-weathered/fractured layers Madurai on NH 7. It is one the industrial hubs of in hard-rock areas whose thickness varies, in Tirunelveli. The Study area is approximately one general, from 5m to 20m. In the present study, square km of land, characterized with leveled an attempt has been made to delineate various topography and Survey of India Toposheet No.
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