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From Gym ZERO To Gym HERO

A Free 3 Month Training Program

1:1 Health & Fitness Coaching By Nick Anderson www.nickandersonfitness.com


It is highly recommended that you consult with a physician prior to starting my program. Being in good physical condition prior to beginning this exercise program is recommended. Nick Anderson Fitness is not a licensed medical provider and does not have expertise in examining, diagnosing, or treating any type of medical conditions. Nick Anderson Fitness also does not determine the effect of any exercise on medical conditions.

Understand that participation in exercise or exercise programs has a possibility of physical injury or harm. Participating in this exercise program is done at your own risk, and by voluntarily participating in these activities, you are agreeing that you do so at your own risk, are doing these voluntarily, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Nick Anderson Fitness of any and all claims and causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Nick Anderson Fitness.

The information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay seeking it because of something you may see within this program or that we have discussed.

Nick Anderson Fitness is not responsible or liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or products that you obtain.

Overall notes

Hi there!

Welcome to your free 3 month training program!

I assume if you’re here, you don’t have much experience in the gym. This will be designed to help you get slowly acclimated to the gym and get all of that gym anxiety out. Listen, I get it. I worked out from home for years before I finally had the courage to go to the gym. It was hard, it was scary, and it was also one of the best decisions of my life. I hope by the end of this, you feel the same way. If you DON’T feel intimidated by the gym, and you’re here anyways. Well great! This program will be good for you as well. It is strength based, and whether you are or are not intimated by the gym, this will get you stronger. Hope you enjoy your workouts!

As a note, if you are new to an exercise (or even if you’re not), each exercise has a clickable link to a 15-30 second instructional video, to help you perform each exercise like a pro!

How to choose what weight to use:

I want you to be challenging yourself for every exercise! The last few reps of each you should be a little unsure whether you can finish, but also still able to keep your form. General rule of thumb: If your form suffers, it’s too heavy! The first in each block are the ones I want you to aim to lift heaviest on, and push yourself to lift heavier each week. You might be able to in other blocks as well. The last set will be more difficult to push yourself harder on, but that is okay. Overall notes

How to warm up:

I’ve provided a quick little warm up video you can follow along to and the routine written out below if you’d rather not follow along to the video.

Warm Up Video

Alternating Toe Taps – 12 total

Hamstring Stretch – 20 seconds

Hip Flexor Stretch – 10 seconds each side

Bird Dog – 10 total

Cat Cow – 8 total


Pick up those dumbbells ya dumbbell!

The hardest part about month 1 is going to be walking into the gym on day 1. If you’re here, you’re probably not used to going to the gym and walking around the free weight section. And that’s okay! This month is designed to help you get acclimated to that environment. I want you to do three things every day you go into the gym.

1. Walk into that place like you own it. Hold your chest high, and know you are a badass. 2. Observe those around you. Pay attention to these things? Are they looking at you? Probably not, it’s more likely that they are focused on their own workout. Are they using machines or equipment you’re interested in? Watch what they’re doing and learn from it. 3. Remember, if anyone in there is looking at you like you’re an asshole, they’re the asshole, not you. You have just as much (if not more) of a right to be there than them. The only person that owns the gym is the one who pays the bills for it.

Now I did say the hardest part is just walking in, but that doesn’t mean that these workouts won’t be hard either. They are designed to challenge you. Lifting weights isn’t supposed to tickle. So, give this month all you’ve got. Start slow, work your way up, and let’s kick some ass together.

MONTH 1 WORKOUT 1 – Lower Body A

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Dumbbell Romanian 3 8 2 minutes

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Dumbbell Reverse 3 8 each side - B2. Single Leg Hip Thrust 3 12 each side 2 minutes NOTES: Palms face up for Single Leg Hip Thrust and keep that chin tucked! Reverse lunges all on one side first

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. Curtsy Lunge 3 8 each side - C2. Dumbbell Goodmorning 3 12 1 minute

NOTES: Light weights for Goodmorning. You don’t need a lot to feel this one.

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. 3 12 each side - D2. Low Plank Hold 3 30 seconds 1 minute

NOTES: Slow Russian Twist, slower than you think.

MONTH 1 WORKOUT 2 – Upper Body A

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Dumbbell 3 8 - A2. Single Arm 3 8 each side 2 minutes

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Incline Dumbbell 3 8 - B2. Dumbbell Pullover 3 8 2 minutes

NOTES: Keep those glutes high and tight in the Pullover.

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. Lateral Raise 3 12 - C2. Chest Supported 3 12 1 minute

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Dumbbell Curl 3 12 - D2. Seated Overhead Tricep Extension 3 12 1 minute

MONTH 1 WORKOUT 3 – Lower Body B

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Goblet 3 8 2 minutes

NOTES: Slowly Lower for 3 seconds in your squat

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Side Lunge 3 8 each side - B2. Split Squat 3 12 each side 2 minutes

NOTES: Push through the front foot for both.

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. Squat Jumps 3 12 - C2. Goblet Sumo Squat 3 12 1 minute NOTES: If you have knee issues, speed squats instead of squat jumps

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Deadbug 3 12 each side - D2. Single Arm Farmers Carry 3 45 seconds 1 minute each side

NOTES: HEAVY for Farmer’s Carry.

MONTH 1 WORKOUT 4 – Upper Body B

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Seated Dumbbell 3 8 - A2. Bent Over Underhand Row 3 8 2 minutes

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Pushups 3 8 - B2. Batwing Row 3 12 2 minutes NOTES: Hands Elevated Pushups if needed. I prefer this to the knee pushups

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. 3 12 - C2. Plank Ups 3 6 each side 1 minute NOTES: Don’t let your hips move in the plank ups. I know it’s hard, take it slow! On your knees if needed.

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Hammer Curl 3 12 - D2. Single Arm Tricep Kickback 3 12 each side 1 minute


Barbell Baggins

First and foremost, if you’re reading this, it means that you’ve made it through your first month, so congratulations! It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is. Many people quit after the first couple weeks, but not you.

This next month we are going to step a little further out of our comfort zones and pick up that barbell. It is one of the more intimidating aspects of the gym, but also one of the most fun and the most empowering! We will also be doing some work on the cable machine, which can also be quite fun.

MONTH 2 WORKOUT 1 – Lower Body A

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Deadlift 4 6 2 minutes

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Dumbbell Reverse Lunge 3 8 each side - B2. Barbell Goodmorning 3 8 2 minutes

NOTES: Alternate sides for the reverse lunge, 16 total.

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. Heels Elevated Goblet Squat 3 8 - C2. Single Leg RDL 3 8 each side 1 minute

NOTES: Lift that back foot as high as you can, part of the point is to challenge your balance.

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Lying Leg Lift 3 12 - D2. Plank Reaches 3 12 each side 1 minute NOTES: Slow and controlled for Plank Reaches. Slower than you think. Don’t let the hips move! If that’s too challenging do it on your knees. Alternate sides every time (24 total).

MONTH 1 WORKOUT 2 – Upper Body A

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Bench Press 4 6 - A2. Single Arm Row 4 8 each side 2 minutes

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Incline Dumbbell Fly 3 8 - B2. Bent Over Barbell Row 3 8 2 minutes

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. Arnold Press 3 10 - C2. Facepulls 3 10 1 minute

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. EZ Bar Curl 3 12 - D2. EZ Bar Skull Crusher 3 12 1 minute

NOTES: Slowly lower for three seconds for both.

MONTH 2 WORKOUT 3 – Lower Body B

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Back Squat 4 6 2 minutes NOTES:

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Barbell RDL 3 8 - B2. Bulgarian Split Squat 3 8 each side 2 minutes

NOTES: Slightly lean forward in your split squats

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. Goblet Squat w/ Pressout 3 10 - C2. Cable Pull Through 3 10 1 minute NOTES: Use a light weight for Goblet Squat, I want you feeling this in your abs as you press out.

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Pallof Press 3 10 each side - D2. Side Plank 3 20 seconds 1 minute each side

NOTES: Lightly keep your knee on the floor for the Side Plank if needed.

MONTH 2 WORKOUT 4 – Upper Body B

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Overhead Press 4 6 - A2. Chest Fly 4 12 2 minutes NOTES: Keep glutes squeezed in overhead press.

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Seated Cable Row 3 8 - B2. Close Grip Press 3 8 2 minutes NOTES: Wide grip for rows, note the attachment in the video

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press 3 10 - C2. Chest Supported Y Raise 3 10 1 minute

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Cable Rope Bicep Curl 3 12 - D2. Cable Rope Tricep Pushdown 3 12 1 minute NOTES: Use rope attachment for both.


You are a machine

Holy crap! You made it to month 3. You are amazing! Alright home stretch of this program here. You’ve learned a lot so far. Now we are going to work on learning some of the machines around the gym. Your gym may have more than what I’ve added to this month’s program, but I’ve stuck to mostly the basics for this to ensure everyone has a chance to do these and give them a try.

To some, the machines seem intimidating. To others, they seem self explanatory. If you’re the first type, they actually are a lot more self explanatory than you may think. If you took my tips from month 1 about observing people around you, you probably have an idea of how most of these work anyways.

You’ll also notice the number of reps on your first set is very low. I want you challenging yourself with heavy weight here. The last rep in each should feel HARD!

So let’s finish this last month strong, you got this!!!

MONTH 3 WORKOUT 1 – Lower Body A

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Deadlift 4 4 3 minutes NOTES:

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Single Leg RDL to Reverse Lunge 4 8 each side - B2. Kettlebell Swing 4 8 2 minutes

NOTES: B1 All on one side first

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. 3 12 - C2. Seated Curl 3 12 1 minute NOTES: Feet low on platform for leg press. I want you feeling this in your quads. If your gym doesn’t have a seated hamstring curl machine, you can use a lying one instead.

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Bicycle Crunches 3 12 each side - D2. Plank Circles 3 10 each side 1 minute

NOTES: Slow and controlled for both, slower thank you think.

MONTH 3 WORKOUT 2 - Upper Body A

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Bench Press 4 5 - A2. Deadstop Row 4 8 each side 2 minutes

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Incline Dumbbell Press 4 8 - B2. Lat Pulldown 4 8 2 minutes

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. Single Arm Cable Front Raise 3 12 each side - C2. Chest Supported Rear Delt Raise 3 12 1 minute

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Incline Curl 3 12 - D2. Cable Overhead Tricep Extension 3 12 1 minute

MONTH 3 WORKOUT 3 – Lower Body B

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Back Squat 4 4 2 minutes

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Barbell RDL 4 6 - B2. Jump Squats 4 12 each side 2 minutes

NOTES: If you have cranky knees do speed squats instead.

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. 3 12 - C2. Leg Press 3 12 1 minute NOTES: Legs high and wide on platform for leg press. I want you feeling this in your glutes.

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Low Plank Hold 3 As long as 90 seconds possible

MONTH 3 WORKOUT 4 – Upper Body B

Superset 1 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST A1. Overhead Press 4 5 - A2. Pushups 4 10 2 minutes NOTES: Keep glutes squeezed in overhead press. Hands Elevated Pushups if needed.

Superset 2 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST B1. Chinups 4 8 - B2. Close Grip Press to Fly 4 8 2 minutes NOTES: Do assisted chinups if needed. Pause for 1 second at the top, slowly lower for 3 seconds.

Superset 3 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST C1. Cable Single Arm Lateral Raise 3 12 each side - C2. Facepulls 3 12 1 minute

Superset 4 EXERCISE SETS REPS REST D1. Single Arm Faceaway Cable Curl 3 12 each side - D2. Cable Rope Tricep Pushdown 3 12 1 minute



If you’ve come this far, you’ve done 48 strength workouts in the gym. And that’s something to be proud of. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for going through this program, and I hope you got a lot of out of it.

If you enjoyed it, I hope you will consider me as your coach. I really enjoy helping people on their fitness journeys and would be thrilled to work with you and continue to educate you moving forward, as well as help you reach your fitness goals.

I like to think of myself as friendly and approachable, so if you’d like to consider me as your coach feel free to reach out. Or if you’d like to just drop by and say hello, I’m always happy to chat!

You can find me here:

Instagram: @nickandersonfitness

Email: [email protected]

Website: nickandersonfitness.com

Podcast: anchor.fm/real-talk-with-nick-anderson