THE SEASON'S GREETING. Excursion daily by every train to Sam Harris's Great Clearance Sale ofi Winter Overcoats, Suits and Furnishings, now going on at the Danbury WE TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IS ABNOUNCIHtt ODE OPEHIHG OF Mammoth Bargain Depot. Prices cut down to Rock Bottom. The fin- that we sell all kinds of Hard J est goods in the market at ridiculously low figures; it is impossible to HOLIDAY GOODS. ware surrolies at very low prices. Examine our nam e prices, as it is the quality of our goods that recommends them. Table For season of '90 our showing of Slippers and Fancy Rubber Boots IS stock of Cutlery, Penknives, Jackkmves, Don't delay, but avail yourself of this opportunity to purchase your Enormous, embracing all the new designs, at prices positively unapproachable. - (Jents Ladies' Fine Jewelers' Woodwork fine embroidered plash, felt, alllgator.goat, in black, tan, red and all the other specialties - Scissors, Tools, Sale. ' 33c 8.5c, 1 25, 1 SO, 1 75 to Clothing and Furnishings at this great Sacrifice Clearance Cut ', for gentlemeivit 50, 65, 75, SI, $2 60,in opera Harvard and Everett Machinists' styles and all the different colors. Children's fancy Slippers in patent leather, ielt in the ers' Tools, Tools, Factory Supplies, out the attached coupon and take the first train to the light colors, merino, kid, etc., from 20c to SI 50. In ladies' Slippers and iferda, onr dis- Meat Cutters. Corn Gar play is elaborate, in. embroidered, felt, hronze, patent leather, with red-.- , U quarter, Hay Cutters, Shellers, plain patent leather and, in fact, everything desirable, at 22c, 33, 50, 65, J5c, $i to S3. Fan- - 75 25 ''Bobber"-- den Barrows, m fact almost every GREAT BARGAIN AND FURNISHING DEPOT, cy Rubber Boots for children, tl up; Ladles', $1 np; Boys SI up, Men's Lanterns, Boots, np. Ladies', Gentlemen's anp Children's fine and medium grade Footwear, at We will convince we are leaders. positively the lowest prices in the section. Trunks, Bags and Straps!' Rubber Coats for thing. you that Gents and $2 and $2 25. Felt Boots and Shoes,, for Ladies, Gents "and Children. Boys, Single Copies of the Bee for tale ia BRIDGEPORT : FOE 1891 FKEE. WOOL AND Sb CALENDEES IAMB'S 383 Main St., Plumb Beardsley, George F. Connor, . AT C. F. Pettie, -- BOUND SLIPPER SOLES LOWEST PRICES. M. E. Bun ten, Bnll'a Head, lOrtJCLToTSLjyy- - 19 Cannon St, William Skidmore, 1015 Main street, Newtown. Henry Oeaan, Kast Bridgeport. Coupon ZBrid-grepox- FAIRrUSLDr ' t. To Cashier: bearer on demand Car Fare on pur- Postmaster Wakeley. Pay Single G li. BENNE'iT, SOCTHPOKT: ... At the Post Office, - chases of $5 and Excursion Fare on and Willie F. Smith. , $10 upward. WESTPORT: 339 MAIN' STREET, liRIDG EPORT. William E. Nash. D ANBURY : James McDonald, John F. Cuff. SOUTHBURT: SAM HAERIS'S GREAT BARGAIN Hickok Bros. DEPOT, PLUMB HARDWARE CO.. WOODBURY: Dr L. Y. Ketcham. BETHEL: JMLa,X SSt., IVElca.c3.10 George II. Cole, CORNER MAIN AND LIBERTY STREETS,DANBURY,CONN. 85 St., S. S. Owen. SHELTOX: Dockery Brothers. BIRMINGHAM : POLO STICKS. Robert 8. Gardner. SKATES, SLEDS, - WE ARE OFFERING j J 1 v s SANDY HOOK: STERLING BROTHERS, SOME SPECIAL VAL- SAWS, AXES, HOKS, PLOWS, TONGS, Postmaster Sniffen. UES IN JQjg BIG WILL CONTEST. 346 MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT. BLANKETS AND COM- COBN SHELLEliS, HAY CUTTERS, WEATH -- SUP-PLIES,BUTCHE- ER STRIPS, EACTORY AND MILL R'S A Millionaire's Estate. va- FORTABLES, Are displaying the following goods in great TO CLOSE THEM OUT. AND GROCER'S , v-- - - WEATHER'S WILL. at WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR OUR DANIEL B. FA YER riety phenomenal prices: HOLIDAY GOODS. inhabitants of Newtown and Crowa Boon and Belaek Ware. While the Darby, Coalpart. Koyal Worcester, GENTS' HEAVY UNDER- are interested Braae, Silver. Oxydiatd aad Onyx Stand Piano Lamps. A FULL LINE OE BUILD vicinity becoming deeply Cut Glaaa, Solid Silver, Boffera' Plated Ware, Cutlery, Jardineers. Flower Poti and Novelties. WEAR in the outcome of the proceedings now German, Englinh, American, and French China Dinner and Tea Sets-Toile- t IN ALL G HADES AT BARGAIN PRICES. under way in the Superior conrt, in the Bats ia endless variety. ER'S HARDWARE,CARPENTER'S REWARD TO of heirs-at-la- w to set aside the CAMELS' HAIR UNDER- : attempt WE EXTEND YOU AN INVITATION TO CALL AND AND MACHINIST'S TOOLS, ;500 ANY PERSON CHARLES W. will of the late Elon Booth, the prospect WEAR of a suit soon to be instituted by the wid- Who will convince us that mer- INSPECT OUR GOODS. A SPECIALTY. SOME GOOD VALUES IN CUTLERY 'AND.' ow of the dead millionaire leather LADIES' MTAXkl). chant of New York, to set aside her hus UNDERWEAR, B. HAWLEY & CO'S will create some interest in IT WILL PAY YOU TO ACCEPT IT. HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS AND GOODS. band's will, HOLIDAY the field which the Bee covers, since the JEWELRY. the-s- . BAKING POWDER Because we're not parties were at one time residents of adjoining town of Monroe and still have BANKRUPT DRY GOODS Is not the imnarket. Presents greens or commenc PAKE CITY best showing relatives living in Newtown, x er COMPANY, with each pound. umping-jack- s, don't ing life a poor boy in Stepney, Mr Fayer-weath- HOUSE. learned the shoemaker's trade WINTER MILLINERY. 360 MAIN STREET, CLOTHING B. HAWLEY & CO'S hink we've forgotten with Capt Charles Clark, with whom he he attained his CELEBRATED CHOICE old Santa Claus, Not worked until majority, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. married and laid by a few dollars, lie and afterward to COUC.HLIN OVERCOATS! OVEECOATS! MIXED TEA his year. removed to Bridgeport V BROS., New York city, where he was so success offered. Look at the mats and rugs: HrSSCITIOlrT SOLICITED. Bridgeport. . EOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN Is the best for the money ever ful in business and so judicious in the Don't fail to it. A pres- Piles of 'em. Philadelphia Smyrnas, .Eng of his finances that his DEALERS IN FINE GOLD WALL PAPERS, try large management prop ent with each our lish Dagbastans, Scotch Persians,. Real small of his OIL TINTS, FRESCO DECORA- AN ENDLESS VATIETY TO SELECT FROM. pound. Try and Anatolian Mats and erty, from the savings Step BORDERS, Chinese, Carabagh rolled into the millions TIONS. WINDOW SHADES. FIXTURES, ETC. Prayer Hugs, all at prices from 10c to $50 each ney earnings, up Men's Overcoats, $6 to $28 IDEAL BLENDED and upwards. Don't forget the line of fur and, at his death, the New York journals C.E. OSBORNE, to $15 rugs from the white "wolf (lie wore horns sounded loudly his praises for remem Boys' Overcoats, $3 COFFEE, and ate tin cans when alive) np to the finely so institu- - mounted ot the of bering so generously many to $10 beasts prey. By way, any ia DEALER Children's Overcoats, $2 g of in our land. It sup- Stepney,15 Ci. 25 c. pound. Checks with each pound. our riigs can be used as a prayer-ru- if desir tions learning be-- NEW HOME SEWING SECOND TO ONE. We choice ed. Fact. posed that his property amounts to OUR ASSOETMENT can give you your and 810,000,000. lie MACHINES, See the best Carpet made, 'The tween 88,000,000 from the largest assortment pt Furniture Protector" gotten up In a new gives over 82,000,000 to various colleges, STECK COMPLETE LINE OF BLACK CHEVIOT SUITS It PIANOS, ever offered with, one dress, Sixteenth Century finish. you buy also handsome bequests to the three SMITH, ESTEY AND WILCOX presents one and after using it don't like It, call and of his brother William ; to bis EROCKB SACKS. or one get yonr $3 back. daughters & WHITE ORGANS. IN AND pound Tea, pound Baking widow he gives his house on .hast atn BEST GOODS, TRICES LOW. Powder, or five Coffee Checks. street and 813,000 a year during life. INSURANCE OFFICE while the residuary, which is now sup- CHiLDEEFS SUITS. to amount to four or five millions, Brid-grepox-t. REMOVED. 0. w. posed 37 vdZ.I3ST Street, B. HAWLEY mow 5 was left to the three gentlemen whom he A. B. EAIBCIIILD, CHILDREN'S PANTS, named as his executors. . It is claimed 375 Main Street and Mrs has no desire to INSURANCE AGENT, WINTER CAPS. that Fayerweather (Formerly Wheeler MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S & COMPANY, withhold from the colleges the money Building) 1 Post Office willed nor Has removed to STEPNEY, CONN. Arcade, which her husband them, 61 Fairfield Avenue, EVERYTHING NEW IN GENTS' BRIDGEPORT. from the heirs named In the will, but SOLD WHOLESALE with but 815,-0- 00 Room GOODS does object to putting up Warner Building, No. 2, a while so an amount goes BRIDGEPORT. FURNISHINGS, AND RETAIL. year, large STOVES! to the executors. The lawyers think the W. B. PRINDLE, nrnanpeta food for breaking the will. If PA11K CITY CLOTHING HOUSE, Newtown. PLUMB & WIN TON'S the contest comes, it will be watched Undertaker, with interest. Mr ayerweatner never Bone had children, but his brother's daughter WE ARE SELLING MORE STOVES.THIS YEAR 454 AND 456 MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT, Pure Ground and . AND Lucy became their adopted daughter ' now -Z-TZT- -- BONE FERTILIZER. was given a good education, one is THAN USUAL. - Proprietor Ma- wife of Morris B. Beardsley of JOS1T BT"BBS; The best Fertilizer en the market. Bone the Judge nures are now admitted to be better than chem Bridgeport and is a legatee in the will to icals- - One trial will convince; $30 on ton lota the amount of $100,000. A few years Cash paid for Hides and Tallow. ago, Mr Fayerweather interested himself i WHETHER IT BE DUE TO BUFFALO BILL" & WINTON. in the cemetery at Stepney and expended WATCHES, PLUMB 85000 in a new fence and in the S3 CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, OPTICAL G. C. EIGHME, D. D, S., enlarging GOODS, ETC BridgeportjConn. grounds and also erected a fine family OR "McKINLEY BILL" WE ARE Main . Conn, of all kinds in that line done in the St.. Bridgeport, monument. lie was cousin of the late Sapaira r Graduate of Pennsylvania College of Dental beat manner and at low price. Qnvnoru i i.nt.iflf.rv in ail lis Drancut, inhum Mrs Julia Teck of Sandy llook; also of UNABLE TO SAY. the new system of d crowns W. B SN1FFEN. Honk. ing ' Marcia Glover of Uanover. Sandy WltHOUl piBMSS. OUU iccm " z ' Mrs Filling from 50c up. Extracting without pain by means of electric vibrator, o. ah or w.FAlRCHILl) EDWARDS Jtf.SMITH, M.D. warranted. The administration ot pure M. BBOOKFIELD. PHTfclOIAN AKD STJROEODT. trous Odide Gas a specialty. GOLDSMITH " C. EIGHME. POSITIVE THAT (Sneeessor to DRS WILE & SMITH.) . HE G. & Jones of the Detroit Brass Co. WE ARE, HOWEVER, QUITE door bolow Fairfield Ave., Mam Street, BpU Office and Residence Newtown Street. 2d WATCHMAKER. arrived In town, Monday, for the holi- Connection. CLASS GOODS Telephone days, with his wife. , PEOPLE APPRECIATE FIRST Houra 8 to 0 a m; 1 to 2 pm, JEWELER A choice selected stock of J.J.DUNLAP, Diamonds Albert W. Camp is spending the Win AND LOW PRICES, WHICH ARE TO BE VRcre's that cat? ter in New Mil ford. ERNEST L. STAPLES, Umbrella and Parasol At reasonable prices Solid Gold Watches F. A. Foster lost two valuable horses. FOUND AT a Specialty. in a rather Fri- ATTORNEY AT LAW, v AND DOG PUZZLE IS SIM Repairing From S19 up. last week, singular way. THIS CAT QUITE Main day morning,one was unable to stand on SHELTOCOITN. 382 Street, Bridgeport Fine Silver Watches its ; in a few it died and, Sun YOU MAY SAY. IT IS ALSO NO LONGER Rational Bank Building. feet hours, CHAItL.ES JONAS, PLE, Connecticut From $8 up, another died the same way. nTT KNOW TO PUR-- " day, vJTc ri Merchant Tailor, A PUZZLE TO WHERE SEASON OP 1890. - Solid Silver & Silver Plated L. P. Wetmore is ice 13. JEILJTT ' Church St., JS'ewtown, Conn. cutting eight thick on Still leav to announce CHASE YOUR Le Petit Due (Little Duke), No.4167, Ware inches river. I bag that I bava received at the barn Saa3Ld.3r ZEHZooife, fin lot of snitinga in the .tore at wfll make hia third Beason In great variety, Horace Allen of New Milford has been Conn. Choreh Street, Hewtown, vhere I will AND GENTS' FURNISH-- . S. L. Trumbull, Ct., Dan-- CLOTHING of Thomas, Clocks, Watches & in town buying some of Brookfield'Sj fat be pleaaed to wait on patrons and will guarantee iaVa Varms District. Tflose interestea Jewelry cattle. aatiafaetion. CHABLES J0HA3, ING GOODS. 4t, y,ia ctneV sta invited to call and skillfully repaired and guaran- Arthur T. Haw Is the THE NEWTOWN LIBEART : see him. Terms $20, $5 at time of teed. ley attending KELLER PIANO COMPANY, school in Newtown. THE Will be open for drawlntr Books every Tne8' service, the balance when provea wn dancing MANUFACTURERS Of THE day 1 1 6 p m and 7 to S in the evening; Satur - G. W. Morehouse day rrom i in tn evenine. foal. . . . FAIRGHILD, Miss Ina entertained her pnui No business ttone on aunoay. last week. 357 MAIN STREET, : cousins, WOl Brownell has West to .UPRIGHT. PIAHO. J. A. Christian"& Co's MAIN STfiEET, NOTICE. CONN. gone fight 429 BRIDGEPORT, TAKE , KELLER BRIDGEPORT, the Indians. . It will pay you to go to was with PACTOEY: 88 to 104 John street, Bridgeport. Superlative is the very A. W. OBGKLMAS. John G. Hawley his mother, WAREROOHS: HAS A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SEASON 17 - - Street Sandy Hook. CU Sunday, returning to Hartford, Tuesday. Minnesota New Liberty - best To buy roar Watches, Cloaks, Jewelry, Speeta- aaoihetorer and dealer ia Hiraati, Saddles, eto-- , GOODS THE RIGHT PRICES. Eye-Glu- Gold Pana, etc , eta. 17 EAST 14TH ST., N. Y. ABLE AT . clea, Bridles, Collan. Blanketa, o Matter 278 MAIN ST., BTT, Process Flour that Also for XovHareT . 6E0BG2 w-- BOTSFOBD, Any druesiat tries to sell too nts wheat will make or REPAIRING ooujrh medicine, remain ber b does It be EDWARD K. ZIORGAN, Secretary and Treasurer. WATCHES.' CLOCKS & JEWELBY. Botaford Depot, Oonn. canae be makea more monev oa It. luaiatoa CHILDREN'S PANTS AT 25C. Carrlac and UaeknUUiinc havlnir Balaam for the throat aad you can Wa the correct time every week day making repairinf, Kemp'a " money ouy. ret and - lanes, tor there is no coagh remedy eo pare 6 PEE CENT. PEE ANNUM. 18 e'oloek. ' jabbmr. ana none so quick to break: npa oold. t always get it at L. B. Infloenaa, aoreneaa of the uroei aad Unk' - f of the Smith Eros. Loan and Trust Co. of : COAL. TTOTICE Th hustneos tnrmerlv oonaucied M. O. KBAXE'S, Irritation, with emu&aot coa Kenm 1 The Debenture Bonds Wells A Son will be continued at am ia an Immediate cure, I ara lwnuea 4 s Booth's. Xl by I.J. FRED. HARTH, . will be w Blonumental Works, and 1. At ail droeiaia. Beatrice, Neabraska, I at the yard ZIonday tneoia grand oy eiiaros.,wno,iuunKuiKnmre- - Watahwaker and Jeweler, miblln for ffAnnmno nAt.pnnlurA In t.hi nasth . Praotioal Haoaatoaie Avenue, .:. rn.-- -.t v. Baal Batata, are a hA aad profitable investment; Mad 7 i,.t ICortftf 03CA PITZSCHLEK, . Mew .. fbreirealar. For lata arJ Tusaday cf eich week. rwitraiiy solicit a continuance. goodaJ . by BhaTiac aad Hair ana stock sola at low KA'ert, C".- w w fv-'- Cnttiaf, iiM put in oia prices. t" 1 1 " I h AT 0mCZ r PLUKB EADWAR CO'. BEIDOZFOBT, COW, H. :. All aoeounta with Wells & Son mast be LIBERTY ST., I" aad 1 r eT. . 1 pr PLUHB Hot aad Cold Bathi, Oifaiw agd Tobaeca, C&ir 17 ID, Zx' ri If rta it it n q CCKirToBkuulCQRiMtiai, G. W. staff" s new resi Carpen-XXX- U 1891. The committee, Austin Mrs Mitchell attended Alderman Long embankment stops and a stone abutment It had been expected that the building Henry protract NFWTOWN TVFF - Ebenezer Beers and J. H. Jen T. BARNUM. ed In week. dence on Linden avenue is nearly com i8 built. From this to the depot is an ter avenue bridge would be put in posi- Jennings, 'P. meetings Putnam, last ' is built In old 1-- have matters on the It English PUBLISHED BY ... . and 20 2 tion before this but the delay is nings, compromised A. NV se- - pleted. style iron bridge, 75 fees in length time, S. S. Piatt, and Piatt have will as fine selection of the plan. The plan I and, when finished, be as any eet from the ba8e line t0 tue ground due 10 tne erl" oriage company, wwi.u original He Bests to. Please the Doctors. cured a good suppiv of ice. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. of Mr of was ac- at the .Standing among a group of work on the This affords aroaa- - is tne sirucrure. xue cuwyauj XMAS. Northrop Bridgeport park. R. II. SMITH, EDITOR. bridge. inamng so far as its exterior elevation was Henry Dittus spent Sunday in Dan- - tall oak and walnut trees, with a full 75 in ror on tne is overumc uu cepted A NEW ORCHESTRION. way feet width driving worising i""""" floor of Nor-- view of the Sound, it will be an 60 A 4c. A COPT. I for the Consolidated road. concerned, but the plan the bury. elegant $1 TEAR, south side of the station. Across the bridges Hon P. T. Barnum, - the prince of home the alderman and his v walk architect was adopted as more suit for family.. 10. tracks will be a second 75-sp-an support-- IEWT0WH, C0NH.,FRD1TIDECEMBEB The raUroad ha9 corae to an under- - able. The work will now be pushed to showmen, by advice of his physicians, is WHITE HILLS. - i of Cole A Hinck eaoneiuier biuc vy Duu01,a..L.. mnwrn. What better ' a rest at his beautiful home William R, Hinckley ...... Tia,tina present, taking quiet Niss-Louis- e On the north side, there will be a third s completion. Nichols visits io Bridge is confined to the house with a se- rvthinir has been Marina. Contrary to newspaper reports, " ley will are made the and Nichols. "; -- iron bridge, bevond which there other Mr Hawkins what give, the lit Active preparations for he is improving, but, on account of his port vere cold. embankments. The satisfactorily arranged. Christmas festivities in the church. , The abutments and bridge has his of under the one more age and in order to improve faster and to E. C. Wixom is very ill with pneumon bill board is on allow given up right way tie pleasure, children meet week to the A large being put up is provided with gtalrcases to easy and the .will him an every practice please his physician, he has promised ia. The bull that gored him has been sta- track company give new service. There will be the usual en- State street nearly opposite the police communication with the passenger other. than a nice pair ofRub for a time to transact no business with sold to Thomas Wolcott of Bennett's when it has " station. tions on either side. The scheme of build tertainment for the children, any one and to keep perfectly quiet. He Bridge. on the of the James of Bridgeport, while ber Boots or a flair of been decided to dispense with the- - tree A. who has been chair ing a new road north tracks, Hennessey reads all the daily papers, has a splendid Mrs Emma Leavenworth of Henry Bishop, to the Mill Plain ou the Lockwood crossing in and use a table for the display ann dis Stepney man or from the depot crossing working Shoes? appetite and is just as regular in his hab is the ponce conynisswners lor is Fairfield. was beneath with her mother, Mrs Mary E. Drew. in road, has already been spoken of. It Tuesday, caught tribution of presents. its as ever, except going out to drive. nearly four years, has sent bis resig FAIRFIELD'S BUDGET. on account of A Bos a part of these plans and will be carried a beam which slipped Is He has received from Switzerland a Pastor worth's sermon, Sunday, nation and took his farewell leave of the oe Mrs A. Taylor, Jr, progressing slow large out at the same time, as it is understood cave in the bank, lie was Dunea and fine orchestrion which furnishes him was an excellent one. Subject, "Geth- - board, Saturday night. He says that he to ly toward recovery. The doctor has ad A Nice Point. that all the laud needed is already pur-- neatli the earth and beam and had be with fine musie his confinement. semane." has no time, but probably he does not Legal . vised the family to move from their pres during Rtands due-out- was taken to the Bridge- - FINE WARM qovo thnt nf Rphfielil. who He as as convenient. Susie has been caring for waut to be interested in the trial of the was ent quarters quickly Beardsley - WAS IT CONSOLIDATION? to sell whenever the road (for port emergency hospital, where it 13. : ready vis BETHEL. her grandmother, Mrs Lewis Shelton. ... which he holds many large contracts) found that he was badly injured, the SLIPPER Mrs Holmes of Glenbrook, Conn., Tie voters of the - The Christmas entertainment of St Once more is the precarious project of In Spring of 1880, the needs the and J. D. muscles of the leg being temporarily par- its her father. Rev B. J. Relyea and sis The new church sheds progress slowly, IIMland Hill school the property, loomey, Thomas school will be held at assist. starting a hotel to be tried in Bridgeport. district, feeling who that the road can have his alvzed. It will probably be some time ter, Miss Grace Relyea, at the Congrega Sunday so few are willing to need of a new school after num- says Nichols house on the of The site selected is a good one, the prop house, land as soon as he and the officias before he will be out again. Would be the for tional parsonage. opera evening Grandison Hubbell is quite Dr erous decided to build. The just thing and is expected to be the sick; erty owned by the San ford family on the meetings, can strike a bargain. The road also in sister of Mrs Monday, 29th, Shelton attends him. now in use was the result of Tuesday evening, Mr and Mrs James Grandma. Mrs Walter Jennings, J most elaborate and successful undertak northwest corner of Main and Golden building tends to build an artistic frame sub-st- a a M. who died some weeks these In order to build the G. Wentz entertained friends with pro- Jennings ago en this school in Mrs George Brooks and daughter, Mrs Hill streets, two minutes' walk from the meetings. tion on the north side of the tracks, in were by years. school was borrowed. In gressive angling party. There breathed her last, early Wednesday Drew, have visited in Shelton. depot and close beside the new court house, money pharos of a second station agent, for The cause of death was Grassy Plain hose company will give the Fall of the citizens of the town eight tables and the prize winners were: E R morning. heart house. The lot is vacant, save for an old 1887, west bouud trains Dollow sec the second sociable at the engine bouse, Jerry Williams has recovered and re the annual town in Oc- exclusively. Gentlemen, first. William Bulkley: FATE iailure. wooden house, which has been leased to voted, at meeting out this will also build a New Year's eve. turned to work In Shelton. that all the school districts in the Ing idea, they ond, Roderick P. Curtis ; ladies, first, We notice an item in the last Bee on our an auctioneer until January 1. It will tober, second station, about opposite the Miss Annie lost a cow been town should be eliminated what is freight Miss Elsie Bulkley ; second, Would like a of em postal facilities. We cannot see why there A dancing school is to be opened here, Bennett French ; it had then be torn down and the foundations by The same station ar- pair cause as we have . in our present building. Bulkley. should be for complaint, this week by Prof Andella, who sick and had to be killed. for a block of stores in. This will known as the consolidation act South- - the same mails as our sister of. Friday, 'put rangements will be followed at broidered number of, is well known to of our front on Main street and will be one sto- statutes. The object was to do away with Miss Huggins of New Haven has visit slippers, floes. We can see no cause tor complaint be many young peo Ernest Upton butchered a cow for Miss port. At the latter place, W. G. Braley He conducts a school in but the walls and foundations all the districts, with their officers and to the ed Mrs E. L. Wells. while . cause we did not have postal cards in stock. ple. Danbury Williams, Monday. He has bought out ry high, of New Haven has been supervising We had sufficient to until will be to the the control and managment of should have last A number of visitors were entertained Mr and Is busy. strong enough support put work of for the removal of the our order was filled, had not some unknown Northrop of several additional stories. schools into the hands of the town. This arranging DEERFIELD. Wooster O. U. A. at their weight V station and to friend relieved us of what stock we had on by council, M., Curtiss have been - of a brick passenger hoped Mr and Mrs Joseph should it be deemed advisable to add to is accomplished by the appointing have had it on its last week. He Mr and Mrs Thomas B. have M 0 T hand. Sorry that wo could not accommodate meeting, Monday night. Twocandldates Grandison Hubbell's. of way, Bradley HER to guests at the height of the building in the future. town committee to have the oversight however the writer, but trust that we will be able do were Initiated. was met with various delays, visited in Black Rock. so in a few " It we will send a Bennett French has been in Der In the rear of these stores and all tho schools. Three questions arise in finish days. not, spec Mrs fronting and was unable to do more than at ial order. fM. M. Crossman, P. M., Green's A council of the daughters of Liberty, on Golden Hill street will be a small ho the mind of the writer on the above state- in Miss Ada Belle Burr spent Sunday by. raising it by jack screws. He had all would be delighted with Farms. a new order which is gaining rapid foot some 35xC0 feet, plans for which are ment of facts. home. Miss Anna Dimon in Bir tel, readiness this week and said he hoped hold in this part of the State, is to be in spent Sunday now being prepared by Longstaff & Hurd. Was there a consolidation of the see it Mrs Charles Nichols and a handsome velvet, STEPNEY. First, that Saturday night would safely daughter stituted here, this (Friday) evening. The mingham. The bnilding will probably be four or districts In the town as intended by tne The founda have visited Mrs Moses Burr of Weston landed in its new position. kid or felt. Miss Maranda Hull has returned to order is somewhat similar to the Ameri- Miss Ida Williams has visited in Shel five stories high, have a pressed brick statutes? tions will have to be built up after the Miss Nellie Stowe has returned home Bethel. can'Mechanics and all members of the ton. and stone front and contain accommoda Second, If so, then should not the town structure is in place and the cracks in an absence of several weeks. local council, which will be known as tions between 100 and 200 after BE Ma Sherman of Zoar takes the place of for people. have assumed the debts and property of the walls, of which there are hardly any ALL THESE CAN' Jefier3on council, No. 20, are in HUNTINGTON. The first floor is as a first class Mrs C. Nichols has visited her niece, Charles Penny with B. Hawley & Co. Lady designed the different districts? of consequence, will be repaired. Work standing of the O.JJ.A.M.The insti cafe. There will ba seven stores in the Mrs Edward Nichols of Fairfield Woods FURNISHED BY Mr Penny is engaged at tobacco work in good Frederick A. Wheeler, while peddling Third, If not, then are not the districts has been stopped at the rectory crossing tution will take place in O. U. A. M. hall Main street block, each provided with a the of Bethel. milk, Monday, narrowly escaped serious responsible for all debts contracted both in order to allow early completion and notables from Danbury and New bay window of plate glass at the front. HOYDEN'S HILL. a His lines, to slip before and after the consolidation vote the undergrade bridge at the Marquand Mrs George Osborn and children Haven will be present. injuries. happening The stores will be 80 to 90 feet and over the dash, hit the horse's heels, caus- deep and tho new depot bridge is not Josie Wakeman has returned from in Bethel, guests of Beach Wayland. IS to 23 feet wide. The was taken? crossing Mrs Margaret O'Neil, who died, last it to run. Mr Wheeler tried to from estimated rnmlir for travel because the iron has visit at her brother's. N. ing regain cost is not from Dow & As to the first question, whether there H. AYEES, Frank Beardsley is in Ansonia, week, was 49 years old. Her funeral was bv on the was far 820,000. ling . Tho Morehouse and Lock them, stepping shats, was consolidation, the writer been delayed W. F. Sherwood and cousin, Mrs M. E charge of one of the electric cars. attended at St last week Bottomley hold the contract for the ma really any are Mary's church, thrown off and run over by two wheels. believes that there are some grave wood crossings progressing rapidly Piatt of Newtown, have been with E. B O'Connell. sonry, but the mill work and the plate for the Iron work as Mrs Frances Lane and son of Bethel Thureday, by Father The horse soon stopped, doing no dam doubts. One of the first, if not the first and will be ready Sherwood. glass will remain in the hands of the as arrives from the Berlin 7 BISHOP have visited here. Mrs Julia E. Roberts, who died the age. Mr Wheeler received only slight and for the consumma soon that BL0COFT architects, Longstaff & Hurd. principal requisite The work of Mrs Stephen Barmore and Mrs George was but 27 old. Rev F. G. bruises. tion of the consolidation, after the vote bridge company. laying The house of G. W. Curtiss narrowly 10th, years is At Lockwood of Bridgeport have visited Howell conducted services at the funer- John T. the hud decided what the wishes of the in the drain tile also progressing. (381 Main street) escaped, one night last week. A kero- By the will of the late Seth Hurd, the Sterlingj enterprising Green's a contingent Mrs C. A. Jennings. al, at 2 p m, at the Methodist of St. were named crockery dealer, has proved bis appreci- habitants were, was thatthe "town shall Farms, also, large sene lamp, left in the conservatory to Friday vestry Paul's church are at work at the alterations church. as trustees and chose Theodore E. Beard ation of the value of desirable building assume the and be responsible of Italians Master Clifford Jennings has been poor lowes keep the room warm, set the roof on fire property overhead Mill At the very before it as their It will be remembered lots in East Bridgeport and East End by the debts of the districts within their in the present bridges. ly. and burned a large part of it Both local newsdealers and stationers, agent. for Fairfield was to have This occurred while in that position, be endeavor buying them in profusion. He is now limits." The act then goes Plain crossing at is able to be about was discovered. after G. H. Cole and S. S. Owen, have a fine that, respective but the start F. B. Wakeman prices. is - ed to sell a certain tract of timber, but showing further proof of his interest ut on in detail how this snail been attacked, Saturday, midnight and Mr Curtte to be congrat- stock of Christmas goods. and specifies is that but again, riding as lar as Bridgeport. was some as the timber is the good work of building up Bridgeport done. was deferred. It reported 7 more ulated.upon saving his pleasant home, opposed by be nart. be closed at Besides he has Alexander Robinson and Samuel nan of trus- hi orivintr Ruildpr W. F. Vanilxll of Tlnw-- was - of this crossing- will rapidly growing. The bond the " J o The only thing which the town did i " DIAMOND BEDDING, The Stepney Sunday school na have sailed for where once, the bridge being put in by sections HILL, Baptist Europe, they tees being found illegal and a now one ard axenue the contract to construct for to appoint a committee to have charge presents togive away will hold a service of months. The new at the or E. T. Field and Miss Mattie scripture reading, will spend several after opposition, Mr him three cottages on Maple street. East and coutrol of the schools and property, bridge Eddy crossing daughter, recitation in the Christ required, strong was last in New York song and church, Nich Beard succeeded in the Bridgeport. They will be about 24x34 did not assume such as the Greenfield road completed, visit city A select socia will be given at inducing vestry but property and abutments mas Eve, and will have a Christmas tree. to all and title to the es- feet and will cost $2000 each. owners or the debts on such week and the old bridge Miss Orra Benedict is at New Milford ols opera house, this (Friday) evening. relinquish right chargeable The east A Christmas entertainment at the valued at about $7000 and had him- The writer fails to see how have been taken away. ap Frank Comstock is home from a visit tate, The roof of the new Seaside club build property. to the is finished, but con Charles Dean is at Edgar Field's, H. N. AYEES, M. E. evening, self sole and trustee. hands of one can exercise the rights proach bridge Stepney church, Tuesday in appointed agent ing is in the the slaters. any legally siderable remains to be done at the his absence from home. 23d, at 7 30; if very stormy Troy. One of the beneficiaries is now receiving of and possession over prop filling commencing Christmas- trees are ownership other side. Much of the railroad work Friday evening, 26th, at the same hour Henry Beaupaiu is working with Build at the rate of 8150 per and a barn being shipped without some act showing An entertainment will be held at the year down the Housatonic road. erty doing which was to have been er Will Fox has been built at a cost of about $220. an intention to control and possess the in this vicinity, Congregational church, Tuesday even Mrs W. H. n. Clarke of Philadelphia done 1, cannot, probably, be 7BISH0PBL0CK,BPT. It is rumored that J. Shee- - The town did not commit by January ing, 23d ; if stormy, Friday evenmg,20th. has visited her mother-in-la- Mrs Bar The temperance of Huntington property. R0XBURY. people asked to act as success- -, such but refused, finished till Spring. Mrs Middlebrook, a talented elocutionist, num Curtis. G. W. P. Kendrick's tell- han has been the acts, utterly through highly enjoyed on board to the fact thai will recite. Admission 15c. (381Mainstreet) Mrs Lemon is in New York. on Sun. or of Henry A. Bishop the of its officers, recognize The church met at The Lower school has ing argument the "Live issue," furnishing society ' Stepney Sunday ' Music was Miss police commissioners. they should do so. Mrs af decided to hold a in the sea Mrs Kate Russell of Painter hill was day. furnished by Park of the house of Kippen, Thursday STRATFORD. supper later Mrs Crandall Miss addition to the Goodman In other words, the simple fact ap- Store open evenings son of the Christmas in the Center cemetery. organist, and Parker. The large ternoon at 2. to take the place buried, Monday, has been and the pointing a town committee to have charge Issac Batterson's fish market was 1. tree. Rev G. U. Buck was at St. Sun factory completed, the Con until January Born, Friday night, a daughter to Mr Paul's, is in and of the schools, without assuming The. Christmas exercises of the broken into, Saturday by burglars machinery nearly all running the of night, Mrs Barnum Curtiss and Mrs Clark and Mrs Mansfield. day. property and exercising right gregational Sunday school will take place who stole $25 worth of cigars. They on full time. Many new bands have was not a sufficient 7. visited Mrs Willett of ' Mrs Edward K. is ownership over it, at the hall, Sunday evening, 21st, at a shutter of one of the near Mrs Eunice Merwin has returned to Bridgeport. Mrs Harvey Thomas is very ill with Morgan entertaining been added ; still tbey are unable to fill faken. in pried open Mrs Charles at her compliance with the statutes, windows and then removed a Miss Lillian Gilbert of Newtown her mother. Judson, their orders. to Tho annual Christmas festival for the pane glass. Southport. spent pneumonia. home. connection with the vote of the town with her Mrs J.D.Beach. Bridgeport B. D. has his Sunday school children will be held at The in the case of Eugene Sunday cousin, Comical Brown gave an entertainment Pierce, Jr, completed consolidate the districts. hearing -- WESTPORT. Xiuas tree, December 24, 7 30, at St. contract at the new reservoir ; also the second ad- the Town hall, Wednesday evening, Morehouse for violation of the pension The young people are preparing greens here, Friday evening. In regard to the question, Mrs Electa Elwood has secured about Paul's. new sewer in South avenue. we had consolidation, then 24th. laws regulating fees for collecting pen- at Wilson Sherman's for the New Year's The High school will close its first mitting that the 1000 in back money. town did assume the and sions was adjourned till January 10, $ pension supper to be given there for Cutler's Christmas morning service at St.Paul's John Callahan, while at work near the property A Christmas box, to contain toys, etc., more time term, Saturday. debts of the districts and was responsi- Samuel prosecuting attorney desiring Farms Sunday school. Serside made an cut in the is to be made up at the house of - Stiles A union service of Christ and - Rev Mr Buck, besides his services here park, ugly ble for such debts and, having once be- to secure evidence. Attorney REDDING. Bridge- side of his foot with a Morehouse and sent to some orphan asy- At a meeting of the directors of the water will be held in the in the morning and at St. James, Bir pick. come still remain so un- Judson, Jr, is counsel. parishes Knights responsible, they lum. Those who have toys or books of L. Blackman had to kill a horse Monroe creamery, last week Sun- at had two funerals. J u 11 11 - and J. of Labor hall at Roxbury Station, mingham, evening, ocuidc una uicucu uuikct til all the debts contracted before Interest to children make some little Some objection is being made by prop whose was broken kick from Friday, it was voted to gather no more the same in the small on In may leg by day, and continue, if well attended. day. building lately put up during such consolidation are paid. one them with Mr erty owners on Main street to the pro its mate. cream and to close the creamery build the on Water street. stat- happy by leaving The grand list of Center district, ex Thompson property this, the writer is borne out by the Morehouse at any time on and before posed horse railroad through that ing at Stepney Depot, Saturday, 20th John M. Orford, the business like su- as Is no whereby BR00KFIELD. empting property not taxable, is 37,231 utes, there provision Monday. beautiful thoroughfare. HATTERT0WN. The reason for such action, as stated by perintendent of the Bridgeport electric the districts shall again the the and The Christmas festival of St PauTs The young meet to prepare All citizens should turn out on Monday, Light House Keeper Judson killed a Miss Sylvia Northrop left,, last week secretary treasurer, Stephen people light company, is to build a $6000 house debts so contracted. lack of from school will be held in the church Christmas decorations in the lecture 22d and attend the town meeting, at snow owl, last week. for a visit with her children in Stratford French, is that patronage Sunday on John street, near West avenue. The This brings us to the last question, large cream has made on 24th. The room of the church. whlchfen effort will be made to com and Norwalk. farmers producing it Wednesday evening, pres Congregational plans, which are from the offices of which Is if there was no consolidate W. B. to South ents will be on a as band-so- that, on Daniel Snyder expects go impossible for them to make butter arranged large star, December 28 is the date fixed for the Longstaff & Hurd, provide for a are for promise with the bondsmen soon to look after his orange groves. He Miss Booth is in New York was done four Ion, then the districts responsible of over Sophia enough to make it pay. years ago. of Y. P. S. C. E. house, finished throughout in nat- as If no vote to consolidate Maloney's bonds. A discrepancy has sonTe 1200 acres of land in Florida public meeting their debts, was discovered in his account and city. Miss Julia N. Hawley is home, from ural wood and furnished with every con- had been taken. 92500 Mr is the patentee of an orange Center school will enjoy a Xmas tree, the selectmen were instructed to hold Snyder A. Stillson has visited his sister, Mrs , MONROE. Housatonic hall for Christmas vacation. venience. - This statement needs but little discus- picker, from which he is looking foH Easton. Friday evening; dialogues, etc., are pre P. E. the Main street shoe his bondsmen, by the last town meeting. J. Sherwood of Charles Hurd's house caught fire, last on Abbott, sion, as the dullest reader can readily large returns. Services in St Paul's Christmas day, pared. dealer and has had but was saved without much - contractor, plans understand If no had taken Miss Cava- - Friday, beginnigg at 11 a m. , that, change The engagement of Aggie- Miss of expressman " G. W. P. A..M. Kendrick was guest of made by W. J. Skinner, Jr, for a couple same state of affaris must Amy, daughter GREEN'S FARMS. damage. - place, then the naugh and Charles Banks is announced. Judson and Holmes, an employe The ice crop is now the order of the Miss Jennie E. Parker. of small cottages, costing $1000 eacb. which existed before George The Y. C. E. conducted their the directors of the necessarily exist, Catholic. of the was married at the P,gS. At a meeting of day. Nearly all who expect to get any John Jackie and are was granite works, in it Homer Curtis, who cut his foot, is out Joseph Belbridge the vote to consolidate taken. residence of the bride's last weekly prayer meeting Long Lots, Monroe Creamery Co., Saturday, 13th, are doing so. It ranges from seven to for new Born, daughter to Harry Barnes. parents, tem- having plans prepared dwellings Numberless difficult questions have Monday evening. It was resolved to was decided to suspend operations - again. In the of a nine inches. ; ; . on Hough avenue and North Main street. Friday evening, presence Mon- arisen out of this supposed consolidation P. Gorman has moved to Bridgeport. hold another meeting there, next porarily. A stockholders? meeting has a wnu large company of friends. Rev E. D. '. The committee SHELTON. oiiu ureuireu inun which have and will continue to day and, if possible, organize a branch been called for the 19th and it is possible for procuring greens juue, agitated A man was struck and killed by the Bassett of the M. E. church performed to decorate St consists of Ar- King Hiram of Newtown, Corintihan of the minds of our board of there. The society has, so far, been very that may still continue in operation. Paul's Presiding Elder Beach will preach at agitate present cars about 5 o'clock in the afternoon the cermony. they thur ' Paul Jones, Frederick Bridgeport, King Solomon of Woodbury of some of received. The farmers should the a Hawley the Methodist church, Sunday morning. Mil-for- school visitors and the people near Redfleld's at the favorably give creamery exemplified the third degree at New d, Tuesday, quarry Mr has received a car of finish in- Beers, William Pinkney and Arthur our districts. Hughes Mrs of has been more, hearty support, as it Is to their last week. acid works. ed monuments to be erected in Ely Columbus, Penn., Campbell. One of the questions which at present granite with Mrs William who terest that it should be a success. LONG fflLL. The wife the In this He has been her sister, Burr, ofJStephen Nichols, Emeline, troubles the School Board Is how to ob Skating has been enjoyed by young cemetries vicinity. The schools in town will generally be Tram- -, has suffered from an attack of pneumon- Mr Ford visits his grandfather, George Miss Marv McGuire spent in daughter of Aaron Beardsley of control and of the records people on what Is knowp as Nichols pond obliged to have some of his work cut at closed for the holidays from one to two Sunday tain possession ia. She returned, Monday, the patient E. Phippeny. Ansonia. .' bull, was buried, Monday. of the town committee, during the exist- - situated back of the Middle district the quarries, as he was unable to nil his weeks.- - Tne wife of Merchant W. B. Hall waa force of men. being better. will have an ' ence of the consolidation, which are In school house orders with his present Harmony grange open Peter Lynch is learning the blacksmith buried, Tuesday, Rev R. G. S. McNeills, . There is talk of a Musical Union of in the church the of Rev C. G. Adams, sec- have mrfV entertainment was in- - meeting parlors, Tuesday BRIDGEWATER. trade with his brother John. the services. possession Francls Morgan and family . The Cupheag's in ' conducting who now lives those interested choral and instrument- evening, 30th. All are invited. A retary of the committee, ed to New York for the Winter. terfered with by the storm. The annual church meeting of the Con Edward who has been working Mrs Capt Rowland is slowly recover- State and re al music. Lynch, out of town and out of the Miss Harriet Judson, who has been vis gregational society was held Friday ev with F. S. Shelton for seven months, has ing from an overdose of morphine, which fuses to give them up unless paid 940, LYON'S PLAIN. " Second debate under the auspices of iting in Bethel and Danbury, is at Dr ening, 12th. Officers elected : home for the Winter. she is obliged to use for heart trouble. ! VILLAGE. ' gone Isn't this a pretty sight A fine state of S0UTHP0ET the literary committee of the Y. P. S. C. Stevens's. Clerk, Henry Santord. . Eva Bestic is caiing for her. Mr and Mrs Ed. Hoyt of Norwalk Mrs Bcnnitt. W. B. Coan is on the sick list. affairs t The Board is asked to pay for Rowan of New York E., Wednesday, 24th, at Mrs I. B. Wake-man'- s. Treasurer, George Frank is at his old home on Rev J. J. Spong Randall Davidson and wife of Seymour i Perry have visited Lester Fanton. Organist, Miss Fanny Kecler. -- - to It. Let the : "Co-operati- French has ice. , "., ; Main . what rightfully belongs cltv officiated at Trlnitv. Sunday. Mr The subject the have visited F. D. Hollister. Minor, Elmer Frost. D. S. putjn North street. of records of Deacons, George Roard obtain possession the Spong preached two eloquent sermons; Mrs Bradley and MissClara Bradley solution of our social and domestic prob- Sunday school superintendent, William Fred Peck is for Frank Sher- The whole police board has resigned In or Mrs S. M. -- A donation at the Methodist par working and, if necessary, expend money in the morning, on "The faith" and in Greenfield have been with lems." In the afterndop, the ladies' aid party Marsh. man. and Mayor DeForest has - - - - der to do so. but by no means should on "Christian He Banks. - . will meet and a supper and social sonage, East Village, Tuesday evening, Assistant, Charles Jessup. Commissioner Grant, with Councilman the evening ministry." society and Frank Frost. buy them of him. Is a will follow. 23d. - Secretary treasurer, Rev Edward Curtis from Long Island W. B. Beardslee and C. H. they moderately high churchman, having Mrs John W. Wood of Westport has Librarian, J. L. Minor. Another Is, Who should col of the " preached in the M. E. church, last Sun as new members. - V question been associated with the Fathers been with her mother, Mrs Elizabeth Mrs M. A. has closed ' her cot- Ed. Stevens, the store keeper in East Assistant, H.W. Treat. Bogart lect the tax laid by the voters Phipps The Sunday school of the M. E. recently Holy Cross of New York. Next Sunday, Banks. on the shore and to Village, has William S Clark peddling Organist, Genevieve Santord. day. the Holland Hill school district to tage gone Spring- church will have their Christmas tree in of pay Rev I. C. Sturges of Zion church, New , , , : illness of the teacher in ADDITI0NAL NEWTOWN LOCAL. as before The memorials have been received for field, Mass., for the Winter. groceries. Owing to the the next 24th, for their school house, built, will officiate. hall, Wednesday evening, - York, morn- At the last meeting of Harmony grange, River district, the children have had a C. E. Jaynes arid son of Matteawan, In the Spring of 1886 and before Emmanuel church. Next Sunday II. P. Dreher, who went to Springdale ' at 7. stated, a : - N. were at last matters not much The Bee wishes all its readers very the rector will deliver an appropri- to take a milk has been officers were elected as follows vacation. Y., guests Jeanville, the consolidation. It ing, Conn., route, is to '. . -- and returns. W. M .. Mr Hadley's shop nearly ready week. . . as It in event, Merry Christmas many ate sermon. Among the is a confined to his bed with E.A.Bailey. Sanf ord is called somewhat bet who collects It, must, any gifts inflammatory Overseer, L.B. Beardsley. Henry occupy. His nouse is oeing paintea in of 28 and Fairfield handsome and elaborate chancel rheumatism. . , to the of the come out of the voters the district, A party of from here Lect., James Burr. ; ( ter, but very poorly yet. Owing unpleasantness colors." - some think Wiliiams. Ambrose S. Hurd. ? Prof Ne well's but, technically and legally, attended the Stoddard lecture at Bridge- chair, presented by Bishop Mrs Charles is sick with- - Steward, Dora Sanford is weather, Wednesday, Mills, Jr, her .3 Mrs improving slowly. Richardson is with her that It should be collected by the town, The next lecture, on the 31st, will Chaplain, Mrs A. Wheeler. Minnie sister, dancing class was postponed until Mon- port. Service during Christmas: old complaint, hemorrhage of the lungs. A. Sinclair, Jr. Wed - on the oth-- . Secretary, An oyster supper in the chapel, Mrs L. L. Stuart. afternoon and . December which question In turn turns be on "The passion play." Wednesday, 8 p m, childien's festival, with She is weak. ' day evening, Treasurer, T. H. Lockwood. npadav evening, under the auspices of the Grand Central er question, Was there any consolidat- was tree. Assistant 8teward, A. Wheeler. The prize whist club met with Mrs 22, at hotel, where The Washington express stopped, Christmas day, service at IS 49 A. C. is still dangerously sick the Y. P. S. C. E. - better accommodations can be afforded ion? Constant Reader. to accommodate a Thursday, Taylor G. K., Kobert Sinclair. Wilmot C. Wheeler, Friday evening,12th. Thursday morning, a m and communion. and faint hopes are entertained of his re- F., Edith Wheeler. died for all. It Is hoped that ail interested who been to see Sothern St service at 7 in. - Rev L. W. Dorman, who'recently IMPROVEMENTS. large party bad Friday, Stephen's day, p covery. He for a while, and C., Anna Brooke. will see that their children attend. ' RAILWAY St John's at 7 m. improves in the Church of the Ascension, BRIDGEPORT. in "The maister of Woodbarrow" at Saturday, day, p - Lillian Wheeler. suddenly then loses ground by a relapse. P., was at one time of the rians for the bridge and approaches Hawes opera house, Bridgeport. Mrs B. A. Salmon has been with her L. A. S., Rose Sinclair. i Brooklyn, pastor Henry Village and family have moved By the erection of a large addition at at The on JSherwoodV Organist, C. E. Hollister. . ' church in this town. to do away with the grade crossing celebration niece, Mrs Frank Gorhani of Valley "raising" Island, Congregational to Norwalk, whence they came here a the rear of his ice house at South Center, one of most There Is to be a children's last was, the Fairfield depot, the import- on Friday, notwithstanding Miss Elnia B. Stevens is taking lessons Miss Grace Smith is reported, better, few months ago. W. C. Johnson has nearly doubled his at the Congregational church Sunday Mrs Walter Meeker has moved from " ant and In town, arrived last blustering weather, a success. The 'new in from. Prof of home soon, capacity for. fee and will be able perplexing at 3 m. Into the house painting Thompson with prospects of coming The next General Assembly will have storing week. As explained to a Bee reporter, p Westport' recently repair- buildings, in strength and beauty ,surpass ' Mon to house about 800 this - He is Bridgeport. j Her mother was telegraphed for, of horse railroad business from tons, year. call for an at the old Bos- Rev Clarke of Bridgeport Is ed. She having It painted. Her any in this region. Mr Elwood does not plenty He also intends to stack a they approach Sylvester has-gon- e- New week. on. Should all the large quanti- at orf Christmas grandchildren, Mips Jessie Kellogg and intend to all bis outside build- Miss Laura Lewis, to day this city to decide ton post road (the road to South port) to officiate at Trinity day complete cit- ty near by and put a temporary building brother,wllI live with her. at once. Next he re- ffirven. where she is engaged in dress Both churches are preparing for their roads be granted their petitions, the a dlytance of 102 feet from the southeast at 10 30 a m. ings Spring, may " over It. . He has expedited toe filling of - sume making. ' , " ! ChrlBtmas exercises. izens of Bridgeport will without any corner of the post office. This entrance Visits Mrs G. Pregnels of Norwalk is with operations. his houses by an ingenious hoisting de- Miss Edwards of Boston James John Griffin is on the Derby doubt have all the railroad service that ' will be wide and commodious and will Mrs Charles Salmon. employed and Ernie Tucker are home vice.;;;-. 7 .' G. Wentz. her aunt, The Dingee place has bad a new gutter Hoiisatonic Will Kyle to come. lie on land of Postmaster division of the system. will be required for many years partly bought Miss Minnie of Wilton is with made from the' house to the northwest C. is to unite with from Sharon. wide awake business Mrs R. Smith waa in and on a corner of the The school boys are beginning to re- Brady Misa Fannie Burr ...... The managers are J. Sandy Hook, Wakeley partly - corner of the road. It was laid bv Charles -' . her Mrs T. W. Treadwell. church." . Annie Welton sleigh- their road Mr Smith's brother at Oore-- The has a of six turn home for Christmas. sister, the Congregational Miss reports good men and will work bard to put Monday park. approach grade Mil Is. A new ience also ornaments the . 60-fo- Miss Lottie Munson has visited her N. Y. .. 100 ot Rev A. Hamilton has entertained a ' Ing at Syracuse, ahead. , feet io and will occupy the decorations aUhe Con lots of this beautiful residence. ats-r-t The Christmas pasture , 1 Mrs Marsh of Cornwall, died only 372 feet In of Mr friend from church, New York aunt in Terryville The and reception to have .. strip, length, bought have been in Trinity en-- of large elegant i church put is '. . .monUi aim. Mr Smith has not embank- gregational The lumber for the new lecture room Edward W. Hawley extensively SOUTH BRITAIN. a 1 Mm William 'IVnhM TTT fi t The bottom of the city. urcu V. ! " Wakeley. place and ths effect is very pretty. The the church arrived. Men have id swine, fc" ' rffoovarwr from his Lite accident, krt Ii as it his house, will be but has gaged raising Amos Mitchell of Bridgeport spent at their residence on State street has been . . ment, passes church is decorated more extensively, Miss E. K. Adams spent Sunday at been work for a G. Miles B, .'in? proving. ; the of the at week preparing to Edward Beardsley, Burr, with his father. hi pospoued on account otthe even feet away top "grade, this than formerly. Good Hill. C. Sunday definitely ve- - year, raise the frame. This will "take Benjamin S. Hurd and J. Johnson put E4-- T o tfc 1 T however, especially the roadway for place, -- death of his father, the late William J: itl Calht I Mr Holbrook of New York has been Mrs Tomlinson's met In the Tuesday. It is expected ' that the new ' up ice of excellent quality, thia week, ..aMw.-jwn.1 KioV. will be somewhat xurtner. At tne society Sunday. rwTnrbee. ' " I will oCcv-z2.;- ti, to ten inches thick. pied the Congregational polplt," , , -- of James G. Wentz. church afternoon. building be for March from elht - c 1 of lit Wakeley's property, tie tirti puest parlor Thursday tt He NEWTOWN, CONN., BEE. The Niantic mill has not been running The Danbury girl injured while ELON BOOTH'S WILL. by. couldn't afford to wear stock said, Elon would never buy one for him- - Again the nation is called upon to Special Christmas Display, on full time and was a stone wall at is Miss ings after his mother died. She self. ; He never the assessment on mourn one de-- s rSISAT, DECEMBEB 19,1890. shut down, Friday Hawleyville always paid the death of of its brave 'tadies who are wondering what to pur-hi- and Saturday. This week the water was Kane of Beckerle's shop. Her broken Of The Trial. mended and made for him. He never lot. fenders and Connecticut loses a noble chase In order to make a. dear friend happy CIUCULATION. Progress ! drawn off the M. Keenan's. gave away but 50c to and , In the of he a room son Maj-Ge- n on Christmas need have no fear of being pond to repair the supply limb still confines her at my knowledge Fall 1888, plastered in the death of Alfred H. day a JilOARTl, 1883 601 JURORS. I he did ' u Take a half hour-- LIST WEEK 2S1S pipes. guess that to get rid of the wo for me. He was very peculiar about his Terry, which took place In New Haven they only s Charles B. Bridgeport-Amo- man. , i Buy some of those views of Newtown Wheeler, planning and if it did not come right to on Tuesday morning. He was not only 2?Zl The of Mrs Carlson was Higgins, Bridgeport. Never could interest to one to los-- birthday John and Sandv Hook by Hubbell ; single or figure up the get from job another without a valiant soldier in our late war, but was ofSSSiSthe most taselnaUng dispUya everarran-in- g Stratford- - . celebrated by a birthday party, at which in books of 12 for $1 50 at JE. F. Haw. Charles Wileoxson, time I married in 1844. Kept no accounts, a meal or would tnan- - commander of the of Dako- - in that The attent ion of toe pro- - " night's lodging, ( department ged city. S. V- - B. Hubbard. most of the Swedish residents of the ley's. Huntington carried everything in his head. I had no agc u wuKUieu uui a iod enouKn to eel ta auriner tne ll&ntins: witn oitcms liull Monroe-Merwi- ted on the collection neighborhood assembled. Eli B. Seeley, more to do with his business after Josiah an excuse to the and the I of speclaltiea appropri spend night. Sioux in 1876, Gen Custer being ate and St. Rose's contributed- GG B. Monroe. Booth married. ior presents at Christina the articles church $101 Lane, When Josiah's wife lie boarded with .me about 10 days in command of his advance guard when shown now in each are not to be A score or Edward S. Gillitte. Easton. Mrs department more of men have been at toward the cathedal at Hartford. died, Bronson and L. B. Booth did when he built the cellar wall for L. B. he was massacred. It is a singular coin-- 1 excelled In Interest, beauty and originality COMES. Weston-Willia- CHRISTMAS work for W. C. Johnson, who will fill the David S. Rowland. his business. He commenced business Lake's barn. - cidence thatthe same papers that of design. There la an unusually beau till. 1 Ice bouses at bis own pond and at the Good raisins 8c pound, 4 for 25c ; also B- - Smith, Weston. when 20 years old and made his home I never saw him when he showed im the death of Gen also an stock ot exquisite vaaea and jars in wan Terry known as Royal Dresden, Royal Worcesteit A Late Next Week. Foundry and most of the choice for 10 and 12c; white grapes, cran- Levi J. Sturdevant, Brookfield. with mother while he learned his trade. of his mentel faculties ; never nounced of Beev pond supply pairment the death the noted chief Sit Belleck or Egg Shell china, Bonn, Teplitx, local consumers will in mixed nuts and to Eli H. Brookfield. Eion had large of Ice, who berries, everything Stevens, always compound interest or thought him incompetent to make a will. ting Bull, killed but the day before in onyx. Royal Art, Doulton, Coal foot. Beta CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT consequence put up none themselves. make a Merry Christmas can be found at Thomas Feeley, Bridgeport. double security. Did not spend any Never saw him again after I dunned skirmish with United States art, etc, etc. For the table, Uiere la an al- N cavalry. Mr Johnson will deliver the ice at their E. F. money - him for the bill. Never noticed most endless variety of glaas and silver nov At the Congregational church will take Hawley's. foolishly. cemetery door in quantities as needed, and his fa At Russell's grave, Elon told me Mrs any of or lack of under- - The Botsford Hill elties, besides the most bewitching designs place, Tuesday evening after ChrUtmas. THE TESTIMONY IN DETAIL hesitancy speech reading and singing in dinner and tea sets. Lamps of gorgeous cilities and experience enable him to do The engine of Tuesday's Ilawleyville Bronson wanted us to go there for din- standing in him and consider that he was circle will meet with Mrs D. Davis of are wttn ar- Thl will be a long time for the children Robinson recovered from patterns and modest style made tho work quickly and cheaply. He will freight south set fire to a Held below Judge having ner. Nothing in this indicated weak competent to make a will as late as 1890. Easton, 20th. ' tistic metal stands which can be raised and to wait, but maybe the entertainment his recent the case of Elon Saturday evening, supply, among others, the meat markets John B. Feck's and destroyed two stacks illness, mindedness, as I know of. First men- GEORGE B. BEERSV 'N lowered to please the fancy and ornamental wilt be all the better when It comes. The Su- will of John II. Blackman and Minott of to John J. Schermer-hor- n Booth's contested will came up in the tioned his monument a $5000 one W. pieces for mantle or table captivate the several committee have probably not Augur, hay belonging there, Live in Newtown. Am 65 old. A. Leonard is to fill his ice houses observer at the first Be snre to visit the Grand Central, etc. Not satiefled six or tons. The perior court on Tuesday of this week, Of Westerly He was a mason years glance. planned any very elaborate program containing eight granite. In 1849, 1 built a house and Elon did the from Taunton pond, as usual. this store. with in 10 hours' work, he ob land to Merchant L. B. Booth when the cross examination of by trade and with the differ- to know these committees Is enough putting belonged acquainted mason work. Worked me or yet tained a of and one of his barns was threatened. ent kinds of for six Santa with his Christmas to to vouchsafe that alt will be nice supply lanterns, Tuesday, MRS SUSAN BELFIELD granite. weeks. Owing to the unavoidable absence of a Claus, greeting things and late in the Elon eight He boarded with my fath- the old and young,is now located at the enter- worked until evening. finally bought Russell's burial number of the , - arranged aud done decently and in or was resumed. er while he worked for me. Have seen members of the Yule shoe of C. B. 339 ly The Ice was about nine inches thick, in skates for 75c and lot and $10 for our share. prising emporium Bennett, der. The program will consist of musi Special bargain Mrff Delana Brinsmade's age is 72. She paid Nothing him since have not whist club, Dr and Mrs Rider of Danbu- Main street. When In Bridgeport all who de- clear and hard and was handled F. indicated unsoundness in conver- frequently then, but cal and nd a Christinas easily. $1 at E. Hawley's. resides in Trumbull. have no of mind him. Have met him ry, A. T. Nettleton of St Paul and R. H. sire to see jolly old Santa will do well to look literary parts They sation employed frequent- in- tree. Sauta who is as much alive an who about the lot. Elon always plead- on the Beers were substitutes at the second in Mr Bennett's sooth window and tben Claus, children, but adopted daughter; ly street. spect his immense stock of and rub- The quarto-centenni- al convention of The first of the Clover - ed poverty ; couldn't afford comforts or of the slippers as ever and loves the children as fondly, "prize night" lives in '.; i',"; v Elon asked me, at one meeting club, last week, at the club was on last and Waterbury.- ; taxes. Didn't show unsoundness of time, what I ber goods ior useful gifts inside. will probably appear. the Connecticut temperance union to be Friday evening, Mrs Orville Booth is 76 years old. "So- pay thought of Ed Booth. Told him I residence of Mr and Mrs Henry G. Cur- held in street Methodist proved of more than usual interest. The mind in that. Had the same mind thought The Last Sunday, a committee, consisting Asylum Episco- phia, who lives with her, is 41 years of right he was along as well as he could tis. occasion was as enjoyable as 1SU1 Middlcbrooks almanac and diaries, 20 scores the month had been very he always had. getting of Mrs John B. Wheeler, W. Smith row. pal church, Hartford, January aud 21, during age and in poor health. under the circumstances. He had a such meetings are certain to be when Mr tine line at E. F. Hawley's. 181)0, afl'nir close and the finish was Elon told me 12 or 15 about Miss Susan Hcudder and Mrs C. B will be an of extraordinary quite exciting; Booth lives in ; works years ago he and Mrs Curtis dispense ell, the John Hartford to a young family, and, if made out to pay hospitality. were to select the Interest. Besides eminent and able men indeed, last evening's play changed the Travellers Insurance Co. trying make will. It was after his his bills as he went This week's meeting was at Misses Glov- While in Bridgeport looking for holiday Taylor, appointed pres the of leaders for hard along, I thought it ' do not there a on ents and decorate the tree. A of our own State, the following speakers positions the considerably. in 10 sickness at Henry B. Glover's. er's. gifts, forget that is place very good Have lived Southbury years. about all he could do. Told Elon I Wall street and It is numbered 36, where are annonnced : Kev Dr Deems of New The club has adopted a new plan, this Charles Warnej was called to draw it yon sura of Christmas money was readily My father suffered more or less anxiety up. if Ed it will find a ot and useful Kev Winter, of their at one Said that be went as as his Toledo thought he,would give $500 Dr R. Mrs E. and great variety pretty subscribed those who were present, York, Dr Cuyler of Brooklyn, Col holding meetings about his as all fathers are to far would be a NVBetts, Taylor things at prices which can be reached by all. by the of Mr sons, apt and quite lift and might encour Miss Susie committee on but the committee would re- Tunis founder and superintendent of the place and, through courtesy do. father once his note to money stopped. Did not know how him. Chambers, buy- I pay no high Main street prices for rent and thankfully the Annex has been at their dis- Yes, gave age St can will sell in line ceive contributions other friends Massachusetts reformatory 'at Concord, Leonard, enable to settle with much there was or how to fix it. All he "You've ing presents for John's Christmas and anything my at a any my brother John up - got money enough ; shell out more Mrs leader in move- posal as a club house. It is central for knew was what told- him. Did tree, visited Bridgeport, reasonable rate. Just take the trouble may volunteer. Mary II. Hunt the the Adams Co. for some money agents and him." Monday. to come down see for ment the members and, with the numerous ac Express all his and there try my way and yourself. for scientific temperance teaching trouble. buying selling through Elon "devil take yours, II. Lutx. in commodations that It is "Well," said, 'em, let Mrs Truly Joseph Subscribers will please take notice that public schools and Gov D. II. Goodell enjoys, proving Charles has lived in agents. 'Thinkthat showed unsoundness 'em work and earn it as John Keating in the Glen hss been of New a success. The winner of the la- Pennsylvania of mind. He should have I have." their Bkk wilt be late, nest week, as Hampshire. great about 10 he was for looked after it "Shell out to all the sick, the past week, with a bad cold. Buy one of those beautiful silk handker- dies' first a silver bon bon years. Yes, missing more boys," I said, She there Is one holiday that the Bkk Invari- prize, basket, three He now works some himself. It was not so much what and them a barely esbaped pneumonia, but is chiefs for your best girl a Christmas present years. for give chance to show you 1 observes and that la the St. liose church is now was Miss Hattie Glover and E. Penning- he said as what he didn't say that to me able to be around a little now. at E. F. Hawley's; S5c to 25. ably Christmas, fully equlped railroad. Do not know that he ever had how they will do ; you've got to give up one universal the civ- with heating apparatus. One of the ton CHIT carried oft' a gold scarf pin as a indicated unsoundness of mind. All his holiday throughout any financial difficulty with his employ- your money some time and give 'em some To those Of our readers who intend to steam in reward of merit. Miss Jennie Curtis was ' Investments were made to Mr and Mrs put ilized world. Christmas falls on Thurs- heaters was put good order, lust before the will was made. through agents while live to see how Born, A. II. Leich of but Fred ers, for the 40 his you thev will do any kind of footwear on the list of holiday day, this year, and that Is always the week, and the other, this week. unavoidably absent, gracefully lives In Newtown. a farm past years. After proper- with Brooklyn, a son. presents, we can offer no better advice Edward Is so it." ttu Bice's busiest but the olllce will be received the ladles' consolation prize. a on was ty became large he could not carry it Last time saw to recommend them to visit P. E. Abbott's day; er; takes farm snares, with in I him was on the walk closed and all from the editor E. J. Hall has lately in a of For failing to observe the "trump signal" all his head, then he trusted it to oth- C. Remember that the' annual donation Boston shoe store m the Bishop block, Bridge- employes, put couple his brother John in Adams Express Co. near S. Glover's.' He was but I ele- a va furnaces and two steam heaters. at critical points and through his propen ers. That showed unsoundness of mind, lame, for the of the port. There is to be seen a fine line of down,wlll surprise themselves with for a short time. I had no personal never saw any decay in his mental facul pastor Congregational Christmas in all and kinds advan- sity for R.II. Beers received in my opinion. church will occur this gant slippers styles cation. As tho malls will not be knowledge of his having trouble with ties. Think him caDable to make a will. (Friday) evening. of materia, from the ordinary felt and leath- the will defer The small wooden which was a prize specially imported for the occas- Don't know that any of the boys ever to tageous, Thursday, Bee building the Adams Co. Was a man of good mind, to the er the finest velvet, patent leather and kid. used as a station the Hous- - ion. Refreshments were served and en went to see their uncle Elon or did any fully up Some of Parnell at These are not lor show as the publication nntil Friday, but correspond- passenger by Never heard Elon Booth say anything average. cowardly enemy slippers alone, ents will confer a favor In atonlc while the burned was be- joyed and the meeting adjourned, until kindly act for him. Never conversed tempted to blind him workmanship is ot the best. The possession by sending building about Edward or Charles. Don't recol- The conversation about Orville's by throwing lime, of a will the wearer comfort ior ilt boys pair give as usual. And to re-bu- stood beside this evening, well satisfied that the Clov with Elon about the but doctors that is not their letters as early ing the platform, lect about John. boys. was in L. B. Booth's store in say sight destroy many months after Chrissmas and the giver Its In what- below the new until er club Is a source of much enjoyment. Elon knew all about the adoption of January, ed. feel- all readers, wherever found, just station, last SAMUEL 1888. Think it was before Orville died. will be remembered with the kindliest was The club numbers among its lady mem F. TILLSON. my and was not in favor of it. Mr Abbott has a store filled with ever walk of life, the Bee wishes a very week Thursday, when it dismantled daughter Elon said, "I don't think the have ings. large Indeed. and taken to in to bers several artists and the score cards Have lived in Sandy Hook 40 years. Never very kindly disposed toward her. boys Long distance, telephone poles were the finest goods in the market aud prices are Merry Christinas Bridgeport sections, as much energy as have." as can on be set In Ilousatonic bear witness to artistic merit, in the way Knew Elon since 1855. Made his home Elon met me at the cars when Elon they might blown down Wednesday and the low as be put honestly made stock. Christ- up the yards there I "Give each only for ladies rrogram for Trinity church, of clover The com- - with me 8 or 10 The time said, of the boys $500 and line from Boston to The various lines of fine shoes and and used as an engine house. appropriate designs. for years last was buried. Saw nothing that indicated telephone New York misses include mas 18(H), Newtown : it will be a great help to them." all the leading shapes and Day, m it tea on cards for last month were he worked for me was In 1888. He was he was not all Went and looked was by single wire through Newtown. kinds. Give Mr Abbott a call. Ant hum, "Anil there were Shep-herda,- right. Elon Opening valua'ble Misses M. E. Llnsley and Tanie Sanford, then boarding with Mrs Bronson. He at mother's lot. Elon said he wanted "Waal," said, "I don't know, Dunks. A cow owned by James Roach my I'm devilish afraid of Orville's Julia Dikeman and Hattie Nichols. was very feeble and appeared much to a monument that would show George. Miss Lucy F. Blackman spent Over SOD pounds of Christmas candy fust in. Vaults, . of Berkshire was choked to death by a put up boys." Sunday Ulortan, Klugsley; M, Andrew; Stl, Emer-son- . broken down. He had a lame hip. Coin- - j Newtown that such a man as in Bridgeport. at E. F. Haw!ey,s, two barrels pure broken turnip, last week. people Had no conversation with him in re- choice mixed 12 I 2c. is plained of rheumatiz. After working a Elon Booth had lived in the world. candy, candy pound. Te Kutxachmur. E. F. Hawley receiving about every to business matters The Deuui, liev A. olllciuted at St. while, he would go into the house and gard the last years Botsford Hill Sunday school will Jubilate Deo In A Gerrlsh. 1. Chapman week a lot of that choice Vermont dairy C. N. BRIXSMADE. of his life. & Scott have tiimmcd win- riut, Luke's lie on the to rest. He was a very economical hold its closing meeting for the Winter Quinn nicely Hymn Mi, Mendelssohn. chapel, East End, Bridgeport, butter in small tubs. lounge Known Elon since married his dows at their goods store on Main street, I sister man. Never knew him to give away with G.F. Duncombe, next Sunday, 21st, dry Keaponsea, Tours. last Sunday, and Warden J. II. Warner MRS DELANA BRINSMADE. . with a doll house, from and a little time before. Last saw him - Danbury, complete Utorla Tlbl, Hodgea. anything. when Rev Mr Delzell will be present. kitchen to room, for a center read service at St. John's. Mrs Marshall Sears is sick. I have resided in Trumbull 40 alive ot 1S89. spare piece. It Hymn M, Lamlwtrt. years. the last day September, WILLIAM FAIRCUILD. The school will have a Christmas tree, is a sight you should not miss and the well tMTertory, Buck. Am a sister of Elon Booth. Am in mod- Mrs Bronson sent for me, at Elon's as selected and full stock ot in Dudley William Minor and M. have al Have lived in Newtown all life. the following week, $25 has already everything dry Triaaglon, Emerson. Qualey Ilousatonic trains were delayed for erate circumstances, nothing more. We see about taking him to Trum- my been subscribed" for Mrs D. goods and holiday novelties will attract killed 140 and to reach 11 Am 70 years old ; a farmer. Knew Elon presents. Hymn. ready hogs expect hours Thursday, cars of the night have a farm of 50 acres. Not worth much bull. He wanted to get out of Newtown Davis and Mrs O. h . Duncombe are shoppers. Ulorta KxcuUla, Kuiurmm. 200 before the season closes. derai'ed a washout to Booth. Met him often in the village. ap- v ' freight being by at at the present time. Would be glad to avoid paying State taxes. I found him to do the Mrs use r Saw him at Mrs Branson's in October be- pointed purchasing. Wheu your horse or cattle are sick, Christmas decorations for St. John's Cornwall, sell for $4000, Saw Elon about three at L. B. Booth's store. He concluded he medicine SOc.bottle fore his death. Went there with Charles Curtis will attend to the con Humphrey's veterinary at church are prepared. J. II. Blackman hag been ice at before his death at Mrs Bronson's. aown Mr i being getting years would not go men, Dut would go fectionery ; R. L. Warner will. make the E. F. Hawley's. The Juvenile Temple are invited to see - Stahl. Always spoke to him when I met Greens for the Chtlstmas decorations of Hawleyville for C. J. Blackman and Went to him about helping his broth- .down later. Said he could not get rid of corn the residence L. hinu He of pop. Dan-- Amos as well as S. meet, at of II. Wheeler, who was en complained being lame. the one clothier ot are tied at the Camp, A. Blackman. er Russell, poorly at my house, paying State taxes and had sent his pa-Wh- Spalding, price Trinity being Sunday Ice Is this evening. As the officers In Spring of 1888 saw him about a loan bnry, will give a gold watch to the hatter, School room. The obtained from a pond beside (Fridayj I drove up, I saw Elon at the back pers to Hartford and wanted to wait for P. Hurley has clipped six horses so far most votes are to be Installed, it is hoped there wiil to George Stahl of $800. Elon had mon- lady or gentleman, who gets the the Bethel branch of the Shepang road door watering a horse. Think he saw their return. lie was Very feeble ; had at hotel. from at his store, SOS Main street. The 27th Is the date of the Christmas be a full attendance. ey then due in Toledo of $300 and he said Taylor's buyers and was nine Inches thick, Tuesday. me when I drove up, but did not come in. failed much since I last saw him. His stock is A 1. and will bear inspection. celebration of the he would send on $500 more and take it. Ilawleyville Sunday I saw him going off across the lots and Defense waived and An eight-months-o- ld of Jer Drums, guns, tin shovels, iron and tin Conversation in daughter school at Land's End school house. The waited until he came. He seemed sur-- the rested case. took place his room. or for Christmas There should be a crowd at the Meth and tea prosecution their In ry F. Carey H,ast Bridgeport died Everything you can think of room la to be decorated with greeus and trains, toy laundry sets, sets, to see me when told him Spring of 1889, I went to Toledo 7 af- can be found at E. F. Hawley's and odist church in Hook, prised and, I , B. SHERMAN. there, Monday night about o'clock, presents a of carols and with Sandy Monday dolls, games, blocks, tool chests, fish C, with hini at his We were in To- at reasonable program prayers, 22d, when a entertain my business, he said he couldn't help request. ter a brief illness. Carey, Sr, was very prices. an address Itev Mr will be evening, grand ponds, toy tables and doll's cradles, etc.. Known Elon Booth for 40 or "50 years. ledo about 11 He Jerry by Llnsley ment will be there for the benefit him. days. enjoyed that summoned to Bridgeport, Monday morn given etc., can all be had, regardless of price Saw him the Tuesday before he died, at trip. Talked with me about it almost Mr H. X. Ayres: Dear Sir Please accept given. of Custer Post, G. A. 11., of Hook. I said, "I have kept him as long as I ing, by information that the child was uranas urn Sandy at S. C. Bull's, Sandy Hook. Mrs Bronson's in bed. Knew me ; said he every time we met. my acknowledgments ana ior Handsome programs have been issued The entertainment, which consists of a feel like it and now you ought to take very sick and it was soon beyond mortal beautiful set of china which nas to-da-y been felt no better; spoke of Josiah's death; - Saw him in 1S89. Went to see for the Christmas festival of Sun- lecture on the and bat care of him, for you have his property, June, aid. The funeral was attended, Wednes- presented to me by you. L. S .Catlin, Treas Trinity great campaigns Mrs Neanor he then lay dead in the house. Saw him about another loan to Stahl. Bank. which will on tles of the is fell, Wednesday, and his money." making and the was urer Mechanics' and Farmers Savings day school, take place rebellion, illustrated by the He day morning tiny body December 11, 1HO. broke her ankle. Mrs Emily A. Bennett He I haint ; if I it's Sunday night preceding, sitting by said, "I've unbounded confidence 10 43 inter- evening, December 20. The large and powerful stereopticon views said, "No, have, s brought to Newtown at for Friday fell from the schoolhouse and J was the stove, conversed with him some.Per-hap- in Mr Stahl, but I am services will commence at 7 and Is under the of T. De steps outlawed." ,. sending my money ment in St Rose cemetery. Mr and Mrs promptly management with was there an hour. now to St. Paul to Arthur Nettleton and Bargains in pocket knives three and lour and wilt consist of carols and who has the same picked up codsiderably bruised, It was money Russell inherited from have the of many New- for at E. F. prayers, Qulucy Tully, given a lame no were 'Elon says, "I don't know as 1 want to he 8 cent, and Stahl Carey sympathy blades 25c Hawley's. IJev Mr entertainment with success in side, fortunately bones his mother's estate, y" al hundred dol- gives per only gives town friends in bereavement. with an address by the rector, great large live mnch to 6 their broken. Elon 50 longer, if I've got go and 2 per cent, is worth saving. I am Llnsley, and the distribution of to cities of the East and West. The enter- lars and bad haiiit about years. Do want an sewing ma-- . gifts through with what I did last Winter." about to make a loan now of $2500 to Mr H. at you organ, pianoor each member of the school from tainment Includes 300 views of battle , Elon said, "I won't help him as long Joseph Lutz, the Bridgeport druggist chine? C. E. Osborne, Stepney. Sunday Mr Billow, who is in the oil Saw him very often before that, often Nettleton. have not on No. 36 Wall street, is making an elegant dis- Try a laden tree. These services scenes. Mr vnd his entertainment putting as he has a cent left." ,ft ,. I money enough bountifully Tully plant at the Rubber, spent Sunday at in L. B. Booth's store, talking or read- hand now, bo I am to borrow play ot holiday goods. Among the lot are will take In the of the church come recommended and it Is hop- Russell then had a little money in the going bottles of various A Grumman have not been invited to place body highly Brewster. ing a paper. Worked for me off and on some for a time to make it out." fancy glass designs. Lyon and this program will be rendered : ed that a goodly sum may be realized for Newtown and Bridgeport savings banks. launch any schooners since that was launch for six or eight days in 1888. He never Last conversation had with Booth but Irom Froeeaalonai hymn. Holy voices. the local Admission is 25c ; child- I said, "Russell has been at my house I & Co. ed at A.J. Beardsley's .ship yard, post. Prof P. E. Cliff of the Academy will told me about making a will. that I remember was in Meigs the amount of goods are launching on Prayer. ren 15c. eight months and I feel worn out." October, 1889, at The approaching holidays remind old and they XIV. spend his holiday vacation at his home Never saw him when he wasn't ration- Mrs the market, It is evident tho public know Paalio Elon said, I can't do Branson's. Elon brought a little young of presents for old Santa Claus and I.eaaon. in Boston. "No, nothing." al. He was set in his wn Never in favor Ml where to make their purchases. This week's issue of the Bee is another Mr Bronson told him that if his broth- - way. truuk from his room, took out his pap- there is a growing sentiment Carol, Ring the Joy bella. saw anything peculiar in his manner at ers, found what he wanted. Mr Stahl making these presents useful, instead of a Creed and collects. to be proud of. Its eight large pages are stock, best assortment, lowest er went on the town, the town would get momentary fancy to be gorged to-da- AT 3ft Will be sold for HO. An A Largest any time. He mourned over his inability wanted to see whether the interest had merely CHEAP Stove. U.E. BRADLEY. Carol, sweetly carol. filled with a choice assortment of local prices in wool and fur caps, is at E. F. "er him (Won;. i. . or broken What more useful or Sandy to work toward the last and said if he been endorsed on these notes and found some article of Hook. Address. news, special articles and selected mis i I never exchanged a word with Elon comfortable Dresent than Carol, The Christmas true. Hawley's. couldn't work he should die. Elon was it all Was the and what more central To new subscribers it well in to Russell's affairs ; then right. at house half an wearing apparel place FOR SALE Toung, good milker. W. Distribution of cellany. may except regard hira.Men-ta- more COW girta. is no means an The former board was again chosen at a strong man when I first knew l hour. or where pome aim geuueiuiuijjr BANKS, Cutler's Farm. Monroe. Carol, A little town of Bethlehem. to explain that it by ex he would get excited and claim it was all service that which Manager Bell ensures the election of officers of Newtown coun condition always good, so far as I Went to Toledo in 1887, in the than Benediction. ceptional Issue. v outlawed. The next time I saw Elon Spring, for all visitors ot Meigs & Co. at the corner of URST CLASS WAGON WORK I am pre-- No. 98, N. at the last knew. Never had occasion to think of with Elon Booth. cil, P.U., meeting. was at my brother Oryille's funeral in I told him if he would Main and Bank streets, Bridgeport? Whether X pared to do either woodwork or painting. Services will be held In Trinity church, The local council cast a solid vote in fav- his mental condition. Have borrowed a bills from Win Oualitv ot work and rices araarant The dinner set at H. N. Ay res has gone 1888. He came there with just the cloth- pay my I would go. He did not say it be an overcoat for protection GEORGE W.NORTBROP, alestine.Newtown, Christmas day, at 10 a ni. They will and elsewhere will be found a of or of Mr Pond, the Connecticut candidate little money of him,perhaps 30 years ago. he but I inferred he ne ter's Icy blasts; a suit for business, street or card ing he had. It was in February. He would, would, as consist' of morning prayer, sermon and a for national The next econom- his own full dress; such gents' furnishings shirts, pOR SALE A sow and six The latter thanks from L. S. Catlin acknowledging president. regular had no overcoat ; said he hadn't much Always pleading poverty, very paid railroad fare both ways. or and willpigs.be sold celebration of the coiutnunlon. mon- collars, neckwear or gloves; hats caps A are six weeks old singly holy its receipt. The next on the pro- meeting will occur on Tuesday of next me ical. Never knew of his giving any Paid no hotel bills. Took a lunch in his or and one arti- or with the sow. Also thirty yards of new thing - use for pne. Asked if I he to protect the head, thousand MRS C. D. week. thought . Rag Carpet. LEAVENWORTH, gram is a gold watch on January 10. A ... had better borrow his brother's overcoat ey away.. pocket when he left home that lasted till cles that make up such a mammoth establish one mile south of Redding Center. Dr r. lUchardson went to Spring- to secure one of the seven Saw him the Sunday before he died, he he to Toledo. Never offered to ment as Meigs & Con pause to admire, select I. good way pres Another lot of those 10c. fountain for the funeral. I told him if he could got pay the field, to meet his wife, who ents remain is to a of holi was afraid he should have to go to the me xor my expenses, nave sent in a and purchase. The variety is sufficient, SALE 8 nice Chester White Pigs nine Thursday, that buy pair pens' in at E. F. Hawley's; also ex- wear it he had better. He wore it. i first class and the supply unlimited FR old. ALBERT M .STEVENS, Mon has been relatives In carried Mr just house. I knew he knew but bill his estate for quality Hill. visiting Fitchburg day slippers. The stock by tra pens for them lc. each. 7 Next time I saw him was at my broth- poor better, against my expenses enough for old Santa himself. Merry Christ- roe, Conn, Bagburn and Springfield. They return to Sandy Is the and most in he was always saying it. to Toledo "and while there of $150. Never mas in air and it needs the Ayres largest complete er Russell's funeral in January, 1889. He is the appropriate SALE One New Milch Cow first class; Hook, Friday. in the and all of the latest John II. Blackman 'has selected 25 i . It was a thing for Elon to say noticed any impairment in his faculties weather to crowd this mart with red cheeked FIR Ive Chester White 11. E. city comprises died in Middletown. Elon met me at the friend in Pigs. every that is In the least de prime Newtown and Brookfield turkeys that he was poor. Never saw any change and rosy triends of father, brother, PLUMB,. .Stevenson. Shelton was In designs, thing depot and we went to the cemetery. Af- The rest of and with keen eyes for that appropriate Arthur Sandy Hook, sirable. make a very for the Christmas trade and asks only an in him that led me to suppose he was of Wednesday Thursday search They certainly ter the burial, by Mrs Branson's invita- was wish the evidence of M. C. Lpresent. TIOR SALE Two young registered Jersey this week. handsome Mr be of those to buy, as he unsound mind. Should think him of occupied X Cows, now fresh; also a good three year display." That Ayres inspection wishing tion, we went there for dinner. After M. low WILLIAM 1890. Hawley and DrE. Smith, Mrs D. W - old Colt, all at very prices. lieves his will bear is is certain all will be pleased. Six of sound mind January 24, 1 BOA bred Du- H. Ridge-Sid- e At the latt meeting of the board of goods Inspection dinner, we sat on the lounge'and talked Bronson on the stand when the JERSEY RED BURR, Farm, Bedding Ridge, shown the fact that he has the differ these brought in together, ' In June. 1888, 1 said to him, "Old fel being' XX roc) ior seavice. mj. j. Conn. Dr D. I'. Richardson of by turkeys, about Russell. . ' health, Sandy a 90 - if ever make a heirs court adjourned to Monday, 22d. The ney. the ent styles arranged upon rack at the weighed pounds. Russell owned two lots in ceme- low, you will, your SALE 30 fat Steers in condition Hook was appointed physician to the next Bee will take up the evidence in de 1 8 Wst C. JOHNSON Has rented the ice prime rear of his store, directly under a sky will fight oyer it." f on Pond all FIR at reasonable prices. THOMAS board, or health officer, succeeding to tery and I told Elon he ought to buy one. tail where this issue leaves it. house the Foundry parties EYAS, light, thus showing them up under a very His reply was, "If I make one, I want wishing to cut Ice on sail! Pond will please Redding Ridge. the office held by Dr L. D. Wllcoxson at NorthropSchermerhorn. Yes, he said, he wanted one, but they soeak to him, that there be no trouDie piow His as well as to it and 1 want execu- 111 Ice-an- d to the time of his death. strong light. prices, slip John J. Schermerhorii and Miss Sarah to it to him. ' make strong my Plenty of welcome It, only YOTJ WANT a Wagon or Carriage, dont will stand the closest and most ought give tor to stand it and it if it takes Miss Jennie L. Curtis is visiting friends call on him. IFfail to get prices ot D. G. BEERS CO, pers, Frances Northropi" both of Newtown, I said, '''You will have one third and by fight Newtown, before buying eisewnere. xney minute Inspection and comparison with the last cent." in Bridgeport. fx ISTRICT OF NEWTOWN, ss.Probate Court will surprise you with prices on first class A number of people In town are suffer were united in marriage at the home of you ought to buy the other two thirds." DecemDer 10, ikw. work. They manufacture all kinds of Tops others. ; Never knew of bis making any invest- J of GERSHOM H. PLATT, late with a mild form of the which the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs Jerome "No," he said and 1 saw him next in K.tta In said District, deceased. and Trimmings. ing grip ments on his own ; Books and booklets, Xmas cards and of Newtown, was so last la much Northrop, on Tuesday, December 16, at 1889. We met at the hotel in New judgment very rigid V The Executrix having exnimtea ner ac universal, rear. It Newtown Academy will close, this April, economist. Never heard him what calendars, plush in albums, count with said estate to mis wun ior u- 2 30 say fancy goods 4 and causes little Inconvenience. the vacation pm." The wedding, was a private town to settle Russell's affairs ; Aaron to tlwKiiinnn Wagon for a heavy business Sleigh. lighter week Fr'yay," for holiday it cost him to live a . . shaving sets, dressing cases and photo Kd of 1890 JAMES WEBB, Upper , Huntington. relatives and some of - year. Ordered That the day Dec, re-op-en affair, only the Sanford was his conservator. Elon and will Monday, January 5. ap- Went to with Josiah Booth frames iu large variety; also a line of at S o'clock in the afternoon at the Probate Another accident occurred on the New near neighbors being invited guests. The infirm on a Danbury Office in Newtown De ana tne same is nssigu-...- i rimmed Spectacles peared very theii, leaning fine vases can be found at S. C. a.-- a h.ai-in- r nn the allowance of said ac- - LOST Sunday, Htb, gold Tuesday morning, attended the offic- to see Judge Brewster about the law Bull's, a red morocco case, with left eye of England road, early engaging parties, by staff and much broken down. Said he store. .,,.1 thia Court directs the Executrix spectacles cracked. Finder will please re- time at Hook. A of Daniel J. Brew Missing. entered suit Josiah had brought against Elon for drug to give notice thereof by posting a copy of turn to BEE OFFICE. this Sandy couple iating clergyman, the nuptial did not come Street much now ; could sign-pos- i up board. Told if he would write this order on the public in inutn trains were running west on unu Daniel J. Brew of Danbury. son of room with a wedding march, which was not climb that hill often. Brewster, ...i ... lnat ilwelt and bv nublish freight very settle Special meeting of Putnam council, K same one lime uraore iuo W. TURXEY MFG. CO., Has fine has been to-da- Elon a letter I he would lniracoDVOf the short headway. The leading train Thomas Brew of Hawleyville, rendered by Mrs J. R. Peck at the organ. I "We've to know y thougnt THE to be sold the piece or at cost sually said, got wrote settled. of C, No 24, Saturday evening. 'tin any oi jjeo., low. by yard- at the coaling station for sup- missing for several days. He Is a batter The service was in the front what is to be done with it. Brewster and Elon a weekly newspaper and return make to this price at their factory in Stepney. stopped performed that cemetery court. Attest, W M.J. acK-uacts- ., uugc- - plies, several of the cars remaining on and has been living in Danbury for some parlor, under a bower of green. The resi lot." ABEL U. PKIKDLE. - WANTED An American girl to do general Porue-- Ladies' next c. JOHNSON Can furnish yon with in a family of S persons, the high bridge across the Ilousatonic years, boarding, of late, with Mrs dence was tastily decorated with wreaths He wanted it and asked what it was Am 76 years of age.. 'A farmer on a prayer meeting, Friday WM. next season, cheaper than you can wages $8 per month. Call on or address, E. Middlebrook. mm a cau- - S. Conn. river. Either through carelessness or roy. A short time ago he took charge of and garlands of evergreens. The whole worth. I told him Mr Sanford said he small scale. Have taught school 25 or at 3, with Mrs ' cut and store it. Give FAIRCHILD, Nichols, was and made lack of time, the rear of this train the Hawleyville hat shop has company seemed in honest sympathy would give $15 for it. 30 years. Am secretary and treasurer of TAKE TIME TO BEAD THIS. and the and sold hats In such quantities as to with the in their The of Profound silence Is still maintained by c Do teeth need filling? Have yon had it not properly protected flagman happy couple joys. Elon did not want to pay any probate Newtown cemetery. Expense keep- your ache before having HOLIDAY to warn the him in his force and of re- done? Dont wait till they No who was sent back following warrant Increasing nuptial board could not have been more fees and said, "Well, before I go before ing lots In order fronv$l to $2 a year. the Ronalds family on the subject them filled. HavB tliem filled at once. f so to his he would have on Ronald's adornment can make up ior ugly train did not do quickly enough telling helpers that inviting in quality or variety and the Beecher, I'll pay for It." Did not know Saw Elon early part of January, 1890, building the burned castle personal The utter Indifference mani WATCHESsb; as or no looking teeth. el Watches, in sixes, aty. a collision. White, work for them for several weeks, guests were served with wil- Elon had in I... B. Booth's store. live one 'mile Peak. P. L. ltonalds has sent other fested tne . H"i" prevent Engineer abounding that been sued by Mr Sanford I .7 -by greai innjuriir4m alarminar. It suit all. Ladies' and Gents' T whose train was not under full control, ders were plenty. The next day, Satur lingness aqd good humor by Mr and Mrs for Russell's property and that it was in from Mrs Bronson's. message than a cable despatch,- in an- rm,w,r attention to our teeth, It on 7 30 sent r? iif ac.t anenaltv irom us, that we spI was unable to stop It before crashed day, he left Danbury the train, L. C. Morris, Mrs Dr Smith, Miss Hattie the hands of Mr Beerher. I said, "Mr Booth, I have a small bill swer to tho first hurried message by rVT.ii nil time to come. Children's JEWELRY,gold etc. . L-- on the that he would make a and Miss sister - ? ' He asks for full more attention than those of Eye Glasses, etc., Into' the cars standing bridge saying flying trip Northrop Scherraerborn, When Elon started out In llfehe had against you." , his son. particulars by teeth require more It broke to New return to on the loss of adults, lust as the tender shoots require Tha shock was not great, but York, Hawleyville of the groom. There were many hand- but one object, to be rich. Often said "For what?" he said. mail and seems to feel deeply care than the full grown tree. Teach your ALL GOODSp an and be at home at or- clean their teeth always after the king bolts on a couple of empty box afternoon train some and valuable presents, those par- that money was hie best friend and all "For cemetery lot in the castle, mpre particularly the paint- children to in childhood keeping" your each meal. The habit formed BEFORE BUYING them Into the river 100 Danburv early In the evening. He had know articles of value stored life. If clean, will not ears and hurled allelogram shaped green things (I the God he wanted. der." ' ings and other will last through kept caU and see the largest, best : trucks remained already told his helpers that he would not how with 60 on them He la He will not make any decay so fast. feet below. The partly many) figure Saw him last on his dying bed. "How much It?" be asked. there. probably ARTIFICIAL TEETH. ry ever shown in town. Trs on tracks and the line was cleared In pay them off at 1, Saturday. He did not are worthy of mention. The sent for me and was to see toe, "One told him decision at present. - save money. f ' the following pleased dollar," I A Mrs Emma Brew '. about an hour. The many accidents to return, however. of friends of the bridegroom were present Had always told him that I would eme "I won't nar it." he saV "I could The town meeting Saturday, was slim minntv the deficiency by artificial teeth at on Informed the New York New : fM.io.ht trains which nave occurred Danbury police from York city Miss Jacobus, Miss when be was sick. Was out and In tls mow it over myself twice? r 16c ; yes ly attended. Aaron Sanford presiaeaonoene W.B.SND1 9200 In C, not .eoon- - are said to be due tohe that her husband had money and A. I. JaCObns. JOhn 8. .Taeohua and C. He . W. H. Glover the dental work cheapness is SANDY HOPS, this road of late room often. was very sick. I eiaU for 10c." and Selectman ....reports - Sin allmu nhAA.IW.Ht. AlthODffb a watch and chain. No one, either Hlbbard. to a belated ou lrf fa thn Immense quantities: of freight constantly gold Owing train, they not stay all night, but promised to : "What will you pay?"". , vote 17 to 20 infavor of remitting oi jy wait. What look si BOILING WATER C knows Mrs caBhivejustwhatyou belnc received for transportation. It In Hawleyville or Danbury, naa to arive irom Bridgeport and were again. Went again to see him. X - "I'll pay you 25c." Mr Eonalds's taxes for seven years. His become a serious question how to ob Emma Brew and none had ever dreamed too late for the ceremony. The conven there had been a Ua I told htm I would not take It and left total tax is about 880. Merchant L. B. fliungifdone and no extra,TO'SKehargeif applied j has chacf .- ' great w , tain oars and locomotives to forulah ac- that Brew was married. This circum tional emblem of good luck, the old shoe, wanted to know when I came trc.J ew him. C. H. Peck eame in when I was Booth and n Clerk C 11. reca to at once, wv.vr. a'. it costs nothinn and will E ' P P on ot Dont, this while stance, however, deepens the mystery lodged of the as York "I fcalklnur with. TClnn, anil told F.lon he --- - the measure and be the means aving your teth, - commodation for traffic, top nuptial carriage said I came from Truiriull. I , that , annkp for nnn't hA nfk.TwlfifMI wwin Hu. .v. .... men to work over-t-" Mr Brew's friends say that' some mishap It quickly for the 4 15 but waited came it Dr K-- K. Belts of Sandyj sUtloa are obliged departed train, till Dr Smith and he thought ought to be ashamed of himself, that the Sanford opposed .portak matter. save -- must have befallen - I I fiookwUl do hla best to help you your. e. A freight blockade bas existed on possibly foul play, soon lost its balance and lay In the cold he might live some days. lot cost him nothing and he ought to pay be- -: man exem- has sold a wixh re- - t r!j all sections of the road, but It him, tor be was a young of street bottom upward. The happy coup- Elon freaueutlv visited me and went for taklmr care of It. When his brother Northrop, Esq, ??J;Vitofa3eonea. Tour, would never leave a 4- Ol c of the character and le entered the train for New York under Ua w a nm 1nsn11 . lot Wnw .'nalr- at- fat Oxen to UUtcner IHTB .apeci, t J.zti try tfce ener'.'-- plary on foot, Mu,Mhffwa)aa at,wa aai w ,Maav va a tw,nt,fy aau vvtuvuvtoomnfow v .wa.-for crts In manner. tavovj w j prosperous business this , (be "blessing r,f a shower of rice. every dollar te be laid telf he also one for he tajnford, thecarsj rt j bought Elon, for, sTIWTOWI, 1800. DICEMBEB19, Wakeman have visited Mrs Melzar Broth- -' ARABS 0PPC2TUNITT FC2, erton of Weston; ' Mrs Charles B. Wakeman has been OF CLOTHING. quite sick. W. B. HALL BARGAINS! BUYERS Moses Wakeman bougbt a fat hog of i a r5 ts n Is? TV 2: the estate of Richard Davis. ,r Mrs William Ferris and Ind 4 f & COMPANY PALL AND WINTER STYLES daughter Mrs W. Wakeman have been at narrlet Sherwood's. MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' .VIRTUOUS REDDING. E-Iel-per- CLOTHING. THE FINEST EASTON. Holiday HOLIDAY . LINE OP MEN'S AND BOYS' Illicit Liquor Raided. George Parracft takes the cake on WHAT TO BUY FOR FRIENDS, porkers In this town, butchered OVERCOATS EVER SHOWN having PUR-- 1 FINES IMTOSED. two hogs weighing 850 pounds. POSTPONE YOUR HOLIDAY GOODS. IN TOWN. THE M0-Me- nt The trial of Mri Leavenworth for sell- Mrs Edward Hawkins has been quite CHASES UNTIL LAST a is . ing Intoxicating liquors without license sick, but recovering. causes haste, and un- We in our We are selling1 . an Overcoat took last week About you worry open Fancy place, Wednesday. Surprise party at Charles Clark's, this selection. By s for $10 that is well worth $15 30 witnesses were summoned, some to week. satisfactory making liooo department a prove a sale, others to establish a repu- selections the ad- Call and examine prices before the aid of the water your early you gain complete line of tation. Sufficient evidence was given to Through compa Holiday E3 Mr of Chestnut has ex- of at your leisure purchasing. ZEc-crs:- warrant the Justice In inflicting fines ny, Spencer hill vantage choosing Goods, all to with the changed his place for the place formerly from and unbroken including amounting 50, which, costs, alarge assortment, Ladies' astracan and silk clothht&;ALTHOUGH OUX LXTC OF made over 9100 for the defendant to pay. owned by James Walsh of Norwalk. reference kinds ofFancy Articles, chosen with especial to the capes. Children's cloaks. She appealed to the Court of Common Rev D. J. was called to New Glove and Handker- plush rieas. Ogden holiday season. Haven, last week, to attend the funeral 3 SO. OVERCOATS One half dozen Plain White China Silk Handkerchiefs, to $7 chief Fine line woolen dress It is rumored that Agent of a young man, a former parishioner, at One half dozen Japan Silk Handkerchiefs with colored borders, $3 to 14 60 Boxes, Plush and goods Was broken, we have replenished our stock, and our second crop contains as Prosecuting Pair Silk Kmbioidered or Plain Suspendersin handsome boxSl.il S5,$2 60 i 1 t-- at an assortment as in the season. We have Seelcy will bring an action against some his request, Krabroidered In glass boxes for SI, 25, 50 to fifO. Leather Collar and large early a line of ready sellers Four-in-han- Cuff, An Puff, Ascot, orTeck Scarf, in a handsome box, in Cut in Chinchillas, of the witnesses for and that he elegant 1 - Overcoats, Kerseys, Cheviots, Heltons, Ulsters, Box perjury John Turney is much pleased with the for 50c., 75c, SI and 25. will Mrs Leavenworth A Silk or Cashmere Muflin from flOe. to St. .: ." Work and Jewel , uvercoais. Also a large line or Reefers. prosecute again electric given him on Thanksgiv Boxes, under new indictments battery Judging horn the increased volume of our business, it is an obvious fact that oar goods and ing day by the Congregational church UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, SILK GARTERS, UMBRELLAS, Manicure and Toilet prices are desirable features with judicious buyers. Attorney Seeley Is bound to break up and his paralysis is relieved by its daily DRESS SHIRTS, GLOVES, MITTENS, CARDIGAN JACK- the Illicit sale of rum in Redding, if en use. ETS, HATS AND CAPS, ALL PRICES. Sets, Satin Sachets for WARNER, and action can accom FURNISHING GOODS, ergetic persistent Wesley Pattison, having left his em OPEN EVERY EVENING DURING MONTH OF DECEMBER. Gloves and' Handker- the result. On he Consisting of aU the novelties of the season in Fins Keekwear. Gloves. 8ilk and Cashmere Ifof. plish Friday, brought ployer in Shelton, Intending to open a WE CAN QUOTE YOU THE SAME LOW PRICES AS HERE- Teterson to the rack and made her CLARK & flars, Cardigan Jackets. A large line to select from. Something suitable for a nice Christssas Mary meat market In Bridgeport for John Og TOFORE IN BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S OVER- chiefs, plain and hand Present. and not to do so MEN'S, pay up promise any den. was much disappointed In not ob COATS, ULSTERS, REEFERS AND LEATHERC0ATS. more. painted. taining a lease of the market. Silk Scarfs. TAYLOR'S. A remonstrance against granting a li- William Sherman drove to New Haven, HUB CLOTHING HOUSE cense to the West Redding hotel has been with a horse and colt that he Hand Painted Kid Goods. and forwarded to the Saturday, 311 MAIN COR. numerously signed has been boarding for several days and Is ST., STATE, BRIDGEPORT. commissioners. Glove and ndkt. Cases in county now filling his barns with boarding JAMES P. busy chamoise BRENHAN, Now that Marshal D. Sanford has tak- horses. and satin. Mason and Builder, Vewtowa. THE All First-Cla- ss the work and Warranted to Girt en unto himself a helpmeet, hearty Vacation extended in district No. 1, Down Pillows 40c, 79c, $1, Satisfaction. . , numerous ALBANY congratulations of bis friends the new wall recently put on having fal- $1 25, $1 65. In Redding are In order. We understand len off. WILSON & BLAKE, sil that the happy couple will sooon com' JOHN REID & Head Rests, single and double, Furniture and Undertaking, DENTISTS, COMPANY, . mence housekeeping in the home of Mr TASHUA. Sandy Hook, Ct. Main 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c. - - 888 street. Sanford's Grandmother Osborne. - Dr S. Hill stored ice, Monday. THE POPULAR JEWELERS, 3d TEAR in Blacksmith Brothwell had a narrow es AND 1,000 NEW ARTICLES will no service at Christ from serious last week There be cape accident, Rev Bowles MAIN FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. Swan BRIDGEPORT -- church, next Sunday. R.II. 340 Bushnell While shoeing Mr Couch's horse, the anl STREET, BRIDGEPORT, ( is called the archdeacon to officiate at i TEETH FILLED WITH GOLD, $1 np mal gave a lurch and threw Itself on to by Also full line of Books, Sta East End, Bridgeport. Wish to call the attention of their friends and the public generally to their New Goods. - CLEANED, 75c NEW: ENGLAND STEAM Mr Brothwell, crushing him to the floor. -- Rings ofever; description a specialty- - tionery, Silver Ware, Leather BRIDGEPORT CONN. EXTRACTED, 45c no were broken are for the Christ-- 1 VITALIZED AIR 60c bones and, Preparations making received their invite to them-Fin- e administered, Fortunately Having part of Holiday Stoek.cordially the public inspect Goods, 362 Water Street, Foot of Bank. BEST TEETH, WARRANTED, S np CEACKEE BAKERY. bruised, he Is able to at mas decorations. There Is to be a tree Clock and Chronometer a - Soaps, Perfumery. though severely Watch, repairing specialty. The beat makes of strictly pure DBS SECTOR AND XTBXE, PROPRIETORS. tend to business again. in church, Christmas eve. One of the oldest aad most Satiable BakiasT BRITAMICA. LEAD, FRENCH ZINC AND CAL- Establishments ia this State is the lew Ti DAVENPOET ft O'HARA, William C. Sanford has obtained A party at F. B. Mallette's, New CUTTA LINSEED OIL. Cracker Bakery at Bridgeport. Coaa- - noble of from Jerome Year's eve. SPECIAL The Encyclopaedia Bri-tanni- ca, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, pair dapple greys Office Post-Offi- ee It is the best to includ- Swing Stagings for Painters ; in Building, place bay Bread. Cake and In for his other of consisting ef 30 vols., Conn. Crackers all bot hour in Piatt, exchange pair Oil Bridgeport, every tbe day; every horses. He Is well suited with his bar. WESTPORT. ing the American supplement and Clothing; Oil Horse Covers ; thing in our line from a Ginger 6nap to the index. This edition contains all the Sails ; Tents ; Nets ; ; largest Wedding" Cake can be made and at gain. Mr and Mrs Thomas It. Iees left, last Spears the lowest retail and wholesale articles, maps, illustrations, texts, re- Clam price. So Dan Green took time the forelock week Wednesday, for Southern Califor Rakes ; Tongs ; Eel Pots ; Poles please call and examine for Yourselves at by ferences, &c, &c, in fact it is as com- needed about a Boat and filled his house with a fine quality of nia, where they will spend the Winter. THE BEST READY MIXED as edition ever It Everything ; NO. 173 TO 177 STATE Ice. PAINT IN THE plete any published. JSverything required by Engineers : ST., Offleers of the club : has over illustra- boys' 34,000 pages, 8,000 Every size of Wire, Cotton, Hemp and BRIDGEPORT Dan while horse President, Charles SnilTen. MANUFACTURED BY tions, is handsomely bound in half seal Dorgan, drivings cart WORLD, Manilla Kope; AHD TKT THE ELITE MLX BISCUIT. on Vice president, Charles Courtney. and is not sold less received a severe blow one of his Willis Russia, usually Ash and Oars DR. WARNES, Treasurer, S.Jones. Our for the Holi- Spoon, Spruce ; DENTIST. hands from the car brake, which will dis Secretary, Louis Keeler. than $125. price for 1. W. WALLACE & SON. Flags Boats, Houses and Schools at 420 MAIN the Bros Co.) able him for quite a while. - days only one ST.,(opposita Copeland A delegation from Temple lodge at THE SHERWIN- about half former prices. BRIDGEPORT- - Jones of Colebrook is the of L. We have recently given our attention to the J7 Bradley visiting tended funeral George Bogart 43.80. manufacture of a single brand ot Painless Dentistry at Moderate his Importedfla- brother Arthur and his sister, Mrs at South Norwalk, Sunday afternoon. A. moderate for a noble Manilla Cigars. They are free from ny - ' Benedict. CO. price present. voring or other adulteration, have a rich fra- Prices. WILLIAMS 25 volumes for 336.60. grance, are hand made and are sold only in Teeth extracted without pain by using cocaine J. Milton Elwood of Rock Hall, Md., boxes of 100 each. We will Bhip a box by mail 25c. J. W. Alexander is for to for 25 we slowly recovering spent Sunday with hts parents. 25 volumes in cloth $30.00. any address $2 and are sure that, Teeth filled without pain by using abtnndants, WE ALSO SELL WHITE GLASS AND ALL if you try a box, you will smoke no more cig- owe. ana anti-hor- se LEAD, OIL, and illustrations all the upwaras. A meeting of the thief asso Printing arettes and will not find another so good cigar when SOc The members of tins Staples high same. tor anything like the same money. Purs gas administered desired, ciation Is called for Tuesday evening, 23d ; PAINTER'S SUPPLIES. WE HAVE A LARGE AND Telephone. New Tork Prices. Sever undersold Excellent sets of teeth made to look like school will hold a in the school " a punctual attendance Is requested reception SELECT STOCK OP teeth, at lowest possible prices, teeth inserted building, Friday evening of this week. as soon as hemmorrhage is arrested after ex- One evening last week, Isaac Thorp Dramas, music, games and a social inter- tracting. was returning from Bridgeport with an view will unite to make the evening one Gold and Porcelain Crowns a specialty. O.HALL&CO. Bo work allowed to leave the office. When near Bennett was or- imperfect empty hay wagon. of pleasure. The following the - In WALL PAPER. Call and see work and get prices- Seeley's Easton, he was thrown from der of exercises, Thursday afternoon : 6TH YEAR IK BRIDGEPORT. his seat, striking the ground with such School song. SOLE AGENTS FOR McCAW, STEVENSON & ORR'S PATENT Office Hours 9 am, to 8pm. old force as to cause a severe scalp wound Composition, Painting in Carthage, WINDOW A FOR He lost was able to Pearl Upson. GLACIER DECORATION, SUBSTITUTE consciousness, but Carrie Gorham. walk as far as David where he Recitation, Squibs, Osborne's, Middle class recitation In English composi THIS went In and MERRY a had his wound dressed. Ills tion, conducted by Miss Clute. Old Ladr "Dn run trrr tV-- "Grippe" rubbers f team ran and were Hull Stortkeeper "ThtriwJut" away stopped by Dialogue, Satisfactory reply. STAINED GLASS ia Recitation, How much I know, Hans Bend Old "Wl:y it'-- iiubberl tint grip at t'u B. Bart ram, who also had an empty hay heel l1yand dont thp lt'.' er. . AT A FRACTION OF ITS COST. OUR PRICES THE StorkcwrOh ! vouiatnr:.e"rcHrnP.?TEK. which he in road and al LOWEST, " wagon kept the class rec itation In United States AUHEiilVS COl":T!-.::-"k.- Wliy ccrts.ii:!v. Preparatory D. fcer--p lowed the runaways to dash themselves conducted Miss OUR STOCK GIVE US A CALL. .M. READ CHRISTMAS don't any cUur and cotudn't sdl any history, by Taylor. THE BEST. oUker kouu Co Mr. against it, checking their speed and School song. stopping their mad career. Mr Thorp Declamation, The church bnlldlng, Edward Kubbtr tsrtr: s vom uncv&fortsS!v li,; Adams. fjencftl-- y sui; c.T tl".c ict. though badly shaken op, is not seriously EZ. P. E. n Recitation, Christmas eve, Susie Gorham. ?BIilR.ExE2S COLE & CO., - KEATING, " ZCZ CO. Injured. Reading, Triplet and iarally, high school. ooiivEiEiLsrsr- UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Jtike ful sht :;h l of id l:ri t Dialogue, The recitation in geography. SUCCESSOR TO WILLIAM HEALY & C0-- , for time de 1 UK ciinf,i to ttj U.3S asJ ptevcuu m NICHOLS. Bodies preserved any length of 'r. Junior class recitation in physics, conduct- sired taua satisfaction guaranteed in every the i o"Sistfr" ed AT Members of the M. . have by the principal. to Undertaker's society Dreams, M. C. Albee. FAIRFIELD AVE,C0E. WATER STREET, Everything pertaining the COUMTaS-- three to the street Composition, Dusiness Kept on nana. ' placed lamps light Closing hymn, Fading, still fading. A MAMMOTH Telephone calls answered day and night at about and near the church, which adds BRIDGEPORT. tue uranu central notei, seviown street. SAGE & COMPANY, much to the of the beauty village John G. Howland calls attention in our ad Exclusive Wholesale Aetata. Bostoa it retail lamp has been placed at the corner by II columns to his stock of useful Christ- CHarles J. Hnghes, lj vertling SHOWING T71 TT A TTTT 1.1 - L. Fairchlld ; in all there are six mas Such as Men's and Women's iy v vw ITw lamps goods. Slip STRATFORD, ri. ' n .n. to light the public streets. pers and warm overshoes, children's robber boots and house Slippers. This business THE David E. Plumb has bought a pair of house has a reputation lor not only haying a BRIDGEPORT GRANITE of sold. Steele of but those of a cattle to take the place those Just large shoes, thoroughly - - 5 a S reliable nature. They give fair treatment to or HAWLEY'S. Soon after the holidays, members of all who patronize them. BUSINESS COLLEGE. the Village Improvement society will MARBLE give a play for its benefit, of which due A Useful Present in every Savk-- fVItsoriSiku WA, the best Powder. iold notice will be given. A large quantity Washing by grocers WORKS. NEW of are drawn to the Fairchlld A SCHOOL logs being LIVE FOR YOUNG MEN AND , Santa the piQH-AR- M - Clans, jolly t r mill. TOYS old Misses Jane and Lucy Nichols attended - WOMEN, TEACHING A chap, win load up. Sno.ilyohstseet, the funeral of Charles Bagley of Flants-- his our store. I OtposiUltR. Station, pack at BrIdtfeMrt.CoM. , vllle, who died suddenly of heart dis PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. ease, last Friday. OP ALL KINDS. this year. Remember the children. Don't let SPORT HILL. This is the demand of the times. With Pure Teas training them be J.ee s cnapcl JJ1. J. Sunday school are out it, you are handicapped. With it, combined Mounted Horses, disappointed. ONLY preparing for a Christmas concert, Sun with and Ani Never before has there day evening, 28th. ; industry economy, you cannot help be Rocking Horses, Cough, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, mals Tin been offered so fine a William Dlsbrow has bought the Inter. CURES Hoarseness. Whoooino Counh.Cmun ing a success. Write for circular, of all kinds, est of Ambrose Marsh in the milk bus! Sore) Throat. Asthma, and everv affM-tln- f th. collection of inroat. Lungs and chest, including Consumption Kitchens, Militia Sets, pleasing ness and Is sole owner of the route. Speedy and permanent. Used for fifty years. Christmas for old HUMORS. 323 MAIN ST., Combination Banks, goods PILES,Kcrt-ma-, ASPETUCK. Scrofula. Male Kfaenm and all BRIDGEPORT, and as tnHvmn;m ri. uw ruin huu jiioou are oureu by Drums, young the stock FCWi PILE Wagons, Sleds, The Center M. E. church will give E'S and HUMOR CUBE. Or, call at the for we are now showing; Christmas tree entertainment for-t- he better, college particulars. Mechanical Toys. We give oat oar Christmas Picture this Toys of all kinds, Dolls, Books, week to au purcoaaerBi : children and a donation for the pastor, " QFALLPLASTERS OH - used pre-S- Il Tuesday evening, 23d, at Temperance many years and . Plush and B cribed1 but onlrfZT THE BEST OF Primers, Oxydized & Dee. 19 and 20. - hall. If stormy Tuesday, first pleasant by Physicians, EVERYTHING E0E CHRISTMAS Friday Saturday, Sir T! ecently introduced generally. ifX. Goods, Vases, etc. The ladles will serve supper ELEGANT FRAMED --PICTURES. elegant Mugs, WE WILL GIVEAWAY .THE evening. DR.OROSYENOR'S si NEW HOLIDAY STOCK. One Glass 14 inches It's and Rev Mr Gilbert wilt exhibit bis ad- We cannot begin to describe Colored Lamp, high. WATCHES AND a beauty. ONLY PERFECT ding machine. eliecXP'Sic DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. half the articles we are offering WITH 60s worth ef Any Kind of Spiees AsaorUd Nathan Davis has had a shock and - HENNECKE & CO. STATUARY, PIANO for the holiday season. Come and (Cuarantssd strictly pars) or there are little of bis Mr PLASTERS, ii To we hopes recovery. The best Porous Haster made) , these draw see for while the assort Oas lb. of Aay Kiad of Choice Ta at 58a. Davis Is the oldest Inhabitant In the town Hot all aches.Dains and weak nlar-eOs- LAMPS AND GLASS WARE. yourself (Guaranteed fuuiae a uaporteiU or - JUnlike on ac- Tvo lbs. of Good CoSm at 24e- - - of Easton, M years old. other plasters, so be surecC? EVERYBODY 13 DELIGHTED WITH OUB HOLIDAY DISPLAY SEE IT. special attention ment is complete. ' Don't go out and the with the pic-)E- ? soass ehioory; saost poopls prefer it) or These machines can he seca : get genuine (Contaias superb back-clothe- s' have examined Powder Jabez Sharp Is Improving a little. tore of a bell on the s. :r, count of the superior of town till you Obs Box of lev nflaad Bakteg at Mo at the store of GosveifOR& RichAnns. Bosron52 to miAuJaetBrodJ. ' . SUCCESSOR TO J. B. CAPRON, than - (Equal aay Leonard of Toni.iisrsoisr, our stock. Prices lower in k Richard Bridgeport spent workmanship, selected Positively they will apt bs offsrod afaia-As- Sunday with Charles S. Abbott. 363 MAIN the . line of Christ- fbr a sample of oar S8o auzad tea aad com STREET, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. and low city Elegant with other teas sold fbr 69. 70 or 7Be aad visits her Ed- designs price. pare it LB. BOOTH, Miss Allie Foster uncle, mas Cards and Booklets in beau-- ia aiae eases out of ten yoa will Sad it saperior. win Hoyt of Rldgefleld. THE FINEST LINE OP A PACT We art the only firm tnat mixes aad AGENT FOB NEWTOWN AHD This entire is tiful designs. mp their own Bakiac Powder ia the ef Cards are out for the of Wil- display pats city wedding Bridgeport. VICINnT. liam Sherwood and Miss Jennie Meeker In our Carpet Depart- LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO Satiaftetiea every time or atoaey reraadea. of Westport, Christmas Eve. IN THE CITY. - SUNDAY SCHOOLS. NEW ENGLAND TEA COMPANY, HT SPECIALTIES; ment and forms a be 134 Fairfttld Avcaas. Briaceaort, Coaa. Mrs Walter Meeker of Westport has X Please remember that daring moved to her old home again. -- "NUMBER THIRTY-SI- SPECIAL" wildering spectacle. ABM MaOZITUT CVmmO . " December oar store In In Cranber- AND the month of miaaion. Situation Dermanent. Fineout- - The fair held the chapel 1 WW J fits. Full line stock. Price low. A. D. OnTlsiA&wtlBaatoaciiinaAaBMBSrlvv. Plains was a success; 9150 was clear- will be open every evening.Come PRATT,U Kniwei vuian. Boebeoter, N. T. ry "MORNING BELLS." aokioytv-vaM.ors- nc ay ed. Proceeds for a carpet for the chap- Tin. while the assortment is complete el. v OOO We guarantee to pleas) yon. Si, rLw.-- I J. Grumman has done carpenter work JOSEPH H. LUTZ, The above iswurd w-- t--i ".. r proof of for Fred Sherwood and Mrs E. Bulkley. DM. READ CO. the exfe'.euee f a better tlBlkitM T aa fI3 IV t CUAIT'S CARSUrla 611, or a Worm a bBS; KotwIj- - run MESSKAKT'aWfiKl T ABUTS. Burr and sister of Burr street EDGAR F. -- it r dory t !id evory where. JOHM cy, Mrs Eetiv ".! are wl'Ji tielr grandmother, Asthma BRIDGEPORT. i : lSrcliact:s MnUi:g Ck 'Cures CeI4, K. XT. J. A. . . . andCouh,CvtJuIl.v:PTI9N. '.sort, T.. 8. Hade T DAMT0FT, ru. only by IDIRTTG-GKES- &c All mail orders are delivered with Curias Colejr la Qa'.Ca ski, wlti Kctle P.W.KINOAHAOO., HAWLEY, 1 -- t tt wcovtry. Oropgist,' OOUTHPOIiT PHCHEMIST,AEIT ACT, : 'V-- i , snil Xew Tork City. 3 tie., S, r jaw J V.". irj :.-- Tr.l tZQTJTC-TO- CO; ,77. f WELLS BORED AM DEPTH ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER THROUGH ANYTHINGE.N.SIPPERLEY, ' - AT AT ... Bee. CONN. HE CSIPPERLErS (SIPPERLErS MILL, WE3TPORT, CONN. ewtown MILL, WESTPORT,


Then whi n, ftrtit snowflukuw to The Christmas bells, a clime, the begin lnmany - ' come down Their Joyous peals are ringing, DON'T MISS SEEING A n J the wind whistle, sharp and the branch- - A nd sweet in cot and palace chime - e are brown, The children's voices singing. The elegant display of an entire new and shining HURD & JONES I'll not mind the eold, though my fingers it ...... stock of - '' v numbs, economical Brussels ...... for it bring, the time nearer when Santa THE SECULAR PULPIT. It's soup. ARE HAVING A LARGE TRADE SELLING SUB Clan, oomon. Elizabeth Still. EIGHT LARGE Secretary V. W. Kissaiu of the Bridge HOLIDAY STANTIAL AND USEFUL ARTICLES FOR - Miss Myra Kveretts of Sharon has vis- port Brass Co., who bought the Theoph- STOUES, THE HOLIDAYS AT CLOSE MARGINS. 1 ited her sister, Mrs E. 5. Lovell. ' ilus Nichols property, was here, Sunday, 100 with his Each ft. long and 20 ft. .FURNITURE ON SHELVES daughter. ABOUT 10,000 HANDKERCHIEFS & COUNTERS, Mrs Connor Kane has moved to I.)au-bur- y. wide would not afford more floor Comprising all the many varieties in Silk, Linen and Lace in white and colors, all Then pealed the bells, more loud and deep : AT ! we use in to be sold at the lowest prices. "God Is not dead ; nor doth He sleep space that (make of shall Ezra a bachelor of The Wrong fail, the Bight prevail, our new store. : You Mead, carpenter With on will to men." probably LOVES AND MITTENS about M alone on the peace earth, good DOWNER & EDWARDS. years living Brushy Longfellow. know what we sellHouse Fur We guarantee every pair marked at lowest valnes. . Hill road near Danbury, was frozen to We live and the more we Silver AT STOCK death, one night lust week, while on hi by loving An unusual number of minor railroad nishing Goods, Crockery, T? rRTlfTVrSl ONE LOT NO. 3 3C PER YARD; A COMPLETE love the more we live ; therefore, when $4.00 Our for a oak and DUiN O IN ALL WIDTHS AND SHADES. way home. to Plated Ware, Glass Cut- - price pretty lilD life feels dull and the are low, accidents, mostly mishaps freight Ware, Rocker with spirts have occurred on all roads " imitation mahogany A3XD sizes one TmaD The who broke the in the turn and love God, love your neighbor trains, nearly ery, Kitchen Fixings, etc. HEAD RESTS usualrices1128 t party glass for several months ; but the Consolidated silk plush seat. of th. B. for salt la old Blakslee home has come forward and and you will be healed of your wound. You'll find our s ock the iinglt Copl.t has varied the by largest oak and settled. Holland. monotony exploding $5.50 will buy a pretty cherry it oUA-K- elegant assortment of stamped goods IIKIIXIKI'ORT: the boiler of a locomotive without hurt in the and it's OIIjA J: o. in lace tidies. I'lumb A HearilHlwy, city conveniently Rocker with silk plush Beat and tray cloths, splashers, Uwoi'K" K. Connor, How many a Christian pilgrim would ing any. one. The accidents are said to A T? A AND ALL THE LATE8T .'. K. A word as to that Salvation army no all on one T)TYTQ WTV "VmTmXTQ I'nttte, never have seen of the be caused the of over- arranged nearly hack. JXA. WJ1. NOVELTIES IN M. K. lliinlun, Hull's Henri, longer quite ridiculous it seems. Hav- anything spiritual largely by system tJf XIJLJ rJXXJU JEWELRY, William Hlctitinorti, IOI.1 Milln street, and the spiritual stream from the men who have of trains. floor. We have many articles $1.00 Our price for pure white down Umbrellas, Silk and LaGloria, all prices. llunry Oeaau, Kant HrtdKeport. ing looked into it somewhat in England, working charge rock had God listened to him when, with No man can work 24 hours on a stretch 1-- 2C rAIRKIKI.1): haying seen Its homes for the outcasts in that have been specially chosen Pillow. H T7ATTQ' TT17Q ONE LOT AT 12 WORTH 25C. COLLARS, roHtniHittHr Waknloy. fear and he Him not or 40 out of 48 without ULCiiNlO UNLAUNDERED SUSPENDERS. Whltechapel regions, having read some trembling, besought hours, suffering for And Our for CUFFS, SHIRTS, HOUTHPOIIT: to lead him into a desert. Krummach-er- . the of an overtaxed mind Holiday gifts. then we $1.50 price good substantial At 111 I'OMt Offlcu, of Its fresh gospel literature, yes, liter- consequences Willie '. Smith. and body. Nature presently , refuses to give you the privilege of return Blacking Case. .. HOSIERY AND WOOL UNDERWEAR DEPT WK3TTOKT: ature, terse, Idiomatic, direct, forcible, do more, vigilance is inevitably, Large display of Turkish, Beading and Easy Full lines and all the different for Ladies, Gents and Children at our usual William K. Nh. and fervent, and having stood many a If we could read the secret history of though ing, before or after Christmas, - prices DAStll'HY : perhaps only momentarily "relaxed and Chairs, Ladies' Desks.Fancy Tables, Book Cases, low prices. time with great swellings of heart In its our enemies, we should And in each of us is Jams McDonald, the result is an accident. True the man- any purchase made that Cheffoniers, Easels and Screens. John IT. Cult. street meetings, I bear witness to its ex- man's life sorrow and DTTDQT7Q! BUCKLES, PERFUMERIES SOAPS COMBS, BRUSHES, suffering enough of the road to not rUilcl-CiO- , AT BARGAIN HOUTlllllKY: traordinary adjustment of spiritual forces to disarm all agement pays large wages satisfactory in price, quality MIRRORS, ETC., PRICES. lllckok Bros. hostility. Longfellow. the men who break down health and WOODBl'HY: , to the real needs and welfare of the great or selection. L. V. Ketclmin. A man can no more be a Christian in the Nature, BALANCE OF VAN Y0RX STOCK Ir masses of people among whom Its labor- strength struggle against C. S. DOWNER THE 8pa2SI: HKTHKL: ers toil. Rev Par- without facing evil and conquering it but extra wages do not fully compensate. ANDREWS, closed at ball price at the Central Stand ot (ieorgn H, Col, devotedly Ir E. P. 8. 8. Owen. ker. than he can be a soldier withoat going to 249 and 251 Main Street, 8IIKI.TON: buttle, facing the cannon's mouth and en- IHwkvry llrotlmr.. sat the with in GREEN'S FAEMS BUTTER. IIIItMINUilAM: They under moonlight, clatiped countering the enemy the field. DANBUM,G0M. & EDWARDS HURD & JONES, Kobert 8. (iui'rinur. hand, trying to guess "what star would be Cbapin. A New their home when love became immortal" but Local Industry. -- 8ANY JKHJK: Main St-- - Postmaster Snlirmi. noon, alaa how soon she caught a cold and The love of earthly things is only ex THE NEW CKEAMEKY. 449,451 St., Bridgeport. 23 JZsJijol ZSxidgrepoxt- they had temporarially to stop guessing. Tliev one ot pelled by a certain sweet experience of has been made at the ( Ix'll of (iixl ! on, our soul cured her, however, with bottle Dr Progress steadily ring the eternal. is To griinilur action nerving, Hull'. Cough Syrup. things Augustine. Green's Farms creamery, for not only Till nil our are Christinas the of $'2500 the build day. day. Every lot is happy to a person who capital subscribed, EXHIBITION OF MANY ELEGANT GOODS Of llvlnif ami of serving. Mil you ever buy a horse and not have some ing erected and cream routes Caroline A. bears it with tranquillity. Boellifiw. gathering STOREY I ROY Dugan. mlHgivlng a to hi points till they were tully established, but the machinery is in oper MILLINERY: ' FOR tented? Not o with Ayer's Sarsapaillla; yon ation and the butter made finds Christmas carol are la the air may be .tire of It at the start. It never disap- Hebrews XII, 8, last clause ready already sale among grocers in South Bridge- CHRISTMAS AND FANCY Don't forget to call at aud the of the roost point, those who give it a (air and persistent O aoul, who faint beneath load 1 port, approach gladsome trial. thy Westport and Norwalk. At whole- PRESENTS FOE holiday of the whole Christian year Why struggle thus agaiust thy God! port, HOLIDAY GOODS! Yield all to lull sale, 30c a is obtained, while 35c MRS HARRIS'S touches all hearts. The Innocence, sim- Him, give control, pound WOODBURY. Of body , spirit and of soul. is readily paid by those who buy the but plicity, sincerity and of Childhood STOREY & ROY MILLINERY YOUNG AND OLD, purity An on a of He knows hears ter in small quantities at the creamery. appeal to Humanity, recalling Interesting hearing question thy weakness, thy sigh, USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL, naturally notice was had before court He's touched with pity, at thy cry. This speaks well for the of the Are assort its own softeulng its the probate quality showing a very large PARLORS, youthful dream, of on the of Anna He's close beside thee, though unseen, butter, which is made nnder the careful BOSTON 99C asperities and arousing and love, Woodbury application Naught can escape Ills so keen. ment of useful and articles charity of an eye supervision of Wolcott Bunnell, who has' fancy MAIN too frequently crushed and trampled un- Hayes Iolan Southbury for exten 233 STREET, E. S. HUNT & CO., BPT. sion of time to claims the 'Tls not in anger, but in love ; had 10 experience at the business. for the HOLIDAY trade at very STORE, der foot by the stern realities of life. present against 'Tis thus He woos soul years' DANBURY, estate of 8. Wheeler of South thy above, at Salisbury, New Caanan and lied Hook, low Iiut why Is It that holidays are becoming Henry Tls thus He fits our souls for Heaven; prices. Everyone should The court took aud re 'Tls N'. here from the latter UP STAIRS, so generally given over to debauchery bury. the papers thus we've Joys and sins forgiven. Y.,eoming place, the BOSTON before decision. his is in New Caanan.The visit, STORE and vice a certain class In the com- served Cothren for applicant, God's faithful ones from ago to age though family FINE by cream is in the their selection for t Some men seem to think a holi- N. Wheeler of New Haven for the es Have vanquished alt, e'en Satan's rago. gathering system vogue, ma&mg munity now from which cream is ob unless It lands them Into tate. They're standing before the throne, territory the day Incomplete Arrayed In garments like His own. tained divided into two routes J.W.JOHNSON, a What a An uncle of John Holmes of Port being HOLIDAY GIFTS. LINE roaring dgwkenness. travesty J. O soul of rest thou In Greenfield under the care of Burr on the birth of the Christ who came is him. mine, God, Ilill, BUYS AND SELLS child, land, Qregon, visiting Faint not beneath the chastening rod. Hill and Green's Farms and Weston in FANCY GOODS. not for a life of self indulgence and sen- The lifted hand will lull Edwin Richards is studying law in the gently charge of Charles Sherwood. The latter PLUSH GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY CITY AND COUNTRY OF sual but who went about And thou wilt Him, Lord of all. 1 ease, doing ofllce of William Cothren. praise is so a second route for the to the Mrs S. H. Smith, l:i" South ave, Bridgeport. arranged that USEFUL ATTICLES FOR HOL- 1 good, bringing gospel poor Weston be laid out, if found neces and comfort to blind, maimed and suffer- Comical Brown had the floor at the may IDAY PRESENTS. sary. The creamery prefers the Cooley ON COMMISSION. HOLIDAY ing, ministering words of warning and Town Hall and the boys had a good time. The Vanderbilt Children. FINE SUSPENDERS. system of raising the creami though sep consolation to crowded all Van AND.-LACES- . Has on tor throngs by day George M. Allen caught 75 pickerel, Although the members of the arator cream from F. Bronson's Verna RIBBONS hand, ready delivery, and wakeful la derbilt entertain on a spending nights solitary family magnificent . ; GOODS Friday. farm . is used in HANDKERCHIEFS. FIRST CLASS . Xot much to debauch- uever dairy freely and, prayer. superior scale, they permit their children set is la fills Its insatiate We have on our table a fine specimen fact, any deep system accepta GLOVES. that that to remain late at arc extreme s Cent Debenture Bonds, ery gluttony up night, ble. The run on the fer - maw with the best In the markets with- of the galena silver ore from "Uncle Gid careful iu their education in a creamery-i- cooper MEN'S FURNISHINGS. NOW- eon's well" on Carmel left ly aud, ative and the are divided at and out to suffering neighbors. All hill, kindly by are them for life as well as plan profits Registered Coupon. " regard William or ore word, tilting the end of the month, the cream of us, poor uiortaU, are too eager In the torbes. specimens the mother or lather could do. It is one produc and 7 per cent Guaranteed West ' have been and found to contain any ers their shares in quest of our own comfort to fully realize assayed of the rules in all the houses of the Van receiving proportion ern Farm Loans. ON. 80 cent, of also 28 to the number of inches of cream furnish STOREY! ROY the spiritual. Import of Christmas tide. per galena; It yields derbilts that the children shall to bed Writes Life and Fire Insurance Policies in the ounces ton. go ed. Cream is on alternate Even our anil teachers of silver to the Should the and rise The little aud gathered days, mast Keliablo Companies, giving the spiritual pastors early early. boys - vein we a the churn form - too often their comfort prove extensive, shall have are before 7 o'clock in the morn Monday, Wednesday, Friday, bast of Policy- SALE. Indolently enjoy girls up done the As THE BOSTON STORE, 4 VATfOSTAL. BANK BUILDING able homes without thut tender luteret lead aud silver boom in our old town. Their nurses take ing being following days. No. ing. immediately the cream is to the BEJBGEPORT. COHN. In and search for the outcast, sin- Miss Hattie Isham is at C. M. of see that are brought creamery eager Harvey's charge them, they proper 342-344MA1NS- building, it is received on the upper of T., ning and suffering with whom the man store, books. bathed and dressed aud then down & SCOTT, keeping ly go the two floors of the building and passes QUINN of Galilee was In constant sympathy and to breakfast, which is served at 7 30 ' Robert Harvey Is ill ; Dr Ketcham U in a tunnel to the vats below A SPLENDID imTESTMEN1 He was neither is an through helpful companionship. attendance. o'clock. It unpretentious meal, There are two of these and their united BRIDGEPORT, CT. nor self absorbed. But with FOR SUMS fEOM $100 UP 161 Klain lazy, Intemperate plenty of fresh milk, eggs, oat meal is 1200 The lower St., Danbury. who of us all I to cast the first Dr II. S. Karrman and C. M. capacity pounds. worthy Harvey and steak or a chop. room also contains a full BRIDGEPORT BUILD- condemnation t No one of us have treated themselves to new tele butter making IN of After there is an hour of six-hor- 3 'tone breakfast, and outfit, a se alnt or sinner, priest or layman, has phones. There is for these lit working including ING LOTS. D. E. E 0 G E R study. something power engine, a dairy swing churn,Eure-k- S, lived up to his full privilege and no time tle ones to do at all times the A Mrs William Wells has returned from during butter worker, two cream vats Is better suited to a careful, thoughtful their studies Experience has prored that purchas.es ,qf " Brookfield. day. They go through sys is oil with 8 -' There an' test churn, which land have better qlmget any, IS If BEST PLACE TO BUT consideration of the past, nor for redeem- aud then, about half 9, Bridgeport paid thap Mrs Is In tematically, past few creameries in the State have been other investment for years.- - And there the hours of time that lie be- A. J. Goodman New York, are takeu a are many Ing fleeting out for walk. They al .This is for the of never vas a better opportunity than now offer- tween each soul and an With equipped. purpose on curtains, open grave. Nathan B. Burton will spend the Win lowed to romp iu the streets and in the the cream. The has ed at the newly annexed East End.. Prices furniture; carpets, for us face the future and In In 11 testing gatherer desirable lots are still low, but charity all, let ter Pennsylvania and Mrs Burton park to their heart's content. At bottle into which he very continually glass puts samples rising: and sure to pay large returns to any one rugs, mats, oil trlve to develop the latent divinity that New Haven. o'clock, are . home and draperies, cloths, tbey brought of cream obtained ou his route. These CUT FROM at The Hough tract, bric-a-bra- c, crowns the closing festival of the year. luncheon of milk and bread Is serv investing present prices. Eluiu B. Burton of Wecuppcmemee dis light bottles are immersed in water of 180 being the nearest to the center of the city and after which there are more studies between two is' the cutlery, crockery, trict la very ill, not expected to survive. ed, degrees and Anally churned,, the result lying the principal avenues, GRANITE . The election of officers of the Shepaug either French, German or drawing and OZONESOAP most desirable location. It is supplied with all GLASS WARE, PLATED WARE, showing the amount of butter oil, whey on a ear line and road should have occurred early in No John Cupewell lost a valuable horse, then another breathing spell it may be WRAPPERS city improvements, fronts horse aud caseine.- The capacity ot the cream The above Trude-Mar- k and send to is within 15 minutes' walk of the Depot. For in- WOOD AND TIN WARE vember, but, as the road was then engag last week. It fell on the frozen ground, horseback riding, or a drive out WARE, through ery is about 1000 and it - "Wo formation apply to ed In litigation with Its president, George got a broken leg aud had to be killed the and the roads. pounds daily us. i will give r AND LOTS OP OTHER WARE. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OP CHARGE. park along country with the flush of milk in 7 of and It Back 4 hoped that, the v For 10, a Sat cf EmTjossei- - Cards. I). Chapman Fairfield, others, Mrs Elizabeth B. recently de they all come about o'clock, and ' - was Robinson of Curtis, Spring, the full machinery may; be run. For 25, a Beautiful Panel Picture. ' deferred. Judge the ceased, having no nearer relatives than a there is another hour of study and then A. W. BUKEEPT, case The cost of the entire plant, including For 27, a Silver Napkin Superior court, before whom the second cousin, left her property to de they are through for the day. They are Eing. DWIGHT E. IIOGIERS, an building, was less then $2500. The lat- For s a Silver Shell, was tried, Issued order postponing friends aud benevolent allowed to do as they until Sugar to Hull A serving objects, just please ter Is 25x32, two stories ; the v ROOM 6, WARNER BUILDING (Successor Rogers,) the election for month, hoping to be tea high upper For 33, a Silver Butter Enife. She willed the life use of $1000 to Mrs time, when, after their meal, they room be. used as a hall. was able to render a decision before that "hour or may It For 40, a Large Table Spoon. 183 MAIN ST., DANBURY. Martha P. Tuttle, who died before her, spend a pleasant so with their built Johu Fairchild and buff 61 PAIRFIELD AVENUE," time. No decision has been reached, by painted For 68, a quarter doz. Silver Spoons. yet gave $500 to the First church fathers and mothers and others who may I Is Sunday an yellow by John Perry of Westport. This Silverware is warranted Sterl- - however and a second order has been school and made other in to call. . BRIDGEPORT. bequests. The drop the plumbing was done by ; Woodward ing Silver finish on WHITS METAL. sued, attain deferring the election until of to - at 8 are all in largest part her property she left Promptly o'clock, they & Spicer of Southport and the machinery FAIRCHILD & SHELTON, NOVELTIES. 10. .. bed to 1 WINTER January the Female Guardian Society and Home sleep soundly and get up th.e next was. set B. F. Bulk-- to Ave.--, aud scientifically up by 121 137 Housatonic aHJSORTHROP, Agent of the Friendless of New York, having morning go through the same pro- the Saeco miller. H. BBtDGEPOBT. Corn. For the Oldest, Strongest and Most Reliable Olvaslam Jones of the Lime Kiln Club So ley, Sr, J. Jennings Fire in Connecticut, viz : We Desire to inform our that we have always had a great Interest in that soci gram. it is not strange that all the is InauraneeCoinpaiiies patrons I had choice, I belieb I'd now president.and W. II. Burr secreta Hartford JFire, of Hartford. says: "If my She executed her will in 1876 and children of the Vanderbilt family are in of Hartford. hab a box ob de economical Brus ety. ry ;the annual election of officers will oc ll(unix received a new assortment of novelties radder made her bequest to the latter society uu advance of their little friends in the mat- TO Connecticut, jot Hartford. special sels dan a of de finest cur In January. . .THOSE WISHING Orient, tof Hartford, soap gross rayZ' der the name of the "Guardian and. Ad ter of education. For they study, study, Middlesex Mutual, of Mlddletown. for rs." ; Westchester, of New York. and exclusive shapes and styles dress and vocate," a periodical published by the so study all the time. They are all fond of As are no near it music and most of them cau on the "BUY Abstract of report of the treasurer of ciety. there relatives, play s NEWTOWN SAVING? jftAJST, Winter wear. is that the will will not be con piano. . The are to on Cough-Cure- . i'oun. the Newtown library association for the presumed girls learning play Newtown, ' in as can the and the are famous A Pleasure or Heavy Incorporated 1855. 390 MAIN ST. December 1800 : tested for error the name, there harp, boys among Are abundant; but the one best known for Light year ending 1, friends as PHILO CLAXE, President, DR. be no doubt as to the intention of the tes their violinists, and banjo play Its extraordinary anodyne and expectorant W.E.HALLIGAN, BRIDGEPORT. - la Pectoral. For Lumber Wagon of any descript- C. H. NORTHROP, Treasurer. 1889. tator. ers. If you were to see these children qualities Ayer's Cherry Dm. 1, halt a haa A m to 3 7 to 9 m. Sift! 68 nearly century this preparation on Haura, a p m; Mondays p Deposits in Newtown saving, bank, ou me street, you wouiu not lor a mo been in greater demand than any other rem-- u ion can be suited by calling . Deposit. In Mechanic, and Farm 80UTHF0RD. ment suspect that they were other than edy for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and put CELEST A.BEHEDICT, M. B., CARRIAGES & WAGONS MADE TO ORDER ers bank. 192 St monary complaints in general. me. I sell the Champion Lum- ana anrgeon, saving, children of parents in ordinary circum-- , " ruysioian Deo. 1.1800, Augustus Bronson had the misfortune I suffered for more than eight months 812 State St., Bridgeport. rv REPAIRING NEATLY DONS AT SHORT NOTICE. Income received 179 89 stances. They make no display at elab from a severe cough accompanied with hem- ber and of the of t.ha theranentia arents. Of V. during year. to lose the old family horse, last week, of and the Light' Wagons Fine solicited. Satisfaction orate dress. orrhage the lungs expectoration viMinu19 a. m. to 12 m, 3 to 4 p. m. Painting guaranteed. aottt 80 It fell on the ice and died In a short time ot matter. The physicians gave me up, but Eirkwood & make. fice hoars from CR. Early o Sunday the children on me Bradley flJ5W ATI XI BJiiUUnjJ tLOJiV WAUUKB rUJt OALiS. morning, my druggist prevailed to try D. M.D. Deo. 1, 1890. Mrs Henry Wheeler moved into the are washed and dressed and gent to Sun m m P. KICHAKDS0N, Successor o JB.-J- . A. 8TITE8 CONN. Amount expended during Gaylord place, last week, school. At church to S0UTHP0RT, 21)8 83 day time, they go : and Surgeon. year, 8 H. H. PECK, Physician Hook. In Granville Waruer went to last their father's pew and sit there with him Ayero Office and Residence, Sandy Mechanic, and Milford, and vicin- - liepo.it. 157 78 and their mother the service. Tri.hphonb. Calls forHawleyville rannen bank. week, during In Pectoral. tv left at Hawleyville JUat Shop or Uep Deposits In Newtown sav- the afternoon, they go to Sunday school Cherry NEWTOWN, :- -: CONN. n.nnot.ta ttnri Ratibttf's Bridtre. Lit 217 89-- Frank Stowe has a new horse recentl I did so, ariH soon began to improve; my York and vicinity at.N.E,Deot,Sandy Hook ; ings bank, , The is be- $34 SO again.' Sunday spent very quiet- lungs healed, the cough eeased, and I Newtown and vicinity novel, w m m i bought in Seymour. , came stouter ever to 9 A. M., 13 M.:W 3, 7 to 9 P. M. J C.H. NoUTHBOP, Treasurer. ly. They have an early tea, and in the and healthier than I hare floe hours, been before. I would that the name . " A was born to Mr and . Mrs the children in the music suggest daughter twilight gather of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral be changed to . M. W. STEVENS, MRS D. P. RICHARDSON, Owe four exchanges says : "The pros- Elmer Lewis of Kettletown, Saturday room while one of the ladies plays piano Elixir of Life, for it certainly saved my life" Teacher of Piano and Organ, . ho tiS'esWif wtft:o F. J. Buenos , ?V jLvgp.od e; uses of a watermelon In this night or organ ; and the ladies of the families Oltden, Balto, Ayres. Hamfaeturer of SAHDY HOOK, COW, pects plantation "A few years ago I took very baa cold,' MARBLE AIT0 GBAHITE HSADSTONXS, EJT-- section 'would be very slim, owing to join for an hour or two In long. The which settled on my lungs. I had ulght. OOD Cows and Calwesre .often spoiled by SnFOUO. it is well s&idHke ntdtnsc Weetri. Bitters. sweats, a and soreness. CL08UEZS FOR CEMETERY LOTS, ETC. G BUCKinir eauii ' -- - colored population." This Is a boys sometimes bring out their violins, racking cough great ESTIMATES FDBJISEED. anu suuu . the large This la becoming so well know My doctor's medicine did me no good. I. tne following lint. muzzled in as colored are remedy the play their and bene- ' Dvaler all kinds of American and tor circulars and price "Having purchas- is her base slander, the people and an popular as to need no special mention, joung girls harps,, tried many remedies, but received so ia Frtgn ed tested of CHARLKS B. JOHMuN one houscTriK&ndKccp is an or the eslek&ated B ' and recognize the value All who have used Elect rie Hitters the there hour two of the most delic fit; everybody despaired of my recovery.. I Karbto and Granite, including OX OUCKIUB'UUW aiuMivot &-- honest readily slug was advised to uae Pectoral, lu3 house cle&n AH In Brussels sotigVSf vA medicine does ious music that one could Ayer's Cherry I your grocers keep of and economy using soap. huh praise,. purer imagine. They and, as a last resort, did so. From the first WESTERLY GRANITE Harmless. P. II. SkjvxObs, Newtown, Octo Cleanliness and neatness about a house are to not exist and It Is guaranteed to do all that is sing hymn after hymn, and when thetw ' dose I obtained relief, and, after utng two ber a), necessary lb. will core all dis- IIalloe! WHAT is this WQuartcr elalined. Flee trie Bitter fades away the little ones are bottles of it, was completely restored to ILL SALE A House of ten rooms, with Barn insure comfort. Man likes comfort; and if he can't find it at light put T7V ten-n- il boxes Sardines 7c box, 4 boxes 25c: half eases oi the liver and kidneys, will remove health."-- F. Adams, New Gretna, N. J. STI3VE1TS, FIR 24 acres of Land, gome farming u to GOV'S. pleaa-antl- v he will seek for it. Good stfec-Uon- to OKWAI.K. elsewhere 10c 3 boxes rheum and other a bed, get up the next morning with and a never falling well of water; home, housewives know Voand boxes Sardines box, pimples, bolls, .alt half way the of health situated near the railroad, SAPOL.IO bri;!.t-Happine- ss forSftc. We are selling a good mixed eauaerf by Impure blood. Will drive glow upon their cheeks, Lone Hill and Stepney stations. In- that makes a house clean and keeps it 2?o ? and Oolong malaria from the system and prevent aa well and their week of and l FEED. E. ): quire ot or Sadress. MRS LAUftA A. KHAPP. ;; pound begin study play. Gt::rry STLTJMAN, .. - dwells in a comfortable home. Do JPn ' Ayer's Pc:::ii!, - always yttt S O rHM" VHM"r1 ih vom 7"1' a. cure all malaria (even. For core of head, that shall at them to become men OradaaU of Hew Eaglaad Conservatory of Musis. Stepney Depot. --- jf ladies' j Xlec- strong want cleMsliacr and ? CArClZO i U ea fine prlor ache, constipation and Indigestion try and to ' ay WAfTW To. sell our ruaranteed jt:;comTzrt happiness Try 5 1 1 women, administer wisely ution PIAI70 TUIIEH. STOCK. AULur tars Oxooe soap trt BlUere. Kntlre. satJsfsetloa 3 Xlill rfOiiSEitY and 1 a; O. OO-.Iire- toatdT matt for and yoo. wi ta tx your tzectrs. ; ..is :s or mooey refauded- - Price soe. and 81 pec the vast fortunes that will soon be theirs. Br. J. Jtaa. riaw pegslwd. Orraaa Orders by wri'a t .. ttrsct, BrUs M EAtlng Charles H, Chase, l,(M W. rV-S-v terms. be: Ja at K. Kawley's drug store. Ladles' Home Journal, Bold by all DrurUta. Pm-- CT, Roo neater,u.N. X $(,$. p? EASTQN, Jiurseryman, week, for New York, where they will good travelling and bright weather has THE NEWTOWN BEE. to spend the Winter. SOUTHPORT VILLAGE. caused producers bring their crops to GREENFIELD HILL. PUBLISHED BY market, load after load and all market Green tlelng for St. Paul's church is boats have all the care for. THE BEE COMPANY. . freight they Christmas BOYS' & HATS & CAPS. PUBLISHING going on at the lower room of the Town That Town Meeting. Merry Preparations. MEN'S, YQBIgSV CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, R. H. SMITH, EDITOR. hall. The supply of Bees at Southport post TUB ARGUMENTS. ofllce was exhausted on and CONGREGATIONAL COMMITTEES. $1 50 A TEAR, 4c. A COPT. Mrs Samuel B. Glover is spending the f early Friday There should be a goodly attendance at an extra order was sent to the office to A partial list of the committees for the KWTOWN, COHH..FSIS AT.DECEMBEB 19. Winter In Florida. STER, BESSE & COMPANY, the special town meeting called for next fill the demand. This and the constant Christmas festival of the Congregational The second of the course of Star lec Monday, 22d, at 2 30 p m, to determine additions to the subscription list of the church : tures was at the Town hall, this week the of whether the town or the Bee Bhows that the papec is appreciated. ;;'; FINANCIAL : WHOLESALE & RETAIL COMBINATION & question F. CLOTHIERS HATTERS, Thursday, when George A. Llttleficld bondsmen should bear the loss occasion S.Banks, was announced to deliver a lecture on The annual offering of the Congrega I). M. Banks, ed by the $2000 deficit in the accounts of W. K. -- came tional church for the New - West educa Purple. Daniel Webster. Mr Littlefleld the late Town Clerk Daniel Moloney ARRANGEMENTS:. 317 EI3Sr ST. and tion commission will be taken, nexCSun- - J. II. highly recommended by press public Discussion of this subject has been rife Hall, Superintendent, as a of unusual Interest. As the day. W.K. Tnrplo, Charles Godfrey has been ill and speaker on streets and in public places and the K. quite address was of to V. Perry, unable to attend school for two weeks. SOME KNOWING. special interest young material for a deal of argument has been Rev I. M. Sturges, well known to many Miss L. C. Banks, : WORTH a the TillS people, special discount from regu- prepared by both sides. On one hand, it Southporters, Is expected to preach at Miss A. M. Wakeman, W. II. Robinson has returned from a lar 3")C tickets was made to of the Miss 8. J. FAIRFIELD'S BUDGET. pupils is alleged that Moloney was mentally in Trinity, next Sunday. Perry, visit in Pawling, N. Y. That our ladies' shoe for can't be beat public and private schools. for such work before Miss Ilattle Jennings. $2 capacitated years : " " Miss1' Al- - music - - David-so- u ofllce Mrs M. E. Alvord and Sadie Miss of Easton visits Mrs G. A. THAT v, Town A valuable horse owned by Mrs he left the and that he or his bonds Miss C. F. Seeley Our China U Meeting, Next Monday. vord will move to Massachusetts in the Perry, Set to ba given away December 10. of Black Rock was in- men should not be held responsible for Miss Mamie Merwin, . Sturges. seriously ' ' - Spring to reside permanently. Miss Al- W. II. THAT .. THE WARNINO. ' by stepping into a hole on Rail- doings of one who was really irrespon Purple. Mr and Mrs Clifford Weeks Brook- Our Ken's Shoes (or $2 ore wonders. jured vord is organist at the of road avenue, Bridgeport, sible for his acts. He is still referred to, Congregational lyn have been at Matthew The following warning has been Issued church. The western of the old red man Bulkley's. THAT be killed. howeyer, as the most accommodating part January 10 we gire away a Gold Watch- - the selectmen: V at which been used as a William se- by man who ever held an office in the town S. Sherman is on sion Verna, has Smith fell on the fee and Notice la to the inhabitants of A which has been Arthur administrator THAT , hereby given Chautauqua circle, house. By the opposition it has been al, store room for tools of the workmen, is verely injured his shoulder. the Town of Fairfield that pursuant to the In Fairfield Woods, meets with the estate of his father, Selleck Sherman. We take special pride in our Ladies' S3 Shoes. written of the number organized leged that the bondsmen should not have to be removed by Charles Gray,after the application necessary success and the are well attend- Miss Ma me is in THAT of inhabitants of said town, qualiflod to vote meetings signed the bond, had the least doubt Market quotations at Simon Banks's: work is finished, next Spring. Perry Georgetown. ed. The full course is not taken and they We present oar customers with a Bronze Clock oa 10. In town meeting, a special town mooting will of '4 mental soundness. As Bed onions, $2 75 to $3. Mrs Adelle February be helil in the Town hall in said town on Mon are held .Last Moloney tbey son of who Andrews has returned to meetings fortnightly week's were his bondsmen and as he did not Yellows, $3 to $3 50. Demorest, the contractor .THAT December Vi, at SO m, tor the purpose 5 to 50. '' is is Tarrytown, N. Y. Our lien's SS and Bala eaa't be outside of our day, p meeting was with Mrs John E. Osborne. Whites, $5 ' building the new mansion at Verna, Coagreai duplicated star. ol such action as be deemed ad' faithfully perform the duties of the of 2 75 to 3. - taking may Potatoes, to return to his Brooklyn home. He has A number of friends from Easton visit- THAT of Miss Annio should not BO 3 ' vlsable upon the question of the claim the Burroughs left, last week, fice, say these, why the Apples, $3 to f 70j .jjsuoif been here his attention to March 10 marks the date whes that Silver Tea Set sure 1 50. devoting ed Miss Annie Lockwood. foes. town of Fairfield agnlnst the estate and for a visit with friends in Massachusetts. bondsmen be called upon? Carrots, 1 i " ties on the bond ot Imnlel Moloney, deceased, .(. the work of constructing the mansion THAT late collector ot taxes of said town; and if it Horses and their drivers appreciate the Southport is well supplied with bakers. and has been boarding at Mrs Andrew Being dissatisfied with prices paid by Our Ladies' 5 Shoes make ear competitor! groan with eavy. shall be tonnd advisable to take action direct thoughtfulness of John E. Osborne in W. S. Wilson has sprained his ankle Edward Lehn and Paul Prusser of West-- Wakeman's. Westport boat owners, several Weston THAT ing a compromise or other disposition of the him to the house. placing a barrel In front of his Fairfield confining port and CIvam and Russell & Co. of farmers are carting onions to Southport. Some one will have a new Diamoad Stud 10. - claims. Charles colored stone wall April Woods house, in which spring water is Bridgeport run wagons at short Intervals, Coley, the E. C. Brotherton furnishes the first of has been sick. Miss Jennie Nichols has returned from THAT Town Clerk Tike is one of the most constantly running. while A. J. and G. B. Downes are the lo layer Aspctuck, For wear and comfort our Ken's SS Shoes are white onions that are put aboard of Redding, where she has been for a week. style, unequalled. In his ofllce work of town of- cal bakers. regular any Mrs George Gihuan of Black Rock Charles Jennings's boat and gets SO a F.S.Bank3 was in New Yorkjlast week THAT ficial. hours the town house are Rev L. D. Place to move to 11, off Gold Watch Mo. 2. Ills at will entertain the Musical club of Bridge barrel for them. ' About 400 invitations are to be issued expects Kay goes . 9 12 3 to 3 Is never An entertainment is to be given at the New Mrs Place has been from to and and he port, at Its second recital, next week. for the the Excelsior Hampshire. THAT absent save when called busi- Mrs A. It. Kelsey and daughter, Miss reception given by school house in Burr's district, this week her at L. I. away by club of Green's Farms at the St Marc, visiting daughter Manor, Our stock and sale of Children's Shoes is what is making some merchants' hair turn gray so fast. ness connected with the ofllce or by his Northrop Brothers of Southport have Eda, who have spent some time in Mid' Friday at 1 p ni, consisting of recitations, Fairfield, New Year's eve. This club Misses Effie Budd and Rhoraer of Nor- THAT ' duties as deputy sheriff. roofed P. Wayland's house. dletown, are to remain through the holi music, Christmas exercises, etc. Miss has a number of eutertainments in walk have visited Lillie Budd. That handsome 0x7 di zed silver Lamp goes Jane 10. Robert has been bailed out of days in Clinton, Conn., whither they given nopkins, the teacher, has arranged " A beer license has been granted to Wright the past and this will doubtless be one of 1 THAT James went, Monday. pleasing program for the children and Leonard Dikeman is no The Leonard Cinto. an Italian who will sell Bridgeport jail by Mooney. the pleasantest and most successful giv better. Our Kisses', Boy' and Touth's Shoes have made a reputation for themselves. which made their invited friends. doctor no he live for at one of the shanties of the Italian col The new bridge at the Chemical works Frost nsii, appear en under the auspices of the young peo gives hope, but may THAT last are three weeks two months. ony near the quarry. was to be put in order, Sunday, but the ance, week, about ple who compose the club. It is to be a Charles A. Ilotchkiss of Bridgeport, Last of all we give away that white piano on July 10. late, Dut are ol line and many full dress affair an who has had a number of colts Though Mr Jones receives but little stringers were too short, it being an old quality and elegant supper horses, THAT are being caught in weirs and by hook to and brood mares at Merwin BRIDGEPORT. The Merchant who offers the above is and, in fact, has not mingled freely In so bridge from the Shore Line. will be served add to the pleasure of the John and line. , old and the new has taken them all to his barns at ciety since the death of his father, Oba- Mr Hamilton had 25 hens and a duck dancing the year out farm, Annie, wife of Painter Zachary Tay- U. has year in. Elm wood, West The dtah W. Jones, some years ago, the writ 14 years old taken from his hennery be- F. Bulkley plenty of sawing at End, Bridgeport. lor, colored, died at the hospital,Sunday, his mill and is to about from this property, one of the fine N . AY er was received with urbane courtesy fore 9 o'clock in the evening. preparing harvest Rev Charles G. once rector of hay 36 years old.' E. Adams, RES, when he called at the residence 1800 tons of ice from the mill pond, one farms of Greenfield Hill, was also bought elegant Held & Son church, is understood to have re- of William 11. a few Mr Red have commenced grad- of the best ice in the State Trinity by Mr Ilotchkiss and was a heavy crop Some sneak thief stole an overcoat and Jones, days ago. privileges ceived and accepted a call to tlie Episco BRIDGEPORT, who in excellent health ing for four tracks at Tin bridge. lie has and other at It is being carted to Bridgeport by Ar pair of gloves, Saturday, belonging to Jones, appeared hoisting machinery pal church in Mount Yernon, N. Y., and resembles his father Rev E. of India at the ice house, run trans- thur Hull. William Burr. spirits, greatly J. Tracy preached by power where he has been and preaching In in none more com even mitted from the saw about 700 feet living many ways, but the Congregational church, Sunday mill, Simeon Banks of Cross Highway, who J. W. Gorham, a well known in with which the sermon on the same lines distant. The formerly plctely than thoroughness ing, being Southport printing company has has suffered for many weeks with a tu resident here, who moved with his fami- South-por- t. he all his This as that delivered in the at - a on the outside of its office performs undertakings. morning A full attendance of members of Fair- placed sign mor which has been growing back of his ly to Milford, several years ago, has has been shown of late the mauner In in Church Record by nem council, m3, u. u. is re the building. eye, is much worse. He had a severe been in the city on business. which he has ilt the line of jo. long quested at the meeting, this - chill, last week and lapsed into uncon fence In front of the of THE TEN JOI.I.V JOKERS AGAIN. (Friday) William Lill, formerly with Fred Dia- F. while at work down spacious grounds evening, as the election of officers will sciousness. He rallied, however, but is McKay, tearing his home on Main This fence was brow, is to open a market for himself in a was struck on the arm a street. . We are somewhat and very then take place. still in critical condition. building, by in of reconstruction surprised Bridgeport. will him for process at the last indignant over an article which appeared falling brickwhich lay up H. G. & Son of Green's Farms ' visit of the writer, but the work has now In the to Birge A local Chautauqua circle has been Miss Alice Gould of New Haven has several days. Eef., referring the social of the the have forsworn been entirely finished, even to the paint, held on eve enterprising milkmen, formed in Southport, with 18 to 20 mem been with Miss Hattie Banks of Cross which is white In har- Jolly Jokers, Thanksgiving their Sunday for the Win John W. Reilly, a well know plumber, and yellow and in the Town hall of Fairfield. It is cer- morning trips bers. Weekly meetings are held, the Highway. with the exterior of the house. ter and make two trips on af died at his residence "ton Park avenue, mony tain that the town authorities went be- Saturday, place of meeting having been at Miss Hill This house is almost the one in the ternoon and evening. The debating club of Greenfield Saturday morning. He had been in poor only yond their limit if they the ex- Monroe's until she went to' New,,, York ; which its Win- street which has not been sold or trans- granted completed third year, last health for nearly a year, and was a broth clusive use of the Town hall to the William Mitchell and family have inov the circle has since assembled, at Miss is that" were. The ferred within the few Is ter, among the things er of Jeremiah Reilly, Jr, the State street past years. It or to . ed from Hull's Farms to Maria The of the Chau ' any other party-- Southport. Perry's. study meetings were not well attended, last plumber. now occupied by Mr Jones ulone, though, This is the first intimation we had of the tauqua movement is of great interest and It was the home The church is, as usual Winter and it has been decided to aban- years ago, of father, existence of a Ward McAllister and a400 Congregational instruction and, properly carried out, Eugene Roswell, who has spent a few 10 Christmas in Hull's don it. UNDERTAKERS AM) EMBALMERS, mother and a family of children. In it must be confess- gathering greens cannot fail to be of benefit to all in has returned home. Fairfield, although Farms, whose is lasting days Bridgewater, "Some arc married, some are dead;' ed there is a vast difference between the supply being rapidly who pursue it The officers The Ruthven family sailed, last week, Are to do in the above line at shortest notice. A share thoughtfully. Mr Otis of in prepared anything; three of the brothers arc in business In Fairfield and New York Ward and their becoming depleted. of the local circle are for England, where they will spend the Chicago spent Sunday of the public patronage solicited. All calls answerd if left at New where have an ofllce at Miss Eliza town. York, they respective followers. The New Yorkers There Are some 40 or 50 copies of the President, Perry. Winter visiting the English Ruthvens. W. B. ' Broome and Lewis streets and are Iden- Secretary, Miss Grace Banks. ? L. C. MORRIS' HOUSE, PRINDLE'S HOUSE, pay liberally for what get and ap Y. P. S. C. E. hymnal in the hands of The in the windows of W. B. C0N1TECTI0NS. tified with the Arm of Jones & they Elmer Downs is to remain at Mrs T. display . W. A. LENOARD'S HOTEL, TELEPHONE great Co., preciate it ; the Fairfielders monopolize Cyrus S. Bradley, who wishes to dispose Sherwood Brothers are putting the sec Hall & Co. and The D. M. Read Co. at- whose flour Is a household B. Sturges's until January, when Mrs YOUBS RESPECTFULLY. "Superlative" our Town hall in a beggarly manner and of them. ond coat of" paint on Mrs Poineroy's tracts the crowd. There is a word throughout the country. It Is de- are soon to Sturges will start for California. Japanese pay the authorities in abuse. Now as to Misses Wakemanof house and paint the National feathers on his nose clared to be the best flour Hull's Farms have : V balancing peacock W. H. PRINDLE. L. C. MORRIS. by many made bank i.f . the Jolly Jokers, a club composed of 10 a double heater into house. building, Fourteen of Miss Murray's sheep dis- at Read's. Hall has a bell swinging In the world and so great is tlio demand put their respectable, hard working young men of three-yea- r- appeared, last week and it is by back and whose wheel and sur- for it that the Arm Is almost The rules of the board of education Postmaster Jennings has a thought forth, IIOU8 ATONIC R. R. constantly the town : If the selectmen did not know old colt of which he is some that her own dogs were at fault. are trimmed with handker- behind Its the have been and will be mightily proud. roundings orders, notwithstanding them as such, could not have ob- printed conspicu is handsome and and chiefs ; in the Cannon street window a MMS LINK. THE facilities It for the they in all school houses. It speedy bids fair Charles Bradley is in Hartford. enjoys daily product- tained the hall. We compliment the se ously placed to become a trotter of note. The colt train of cars dashes across a scene, ion of an immense wintry . November 20. 1890. quantity of flour. So lectmen on their fine, staunch backbone D. D. Peet has suffered from dogs wide Is its Miss Losie, formerly of Southport, was was sired by General Turner, whose sire while, lower down, a miniature wheel popularity, Indeed, that and Yankee not to a which his All BRIDGEPORT--Nort- h 19 00 a Bros Co. grit let committee married to Elwood, last week also sired the famous Maud S. got among sheep. escap- turned by water runs a small saw that 7 05. m. Copeland an English gentleman has George one 4 50.6 10.7 45 m; 10 10, 13 40 thoughts dictate to them as to the use of the ed, however, but young buck, which in two. . ; p freight, of pub They are living with the groom's father. cuts little logs ra. 7 15 a Arrive buying a quantity for the city lic we ever have such Friday evening, 19th, the committee stood its and was bitten a m,9 30 p tiunday, in. property. May Capt R. R. Elwood. ground badly 6" 40, 7 50.9 40 a m,12 20.2 50.4 60, 7 25 of London. Eugene Jones, one of the ! will meet in the of the Congrega- Grocer E. B. of Bull's head selectmen As to the condition of the parlors about the legs. Mr Peet gave it skillful Sbepard 9 12 p in Sunday milk 7 20 p m; GREAT HOL- brothers of William R. Jones, has an ele- hall two our The quarterly written examination of tional church to receive any who may care, however, and it is now able to hob- has a hen that has been mothering a lit- 4 15 a m. after the social, of members - " freight home Tarrytown-on-IIudso- n, the wish to unite with the church. ' with gant at stayed for the express purpose of clear Congregational Sunday school was ble around. ter of kittens her unusually early TRUMBULL North 7 16. 10 30 a m ; IDAY SALE. which he bought about two years ago. announced for younger echo! brood of chickens. 1. 6 21, 8. 9 55 p m ; Sauday lng the hnll and It was done. Every Thursday, Burr Merwin has sold his black filly The taste displayed In its renovation and was In ars at 4 and older ones at 8. STBATFIELD. 7 47 am. Sooth. 6 28, 7 38. 9 2'sm, EXTRA ATTRACTIONS. thing put good shape and the hall to Bros, of She 12 m. milk Improvement has won many words of Daisy Cody Bridgeport. George E. Leavenworth, a thorough 05,2 30.7 14,9 01 p Sunday left In as good condition as we got it. One merchant, after M. B. Lacey of Plattsville is clearing 7 06 m. commendation and has made the resi- Southport reading was a fine roadster and well bred. ;; newspaper man and for years city editor p . The assortment of We certainly went there for a good time his Bee gends it to relatives up his land at this place. LONG HILL. North 7 22. 10 40 a m; dence of Mr Jones noted, even thoroughly, Simeon Banks has been confined to the of the Farmer, receives an appreciative among and we had it. The writer of that arti in Texas each week ; 1 10,5 06. 6 28. 8 07. 10 10 p m; Sun- Games Dolls another sends his G. W. Wakeman met mis-- notice In the Journalist. ; was written Toys, and those that line the banks of the beautiful with quite a a month removal . of a It 7 54 a m. Sooth 6 21.7 9 22 cle has excited our sympathy and, at our to Florida. Scores of such house for by the day 32. Hudson. examples bap, last week. His horse took at tumor in back of which has by City Editor Bolande of the Standard. 1159 a m. 2 15. 7 07. 8 65 p na- - Sun- next meeting, we will vote to be cited and it is safe fright the the eye, is larger, and approprl might to say that new plank for the bridge and threw him troubled him - day milk, 6 59 p in. prettier At the of ate a sum of money from our to the rule of five for a year. A private motor will furnish power special meeting St. Paul's treasury average readers for every self and family down the embankment STEPNEY North 7 27.10 20.10 50 a m; cheaper than ever. In last week, W. B. Glover buy him a pair of leather spectacles. copy of a issued would not Rufus B. Banks's Spring pigs weighed for the electric lights soon to illumine 1 20.5 11.8 35.8 13.10 25 m. Sunday a. parish, Judge newspaper, jno one was nurt, Due the . was p r was elected warden lu of his They may aid him to soda hold in case carriage 2G2 and 274 seven months old and were the Wheeler & Wilson 8a m Booth 617. 7 27.9 m, uiu new t u junior place distinguish good the of the Bee; it badly wrecked. factory. 18,1154a unrpet uep the late Samuel B. Glover and bottles from beer bottles. this ehould be. and Barlow. 2 05. 7 02. 8 50 p ra. Sunday milk 6 54 father, Truly nearer seven, possibly eight slaughtered by Van Voorhis sis- (basement) will be friend ours The Mite of the church . F. W. Read spent Sundaywith his BOTSFORD North 7 41. 10 35, 11 05 L. Mills was elected to of has a lively imagination ; readers to each of 2500 society Baptist " Henry Judge Eight copy Bees Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Mas Martin of Steelton, Penn. a m; 1 40.5 25.6 50,8 22.10 45 p m; Sun- - found a and Glover's on the he can draw awhile from it and rest con would be 20.000 readers a met at Jame3 Screder's, last Tuesday ter, large hand place vestry. for single ' Jennie Meeker of Cross Highway to Wil day 8 10 a m. South 6 08. 7 14. 9 10. tented. Just the place for the seed of issue of evening. - St the basement of 11 45 a m. 1 40. 4 22. 6 50, 8 42 m. some 01 rrnsn Rapid progress Is made on the macad- the paper. liam J. Sherwood. The marriage is to Patrick's chapel, p variety bigotry and narrowmindedness to flour account a in the new stone church which is to be Sunday milk 6 42 p m. amized road of Frederick the Rev J. E. of India, a classmate On of death the family of occur Christmas night at the home of the Sturgesand Ish. We sincerely tru3t the next Tracy one of the euchre on built on North avenuk Father Nihil, NEWTOWN North 7 49. 10 43. 1136 lower end of the near cor- party of Rev Mr was at club, the usual meet bride's by 11 road, Knapp's Holman, present the parents. Mc-Mah- a m. 2. 5 6 58. 8 34. ra; Ta- of ladies - 33, p Is and gentlemen who meet in the Tuesday will be was dedicated, Sunday, by Bishop Bisque, Easels, ner, nearly finished. The hill at the Congregational church, evening postjijgied. - 8 18 a m. South 6. 7 00 Town hall for a time will have Sunday morning Maurice J. Cull had butchered about base- Sunday west has bee a cut and pleasant and in The chapel is simply the 9 02.11 1 10.4 14.6 32.8 34 Ch- nearly through delivered, lieu of a sermon, an in Selectman has commenced CO 15 36ara. pm bles, Lamps, Vases, It without being greeted In the public Jennings hogs, last week, with more,Monday ment of the roofed over and pro- milk 6 30 m. work will probably soon be stopped for teresting description of his life as a mis- and new timbers on church, Sunday p inaTea Dinner prints with such vile epithets as loafers putting and others to come, ne is doing most of vided with southern "and HAWLEYVILLE North 7 58. 10 52.11 50 and Sets, the Winter. sionary in India. He the the two at the lower end of the pine ceilings All honor to our selectmen! And, al portra3'ed bridges the butchering iu the lower part of town church accommodation a m, 2 30. 5 42. 7 07. 8 44. 11 15 p m Silver etc. ' and beliefs of the and avenue. furniture, giving 8 27 a m. Sooth 5 52. 6 52 Ware, Mrs Bldwell of Norwalk, president of thoogh there are but two of our number thoughts poorer to 1000 . Services of dedi Sunday more or tne u;asc Indian races Mrs Lloyd Sherwood and Miss Alice about persons. 8 54,11 27 a m. 12 50,2 40.4 07.6 18.8 26 the State women's board of missions, old enough to vote, we would be proud ignorant Reitter's new ice pond was filled with a in New cation were held at morning and evening. milk 6 16 m. Lrnvo for MAIN FLOOR. regarding a deity and a personal God, as Lawless have spent few days Sunday p presided at the meeting held at the Town to vote for the selectmen who had nerve merry skaters, Saturday evening ; all re at both of which the churoh was crowd Bethel 8 55, 11 35 a m. 2 58. 4 30. 6 53 him his . York. last week to In gathered by during residence a : m. 4 A3 in From Bethel Useful Presents canbe found in hall, Thursday afternoon, by enough do what was right spite of there. He port good time. ed. The choir rendered admirable music p Sunday p ladles of the Congregational church. Mrs mischief makers who want the spoke, also, of the extreme Rufus Wales and wife have returned to 7 66. 10 35 a m. 1 33, 3 55. 6 17 p m the Kid earth. MinottTuttle had the misfortune to and the fine new organ, which had been 4 29 m. following departments: Bldwell made an address on serious am poverty ol the people and of the great Bridgeport. Sunday p missionary Although about this matter, I three-year-o- in a'few added Gloves, Gents' Furnish- ness of their removal from all is lose a valuable ld last put days before,, greatly BROOKFIELD JUNCTION Noilh 806. Jewelry, work in this State and in the United Yours W. a Jol- that colt, Mrs Ser still, respectfully, L., here known as civilization. Mr week. At the Band of Hope meeting, to the effectiveness of the services. 11 01 a m. 2 50. 5 51. 7 16. 8 52. 11 45 ing Goods, Slk Umbrellas, Silk States. She was followed by Mrs Cob-lei- gh Joker. - - Tracy m. 8 36 a m. Sooth 5 43. 6 43 ly did not ask for a collection. Mills gave a solo. An interesting pro mons were preached . by distinguished p Sonday and Linen Handkerchiefs, Silk of Washington State, who has suc-cled- ed James II. Seeley has gone to Spring is for next from out of town. - - 8 43. 11 16 a m. 3 58, 6 04. 8 17 p m ' gram being prepared meeting, priests 6 02 ra. For Sta- her husband, now dead, in evan- PLATTSVILLE. Rev L. W. Shey, assistant at Christ field to attend a chicken show. 27th. Sonday milk p Danbory. Mufflers, Perfumery, Soaps, v . 6. 6 50. 8 06. 8 47. 11 17 a m. 4. 5 65, work in Her was to Edward Rost, a German builder who Plush Boxes, Pocket gelical Washington. posit- Men have been church, Bridgeport, unable fulfill C. 7 17.8 17. 8 52 m. tionery, ion is that of in at work gathering the his to N0RPIELD. Annual appointment of Y. P. S. E. has lived on Trowel street, East End, p layman the 'church, ice from engagement preach at Trinity DANBURY Arrive 6 15.7 05, 8 20.9 02, Books, Leather and Silk Bags, the mill pond, six and a half officers, evening: - though recognized by the churches Sunday. Friday died, Sunday. 11 4 8 9 04 fully Inches thick. William Bcdient drives a horse which Rev Dr Plnmley, 32 a m. 15. 6 08. 7 30. 30, Fans, Furs, Children's Plush and of the State. She from town to president. m. Leave 5 SO. 6 28. 7 45. 8 30. 10 45 goes Brothers have is 24 old and has been harness Miss 8. J. vice , p Northrop finished the years yet Perry, president. Miss May Sweezy of Redding has vis S5 m. . Knit Caps and Coats, town, where there are no churches, re- George Guernsey's horse fell, last Miss 8. E. a m. 3 40.5 SO. 6 65.7 60, 8 p Smoking second house have built on the ed only a few times. It was of Hopkins, secretary. ' ited the of Horace of War week as was they property . treasurer. family Pigg DAS BUB Y AND HORWALX DIVISION. Jackets and Smokers' articles of mains long enough to organize a church Thursday, he driving down Black the late Peter Cross Miss C.Meeker, break- property they recently bought and Sturges, Highway The committees were look- ren street. all kinds, etc. or school. She has been Sport hill, the . appointed 6 43, 7 41 Sunday engag- through dugway, it is to be to the end of j : BETHEL, from Danbory. Me of the twice. Mr Guern- ready occupy by rresipurt. p out, social, music, tem 9 11 52 a 3 19, 5 09. 7 02. 7 50, ed in this for about three years and has ing shafts the week. will be or prayer meeting, Miss Mary Hawley, who has been 13, m, in fell over It either sold rent Mrs Lewis Shipman, while in Bridge. school, and m. For Danbory 7 65.10 14 a m.l 10, ARTISTIC POTTERY. had four preaching stations where regu sey, jumping, the wheel, but ed. - perance, Sunday missionary spending several weeks with her aunt, p last-week- , - 8 19. 6. 7 17, 7 30. 11 35 p m. For services have been without t port, lost her purse contain flower. lar held. The ardu injury. Mrs Edwards, has returned to her home ville 7 42. 10 19 a 15.3 40, (BASEMENT.) ous work has worn out and Members and friends of the Methodist ing about $3, but she had Hawley m.l her she was One of our neighbors on the hill has fortunately Mrs Wiggins ha9 received a large pho on Farmington avenue, Hartford. 6 02 p m. From Hawleyville 9 10 China, crockery and glass ware (the a vacation of three months. This church have met at the church ev aone ner shopping. Had she lost it in 11 52 a m. 3 12. 4 46. 7 10 m. stock in granted young chicks which she has been guard- every tograph of her brother,William Gould, p largest the city) will be kept she has in the this wtfek, to tie the morning, she would have been minus Dr and Mrs Crandall were here, Sun REDDING. North 7 47, 10 06 a m. 1 03 all spent East and expects to ing with a jealous The other ening greens for Christ his wife, their children, seven sons- - complete through the holidays at eye. day, mas decorations. The Christmas a seal plush cloak and other eight day.. 3 09, 7 22. 11 28 p m. Sooth 6 48. 9 20 return to her work in a few days. Site festi purchases. in-la- w 10 a m. the lowest prices ever offered. failed to to the call to . .. 1 - . 1 CI 1 . . - . . and grandchildren, family 11 69 a m, 3 26. 5 17. 7 10. 7 59 they respond v ime p has lectured before many women in and oi ouuuay scnooi, ior which re Mr and Mrs Frank Clark returned from of three 27 new owners os horse railroad NEW HAVKN ASD DERBY DIVISION- - breakfast suspicion was aroused that hearsals group generations numbering The the BARGAINS are now will be held . IN this State and elsewhere and has been they would appear in the market as broil- going on, a visit to Massachusetts, Saturday. persons invited representatives of the city papers BOTSFORD Leave 7 11. 9 11, 11 50 a m, successful In for her work on Christmas eve. 45 m Arrive 7 88. 10 32 a ra raising money ers that day. Search was made, but be- Rev Mr .Davidson of New Haven and a number of city officials to visit 4 25, 8 p in She besides 5 23. 60 DRESS GOODS. Washington. is, all other fore noon the chicks returned, the officer Woodward. Spicer have added as a two WESTON. Rochester by special car, Thursday, to 'Whitman col- preached, candidate, interesting MONROE Went 7 17. 11 56 a m. 4 31 4 large aaaorbaeat r Drtaa Goods, cat fat duties, lady principal of was recalled and all went couple of new men from to examine the of the system of Kant 7 31 a m. 6 43 m. merrily again. Westport sermons at the Congregational church The large dairy of George Sturges is workings 8 51 p in p leagtha, aoitabl for holiday at lege, the only Congregational college in their force and are rushed with electric which to SHELTON West 7 13. 10 07 a m. 5. 6 24 presaata vary Edward Keizer is bachelor work, Sunday. A collection was taken for the among those cream to the railway they propose low prices. Washington. During the past four or keeping in etc. furnishing 11 50 m- - Rant 7 41 9 85 am, hall at the old out to work putting furnaces, Christmas entertainment. Green's Farms creamery. introduce here. p five she has assisted in the place, going . 12 16. 4 62. 9 12pm. MILLINERY. years, greatly A furnace is HAVEN Leave 6 9 40 education of at least 20 women. by the day. being put into the resi- Sunday evening, S, The enumeration of children as return- NEW 60. am young - .... V dence of Dr A. B. Joseph Godfrey GOOD HILL BRADLEY VILLE. 4 40, 6 Arrive 8 06.9 69 a m,13 42. Ioumbm rodactios iaT triaissd Hats sa4 is Sturges by Woodward discovered an unwelcome visitor in his to I. C. is as fol- pm. In her address, she gave many personal Harriet Jones spending the Winter & ed Fanton, secretary, was 6 18.9 36 pm in Spicer. hen roost, which to be one of John Heading's funeral attended, experiences among the pioneers and Bridgeport with her nephew, Wllmot ..-.'.--'.. proved lows: v ' ' 25. week Mr Cogswell. classes of Repre- S. M. V. Woodward has returned those pretty black and white quadrupeds Lyon's Plains, - . last Thursday, by NEW YORK & NEW ENGLAND R. R. CLOAKS, WRAPS poorer Washington. Reynolds, just 24. 60 old and ' to such Good Hill, Mr was over years sentatives were present from the church- lbu8lne8 MP Philadelphia, in that delight frequent places. Mr Heading Ortober 26.1890. Alice Nichols has been guest of Addie "Pf Middle, 25. and three children. East 8 02 a m. 11 62. es of Norwalk, South Green- .is - Godfrey procured his shot gun and dis- leaves a widow HAWLEYVILLR AND JACKETS. Norwalk, Godfrey. nwiic auvuiupauieu uy pi- ' Jorge, 2. . S 02. 7 25 m. West DOS 1 11 j.v. of the animal with no serious s.j p Oraat rodoetio lisas- - field Hill, Green's Farms, Southport, posed Upper Parish, 19. Rev William Cogswell officiated at the 3 02. 6 09 p m. in, is tlm 117. f8- - 13 80 Black Rock and Bridgeport. Though The fine Total, funeral of John Hedding; the bearers NEWTOWN Eart 07 a m, 09.f7 REDDINO. horse advertised in the Bee n m. Went f8 67 a m. fl 05. f6 01 P m CARPETS. Mrs made no receiv- visited-uncl- William Mr - Coblelgh appeal, she by J. N. Spicer has been sold to Cornel- Mr and Mrs Cliff Weeks of Brooklyn Miss Nellie Lockwood has ber were I. N. Tnorp, Bedient, SANDY HOOK East 8 16 a m. 12 03. M. in - ed not a little work in J. Beers has spent a few days and Charles Salmon. 121 money for her the ius B. Kemper, the Westport painter, were with. Matthew Bulkley, Sunday. in Norwaik. Hendcrsbot 8 16. 7 37 pm. Weat8 Mam,, 69 West. Waterbury, who has secured a 2 50. 6 56 D m. - Victor ftrtso aobdayi osr W. II. Beers, who has had his meat bargain. A pie and coffee sociable was held at E. N. Sipperley is boring a well with 25 12 28 has sold his The schooner Edwin of Banks NICHOLS. 80 DT a BURY Hart 8 a m, 12. f Carrots, rtfaJsM vtaiam.yoTtiavro George Bonney property hvnB,nnH AU con- - George of Rev Mr Zlon , on i,,, POflj the 1 will the residence Dikeman of N 12 ia4ow aaal m D Fall, I 1 his new machine for the Bradley. 7 47 West 8 40 a m, 49, s 40 BTaBorios, tabla ' linn antingD ah.Im VnnJ. r. pm. - pim opposite the rubber factory to Mrs Gran " ' ",U,"1US R. C. Ambler was in New last week 6 46 arioso tinue to peddle two days in the week all , York, IillVlast Thursday evening. : have moved pm. twa Wftr. ville, whose property has been sold to the - T," vuiuua on law A family named Wilson iw Winter uancis. week, important businesa. in- 8HEPAUO R. B. Tie adTaztixa of an early ccias rallrood. Mr Granville will move in a of the Mr and Mrs W. P. Rowland moved into the house with Mrs P. Falrchlld, Willie Sherwood of Island has large part cargo, though " November 5. 1890. from mx wssttt coBflata aasortmaxt ia I. ' Long 'oIPotatoes and caftots were not The village improvement society is to their new residence, last week. iMre- - Wilson and two children coming ef tier-- . boat January visited at Horace and Burr God- - wanting. ' HAWLKYV1LLK North 8 10 a m. 6 06 wortiy tr3L ' Piatt's for another entertainment to , ' ' was me rusn, nowever, mac preparing i Lloyd Godfrey has bought new horse. from Massachusetts, Saturday. p m. Sunday, 8 80 Arrive x JE7TL. - John T. la foreman of a ! d);reai, be in Cook's ball. ' . id. Bonney gang frey's. was refused - given 23-ye- 8 60 a m. 8 66 m. Saaday. 4 C3 - freight early after- is In his p Italians on the railroad. Saturday Miss Carrie Morehouse has visited Mrs Will Bedient breaking n m. tf , noon. Carrots were brought down in A select entertainment and dance will 1 EZZZS'S FAE22L George Banks of Bethel. old colt. gHSPACO North 8 fV rs, It p o Dennis Kealey spent Sunday with his large quantities, late last week and this be the social club ' " given by Neptnne at Mooro Is with friends In Bub ?y "3 4 la tv V a J" " ter In New Haven. Wolcott Bunnell, butter maker at the week and the Mary Elizabeth of Jennings Cook'a hall, Frida jerpnlc Mrs Bufos Gould has been eerfoosJjr Mrs James ill -. .' . -- C. crer. 1 - ry lur;s and law'.! le.fi, l;t rj tcards at Henry Eertine's. line, which sailed a few days eo. The J 9, J3, tt toyrovlr- NEWTOWN, CONN., BEE. Mrs A. M. has rented her place THE PEOPLE ARE CONVINCED OP OUR UNSWERVING FIDELITY TO THEIR INTER- DECEMBER in to 101 YEARS OLD. THE UNION FAIR. FRIDAY, 19,1890, Dodgingtown Fred Northrop of ESTS. WE CONTINUALLY HUNDREDS OP CUSTOMERS Plumtrees, who has the ATTRACT NEW TO OUR rimfiiTr.AWffkitf . occupied place of Theodore for a few Officers STORE BY OUR HONEST LOW PRICES. JAIUART1. 1883,... 601 Mayhew years. Newtown's Oldest Native Gone. Tha New Elected. Mrs Lyon reserves rooms iu the house tST WEEK 2313. ... '' THE SECULAR PULPIT. for herself. Mr Northrop moved his MKSMAIiCIA BEERS. , ANNUAL MEETING OF THE UNION FAIR. family, last week. KKANE & COMPANY. ltfcsponding to Secretary S.T. Palmer's JONES, The funeral .services of Mrs Marcia The continual of warrants our increase of which cannot a . call, about 25 members of the Union ag- giving bargains steady business, be checked by other who died December 5, were held who offer leaders to We are A New England train crashed into a Beers, ricultural society gathered at the secre- dealers, occasionally entrap trade. showing the biggestlvalues in street car, at the Main street at the residence of Norman S. Piatt, office on the fair grounds, Tues- Satnrday. 9th and were at- tary's crossing In the tender Cheshire, Taesday, F. W. Wheeler of Monroe called Danbury, gate relatives day. 0Ar 0 failed to lower the gate in time. tended by a large number of the to order and the minutes of Eli 0 ATS! having meeting all of the descend- Overcoats for Men, Young Men, Boys and Children. ' Misses Alice BcunettamI Nellie Kane, and friends. Nearly the last meeting, the secretary's and were The best $5 Overcoat for Hen, made with woolen and fast color. the two passcngrr; were badly Injured ants of the deceased present. The treasurer's reports were read and accept- linings ' Hor-to-n Oood ol Overcoat for $8 that ii sold for $10 and the a.trtc car was smashed to pieces. services were conducted by Eev Dr ed, after which these officers were elect- everywhere of Cheshire, who delivered an appro- For $10 we show values that cannot be duplicated should be sold for $1S, in smooth goods, light aad dark blue and brown ed for the coming year: The higher one's ideas, the nobler his colon, elynan. priate and fitting discourse, alluding to E. a. Better Overcoats for $13 50, 15, 18 and 20- - The Newtown section of the Milk Pro- President, Hawley, Huntington. future. Alcott. . her long life and faithful Christian serv- Vice president, James C. Johnson of Mon- No. held Us annual ducers' Union, 116, ice to the last. He also read a short roe. The mother's heart is the child's Mon- S. T. Cape Overcoats ck Cheviots made with to $28- - meeting for the election of officers, sketch of her life, after which a hymn, Secretary, Palmer. Huntington. school room. Beecher. long capes, $15 at the town clerk's Assistant secretary. Stiles Clark, Monroe. day forenoon, 15th, "Hear what the voice from Heaven de- David S. office. These officers were D.C. Treasurer, Clark, Huntington. Life is a short it is a elected, clares," No. 24 in the prayer book, which Directors : Monroe, W. It. Ferris, A. Sinclair, day, but working tem- Hannah ULSTERS! Peck consenting to act as secretary Mrs Beers had selected some years ago Jr, Miles B.Burr; Trumbull.S.M.Briusmacle, I. day. Moore. . ULSTERS! S.Coan, H. P. Nichols; Huntington, George The best Ulster for 6 that can be made for that price-Stron- porarily: for this occasion, was sung. On the cas- . . Serve God President, Z. 8. Pock. . W . Kniglit, David T. Beecher, George W.Sliel-ton- by doing common actions and serviceable Woolen Lined Ulsters for S7 60, worth $10. ket were two sheaves of wheat and a -- "D. C. Peck. in a heavenly spirit. Spurgeon. Grey Chinchilla Ulsters for S8 60; other prices 810, 13 SO, IS, 17, 20 and 25. Secretary, wreath of The bearers were Frieze The only other business done was to evergreens. It was voted to amend the constitution Ulsters, $16 60. Fancy Plaid Ulsters, cut extra long, $15. True blessedness Wo still have a Black Cheviot Suite at $10, 12, 15, cut 33 44 write to the six of the great grandsons, Lewis G. as relates to the date of the annual meet- consisteth in a good complete line of regular long and stout, to bound and stitched edge. Single Copies of the Be for sale ia instruct the secretary to life and a ' for- Northrop, Charles A. Northrop, Frank from the second Tues- happy death. Solon. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S BRIDGEPORT: general secretary in regard to the ing, changing it OVERCOATS, GREAT VALUES. M.' Frost and S. Frost of Bridge-wate- r, in y 13 18 lMiiuib ItoariNloy, mation of a stock company. George day December to the second yednes-da- Whoever with his fate does Boys' Overcoats, to years, Vermont Gray, woolen lined, $3. Blue Elysian woolen Lined, $5: better ones $7 50 to $12. iwirK Connor, P. of quarrels Children's Cape Overcoats, 4 to 12 vears loua canes. 1 75. 3 50. 3 50. 4 50 and 5 to mo. :. K. J'nttle, Harry Giddings Danbury in January. This, it was explained not understand it. Mrs L. M. Child. Nobby Box Overcoats for Boys. M. K. Hnntun, Rull'a Head, and Herbert H. Frost of Cheshire. The by the secretary, was in order that the Men's Reefers, $3 50 to $10. " - - William HkliliiKiru, 1015 Muln at runt, BETHEL. remains were interred in the cem- am a thousand Leather Coats, Beach Jackets, Boys' and Children's Ulsters and Reefers. llunry Ounnii, Kant village financial standing of the society might be I times more anxious Large assortment of Gloves and Mittens. FAIRFIELD: Brothers have additions etery. known at the annual after the for the purification of the church than i " T0U MAT DEFERS OH GETTIHG THE LOWEST PRICES. 1'ontmaster Gilbert built meeting, , Wukoltty. mak- Mrs Beers was a native of Newtown, for the conversion of sinners. There will SOUTIIl'OKT: to Frank Smith & Son's hat shop, State money had been received, about been born in Janu- - At Hie Tout Offloo. ing nearly double their floor space. The having Sandy Hook, January 1. be no trouble in securing the conviction Willie F. Smith. ary 21, 1789. Her parents were Lewis W. amend- of sinners when the church can show a KEANE & WK9TTORT: work of grading about the two new George Knight's proposed JONES, COMPANY, William K. Xusli. houses, for which cellar walls are al- and Sarah Glover Sherman and she was ment to Article V, appointing an audit- clean record. Moody. HANIIURY: laid on Gilbert the last survivor of a family of nine committee outside of the directors of 349 MAIN ST., LIBRARY BRIDGEPORT. .lumen ready street, progresses ing lieason is no match for It is BUILDING, John F. C'ntr. when the street children, of whom she was the 6th. the was voted down after a warm passion. rapidly and, completed, society, the most men who sin most SOUTIinUUY: will be desirable. When two years old, she was moved to debute, Mr the thoughtful llkkok llros. 'Knight championing wilfully. You reason about the of Don't fail to hear and see the good that part of the town called Pohtatuck, measure, while A. S. C. Cook of Nichols, folly WOODIJURY: Mrs Lewis who boards with your sin and the next minute com- things at the concert and Christmas tree Ir I.. Y. Kutclinm. White, not far from the Housa tonic river. Her President F. W. Wheeler, A. Sinclair, Jr, you Sherman Smith of is fee- mit it. Prof Drummond. to be given by the Baptist Sunday school BETHEL: Elmwood, quite father died when she was five years old. Stiles Clark and others questioned the USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. tionme II. Cole, her husband works at in In her she united with the on Christmas eve. . 8. Uin. ble; hatting younger days, need of such a committee,as the bills and Faith ought to show itself at its best SHKI.TON: Schoonmaker's shop. Mrs Smith's niece, Episcopal church in Newtown. In 1811, accounts of the aild Brothers. secretary treasurer when the need of it is greatest. Hence We have a assortment of Men's - lookery Miss Lillian Sears, has been under the she married Nathaniel S. Beers of Bridge-wat- er splendid Slip- BIRMINGHAM: were always open to the directors, who it is that when everything seems to go shelton. 8. doctor's care with a fever. and went to town - Robert Uurilnnr. that to live. Mr might one or all inspect his accounts at against us we ought to be surest that it It is now generally conceded that Al- UX ail UUO 11CW U1U lClOllIUUaUlt; SliaUCS ttUU BANDY HOOK: Beers built the house on the river road pcio Poatmaatcr Snlirnn. any time and the measure only added un- is going well ; for, at such a time above les- about one and a half miles of - 'Some at $1 S0UTHBUEY. north necessary red tape. ail others, it is clear that God is choosing S?5C2B28p"kernf very good things 75c, and Southville, which still stands and where It was voted to authorize the secretary for us, since we never should have chos $1 finer for SI and as U com- Mrs Sherman Tuttlc ia recover- resided 32 Mr Beers A. B. Euggles is selling off his stock of 25, Slippers 50, much Work pushed by the Kubber slowly they for years. died to borrow sufficient money to meet sun? en this for ourselves. Sunday School from the effects of a severe fall on 18-1- toys at less than cost of manufacture. pany on tne vault In which the four huge ing April 19, leaving one son and one dry small outstanding bills not already Times. higher as you care to pay. tanks for are be the ice. The Philo S. Beers,mar-rie- d petroleum to placed, the daughter. son, provided for, amounting to less than $100 John W. Anderson has made an assign We have far the assortment of ladies' trench and of to connect with in 1844 and his mother lived with ine to which we are by largest dress Slippers laying pipe Mr and Mrs Granville Pierce have re- and the directors were to consider the ad- great temptation ment in insolvency. the or Is v. ith him to Cheshire in 1864. more or less is that of ever shown in the new and exclusive factory. The vault cellar 45x30 turned from a visit in Boston and New him, going visability of erecting a building suitable exposed losing city, many designs that are Vi Since his in feet and feet deep and the walls, sub- Haven. A of criminal carelessness, death 1875, she had lived fot the use of a caterer and the sight of God in the ordinary actions of W. S. Downs of Birmingham has been ygry handsome. Nice house piece 4. . , cosy Slippers. ce- with his Mrs Susan to the is hard to feel J UII but?.1 lliauiYCUD o..fl stantially built and plastered with which might have resulted fatally, oc- wife, Beers, whose or removal of the cattle pens to a day. It that every UUpUIUbCU iruSLCC :,.! on and tender action of is card We have a full line of the famous Alfred all wool shoes ment the outside, are strengthened by curred on Wednesday evening. Mr and loving care, for the last 46 mote favorable location. every day capable of being of Al Daggett, the postal Dolge she owed in measure ' so done as to advance or hinder our heavy iron rods, anchored by a T of rail- Mrs Pierce were standing near a lighted years, great her The membership of the society is not and Slippers, warm, easy and comfortable. road Iron wonderful Mrs Beers- - had in From the French. extending about 20 feet buck lamp. Their son, who had come in from longevity. far from 170, about the same as last growth grace. S. B. Beardsley of Bridgeport, former from the wall. The soil Is enjoyed comfortable for Warm overshoes and Arties for men and women. sandy, cares bunting, set up the gun in an adjoining health, although year and the spirit of the meeting was This world has all too and ly of Monroe, has accepted a good situ- and was to resist the past few months she had been little joy easily support required room, when two boys from Boston, who quite for improving the facilities of the offi- outside ation with the Cornell & Shelton What will the more than a of new the An extension of the feeble. She was not confined to gladness and, of real, genuine please boy pair rubber boots? pressure. switch were visiting there, came in. One took her bed cers in doing their work, with better at- west of the station until the before Christian experience, there are but few will enable the tank up the gun and commenced snapping it. Tuesday her death. tractions and accommodations for exhib- She 20 people who know anything of real soul The affairs of Shelton Plane Co. line cars to run alongside and discharge The was the contents leaves living descendants. There itors and While the the gun discharged, sightseers. profit joy. How strange then, and how un are to its who JOHN 0. HOWLAND, A roof of boards will be be- have been but four deaths in the : unsatisfactory creditors, easily. placed passing through the closed door and family from the past year's business has been that we should have those son-iu-la- reasonable, claim that some $25,000 assets have mys over the tanks when in position. The tween Mr and Mrs Pierce, off Her son, Philo S. ; Iwia K. the members are confident that the - - - taking part two small, who would attempt to show or prove within a compara- 405 MAIN STREET, BRIDGEPORT. Rubber company are abreast of the times of the lamp chimney and lodging in the Frost; great grandchildren. The fair is still with and rest teriously disappeared descendants now popular many that these blessed experieuces of peace, short time. In adopting labor and money saving de- writing desk. Some of the shot pene- living are: Daughter, assured of a more future. tively Mrs prosperous comfort, joy and gladness are no part of vice and the new fuel will do away with trated Mrs Pierce's arm, but fortunately Sylvia Frost, Bridge water. Of her store is fo be five genuine religion, and that there is no dif A new dry goods opened handling hundreds of tons of coal annu- the wounds are not serious. Small children, Beers Frost, Brooklyn, N. SECRETARY'S HOLIDAY PRESENTS. boys REPORT. ference between the holy triumphs and by a party named Bates in the Williams ally. be in business hand Y., has one daughter, Edith M. ; one son, might better than 11ECKI1TS. exultant of the Christian & Ferguson buildinsr about the 10th of is Frederic II., died three El- joys believing ling firearms. aged years. Membership tickets, $l(il 00 and the comfort that is taken in the un January. W. II. who has done as mer Frost, Bridgewater, has three sons, Exhibitors' tickets, 22 00 WATCHES, DIA- Grey, duty The Juvenile entertainment disturbed of a good dinner. has telegrapher at Sandy Hook station, is Templars Frank M., George S. and Willis E. Flo- Admission tickets, ' 820 40 digestion George Olmstead of Daubury open was well attended. The exercises con fW 00 Why not see that the latter is of earth in AND now day operator at Hawleyville. M. C. ra J., who married Amos Northrop, re- Booths, stands, etc., ed a feed store the building formerly MONDS, FINE and recita- Class 21 OO and Cuse takes Sir sisted of tableaux, dialogues sides in and has two entries, earthy, something thht the beasts of the Methodists. Grey's place at Sandy Bridgewater sons, 10" AO occupied by tions, with music interspersed. Lewis G. and Charles Speed entries, burden can share, while the other is the JEWELRY, Hook. The superintendent of the west- A. Henry S. Frost Grand stand, . 20 H The case of State Gale is as- foretaste of eternal bliss and of against Clocks, Sterling Silver Ware, etc Only first ern division of the road, but Miss Case is canvassing the town, un of Cheshire has four S.JIer-be- rt Advertisements, 12 00 glory 10 recently childrenjda which the and the blood wash signed for trial for Saturday, 20th, at class goods sold at lowest prices. elected to tout has been der the direction of Mr James, secretary II., Howard L. Susan E., who mar- Grass ana Hay, 18 00 arehangels position, placed -- $1395 54 God a m. In Dan- ed saints before the throne of ate charge of the road as general of the Connecticut temperance union. ried Penfield Giddings, resides iu CONTBA. and has two partakers. Bishop Mallalieu. Ice eight inches thick is being gather Fairfield Avenue, between bury children, Harry P. and Seymour Klftcknian, hay , $3 00 Main & Broad Prof Beecher commenced his singing Ernest T. D. S. Clark, premiums, . 870 50 ed SSssggtep Streets, Bridgeport. school, Tuesday evening. The children of Philo S. Beers were: J. Tomlinson, premiums, Hi 00 TRUMBULL. Other as : Arnica Salve. SONS OF Charles Hine met with a Stella who married Norman of premiums follows Bucklen's TEMPERANCE. quite loss, J., Piatt C. A. Hole h $14 50 ltev Mr Merwin's at Poquon kiss, B'p't parish The best Salve in tlie world for cut, braises, last week An ox slipped on Cheshire, had one who P. 8 00 . I Thursday. daughter Edith, J. Jones, nock bad a parish fair announced for this im. nlrm-s- salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, the ice and broko bones so that It had died aged 10 Carrie A. married S. T. Palmer, 1 50 ,.i,..,u,i imniia. chilblains, corns anil all skin The Grand Patriarch. years. week and rwl cures no Worthy w-8- : Wednesday Thursday...... i,.i, nraiiivlv niles.or pay to be killed. Dr M. N. Chamberlain of Cheshire, but W1eeler, 25 It is to give perfect sat- E.W. 1 50 ' required. guaranteed 4oc has no children. Plumb, Dynamiter Higgins has been blasting isfaction, or money refunded. Price per HOW YOU MAY FIND US. A FKAKI.KS3 TF.MI'KUANCE ADDRESS. Business is booming at A. C. Winship's $25 75 box. For enle by K. F. Hawley. classes, $325 00 " for Tait & Son. W. - new shop. Oscar Ambler has completed Trotting The G. I of the Sous of Temper- Cattle, three towns, 16 75 we're moved. is an old now, bnt be n ox frame with all the modern im it-- noWS-T- wo of them and new milchtor sale Yes, It story you may ance of this State gave an address, Sun- Special draugnt, ' 45 00 Miles S. Stand and family of New . J by JOHN UAaUKK.UnesmuiiH-m- mmi...... for concern which was burned day afternoon, under the auspices of the provements. OVER F0UT SCORE. J Tolice, 30 00 York have spent a few days with George looking the clothing ont, think Ticket 21 division. He on the Hicock C. K. Osborne and sellers and gate keepers, 50 S. Bouton. Mr Standlsh, a former resi- rxlSTRICTOFREDIHXG, ss. Probate Court have few were not sold ont the Huntington spoke Brothers, Band and 120 00 I 1 ing they a Ovecoats that at dinner, dent of is a vacation lwamhpri. ot personal responsibility of each one for the Oak Tree house have filled their Ice Dead at a Old National 10 00 Trumbull, enjoying wetutj. of MARY SHERWOOD, late Ripe Age. trotting association, 4.. deceased. Fire Sale. We've abont 160 or 170 Overcoats not sold, caused the saloon traffic. Ice 11 .of a the first in months. auii .iit.vit. got the misery by houses with inches thick. V Advertising, Standard, 17 irt week, many m. ,.t t for the District ot " 6 allowed six before the insurance men us He took at the basis of his remarks the MRS AURELIA B. FKISKIE. Transcript, 25 I Redding hath limited and last season (It was Spring let in , attend- i ot David Smith has taken a position D. S.ClKi-k- care 48 10 There was an unusually large" ho ri,it hereof for creditors words of God to Ezeklcl, "But his blood ofgeounds, said estate to exhibit their claims for settle- we now offer these and men's overcoats to a the office. J. Munger, labor, 16 75 ance at the church, Sun- their sell); boys' $2 $5 will I at thine hand He show- Bridgeport freight The death of Mrs widow of Congregational ment. Those who neglect to present require Frisbie, W. Ilullock, labor, 12 00 and properly attested within said time, to but our insurance we not to Harmon day morning a recovery- - All persons in- Coat less than they ought bring, money ed that are think that, because Frisbie, of E. C. Bassett, 9 55 eveirnJLrvj Soci--et- will be debarred formerly Koxbury, evenine service, a Young People's y debted to said estate are reques W we are not as those vile sots and that HUNTINGTON. came suddenly at she had F. Sherman, straw, 4 68 Immediate to HfcNKi Bfc.kUS, is still in these coats and we can afford to. We are opposite last, though - " of Christiau Endeavor was naviuent none of our families are In been feeble for and had suffered J.Snell, l 50 organized miiiistrator. f special danger E. J. Buckingham is on the sick list. years officers : the old bank on Main street, White front, - we from a L.V.B.Hubbard.stationery and ink, 80 with the following Danbury savings ot Decoinirig arunxards, therefore- He was from an last nnmberof severe sicknesses which TV V rlivl? offer lor recovering attack, Biimli.. 10 17 President, W. Tait. You sew Carpet Rags? Special One on and "White" treatment in need not be troubled and "Let those had shattered her constitution ; a bill', j' DO t his is no humbug. or White sign, White letters glass say, went out too soon and number ( shelton old 10 00 Vice Mrs E. Nichols. the Holidays; week, bnt brought band, president, Dime we will send you something that will do other fellows take care of themselves." on a second attack, from which he is now of years ago, she had a cancerous troub- stiles M. Clark, ass't secretary, 15 00 Corresponding secretary, W. 8. Plumb. the work In 4 tne time ana save side. We are selling new goods at new prices; $10 for an all If we do not do all warn le. Since her husband's 10 Birmingham bank, note, 130 00 Recording Mrs W. French. No, possible to death, years secretary, N" . Y . slowly recovering. " S Bauford Beach. wool Black Cheviot Suit for man or boy;we caTlit the McKin- - and save them, God saith, "Their blood ago, Mrs Frisbie has made her home' " Si Treasurer, Mr has notice 30 00 The numbers 22 active mem- will I at thine Then he Rev Park given that with her Mrs ' society SALE Five nice young Springers. Suit. can dress m an all wool require hand' daughters, II. C. and Mrs 1 98 F,R JOHN PIERCE & SOX, South Britain. ley Mothers, you your boys described the terrible there will be preaching in the Congre- C. bers and 8 associate. The meetings will evils caused the S. Brinsmade and died at the home of f'.!,.'statinm.rv 1 70 V . . 1 - by Postage, . t n V. V, n.nw Suit for $3- at -- ue 111 a iiuii. uuut saloon how It gational church, next Sunday evening II. S. 1308 90 ueiu, at prcacui, lur - Jersey traffic, produces crimes, Brinsmade, Tuesday, 9th. Thefu 8 n T..r.o-i- l.r.tw- in irooti oruer: .orwincA- 7. f Bal overpaid by secretary which be- 'I' ' ' - t ik pauperism, deceits, frauds, violence, de- neral was Friday, 12th. Rev Mr White the Sunday evening service, .hiinirA torn. Too Business wagon. LKiMnu at 6 in. O. BEERS, Long Mill, December 10. morals, breaks of the Tem officiated, the interment Wash-- , gins p stroys up happy homes, Meeting Loyal Legion at being at ; - RENT Store iu Post office Block, South- sends forth wife and children In rags and next at 2 30 p m inKton, where her husband and a daugh- -' on 3 an ! 10 mo perance hall, Saturday secretary, account as above Two of F. S. Sterling's Spring pigs, 1 formerly ooeupieu uy rr DANBURY ONE PEICE for the food that should be are Kiflo, port, starving pro Judson has been iu ter, Eleaner, buried; her grandsons, iood months old, butchered by Lattin & Co., Is an Mrs Charles Bridge 18 oo tion tor this business, lor which the vided, Illustrating these by examples in S., W. II., S. M.. C. F. Brinsmade Transporting band, 768 each 384 nere. 00 weighed pounds, weighing excellent opening. aiiii his o wo experience. He also dwelt on port. were bearers. Printiiig,Sen.,pre. lists, $30 K1CK, Soutlipoi-t- Badges and tickets, 8 75 pounds. CLOTHING CO., most sad and An adiourned school will be Mrs Frisbie is 10 the fearful thought that meeting the last of her family, fair, 13 25 'A NT hi) -- A cftreiul, willing uin, Advertising i y wni-- . the saloons of this send down held In the Center this week Sat outlived nine brothers and $78 00 Dibble throws his fingers rap-Idl- at liniiwe ana uiu - country district, sisters, six of George h..fm- - Icemliur-Jdi- 11. liikXU- of Evening Post, 18 35 of a new Ani.r i. yearly more than 100,000 of our fellow urday evening at 7, for the purpose whom reached adult age. Frederick A. over the strings banjo. ROl , Sewtown. J. 9 00 who Fris-bie- Tomlinson, Insurance, MAIN beings to disgraced and drunkards' hearing the report of the committee Frisbieof Washington was at Mrs 's 10 farrow Cows; 203 STREET, A Wheeler, interest 9 00 David Plumb has bought a yoke of good, young Oxen ane, If we believe God's have had the assessed for lay funeral and Is re- WANTED of young working graves word, property the only relative L. Blood. pair are Is 195 01 Devon oxen of A. Address MORTIMER these all lost souls, for it written. ing a tax to pay for the repairs recently maining of her husband's family. The Birmingham. "No drunkard can Inherit the made on the school house and to in old hills: kingdom appoint family home Roxbury is still held, by Marshal, 1883, $10 00 A. M. Smith is to move the boiler from of heaven." He asked, Who are respon a collector of said tax. the family. Mrs Frisbie was connected J. Tomlinson, 0 60 the tract cut off for Iwis J. Shelton, F. sible for all this and loss of 1B 60 misery souls? Mrs Amos Wheeler is In Bridgeport. with the Washington Congregational last year to a timber lot near Bunnell's SPALDING, Vou CO voted no license In this town, last church for over years, her home hay; 81 pond where timber is to be sawed. - ; The selectmen and assessors will meet A. 300 00 Fall. That Is good, as far as It goes,and lng been on the of the two Mortgage, Wheeler, Write for circulars to J. B. FA1RCHILD, in boundary' Moi-igiig- S. E. 500 00 ' - for education, but local option Is far too at the school bouse the Center, to act towns. Mrs Frisbie. who had reached Downs, Hawleyville, jonn. PROPRIETOR. as a board of relief on the list $1012 21 EAST0N. local, it amounts to little, it is in re- recently the ripe old age of 89, has bejjn a mem ASSETS. made out In the district, from 1 to 4, next will a meat market ality a bar to prohibition, State and Na ber of the Trumbull church for about 10 Due trom State, estimated, $180 00 John Ogden open WHEN IN BRIDGEPORT which should be the aim of Saturday, and the Due from ads. 7 00 In Bridgeport, this week, with Wesley tional, every years sympathy of many friends - $187 00 0H A - as clerk. Christian citizen. Again he asked, Who The Isinglass school, Miss Lillian is extended to a wide circle of mourning ' Patterson U Total indebtedness. $835 21 responsible for the misery and woe of French teacher, will hold an entertain relatives. Indebtedness last year. 884, 11 met with an Sat XMAS SHOPPING TRIP, sa- Isaac Thorp" accident, SLOig drunkenness and nrst the ment and Christmas tree in the school TO VISIT Don't answered, Reduction, . $158 90 His horses became un- DO HOT FAIL loons and the saloon who labor commenc- NEW MILF0RD. urday evening. keepers bouse, Monday eveuing, 22d, RKCEUT8 OF 1890 manageable and, when near John B. to stir up and create the consuming ap ing at 7 30 sharp. All are cordially in Cards are out for the marriage, at Phil Receipts as above, $1395 5i Mr was thrown to the our Due from State, - about 180 00 Turney's, Thorp petite for stimulants by giving boys vited. adelphia, of Miss Winona Lake Powe, severe about and It Is Due trom ads. 7 00 ground, receiving injuries drinks making them think man of to Verton -- 54 YOUHWELLSoSg The young folks in the region round formerly Ansonia, Peck $1582 the head. ABBOTTS WAT. AM NOW : ly to do a older ones do, till son of EXPENSES. I PREPARED they begin about 25, Misses Staub, Staub, Christ- To drill walls formation sad to tha to crave It. But who la for about, numbering gave Paid for premiums, $8 00 Charles Macauley has moved from thrtngh say responsible mas day. But few outside of rel- , of 850 fast. Walls suds Owen a last week family Other of tail-- - 378 00 depth ia this way the saloons t The State that licenses them surprise, Thursday atives will be and expenses John Wheeler's to Judson Beardsley's furnish Tatar. as it's for evenlmr. brineinir refreshments with present the newly mar Bills of this year still unpaid. 195 61' pure impossible and them sanction to exist 61 place near the Narrows. them to be eoatsaiiasud ia way . gives legal them. Warren Bliss furnished music ried people are to board in Ansonia. $1427 BOSTON STORE, say is me from the sorface. I also deal ia jsut who responsible ior licensing where Mr Staub has a position iu the cop- Net $154 93 to Massa- violin, and bass viol, and the young folks profit, James B. Turney has gone pomps of various loads aad saloons f Our order Is, because It has not mill. - - an morn per Paid on indebtedness, note and Inter- chusetts for Winter. for various danced till early hour Friday est national $155 32 the purposes. I risen to a true sense of its duty of voting Birmingham bank, BLOCK. am enthusiasti- . : still a. -- k.ts.li. l. V .. 1. 1 H .1 About 12, a table was spread with Out 100 Expenses tor 1889, $1533 87 BISHOP u ft, iihs pnutmuu lug. of pretty babies, little Vincent, ' Mrs Sherwood who was taken io prom it uih irmui. for 1890, 1427 61 Adams, cally eaUiaf year Via jl the customary dainties and the company son of Mr and Mrs Expenses . - l aI Ia vtrtiy flftiiriuhtrtiv fitoisnlvh. William Allen, took to the Bridgeport hospital about two sitentioatothe broke up hoping for more such pleasant the a life size Decrease, $106 20 . merit of Ion. to a few ont of the prize, crayon picture. months ago, died December 11, - - trying drag Estimated attendance both of 8970 there, find a of ii - the draukenness and has evenings. days fair, 48 and 10 months. Undertak You will big display stream of paid Mrs Dr Barker is recovering from a S. T. PALMER, Secretary, Huntington, De aged years Owen has 27 acres of timber 1890. to East-o- n, in attention to the saloons which have been P. bought long illness. oemberTD, er Sherman' brought the remains elegant Slippers, varying them with thousands of of William Buckingham, north of The was held at the throwing back, lying Friday. funeral from 75c to d per pair. . A THEY new ones, for every one we have saved Mr Webb's and has foua men out LANESVTLLE. at 2, Eev Mr price nTT MT)TrkXr T TTMTF,R W G(N getting BRIDGEWATER. , Baptist church, Sunday are made tor com-- xu v.oppiATa ' ARE order needs to not to a full ties there and wil haul the timber to were I - horse s The rise, only Ambrose Burr and wife Weeks officiating. The bearers luwouuyi'MO"'" uiiamxthe best on the market J for many reasons- the" 5.protector aad Its of total abstl the wood for George Frost has goue to Danbury as spent Sunday no aad injwa heavy .Vload with tha sasss draft. sns of responsibility John Beardsley's, burning with Mrs It. A. Canfleld on the hill. Charles Clark, Henry Hall, Clark Xyonv fort as well as beauty and ss titers is bo whip to the pole or shafts they carry out to take charcoal. bookkeeper and clerk in W. C. Jessup's she are low aad she material is the best. neuce for the Individual, up x Burr Tucker. Besides her husband, found in New They prices the new grocery and meat market. Mrs Amanda is with her finer goods can be the arms of prohibition and go up Miss Sarah I Wsnzer goes to Bridge Camp brother, leaves one child, Mrs Lorenzo Clark, who of Alnion Odell in Brookfield. He has , in York even stream, destroy the stronghold llcenut, next week, for a few Mrs William Piatt went to Milford, has been the comfort of her mother at higher prices. THE BOOTH LEVER COIL SPRING SmtSwhiS port, days. j saloons and so the broken arm. - sickness. prohibit the stop aionday, lotn, to attend tne luneral or a If your boy or girl needs a Bender it better than ever. It is the acme of ease, streagtn aaa anjnsonmry. In of fresh recruits for the ar- D. E. Edwards, now In Falls Village throwing friend. , Levi Warner and brother a i his is bought j Edward Hall of Bridgeport visited his of Rubber Boots.make them my of drunkards. ' Until we do this, God with photographing outfit, expect- nana ana pair WILL PROTECT UHinriBi Ann who. " turesner oi tne snowies estate father, Philo Hall, Sunday tods OF our hands. ed home the holidays.' - I CHIMIN hi COST BUT LITTLE IP T0U BUT IT I will require their blood at during ASPBTUCK. mti rp.fldv for hnalrukaa. ,v'v..:.'. happy on Christmas morning. 1 CAI 12. " ' ice house - Still oa haad sewed Attain,, all those who vote for men to William A. Webb ia home from New ' m , Wheeler Brothers filled their Boots keep n A Christmas entertainment for the n ,ce week. We have a lot of Heavy to the who are In favor of has been In a - w!th inches thick, last UJr. 1 go Legislature where ho employed school children a- Ice nine inches thlcfc and of excellent , AND PRICES RANGE rRVZl $3 WXii ' jerey, Sunday and donation a boot are for the a in 20 for farmers, who desire HAR-JSLlS- TOWN IN WESTERN the license system responsible nal gj,op, tt his first Visit home for the pastor is appointed for Tuesday quality was harvested by the Subber, AGEOTSMEvXRY C0f. and woe caused the saloons. ' STEPNEY. soft and luhery by Tearg evening,- 23d, at Good Templar's hall. A Monday. . j that will remain pliable tart " Sun- - la thl. town, , At the ".y Mr8 Mary E. Buckingham has spent a good time ia expected and all are Invited Baptist church. Sunday: and waterproof and comfort roan who had engaged hlmelf help Dr ChatfleWs cough syrup ia not made school at 11 30 a m. Please meet yet f daya In Bridgeport.f to attend. If stormy, it will be held the day E. N. con-dire- ct able. destroy the eftect ot your no license vote first from adulterated extracts and oUs.butby to rehearse for Christmas SIPPERLEY, was fair evening. promptly In October. Will not Cod lay to you James Cochrane of West Cornwall extractionfrom the herbs and barks cert. Preachinz at 1 and 7 pm, subjects All the uew styles of Walking - &at Im will the blood of lost ones a recent guest of his daughter, Mrs of licorice, elm, manna, senna, Members of require WESTPC-- slippery appropriate to Christmas. oi,Au nnA mirfrn for ladies and SIPPERIiEY'S ULLLS, A7E3TP0ST,00:m.- at ytrar sand, who tbus vote to favor the Thomas Wilson ; Miss Jennie May Bald-- f T. -- n. tT A. J. Tc: V!att!r-to- wis has also been there. Miss Alice Gorham 1 In "Bridgeport. It cures. 2."c r boil' 3 at ITawley's. ta&i'v evenly, to trim the church. IXWTOWV, DECEMBER 19, 1800. To all who knew The Sod. - tractively arranged, the larger fish in the Somethin' Say. by himwas ..prominent Kissing and build a large factory. The next, SPECIALSALE 0F.TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS AT show windows being garnished with Somethhi' to say, my daughter? Well yoa member of the "Masonic fraternity, and Oh heart of mine, we shouldn't ' in my mind was to offer a C " ! thing building smaller j one of the best Worry so fish of, different colors. bet known, members of the lot to some niau of the right stamp who i I've somutliin' lo suy settlement of Hubbclls on White What we've missed of calm, we couldn't STERN & GO'S, 185 MAIN ST., DANBURY, large ! would a a ! put up building for boarding Spargo's hall, at East End, was for-?- Some fathers might let things take their ' Have, you knov Hills. Hubbell genealogy, What we've met ot house or other purpose only five rods' Dec. mally opened, last week, by the Newfleld course stormy pain. Commencing Saturday, Not. 29, to Wednesday, 24, But dad ain't built that way. And ot sorrow's driving rain, west of the post office, a beautiful locat-- ! order to maka room for Methodist church, with a pro-- 1 your " A discount of 10 par cent alio wed oa all oar Triuad Hats, la Holiday pleasing and I earn We can better meet , ion j You see, I work lor a Hvin' now, again, for an enterprising man. Goods; Uatrimmed Hats rodoeed to half .Toar choice of a lot of 164 tit 50 Boar ia gram of and recitations. j . It It blow. . ' Nothing prion. singing Enough for two, will j mind boaa ado sao. as wo an- A FAMOUS CHOIR LEADER probably be done now. u all goods an marked in plaia flgarca, yoa will tad this calta an Hun-nil- ! But I'll be blamed it I'm goin' to feed hurrah! for the Christmas tree; Attorney Goodwin Stoddard Is admin- r We have erred in that dark hour All our grain by the car load has to be bound to close oat oar Kads Hat. Belli Bt Caps ia all colors rodaood to 85c . Especial au Hurrah I hurrah! for Ha mirth ami other We have known, tention called to ou; new aswrtmunt of Fur Ctpts r&afiBf ia prise from p-- Aa alotraat ' glee: istrator on the estate of W. E. Trubee. with transferred across the main track and not -- When forests of oak have from the Along you. A Brookfield Bov Once. When our tears tell with the shower, line of Children's Cloaks, alia Kisses' sites, from 3 np. Ladies' Jackets from SS 60 ap. passed a car can - who All alone! be unloaded without a permit, Gloves, Corsets and all kinds of Goods at reduced priors. land. Public schools will close, It yon wanted to marry a decent man, Hosiery. Fancy The Jolly ohl Christmas tree ahall stand. Wednesday, was C. B. HAWLKV. - Were not shine and shadow blent sometimes waiting two or three days. U and open on the Monday after New As the Master meant? the Earin' decent pay gracious ' track had been changed, we could Year's. This is a Let us our content . ClXt OUt. variation of the rule, Most likely I'd tell you to go ahead and One of the busiest and most successful temper unload cars with much less expense and TlllS The Hand That Hooks The World- - In effect for years, which schools and With His own. opened hnrry choir singers in New York is C. B. Haw-le- y, would not ask over 24 hours and then t on Set the llleaitlnif on the hand of woman Tuesday in order to allow teachers day. the well known basso of For, we know, not every morrow they could have their cars to use Annuls her and But I know the worthless dude you want, profundo ; again. guard strength grace and pupils to return from visits out of choir of Can be sad A of with Gkod i?or 23o. In the hovel. and I the the Broadway Tabernacle. all sorrow change track, the freight '"'For 5 onr cottage, palace, town on Monday afternoon. So, forgetting the house on every pnrcham ami rrjt3rtns5 ), no ninttor whore the place, Know his little lay. Mr Hawley is not only the solo basso of We have had, the west side, would save suic, in any ot our department, imm Somethin' to Well you Saturday, Nov. 2S, to Wednesday, Dp. S4.1HW1, Would that never atorma assailed It, Yarrlngton Brothers are building a say, my daughter? the choir, but the musical director as Let us told away our fears trouble for customers who back up to the Katnbows ever gently-curled- ; two-fami- bet And our foolish tears is ly tenement on Pembroke street well, and he adds to his income put by place where it now, across two tracks. STERN & CO., For the hand that rocka the cradlo I've somothiu' to say! largely And, all the for Ernest of & Co. the musical direction of the through coining years, I have done all I could to build up this la the hand that rocka the world. Ortllpp F. Ortlipp and don't leel by Metropol- Just be glad. LEADIHG MlLUraKS AID FA HOT GOODS Now don't be cryin', daughter itan in- place, but I hope to see more improved Builder W. F. Randall is a Hard at me Conservatory of Music, in which (James Whltcoiub Riley. HOUSE Infancy's the tender fountain; putting up ments, time is 185 MAIS DAHBUET. four-teneme- it stitution Messrs ; although my short, my STREET, Power may with beauty flow. nt house on Hancock avenue. You'd know you'd better be single, only Dudley Buck, Harry ; age 84 next month. Bar Mother's first to guide the Yon could see Rowe Shelley and Albert Ross-- Parsons being years, streamlet, such a man num Curtis. From them souls unresting grow Thomas Smith is building on Grove But to think of your marry In' are instructors. - as STEPNEY DEPOTS NEEDS. OroW on for tho good or evil, street, AVest End. lazy Mr Hawley is a native of Connecticut Sunshine streamed or darkness hurled; Young Dandy Jim Postmaster W. Knowlton to earn his salt, and since the age of 12 years has been For the hand that rocks the cradlo J. has been Though if he knew enough ' " in Barnum Curtis's Offer. Buyers la the hand that rocka tho world. elected ruler of Fairfield council, Royal don't actively engaged choir work. His first A BRIDGEPORT LOSS. Know's I'd object to him. was on the bench of an t - Woman! How divine mission Society of Good Fellows. place organ Epis- STEM & thy A LONG AND BUSY LIKE. HARRIS, man church. en- Here upon our natal sod, It isn't him at all, you say; but the old copal Six years later he was Removal of P. T. Barnum Is of the ! an ExtensiveBusiness Keep, oh keep the young heart open president Millionaire gaged . solo bass in theehoirof Calvary to the breath of God! Bridgeport hospital, D. N. Morgan vice Why, child, you make your lather proud; chureh "the The true doctrine is, Render unto Ca'sar Always Episcopal inthi;ieiey under WABNEE'S BASE BALLS All true trophies of the ages president, J. B. Gregory secretary and Just let direction of the that are Csesar's. I feel that I DEPART. Me kiss there. Joseph Moseiithal, to whom things ash, magnolia and gum, while the soil is! Are from Mother love lmpearled ; F. J. Banks treasurer. you, owe to the and to all who have THE BEST PLACE TO GET For the hamd And yon want me to add my blessing, and he owes much of his subsequent success public The base ball department, one of the black and generally underlaid with marl, that rocks the cradle me so in bus Is tho hand that rocks the world. George W. Richardson of East Bridge- come as a choir leader. Mr Hawley held this patronized many years my large industries connected with the War 'ill is land is adapted to the of ba- YOUB JOB PRINTING DONE ? growth port has been stricken down with a para- To the house and stay place until he was engaged at the Taber- iness up to the present time, all friends ner corset is to be moved from nanas, cane and gener- on the hand ot woman I own factory, ' sugar vegetables IS BT Blessings Well, I guess you can manage your his scene far and near, my sincere thanks for their in Fathers, sons and daughters cry, lytic shock. machine nacle, present of usefulness. this city a short time. A. G. Spald ally. Unlike most of the high hammock And the sacred is to For the past 10 years, Mr has kind and faithful remembrance of me & Brother, the manufactur land of the that on the Indian riv- BUCKINGHAM & song mingled A tenement, 45x70, is being built on And I ain't got nothi n' say. Hawley ing largest State, BREWEB, With the worship of the sky C. N. Hood in Life.- - had charge of the music in the now his- during the time I have lived among the ers of in the like Bock for is Housatonic avenue bp P. Garvey for Mr sporting goods country, er, Ledge, instance, per- 9 Wall Mingles where no tempest darkens, toric chapel of St. James, at Elberon, people of Stepney. have the entire interest and will The soil is of that fertil St., Bridgeport. Hu I n ever more Servees. It will contain modern improve- bought fectly healthy. bows are curled; and has in I com Both proprietors are practical of For the hand rocks cradle ments and be 1. Long Branch, been associated Fifty years ago last September, continue the manufacture of the balls at ity that an orange grove will come into several printer that the finished by May ' - years' experience and give ttaeir per- la tho hand rocks the world. MACADAM. his work at different times with some of menced business in this place with three the factories already own. The and a handsome revenue be- sonal attention to all the work. Orders left that LONG HILL'S they bearing pay attbe BKK office will receive attent- William Roes Wallace. Bradley Nichols & Sons have sold one the most noted choir singers of this city. old mills aud one old house, only fit to be ball department, which was started by fore fertilizing is necessary, an item of ion. prompt of the lots on Olive P.-- I they recently bought Most Mr Hawley is also well known as a com- inhabited by rats and mice. One half of Thomas Taylor, has been under the no small importance to the poor man. BUCKINGHAM & BREWER, street to Thomas 11. who will A Desirable Improvement, One "Tris-agio- n BRIDGEPORT. Farren, poser.. of his compositions, a this property, with a few acres of land, I direct superintendence of Albert J. Par 9 Wall build a residence there,next Spring. and Sanctus," which was written of Leavenworth in the ker and the entire Em the with St, Bridgeport. 04200 ALREADY RAISED. bought Capt year occupies factory. agined than palmettoes their Tho will goon be here and for his own was . fan-shap- ed holidays Charles R.Bagley of Southington, who choir, lately performed 1840. He proved better to me than my ployment has been given to many hands long leaves lining the rocky every one, the children, are the American As- - especially died was brother-in-la- w by Composers' Choral own father could have done. I moved in the factory, where the foundation of banks of the river and swaying gently to CABINET PHOTOS AT POPU- on as can wait suddenly, Friday, A total of about $4200 has been reach- ! fairly nettles, they hardly of Nichols of Fairfield ave- sociation, at their concert In Chickering here with an invalid wife and one little the balls has been prepared and wound the fresh morning breeze, while the oaks for Christmas to when will Bradley ed by the subscriptions to the project of LAR PRICES. come, they - hall. Mr is also vice determined obtain an with and the covers nue. He was about- 50 years old and the old Newtown Hawley president daughter, fully to yarn cut from pre- and hickories lift their proud heads far receive presents from parents or friends. macadamizing turnpike of the Manuscript Society. One of the honest and be a servant of leather. The balls covers mass of leaves a wife, a daughter having died from Hill to the town living faithful pared and above, aiiuge living green leaves, There are in our midst thousands of poor Long Bridgeport j most select musical organizations of the the and to be thankful for the were then out to be sewed and the festooned with mass- MONTIGNANl'S, several years ago. He was engaged in line. It is estimated that $5000 will be public given elaborately pepdant families unable to really buy fuel and the civil war and lost an arm at the bat. countrj', composed entirely of composers smallest favors. I have seen more long price was regulated in accordance with es of gray moss ; a background of orange ample, as far as subscriptions are con- - Of MAIN food for their little ones, some of them at- note and is a leading memher of tho than short 12 to 18 hours the of the balls aud the fineness fruit so 304 STREET, BRIDGEPORT, tie of Chancellorsville. Mr Nichols cerned. Those who have the scheme in days ones, say quantity trees, the golden contrasting Iierhnps sick and no way of getting nour- tended the , famous Mendelssohn glee club quartet, a day. I have succeeded most wonder- of the sewing. The price ranged from charmingly with tne deep green foliage Over Pequonnoek National Bank. funeral, Monday. are confident of ultimate success Life size Shade Pie-tor- es, ishing food. Where will they get their charge by maDy regarded as the f&emost male After a few of toil and la- 6c a dozen for balls of Crayons, Grand Panels, fully. years the cheapest poor. and then the foreground, the grandest Out-doo- r Christmas? There Is a home Lawyer Tracy is in charge of the estate and are using"all efforts to secure the re- in New York. Interior and Work- - hardly quartet bor, I removed my old saw mill and built est material, where speed was far more body of water I ever saw, sparkling like attention trivea to Children. well-to-d- o mainder of the once. cer- Special tho but has of Ernest W. Nash, who has conducted money at It Mr has not been ora-- among many toys Hawley heard in J a plaster mill very near the railroad, in demand than quality of work, to 72c diamonds in the first rays of the sun. Call and see specimens before elsswker. or of which children a tobacco and confectionery store at G01 tainly ought not to fail, when a few hun- loinj playthings, their torio, but has been it decided success in which was a great advantage to'me, be- for the finest grades of standard balls, Tbe Indian river orange needs no de- xTothinr but first elass work allowed to leave cast-of- out- State corner of Clinton avenue dred dollars now would secure the road. the - have become tired ; also f or street, concerts, i ne range or his voice pre cause it saved so much expense in haul where the most skillful and or at hands. In Studio. and who made an last all the of painstaking scription eulogy my grown clothing lying about the house. assignment, week, Nearly liverymen Bridgeport, vents him from singing oratorio music. 1 would say that the railroad did sewing was required. Employment was whatever market they may ,be placed II. as trustee. - how- with several undertakers and ing. MECHANICS' AND FARMERS' If some member of the family would naming II. Pyle He, leading He has one of the few basso profundo all they possibly could to accommodate given in this way to scores and hundreds at once lead all others, both in de- declined to such business firms as The D. they SAVINGS BANK, spare u little time to gather these useless ever, accept. prominent voices in America, and the only one of me in my business. They my of sewing women, both in this and mand and price. The thousands of tour- M. Bead Co., W. B. Hall & Co. and oth- freighted city things and send them to the room of the David Wooster is to an note in a New York choir. J3is range is from for 87 c. in to whom the sale ists who visit us Bank Wall build addition have S. B. plaster Bridgeport per neighboring towns, invariably pronounce City Building, Street, charities' committee, how many, many to his house on Barnum avenue. er, cheerfully subscribed ; from E flat to double B flat and his vol- ton and me the use of and removal of the ball will mean them the finest ever tasted. Our list of - Wales has been the in gross gave ground factory Bridgeport. children and homes would be brightened circulating paper ume of tone is wonderful. New York there without rent. 1 have loss of definite income. The which fruits lemons, limes, Deposits, S1,007,0M XS C. K. andE. J. Willett are to build two Monroe and to obtain a consider- many years space comprises oranges, on the coming Christmas day. If you do hopes Herald. Mr Hawley, an old Brookfleld ever felt this to be a for has been the ball Surplus and interest, . S3. 530 M double frame houses on avenue able addition to the great favor, occupied by department grape fruit, citrons, shaddocks, pineap not want to send your things to the com- fund there. As to boy, has many friends and sincere Af- will be devoted to the manufacture and custard bananas. Assets. $1,040,585 89 and acquantances which they have my thanks. ples, apples, guavas, mittee, search out some and Emma L. Ward a frame cottage on the desirability of a thorough macadam hereabouts who will at his success a saw of which has and Deposits of SI to S10F0 received and interest poor family rejoice ter some years had passed, I built handling corsets, increased loquats, pawpaws, grapes, mangoes credited from the first of each see them ; then see Iranlstau avenue. road, there can be no doubt ; as to the in the musical world. mania, parable ia that they get if, by mill. The railroad gave me a wonderful rapidly of late. cocoanuts. January and July of each 1871. of such a roaii if " year .Incorporated their Joy, you do not feel happier. It is The will of the late Daniel B. - necessity having built, till moved their works as a business, is followed ii. a. rresideat. Fayer- built at contrcctors patronage they Gardening, auKUU, better to give than to receive and the weather of New York, who made a be- all, by experienced from to Falls I next to some extent, but our is J0HK L. WESSELS, DAVID TOOSTEX, Tic at a fair and of excellent Bridgeport Village. transportation Lord loveth a cheerful giver. quest of 9100,000 to his favorite niece, price material, LIGHTNING CHECKPUNCH built a new house and, soon after, a new - HULDAH MALLETT. yet too slow for tomatoes and like per President. Mrs M. B. there is scarcely less doubt. The great- L. S. CATU3, Secretary tad Treasurer The Beardsley, is to be contested flour and feed mill. No little thing es- ishable articles, and the freight too high grounds surrounding the church est difficulty in building this road, after by the widow. A caped my notice, no matter how small, for much profit to the producer. of the Nativity, North Bridgeport, have the is raised, will be the lack of New Bridgeport Industry. What a Receipt May Mean. money for I knew that to be the only way to Our list of fish is large and varied WILMOT been Improved recently. Numbers of The matter of appointing an assistant suitable stone that can be obtain-- ! HAWLEY, easily succeed. I believe--i- n the doctrine The mullet, channel bass, crevalle, salt trees have been cut down, while others to Building Inspector Day has been prop- ed. is a THE LIGHTNLSG CHECK FUSECII CO. fully JOHN B. PARMELEE GRANTED $7 It possible, however, that quar- of to man, woman and child water trout, sheephead, red fish, pom have had a thorough trimming. erly disposed of by the common council, be at one of the giving every & REYNOLDS, ry may opened ledges A new has been established that which is their due. It is proper for The commissioners who heard the pons, jew fish, tarpon and blue fish John Willis has sold several acres of which gave the petitioners leave to with- along the road, if the stone is hard industry draw. on Cannon street, $8 to 102,(( the" Light- me to state that I have received great claim of John B. Par'melee against the abound in great numbers. The hunting wood on Main to enough, or the example of Stratford in standing North street Check Punch Co.f which seems des- patronage in my trade. Many estate of Mrs Huldah Mallett, Judge of is good, if the hunter goes after his game UNDERTAKERS, is A boulders be ning plaster Cornelius Dwyer, who quite extensive petition has been presented to the breaking up may followed, tined for a and farmers came from 15 to 20 with Probate R. II. Russell of Stratford and and knows how to it after be finds it. NO. 98 STATE it is not growing widespread pros jpiles get STREET, ly engaged in furnishing material for common council by a number of citizens, though altogether commendable in Winter to secure for F. W. Wheeler of Mon Deer are out on the St. John's perity. The use of checks for business teams the plaster Representative plentiful BRIDGEPORT, COHH, . . Hear MaiaStnot. building purposes. asking the propriety of the acceptance 200 500 tons allowed him Wild raccoons and transactions has become the next season. From to roe, $75, Saturday. The prairies. cats, opos ar-A- ll simply 'enor calls, Day or Might, answered from tho v by the city of streets or "avenues" which commissioners based sums abound in our hammock and liuuaer . s. iiurlburt has the con- mous, but the danger that this entails per year has been the bulk of my trade their rejection of prow Office. tract cement might be laid out by private individuals MASOX-MARKSMA- N. be for 50 I have never failed to the bill of $971 on the of Mr Par-- around our hen roost at Occas- for laying and concrete may gathered from the fact that it is years. lay receipt night. GEORGE B. HAWLET. - - 11 in who would sell building lots, upon which of 18'JO, 23 be a is seen or but Chapel Street; floors the buildings of the Danbury estimated that, in the last 10 years, over in a good stock of the best quality melee,' given January 3, days ionally panther heard, CHARLES E. TTLHOT, - 12 houses are built without to build TT " n i i . i rm ' , . . . Prospect Street; electric and The con- regard U.V j S X nave Deen lost in United to be found in Nova Scotia to fore Mrs Mallett's death, in full of all the bears are in the dense swamps aud J0HX B. RETH0LDS. . . 8 Avenne. light gas company. lines. The quarried. I L Oumxer lOOr. do,uw,uuu the plaster Highland tract price was JJ3000 and the work will ing petitioners thought that States alone frauds committed on my customers. This year, the demands. Mr Parmelee testified that he jungles. Our oysters, as a rule, are not these streets were in cases mere by supply take all Winter. many FRANCIS B. HUBBELL. financial paper. The United' States officers of the railroad have adopted new gave this receipt to satisfy the other fat, consequently not good for the table W. W. WALKER, lanes and that the ac- city ought notto nas its rules, which are sometimes difficult to heirs, who were worrying about his fre- until December, owing, no doubt, to our SUCCESSOR TO STIRS a WALKER, The Buptist society Is looking about such streets. was treasury department given opin Has the cept It suggested that Francis B. Hubbell, formerly of Hunt- ion out. We our order for a cer- quent visits and work done for Mrs Mal late season. They continue good, how jnst opened largest and finest lino as the city for suitable sitefora new church that "cutting the figures entirely out carry gave Wall Papers ever shown in Connecticat nt signs be placed at the entrance of such White Hills, son of Isaac is tain number of tons of to be de- lett and for fear if he did not ever, correspondingly late in the season. prices arm several on ave- ington, Upper the only perfect prevention against plaster that, give that defy competition. Good Wall Paper &c per locations, ralrlleld streets, notifying all that they are private Hubbell and Sarah was born on used for she would not remember hiiu in her The health or the Indian river is as roll and nue, Park avenue, Warren street and Hawkins, fraudulent alteration" of checks by rais livered the ground that pur- it, ap. Lead, Oil, Class, Tarnish and Brash- property. The matter has been referred November 27, 1814, in Huntington. In their amount. This check pose. When the came, it was put will. The commissioners held, however, good as any part of the United States. If es at wholesale and retail. elsewhere, have been examined. When to the for ing Lightning plaster The te in the city attorney investigation. his boyhood, he attended the district so is on the turn-ou- t. with orders to that as neither fraud nor mistake was one takes reasonable care, there is no ex cheapest place dot city. the offer of $45,000 by P. T. Barnum for punch does, that it at once the neat special 500 Main Several weeks Father of schools and afterward learned the trade handsomest and most effective take the it across the main charged the receipt, it was suffic cuse for sickness, exposure and Street, Bridgeport, Conn., the church ago, Rogers i est, check plaster, carry against liy present property at State and B i i . 1 n o .. St. church was heme oi stone mason. m tie assisted nis yt--t - it on the bed and ient evidence Mr Parmelee's water, one can eick Broud street was made, the society de Mary's expected tj punch offered to the public. Itoccu- track, put original pile against drinking impure get biothers to build a stone in N orth in we to do. claim and allowed him $75 for services even here and have the double satisfac clined It, but the offer Is and from Europe and a grand demonstration factory pie3 about half the space of higher uric it good order. This refused II. H. MAYO, standing uunnen ana a to the date of the tion of a doctor's bill and swal may be The wish was arranged. lie was taken sick at urmgepornor iiiaicneroc ed machines, is more quickly operated After it lay on the track about week, subsequent receipt. paving yet accepted. society he and his brother Lucius built a stone an with a lot of UNDERTAKER AND es to sell because the location is Bristol, however, and is still at a hotel and is sold at only two thirds the price of the company sent up engine men, lowing nauseating drugs. present mill in Trumbull for and Gater on main aud un- - To the settler I would too near the center of the and there, unable to return. Late letters do grist John other check punches that do the same put the plaster the track CHESTNUT HILL. - prospective say FUNERAL SUPPLIES. noisy city - Come not and it is Beers, in 41 in the same work. The now- has" 28 menJ loaded it in order. for which I most emphatically, aud see for - because the church needs repairs and al- give encouraging reports days, year. company good give CHEAPEST AID BEST APPOHTICII 11WT1FS- feared he sufficient In 1832, he worked in North and is out them - credit. an extra Miss Elwood badly sprained her ankle, yourself. You will find land aud, per terations which would cost about $10,000, that may not gain Bridgeport employed turning a large num They charged TAXIES ESTABLISHKEXT IE THE CITT. to return to on a stone block, and carried the south ber of is which was I feel it to be my last week and omitted school for two haps, some few improved places for ARTERIAL EHBALHUG. more than the society wishes to spend. strength Bridgeport. punches, yet far behind in its price, paid. east corner alone, which was an under orders. A number of the to say to my patrons that my plas- days. sale, but the whole orange growing part The church Is rectangular In form and Matters promise to be decidedly inter- large punches duty taking of importance for one of his age. have been sold in and vicin ter trade will be very small, as I have no of the State is so different from any oth- 113 MAIN ST., was built about 40 years ago, the sec- esting in the next In Bridgeport Miss Rena Wakeley has suffered with Legislature regard the numerous contracts filled stock on a small lot left from er country that all the articles or letters Among by ity, among others to the Print hand; only so TWO DOORS CHURCH-OFFIC- ond church building put up there by the to railroad matters in which this is Marigold her teeth that she had to remain out BELOW CATHOLIC E city Mr Hubbell for stone work during . his John Coulter & McKen last which, no doubt, will be ground written in description would fail to con OPEI DAY BIGHT. Baptist society, who bought the proper- concerned. Besides a in which the ing Co., Kearns, year, of school for two weeks. AID fight life, the important ones may be mention Electric & and for next or May. vey a proper or correct idea of its many previous to 1840, of an Consolidated is understood to be zie, Bryant Co., Lyon Grum ready sale, April ty, Episcopal engag- ed, to show how industrious he has been, & Smith We do not to any on cars, as John Mallett is improving at his sis peculiarities. Therefore I repeat, Come church. Should the Baptists decide to there will be at least three horse rail- man, Savage Building "Co.J'Vaii expect ship ed, but it is to remark as Stone & but to our customers ter's. - and see for yourself and then you can de remove, It Is thought that 912,000 to road charters. Both the old lines In this unnecessary that, Westlake, the county commis- heretofore, supply M. B. TERRILL & CO., a finished workman, his services were al- sioners, Curtis Brothers, F. S. Hunt & at home as far as possible. Unless there cide, if you look about intelligently, $15,000 will be devoted to the purchase city have applied for an increase of char- William Wills has been moving a build ways in greatdemand. Co., L. II. W. B. Hall & - can be a with the railroad, whether a change of home would be of land and 913,000 to 450,000 laid out In ter to lay additional tracks and now a Mills, Cb.,Naug- compromise for William E. Waller. He assisted in the erection of a stone atuck Ice Co. will close our trade. ing desirable. S. SANDY HOOK, & building. The church now has no debt, of Jarues and. Joel Farist. All are this plaster 6. Xorthrop,Rock Ledge, company capitalists, Including the use of Yale and su Florida' but one of several thousand dollars L. chapel for college vastly pleased with the punch. The com A number of years ago, a representa- Beardsley, F. Curtis, It. E. Skidmore, the of these The Indian River, Florida. OFFER would have to be incurred wish to build a new line from corner perintended building private pany has oflices in New York city, St. tive of the railroad company came to me probably the residences i A stone for Dr should the removal take of Main and Wall streets to dwelling Louis, Spokane Falls, Omaha, San Fran and made a bargain for the ground where I left New York, October 31, by the TIIE NEW YORK TRIBUNE, l!SI The Tariff, place. Congress Beach Middlebrook in Trumbull ami,. a Farmer, and the Mechanic. All per BIG street across the river to Noble cisco, Portland, Oregon, and agents in the post office now stands as the site for Clyde steamship. Arriving Jn Jackson sons wbo desire to subscribe tor the Weekly Cashier Bartholomew of na- bridge, senu-weeKi- y the City free stone dwelling in West Philadelphia, more than half the States and Territories. a new The was complet- ville, I took steamboat up St. John's 211 or inoune, ior roe coining year, tional bank has been elected commander avenue and up to Beardsley park. The depot. bargain Dlease leave their names with the unriersian BARGAINS Penn. He and his brother Luciu3 built The also manufacture the Per were drawn. Soon miles to then rail Titus- - . main hope of this company i9 to attract company ed, but no writings Sanford, by to ed, or at E. F Hawley's store. Premiums of Tost Ellas Howe, Jr, G. A. It. Got the house of Thaddeus G. Birdseye, in fection the in died. ville and down Indian win be iriven to new subscribers, weeklv 1 lamp holder, right Mr was taken sick and the river by boat semi-week- Smith N. Is travel to Beardsley park in Summer, thing after, Draper ly i. CHARLES 8. PLAIT. Club IN J. II. of the P. U. senior vice the . the local traffic will be consider- Birmingham. right place, which is endorsed by That stopped the whole business. Mr to Rock Ledge, arriving here November Agenc. . , though Mr Hubbell has on or able. worked contract Walter J, Hall as entirely filling1 a long Draper told me that if they ever built a OVERCOATS, M. Tucker, who has the ed for nearly all the stone factories In felt w;ant. designed for use on pi new depot it would cost $5000 and would Rock Ledge is beautifully situated on bought R. Millous of Gilbert so ltjs Interest of James L. Gould In the daily street, long Ansonia, Birmingham and Huntington, anos, organs, pulpits,: desks,- mantels, change the main track to the west side, the west bank of Indian River. It is not- 17 13 FROM section master on the Housatonic also assisted to build stone churches in SEAL CAKKEHTS. CAPES. MUFFS.S:BOAS. and weekly Farmer, will, with his fath line, dentist chairs, sewing machines and where it ought to be. No person thinks ed for its excellent health, its flourishing etc., make the most desirable HOLIDAT PRKS- - has been laid with a lame due - kl-ui- Henry B. Stiles, assume con np foot, to Ansonia, Birmingham, Milford, Water- wherever a safe but easily 'removable of getting on to the cars from the east orange groves and the superior quality EflTS. uur stock comprises all ot Furs $1 over and back to see the P. T. Newtown and in the latest styles. Gents' Furs, Carriage trol January 1. He is a native of Easton, walking bury, Bridgeport. lamp holder is needed and admirably fills side, for everybody who goes on the cars of its fruits. The hammock is three and Robes, Rugs, etc., In great variety . All goods EACH Barnum launched. While in the West, in 1856, he worked the bill. a west side cross- a miles an warranted, oena ior illustrated catalogue. has been associate editor for some time This, however, is but side is comes to them on the by half long by average width of HStaDiisnea w years. and is known as a writer of Mr Mrs Wheeler who been ill on houses In St. Paul, Des Moines and sue to the check whose over a road, mud, nearly half a mile and Is one continuous ability. Beers, has. Lightning punch, ing public through 1 nr a. . ca. UP. Sioux UBRTIIY, west Stiles has been connected with the Farm for some weeks, is able to be about again. City, Iowa. He quarried stone interchangeable parts, tingle lever and bo.qAv' and water,then over the turnout to orange grove its entire length. The town ituometeiewSI"RDE,in. er for Mr Gould has devot- among the Indians Nebraska and moderate price are precedence the main track. Sometimes a train was incorporated in March, 1887, and the many years. EdwardJJ. whose mother re in, giving it. long ed his entire time to (he Farmer for de Hincks, worked on factories, banks, churches, over all check punches placed on the stands on the turnout, which makes it incorporation legalized by special act of THE LITTLE died ' - f ' cades and now finds that he needs rest cently inCaliforn!a,diedatMcAboy, hotels, dwellings and bridges on Long market. . dangerous, besides the inconvenience to the Legislature the May following. A N. on the 10th, 2f years old and was SAVENA and recuperation and that his eyesight 0, Island, in New York city, New Haven the public. I have paid many thousand number of artesian wells have been re MILLINERY STORE. buried, Monday, 10th, from the residence and also on TO will compel a cessation of work for the Norfolk, Virginia; worked REDDING. . dollars into the treasury of the railroad cently put down with the best results. BUT FROM US KEAXS kfOVET TOUR of his father, William B. Hincks, 188 Park I present at least. lie has of the stone prison at Patterson, N.J., and Mr since I came here. ; In 1876, the whole They are now flowing an abundance of - 70CK5T. thoughts avenue. ':- and Mrs Marshal Sanford visited in - contracted for and the stone for wholesome FELT HATS IS ALL THE spending the Winter the South, nis '':- quarried liartford and other cities on their wed amount of freight received at the station good water, slightly impreg LEADING SHAPES ' OK SOC APIECE. Fairfield and West Is the floor of Fort Sumter, South Carolina, - was individual nated with A beautiful home at avenues "What makes that that merriment?" tour. - - $4407 67; my freight sulphur. paved i Joy, ding HATURAL BIRD VTIGS 9C now occupied by A. B. Falrchild, the In- Khcnmatlo pains, neuralgic gout, . ne set a boiler for one of the first steam amounted to $2284 41 and that is small walk runs the whole length of the settle APIECE. " surance Salvation Oil has put to rout-Salva- tion saw mills in Nebraska and has worked on After the service at Christ in with what I have done ment, winding along the many curves of STAUPUO EMBROIDERT AID POXTJia agent. church, comparison DOSE TO ORDER. - Oil. for sent, . healing and contracted for stone buildings in all Christmas evening, the since. . .The cars of alone for the the river bank beneath the shade of live In order to raise money for the arms Salvation oil, the liniment. day Sunday grain the important States of the Union. school are invitedto the rectory, where a last amount to about 70, with from oak and palmer toes. About 50,000 orange GOLDEN they so much desire, the nigh school ca- year R00KE.61 HILL ST., In his leisure moments, he erected an Christmas tree and bountiful supper will 12 to 15 tons to each car, to say nothing and lemon trees are now set in grove dets gave an exhibition drill at the ar- Nearly all colds are slight at first, but their OPPOSITE THE EEV C0UST HOUSE, is to so lower the that imposing stone monument for himself await them. about for the store, form. The present crop is estimated at mory, Friday afternoon and followed it tendency system the lumber, coal, goods BRTDGEPOKT. sufferer becomes a ready victim to any preva- and family. It is situated in the yard of etc. I have done what I could to have the 70,000 boxes.-- ; No more charming spot to by dancing to music by the B. II. S. or- use Miss A. B. Burr will have a Christmas lent disease. The of Ayer's Cherry Pecto- the little white church, on White Hills, railroad track changed. Had the new pass the Winter can be found in the State, chestra. The armory was filled with the ral, in the beginning of a cold, would vacation of two weeks or inore. guard in the town of Huntington, near the mon- depot been built, the public would have ; The prairies and lakes of the upper St, FIRE filSURAUCB elite of the city, who watched with against the danger. eas- INS ument erected by his brother Lucius and Mrs J. A. S. Burr is several had the, privilege of leaving a beautiful John are only three miles distant and THE BEST k wash the evolutions of the spending ;- est cadets, as, marks the last of his first - - 16x40 without accessible, unusual attractions for y POWDER furnished at fa the orders of their Sid- A Wonder Worker. resting place days in Bridgeport and New York. passenger rooitf feet, ily Lowest Rates Ing officers, Capt . .. tne Mr Frank Huffman, a young man of Bur- wife, Augusta, who departed this life wetting the soles of their shoes. The sportsmen, whether a disciple of Nimrod OK EARTH id est and ney Lockwood and Lieutenants C. A. Ohio, states that be bad been Miss Lottie Botsford American .and Stroagest lington, under February 2, 1865. ' of Newtown is could easily have . been made or of Isaac Walton. The day's catch in TCngJiBh companies. Wheeler and went the care of two and platform Burger, they through prominent physicians This sketch of Mr Hubbell would be with Miss Dr Celeste Benedict. ' 100 300 ex- Lake ' is sometimes Farm and Live stock -- from to feet long with a little Poinsett immense, property a spec- - the various manoeuvres of the manual of used their treatment until he was not able to ' . ?.!: around. his incomplete without some mention of his Mrs H. More than a I made,as hotels and several large board- Eick Pa> SAVENA eaitslss " arms with a precision and perfection that get They pronounced case to bo Burr, who has been confined to pense.. year ago, Twojarge i f ' AGKSCT FOB wonderful skill as a marksman with the officers can all who come au eait una a consumption and Incurable. He was per- her bed for nearly two years, is able to I thought, a liberal offer to the of ing houses entertain sv vuuiitv Hartford would do credit to many company of suaded to New for in and : Norwich tryDr King's Discovery rifle, which, his hands, sent forth its walk into the dining room with the road, as an inducement for the change and suit both taste purse., a daily Tolland County Mutual. Tollu4 the national guard. They were frequent- consumption, coughs and colds and at that help. office DIFFERENT PRESENT leaden messengers of death with such in but no notice was taken of it. mail and telegraph and express uwinuKvuMJiawuuHnct,. rulautelnsusi with The time was not able to walk across the street Bead is Dr tracks, put vuuutnuu. , Aew Tore; ly greeted hearty applause. J. boarding Sidney Bishop's . without He he had precision that he stood for years without As I knew the time was near when new us in close connection witn tne great Commercial Union, vJLe drill continued from 3 30 to 5 40 and the resting. found, betoie horses. - , a rival in his native In order to -' - menu Mutual ure, BartsDe at the nsed half of a dollar bottle, that he was much county. track was to be laid,; I felt anxious for world. - Union MutaaJ Accident, Cd1m dancing, whlchbegan promptly y better; he continued to use It and is give a proper conception of bis skill as a Mr and Mrs J. S. Sanford were among the change and sent word to the vice Along the river, lands are divided into Lombard Investment Co's tinsrantood law. conclusion of the drill, was continued no. If ' enjoying good health. yoa have any marksman, it may not be considered out the at Marshal Sanford 's to me the lowest to and hammocks ; the latter are subdi SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. Loan 5 30. The consisted ot nine or' chest trouble We guests wedding ; president givw price pipe ridellty a Trust Co's Debenture Bcendt, til program throat, lung try it. guar- of to state that on Mrs and low The antee satisfaction. Trial bottle tree at E. F. place January 5, 1867, also Mary Osborne. change the track, as I had made up my vided into high hammocks; , numbers and the Immaculate uniforms of 5-- he scored ten 11 8 Inches hammock is wooded with DR. K. N. SAtror ne costumes of Hawley's drag store. shots, string, mind to pay a large sum rather than not high densely IJETT.S, Jr., at. cubk, the cadets, with the brilliant - ' " eoW" at 40 rods in succession; and on July 21, If thou art wise, thou knowest thine have it done. No notice was taken of it. live oakt hickory, red bay and palmetto, Dentist, Sandy Hook. . the made a and handsome Husband and Wife 1-- ladles, striking 1876, he made 10 successive shots. 14 2 nwn lirnaranee and t.hnn apt had made mind to build a. w ith an almost impenetrable undergrowth Teetk sxtmeted witkont pain, by tke of A sum was cleared for Have more than once been saved by the l.nnHr, I up my large m picture. goodly ttmelv uaa of Kemn's Balsam lor the tlirnnt inches string, at the same distance. thou knowest not thyself. Luther. storehouse for grain, next Summer, to of iron wood, wild olive, myrtle and "vines. litre Oxide (Uafhisf (as) er KUer. Teeta Rubber Paint an admission fee of SOc being and after all other remedies have been inserted em CeUaleid er JUkber. lb the arms, lungs, When the weather is be could to sell more-- The soil is red or and romrffiU ' tried in vain. The Balsam stops decay of the favorable, enlarge our business, and either gray coquina extraotiPf swi at e asled. lunars and ourea Influenza and and 10 UtJlowdett. ?- - acute send successive balls throogh a hols There is nothing In the universe to offer a' is peculiarly adapted to the growth ko 1 IJ T f " chronic eongbs. There is no other medecine that I cheaper and, further, building rfet-.- l wry U - - . market at 118 Fairfield an inch In diameter 20 y, of i The fish avenue, ia toe woriu mat acts so promptly, oeruunjy (In a board) at fear except that I may not know all my . lot for a factory of some kind. A gen-dut- of the w citrous family fruW -i none does Its work so through' v a rods. s - x ' has Just been oper- by Zztrrltr I 'tbt dTOCXMt or may fail to do it. 'tleman from was Tto low broo?ocl-- are heavily .'i All sell it. I!ary Pennsylvania k"ily t " J.n-iJfl- . L:,e a c j T. U. Crl ci tie U at I In. As man, he was t :li to rreat r m Lyoi. Fks"3 v' rsW'itBdwouLIcoir r"M'i "i rVb