Concrete- Filled Steel Columns for Multistory Construction

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Concrete- Filled Steel Columns for Multistory Construction 1 1 The Futllre of the Sliper Hi.Rise Bllildillgs 3 Z Additioll for tile Press 10 J COllerell·Filled Sleel COllHllIlR for Multistory COlIstrllriioll 12 v- I MODERN TEEl CONSTRUCTION • Published by VOLUME XIII NUMBER 1/ FIRST QUARTER 1972 American Institute of Steel Construction CONTENTS 101 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10017 The Future of the Super Hi-Rise Building 3 Less Steel Per Sq. Ft. 8 Addition for the Press 10 O"~ICE". Concrete-Filled Steel Columns for Multistory Construction 12 Gilbert M Dorland. President Van W. Coddington, First Vice President William R. Jackson, Second Vice President Robert P. StuPP. Treasurer 1972 PRIZE BRIDGE COMPETITION John K. Edmonds. Entries are inrited for the Hth Annual Prize Bridge Compe­ Executive Vice President tition to select tlie most beautiful steel bridges opened to traffic Leslie H. Gillette. ASSistant Executive Vice President during the calendar year 1971. William W. Lanigan, The membas of the 1972 Prize Bridge Jury are: Secretary and General Counsel Gerard F. Fox, iU.ASCE Partner, Howard, Needles, Tam­ men & Be"gendoff, New York, N. Y. Rol)er! M. Mai,.. , F.ASC"· ProfessOl', Civil and Environ­ mental Engineering, Washington Unive"sity, St. Louis, • _OITORIAL STAFF Missouri Daniel Farb, Director of Publications Rober! 8. Ridwrtl., F.ASCE President, DeLellw-Cathe,' Mary Anne Donohue. Editor & Co., Chicago, Illil/ois /o/m E. Wnne, F.A~(;J;· President-elect, American Soci­ ety of Ci,'il Engineers; Earl and Wright, San Francisco, ".QIONAL OFFIC.S California Atlanta. Georgia Alan III. '·0"r/.ee8, III.ASCf; Former presidellt, Amaican Birmingham, Alabama Institute 01 Planner .• ; Alan M. l'00rhee8 & Associates, Boston, Massachusetts Inc., McLeaJ!, Virginia Chicago, Illinois Enl>'ies must be postmarked prior to May 27, 1.?72 and ad­ Cleveland, OhiO dressed to the A lL'Urds Committee. AmC1'ican Institute 01 Steel Columbus. Ohio Construction,101 Park Are.we, New York, New York,10017. Dallas, Texas Denver, Colorado 1972 FELLOWSHIP AWARDS Detroit, Michigan Charlotte. North Carolina Four engineaing stue/ellts hal'e been awarded $9,000 'ellole­ Hartford, Connecticut ships in the 10th Annllal Fellowship A It'ards Program. The Houston, Texas progmm is designed to encow'aoe e... pertise in the creative use Los Angeles, California o"abricated strllcillml steel. Memphis, Tennessee Ric" F. David.on New Me;rico State University Milwaukee, WisconSin Adam III. Gla.. Uniursity 01 Wisconsin-Milwaukee Minneapolis. Minnesota New York, New York Er". ! 1I. /"'.0"', II/ Washington Vniversity-St. Louis Oklahoma City. Oklahoma Slephe" JI". ) orlly University 01 Notre Dame Omaha. Nebraska Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania OUR APOLOGIES St. Louis, Missouri OJ! page 401 the 4th Q. , 1971 i8slle 01 MSC, the Architectllral San Francisco, California Awards 01 EJ'Cellence willllers !Cere alllloullced. l"n, '·~J· !ff 'llf . Seattle. Washington the name 01 Vincent G. [(lillO and Pal'tllCl'S, Phil _ .. t Syracuse, New York was omitted as olle 01 the architects 101' the Richmond ColiseulIl, Washington, District of Columbia Richmond, Va. • • EtHel TOWeR CHRYSLER BUILDING STANDARD Oil JOHN HANCOCK CEHTER EMPIRE STATE WORlD TRADE CENTER SEARS TOWER PAitS NEW YORK CH ICAGO CHICAGO NEW YORK NEW YORK CHICAGO 984 feE T 1046 FEET 1136 feET 1127 FEET 1250 FEET 1350 FEET lASO FEEl A Compari,on of the lVorld's Tallest Structure. These days the record for the world's Unique Design Concept tallest structure has the longevity of a These questions were put to Dr. Faz­ wea ther report. lur R. Khan, the structural engineer, The The 954-ft Eiffel Tower held its rec­ whose unique design concepts have per­ ord 41 years, from 1889 until 1930 mitted the erection of current ultra high whe n New York's 1,252-ft high Empire buildings, including the upcoming Sears State Building was constructed. Sur­ Tower, a IIO-story steel structure which Future mounted by its Zeppelin mooring mast wi II be the world's highest. • and TV antennae, that building held its Ultra high office buildings are a re­ record until the day of October 19, 1970 sponse to mounting socioeconomic when the first of the twin towers of the pressures to produce more efficient land of New York World Trade Center passed use and to create a more attractive the 1,252-ft mark on its way to its final centercity urban environment. height of 1,350 ft. The new superskyscrapers have be­ It is estimated that the Trade Center come possible because of the develop­ will hold its world's record for the ment of revolutionary new steel struc­ the world's shortest time, probably three tural systems embodying economies in years, when Chicago's Sears Tower design, and in the progressive lighten­ passes the 1,350 ft mark on its way to ing of the frame and components of a Super its own new world's record of 1,450 ft, high structure. more than a quarter of a mile high. The new structural systems, in turn, Although stories seem the convenient have come about because of the devel­ way to measure the height of a high rise opment of newer, stronger structura I Hi-Rise building, height in feet is the accurate steels, development of high strength measurement, because a story can vary bolts and welding methods, the more from 9 to 12 ft in height. imaginative use of conventional lighter What has caused the sudden em­ gage steels in floors and curtain walls, phasis on ultra high buildings? Has and using the computer. Building there been a technological break­ Buildings as high as 150 stories may through that's made the supersky­ be expected in the next decade. Build­ scraper possible? How high can a i ngs of 100 stories wi II become more structure be built? Are ultra high build­ commonplace, but the major effect of ings economical? What ultimate effect the economies produced by the new will the superskyscraper have on high high rise structural systems will be the • rise office buildings? lifting of the height of the average office FI RST QUARTER 1972 Empire Stute BitildiJlU Sear. T01()tr building from 30 to 50 stories, up to an architectural partner of Skidmore. past decade. The tallest example is the • 40 to 70 stories. Because of the newer Owings & Merrill, suggested a combina­ Empire State Building. Its shortcoming structural concepts, the premium for tion of two structures in one_ Dr_ Khan 's has been the enormous amount of metal added floors will be very moderate and, unique steel structural system made it required for tall structures. therefore, will justify the added height. possible to do SO with a saving of about So says Dr. Kahn, who is regarded as $15-million in steel. The single struc­ Choosing the Superskyscraper one of the country's most innovative ture consists of seven stories of ga­ To a large extent, four major factors structural engineers. He is the present rages, 29 stories of offices, 47 stories have been primarily responsible for the leader of the rebirth of the original spirit of apartments, along with a 44th floor new ultra high rise office building and its of "Chicago School" of architecture, "sky lobby," and other floors for stores, reduction in weight per square foot, says which "invented" the steel-framed sky­ and the vast amount of mechanical Dr. Khan. The first consists of innovative scraper about SO years ago. It has been equipment required, including emer­ structural systems. He gave two exam· Dr. Khan whose work produced tall gency power equipment for the massive pies. One is the diagonally braced ex· structures which do "scrape" the sky. structure. It is believed that the John terior wall system used in the John Dr. Kahn, born in Dacca. Pakistan. is a Hancock Center enjoys more continu­ Hancock Center. This system requires citizen of the United States, with three ous, 24-hour use than any structure on less steel per square foot than that used graduate degrees in engineering from earth, and may be a practical answer to in a conventional design. In the case of the University of Illinois. He is the en ­ saving central cities. It approaches the the Hancock Center. this meant a sav· gineering partner in the Chicago office Parisian concept of mid·dty living. ings of $15-million. This design is dis­ of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. "Paris, for example," says Dr. Khan, tinguished by a series of huge vertical Runaway construction costs and in­ "is one of the few cities in the world steel "X's" plainly visible in the e><terior creasing mid-city real estate values have with minimal mid-city slums or ghettos, walls. These carry a substantial weight forced buildings to grow taller_ Height yet it keeps a pleasant mid-city living of the structure to the four enormous now serves as a function of a commu­ environment because it has avoided corner columns. nity's urban development. A fine ex­ building only office buildings which At every floor level, the exterior wall • ample of this can be seen in Chicago's create downtowns. Housing is spread is connected to the service core in the John Hancock Center_ Operating round­ throughout the city, as well as in sub­ center of the building whiCh, with the the-clock, this 100-story structure is urbs. Perhaps the concept behind the exterior walls, supports the entire weight built on a relatively small base in an John Hancock Center may help revi ­ of the building. The core houses the attractive plaza_ talize downtowns and central cities," elevators, stairways, and all utilities. The Sears Building illustrates how So much of what has been happening The sheet steel floors, formed into simple economics combined with need is the result of a newer and closer re­ channels.
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