Hoplomyzon Sexpapilostoma, a New Species of Venezuelan Catfish
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BIOLOGY APR 9 1992 .5 BIX 59 1ANA Zoology NEW SERIES, NO. 59 Systematics of Moths in the Genus Catocala (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). I. Type Material in the Strecker Collection, with Lectotype Designations Lawrence F. Gall David C. Hawks aco 5 ** September 28, 1990 Publication 1414 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Information for Contributors to Fieldiana for Field Museum staff members and research associates, although General: Fieldiana is primarily a journal authors be considered as manuscripts from nonaffiliated may space permits. or fraction thereof. of at least 50% of page lTie Journal carries a page charge of $65.00 per printed page Payment from research for which reduces the time. Contributions staff, charges qualifies a paper expedited processing, publication of to however, the full associates, and invited authors will be considered for publication regardless ability pay page charges, authors of unsolicited Three complete copies of the text (including title charge is mandatory for nonaffiliated manuscripts. should be submitted two review copies which may be page and abstract) and of the illustrations (one original copy plus will be considered for or submitted to reviewers before all materials are machine-copies). No manuscripts publication Editor. complete and in the hands of the Scientific Field Museum of Natural Chicago, Illinois Manuscripts should be submitted to Scientific Editor, Fieldiana, History, 60605-2496, USA. on 8V2- 11-inch with wide Text: Manuscripts must be typewritten double-spaced standard-weight, by paper margins also submit text on 5'/4-inch diskette on all four sides. If typed on an IBM-compatible computer using MS-DOS, 3 & 4, PC, Samna, Microsoft Word, Volkswriter, or (WordPerfect 4.1, 4.2, or 5.0, MulliMate, Displaywrite 2, Wang WordStar programs or ASCII).
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