Select Bibliography on , 2003–2017

Clive Moore

School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry The University of Queensland

August 2017

Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017


Clive Moore CSI, is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry at The University of Queensland, where previously he held the McCaughey Chair of History. He is a leading Pacific historian whose major publications have been on , and the Solomon Islands, the Pacific labour reserve, Australia’s Pacific Island immigrants, federation, masculinity and sexuality. Inaugural President of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Pacific Studies (2006–10), in 2005 he was awarded a Cross of Solomon Islands, and between 2011 and 2017 he was a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities. In 2012, he was made Outstanding Alumni of the Year at James Cook University, and in 2015 he was awarded the John Douglas Kerr Medal of Distinction by The Royal Historical Society of Queensland and the Professional Historians Association (Queensland).

His has major monographs are Kanaka: A History of Melanesian Mackay (Port Moresby, Institute of New Guinea Studies and University of Press, 1985); Sunshine and Rainbows: The Development of Gay and Lesbian Culture in Queensland (St Lucia, Qld, University of Queensland Press, 2001; New Guinea: Crossing Boundaries and History (Honolulu, University of Hawai’i Press, 2003); Happy Isles in Crisis: The Historical Causes for a Failing State in Solomon Islands, 1998–2004 (Canberra, Asia Pacific Press, 2004); The Forgan Smith: History of a Building and its People at The University of Queensland (St Lucia, Qld, The University of Queensland, 2010); and, Making Mala: in Solomon Islands, 1870s–1903s (Canberra, Australian National University Press, 2017). He also published Solomon Islands Historical Encyclopaedia, 1893–1978 (online, 2013, new edition 2016, and was co-author of 1901: Our Future’s Past (Sydney, Macmillan, 1997). He is editor or co-editor of The Forgotten People: A History of the Australian South Sea Island Community (Sydney, Australian Broadcasting Commission, 1979); Labour in the South Pacific (Townsville, James Cook University of North Queensland, 1990); A Papua New Guinea Political Chronicle, 1967–1991 (Bathurst and London, Crawford House and C. Hurst & Co, 1997); Tell It As It Is: Autobiography of Rt. Hon. Sir Peter Kenilorea, KBA, PC, Solomon Islands’ First Prime Minister (Taipei, Academica Sinica, 2008); Andrew Goldie in New Guinea, 1875–1879 (Brisbane, Queensland Museum); and, Looking Beyond RAMSI: Solomon Islanders’ Perspectives on Their Futures (, Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands, 2014).

He is also author of eighty chapters and journal articles, and many reports.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Clive Moore

Introduction There is an excellent bibliography on early Solomon Islands: Sally Edridge’s Solomon Islands Bibliography to 1980, published in 1984 in Suva, Wellington and Honiara by the Institute of Pacific Studies at The University of the South Pacific, The Alexander Turnbull Library in New Zealand, and The Solomon Islands National Library. Its 476 pages are an amazing resource. Unfortunately, there has never been another which covers the years onwards from 1980.

When I edited the proceedings of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands 10th Anniversary seminar in 2013, Nicholas Coppell, the RAMSI Special Coordinator, agreed to include a bibliography of as many items as could be located on Solomon Islands during the 2003–2013 years. This bibliography was originally published in Clive Moore (ed.), Looking beyond RAMSI: Solomon Islanders’ Perspective on Their Future. Honiara: Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands, 2013, 83–102. It was revised in July 2014 and republished online through the University of Queensland.

RAMSI departed from Solomon Islands at the end of June 2017. I was the moderator and rapporteur at the 28 June Symposium, “RAMSI: Understanding Its Legacy and Lessons,” one of the events held to mark the completion of the Pacific Forum’s RAMSI operation in Solomon Islands. Quinton Devlin, the last Special Coordinator, asked me to update the bibliography to add to the RAMSI website. The result was 1,412 references. The bibliography will also be circulated on the Solomon Islands Information Network run by the University of Queensland Solomon Islands Partnership.

The intention has always been to create a resource that showcases the research and major writing on Solomon Islands during these years. While RAMSI is covered in some items, there was never any intention to limit the bibliography to items which refer to RAMSI. It has been assembled from references I have collected and those provided by my colleagues who are members of the UQ Solomon Islands Information Network and the Association for Social Anthropology in (ASAONET). While every effort has been made to make the bibliography as complete as possible, on occasions references are not quite as full as I would desire (and certainly Sally Edridge would have insisted).

One change in the publishing world since 2013 is the growth in online access, which has increased in leaps and bounds. Some publications are free to download, while others can only be downloaded at a cost. Whenever they were easily available the online references have been included; although these references are ephemeral, apt to alter or disappear, leaving dead links. I have included a few websites and even blogsites, although largely I have stayed away from this area of the publishing world.

It is a Select Bibliography of publications on different aspects of Solomon Islands between 2003 and 2017, intended to enable as wide as possible access to writing relating to the nation. I have used the style of Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition, sorted under author and year, and within years by alphabetic order of the titles. In ordering the titles, in entries I


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017 have ignored “A” or “The” at the beginning of a title and ordered items based on the next word. Major English language words in titles are in upper case, although I have not done this for other languages, nor have I altered the order in other languages. I am an historian, not a skilled maker of bibliographies, nor a linguist. I limited the bibliography to published sources and have ignored conference papers. Along the way, I made a decision to, as often as possible, file under individual authors, not under “grey literature” origins—materials and research produced by organizations outside of the traditional commercial or academic publishing and distribution channels. However, in some cases I have had no choice but the use the institutional label as the source, particularly where the authors remain anonymous. The result is a hybrid, but it is my feeling that individual readers will be looking for the names of individuals not institutions.

In particular, Terry Brown, Meg Keen, Michael Scott and Jaap Timmer helped locate references. I would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Akin, an anthropologist of Malaita who is also a professional editor. David has fixed some of my inconsistencies. I thank him for his help, but in the end any eccentricities are my responsibility, and of course that of authors who provided incomplete references.

I apologise for those that feel slighted that their work is not mentioned, or that references are incomplete or not up-to-date. I have tried hard to motivate my colleagues to provide references to their own publications, and to draw my attention to the work of others beyond my knowledge. In the end, any bibliography is only as complete as dedicated individuals can make it. I am conscious of various weaknesses in this Select Bibliography: it is strongest in the social sciences and weakest in the sciences.

My hope for the future is two-fold. First, that this Select Bibliography enables Solomon Islands to access their own heritage during crucial years. And second, that at some time in the future a professional librarian will have the vision and stamina to fill the 1981–2002 gap, and perhaps repair what appears here. It may well form the basis for another project: I recommend that the Solomon Islands National Library attempt to locate as many of these sources as possible and store them in Honiara in paper and digital formats.

Clive Moore August 2017


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Abia, . 2010 “Reconciliation in the Solomon Islands: The Rennell-Bellona Context.” Melanesian Journal of Theology 26 (2):53–68.

Abigail, Peter. 2008 “Australia and the South Pacific: Rising to the Challenge.” Special Report Issue No. 12. Sydney: Australian Strategic Policy Institute. .

Abigail, Peter, and Ian Sinclair. 2008 “Engaging Our Neighbours: Towards a New Relationship between Australia and the Pacific Islands. Report of an Independent Task Force.” In Special Report No. 13. Sydney: Australian Strategic Policy Institute. .

Adams, Cark. 2016 Community Participation and NGO Responses to the April 2014 Floods in Solomon Islands. MA thesis, University of Auckland.

Afia-Maetala, Ruth Basi, and Alice Aruh`eta Pollard. 2009 “Turning the Tide: Celebrating Women’s History in the Solomon Islands, 1948– 2009.” In Being the First: Storis Blong Oloketa Mere Lo Solomon Aelan, edited by Alice Aruhe`eta Pollard and Marilyn J. Waring, 9–33. Honiara and Auckland: RAMSI and Institute of Public Policy and Pacific Media Centre, Auckland University of Technology.

Akao, S. M. 2008 “Seen but Not Heard: Women’s Experiences of Educational Leadership in Solomon Islands Secondary Schools.” MA thesis, University of Waikato. .

Akin, David. 2003 “Concealment, Confession, and Innovation in Kwaio Women’s Taboos.” American Ethnologist 30 (3):381–400. 2004 “Ancestral Vigilance and the Corrective Conscience: Kastom as Culture in a Malaitan Society.” Anthropological Theory 4 (3):299–324. With invited commentary from Alain Babadzan. (A close version was also published in Humiliation and Transformation: Emotion, Subjectivity, and Modernity in , edited by Joel Robbins and Holly Wardlow, 183–206. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2005.) 2005 “Kastom as Hegemony? A Response to Babadzan.” (see Babadzan 2004). Anthropological Theory 5 (1):75–83. 2013 Colonialism, Maasina Rule, and the Origins of Malaitan Kastom. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2013 “Malaitan Clubs.” In Melanesia: Art and Encounter, edited by Lissant Bolton, Nicholas Thomas, Elizabeth Bonshek, Julie Adams, and Ben Burt, 228–232. London: British Museum Press. 2015 “Maasina Rule beyond Recognition.” Journal of Pacific History 50 (4):486–503. (Republished in State-Building and State Formation in the Western Pacific: Solomon Islands in Transition, edited by M. G. Allen, and S. Dinnen, 106–123. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.) 2014 “Regenerating Local Arts at the Kwaio Cultural Centre.” In The Things We Value: Culture and History in Solomon Islands, edited by Ben Burt, and Lissant Bolton, 92–101. London: Sean Kingston. 2015 “Sentence de mort, meurtre et prestige.” In L’éclat Des Ombres: L’art en noir et blanc des iles Salomon, edited by Magali Mélandri and Sandra Revolon, 85–87. Paris: Musée du Quai Branly.

Akin, David, and Clive Moore. 2017 “Clubs: The Art of War.” In Solomon Islands: Re-Enchantment and the Colonial Shadow, edited by Diana Young, 20–23. Brisbane: University of Queensland Anthropology Museum.

Akin, David, and Geoffrey White. 2015 “Les artefacts de la guerre: art, échange et politique pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.” In L’éclat Des Ombres: L’art en noir et blanc des iles Salomon, edited by Magali Mélandri and Sandra Revolon, 62–72. Paris: Musée du Quai Branly.

Alamu, Adrian. 2010 “Teacher Beliefs, Knowledge, and Reported Practices Regarding Numeracy Outcomes in the Solomon Islands.” MA thesis, Victoria University of Wellington. .

Alasia, Sam Lidimani. 2003 Fata`Abu: The Voice of God. Suva and Honiara: Institute of Pacific Studies and University of the South Pacific Solomon Islands Centre, University of the South Pacific, Institute of Solomon Islands Studies, and Solomon Islands Writers’ Association. 2008 “Rainbows across the Mountains: The First Post-RAMSI General Elections.” In Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands, edited by Sinclair Dinnen and Stuart Firth, 119– 147. Canberra: Australian National University E Press and Asia Pacific Press. 2017 “My Fijian Wantok.” In Bearing Witness: Essays in Honour of Brij V. Lal, edited by Doug Munro and Jack Corbett, 301–304. Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Albert, J. A., A. Trinidad, D. Boso, and A. J. Schwarz. 2012 “ Reef Economic Value and Incentives for Coral Farming in Solomon Islands: Policy Brief.” Penang: CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems.

Albert, S., K. E. Abernethy, B. Gibbes, A. Grinham, N. Tooler, and S. Aswani. 2013 “Cost-Effective Methods for Accurate Determination of Sea Level Rise Vulnerability: A Solomon Islands Example.” Weather, Climate and Society 5:285–292.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Albert, S., S. Aswani, P. L. Fisher, and J. Albert. 2015 “Keeping Food on the Table: Human Responses and Changing Coastal Fisheries in Solomon Islands.” PLOS ONE 10 (7). .

Albert, S., M. Dunbabin, M. Skinner, B. Moore, and A. Grinham. 2012 “Benthic Shift in a Solomon Island’s Lagoon: to Cyanobacteria.” 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Australia.

Albert, S., P. L. Fisher, B. Gibbes, and A. Grinham. 2015 “Corals Persisting in Naturally Turbid Waters Adjacent to a Pristine Catchment in Solomon Islands.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 94 (1):299–306.

Albert, S., A. Grinham, B. Gibbes, and I. Tibbetts. 2014 Indicators of Coral Reef Ecosystem Recovery following Reduction in Logging and Implementation of Community-Based Management Schemes in the Solomon Islands.” Pacific Conservation Biology 20 (1):75–85.

Albert, S., J. X. Leon, A. R. Grinham, J. A. Church, B. R. Gibbes, and C. D. Woodroffe. 2016 “Interactions between Sea–level Rise and Wave Exposure on Reef Island Dynamics in the Solomon Islands.” Environmental Research Letters 11 (5). .

Albert, S., M. Love, and T. D. Brewer. 2013 “Contrasts in Social and Ecological Assessments of Coral Reef Health in Melanesia.” Pacific Science 67 (3):409–424.

Albert, Simon, Ian Tibbetts, and James Udy. 2010 Solomon Islands Marine Life: Information on Biology and Management of Marine Resources. Brisbane: University of Queensland.

Albert, S., J. Udy, G. Baines, and D. McDougall. 2007 “Dramatic Tectonic Oplift of Fringing Reefs on Is., Solomon Islands.” Coral Reefs 26 (4):983. .

Albert, S., J. Udy and I. Tibbetts. 2008 “Responses of Algal Communities to Gradients in Herbivore Biomass and Water Quality in , Solomon Islands.” Coral Reefs 27 (1):73–82.

Allen, Matthew G. 2005 “The Evidence for Sweet Potato in Island Melanesia.” In The Sweet Potato in Oceania: A Reappraisal, Ethnology Monographs No. 19, Oceania Monograph No. 56, edited by Paula Brown Chris Ballard, R. Michael Bourke, and Tracy Harwood, 99–108. Pittsburgh and Sydney: Oceania Monographs. 2005 “Greed and Grievance: The Role of Economic Agendas in the Conflict in Solomon Islands.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 20 (2):56–71. 2006 “Contemporary Histories of the Conflict in Solomon Islands.” Oceania 76 (3):310–315.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2006 “Dissenting Voices: Local Perspectives on the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 21 (2):194–201. 2007 “Greed and Grievance in the Conflict in Solomon Islands, 1998–2003.” PhD thesis, Australian National University. 2008 “Land Reform in Melanesia.” State Society and Governance in Melanesia Project Briefing Note No. 6. Canberra: Australian National University. 2008 “Politics of Disorder: The Social Unrest in Honiara.” In Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands, edited by Sinclair Dinnen and Stewart Firth, 39–63. Canberra: Australian National University E Press and Asia Pacific Press. 2009 “Resisting RAMSI: Intervention, Identity and Symbolism in Solomon Islands.” Oceania 79 (1):1–17. 2011 “Long-term Engagement: The Future of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.” Strategic Insights, Australian Strategic Policy Institute. 2011 “The Political Economy of Logging in Solomon Islands.” In The Political Economy of Economic Reform in the Pacific, edited by Ron Duncan, 277–301. Manila: Asian Development Bank. 2012 “Informal Formalisation in a Hybrid Property Space: The Case of Smallholder Oil Palm in Solomon Islands.” Asia Pacific Viewpoint 53 (3):300–313. 2012 “Land, Migration and Conflict on , Solomon Islands.” Australian Geographer 43 (2):163–180. 2013 Greed and Grievance: Ex–Militants’ Perspectives on the Conflict in Solomon Islands, 1998– 2003. Hololulu: University of Hawai`i. 2013 “Melanesia’s Violent Environments: Towards a Political Ecology of Conflict in the Western Pacific.” Geoforum 44:152–161. 2017 “Islands, Extraction and Violence: Mining and the Politics of Scale in Island Melanesia.” Political Geography 57 (March):81–90.

Allen, Matthew G., and Sinclair Dinnen. 2010 “The North Down Under: Antinomies of Conflict and Intervention in Solomon Islands.” Conflict, Security and Development 10 (3):299–327. 2013 “Solomon Islands: From Uprising to Intervention.” In Diminishing Conflict in Asia and the Pacific, edited by E. Aspinall, R. Jeffrey and A. J. Regan, 69–82. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge. 2015 “Solomon Islands in Transition?” Journal of Pacific History, 50 (4):381–397. (Republished in State-Building and State Formation in the Western Pacific: Solomon Islands in Transition, edited by M. G. Allen, and S. Dinnen, 1–17. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.) 2016 “Beyond Life-Support? Reflections on Post-RAMSI Solomon Islands.” Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies 3 (1):6–15.

Allen, Matthew, and Sinclair Dinnen, eds. 2017 State-Building and State Formation in the Western Pacific: Solomon Islands in Transition. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.

Allen, Matthew, Sinclair Dinnen, Daniel Evans, and Rebecca Monson. 2013 Justice Delivered Locally: Systems, Challenges and Innovations in Solomon Islands. J4P Research Report. The World Bank.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017


Allen, Mathew, and Doug Porter. 2016 “Managing the Transition from Logging to Mining in Post-Conflict Solomon Islands.” Extractive Industries and Society 3 (2):350–358. .

Alpers, Philip, and Conor Twyford. 2003 “Small Arms in the Pacific.” In Small Arms Survey Occasional Paper No. 8. Geneva: Small Arms Survey, Graduate Institute of International Studies.

Amnesty International. 2003 “Guns and Greed in Solomon Islands.” Amnesty International. 2004 “Solomon Islands: Women Confronting Violence.” Amnesty International. . 2011 “‘Where is the dignity in that?’ Women in Solomon Islands Slums Denied Sanitation and Safety.” Amnesty International. .

Anderson, Athol, and Sue O’Connor. 2008 “Indo-Pacific Migration and Colonization—Introduction.” Asian Perspectives 47 (1):2–11.

Anderson, Jay, and Brad Sherman. 2004 “A Nut to Crack a Growing Problem.” Partners in Research for Development, December:22–23. 2008 “The Limits of RAMSI.” Sydney: AID/WATCH: Action on Aid, Trade and Debt. 2008 “RAMSI: Intervention, Aid, Trauma and Self Governance.” Journal of Australian Political Economy 62:62–93.

Angeli, Johanne. 2008 “‘Me no Whiteman, I mean’: Language Ideologies and Attitudes toward English and Pijin among Solomon Students, between Social Mibility and National Consciousness.” MA thesis, Concordia Universty, Canada.

ANU Enterprises Pty. Ltd. 2006 “People’s Survey Pilot 2006.” Canberra. . 2007 “People’s Survey 2007.” Canberra. . 2008 “People’s Survey 2008.” Canberra. . 2009 “People’s Survey 2009.” Canberra. . 2010 “People’s Survey 2010.” Canberra. . 2011 “People’s Survey 2011.” Canberra. . 2012 “People’s Survey 2012.” Canberra. . 2013 “People’s Survey 2013.” Canberra. .

Aqorau, Transform.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2003 “Sea of Change and Justice.” Islands Business, September:4. 2004 “Solomon Islands Economic Recovery: A People’s Approach to Economic Development.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 19 (2):113–122. 2007 “Governance and Development in Solomon Islands: A Fisheries Case Study.” Journal of Pacific History 42 (2):247–254. 2008 “Crisis in Solomon Islands: Foraging in New Directions.” In Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands, edited by and Stuart Firth Sinclair Dinnen, 246–268. Canberra: Australian National University E Press and Asia Pacific Press. 2011 The Reflections of a Solomon Islander: Development and Governance Challenges of a Small Island State. Majuro, Marshall Islands: the author. .

Arkwright, Norman. 2003 “Restorative Justice in the Solomon Islands.” In A Kind of Mending: Restorative Justice in the Pacific Islands, edited by Sinclair Dinnen, Anita Jowitt, and Tess Newton Cain, 177– 194. Canberra: Pandanus Press.

Asian Development Bank. 2004 Responding to the Priorities of the Poor: A Pacific Strategy for the Asian Development Bank, 2005–2009. Manila: Asian Development Bank. 2005 Asian Development Outlook 2005: II: Economic Trends and Prospects in Developing Asia: Solomon Islands. Manila: Asian Development Bank. 2016 Continuing Reforms to Stimulate Private Sector Investment: A Private Sector Assessment for Solomon Islands. Manila: Asian Development Bank.

Asugeni, James, David MacLaren, Peter D. Massey, and Rick Speare. 2015 “Mental Health Issues from Rising Sea Level in a Remote Coastal Region of the Solomon Islands: Current and Future.” Australasian Psychiatry 23 (6): Supplement 22– 25. .

Asugeni, R. 2014 “Community and Health Service Responses to Culturally Safe Tuberculosis Ward at Atoifi Adventist Hospital, Solomon Islands.” Master of Leadership and Development, Port Moresby, Pacific Adventist University. .

Aswani, Shankar. 2003 “The Roviana and Marine Resource Management Project. Annual Report 2002/2003.” Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara. 2003 “Solomon Islands: The Roviana and Vonavona Marine Resource Management Project.” CBNRM Net Newsletter 23:21–22. 2005 “Customary Sea Tenure in Oceania as a Case of Rights-Based Fishery Management: Does It Work? Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 15:285–307.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2008 “Creating and Consolidating a Marine Protected Area Network in the Western Solomon Islands. Final Report to Conservation International 2005/2008.” Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara. 2008 “Eco-regional Marine Conservation in the Western Solomon Islands: Expanding and Consolidating a Marine Protected Area Network. Final Report to the National Geographic Society 2007/2008.” Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara. 2008 “Expanding and Consolidating a Network of Marine Protected Areas in the Western Solomon Islands. Final Report to the Packard Foundation 2005/2008.” Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2008. 2008 “Forms of Leadership and Violence in Malaita and in the Group, Solomon Islands. In Exchange and Sacrifice, edited by Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern, 171–193. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. 2009 “Integrating Customary Tenure Systems in Marine Protected Areas: A Solomon Islands Example.” Biocultural Diversity Conservation (A Community Practice)—Terralingua. . 2010 “Socioecological Methods for Designing Marine Conservation Programs: A Solomon Islands Example Society.” In Environmental Social Sciences: Methods and Research Design, edited by Ismael Vaccaro, Eric A. Smith, and Shankar Aswani, 349–376. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2011 “Hybridizing Customary and Modern Coastal Management for Conserving Marine Ecosystems in the Region.” Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, 4–30. 2011 “Socioecological Approaches for Combining Ecosystem-Based and Customary Management in Oceania.” Journal of Marine Biology. . 2014 “Investigating Coral Reef Ethnobiology in the Western Solomon Islands for Enhancing Livelihood Resilience.” Journal of the Polynesian Society 123 (3):237–276. . 2016 “Geospatial Technologies and Indigenous Knowledge Systems.” In Geoinformatics for Marine and Coastal Management, edited by Darius Bartlett and Louis Celliers. CRC Press/Taylor and Francis. 2017 “Customary Management as TURFs: Social Challenges and Opportunities.” Bulletin of Marine Science 93 (1):3–12. . 2017 “Linking Customary and Modern Marine Management Systems in Melanesia.” In Mar Adentro: Tenencia Marina y Debates Cosmopoliticos, edited by H. Artaud and A. Surallés. Copenhagen: Grupo Internacional de trabajos sobre asuntos indígenas.

Aswani, S., and Simon Albert. 2015 “Change in Roviana Lagoon Coral Reef Ethnobiology.” In Ethnobiology of Corals and Coral Reefs, edited by Nemer E. Narchi and Lisa L. Price, 157–175. Cham, Switzerland and New York, Springer Ethnobiology Series.

Aswani, S., S. Albert, and M. Love. 2017 “One Size Does Not Fit All: Critical Insights for Effective Community-Based Resource Management in Melanesia.” Marine Policy 81:381–391. .


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Aswani, S., S. Albert, A. Sabetian, and T. Furusawa. 2007 “Customary Management as Precautionary and Adaptive Principles for Protecting Coral Reefs in Oceania.” Coral Reefs 26 (4):1009–1021.

Aswani, S., P. Christie, N. Muthiga, R. Mahon, J. H. Primavera, L. A. Cramer, E. B. Barbier, E. F. Granek, C. J. Kennedy, E. Wolanski, and S. D. Hacker. 2012 “The Way Forward with Ecosystem-Based Management in Tropical Contexts: Reconciling with Existing Management Systems.” Marine Policy 36:1–10.

Aswani, S, A. Diedrich, and K. Currier. 2015 “Planning for the Future: Mapping Anticipated Environmental and Social Impacts in a Nascent Tourism Destination.” Society and Natural Resources. .

Aswani, S. C. Flores, and B. R. Broitman. 2015 “Human Harvesting Impacts on Managed Areas: Ecological Effects of Socially– Compatible Shellfish Reserves. Review in Fish Biology and Fisheries 25:217–230. .

Aswani, S., and T. Furusawa. 2007 “Do Marine Protected Areas Affect Human Health and Nutrition? A Comparison between Villages in Roviana, Solomon Islands.” Coastal Management 35 (5):545–565.

Aswani, S., G. G. Gurney, S. Mulville, J. Matera, and M. Gurven. 2013 “Insights from Experimental Economics on Local Cooperation in Small-scale Fisheries Management.” Global Environmental Change 23:1402–1409.

Aswani, S., and R. Hamilton. 2004 “Integrating Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Customary Sea Tenure with Marine and Social Science for Conservation of Bumphead Parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) in the Roviana Lagoon, Solomon Islands.” Environmental Conservation 31 (1):69–83. 2004 “The Value of Many Small vs. Few Large Marine Protected Areas in the Western Solomons.” Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 16:3–14.

Aswani, S., and M. Lauer. 2006 “Benthic Mapping using Local Aerial Photo Interpretation and Resident Taxa Inventories for Designing Marine Protected Areas.” Environmental Conservation 33 (3):263–273. 2006 “Incorporating Fishermen’s Local Knowledge and Behavior into Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Designing Marine Protected Areas in Oceania.” Human Organization 65 (1):80–102. 2014 “Indigenous People’s Detection of Rapid Ecological Change.” Conservation Biology 28:820–828.

Aswani, S, M. Lauer, P. Weiant, N. Talhouk, L. Geelen, C. Gunther, and S. Herman.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2004 “The Roviana and Vonavona Marine Resource Management Project, Final Report 2002/2004.” Department of Anthropology, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Aswani, S., P. J. Mumby, A. C. Baker, P. Christie, L. J. McCook, R. S. Steneck, and R. H. Richmond. 2015 “Scientific Frontiers for the Management of Coral Reefs.” Frontiers in Marine Science 2:50. .

Aswani, S., and K. Ruddle. 2013 “The Design of Realistic Hybrid Marine Resource Management Programs in Oceania.” Pacific Science 67:461–476.

Aswani, S., and A. Sabetian. 2010 “Urbanization and Implications for Artisanal Parrotfish Fisheries in the Western Solomon Islands.” Conservation Biology 24:520–530.

Aswani, S., and P. Sheppard. 2013 “The Archaeology and Ethnohistory of Exchange in Precolonial and Colonial Roviana: Gift, Commodities, and Inalienable Possessions.” Current Anthropology 44:51–78.

Aswani, S., and I. Vaccaro. 2008 “Lagoon Ecology and Social Strategies: Habitat Diversity and Ethnobiology.” Human Ecology 36:325–341.

Aswani, S., I. Vaccaro, K. Abernethy, S. Albert, and J. Fernandez. 2015 “Can Perceptions of Environmental and Climate Change in Island Communities Assist in Adaptation Planning Locally?” Environmental Management 56 (6):487–501 .

Aswani, S., I. van Putten, and S. Miñarro. 2017 “Ecological and Social Recovery Asymmetries to Large-Scale Environmental Disturbances in Small Island Communities.” Natural Hazards 86 (1):241–262. .

Aswani, S., and P. Weiant. 2003 “Shellfish Monitoring and Women’s Participatory Management in Roviana, Solomon Islands.” SPC Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin 12:3–11. 2004 “Scientific Evaluation in Women’s Participatory Management: Monitoring Marine Invertebrate Refugia in the Solomon Islands.” Human Organization 63 (3):301–319.

Austin, Robert. 2011 Handicrafts of the Solomon Islands. Noumea: Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

Australian Government, AusAID. 2003 Aid Budget Summary 2003–04. Canberra: AusAid and Australian Government. Filed in Solomons Reports and Papers IV.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2003 Papua New Guinea and the Pacific: A Development Perspective. Canberra: AusAid and Australian Government. 2003 “Solomon Islands and Australian Aid.” . 2004 “Solomon Islands: Establishing the Peace.” Focus 19 (1):15–20. 2004 “Solomon Islands Provincial Governance Information Paper.” Canberra: AusAID. 2005 Solomon Islands Institutional Strengthening of Land Administration Project II. Temporary Occupation Licenses (TOLs). Milestone Report No. 7, 2005–2006. Canberra: AusAID. 2006 “Solomon Islands Forestry Management Project II: National Forest Resource Assessment Update 2006.” Canberra: AusAID. 2006 Solomon Islands: Transitional Country Strategy 2006 to Mid–2007. Canberra: AusAID. 2006 Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study, Volume 1: Main Findings and Recommendations (authors: R. M. Bourke, A. McGregor, M. G. Allen, B. F. Mullen, A. A. Pollard, M. Wairiu, and S. Zotalis). Canberra: AusAID. 2006 Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study, Volume 2: Subsistence Production, Livestock and Social Analysis (authors: T. Janesen, B. F. Mullen, A. A. Pollard, R. K. Maemouri, C. Watoto, and E. Iramu). Canberra: AusAID. 2006 Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study, Volume 3: Markets and Marketing Issues (author: A. McGregor). Canberra: AusAID. 2006 Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study, Volume 4: Provincial Reports (authors: M. G. Allen, R. M. Bourke, B. R. Evans, E. Iramu, R. K. Maemouri, B. F. Mullen, A. A. Pollard, M. Wiriu, C. Watoto, and S. Zotalis). Canberra: AusAID. 2006 Solomon Islands Smallholder Agriculture Study, Volume 5: Literature Review: A Brief National Assessment of the Agriculture Sector (author: B. R. Evans). Canberra: AusAID. 2007 South Pacific Migration: New Zealand Experience and Implications for Australia. Canberra: AusAID. 2008 Making Land Work, Volume 1: Reconciling Customary Land and Development in the Pacific. Canberra: AusAID. 2012 Organisational Capacity Building: Evaluation of Australian Law and Justice Assistance. Canberra: AusAID. 2013 Youth in Solomon Islands: A Participatory Study of Issues, Needs and Priorities. Canberra: AusAID.

Australian Government, Australian Civil-Military Centre. 2012 “Partnering for Peace: Australia’s Peacekeeping Experiences in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea, and in Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste.” Canberra: Australian Civil-Military Centre, Australian Government.

Australian Government, Australian Strategic Policy Institute. 2003 Our Failing Neighbour: Australia and the Future of the Solomon Islands. Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute. 2004 Scoping Studies: New Thinking on Security. Canberra: Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 2004 Solomon Islands: Rebuilding an Island Economy. Canberra: Australian Government, Economic Analytical Unit, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2006 Solomon Islands Forestry Management Project II: National Forest Resource Assessment, Update 2006. Canberra: Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. 2013 Aid Program Performance Report 2012–13 Solomon Islands. Canberra: Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. . 2015 Aid Investment Plan Solomon Islands: 2015–16 to 2018–19: Strategic Priorities and Rationale. Canberra: Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. .

Australian Government, High Court. 2011 Moti, Julian Ronald v the Queen. HCA 50 (7 December 2011) on appeal from the Supreme Court of Queensland. .

Australian Government, Senate. 2003 A Pacific Engaged: Australia’s Relations with Papua New Guinea and the Island States of the South-West Pacific. Canberra: Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, Senate Printing Unit.

Averre, Kenneth Hall. 2008 “The Tension Trials: A Defence Lawyer’s Perspective of Post Conflict Intervention in Solomon Islands.” State Society and Governance in Melanesia Working Paper No. 3. Canberra: Australian National University.

Ayson, Robert. 2007 “The ‘Arc of Instability’ and Australia’s Strategic Policy.” Australian Journal of International Affairs 61 (2):215–231.

Babadzan, Alain. 2004 “Commentary: Kastom as Culture?” Anthropological Theory 4 (3):325–328.

Baines, Graham. 2014 “Beneath the State: Chiefs of Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands, Coping and Adapting.” Society and Governance in Melanesia Working Paper No. 2. Canberra: Australian National University. . 2015 “Solomon Islands Is Unprepared to Manage a Minerals-Based Economy.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Discussion Paper No. 6. Canberra: Australian National University. .

Baker, David.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2005 “Policing Vulnerable States.” In Securing a Peaceful Pacific, edited by John and Greg Watson Henderson, 223–228. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press.

Banivanua-Mar, Tracey. 2007 Violence and Colonial Dialogue: The Australian-Pacific Labour Trade. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press.

Barbara, Julien, Meg Keen, and Jessica Carpenter. 2016 “Visions for Henderson: A Workshop on Managing Peri-Urban Growth in Solomon Islands.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, In Brief No. 32. Canberra: Australian National Univerwsity. .

Barbier, E. B., E. W. Koch, B. R. Silliman, S. D. Hacker, E. Wolanski, J. Primavera, E. F. Granek, S. Polasky, S. Aswani, L. A. Cramer, D. M. Stoms, C. J. Kennedy, D. Bael, C. V. Kappel, G.M.E. Perillo, and D. J. Reed. 2008 “Coastal Ecosystem-based Management with Non-linear Ecological Functions and Values.” Science 319:321–323. . 2008 “Ecological Quality Changes Precede Changes in Quantity in Mangrove Forests—Eletter Response.” Science . 2008 “Vegetation’s Role in Coastal Protection—Response.” Science 320:177–177.

Barclay, Kate. 2004 “Mixing Up: Social Contact and Modernization in a Japanese Joint Venture in the Solomon Islands.” Critical Asian Studies 36 (4):507–540. 2004 “Regional Integration and Dis–Integration in the Pacific: Economic Articulations.” In Globalization, Regionalization and Domestic Trajectories in Pacific Rim: The Economic Impact, edited by M. Falck and A. Santa Cruz. Guadalajara, Mexico: University of Guadalajara Press. 2005 “Tuna Dreams Revisited: Economic Contributions from a Tuna Enterprise in Solomon Islands.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 20 (3):78–93. 2006 “Between Modernity and Primitivity: Okinawan Identity in Relation to Japan and the South Pacific.” Nations and Nationalism 12 (1):117–138. 2007 “Governance of Tuna Industries: The Key to Economic Viability and Sustainability in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.” Marine Policy 31:348–358. 2007 A Japanese Joint Venture in the Pacific: Foreign Bodies in Tinned Tuna. London: Routledge. 2008 “Fisheries and Aquaculture.” In Solomon Islands Diagnostic Trade Integration Study, edited by D. Gay. Honiara: United Nations Development Programme. . 2008 “Fishing. Western, Japanese and Islander Perceptions of Ecology and Modernization in the Pacific.” Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. . 2010 “Impacts of Tuna Industries on Coastal Communities in Pacific Island Countries.” Marine Policy, 34 (3):406–413.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2012 “Development and Negative Constructions of Ethnic Identity: Responses to Asian Fisheries Investment in the Pacific.” Contemporary Pacific 24 (1):33–63. 2013 “Transforming Tuna Fisheries in Pacific Island Countries: An Alternative Model of Development.” Report commissioned by Greenpeace Australia Pacific. . 2014 “History of Industrial Tuna Fishing in the Pacific Islands.” In Historical Perspectives of Fisheries Exploitation in the Indo-Pacific, edited by J. Christensen, and M. Tull. MARE Series, vol. 12, Springer, Dordrecht.

Barclay, Kate, and I. Cartwright. 2007 Capturing Wealth from Tuna: Economic Development Issues for Pacific Island Countries. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press, Australian National University.

Barclay, K., and J. Kinch. 2013 “Local Capitalisms: Sustainability in Coastal Fisheries.” In Engaging with Capitalism: Cases from Oceania, edited by F. McCormack and K. Barclay. Research in Economic Anthropology Series No. 33. Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Barclay, K., A. Payne, and S. Mauli. 2015 “Gleaner, Fisher, Trader, Processor: Towards Gender-Equitable Fisheries Management and Development in Solomon Islands.” Report commissioned by the World Bank. Synthesis report available at: .

Batley, James. 2015 “Constituency Development Funds in Solomon Islands: State of Play.” In State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, In Brief No. 67. .

Batten, Aaron, and Satish Chand. 2008 “Rolling RAMSI Forward: Some Ideas from the Literature.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 23 (1):128–146.

Bayliss–Smith, Tim. 2014 “Colonialism as Shell Shock: W.H.R. Rivers’s Explanations for Depopulation in Melanesia.” In The Ethnographic Experiment: A. M. Hocart and W.H.R Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908, edited by Edvard Hviding and Cato Berg, 179–214. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books. 2015 “Population Decline in Island Melanesia: Aphrodisian Cultural Practices, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Low Fertility.” Sex, Disease and Fertility in History Conference, University of Cambridge. .

Bayliss–Smith, Tim, and Judith A. Bennett, eds.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2012 An Otago Storeman in Solomon Islands: The Dairy of William Crossan, Copra Trader, 1885– 86. Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Bayliss–Smith, Tim, and Edvard Hviding. 2012 “Irrigated Taro, Malaria and the Expansion of Chiefdoms: Ruta in New Georgia, Solomon Islands.” In Irrigated Cultivation of Colocasia esculenta in the Indo–Pacific. Biological Social and Historical Perspectives, edited by Matthew Spriggs, David Addison, and Peter J. Matthews, 219–254. Senri Ethnological Studies 78. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. 2014 “Taro Terraces, Chiefdoms and Malaria: Explaining Landesque Capital Formation in Solomon Islands,” in Landesque Capital: The Historical Ecology of Enduring Landscape Modifications, edited by N. Thomas Håkansson and Mats Widgren, 75–97. New Frontiers in Historical Ecology. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Bayliss–Smith, Tim, Katherine V. Gough, Andreas Egelund Christensen, and Soren Pilgaard Kristensen. 2010 “Managing Ontong Java: Social Institutions for Production and Governance of Atoll Resources in Solomon Islands.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 31:55–69.

Bayliss–Smith, T. P., Edvard Hviding, and T. C. Whitmore. 2003 “Rainforest Composition and Histories of Human Disturbance in Solomon Islands.” Ambio 32 (5):346–352.

Bck, Sanders, Joseph Kennedy Clq, Susi Loki Clq, Sophia Jane Ivaio, Leonard Menrluz, and Frank Bollon Yrpusz. 2004 Buk Kc Kai Mz Nzrlwxngr Mz Natqgu/The First Book for Reading in Natqgu (An alphabet primer for beginning readers.), edited by Brenda H. Boerger. [Published and distributed locally to the Natqgu-speaking community.]

Beaufort, Andrew James. 2012 “Elites and the Modern State in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.” MA thesis, University of Canterbury.

Beck, Stephen. 2009 “Maritime Mechanisms of Contact and Change: Archaeological Perspectives on the History and Conduct of the Queensland Labour Trade.” PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Bedford, Charlotte Elisabeth. 2013 “Picking Winners? New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employers (RSE) Policy and Its Impact of Employers, Pacific Workers and Their Island-Based Communities.” PhD thesis, University of Adelaide.

Bedford, Stuart, William R. Dickinson, Robert C. Green, and Graeme K. Ward. 2009 “Detritus of Empire: Seventeenth Century Spanish Pottery from , Southeast Solomon Islands, and Mota, Northern .” Journal of the Polynesian Society 118 (1):69–90.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Bedford, Stuart, and Christophe Sand. 2007 “Lapita and Western Pacific Settlement: Progress, Prospects and Persistent Problems.” In Oceanic Explorations: Lapita and Western Pacific Settlement, Terra Australis, vol. 26, edited by Stuart Bedford, Christophe Sand, and Sean P. Connaughton, 1–15. Canberra: Australian National University E Press.

Bedford, Stuart, Christophe Sand, and Sean P. Connaughton, eds. 2007 Oceanic Explorations: Lapita and Western Pacific Settlement, Terra Australis, vol. 26. Canberra: Australian National University Press. .

Bellona and Rennell, Solomon Islands Website. .

Belshaw, Cyril. 2010 Bumps on a Long Road. Vancouver: Webzines.

Bennett, G., P. Cohen, A. M. Schwartz, J. Albert, S. Lawless, C. Paul, Z. Hilly. 2014 Solomon Islands: Western Province Situation Analysis. CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agriculture Systems. Penang: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. .

Bennett, Judith A. 2003 “Local Resource Use in the Pacific War with Japan: Logging in Western Melanesia.” War and Society 21 (1):83–118. 2005 “Big Picture, Myopic Gaze: Histories of the Solomons’ Crisis.” Journal of Pacific Studies 28 (1):118–133. 2005 “From Ignorance to Intervention: The Role of Australia.” In Securing a Peaceful Pacific, edited by John Henderson and Greg Watson, 430–441. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press. 2006 “Gorai and Population Decline in the Shortlands: A Reply to Peter Sack.” Journal of Pacific History 41 (1):97–102. . 2006 “Malaria, Medicine, and : Contested Hybrid Spaces in World War II.” Health and History 8 (1):27–55. . 2009 Natives and Exotics: World War II and Environment in the Southern Pacific. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press. 2014 “A Vanishing People or a Vanishing Discourse? W.H.R. Rivers’s ‘Psychological Factor’ and the Depopulation of the Solomon Islands and the New Hebrides.” In The


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Ethnographic Experiment: A. M. Hocart and W.H.R. Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908, edited by E. Hviding and C. Berg, 214–251. New York: Berghahn Books. 2015 “John Burke, Historian and Collector: Taking Solomon Islands Back to the United States after World War II.” In Ocean Journeys and Sojourns: Home Thoughts Abroad, edited by Judith A. Bennett, 246–275. Dunedin: University of Otago Press, 2015. 2015 “Seeking the Heart of Mobility.” In Oceanian Journeys and Sojourns: Home Thoughts Abroad, edited by J. A. Bennett, 10–36. Dunedin: Otago University Press. 2016 “The Solomon Islands: Off the Radar.” In Mothers’ Darlings on the South Pacific: The Children of Indigenous Women and U.S. Servicemen, World War II, edited by J. A. Bennett and Angela Wanhalla, 228–242. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press.

Berg, Cato. 2008 “‘A Chief Is a Chief Whereever He Goes’: Land and Lines of Power in Vella Lavelle, Solomon Islands.” PhD thesis, University of Bergen. 2014 “Appendix 2: Materials in Archives from the 1908 Percy Sladen Trust Expedition.” In The Ethnographic Experiment: A. M. Hocart and W.H.R Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908, edited by Edvard Hviding and Cato Berg, 291–294. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books. 2014 “The Genealogical Method: Reconsidered.” In The Ethnographic Experiment: A. M. Hocart and W.H.R Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908, edited by Edvard Hviding and Cato Berg, 108–131. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.

Beu, Charles Brown, and Rosalyn Nokise, eds. 2009 Mission in the Midst of Conflict: Stories from the Solomon Islands. Suva, : Pacific Theological College.

Beuka, R. D. 2008 “The Educational and Career Aspirations of Solomon Island’s Parents for Their Children.” MA thesis, University of Waikato. .

Blain, Michael. 2017 “The Blain Biographical Directory of Anglican Clergy in the Pacific.” Project Canterbury. .

Boege, Volker. 2008 “A Promising Liaison: Kastom and State in Bougainville.” Occasional Paper Series. Brisbane: Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Queensland. .

Boege, Volker, M. Anne Brown, Kevin P. Clements, and Anna Nolan. 2008 “States Emerging from Hybrid Political Orders—Pacific Experiences.” Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, Occasional Paper Series No. 11, September. Brisbane: Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Queensland.

Boerger, Brenda H. 2007 “Natqgu Literacy: Capturing Three Domains for Written Language Use.” Language Documentation and Conservation 1 (2):126–153. .


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2009 “Trees of Santa Cruz Island and Their Metaphors.” Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Symposium about Language and Society—Austin, Texas Linguistics Forum 53:100–109. Austin: University of Texas Press. . 2015 “ Translation as Natqgu Language and Culture Advocacy.” In Language Vitality through Bible Translation, edited by Marianne Beerle-Moor and Vitaly Voinov, 145–176. Peter Lang: Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics. [Includes effects of language development on Natqgu vitality.] 2016 “Freeing Biblical to Sing.” Open Theology 2:179–203. Topical issue on Bible translation, edited by Mark L. Strauss. . [Includes translation issues in Natqgu poetry.]

Boerger, Brenda H., ed. 2008 Nzryrngrkxtr Kc Ate, Ruth x Sam/The Later Holy Writings, Ruth and . Dallas: Wycliffe Bible Translators. [Available to Natqgu-speaking community.]

Boerger, Brenda H., Åshild Næss, Anders Vaa, Rachel Emerine, and Angela Hoover. 2012 “Sociological Factors in Reefs-Santa Cruz Language Vitality: 40 Years Later.” In “Language Use in Melanesia,” special issue of International Journal of the Sociology of Language, edited by M. Lynn Landweer and Peter Unseth, 214:111–152. .

Boerger, Brenda H., Stephen N. Self, Sarah Ruth Moeller, and D. Will Reiman. 2016 Language and Culture Documentation Manual. LeanPub. . [Includes multiple stories about Natqgu work.]

Boerger, Brenda H., and Gabrielle Zimmerman. 2012 “Recognizing Nalögo and Natügu as Separate Languages: Code-splitting in ISO 639–3.” Language and Linguistics in Melanesia 30 (1):96–133. .

Boerger, Daniel, and Brenda H. Boerger, eds. 2005 Review Edition of the Natqgu New Testament and Psalms, with Natqgu-English and English- Natqgu spelling dictionary. [Distributed locally.]

Bond, Nathan, and Jaap Timmer. 2017 “Wonderous Geographies and Historicity for State-building on Malaita, Solomon Islands.” Journal of Religious and Political Practice 3 (3):136–55.

Bonshek, Elizabeth. 2009 “A Personal Narrative of Particular Things: Feather Money from Santa Cruz.” Australian Journal of Anthropology 20:74–92. 2016 “Making Museum Objects: Objects as Silent Metaphors for Connection and Loss. An Example from the Solomon Islands.” In Beyond Memory: Silence and the Aesthetics of Remembrance, edited by Alexandre Dessingué and Jay Winter. Routledge: Abingdon.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2017 Collected: Raymond Firth and the Creation of Cultural Heritage from Solomon Islands. Canon Pyon, Herefordshire: Sean Kingston Publishing.

Bosamata, J. 2011 “Induction Experiences of Beginning Secondary Teachers in Solomon Islands.” MA thesis, University of Waikato. .

Bowtell, Bill. 2007 “HIV/AIDS: The Looming Asia Pacific Pandemic.” In Policy Brief, 15 February. Sydney: Lowy Institute for International Policy. .

Braga, Stuart. 2003 A Century of Preaching Christ: Katoomba Christian Convention, 1903–2003. Sydney: Katoomba Christian Convention.

Braithwaite, John. 2003 “The Fundamentals of Restorative Justice.” In A Kind of Mending: Restorative Justice in the Pacific Islands, edited by Sinclair Dinnen, Anita Jowitt, and Tess Newton Cain, 33–43. Canberra: Pandanus Press.

Braithwaite, John, Sinclair Dinnen, Matthew Allen, Valeria Braithwaite, and Hilary Charlesworth. 2010 Pillars and Shadows: Statebuilding as Peacebuilding in Solomon Islands. Canberra: Australian National University E Press.

Breen, Bob 2016 The Good Neighbour: Australian Peace Support Operations in the Pacific Islands 1980–2006. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Bretherton, Diane, and Anouk Ride. 2012 “Disasters, Psychology and Social Justice.” In Praegar Handbook of Social Justice and Psychology, edited by C. Johnson and H. Friedman. New York: Praegar.

Breuning-Madsen, Henrik, Thilde Bruun, and Bo Elberling. 2010 “An Indigenous Soil Classification System for —A Raised Atoll in Solomon Islands.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 31:85–99.

Brewer, Tom. 2007 “The Role of Environment, Resource Use, and Market Connectivity on Reef Fishery Resources in the Solomon Islands.” BSc Honours thesis, School of Integrative Biology, University of Queensland. 2014 “Coral Reef Fish Value Chains in Solomon Islands: Market Opportunities and Market Effects on Fish Stocks. Report to Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and Secretariat of the Pacific Community. ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University.

Brigg, Morgan.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2009 “Wantokism and State Building in the Solomon Islands: A Response to Fukuyama.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 24 (3):148–161.

Brigg, M., W. C. Chadwick, S. Mannie Griggers, and J. Murdock. 2015 Solomon Island National Peace Council: Inter-Communal Mediation. Sharing and Exploring Pacific Approaches to Dialogue: A Compendium of Case Studies from Pacific Island Countries. Suva, Fiji: United Nations Development Programme in Asia and the Pacific. 2015 Sycamore Tree Restorative Justice Programme Solomon Islands. Sharing and Exploring Pacific Approaches to Dialogue: A Compendium of Case Studies from Pacific Island Countries. Suva, Fiji: United Nations Development Programme in Asia and the Pacific.

Brigg, M., W. C. Chadwick, J. Murdock Griggers, and T. Vienings. 2015 Dialogue on Governance and Peace: Choiseul and Western Province, Solomon Islands. Sharing and Exploring Pacific Approaches to Dialogue: A Compendium of Case Studies from Pacific Island Countries. Suva, Fiji: United Nations Development Programme in Asia and the Pacific. 2015 Solomon Island Government–Guadalcanal Provincial Government Dialogue: Reconciliation Dialogue. Suva, Fiji: United Nations Development Programme in Asia and the Pacific. 2015 Women and Peace: The Role of Solomon Islands Women in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. Sharing and Exploring Pacific Approaches to Dialogue: A Compendium of Case Studies from Pacific Island Countries. Suva, Fiji: United Nations Development Programme in Asia and the Pacific.

Brounéus, Karen. 2016 Truth for Peace? Exploring the Links between the Solomon Islands’ TRC Process and People’s Attitudes towards Peace. A Report for the Solomon Islands Government and Ministries. University of Otago: New Zealand.

Brown, Jason. 2003 “Australia’s Regional Push Risks a Backlash.” Islands Business, September:20.

Brown, Kenneth, and Jennifer Corrin. 2005 “Putting Asunder: Divorce and Ancillary Relief in Solomon Islands.” Oxford University Commonwealth Law Review 5 (1):85–111.

Brown, Terry M. 2003 “Building a Strategy for the Solomons.” Australian Financial Review, 18 July. 2004 “The Role of Religious Communities in Peacemaking: Solomon Islands.” Anglican Religious Life Journal No. 1, Canterbury Press. . 2005 “Christian Contextual Theology: A Pacific Example.” Pacific Journal of Theology, Series II (33). [on Sabbath-keeping Anglicans of Malaita] 2005 “Current Issues in Solomon Islands Politics: RAMSI and Beyond.” Paper presented at the State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Conference, Australian National University, Canberra, 7 July. 2005 “Justice and Ambiguity: The Australia–Solomon Islands Relationship Today.” Common Theology 1 (10):5–10.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2005 Review of “Manipulation of Custom (J. Fraenkel).”New Zealand Journal of History 39 (2). 2006 “The Church of Melanesia.” In The Oxford Guide to the Book of Common Prayer: A Worldwide Survey, edited by Charles Hefling and Cynthia Shattuck. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2006 “Personhood as a Tool to Reflect upon Communion.” Anglican Theological Review 88 (2):163–179. [Based on first of two lectures given at an Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand, and Polynesia theological hui at St. John’s College, Auckland, 2005. Both lectures are online at: . 2007 “A Reflection on Solomon Island Politics.” Paper presented at the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Queensland. Brisbane. 2008 “Service Delivery and Community-level Dynamics: The Role of the Churches and Traditional Social Structures.” World Bank Roundtable on Solomon Islands, Sydney, 5–6 September. 2010 “ the Golden: Cargoistic Thinking and Current Malaitan Expectations of Wealth.” British Museum Seminar, London. 2010 “RAMSI in Solomon Islands: From Success to Emerging Failure.” European Society for Oceanists Conference Paper. St Andrew’s University, Scotland. 2013 “Pacific Anglicanism: Online Bibliographical Resources.” Contemporary Pacific 25 (2):342–348. 2015 “Jerusalem and Malaita: The Visions and Prophecies of George Umai of West Kwara`ae, Malaita, Solomon Islands.” “Descent from Israel and Jewish Identities in the Pacific, Past and Present.” Special issue of Oceania, edited by Terry Brown and Lynda Newland, 85 (3):283–298. 2015 “Solomon Islands.” In Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices, edited by Thomas Riggs. Gale Cengage Learning. 2017 “The Solomon Islands ‘Ethnic Tension’ Conflict and the Solomon Islands Truth and Reconciliation Commission: A Personal Reflection.” In Flowers in the Wall: Truth and Reconciliation in East Timor, Indonesia and Melanesia, edited by David Webster. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.

Brown, Terry M., and Lynda Newland, eds. 2015 “Descent from Israel and Jewish Identities in the Pacific, Past and Present.” Special issue of Oceania 85 (3).

Bryant-Tokalau, Jenny. 2011 “Artificial and Recycled Islands in the Pacific: Myths and Mythology of ‘Plastic Fantastic.’” Journal of the Polynesian Society 120 (1):71–86.

Buchanan-Aruwafu, Holly R., Rose Maebiru, and Francis Aruwafu. 2003 “Stiki Lole: Language and the Mediation of Desire in , Malaita, Solomon Islands.” Culture, Health and Sexuality 5 (3):219–235.

Buckius, C., S. Albert, I. Tibbetts, and J. Udy. 2010 “Effect of Diel Activity Patterns and Harvesting Pressure on the Diversity and Biomass of Sea Cucumbers in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands.” Environmental Management 45 (5):963–973.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Burt, Ben. 2008 “Cultural Research as Exchange.” In Les Cahiers du CIÉRA: La restitution du patrimoine matériel et immatériel: Regards Croisés Canada/Mélanésie, edited by Frédéric Laugrand and Pierre Maranda Florence Dupré, 115–130. Québec: Centre interuniversitaire d’études et des researches autochtones, Université Laval. 2010 “Body ornaments of Solomon Islands.” In Berg Encyclopaedia of World Dress and Fashion Volume 7, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, 488–492 Oxford: Berg. 2013 “Introduction: Solomon Islands.” In Melanesia: Arts and Encounter, edited by Lissant Bolton, Nicholas Thomas, Elizabeth Bonshek, Julie Adams, and Ben Burt, 191–195. London: British Museum Press. 2013 “Tracing Artefacts from the Melanesian Mission.” In Melanesia: Arts and Encounter, edited by Lissant Bolton, Nicholas Thomas, Elizabeth Bonshek, Julie Adams, and Ben Burt, 240–243. London: British Museum Press. 2013 “Wheeler’s Collection from the Shortlands—and Beyond.” In Melanesia: Arts and Encounter, edited by Lissant Bolton, Nicholas Thomas, Elizabeth Bonshek, Julie Adams, and Ben Burt, 197–198. London: British Museum Press. 2014 “Les Maisons-sanctuaires des Kwara’ae a Malaita.” In L'éclat des ombres: L'art en noir et blanc des îles Salomon, 74–79. Paris: Editions d’Art Somogy SAS. 2014 “Parures corporelles de Malaita.” In L'éclat des ombres. L'art en noir et blanc des îles Salomon, 101–109. Paris: Editions d’Art Somogy SAS. 2015 “A Bird of the Net, Solomon Islands.” In Trophies, Relics and Curios? Missionary heritage from African and the Pacific, edited by K. Jacobs, C. Knowles, and C. Wingfield, 79–84. Leiden: Sidestone Press. 2015 Malaita: A Pictorial History from Solomon Islands. London: British Museum Press.

Burt, Ben, with David Akin, and Michael Kwa`ioloa. 2009 Body Ornaments of Malaita, Solomon Islands. London: British Museum Press.

Burt, Ben, and Lissant Bolton. 2014 “Introduction: Solomon Islands Artefact Traditions and Their Historical Transformations.” In The Things We Value: Culture and History in Solomon Islands, edited by Ben Burt, and Lissant Bolton, 1–13. Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston Publishing.

Burt, Ben, and Lissant Bolton, eds. 2014 The Things We Value: Culture and History in Solomon Islands. Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston Publishing.

Bush, Kenneth, and Sue Le Mesurier. 2004 “Solomon Islands Peace and Conflict Development Analysis: Emerging Priorities in Preventing Future Conflict.” United Nations Development Programme with the support of the Department of National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace, and the National Peace Council.

Bush, Kenneth, with inputs from Madett Virola-Gardiola, and Myn Garcia.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2004 “‘Linking the Cultural and the Technical’: Building a Culture of Peace and Applying Peace and Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA).” Workshop Report. Habarana, Sri Lanka: OXFAM and the Asia Foundation, 24–28 May.

Butcher, Mike. 2012 ‘…When the long trick’s over’: Donald Kennedy in the Pacific. Kennington, Vic.: Holland House Publishing.

Butler, Anita. 2008 “The Unrest in Honiara—An Australian Government Perspective.” In Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands, edited by Stuart Firth and Sinclair Dinnen, 269–275. Canberra: Australian National University E Press and Asia Pacific Press.

Callick, Rowan. 2003 “Australia’s Changing Stance on the Solomons: ‘If We Do Nothing, No One Will.’” Islands Business, July:36. 2003 “Standing Firm despite Pressure: Governor Rick Hou and the Central Bank.” Islands Business, September:28, 30.

Calvert, Ashton. 2004 “Australia’s Foreign Policy Priorities.” New Zealand International Review 29 (1):25–28.

Campbell, Ian C. 2007 “To Not Reinstate the Past: Wartime Optimism and Planning for the Protectorate.” Journal of Pacific History 42 (1):55–72.

Campbell, Thomas W. 2003 “The Hidden Lives of Helen Leishman.” Women Church: An Australian Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 33:13–17. .

Car, James Revell. 2006 “In the Wake of John Kanaka: Musical Interactions Between Euro-American Sailors and Pacific Islanders, 1600–1900.” PhD thesis, University of California, Santa Barbara.”

Carpenter, Jessica. 2016 “What’s in the News? Urban Issues in Solomon Star Online Reporting, 2014–2016.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, In Brief No. 29. Canberra: Australian National University. . 2017 “Gender Matters: Insights into Men’s and Women’s Experiences Living in Honiara.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, In Brief. Canberra: Australian National University (in press).

Carpenter, Jessica, and Jenny Munro.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2016 “Women’s Livelihoods in Honiara Settlements.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, In Brief No. 31. Canberra: Australian National University. .

Carter, Richard Anthony. 2006 In Search of the Lost: The Death and Life of Seven Peacemakers of the Melanesian Brotherhood. Norwich: Canterbury Press.

Cass, Philip. 2004 “Media Ownership and Democracy.” Pacific Journalism Review 10 (2):82–110.

Chambers, Mary. 2013 “Discontunuity and the Spirits of Ranongga.” In Melanesia: Art and Encounter, edited by Lissant Bolton, Nicholas Thomas, Elizabeth Bonshek, Julie Adams, and Ben Burt, 221– 224. London: British Museum Press.

Chand, Anand, David G. Leeming, Edo Stork, Alan Agassi, and Randall Biliki. 2005 “The Impact of ICT on Rural Development in Solomon Islands: The PFNet Case.” In ICT Capacity Building at USP Project. Suva, Fiji: University of the South Pacific.

Chand, Satish. 2003 “Resuscitating the Solomon Islands Economy.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 18 (2):29–38. 2005 “Facing Up to the Challenges of development in Solomon Islands.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 20 (2):1–17. 2008 “Risks and Rewards of Allowing Seasonal Workers from the Pacific into Australia.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 23 (2):226–229.

Chand, Satish, and Charles Yala. 2008 “Informal Land Systems with Urban Settlements in Honiara and Port Moresby.” In Making Land Work, Volume 2: Case Studies on Customary Land and Development, edited by Steven Wawrzonek, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Theo Levantis, and Peter O'Connor, 85–106. Canberra: AusAID.

Chaning–Pearce, John. 2009 “Recollections of My Family’s Early Years in the British Solomon Islands.” UnaVoce 4:60–63.

Chappell, David. 2005 “‘Africanizaion’ in the Pacific: Blaming Others for Disorder in the Periphery?” Comparative Studies in Society and History 47 (2):286–317.

Chevalier, Christopher. 2006 Tracing Their Steps: Training Outcomes of Rural Training Centre Graduates in Solomon Islands. Honiara: European Union. 2014 “Obituary: John Roughan.” Journal of Pacific History 50 (4):533–542.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2015 “Understanding Solomon: Writing the Life of .” In Political Life Writing in the Pacific Islands, edited by Brij Lal and Jack Crawford, 33–46, Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Chevalier C., G. Tahu, L. Russell, and A. Dundas. 2009 Stayin’ Alive: Social Research on Urban Livelihoods. Sydney: Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA.

Christ, James F. 2007 Battalion of the Damned: The 1st Paratroopers at Gavutu and Bloody Ridge, 1942. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press.

Christensen, Andreas E. 2010 “Making an Island Living: Continuity and Change on Ontong Java, Solomon Islands.” PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen. 2011 “Marine Gold and Atoll Livelihoods: The Rise and Fall of the Bêche–de–mer Trade on Ontong Java, Solomons Islands.” Natural Resources Forum 35:9–20.

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Corrin, Jennifer, and Don Paterson.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2007 Introduction to South Pacific Law, 2nd ed. UK: Routledge-Cavendish. 2011 Introduction to South Pacific Law, 3rd ed. UK: Palgrave MacMillan. 2016 Introduction to South Pacific Law, 4th ed. Intersentia.

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2003 “Restorative Justice in the Pacific Islands: An Introduction.” In A Kind of Mending: Restorative Justice in the Pacific Islands, edited by Sinclair Dinnen, Anita Jowitt, and Tess Newton Cain, 1–34. Canberra: Pandanus Books. 2004 “Aid Effectiveness and Australia’s New Interventionism in the Southwest Pacific.” Development Bulletin 65:76–80. 2004 “Australia’s New Interventionism in the Southwest Pacific.” In Governance Challenges for PNG and the Pacific Islands, edited by Nancy Sullivan, 59–72. Madang: Divine Word University Press. 2004 “Guns, Money and Politics: Disorder in the Solomon Islands.” In ‘Arc of Instability’? Melanesia in the Early 2000s, edited by R. J. May, 27–40. Christchurch: MacMillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies, University of Canterbury. 2004 “The Trouble with Melanesia.” In The Eye of the Cyclone—Issues in Pacific Security, edited by Ivan Molloy, 67–75. Sippy Downs: Queensland: Pacific Islands Political Studies Association and University of the Sunshine Coast Press. 2006 “Restorative Justice and the Governance of Security in the Southwest Pacific.” In Handbook of Restorative Justice, edited by Dennis Sullivan and Larry Tifft, 401–421. London and New York: Routledge. 2007 “A Comment on State–Building in Solomon Islands.” Journal of Pacific History 42 (2):255–263. 2008 “Beyond State-Centrism: External Solutions and the Governance of Security in Melanesia.” In Intervention and State-Building in the Pacific: The Legitimacy of ‘Cooperative Intervention’, edited by Greg Fry, and Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka, 102–118. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2008 “Dilemmas of Intervention and the Building of State and Nation.” In Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands, edited by Sinclair Dinnen, and Stuart Firth, 1–38. Canberra: Australian National University E Press and Asia Pacific Press. 2008 “Solomon Islands.” In Hot Spot Asia and Oceania, edited by Clinton Fernandes, 201– 227. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 2008 “The Solomon Islands Intervention and the Instabilities of the Post-Colonial State.” Global Change, Peace and Security 20 (3):339–355. 2008 “State-Building in a Post-Colonial Society: The Case of Solomon Islands.” Chicago Journal of International Law 9 (1):51–78. 2009 The Crisis of State in Solomon Islands.” Peace Review 21:70–78 . 2012 “The Solomon Islands: RAMSI, Transition and Future Prospects.” Security Challenges 8 (4):61–71.

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Dinnen, Sinclair, and John Braithwaite. 2008 “Reinventing Policing through the Prism of the Colonial Kiap.” Policing and Society 1– 12.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Dinnen, Sinclair, and Stewart Firth, eds. 2008 Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press.

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Douglas, Ngaire. 2004 “Towards a History of Tourism in Solomon Islands.”“ Journal of Pacific Studies 26 (1– 3):29–49.

Downer, Alexander. 2005 Australia’s Overseas Aid Program, 2005–06. Canberra: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Drumgold, Shane. 2011 Palm Tree Justice: Inside the Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI), edited by Gil Garcon. .

Duncan, Ron, and James Gilling. 2005 “Pacific Island Countries: Analytical Report for the White Paper on Australia’s Aid Programme.” Canberra: AusAID.

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Dyer, Michelle. 2015 “Neoliberalism and the International Gender Development Agenda: Escaping Lyrical Metaphorical Seduction in the Solomon Islands.” Proceedings of The Australian Sociological Association Conference, Cairns, 23–26 November. 2016 “Eating Money: Narratives of Equality on Customary Land in the Context of Natural Resource Extraction in the Solomon Islands.” Australian Journal of Anthropology. . 2017 “Growing Down Like a Banana: Solomon Islands Village Women Changing Gender Norms.” Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 18 (3):193–210.

Emerine, Rachel Dorlene. 2009 “Schools, Marriage, and the Endangerment of the Nagu Language in the Solomon Islands.” MA thesis, California State University, Long Beach. [Also see Rachel Emerine Hicks.]


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Ernst, Manfred. 2006 Globalization and the Reshaping of Christianity in the Pacific Islands. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Theological College.

Evans, Daniel. 2010 “Tensions at the Gold Ridge Mine, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.” Pacific Economic Bulletin 25 (3):121–134. 2015 “Show Me the Selen: A Fiscal Snapshot of Honiara, Solomon Islands.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, In Brief No. 56. Canberra: Australian National University. . 2016 “Forgotten Voices in the Forgotten Conflict: The Role of Children in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in Solomon Islands.” International Journal of Children’s Rights 24:65–92. 2016 “Hard Work: Youth Employment Programming in Honiara, Solomon Islands.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Discussion Paper No. 7. Canberra: Australian National University. . 2017 “Urbanisation.” Background Paper prepared for Solomon Islands Systematic Country Diagnostic. Washington, DC: World Bank Group.

Evans, Daniel, Michael Goddard, and Don Paterson. 2011 “The Hybrid Courts of Melanesia: A Comparative Analysis of Village Courts of Papua New Guinea, Island Courts of Vanuatu and Local Courts of Solomon Islands.” Justice and Development Working Paper Series No. 13. Washington: Legal Vice Presidency, World Bank.

Eves, Richard. 2017 “Conflicts over Credit: Challenges to Women’s Economic Empowerment in Solomon Islands.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, In Brief No. 3. Canberra: Australian National University. .

Fabinyi, M., L. Evans, and S. J. Foale. 2014 “Social-ecological Systems, Social Diversity, and Power: Insights from Anthropology and Political Ecology.” Ecology and Society 19 (4).

Fangalea, Gideon. 2010 “Spirituality: The South Sea Evangelical Church in the Solomon Islands.” Melanesian Journal of Theology 26 (1):5–36.

Fazey, I., M. Kesby, A. Evely, I. Latham, D. Wagatora, J. E. Hagasua, M. S. Reed, and M. Christie. 2010 “A Three-Tiered Approach to Participatory Vulnerability Assessment in the Solomon Island.” Global Environmental Change 20 (4):713–728.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Fazey, I., N. Pettorelli, J. Kenter, D. Wagatora, and D. Schuett. 2011 “Maladaptive Trajectories of Change in Makira, Solomon Islands.” Global Environmental Change 21 (4):1275–1289. .

Feary, Sue, and Jocelyn Lai. 2012 Stori Blo YWCA: A History of the Young Women’s Christian Association in Solomon Islands. Honiara: YWCA.

Feinberg, Richard. 2003 : Polynesian Lifeways for the 21st Century. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. 2003 Polynesian Seafaring and Navigation: Ocean Travel in Anutan Culture and Society. Kent: Kent State University Press [second (paperback) edition]. 2005 (compiler and ed.). A Polynesian Outlier Bibliography. Canberra: Australian National University AnthroGlobe Bibliographies. 2005 “Reflections on the Value of Ethnography.” Anthropological Forum 15 (3):297–306. 2006 “The Changing Role of Music in a Polynesian Outlier Community: Anuta, Solomon Islands.” Anthroglobe Journal. . 2006 “Early European-Polynesian Contact Reenacted: Anutan ‘Handling’ of a Foreign Fishing Vessel.” American Ethnologist 33 (1):114–125. 2006 “Pacific Seafaring.” In Encyclopedia of Anthropology, edited by James Birx, 1798–1799. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. . 2006 “Tikopia.” In Encyclopedia of Anthropology, edited by James Birx, 2191–2196. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 2008 “Anuta.” World Culture Encyclopedia. . 2008 “Polynesian Representations of Geographical and Cosmological Space: Anuta, Solomon Islands.” In Canoes of the Grand Ocean, edited by Anne Di Piazza, and Erik Pearthree, 69–84. Oxford: British Archaeological Research (BAR) Archaeopress. 2009 “Nukumanu Kinship and Contested Cultural Definition.” Journal of the Polynesian Society 118 (3):259–292. 2010 Oral Traditions of Anuta: A Polynesian Outlier in the Solomon Islands (electronic reissue of 1998 print edition). Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics, vol. 15. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2010 “Representaciones polinesias del espacio geográfico y cosmológico.” In Moana: Culturas de las islas del Pacifico, edited by Carlos Mondragon, 33–44. Mexico City: Institute Nacional de Antropologia e Historia (National Museum of Anthropology and History). 2011 Anuta: Polynesian Lifeways for the 21st Century (reissue of 2004 Waveland edition). Kent, OH: Kent State University Press. 2011 “In Search of Te Lapa: A Navigational Enigma in Vaeakau–Taumako, Southeastern Solomon Islands.” Journal of the Polynesian Society 120 (1):57–70. 2011 “Do Anutans Empathize? Morality, Compassion, and Opacity of Other Minds.” In The Anthropology of Empathy: Experiencing the Lives of Others in Pacific Societies, edited by Douglas W. Hollan, and C. Jason Throop, 151–167. ASAO Studies in Pacific Anthropology. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Press. 2013 “Back to Anuta, Part I: 1000 Days for the Planet Log Entry.” Radio Canada, 28 June.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

. 2013 “David M. Schneider.” Encyclopedia of Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology, edited by Jon R. McGee, and Richard L. Warms, 758–761. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 2013 “Marine Resource Conservation and Prospects for Environmental Sustainability on Anuta, Solomon Islands.” Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 31 (1):41–54. 2013 “We the Taumako: Kinship among Polynesians in the . In “New Developments in the Study of Kinship,” edited by Dwight Read, and Fadwa El Guindi, special issue of Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropology and Related Sciences 6 (1). . 2014 “‘Drawing the Coral Heads’: Mental Mapping and Its Physical Representation in a Polynesian Community.” (with U. J. Dymon, Pu Paiaki, Pu Rangituteki, Pu Nukuriaki, and M. Rollins). In The People, Place, and Space Reader, edited by J. J. Gieseking, W. Mangold, C. Katz, S. Low, and S. Saegert. New York and London: Routledge. 2014 “Multiple Models of Space and Movement on Taumako, a Polynesian Island in the Southeastern Solomons.” In “Spatial Orientation and Cognition in Oceania and Indonesia,” edited by R. Feinberg, and A. Mawyer, special issue of Ethos 42 (3):302– 331. 2014 (Recorder, Introduction and editor) “Sister Lilian: Autobiography of Sister Lilian Takua Maeva of Anuta, Solomon Islands, the Community of the Sisters of the Church, and the Church of Melanesia.” Project Canterbury, Online Archive of the Church of England. . 2015 “Learning to Handle a Polynesian Dugout Canoe.” American Whitewater 55 (4):34–39. 2015 “Radio Interview on Cyclone Relief in Solomon Islands.” Pacific Beat. ABC Radio Australia. 5 May. . 2015 “ Report on Disaster Relief.” ASAO Bulletin Board, 29 April. . 2016 “Conceptualizing ‘Front’ and ‘Back’: Frames of Reference and Taumako Representations of Space.” In “Navigation and Spatial Orientation in the Pacific Islands Structure and Dynamics,” edited by R. Feinberg, C. Conboy Pyrek, and A. Mawyer, special issue of eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences 9 (1). . 2017 Anuta: Polynesian Lifeways for the 21st Century. Audio edition of book originally published with Waveland Press in 2004. Kent: Kent State University Press. 2017 “Defending ‘Traditional’ Marriage? Whose Definition? What Tradition?” In Cultures of the United States: A Reader in Cultural Anthropology, 3rd Edition, edited by Jennifer Miller- Thayer. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil Publishing. 2017 “The Future of a Polynesian Chiefdom in Our Globalizing World: Anuta, Solomon Islands.” In Return to the Field, edited by H. Lee, and J. Connell. New York and London: Routledge (in press). 2017 “Pay Attention and Go with the Flow.” Introduction to First Fieldwork: Pacific Anthropology, 1960–1985, edited by L. Zimmer-Tamakoshi. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press (in press). 2017 Polynesian Oral Traditions: Indigenous Texts and Translations from Anuta, Solomon Islands. Kent: Kent State University Press (in press).


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Feinberg, R., C. Conboy Pyrek, and A. Mawyer. 2016 “Introduction: Navigating Spatial Relationships in Oceania.” “Navigation and Spatial Orientation in the Pacific Islands, edited by R. Feinberg, C. Conboy Pyrek, and A. Mawyer, special issue of Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropology and Related Sciences 9 (1). . [Contains sections on Taumako.]

Feinberg, R., C. Conboy Pyrek, and A. Mawyer, eds. 2016 “Navigation and Spatial Orientation in the Pacific Islands,” special issue of Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropology and Related Sciences 9 (1). . [Contains sections on Taumako.]

Feinberg, Richard, and W. Donner. 2012 “Kinship and Social Structure.” In Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art, edited by Richard Feinberg, and Richard Scaglion, 139–156. Ethnology Monographs No. 21. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Feinberg, Richard, and Marianne George. 2008 “Seafaring in the Polynesian Outliers.” In Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, 2nd edition, edited by Helaine Selin, (1983–1989). Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York: Springer-Verlag. 2012 “Seafaring.” In Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art, edited by Richard Feinberg, and Richard Scaglion, 77–90. Ethnology Monographs, No. 21. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Feinberg, Richard, and Joseph Genz. 2012 “Limitations of Language for Conveying Navigational Knowledge: Way–Finding in the Southeastern Solomon Islands.” American Anthropologist 114 (2):336–350.

Feinberg, Richard, J. Macdonald, and R. I. Lohmann. 2012 “Religion.” In Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art, edited by Richard Feinberg, and Richard Scaglion, 187–216. Ethnology Monographs No. 21. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Feinberg, R., and A. Mawyer, guest eds. 2014 “Spatial Orientation and Cognition in Oceania and Indonesia,” special issue of Ethos 42 (3):243–397. [Contains sections on Taumako]

Feinberg, Richard, and Richard Scaglion, eds. 2012 Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art. Ethnology Monographs No. 21. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press. 2012 “Preface.” In Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art, edited by Richard Feinberg, and Richard Scaglion. Ethnology Monographs No. 21. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Feinberg, Richard, Ute J. Dymon, Pu Paiaki, Pu Rangituteki, Pu Nukuriaki, and Matthew Rollins. 2003 “‘Drawing the Coral Heads’: Mental Mapping and Its Physical Representation in a Polynesian Community.” Cartographic Journal 40 (3):243–253.

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

International Development Law Organization, and Van Vollenhoven Institute of Law, Governance and Development. 2012 “Hu Nao Save Tok? Women, Men and Land: Negotiating Property and Authority in Solomon Islands.” PhD thesis, Australian National University. 2012 “The Problem of Property: Knowing and Speaking about Land in Solomon Islands.” Innovation, Development, Creativity and Access to Knowledge in Pacific Islands Countries. Canberra: College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University. 2013 “‘From Adam’s Rib’: Land Disputes, Social Differentiation and State Formation in Postcolonial Solomon Islands.” Property and Citizenship in Developing Countries. Copenhagen: ProCit Research Group. 2013 “Outsider Engagement in Debates about Constitutional Reform.” IGLP: The Workshop. Massachusetts: Institute of Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School. 2013 “Vernacularising Political Participation: Strategies of Women Peace-Builders in Solomon Islands.” Intersection: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific 33 (December). . 2014 “Unsettled Explorations of Law’s Archives: The Allure and Anxiety of Solomon Islands' Court Records.” Australian Feminist Law Journal 40. 2015 “From Taovia to Trustee: Urbanisation, Land Disputes and Social Differentiation in Kakabona.” Journal of Pacific History 50 (4):437–449. (Republished in State–Building and State Formation in the Western Pacific: Solomon Islands in Transition, edited by M. G. Allen, and S. Dinnen, 57–69. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.) 2017 “The Politics of Property: Gender, Land and Political Authority in Solomon Islands.” In Kastom, Property and Ideology: Land Transformations in Melanesia, edited by Siobhan McDonnell, Matthew G. Allen, and Colin Filer, 383–404. Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Monson, Rebecca, and Daniel Fitzpatrick. 2016 “Negotiating Relocation in a Weak State: Land Tenure and Adaption to Sea-Level Rise in Solomon Islands.” In Global Implications of Development, Disasters and Climate Change: Responses to Displacement from the Asia Pacific, edited by Susanna Price, and Jane Singer, 240–255. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Monson, Rebecca, and Joseph Foukona. 2014 “Climate-Related Displacement and Options for Resettlement in Solomon Islands.” In Land Solutions for Climate Displacement, edited by S. Leckie, 291–316. New York: Routledge.

Monson, Rebecca, and George Hoa`au. 2015 “(Em)placing Law: Migration, Belonging and Place in Solomon Islands.” In Allegiance and Identity in a Globalised World, edited by Fiona Jenkins, Mark Nolan, and Kim Rubenstein, 117–141. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Montgomery, Charles. 2004 The Last Heathen: Encounters with Ghosts and Ancestors in Melanesia. Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas and McIntyre. 2006 The Octopus: Can the Myths of the Lau Lagoon Clans Survive Their Preservation?” Walrus, May.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Moore, Clive. 2003 “Solomons Wisdom or Howard’s Cunning?” Courier-Mail, 8 August. 2004 Happy Isles in Crisis: The Historical Causes for a Failing State in Solomon Islands, 1998– 2004. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press. 2004 “Rakwane.” In Pacific Places, Histories: Essays in Honour of Robert C. Kiste, edited by Brij V. Lal, 242–266. Honolulu: University of Hawai`i Press. 2005 “Australia’s Motivation and Timing for the 2003 Intervention in the Solomon Islands Crisis.” Royal Historical Society of Queensland Journal 19 (4):732–748. 2005 “The RAMSI Intervention in the Solomon Islands Crisis.” Journal of Pacific Studies 28 (1):56–77. 2007 “External Intervention: The Solomon Islands beyond RAMSI.” In Security and Development in the Pacific Islands: Social Resilience in Emerging States, edited by Anne M. Brown, 169–96. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. 2007 “Helpem Fren: The Solomon Islands, 2003–2007.” Journal of Pacific History 42 (2):141– 164. 2007 “The Misappropriation of Malaitan Labour: Historical Origins of the Recent Solomon Islands Crisis.” Journal of Pacific History 42 (2):211–232. 2008 “No More Walkabout Long Chinatown: Asian Involvement in the Solomon Islands Economic and Political Processes.” In Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands, edited by Sinclair Dinnen, and Stewart Firth, 64–95. Canberra: Asia Pacific Press. 2008 “Pacific View: The Meaning of Governance and Politics in the Solomon Islands.” Australian Journal of International Affairs 62 (3):386–407. 2008 “Uncharted Pacific Waters: The Solomon Islands Constitution and the Government of Prime Minister , 2006–2007.” History Compass 6 (2):488–509. 2009 “Biography of a Nation: Compiling a Historical Dictionary of the Solomon Islands.” In Telling Pacific Lives: Prisms of Process, edited by Brij V. Lal and Vicki Luker, 277–292. Canberra: Australian National University E Press. 2013 Solomon Islands Historical Encyclopaedia, 1893–1978 [includes biographic entries on some contemporary leaders]. . 2014 “Bibliography of Publications on Solomon Islands during the RAMSI Years, 2003– 2017.” In Looking beyond RAMSI: Solomon Islanders' Perspective on Their Future, edited by Clive Moore, 83–102. Honiara: Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands. 2014 “Looking beyond RAMSI: Concluding Remarks.” In Looking beyond RAMSI: Solomon Islanders' Perspective on Their Future, edited by Clive Moore, 71–76. Honiara: Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands. 2014 ed., Looking beyond RAMSI: Solomon Islanders’ Perspectives on Their Future, Honiara: Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands. 2015 “Honiara: Arrival City and Pacific Hybrid Living Space.” Journal of Pacific History 50 (4):419–436. (Republished in State–Building and State Formation in the Western Pacific: Solomon Islands in Transition, edited by M. G. Allen, and S. Dinnen, 39–56. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.) 2015 “Solomon Islands’ Biography.” In Political Life Writing in the Pacific, edited by Jack Corbett and Brij V. Lal, 129–144. Canberra: Australian National University Press. 2017 “Labour Circulation and Cultural Change.” In Solomon Islands: Re–Enchantment and the Colonial Shadow, edited by Diana Young, 12–17. Brisbane: University of Queensland Anthropology Museum.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2017 Making Mala: Malaita in Solomon Islands, 1870s–1930s. Canberra: Australian National University Press. .

Morgan, Michael G., and Abby McLeod. 2006 “Have We Failed Our Neighbour?” Australian Journal of International Affairs 60 (3):412– 428.

Morrison, Clare, Patrick Pikacha, Johnson Seeto. 2012 “Impacts of Tourism on Threatened Species in the Pacific Region: A Review.” Pacific Conservation Biology 18 (4):227–238.

Mortlock, Roger. 2005 “The Role of the Military.” In Securing a Peaceful Pacific, edited by John Henderson and Greg Watson, 205–213. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press.

Moser, Johannes. 2013 Archäologische Erkundungen auf der Insel Malaita, Salomonen.” Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen 5:269–280. 2014 “Malaita, Salomonen Inseln. Besiedlungsgeschichte Melane Jenny Bryant–Tokalau siens-Vorgeschichte der Salomonen Inseln: Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2012 und 2013.” In e-Forschungsberichte des DAI 2014, Faszikel 1:100–103.

Moser, Johannes, Julia Gresky, Lawrence Kiko, and Benjamin Spies. 2017 “Die Ausgrabungen unter dem Ria-Felsdach, Salomonen 2014–2015.” Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen 7:309–323 (in press).

Moser, Johannes, and Lawrence Kiko. 2014 “Die archäologischen Ausgrabungen in ‘Apunirereha’ und ‘Ria’ auf der Insel Malaita, Salomonen.” Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen 6:277–287.

Moser, Johannes, Julia Gresky, Lawrence Kiko, and Benjamin Spies. 2017 Die Ausgrabungen unter dem Ria-Felsdach, Salomonen 2014–2015. Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen 7, 309–323 (in press).

Mountjoy, Thomas. 2013 “The Experience of Citizenship and Nationhood through Sporting Practice in Solomon Islands.” PhD thesis, University of Bergen.

Mühlhäusler, Beverly S., and Peter Mühlhäusler. 2005 “Simple English in the South Seas Evangelical Mission.” Language Problems and Language Planning 29 (1):1–30.

Munch-Petersen, Nils. 2011 “An Island Saved, at Least for some Time? The Advent of Tourism to Rennell, Solomon Islands.” In Island Futures: Conservation and Development across the Asia-Pacific Region, edited by Godfrey Baldacchino, Daniel Niles, and Island Fut, 169–175. Tokyo:


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Springer Japan. ; .

Munro, Jenny, and Jessica Carpenter. 2016 “‘Luxury’ and ‘Disturbances’: Women’s Views on City Life in Honiara Settlements.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia, In Brief No. 30. Canberra: Australian National University. .

Mwanesalua, Shirley. 2017 “Research on Malaita Batons.” In Solomon Islands: Re–Enactment and the Colonial Shadow, edited by Diana Young, 18–19. Brisbane: University of Queensland Anthropology Museum.

Næss, Åshild, and Brenda H. Boerger. 2008 “Reefs-Santa Cruz as Oceanic: Evidence from the Verb Complex.” Oceanic Linguistics 47 (1):185–212.

Nagaoka, Takuya. 2011 “Late Prehistoric–Early Historic Houses and Settlement Space on Nusa Roviana, New Georgia Group, Solomon Islands.” PhD thesis, University of Auckland.

Nanau, Gordon Leua. 2002 “Uniting the Fragments: Solomon Islands Constitutional Reforms.” Development Bulletin 60:17–20. 2008 “Can a Theory of Insecure Globalisation Explain Instability in Melanesia? The Case of Solomon Islands.” PhD thesis, University of East Anglia. 2008 “Intervention and Nation-Building in Solomon Islands: Local Perspectives.” Interventionism and State-Building in the Pacific: The Legitimacy of ‘Cooperative Intervention,’ edited by. Greg Fry, and Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka, 149–162. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 2010 “How Political Parties Do and Do Not Promote Democratic Governance in the Solomon Islands.” In Political Parties and Democracy in Africa and Oceania, vol. 4, edited by Luc Sindjoun and Marian Simms, 201–224. Praeger Publishing: Santa Barbara. 2010 “Political Reviews: Solomon Islands, 2009.” Contemporary Pacific 22 (2):459–467. 2011 “Political Reviews: Solomon Islands, 2011.” Contemporary Pacific 23 (2):504–510. 2011 “The Wantok System as a Socio-Economic and Political Network in Melanesia.” OMNES: Journal of Multicultural Society 2 (1):31–55. 2012 “Political Reviews: Solomon Islands, 2011.” Contemporary Pacific 24 (2):407–413. 2013 “Political Reviews: Solomon Islands, 2012.” Contemporary Pacific 26 (2):516–523. 2014 “Land Ownership, Livelihoods and Sustainable Development in Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands.” In La Mélanésie Actualités et Études: Foncier et développement durable, vol. 2, 173– 189. 2014 “Local Experiences with Mining Royalties, Company and the State in Solomon Islands.” Journal de la Société des Océanistes 138–139:77–92. 2014 “Political Reviews: Solomon Islands 2013.” Contemporary Pacific 27 (2): 528–537.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2015 “Moving beyond the ‘Musical Chairs’ of Solomon Islands Politics.” Devpolicy Blog, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University, 10 November. . 2015 “Political Reviews: Solomon Islands, 2014.” Contemporary Pacific 27 (2):528–537. 2015 “Promoting Research in a Stubborn Environment: The Experiences of Solomon Islands, 1989–2009.” In Ocean Journeys and Sojourns: Home Thoughts Abroad, edited by Judith A. Bennett, 294–318. Dunedin: Otago University Press. 2016 “The Melanesian Spearhead Group and Pacific Regional Cooperation.” Pacific Studies 39 (3):282–310. 2016 “Solomon Islands. Pacific Ways.” In Government and Politics in the Pacific Islands, edited by Stephen Levine, 292–312. Wellington: Victoria University Press. 2016 “The Melanesian Spearhead Group and Pacific Regional Cooperation.” Pacific Studies 39 (3):282–310. 2017 Review of Greed and Grievance: Ex-Militants’ Perspectives on the Conflict in Solomon Islands 1998–2003, Matthew G Allen. Contemporary Pacific, 29 (1):207–209. 2017 “Political Reviews: Solomon Islands, 2016.” Contemporary Pacific 29 (2) (in press). 2017 “Wantoks and Kastom.” In The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, edited by A. Ledeneva et al. UCL Press (in press).

Naess, Ashild, and Even Hovdhaugen. 2007 “The History of Polynesian Settlement in the Reef and : The Linguistic Evidence.” Journal of the Polynesian Society 116 (4):433–449.

Natuzzi, Eileen S., Cynthia Joshua, Matthew Shortus, Reginald Reubin, Tenneth Dalipanda, Karen Ferran, Audrey Aumua, and Stephanie Brodine. 2016 “Defining Population Health Vulnerability Following an Extreme Weather Event in an Urban Pacific Island Environment: Honiara, Solomon Islands.” American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 95 (2):307–314.

Nelson, Carol, and Robert Muggah. 2004 Solomon Islands: Evaluating the Weapons Free Village Campaign. Independent report commissioned by the Small Arms Survey. Geneva: Small Arms Survey.

Nelson, Hank. 2007 “The Moti Affair in Papua New Guinea.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Working Paper No. 1. Canberra: Australian National University. . 2008 “The Moti Affair in Papua New Guinea.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Briefing Note No. 3, Australian National University, Canberra. .

New Zealand Agency for International Aid and Development (NZAID). 2004 “New Zealand’s Aid in the Solomon Islands: Fact Sheet.” Wellington, New Zealand: NZAID and New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Norwegian Refugee Council.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2004 “Profiler of Internal Displacement: Solomon Islands.” Norwegian Refugee Council/Global IDP Project.

O’Brien, Aoife. 2011 “Collecting the Solomon Islands: Colonial Encounters and Indigenous Experiences in the Solomon Island Collections of Charles Morris Woodford and Arthur Mahaffy (1886–1915).” PhD thesis, World Art Studies and Museology, Sainsbury Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas, University of East Anglia. 2013 “Charles Morris Woodford and Solomon Islands.” In Melanesia: Art and Encounter, edited by Lissant Bolton, Nicholas Thomas, Elizabeth Bonshek, Julie Adams, and Ben Burt, 215–219. London: British Museum Press.

O’Callaghan, Mary–Louise. 2008 “RAMSI—The Way Ahead.” In Politics and State Building in Solomon Islands, edited by Sinclair Dinnen, and Stuart Firth, 185–193. Canberra: Australian National University E Press and Asia Pacific Press.

O’Callaghan, Mary-Louise, Johnson Honimae, and Qila Tuhanuku. 2013 Rebuilding a Nation: Ten Years of the Solomon Islands-RAMSI Partnership. RAMSI Public Affairs Unit. Honiara: Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.

O’Connor, Tim. 2003 “Australian Aid: Sustainable for Whom?” Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia 22 (3):24–32.

The Oceanic Development Network in association with the Foundation for Development Cooperation. 2005 Long-Distance Market Reform: Understanding Reform in the Oceania Region. In Understanding Market Reforms, Volume 2: Motivation, Implementation and Sustainability, José María Fanelli, and Gary McMahon, editors. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Olds, A. D., S. Albert, P. S. Maxwell, K. A. Pitt, and R. M. Connolly. 2013 “Mangrove-Reef Connectivity Promotes the Effectiveness of Marine Reserves across the Western Pacific.” Global Ecology and Biogeography 22 (9):1040–1049.

Olds, A. D., R. M. Connolly, K. A. Pitt, P. S. Maxwell, S. Aswani, and S. Albert. 2014 “Incorporating Surrogate Species and Seascape Connectivity to Improve Marine Conservation Outcomes.” Conservation Biology 28 (4):982–991.

Olds, A. D., R. M. Connolly, K. A. Pitt, S. J. Pittman, P. S. Maxwell, C. M. Huijbers, B. R. Moore, S. Albert, D. Rissik, and R. C. Babcock. 2016 “Quantifying the Conservation Value of Seascape Connectivity: A Global Synthesis.” Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (1):3–15.

Oloifana-Polosovai, H., J. Gwala, H. Harrington, P. D. Massey, E. Ribeyro, A. Flores, C. Speare, E. McBride, D. MacLaren, and R. Speare.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2014 “A Marked Decline in the Incidence of Malaria in a Remote Region of Malaita, Solomon Islands, 2008 to 2013.” Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal 5 (3). .

Olyan, H. P., R. Stephen, and M. Case. 2010 “Solomon Islands: Risk Assessment Brief.” Ottawa: Carleton University.

Orirana, G., F. Siota, P. Cohen, T. Atitete, A. Schwarz, and H. Govan. 2016 “Spreading Community–Based Resource Management: Testing the ‘Lite-Touch’ Approach in Solomon Islands.” SPC Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin No. 37. .

Osmond, Frederick Gary. 2006 “Nimble Savages: Myth, Race, Social Memory and Australian Sport.” PhD thesis, University of Queensland.

Osmond, Gary, and Murray G. Phillips. 2006 “‘Look at that kid crawling’: Race, Myth and the ‘Crawl’ Stroke.” Australian Historical Studies 127:43–62.

Otter, Mark. 2004 “Is the Solomon Islands ‘Paradox’ an Australian Responsibility?” Eye of the Cyclone: Issues in Pacific Security Pacific Islands Political Studies, edited by Ivan Malloy. Pacific Islands Political Studies Association and University of the Sunshine Coast.

Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. 2000 Biketawa Declaration. . [The Biketawa Declaration outlines guiding principles for good governance and courses of action for a regional response to crises in the region. In 2003, Forum leaders endorsed a Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) in accordance with the guidelines of the Biketawa Declaration.] 2005 “Mission Helpem Fren: A Review of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.” Eminent Persons Group. 2009 “Partnership Framework between Solomon Islands Government and Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands.”

Pacific Manuscripts Bureau. 2003 “Report to the Director-General of the National Archives of Australia on the Current State of the National Archives of the Solomon Islands, August 2003.” Canberra: Pacific Manuscripts Bureau.

Papua New Guinea Defence Force. 2007 Board of Inquiry into Julian Moti (authors: Salika Gibbs, Anthony Huai, and Daniel Liosi). Port Moresby: PNG Defence Department.

Partners to Improve Markets.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2009 Solomon Islands Markets Profile. .

Patience, Allan. 2004 Failed and Vulnerable States: Towards a Political Science of South Pacific Regionalism. University of Papua New Guinea (inaugural Lecture, 30 April 2004). .

Pauka, Richard L. 2008 “Solomon Islands Forestry Outlook. Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study II.” Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. APFSOS II/WP/2009/31. Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations. . 2009 “Working Paper No. APFSOS II/WP/2009/31 Solomon Islands Forestry Outlook. Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations. 2015 “Slum Situational Analysis Based on Socio-Economic Survey.” Honiara: Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey, Solomon Islands Government/UN Habitat. 15 October 2015.

Peake, Gordon, and Kaysie Studdard Brown. 2005 “Police Building: The International Deployment Group in the Solomon Islands.” International Peacekeeping 12 (4):520–532. .

Perry, Tom. 2012 Solo: Life in the Solomon Islands. Brisbane: Platypus Graphics.

Phillips, B. T., M. Dunbabin, B. Henning, C. Howell, A. DiCiccio, A. Flinders, K. A. Kelley, J. J. Scott, S. Albert, and S. Carey. 2016 “Exploring the ‘Sharkcano’: Biogeochemical Observations of the Submarine Volcano (Solomon Islands).” Oceanography 29 (4):160–169. .

Pikacha, Patrick G. 2007 “Kuchu Mago Frog Project: Distribution, Abundance, Habitat Preference, and Conservation Status of Native Frogs of the New Georgian Islands, Western Province, Solomon Islands.” Report to Ruffords Small Grants for Nature Conservation. 2008 Wild West: Rainforests of Western Solomon Islands. Honiara: Melanesian Geo Publications. 2014 “The Ecology and Evolution of Frogs of the Solomon Islands.” PhD thesis, University of Queensland.

Pikacha, Patrick, Tyrone Lavery, and Diana Fisher. 2016 Solomon Islands Forest Life: Information on Biology and Management of Forest Resources. Brisbane: University of Queensland.

Pikacha, Patrick, Tyrone Lavery, and Luke K. P. Leung.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2015 “What Factors Affect the Density of Cane Toads (Rhinelle marina) in the Solomon Islands?” Pacific Conservation Biology 21 (3):200–207.

Pikacha, Patrick, Tyrone Lavery, David Boseto, Myknee Sirikolo, Douglas Pikacha Jr., and Edgar Pollard. 2016 Solomon Islands Ranger Skills Guide: A Reference Guide and Training Manual for Protected Area Rangers in Solomon Islands. Brisbane: MacArthur Foundation.

Pikacha, Patrick, Clare Morrison, and Stephen Richards; photographs by Patrick Pikacha and Stephen Richards. 2008 Frogs of the Solomon Islands. Suva, Fiji: Institute of Applied Sciences, University of the South Pacific.

Pikacha, Patrick, Myknee Sirikolo, David Bosoto, and Chris Filardi. 2012 “Ecological Observations on Sanford’s Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus (leucogaster) sanfordi.” Australian Field Ornithology 29 (3):143–148.

Pita, S. V. 2010 “Technology Teachers’ Perceptions of the Roles and Uses of ICT in Solomon Islands’ Schools.” MA thesis, University of Waikato.

Plange, Signe Welleius. 2008 “What One Does One Becomes: Gender Roles on Bellona Island.” MA thesis, Roskilde University, Digital Archive. .

Pollard, Alice Aruhe`eta. 2003 “Women’s Organizations, Voluntarism, and Self–Financing in Solomon Islands: A Participant Perspective.” Oceania 74 (1/2):44–60. 2007 “Painaha: Gender and Leadership in `Are`Are Society, the South Seas Evangelical Church and Parliamentary Leadership.” PhD thesis, Wellington: Victoria University. .

Pollard, Alice Aruhe`eta, and Marilyn J. Waring, eds. 2010 Being the First: Storis Blong Oloketa Mere Lo Solomon Aelan. Honiara and Auckland: RAMSI and Institute of Public Policy and Pacific Media Centre, Auckland University of Technology.

Ponzio, Richard. 2005 “The Solomon lslands: The UN and Intervention by Coalitions of the Willing.” International Peacekeeping 12. .

Porter, Doug, and Mathew Allen. 2015 “The Political Economy of the Transition from Logging to Mining in Solomon Islands.” State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Discussion Paper No. 12. Canberra:


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

Australian National University. .

Potter, Sarah. 2008 The Sting of Climate Change: Malaria and Dengue Fever in Maritime Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Policy Brief. Sydney: Lowy Institute for International Policy.

Powell, Philip T. 2004 “Atomization of the Melanesian State and Enhancement of Parliamentary Accountability.” In Governance and Stability in the Pacific: Pacific Islands Political Studies Association. Noumea, New Caledonia.

Project Canterbury: Bringing Anglican History Online ; see Anglicanism in Oceania .

Quanchi, Max. 2004 “Jewel of the Pacific and Planter’s Paradise: The Visual Argument for Australian Sub– Imperialism in the Solomon Islands.” Journal of Pacific History 39 (1):43–58. 2010 “A Collector of Images; the Pacific Archive of Photographer Thomas McMahon.” In Hunters, Collectors and Exhibitions: Oceanic Collections in Australia, edited by Susan Cochrane and Max Quanchi, 161–181. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2010 “Merl La Voy, an American photographer in the South Seas.” In Coast to Coast, edited by Prue Ahrens and Chris Dixon. Newcastle Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2010 “To the Islands: Photographs of Tropical Colonies in The Queenslander.” History Compass, January.

Quanchi, Max, and Max Shekleton. 2015 Postcards from Oceania: Port Towns, Portraits and the Picturesque during the Colonial Era. Suva, Fiji: University of the South Pacific Press.

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Quinger, Leilana. 2014 “How Is the Concept of Hybridity Useful in Thinking about Third Party Humanitarian Interventions? Case Studies: Bougainville and Solomon Islands.” MA thesis, University of Otago. .

Racelis, A., and S. Aswani. 2011 “Hopes and Disenchantments of Religious Community Forestry in the Western Solomon Islands.” Ecological and Environmental Anthropology 6 (1):26–38.

Ramage, Stella.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2015 “Missionaries, Modernity and the Moving Image: Re-presenting the Melanesian Other to Christian Communities in the West between the World Wars.” PhD thesis, Victorian University of Wellington.

Randall, Will. 2002 Solomon Time: Adventures in the South Pacific. London: Abacus.

Randell, Nigel. 2003 The White Headhunter. London: Constable.

Raynor, Glemm. 2013 “Food Insecurity: Structural Violence in Solomon Islands.” Journal of Social Science 75 (March):127–147.

Redman-MacLaren, M. L., R. Asugeni, R. Timothy-Harrington, D. J. MacLaren. 2011 “HIV Research on Malaita, Solomon Islands.” Pacific AIDS Alert Bulletin, Secretariat of Pacific Communities, Noumea, No. 37, December. .

Redman-MacLaren M., H. Harrington, T. Esau, D. MacLaren, R. Timothy-Harrington, R. Asugeni, E. Kekeubata, P. Massey, and R. Speare. 2014 “Project Planning and Management for Health Research: Research Training Workshop 17–20 March 2014.” East Kwaio, Solomon Islands: Atoifi Adventist Hospital. .

Redman-MacLaren, Michelle, David J. MacLaren, Rowena Asugeni, Chillion E. Fa`anuabae, Humpress Harrington, Alwin Muse, Richard Speare, and Alan R. Clough. 2010 “‘We Can Move Forward’: Challenging Historical Inequity in Public Health Research in Solomon Islands.” International Journal for Equity in Health 9 (25). .

Redman-MacLaren, Michelle, David J. MacLaren, Humpress Harrington, Rowena Asugeni, Relmah Timothy-Harrington, Esau Kekeubata, and Richard Speare. 2012 “Mutual Research Capacity Strengthening: A Qualitative Study of Two-Way Partnerships in Public Health Research.” International Journal for Equity in Health 11:79. .

Redman-MacLaren, Michelle, David J. MacLaren, Janella Solomon, Alwin Muse, Rowena Asugeni, Humpress Harrington, Esau Kekuabata, Richard Speare, and Alan R. Clough. 2010 “Research Workshop to Research Work: Initial Steps in Establishing Health Research Systems on Malaita, Solomon Islands.” Health Research Policy and Systems 8:33. .

Redman-MacLaren M., J. Solomon, R. Asugeni, J. Asugeni, H. Harrington, A. Muse, E. Kekeubata.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

2009 “Introduction to Health Research Workshop Report.” Cairns: School of Public Health, Tropical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, James Cook University. .

Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands. 2009 “Independent Review of the RAMSI Participating Police Force’s (PDF) Capacity Development of the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF), Final Report, 29 September 2009.” Honiara: Participating Police Force. 2017 Web site: .

Reuben, Reginald, and John H. Lowry. 2016 “Effectiveness of Evacuation Facilities in Honiara City, Solomon Islands: A Spatial Perspective.” Natural Hazards 82 (1):27–44. .

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

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Walter, Richard K., and Roger C. Green.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

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Wickham, F., J. Kinch, and P. Lal.


Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

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Select Bibliography on Solomon Islands, 2003–2017

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