Chemistry 130 Acid and Base equilibria Dr. John F. C. Turner 409 Buehler Hall
[email protected] Chemistry 130 Acids and bases The Brùnsted-Lowry definition of an acid states that any material that produces the hydronium ion is an acid. A Brùnsted-Lowry acid is a proton donor: + - HA H2 Ol H3 Oaq Aaq + + The hydronium ion, H 3 O a q or H a q has the same structure as ammonia. It is pyramidal and has one lone pair on O. Chemistry 130 Acids and bases The Brùnsted-Lowry definition of a base states that any material that accepts a proton is a base. A Brùnsted-Lowry base is a proton acceptor: - - + Baq H2 Ol HOaq BHaq In aqueous solution, a base forms the hydroxide ion: Chemistry 130 Conjugate acids and bases For any acid-base reaction, the original acid and base are complemented by the conjugate acid and conjugate base: - + NH3aq H2Ol HOaq NH4aq On the RHS, On the LHS, Water is the proton donor Hydroxide ion is the proton acceptor Ammonia is the proton acceptor Ammonium ion is the proton donor Water and hydroxide ion are conjugate acid and base Ammonia and ammonium ion are also conjugate acid and base Chemistry 130 Conjugate acids and bases The anion of every acid is the conjugate base of that acid The cation of every base is the conjugate acid of that base Acid-base conjugates exist due to the dynamic equilibrium that exists in solution. - + NH3aq H2Ol HOaq NH4aq - + NH3aq H2Ol HOaq NH4aq Chemistry 130 Acid and base constants We use equilibrium constants to define the position of equilibrium and to reflect the dynamic nature of the system.