Complaint SG/E/2009/05 South Sinai Power Plant Nuweiba, Egypt 07
Complaints Office CCCOOONNNCCCLLLUUUSSSIIIOOONNNSSS RRREEEPPPOOORRRTTT Complaint SG/E/2009/05 South Sinai Power Plant Nuweiba, Egypt 07 December 2009 1/14 External Distribution Complainants: Members of the Nuweiba Community Project Promoter: Ministry of Energy, EEHC, PGESCo Internal Distribution President Vice Presidents Brooks, de Fontaine Vive Secretary General, DG Strategy and Corporate Centre EIB services concerned Attachments: Report from Marine Biodiversity Expert Report from Social Expert Report from Tourism Expert Resumes of the 3 independent Experts This report has been translated into Arabic. In case of discrepancy between the Arabic and the English version, the latter prevails. 2/14 Complaints Office CONCLUSIONS REPORT South Sinai Power Plant – construction of a 750MWe natural gas-fired combined-cycle power generation plant in Nuweiba, Egypt Complainants: Members of the Nuweiba Community - managers/owners of hotels, scuba diving centres, beach side camp owners, citizens of Nuweiba, local NGO, tourist operators, resident EU citizens and representatives of the 2 Bedouin tribes (Muzeina and Tarabin) Date received: 19 May 2009 1. Complaint 1.1. Since 19 May 2009, the EIB Complaints Office (CO) has received 24 different complaints about this project, coming from managers/owners of hotels, scuba diving centres, beach side camp owners, citizens of Nuweiba, local NGO, tourist operators, resident EU citizens and from local communities including the 2 Bedouin tribes (Muzeina and Tarabin). An on- line petition to the Egyptian government to stop the project has raised more than 2.300 signatures. For reasons of confidentiality and in order to protect the complainants, they will be referred to as “The Complainants”. 1.2. The Complainants affirm that “Nuweiba is one of the most picturesque parts of the whole southern Sinai peninsula, has an excellent and unique potential, is home to two major Sinai Bedouin tribes, and has an almost unique, relatively undisturbed underwater marine life” and do raise serious concerns.
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