BIO - DATA Dr. VEERESH BADIGER Professor, Dept. of Manuscriptology Kannada University, Hampi Vidyaranya- 583276 ¸Àé-«ªÀgÀ qÁ. «ÃgÉñÀ §rUÉÃgÀ ¥ÁæzsÁå¥ÀPÀgÀÄ, ºÀ¸ÀÛ¥Àæw±Á¸ÀÛç «¨sÁUÀ PÀ£ÀßqÀ «±Àé«zÁå®AiÀÄ, ºÀA¦ «zÁågÀtå- 583276 1 | BIO-DATA-Dr.VSB CONTENTS 1. Address 2. Details of Educational Qualification 3. Teaching and Research Experience (1991-2018): 28 years 4. Administrative Experience (1994-2012): 22 years 5. Research Articles Published: 95 6. Lesson written for distance Education and other articles: 22 7. Lectures delivered for AIR:11 8. Review of Books: 17 9. Books Published: 42 10. Participated Seminars and Essays presented (State Level):57 11. Special Lectures: 46 12. Participated Conferences and Papers Presented (State Level):39 13. National Conference and Seminars: 25 14. National Workshops: 48 15. International Conference: 4 16. Awards received: 10 17. Ph.D. Guide: Degree Awards: 15 18. Ph.D. Students still study : 8 19. M.phil: Degree Awards:8 20. Research Programmes Completed: 12 21. Special Educational Programmes: 2 22. Designed Organisational Plans: 4 23. Organized Conference, Seminars, Workshops, Training Camps: 36 2 | BIO-DATA-Dr.VSB BIO – DATA Name : Dr.Veeresh Badiger Father’s Name : Seshappa Badiger Date of Birth : 04-04-1966 Permanent Address : Dr. Veeresh Badiger Bennur: post Bagalkot: Talu & Dist. Communication (contact) : Dr.Veeresh Badiger (Office) Professor Department of Manuscriptology Kannada University, Hampi Vidyaranay-583 276 Cell: 94488 45789
[email protected] [email protected] Residential Address Dr.Veeresh Badiger Anthahkarana #172, Bandikeri 16th Ward, Kamalapur Hospet Taluk, Bellary Dist Res: 08394-241419(Karnataka) Caste : Hindu Panchala Group : II A Educational Qualification : MA Phd and B.Ed, Dip.