ISSN: 2146-0353 ● © RIGEO ● 11(3), SUMMER, 2021 Research Article Pangadereng in Pappaseng Nenek Mallomo as A Local Historical Marker in Sidrap Regency,

Muhammad Bahar Akase Teng1 Firman Saleh2 Hasanuddin University, Faculty of Cultural Science, Hasanuddin University, Faculty of Cultural Science, Department of History, Department of Local Language, [email protected] [email protected] Muhammad Hasyim3 3Hasanuddin University, Faculty of Cultural Science, Departement of Franch Literature, [email protected]

1Corresponding author: Hasanuddin University, Faculty of Cultural Science, Department of History, E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract This study aims to analyze the term of philosophy of history, it is developed by utilizing secondary sources apart from primary sources in the form of data obtained from the informants in Sidrap Regency. The purpose of this research to find out that Nenek Mallomo is an honest and fair role model. Nenek Mallomo is known as a scholar, statesman, and king’s advisor whose thoughts became the concept known as pangadereng which then metamorphosed into a basic pattern of governance in Sidrap Regency. The second characteristic of lempu'E nasibawai tau’ (honesty coupled with devotion), Acca nasibawaii Ada tonging namatike (cleverness coupled with words truthfulness which is full of vigilance).

Keywords Pappaseng, Nenek Mallomo, Local history, Pangadereng

To cite this article: Teng M, B, A, Saleh F, and Hasyim M. (2021). Pangadereng in Pappaseng Nenek Mallomo as A Local Historical Marker in Sidrap Regency, South Sulawesi. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(3), 1169- 1175. Doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.3.107 Submitted: 23-01-2021 ● Revised: 03-02-2021 ● Accepted: 15-03-2021 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(3), SUMMER, 2021


La Pagala, known as Nenek Mallomo, was born and lived around the 16th century, becoming one of the famous scholars in Sidrap Regency. Some also say that her real name is La Makkarau, she lived during the reign of Arung La Patiroi addatuang Sidenreng. Another reference states that Nenek Mallomo was born before the king of La Pateddungi, Nenek Mallomo died in 1654 M. Mallomo is a title given to someone who can solve the problems at hand. Nenek in Bugis culture is someone who has grandchildren and is elderly, both women and men. It is still used, not merely in the past, even now some Bugis use the word nenek, both for women and for men. Nenek Mallomo has a tenet as well as a philosophy for herself Ade’ temmakeana’ temmakkiappo” which means “Law does not acknowledge children and grandchildren” Nenek Mallomo has an honest and fair character to all of her people, with this character she has the capacity of law and government. This indicates the side of consistency, honesty and justice, as well as she is one of the propagators of Islam in Sidrap Regency. The spread of Islam in Sidrap Regency, in 1609 AD to be precise, explained what parents said about pappaseng in the past, in line with Islamic doctrine, such as the researcher interviewing a parent, in his response stating: ”For a long time ago before Islam arrived in the inland Sidenreng, the word pappaseng and papangaja’ were commonly used. Pappaseng toriolo (our parents' message) contains a meaning, it was said that the pangaja already has Pappaseng, Pappaseng had already been ordered before it happens, meanwhile, Pappangaja will have new events advised, so there is a difference between message and advice. Our parents had already been ordered before it happened to the community. Humans have customs (panngadereng) so that they use their work, initiative, and business so that they can improve their culture. As Nenek Mallomo has the principle of lempu (honesty), and Adele (justice). She has set and law on the Government and its people (Bahri et al., 2020). Talking about philosophy, it is the oldest science. In the past, philosophy was said to be mater Scientiarum, meaning that philosophy as the mother of science saw from the above statement that philosophy was before science, because in my opinion philosophy is a thinking activity, so, at first, we will think to produce science. Philosophy also assesses what is considered "precise" and "correct" in the sciences and philosophy which also provides an assessment of the contribution of sciences to the development of human knowledge to achieve truth. Science depends on the philosophical system adopted before science has not been divided as in modern times, it has not been as specific as it is today, and the philosophical thoughts of the past, such as the example of one of the ancient Greek philosopher figures, Pythagoras, have summarized his thoughts in mathematics. In the early Greek civilization, philosophy was considered the mother of all existing knowledge. Until its current development, philosophy has made various sciences such as physics, biology, medical science, and others. Science is never far from philosophy; it always goes hand in hand concerning philosophy. As Bertrand Russel views: "A person does not have to become a better philosopher by knowing scientific facts that contain principles and methods, which he must learn from that science if he is interested in philosophy" (Hamsah et al., 2021). Philosophy is an extensive science that has certain circumstances that are more special than something, which means that it is very closely related to our everyday life. In the context of the philosophy of life, people always consider the things that are important and most important before deciding to behave. These things are classified as essential. Philosophy is a critical investigation of something abstract, imaginary, and statements proposed by various fields of science (Hasyim, 2017). History as science can fall or have a non-scientific nature about philosophy, therefore, history must be moralized and transformed into an abstract. The relationship between philosophy and history is interrelated, both substantially and scientifically, due to the existence of philosophy supported by history. History is closely related to historical facts. A historian's activity is in a series of collections, corrections, classifications, comparisons, interpretations and explanations of historical facts. Historical facts are not simply seen as what they appear to be, but try to understand the meaning and purpose contained in these facts (Hasyim, 2020). A history is an event that happened then, now, even in the future. Data and facts were observed and investigated unceasingly since ancient times. Humans are creatures who have reason to think. With reason, humans always want to know, which causes the emergence of the Philosophy of History. Mastury views that "Philosophy of History is a science that studies the meaning and purpose of historical processes, as well as studying theories of human development as social beings. Philosophy of History seeks deeper meaning and shakes its hand on the meaning which rules 1170 Teng M, B, A, Saleh F, and Hasyim M. (2021). Pangadereng in Pappaseng Nenek Mallomo as A Local …

historical events. (Hasyim et al., 2021). Indonesian society is a pluralistic society, which has a variety of tribes, cultures and local traditions that have noble values, which are invaluable. The diversity of cultures and local traditions in is a form of acculturation of religion, ethnicity and local culture. One of the strongest forms of local wisdom of the Bugis is their sirik culture. Sirik can be interpreted as “self-esteem” or “embarrassment”. This sirik value governs all forms of attitudes and behaviour of the Bugis community (Humaidi, 2010). Pappaseng Nene Mallomo represents many different things as previously explained. This representation can be seen as an effort to form or establish certain discourses following the context in which pappaseng was issued. Concerning text production, the position of Drs. Andi Burhanuddin Buraerah and Lontara La Towa occupy an important position as the creators of the sociocultural dimension texts which are found to be more or less focused on certain centrality discourse. Discourses contained in pappaseng Nene Mallomo focus on the theme of religion (Islam), local wisdom including images of the concept of being a good Bugis (Sidrap), emphasis on law obedience and maintaining social harmony in society (Ibrahim, 2018). It is interesting to study the value of pappaseng Nene Mallomo and its implementation in the community in Sidrap Regency. This study defines pappaseng by interpreting and understanding the ancestor, namely Nene Mallomo, as an icon of the Bugis community in Sidrap Regency. Pappaseng Nene Mallomo was found to be implemented in the daily life of the Bugis in Sidrap Regency as a guide and historical evidence in the form of philosophy.


This paper, which focuses on an analysis of the term Local Philosophy of History, developed by utilizing more secondary sources apart from primary sources in the form of data obtained from informants in Sidrap Regency (Legowo et al., 2013). Research in the field of philosophy is based on the inventive style, which is a style of looking for new understandings of the thinking framework that has been collected and trying to provide solutions for problems that have not been resolved (Maknun et al., 2020). This research was a descriptive study aimed to describe the local wisdom in Pappaseng nenek Mallomo. Sources of data in this study were texts (manuscripts) that contain pappaseng Nene Mallomo. In addition, the data sources in this study were also obtained from respondent interviews to find out the meaning and implementation of pappaseng Nene Mallomo. To obtain data, data collection techniques used, namely: observation, interviews and documentation (Nurhaeda, 2018). The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis (Supratman, 2019) from the beginning to the end of the study using the critical discourse analysis framework, Fairclough model.


Local Philosophy of History

Philosophy of History focuses on the meaning and purpose of the historical process, and studies theories about human development as social beings. Philosophy of history is one part of philosophy that aims to investigate the final causes of an event and intends to provide answers to the causes and reasons for all historical events. The term philosophy of history itself is not the formation of a merging of two etymological meanings, namely the words; philosophy and history, even broader than that, as a discussion of one discipline that contains insights, methods, paradigms and discussions. When viewed from the use of the term philosophy of History, the first expert to use it is Voltaire. Voltaire first used it in his preface to his work entitled Philosophie de l’historie. Since 1756 AD, the term philosophy of history has begun to be widely recognized by the public. Voltaire, then, is well known as the first person to use the term philosophy of history. It is just that the one who popularized this term was Herder, in the discussion and preparation of the scope of the study of the philosophy of history more systematically and detailed. Herder explained it in his six-volume work, Ideen sur Philosophie der geschichte der menscheit. It was Herder who first formulated the realm of discussion and problems in the philosophy of history (Surur, 2018)

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Local History

Indonesia is a historic country. There are so many events happening in the Indonesian archipelago. Starting from the prehistoric period, the kingdom period, the colonial period to the independence era which became the long history of our country. It is called Local History. The term local history in Indonesia is sometimes used as regional history, while in the West, besides being known as local history, it is also known as community history, or neighborhood history, as well as nearby history. A local History is an event that occurs in a small location, both in certain villages and cities. The use of written sources is one of the factors that make local history not known and well known. Most of the available sources are oral sources, both oral traditions and oral history (Tati, 2019). Based on local historical developments in Indonesia. There are types of Local History: 1) Traditional Local History. 2) Diletantis Local History. 3) Inspirational Educational Local History 4) Colonial Local History. 5) Analytical-Critical Local History. Of the five types mentioned above, traditional local history is the most suitable in the discussion of this paper. What is meant by Traditional Local History is the result of the compilation of the history of various ethnic groups scattered throughout Indonesia which is already written. It is the first type to appear in Indonesia Events that had been experienced by ethnic groups in the past. Initially in the form of oral which was handed down from generation to generation, but after the existence of writing it was then enshrined in written form, besides that there are still in the oral form. This traditional history is known as chronicle, saga, tambo, lontara, etc. Finally, it is necessary to know that traditional history is a local history that first developed in Indonesia until now it still survives, not merely as a cultural heritage from the past community, but its contents are still believed to be a depiction of history so that it is functional in people's lives (Teng, 2020).

Philosophy of History of Nenek Mallomo in Sidenreng Rappang

Pappaseng is something that must be firmly believed as a trust or advice; The will that needs to be known and heeded, as explained by Mattulada that paseng is a moral call to maintain the continuation of traditions handed down from generation to generation and is the most important means of encouraging the Bugis- to faithfully maintain the continuity of panngadereng. (Yusuf, 2012) defines Pappaseng as a collection of family mandates or wise people who are mandated from generation to generation by memorized utterances. Then, paseng is written down or recorded in the lontara and used as a kind of hereditary heirloom. Such paseng is preserved and becomes a rule of life in a highly respected society. If a person defies paseng or a family, then the defier will be excommunicated from the association of his people or family. People who leave or do not care about paseng are included in the tempedding ri taneng batunna group (cannot be planted with stones) and cannot be made into a family. Paseng can be an agreement between two parties, which is adhered to. It can also be a one-sided mandate to the family from generation to generation. Pappaseng that researchers will examine in this study is Pappaseng "Nene Mallomo" who is one of the figures (scholars) in the Sindenreng kingdom (now administratively a Sidrap Regency) who lived in the Sidenreng kingdom around the 16th century AD, during the reign of Addatuang Sidenreng. Values are abstract realities that can be felt within us as the driving force or principles that guide life. It is also explained that value is something abstract but can be traced from three realities, namely, behaviour, thinking, and attitudes patterns. There are several types of Pappaseng cultural values, namely ethical (moral) values, religious values, cultural values, educational values and philosophical values (Bahri et al., 2020). Pappaseng Nenek Mallomo is a literacy product that can be classified into classical literacy. In its journey, several forms of literature still exist and live in society, but many forms of literary work have left out. The role of parents is currently being replaced by media that teaches a lot of global values and culture. Media technology never teaches with feelings and thoughts about what is good and what is bad, what is constructive and what is destructive. However, the information technology media has a strong influence. Pappaseng Nenek Mallomo is a message containing values, beliefs, as well as customs and traditions passed down through oral speech. In the literature, Pappaseng Nenek Mallomo can be categorized into oral tradition. Pappaseng Nenek Mallomo is displayed even though it is not stated explicitly, expressing community values and reflecting the philosophy of life, presenting a view of life based on beliefs, values of kindness and hard work that are upheld by the community.

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Pappaseng Nene Mallomo is values, beliefs, as well as customs and traditions, passed down through oral speech that are still alive in the Bugis community in Sidenreng Rappang Regency. Pappaseng Nene Mallomo categorized into oral traditions. Pappaseng Nenek Mallomo is clearly stated even though not explicitly stated, expresses the values of society and reflects the philosophy of life, presenting a view of life based on experiences, beliefs, values, character and hard work upheld by the Bugis as adherents of the philosophy of Nene Mallomo. Three elements are always ordered and admonished by Nenek Mallomo to always maintain and uphold honesty, consistent with her words (not wishy-washy), including Arung Mangkau, Pabbicara, and Suro Mateppe’na Arung-nge. What Nenek Mallomo meant, to be honest, was to never forget the words that have been said, because if the two elements were honest and fair, all the efforts and activities of the people of the country would be successful and avoid all calamities. Nenek Mallomo also set a legal rule that 'when we want to start descending the fields, then Matowa Paggalung and the La Salama cultivators circle the rice fields intending to make a vow 'we deliberately surround La Salama and we plant rice with the intention that if we are safe and the rice is done well and abundant, so because of Allah SWT we vowed to slaughter a black buffalo or goat for us to gather to eat together with the crowd in this field. Later, after the vows are paid off, the rice yields may be brought home to be eaten with their wives and grandchildren. When La Salama's rice fields were about to start working, Nenek Mallomo also set a rule that 'all the tools for ploughing the fields and buffaloes are all collected below the middle of the house. And if you are ready to go to the fields to start ploughing the fields, then slaughter a red chicken with yellow legs and beak to use its blood for macceraq tedong (smearing the blood of the slaughtered chickens to the buffalo to be used for ploughing). Then another one with yellow hair on its legs and beak was slaughtered to give its blood to the jinn and demons who guard the fields and its meat to the gods. After Islam arrived in sidrap, estimated in 1609 (XVII century) (Lonktarak Sidenreng), chicken and sticky rice of four colours were brought to Pu Kali's house (spiritual leader) to be recite to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The sociocultural dimensions found in pappaseng Nenek Mallomo more or less seem to be focused on certain discourse centrality. The discourses contained in pappaseng Nenek Mallomo focus on the theme of religion (Islam), local wisdom including images about the concept of being a good Bugis (Sidrap) person, emphasis on law compliance and maintaining social harmony in society. The central theme found in pappaseng Nenek Mallomo is the theme of law, local wisdom, religion. The Bugis literature explains that for the realization of good governance, a leader is required to have 4 personal qualities, as many have stated in (Lontaraq Bugis), namely Maccai na Malempu; Waraniwi na Magetteng (Scholar, Honest, Brave, Determined in His Establishment) (Hamsah et al., 2021). One of the Bugis leaders in the History of Sidenreng Rappang in the XVI Century, known to have these four personal qualities, is La Pagala Grandma Malomo. One of the advice from Nenek Mallomo said that the people of Sidrap must have the characteristics of Macca, Malempu, Warani na Magetteng. Some of the main elements of this philosophy are the main keys in interpreting it in the government sector, namely: Macca (cleverness/intelligence) A dishonest intelligent person will be more dangerous than a dishonest fool. In this connection, it is despicable to be in the state of a foolish person. The expression is maloppo tedong meaning that it should not happen only with a large body, but stupid. The indicator of a fool is to indulge in lust which means not using common sense. Mallempu (Honesty) Honesty in the Bugis language is an expression to manifest the character of an honest person among the Bugis, namely "Duami kuala sappo yanaritu belo-belona kanukue sibawa unganna panasae. That is, I just made two fences, namely nail polish and jackfruit flowers. Warani (Brave) Brave means having a steady heart and great self-confidence in facing dangers and difficulties. Brave also means not being afraid (trembling, afraid). Forming a brave character in the Bugis language, there is the expression “Tuppui naterri, turungngi namacawa (When climbing he cries; when going down he laughs). This expression means that a person must be prepared for all conditions. Magetteng (Consistent) Magetteng means consistent or determined. Consistent is doing an activity continuously diligently and correctly without going out of line/limits. Limits that have been determined or following the words that have been said. Consistent one of the attitudes of humans whose nature is to uphold a principle or standpoint of all things that have been determined. To form or produce the character of a determined person, there are expressions such as “taro ada, taro gau”. The straight translation is to put speech; put actions (Lontaraq Sidenreng). Nenek Mallomo then revealed her thoughts which were agreed upon by the scholars present. Her thoughts were in the form of a principle that must be followed by the royal apparatus in creating 1173 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(3), SUMMER, 2021

a law-abiding society. “aga muala apettu bicara ri sidenreng, nasalewangeng ana’banuammu, na’bija olok- kolo’mu,namoni ase wette muamporeng jajito”. Meaning that what is decided in Sidenreng so that your people will prosper, your livestock will reproduce and the bad rice seeds that you spread will also grow well: Nene Mallomo: “iyana uala appettuang bicara ri sidenreng iya naritu alempureng sibawa deceng kapangnge”. Meaning that what I make at Sidenreng is honesty and good prejudice to everyone. This principle is known as the phrase “Naia Adek Temmakkeana Temmakkeappo” (the law does not acknowledge children and grandchildren). A human being should have character, because of the importance of that character as a process of determining Ethics in the government itself, who will measure how far it is ethical or not, what about the current conditions and certain local places that say it is only ethical in our place or can be justified, but in other places, it is not necessarily true. Ethical values that live and apply in society, are not just personal beliefs for its members, but also become a set of institutionalized norms. Ethical values must be a reference and guidance for actions that have moral consequences and influences. The values contained in pappaseng Nene Mallomo focus on the theme of religion (Islam), local wisdom including images of the concept of being a good Bugis (Sidrap), emphasizing law obedience and maintaining social harmony in society. In the end, Pappaseng Nene Mallomo has contributed and encouraged her to form a feminine identity that manifests in many everyday social practices.


Philosophy is an abstract thing as well as non-scientific history. When discussing cultural issues, philosophy is called cultural philosophy, if culture is realized and the results are proven, it is called Cultural Science. History cannot be said to be history if there is no data and facts that have been analyzed. If the data has been analyzed and facts emerge, it is called history. The term philosophy of history itself is basically, not the formation of a merging of two etymological meanings, namely the words; philosophy and history, even broader than that, as a discussion of one discipline that contains insights, methods, paradigms and discussions. A local History is an event that occurs in a small location, both in certain villages and cities. Nenek Mallomo coined a thought, which then became the basic pattern of life both in government and society. The basic pattern is honesty and justice, the contents of this panngadereng are adele’ (justice), lempu’ (honest), acca (intelligence), Awaraningeng (brave), Appesona ri Dewata seuwai (surrender to God Almighty). Based on the five kinds of customs above, Nenek Mallomo only focuses on two components, namely, adele and lempu'.


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Biographical Statements

Muhammad Bahar Akase TENG is a lecturer at Departemen History, Cultural Study Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesiaa. He has the field of expertise in Study of local and Firman SALEH is a lecturer, and researcher at Department of Local Language, Cultural Study Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesiaa. Field of his expertise is in study od local language. Muhammad HASYIM an associate professor, lecturer, and researcher at Department of Franch Literature, Cultural Study Faculty, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesiaa. Field of expertise are in language and culture semiotic study.