To LORD HARDWICKE, November 1772

Printed from a photostat of the MS among the Hardwicke papers in the (Add. MS 35,610, f. 371). First printed, Toynbee viii. 213; extract quoted in G. E. Kendall, 'Notes on the Life of John Wootton with a List of Engravings after his Pictures,' Walpole Society 1932-3, xxi. 32. The Hardwicke papers were purchased by the British Museum from the 6th Earl of Hardwicke in 1899. Dated approximately by the reference to HW's gout (see n. 9 below).

MR WALPOLE has received Lord Hardwicke's commands1 and has in town what his mother always kept as the best picture of Sir R. Walpole, done when about forty.2 It is painted by Richardson3 in a green frock and hat, and the dogs and landscape by Wootton.4 The most like prints which is in the Garter robes, was taken from this. At Rainham6 is a very good one by Sir .7 If Lord Hardwicke chooses that in Arlington Street to be copied, it is very much at his Lordship's service.8 Mr W. begs pardon for writing so ill, but is in bed with the gout.9

1. Hardwicke's letter to HW is missing. George, 4th Vet Townshend, cr. (1787) 2. Probably the full-length portrait said M. Townshend. to portray him as Ranger of Rich­ 7. Kneller's half-length portrait hung mond Park, now at Houghton Hall, Nor­ in the small dining-room at Raynham in folk. However, Sir Robert did not obtain 1829 ([John Chambers], A General His­ the Rangership of Richmond Park until tory of the County of Norfolk, Norwich, 1726, when he was about fifty (J. H. 1829, i. 543). It is possibly the same por­ Plumb, Sir : The King's trait which was engraved in by Minister, i960, p. 90; illustrated pi. VI, John Simon; see J. C. Smith, British Mez­ facing p. 149). Three other versions of this zotinto Portraits, 1878-84, iii. 1124, No. portrait are known; see John Kerslake, 160. Early Georgian Portraits, National Por­ 8. Sir William Musgrave, in a list of trait Gallery, 1977, i. 202, where the pictures at Wimpole Hall (Hardwicke's iconography of Sir Robert Walpole is fully seat) compiled in 1798, mentions a copy discussed (i. 200-5). after a portrait of Sir Robert Walpole by 3. Jonathan Richardson, the elder. Jean-Baptiste Van Loo (BM Add. MS 6391, 4. John Wootton (ca 1682-1764), land­ f. 20, cited in Kerslake, op. cit. i. 200). scape and sporting painter. Many of 9. 'Six weeks finish tomorrow, and I Wootton's pictures were painted in col­ have not been yet out of my bedchamber, laboration with other artists, including and little out of my bed, till lately, and Richardson; see Kendall, op. cit. 28, 32. in the middle of the day' (HW to Mason 5. Not identified. 10 Nov. 1772, MASON i. 53). See following 6. Raynham Hall, Norfolk, the seat of letter.