Appendix A Initial Scoping Report

41/14840/332913 Bulk Infrastructure Task Group BSI04 Desk Top Review of Identified and Weir Sites South East Regional Water Supply Strategy Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Desktop Review of Identified Dam and Weir Sites

Initial Scoping Report to the Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group November 2005 Contents

1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objective of Part 3 1

2. Proposed Scope of Works 3 2.1 BSI 04 Desk Top Review of Identified Dam and Weir Sites 3

3. Identification and Collation of Sites/Projects 5

3.1 Sources of Information 5 3.2 Dam and Weir Water Supply Projects 6 3.3 Cost per ML/a Yield 7 3.4 Recommended Sites for Further Review 8

4. Identification of Contributions from BSI Task Group 11

5. Proposed Timings 12

5.1 What can be started now? 12 5.2 Proposed Schedule 12

Table Index Table 1 Returned to Service 8 Table 2 Bulk Water Supply Projects Recommended for Further Evaluation 9

Figure Index Figure 1A Approximate Dam and Weir Locations - Southern Figure 1B Approximate Dam and Weir Locations - Northern South East Queensland

Appendices 27th January Workshop – Summary of Findings Summary of Project Evaluation Considerations for Bulk Water Supply Projects

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy 1. Introduction

1.1 Background The Terms of Reference (TOR) for the “South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategic Project Bulk Infrastructure Task Group” (RWSS) require a desktop review and TOR development (BSI-04) be undertaken in four parts as follows:

 Part 1 – Review of Supply Options;

 Part 2 – Review of Other Augmentation Planning;

 Part 3 – Desktop Review of Identified Dam and Weir Sites; and,

 Part 4 – Preparation of TORs for Further Consultancies. A sub-requirement of Part 3 of the consultancy is the preparation of scoping reports indicating:

 The proposed scope of work for this task;

 A refinement of the cost estimates for the task (exclusive of in-kind work by the Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group);

 A proposed methodology for screening dam and weir sites with a view to updating cost estimates only for those projects worthy of further analysis;

 Identification of any work contribution required from the BSI Task Group; and,

 A proposed schedule for the work for this task giving regard to timing of outputs required to other BSI Tasks and to other task groups. An initial scoping report is required under Part 3 summarising infrastructure options identified, with recommendations regarding which projects are to be included for further analysis as part of the desk top study. This report constitutes the initial scoping report. Following BSI Task Group approval of the options to be included for further review as outlined in the initial scoping report, a further scoping report is required which refines the scope and proposes a work schedule for the specific options to be further considered in the desk top review.

1.2 Objective of Part 3 The overall objective for Part 3 of the consultancy is to address the work required under Task BSI04 “The Desk Top Review of Identified Dam and Weir Sites” as outlined in the Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Scoping Paper, which was attached to the brief for this consultancy. Consequently, the consultant is to:

 Acquire and review existing information on previous investigations; and,

 Prepare and submit to the Project Officer, a Report (the BSI04 Report) summarising the Infrastructure Options identified from a review of the existing reports and information, with recommendations on which warrant further

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 1 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy consideration, and identification of the further investigation required to firm up the information on these sites. The initial scoping report is the first report in a series of reports with the overall objective to:

 Identify possible infrastructure options to improve water supply including: – New dams and weirs; – Existing dams or weirs that could be raised; – The associated delivery infrastructure; and,

 Determine which of the identified infrastructure options warrants detailed investigations and eliminate all others from further consideration. Each of the previous studies is to be evaluated to identify any major gaps in information on aspects such as environmental impact, cultural heritage or foundation conditions giving particular attention to the identification of potential “show stoppers”.

A report (the BSI04 Report) is to be submitted to the Project Officer incorporating the following:

 The costs associated with the development of selected sites to a range of capacities, including land acquisitions and modifications to infrastructure such as roads and powerlines. The costs are also to be shown in schedules including quantities, unit rates and allowances for overheads and contingencies. Plans showing arrangements of structures, relocations, resumption areas etc are also to be provided;

 Recommendations on further studies (including costs and timelines) necessary to assess potential “show stoppers”. These recommendations will also be provided progressively in a series of interim reports and will lead to the preparation of TORs for work under BSI 05;

 Recommendations on the infrastructure necessary to connect the storages to the regional network (identified in broad terms) together with preliminary cost estimates of pipelines and water treatment;

 Recommendations on the infrastructure necessary to connect the storages to the regional network in broad terms together with preliminary cost estimates of pipelines and water treatment; and,

 TORs for BSI 05 provided progressively. In addition an oral presentation of the findings will be made to the Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group and the Strategy Management Group on completion of the task.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 2 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy 2. Proposed Scope of Works

2.1 BSI 04 Desk Top Review of Identified Dam and Weir Sites Subject to approval of the Initial Scoping Report by the BSI Task Group, a more detailed review of the existing Investigation Reports and Preliminary Designs will be undertaken and the costs will be updated on a common basis. This may require some new desktop preliminary design where modification from previous arrangements is desirable, or where existing information was insufficient. Some desk top preliminary design may also be required for the delivery infrastructure on an individual basis recognising that water demand and points of delivery will not be fully understood. After screening to determine the sites with the greatest potential, a range of capacities will be assessed to determine the upper limit for development at each of the sites. Whilst this upper limit may result in a higher cost per megalitre than an alternative the marginal cost may be less than the marginal cost of the next alternative. At least two capacities are to be investigated at each site: the nominated capacity and the upper limit. The tasks to be undertaken include:

 Identify all the sites to be considered in the desktop review. The BSI Task Group Scoping Document attached to the brief for this consultancy suggested that this is likely to amount to five or six new dam sites, three potential raisings and up to four weir sites, though the brief itself and review of existing reports to date have suggested an increased number of sites will need to be considered;

 A review of the infrastructure projects nominated by the Steering Committee Workshop 27th January 05;

 Review of the existing documents on previous investigations including the cost estimates and identify shortfalls;

 Review any previous assessments of environmental and cultural heritage impacts. Carry out additional desktop studies where appropriate in order to develop an appreciation of whether potential impacts may affect the likelihood of the proposal proceeding and identify those sites unlikely to be developed due to social or environmental impacts;

 Prepare updated cost estimates based on the available information and form an appreciation of the accuracy of the estimates, for those projects that might be considered further in the development of the RWSS;

 Identify in broad terms the infrastructure necessary to connect the storages to the regional network;

 Prepare preliminary estimates of the costs of this connecting infrastructure and water treatment;

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 3 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy  For competing options, for example, alternative weir sites on a river or alternative pipeline routes, determine which is preferable considering cost, supply and impact criteria;

 Prepare a list of options that appear to be feasible and preferred;

 Prepare, following consultation with the BSI Task Group, for each site included in this program, a schedule of additional (pre-feasibility level) studies required to confirm that the project warrants detailed investigation, including estimated costs of the studies;

 Prepare a risk management assessment for each site/project in the context of it being struck off the list or included for further consideration;

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 4 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy 3. Identification and Collation of Sites/Projects

3.1 Sources of Information A review of the following documents indicated that there have been a large number of dam and weir sites considered to supplement the raw water supply in the South East Queensland region. The documents reviewed included: 1. JWP, “Future Water Source Options for the Sunshine Coast” Table 16.1(draft), Aquagen, July 2005; 2. 27th January 2005 RWSS Steering Committee Workshop minutes; 3. Sunwater, “Water Supply Study of the Upper Mary Valley – Security of Supply”, August 2004; 4. GHD/Kinhill, “South East Queensland Water and Waste Water Management and Infrastructure Study – Final Report for Phase 1 – Water Sources and Infrastructure Needs”, Department of Natural Resources, April 1999; 5. Queensland DPI Water Resources, “An Appraisal Study of Water Supply Sources for The Sunshine Coast and The Mary River Valley”, December 1994; 6. Queensland Water Resources Commission and Area Water Board “Water Supply Sources in South East Queensland”, January 1991; 7. A review of the information in the Department of Natural Resources and Mines library and the DPI library is underway, but has not as yet been collated and added to this report; 8. A review of the information held by each of the Councils and Water Authorities in the study area has commenced but has not yet reached a stage where information can be added to the Initial Scoping Report; and, 9. GHD, “South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Study, Stage 1 Report”, 2004. 10. DNR, “Seismic Refraction Reconnaissance Survey On Bremer River 67.7 km and 70.0 km Damsites,” work files, 1981, DNR reference 27207. 11. DNR, “Further progress report on Lockyer Valley water resources investigation,” work files, 1982, DNR reference 26837. 12. DNR, “Reedy Creek scheme, preliminary report,” work files, 1977, DNR reference 61079. 13. DNR, “Report on the water resources of Tinana Creek,” work files, 1950, DNR reference 24021. 14. P.E. Mann, “Yabba Creek 19.3 km and Amamoor Creek 14.7 km dam sites, seismic refraction survey, Queensland,” work files, 1959, DNR reference 64799. 15. DNR, "Geology and Mineral Resources: Damsites - Perserverence and Westbrook," work files, 2002 DNR reference 42848.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 5 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy 16. Department of Development and Mines: Geological Survey Queensland, “ Damsites: Middle Creek damsite geological plan an sections”, map, 1970, DNR BRN reference no. 70189. 17. Queensland Irrigation and Water Supply Commission, “Preliminary Report on Bremer River Weir Site 25.9 km feasibility study”, Warrill Valley Irrigation Project, 1973, DNR BRN reference no. 27431.

3.2 Dam and Weir Water Supply Projects The potential water supply improvement projects mentioned in the 27th January Workshop are summarised in Appendix A and of these bulk water supply options associated with dam and weir developments were:

 Glendower Dam Feasibility (investigation);

 Upper Mary Coles Crossing Weir and Noosa Pump Station;

 rehabilitation; and,

 site acquisition.

A summary of the information on the dam and weir projects referred to in the reports listed in Section 3.1 (Ref 1 to 6) are provided in the tables in Appendix B with each project tabulated according to the potential yield identified in the previous reports. The yield was assessed a number of years ago. Since then procedures have changed and additional data has now become available. Yield analyses will be undertaken on the projects with the greatest potential. It is anticipated that these yield estimates will result in a reduction in the potential yield from a number of these projects. The projects have been subdivided into four supply capacity options so that the projects can be reviewed on the basis of their potential benefits. The supply categories chosen were:

 Potential bulk water supply greater than 50,000 ML/a;

 Potential bulk water supply between 20,000 and 50,000 ML/a;

 Potential bulk water supply between 5,000 and 20,000 ML/a; and,

 Potential bulk water supply less than 5,000 ML/a. The categories were chosen to categorise options that at the upper supply range had the potential to supply water to the entire region and in the lower supply range would result in supply only to the local area. More than 80 bulk water supply options have been assessed in the existing reports. The general characteristics for these options are summarised in Appendix B, and the location of each of the sites are indicated in Figures 1-A and 1-B. A number of these sites have variations in potential storage capacity and yield from one source of information to another.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 6 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy 3.3 Cost per ML/a Yield Cost to supply the anticipated yield has been determined for a number of the sites listed in Appendix B based on. :

 The escalated cost of the projects as indicated in the appropriate reports. Generally the costs include the capital cost for the works, land acquisition and infrastructure relocation costs. However for some of the cost estimates it is not clear whether all the above costs have been included. Bulk water supply transfer costs generally have not been included in the costs provided in the previous studies and therefore has not been included here.

 Cost estimates provided in the reports have been escalated to July 2005 using a combination of the Rawlinsons building price adjustment and the Rider Hunt tender level index. This has been undertaken to provide a reasonable comparison of costs between the various reports. Both these indexes indicate a significant increase in costs over the past three years when compared to previous years. The Rawlinsons index indicates much greater increase when compared to the Rider Hunt Index. The Rawlinsons index for Brisbane is reported to provide a good guide to building cost increases over the past two years and reflects the shortage of labour and materials being experienced in the industry. As the bulk water supply projects are a mixture of building and civil construction and as it is anticipated that the cost increases currently being experienced may be short term in nature the cost index chosen for escalation was a mean of the two indexes.

 The yield estimates given in the reports are currently considered to be optimistic, however, these have been used for the comparison of projects as it is likely that all of the projects will be impacted by a similar proportion when the additional drought information and new calculation techniques are taken into account. In reviewing the costs it was found that there were four types of project:

 Existing dams not currently utilised that may provide a small increase in yield for the system;

 Projects previously costed and able to be compared;

 Projects that have not been costed but may have potential; and,

 Projects that were favoured but had been excluded previously on social or environmental grounds.

3.3.1 Dams Returned to Service Projects identified that are likely to increase the available water supply to the community and are likely to be of very low capital cost to return to service are identified in Table 1 below, though these projects were considered of local significance only.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 7 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Table 1 Dams Returned to Service

Yield (ML/a)

Ewen Maddock Dam (return to service) 5,000

Lake Manchester, Enoggera and Dams (return to 12,000 service)

3.4 Recommended Sites for Further Review In general the reports indicate that there are environmental or social issues on most, if not all of the projects. The earlier reports have not been assessed on the basis of potential green house gas production/ energy consumption as a result of pumping etc or the potential to manage the environmental/social risks with engineered works. The environmental impact relative to the benefit has not been evaluated. Each of the sites was reviewed on the basis of the potential yield as indicated above, the potential environmental constraints as identified in the available reports and the potential social issues as identified in the previous reports. A summary of some 80 identified sites is included as Appendix B. Of these 14 dam sites and a water harvesting option were considered to be appropriate for more detailed review. These are indicated in Table 2:

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 8 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Table 2 Bulk Water Supply Projects Recommended for Further Evaluation

Bulk Water Supply Projects Recommended for Further Evaluation

Catchment / Stream Damsite Name AMTD Capacity 1 Full Supply Reported Potential Yield (ML/a) Level (km) (ML) (m) EL

Albert River Glendower Dam in conjunction 60.2 86,000 76 21,000 (Ref 9) with weir on

Brisbane River Raise Wivenhoe2 40,000 (Ref 4)

Caboolture River Zillmans Crossing 36.4 70,000 73 13,680 (Ref 6)

Logan River Cedar Grove3 81.8 403,000 42 122,300(Ref 6)

Logan River Tilleys Bridge near Rathdowney in 153.4 230,000 120 70,050 (Ref 6) conjunction with a weir on Logan River

Logan River / Teviot Wyaralong Dam with Cedar 14.8 104,000 35,000 (Ref 9) Brook Grove Weir

Maroochy River Raising 4,600 to 95,000 44.8 to 80 19,700 (Ref 1 & 5)

Mary River Traveston 206.7 666,000 296,000 (Ref 5)

Mary River Cambroon 274 200,000 75,000 (Ref 5)

1 The Capacities given are indicative only based on the Full Supply Levels listed as previously noted in the literature reviewed. These levels, and consequently the capacities, will be subject to further refinement. 2 Projects being investigated by the SEQWB and GCC though review of information available at the time will need to be included in the desk top review. 3 Projects with insufficient information, but may be suitable for Bulk Water Supply. 41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 9 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Bulk Water Supply Projects Recommended for Further Evaluation

Catchment / Stream Dam Site AMTD Capacity 1 Full Supply Reported Potential Yield (ML/a) Level

Mary River / Obi Obi Kidaman 6.3 300,000 60,675 (Ref 5) Creek

Mary River Raise 25m – 31.1 240,000 157.28 30,000 (Ref 9) Stage III

Mary River / Amamoor Amamoor 19.2 220,000 145 17,000 (Ref 9) Creek

Nerang River / Coomera 30.4 238,000 65,000 (Ref 6) Coomera River

Nerang River Raise Stage III1 36.4 394,000 99.2 15,000 (Ref 9)

Nerang River - Water Harvesting into existing or raised Hinze Dam

Canungra Creek

Coomera River Coomera 30.4 km

Mudgerabah Creek Neranwood 21.1km

Tallebudgera Creek Ingleside 14.0 km

Currumbin Creek Craigs Crossing 12.7 km

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 10 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy 4. Identification of Contributions from BSI Task Group

It is expected that the BSI Task Group or its representative would:

 Arrange for updated yield assessments for appropriate dam and weir sites. Those projects requiring updated yield information are summarised in Table 2.

 Assist with co-ordination to manage the exchange of information with other task groups;

 Obtain relevant reports or results of the studies from the other task groups and make this information available to the further work as required, especially updated yield information;

 Provide contacts within the other task groups to enable the further consultants to liaise as required;

 Organise logistics associated with the oral presentations by any consultants to the BSI Task Group;

 Be responsible for reviewing and providing comment on draft documentation produced by the consultants; and,

 Gain approval/advice from the State Government, South East Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (SEQROC), and the Regional Coordination Committee (RCC) as appropriate before formally identifying such sites/projects.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 11 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy 5. Proposed Timings

5.1 What can be started now? The work to be completed in Part 3 can be started now and has commenced with the summary of projects previously identified.

5.2 Proposed Schedule The Terms of Reference require that a draft of the BSI04 report be submitted for review on 28th October 2005. The completion of this task is dependent on:

 Yield estimates being provided in a timely manner;

 Approval of the BSI Task Group of the projects to be included in the report;

 Responses from the Councils and Water authorities being received in a timely manner;

 Availability of suitable topographic plans for the sites being considered;

 Engineering analysis of previous reports and data plus development of engineering options;

 Availability of ecological, social and archaeological information on the sites/projects; and,

 Identification of the demand requirements and locations of the demand centres suitable for pre-planning of the raw water distribution requirements.

This means that the proposed schedule may need to be amended depending on when inputs are available from other tasks or task groups. If the relevant inputs are available when required the engineering assessments could be completed by 28th October 2005.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy 12 Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Figures

Figure 1A - Dam Locations Figure 1B - Dam Locations

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Copyright: This document is and shall remain the property of GHD Pty Ltd. The document may only be used for the purpose for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the terms of engagement for the commission. Unauthorised use of this document in any way is prohibited.

! Dundowran Id Site Description AMTD (km) er Howard iv Nikenban 1 Mary River - Kenilworth 270.00 !R ! m 2 Brisbane River - Linville Dam Site 282.10 u rr Torbanlea 17 Mary River - Traveston 206.90 u ! B 18 Mary River - Cambroon 274.00 19 Mary River - Conondale 291.00 20 Obi Obi Creek - Kidaman 6.30 26 Munna Creek 22.20 34 (! 27 Munna Creek - Merodian 32.50 28 Yabba Creek - Borumba Dam 31.10 r ive 33 Mary River - Coles Crossing Weir 213.50 y R ar 34 Burrum River - 34.60 M 35 Mary River - Mary River Barrage 58.70 36 Mary River - Moy Pocket Weir Site 244.00 37 Mary River - Water harvesting into Burumba - 38 Wappa Dam - 39 - 40 Amamoor Creek 19.20 Maryborough 41 Skyring Creek 10.30 ! 42 Widgee Creek - 46 Cooyar Creek 12.40 56 Ewen Maddock Dam - 35 57 Lake MacDonald - (! 59 - Brooweena Yerra 60 Munna Creek 36.00 ! ! 61 Kadanga Creek 12.20 62 Kadanga Creek 21.40 M 63 Kadanga Creek 28.50 u n 64 Maroochy River - n Boonooroo a ! 65 Noosa River - C r 66 Mary River - Small weirs btn 178.5 - 185km 178.50 e (!89 e k 68 Yabba Creek - Lge offstream storages D/S - 79 Wide Bay Creek 36.20 Tiaro 80 Wide Bay Creek 30.40 ! 81 Amamoor Creek 14.70 87 Mary River - Damsite 156.00 89 Mary River - Teddington Weir -

Bauple !

Gootchie !

60(! (!27

26 Theebine (! !

Gunalda ! Wide Bay Creek

Woolooga ! oos (!79 N a 80 R (! iv 42 e Kilkivan r ! (! (!87


k i e n e a r n 65 C a (! e C e Goomeri g r ! i d Gympie e W 66 ! e (! k

Kin Kin Lagoon Pocket ! LAKE COOTHARABA !

Dagun ! 17 Cooran (! ! Am amo or Creek Pomona LAKE COOROIBAH !81 33 ! (!40 ( (! Kandanga 57 Tew a ntin (!61 ! (! ! Manumber Mill Kadanga Creek ! 62 Cooray 63 (! k ! (! e (!37 e r Elgin Vale C ! ba Ya b Imbil ! Skyring Creek Eumundi ! Brooloo 68 ! (!(! 28 41 (!36 (!

39 Yandina (! !64 (!38 (! Kenilworth !

(!20 Nambour M 1 ! aro (! oc hy (!18 Riv Woombye er Jimna ! ! Palmwoods 59 ! (! LAKE BAROON (!58 c Eudlo Cooyar ree ! k B r Figure 1a 46 is (! b a creek n 19 Ob bi Figure 1b e (! i O r iv (!56 e r 2 Landsborough (! !

SEQ Bulk Water Legend Dam and Weir Sites (! Potential Storage Sites ! ² To wn s River Approximate Dam and Weir 0510 Source: GIS data supplied by Creek Site Locations - Northern SEQ Geoscience Kilometers Projection: MGA Zone 56 Highway Date Printed: 15 August 2005 1:500,000 File: M:\41\14840\Maps\dam_locations_ Major Road a3_north.mxd Figure 1a Size: A3 Copyright: This document is and shall remain the property of GHD Pty Ltd. The document may only be used for the purpose for which it was commissioned and in accordance with the terms of engagement for the commission. Unauthorised use of this document in any way is prohibited.

(!58 Cooyar cree Eudlo Id Site Description AMTD (km) k LAKE BAROON ! 46 2 Brisbane River - Linville Dam Site 282.10 (! 3 Stanley River - Peachester Dam Site 86.20 creek (!19 Ob i Obi 4 Cabooluture River - Zillmans Crossing Dam Site 36.40 M 5 South Pine River - Greenwood Dam Site 19.50 a 56 r (! 6 Teviot Brook - Braford Hills Dam Site 18.00 y R ive 7 Logan River - Cedar Grove Dam Site 81.80 r Landsborough (!2 ! 8 Albert River - Glendower Dam Site 60.20 9 Canungra Creek - Bega Hills Dam Site 29.60 Linville 10 Coomera River - Dam Site 30.40 ! 70 11 Coomera River - Army Camp Dam Site 41.40 Beerwah (!3 ! 12 Nerang River - Hinze Dam Stage III 36.40 13 Mudgeeraba Creek - Neranwood Dam Site 21.10 BlackbuttBenarkin 14 Tallebudgera Creek - Ingleside Dam Site 14.00 ! Moore ! ! Glass House Mountains15 Currumbin Creek - Craigs Crossing Dam Site 12.70 ! 16 Logan River - Tilleys Bridge Dam Site 153.40 19 Mary River - Conondale 291.00 e r riv 21 Albert River - Wolffdene 19.30 Kilcoy Stanley ! 22 Albert River - Mancha Meadows 51.00 Woodford 23 Albert River - Mundoolun 46.00 Ne ! Em Harlin (!47 48 u 24 Teviot Brook - Wyaralong 14.80 u (! r Cre ! e 25 Middle Creek - Middle Creek 1.30 ek m 29 Caboolture River - Gregors Creek 35.30 31 C 71(! r 30 Brisbane River - 149.00 (! e e 31 Emu Creek - Emu Creek 52.50 LAKE SOMERSET k 32 Logan River - Upper Logan 171.20 43 South Pine River - Cashs Crossing 14.00 44 Caboolture River - Haussmans 31.00 45 Caboolture River - River Junction 39.00 46 Cooyar Creek 12.40 oolture ri Toogoolawah Cab ! ver 47 Neurem Creek - Neurem Creek Weir 12.10 ! (!44 Caboolture 48 Neurem Creek - Neurem Creek Dam 16.10 49 Lake Manchester - 45 (! (!29 50 - y Cre (! eed e 4 51 - R k 88 y Creek 52 Cainbable Creek - Nindooinbah 9.90 (! Bu ar rpeng 53 Christmas Creek - 90 54 Teviot Brook - The Overflow 22.20 (! 55 Teviot Brook - w/o Wyaralong 81.80 Dayboro Deception56 Bay Ewen Maddock Dam - ! ! E 70 Stanley River - Peachester 86.20 s k dle C id C 71 EmuRedcliffe Creek 52.50 reek M r ! ee 72 Bremer River - Mt Walker 69.80 Esk 25 k ! (! LAKE KURWONGBAH 73 Lockyer Valley - Ma Ma Creek 21.90 !Kallangur 74 Lockyer Valley - Tenthill Creek 29.80 LAKE SAMSONVALE 75 Lockyer Valley - 50.50 LAKE WIVENHOE 76 Teviot Brook 88.30 77 Teviot Brook - Croftby 83.30 78 Warrill Creek - Warrill Creek - 82 Back Creek - Beechmont area water study - Bald Hills ! 83 Bremer River 25.90 84 Laidley Creek - (Lake Dyer) - e river 43 pin 5 (! 85 Ma Ma Creek 20.20 uth (! So 86 Ma Ma Creek - Recharge Weir 14.00 Samford 88 Reedy Creek - Reedy Creek Scheme - ! 90 Burpengary Creek - Caboolture Weir - (!30 Mt Nebo 91 Flagstone Creek - Mar Mar 10.30 !

Br LAKE ATKINSON is b a ne ENOGGERA 50 Brisbane Fernvale ri (! ! ! ve 51 r (! (!49 LAKE MANCHESTER LAKE CLARENDON k 75 ton C reek ree k (! er C e Locky re TINGALPA RESERVOIR Helidon C ! Gatton y ek ! le e d r i C ll a il L th Forest Hill n ! Creek e a T Ipswich lagstone!91 Creek F ( 84 Laidley ! (! ! 78 Woodridge Ma M (! 83 ! (! !Slacks Creek (!86 (!85 Logan river 73(! Park Ridge Beenleigh (!74 ! !

k e re C l il Peak Crossing (!21 72 r (! r ! r a e W v

i r R e r v e 55 ri m ! rt e 7 be me r (! Al o ra B o ri C ve Brooklands r ! 23 24 (! viot br ook (! C Te 6 a ! n ( u (!22 n (!54 g Kalbar r ! North Tamborine! a c 8 re (!10 (! e k Nerang Beaudesert N ! ! e Boonah r ! an (!11 g Rive Cainbable Creek Canungra Laravale ! ! !9 ( k e 12 e (! r c Mt Alford a ! ab eer dg 52 Back Creek Mudgeeraba (! u ! Kerry M (!53 ! 13 Christm Beechmont (! Freestone 82! ! (! reek (!77 as Creek Figure 1a 14 lebudgera(! c ek 76 e15 Figure 1b (! LAKE MAROON Tal (! Rathdowney ! 16 (!32 (! Currumbin cr

Legend SEQ Bulk Water (! Potential Storage Sites Dam and Weir Sites ! To wn s ² River 0510Approximate Dam and Weir Source: GIS data supplied by Creek Geoscience Australia Locations - Southern SEQ Projection: MGA Zone 56 Highway Kilometers Date Printed: 15 August 2005 File: M:\41\14840\Maps\dam_locations Major Road 1:500,000 _a3_south.mxd Size: A3 Figure 1b Appendix A (to Appendix A of Overall Report) 27th January Workshop – Summary of Findings

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Summary of Workshop Findings

The 27th January 2005 RWSS Steering Committee Workshop listed a number of projects for development over approximately the next 20 years. This list together with its relevance to this study, that is, increasing the bulk water supply in the South East Queensland region, is indicated in the Table below.

January 27th Steering Committee Workshop Options

Impact on Increasing Bulk Water SEQ Infrastructure Plan Project Items, Supply or relevance to Bulk Water Estimated Timeframes and Costs Infrastructure for this study

1. Southern regional pipeline project Minor to Nil 2. Wivenhoe; Somerset; North Pine Catchments rehabilitation – 20 years, remediation and Minor to Nil sewerage infrastructure 3. Coomera-Pimpama advanced wastewater plant Minor to Nil

4. Wyaralong Dam site acquisition Potential

5. Cedar Grove Weir Potential

6. WaterFutures Toowoomba, comprising:

a. Groundwater - $30m over 3-5 years Minor to Nil b. Advanced water treatment (indirect reuse) - $40m over 5-10 years Minor to Nil 7. Southern Island sewerage - $160m Minor to Nil

8. Groundwater – Redland (investigation) Minor to Nil

9. Regional Sludge incinerator (investigation) Minor to Nil 10. West Brisbane-Ipswich recycled water scheme Minor to Nil

11. SEQ RWSS Stage 2 ???

12. Future Sunshine Coast water sources (investigation) – 2006, options/impacts ???

13. Water mains duplication Sunshine Coast – 2006, $29m Minor to Nil

14. Ewen Maddock Dam Rehabilitation – 2016, $25-30m Potential

15. South Maroochy upgrade – 2010-2017, $30m Minor to Nil

16. Sunshine Coast Cane land re-development Minor to Nil tt tlii

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Impact on Increasing Bulk Water SEQ Infrastructure Plan Project Items, Supply or relevance to Bulk Water Estimated Timeframes and Costs Infrastructure for this study strategy – water recycling, remove river discharge, 2007, $185m

17. Maroochy River pilot study – 2006, $30m Minor to Nil 18. Desalination pilot plant – 2007, $30m, Sunshine Beach – Coolangatta Minor to Nil 19. SEQ RWQMS – 2006, $2m incorporating sustainable loads to SEQ waterways, Minor to Nil including load-based monitoring 20. Lockyer/Bremer catchment rehabilitation – 2020, $20m Minor to Nil 21. Northern region pipeline upgrade – 2007, $10m Minor to Nil

22. Brisbane bulk system upgrade – 2010 Minor to Nil 23. Australia Trade Coast recycling scheme – 2010, $20m Minor to Nil

24. Rochedale dual reticulation – 2010 Minor to Nil

25. Moodlu Quarry – 2006, $4m Minor to Nil 26. Demonstrate aquifer storage and recovery and capacity assessment (investigation) – Minor to Nil 2007, $2m

27. Petrie water treatment upgrade Minor to Nil

28. Septics improvement – 2007, $1m Minor to Nil 29. Upper Mary-Coles Crossing Weir and Noosa Pump Station – 2006-2010, $9m Potential 30. Glendower Dam feasibility (investigation) – 2006, $0.5m Potential 31. Mt Crosby Water Treatment Plant upgrade – 2010, $60m Minor to Nil

32. Fairfield recycling – 2007, $2m Minor to Nil 33. Transit-oriented development (investigation) – 2006 Minor to Nil 34. Inter-catchment sewerage transfer (investigation) – 2006 Minor to Nil 35. Water mining / micro treatment (investigations) – 2006 Minor to Nil 36. Behavioural change – Water wise – 2020, $10m Minor to Nil

37. Stormwater re-use (investigation) Minor to Nil

38. Narangba recycled water – 2008, $4m Minor to Nil

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Impact on Increasing Bulk Water SEQ Infrastructure Plan Project Items, Supply or relevance to Bulk Water Estimated Timeframes and Costs Infrastructure for this study 39. Re-use mains – parks and open space – Redland - $85m Minor to Nil 40. Water Research centre and training centre including plumbers training Minor to Nil

41. Cash incentives for retro-fitting water devices Minor to Nil

42. Rural water use efficiency initiative Minor to Nil

43. Tarong recycled water Minor to Nil 44. Smart metering project to better understand in-residence consumption – 3 sites in SEQ, Minor to Nil $3m, 2005-2006 45. Groundwater resource characterisation – SEQ (including Great Artesian Basin and Minor to Nil Toowoomba basalts)

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy Appendix B (to Appendix A of Overall Report) Summary of Project Evaluation Considerations for Bulk Water Supply Projects

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD GREATER THAN 50,000 ML/a

Cost and Benefit Summary Comment

Project Cost ($ Yield $/ML/a million) (ML/a)

Albert River – Mancha Meadows AMTD 51.0 in storage area of ?  Very High social and financial cost. Wolffdene (Reference 6)

Albert River – Mundoolun AMTD 46.0 km in storage area of ?  Very High social and financial cost. Wolffdene (Reference 6)

Albert River – Wolffdene 132,600 Very High social and financial cost. AMTD 19.3 km 687 (Unknown 5,179  (Reference 6) % PMFR)

 Strategically located for demand.

 Rural-residential growth area.

 Land warfare centre.

 May be suitable for water harvesting into Hinze dam. 54,600 Coomera River – Army Camp  Rainforest and eucalypt forest. (No AMTD 41.4 km Three known rare/threatened failure)  FSL 133.3 493 8,722 species. 56,500 Capacity 248,000 ML  National Parks and Wildlife (1% (Reference 6) PMFR) expressed interest in protecting forests.

 Population affected 583 and 292 army.

 Vegetation and wildlife impact high.

 River impact moderate.

Note: PMFR = Probable Monthly Failure Rate

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD GREATER THAN 50,000 ML/a

Cost and Benefit Summary Comment

Project Cost ($ Yield $/ML/a million) (ML/a)

 Strategically located for demand.

 Rural-residential growth area.

 Land warfare centre.

 May be suitable for water harvesting into Hinze dam.

 Over half of ponded area cleared for agriculture.

 Complex notophyl vine forest

 Potential rare and threatened Coomera River 65,000 species. AMTD 30.4 km (No failure)  Fish. FSL 84 548 8,182 67,000  Water quality same as others. Capacity 238,000 ML (1%  European and Aboriginal (Reference 6) PMFR) heritage but not listed by Department of Environment.

 Rainforest eucalypt.

 Three known rare/threatened species.

 313 residents affected.

 Vegetation and wildlife impact high.

 River impact mod-low.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD GREATER THAN 50,000 ML/a

Cost and Benefit Summary Comment

Project Cost ($ Yield $/ML/a million) (ML/a)

 May be worth considering further due to relatively large yield.

 Previously Wyaralong preferred over dam at Cedar Grove Weir. Logan River – Cedar Grove 122,300 AMTD 81.8 km (No  Eucalypt forest. failure) FSL 42 m 693 4,974  Two likely rare/threatened 139,270 species. Capacity 403,000 ML (1%  Population affected 378. (Reference 6) PMFR)  Low vegetation and wildlife impact.

 Low to moderate river impact.

 Potential as a stand alone or part of the system.

Logan River – Tilley’s Bridge  Eucalypt forest. near Rathdowney 70,050  Two likely rare/threatened (No AMTD 153.4 km in conjunction species. with a weir on Logan River failure) 236 3,132  Wild life corridor. FSL 120 m 75,200 Population affected 119. Capacity 230,000 ML (1%  PMFR) (Reference 6)  Low to moderate vegetation and wildlife impact.

 Moderate river impact.

 Potential for storage to supply Mary River - Cambroon 75,000 Mary valley and Sunshine coast. AMTD 274 km (Unknow  Conondale township needs to be Capacity 200,000 ML n % moved. PMFR) (Reference 5)  Transfer to Somerset possible.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD GREATER THAN 50,000 ML/a

Cost and Benefit Summary Comment

Project Cost ($ Yield $/ML/a million) (ML/a)

Mary River – Conondale 30,000 AMTD 291.0 km National Park impacted (Unknown  Capacity 100,000 ML % PMFR) (Reference 5)

 Major Environmental and social issues including State forest feature protection area No 22. Charles Moreland State Forest Park.

 Rainforest/ Eucalypt forest. 105,500 Mary River near Kenilworth  1 plant (others likely) and 8 animals AMTD 270.0 (No failure)  Known rare/threatened species 2 FSL 135 211 1,899 known 4 likely. 110,950 Capacity 410,000 ML Mary River Cod. (1%  (Reference 6) PMFR)  Uncontrolled river DPI opposition.

 Population affected 144.

 Medium-high potential for aboriginal sites. Potential vegetation, wildlife and river impact very high.

 Alluvial flood plain on right bank. Mary River - Traveston Inundation of prime agricultural 296,000  AMTD 206.7 km land and displacement of rural (Unknow population. Capacity 666,000 ML n % PMFR) Mary River Cod may be affected. (Reference 5)   Kadanga may be flooded.

Obi Obi Creek - Kidaman 60,675  Closest source of water to AMTD 6.3 km (Unknow Caloundra and Maroochy. 300,000 ML n%  Tunnelling costs may be costly. PMFR) (Reference 1 and 5)

61,340 Teviot Brook – Braford Hills  Wyaralong was the preferred site in (No AMTD 18 km in conjunction with a Reference 6. failure) weir on Logan River 174 2,606 66,820  Eucalypt forest. FSL 72 (1% Capacity 176,000 ML  Two likely rare threatened species. PMFR)

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD GREATER THAN 50,000 ML/a

Cost and Benefit Summary Comment

Project Cost ($ Yield $/ML/a million) (ML/a)

(Reference 6)  Population affected 98.

 Low vegetation and wildlife impact.

 Moderate river impact.

 Detracts from Wivenhoe Yield Incremental System  Eucalypt forest. Brisbane River - Linville Yield = AMTD 282.1km 64,400  5 known rare/threatened species. (No FSL 160 265 failure) 9,338  Population affected 34. Capacity 416000 ML 28,400  Vegetation and wildlife low impact. (Reference 6) (1%  River moderate impact. PMFR)  Yield affected by flood mitigation

 Ponded area cleared for grazing.

35,000  Fish, vertebrates, invertebrates Teviot Brook – Wyaralong (The (No impacted. Yards) failure,  Possible water quality issues. AMTD 14.8 km. RWSS Stage 1  Sewage treatment plants Wyaralong Dam with Cedar 99 Report) 1,634 downstream proposed. Grove Weir 60,300 No aboriginal heritage recorded Capacity 104,000ML  (No potential noted. (Reference 6) failure, Ref 6)  98 residents affected.  Land purchased.


Bold Text and shaded cells indicate projects recommended for further evaluation under the desk top review as summarised in Table 1.

NOTE: Comments are in the main based on information contained in reports published in the 1990's and data may no longer be accurate.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 20,000 ML/a AND 50,000 ML/a

Summary Project Comment Cost Yield ($million) (ML/a) $/ML/a

 National Park and other environmental issues.

 Rain forest. Albert River – Canungra Creek Bega Hills 44,600  Eucalypt, 3 likely rare/threatened species AMTD 47 km in conjunction with (No downstream weir on Albert River failure) 1.4 ha Sarabah National Park and 249 5,326  FSL 160 46,820 "Glen Withering" property. Capacity 92,000 ML (1%  Population affected 114. PMFR) (Reference 6)  Vegetation and wildlife impact high.

 River impact moderate to low.

 Glendower is the preferred option

 Strategically located for demand.

 Ponded area cleared for cultivation and grazing.

FSL 79m  Modified swamp and wetland areas. 54,270 Albert River - Glendower Dam (Ref 6)  Fish impact. AMTD 60.2 km (upstream of Wolffdene) in conjunction with  Possible water quality impact. weir on Logan River FSL 76m  Aboriginal cave shelter carved FSL 79 m trees. 206 45,600 3,533 Capacity 112,000ML (Ref 2)  Nindooinbah listed homestead. 81 FSL 76m residents affected. 86,000 ML Wetland. FSL 76m  (Reference 2 and 6) 21,000  Wetland may be of scientific interest. (Ref 9)  2 likely rare/threatened species.

 Low vegetation impact.

 Moderate river impact.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 20,000 ML/a AND 50,000 ML/a

Summary Project Comment Cost Yield ($million) (ML/a) $/ML/a

30,000  Disturbed forest.

Mary River - Borumba Dam (No  Rare and endangered species. raising 25m failure - RWSS  Fish. AMTD 31.1 km Stage 1 71 1,781  Water quality? No information. FSL 157.28 Report)  15 residents affected. Capacity 240,000 ML 52,000 (Unknown Preliminary cost estimates only. (Reference 4)  % PMFR - Ref 4)  DPI costs look low.

Caboolture River – Gregoors Creek AMTD 35.3km  Zillmans crossing more cost 172 21,700 7,919 effective. Capacity 72,000 ML (Reference 6)

 Ponded area cleared for agriculture.

 Fish.

 Water Quality.

 Septic tanks in catchment. Currumbin Creek – Craigs 20,460 Crossing  1 known 4 likely rare/threatened (No species. AMTD 12.7 (12.4) km failure) 245 11,576  296 residents affected. FSL 70 21,200  Vegetation and wildlife impact low. Capacity 92,900 ML (1% (Reference 6) PMFR)  River impact mod-low.

 Flood mitigation benefit strategically located to demand area.

 High social and environmental issues.

Logan River - Upper Logan 24,000 AMTD 171.2 (170.9) km  Delivery cost is high. 237 (Unknown 9,896 120,000 ML  Tilley’s bridge option preferred. % PMFR) (Reference 6)

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 20,000 ML/a AND 50,000 ML/a

Summary Project Comment Cost Yield ($million) (ML/a) $/ML/a

 The 1994 Appraisal Study Report included Amamoor Creek as part of a possible longer term strategy with reallocation of part of the Borumba Dam supply from the Mary River Valley to the Sunshine Coast with the Amamoor Creek Dam supplying downstream urban and agricultural water needs of the Mary River Munna Creek 46,700 Valley. AMTD 22.2 km (Unknown  The Amamoor Creek site is the Capacity 385,000 ML % PMFR) preferred longer term element of the (Reference 5) strategy rather than the other available options, the Wide Bay Creek or Munna Creek sites, because of its better cost effectiveness, smaller impacts and because of its more strategic location to serve demands in the middle and lower parts of the Mary River Valley.

Munna Creek - Merodian 25,000 AMTD 32.5 km 22.2 km option has higher yield (Unknown  Capacity 150,000 % PMFR) (Reference 5)

 Eucalypt and rain forest issues. 15,000  Fish. Nerang River - Raise Hinze Dam (No  Water quality issues. Stage III (Note B) failure - RWSS  29 residents affected. AMTD 36.4 km Stage 1 142 5,137 FSL 99.2 Report )  Eucalypt and rain forest, 4 likely rare/threatened species. Capacity 394,000 ML 11,200 Vegetation and Wildlife moderate (Reference 6) (Unknown  % PMFR - impact. Ref 6)  River low impact.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 20,000 ML/a AND 50,000 ML/a

Summary Project Comment Cost Yield ($million) (ML/a) $/ML/a

(Note B) 40,000 Raising Wivenhoe  SEQWB undertaking cost 182 (No 4,547 (Reference 4) evaluation failure)

 Detracts from Wivenhoe yield.

Stanley River at Peachester 42,400  Rain forest and eucalypt forest.

AMTD 86.2 km (No  1 known 2 likely rare/threatened failure) FSL 153 251 5,524 species. 45,500 Capacity 13,200 ML  Vegetation and wildlife impact (1% moderate. (Reference 6) PMFR)  River impact high.

 Flood mitigation benefit.

 Strategically located to demand area.

 340 ha forest fauna corridor.

 Vegetation clearance extensive.

 Fish, vertebrates, and invertebrates. 33,000 Tallebudgera Creek - Ingleside  Water quality issues. (No AMTD 14.0 km RESIDENTS HAVE STRONG failure)  FSL 75 350 9,645 ENVIRONMENTAL INTEREST. 36,320 Capacity 231,000 ML  No sites of archaeological or (1% (Reference 4 and 6) PMFR) heritage value recorded.  306 residents.

 Eucalypt, 1 known 4 likely rare/threatened species.

 River Impact low.

 Significant social and environmental issues.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 20,000 ML/a AND 50,000 ML/a

Summary Project Comment Cost Yield ($million) (ML/a) $/ML/a

Tallebudgera Creek - Ingleside  May be appropriate for water AMTD 14.0 km harvesting into Hinze Dam.


Bold Text and shaded cells indicate projects recommended for further evaluation under the desk top review as summarised in Table 1. Notes Indicates projects with insufficient information but may be suitable for Bulk Water (A) Supply.

(B) Indicates projects being evaluated by dam owners ie SEQWB and GCCC.

NOTE: Comments are in the main based on information contained in reports published in the 1990's and data may no longer be accurate.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 5,000 ML/a AND 20,000 ML/a

Summary Projects Comment Cost Yield ($million) (ML/a) $/ML/a

Albert River - Cainbable Creek AMTD 71 km Albert River - Nindooinbah 6,000  Glendower preferred. AMTD 9.9 km Capacity 16,000 ML (Reference 6)

Amamoor Creek Dam  Relatively undisturbed native forest. AMTD 19.2 km 17,000  Plumed frogmouth. FSL 145 m 112 (No Capacity 220,000 ML failure)  Mary river cod. (Reference 1, 5 and 9)  6 residents.

Brisbane River - Cooyar Creek  Linville gives greater yield. AMTD 12.4km 12,000  Potential for local supply but Capacity 185,000 ML not of regional significance. (Reference 6)

 Incremental yield is insufficient to be of regional significance but individual projects could be of local significance to reduce transfer costs or to manage other Brisbane River – Emu Creek 11,000 to 17,700 water distribution options. AMTD 52.5 km (Eastern  Eucalypt forest. Downs Capacity 60,000 ML Urban Water Supply  Five known rare/threatened (Reference 6) Appraisal) species.

 Population.

 Detracts from Wivenhoe yield.

 Low yield at Crosby Weir (nearby).

Caboolture Creek – River Junction  Damsite unsuitable to give yield 10,000 ML. AMTD 39 <10,000 (Reference 6)  River uncontrolled.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 5,000 ML/a AND 20,000 ML/a

Summary Projects Comment Cost Yield ($million)(ML/a) $/ML/a

Caboolture River - Haussmans  Damsite unsuitable to give yield 10,000 ML. AMTD 31.0 km <10,000 (Reference 6)  River uncontrolled

 Most of ponded area cleared for agriculture.

 100 ha disturbed.

 Eucalypt forest.

Caboolture River - Zillmans Crossing 13,680  Fish. AMTD 36.4 km (No  Water Quality. failure) FSL 73 m 158 10,919  Axe grinding site. 14,500 Capacity 70,000 ML  96 residents. (1% (Reference 6) PMFR)  Five known, one likely rare/threatened species.

 River uncontrolled.

 Strategically located for demand.

Cedar Grove Weir without Wyaralong  Local significance but not of 6,500 (Reference 4) regional significance.

Christmas Creek Capacity 20,000 ML 11,800  Feasibility questioned (Reference 6)

Coles Crossing Weir  Being considered for local Capacity 3,897 ML 13 7,600 1,711 water supply and is of no regional significance. (Reference 3)

 Not being utilised.

Lake Manchester, Enoggera and Gold  Minor regional significance. 12,000 Creek Dams (Reference 6)  Possible emergency supply during severe droughts.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 5,000 ML/a AND 20,000 ML/a

Summary Projects Comment Cost Yield ($million)(ML/a) $/ML/a

 The cost of Moy pocket weir Mary River - Moy Pocket Weir is higher than Coles Crossing AMTD 244.0 km Weir. 7,600 Capacity 5,000 ML  Probably has better foundations and bank stability (Reference 3) then Coles Crossing site.

 Ponded area generally cleared.

 Fish.

 Canal estate flushing?

 Water Quality.

 No archaeological or historic sites known. Mudgerabah Creek- Neranwood  204 residents affected. AMTD 21.1km  Eucalypt forest. FSL 110 277 17,250 16,062  One known, four likely Capacity 117 000 ML rare/threatened species. (Reference 6)  Vegetation and wildlife low impact.

 River mod-low.

 Flood mitigation benefit.

 Strategically located in demand area.

 Very high social cost.

Neranwood  Local significance but not of 155 13,000 11,891 (Reference 4) regional significance.

Neurem Creek Dam upstream of Kilcoy AMTD 16.1 km and weir AMTD 12.1 km 10,000  Offers some potential. Capacity 25000 ML (Reference 6)

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 5,000 ML/a AND 20,000 ML/a

Summary Projects Comment Cost Yield ($million)(ML/a) $/ML/a

Maroochy River - Raising Wappa Dam 19,700 FSL 44.8 to 80 m 197 (Unknown 9,990 Capacity 4600 to 95000 ML % PMFR) (Reference 1 and 5)

Skyring Creek AMTD 10.3 km  Amamoor Creek dam 10,000 Capacity 30000 ML preferred. (Reference 5)

 Eucalypt wetland.

 Two known, two likely rare/threatened species. South Pine River - Cashs Crossing  Wetland may be of scientific AMTD 14 km interest. 25,700 72,600 ML  River uncontrolled. (Reference 6)  Potential to supply part of study area.

 Very high social cost.

 Eucalypt wetland.

 Two known, two likely South Pine River - Greenwood rare/threatened species. AMTD 19.5 km  Wetland may be of scientific interest. FSL 50 Capacity 451 18,220 24,766 65900 ML  River uncontrolled. (Reference 6)  Potential to supply part of study area.

 Very high social cost.

Teviot Brook – The Overflow ?  Not of regional significance. AMTD 22.2 km

 Being considered for local Water Harvesting into Cooloolabin Dam 0 water supply and is of no (Reference 1) regional significance

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD BETWEEN 5,000 ML/a AND 20,000 ML/a

Summary Projects Comment Cost Yield ($million)(ML/a) $/ML/a

 Being considered for local water supply and is of no Water Harvesting from Mary River into 20 7,600 2,665 Borumba Dam regional significance.  May not be cost effective.

Wide Bay Creek  Amamoor Creek dam AMTD 30.4 km ?? preferred. (Reference 5)

Wide Bay Creek AMTD 36.2 km  Amamoor Creek dam 25,000 Capacity 100000 ML preferred. (Reference 5)

Widgee Creek  Amamoor Creek dam ?? (Reference 5) preferred.


Bold Text and shaded cells indicate projects recommended for further evaluation under the desk top review as summarised in Table 1.

NOTE: Comments are in the main based on information contained in reports published in the 1990's and data may no longer be accurate.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD LESS THAN 5,000 ML/a

Summary Projects Comment Cost Yield $/ML/a ($million) (ML/a)

Additional allocation from Baroon Pocket  Supply exceeds short- Dam 0? term needs. (Reference 3)

 Conversion to high priority Allocation of unsold water from Borumba water uncertain. Stage II ??  May be suitable for local (Reference 3) supply but not regional.

Bremer River AMTD 25.9km ?  (Reference 17)

Bremer River - Mt Walker AMTD 69.8 km  May be suitable for local 5,100 60,000ML supply but not regional. (Reference 6 and 10)

Ewen Maddock Dam (Return to service) 5,000 0  Return to service. (Reference 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6)

Kandanga Creek  May be suitable for local AMTD 12.2 km ?? supply but not regional. (Reference 5)

Kandanga Creek AMTD 21.4 km ??  (Reference 5)

Kandanga Creek AMTD 28.5 km ??  (Reference 5)

Large off stream storages D/S Coles Crossing  May be suitable for local 2700 ML 5 3,000 supply but not regional. (Reference 3 and 7)

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD LESS THAN 5,000 ML/a

Summary Projects Comment Cost Yield $/ML/a ($million) (ML/a)

Large off stream storages near Degans  May be suitable for local Pocket ?? supply but not regional. (Reference 3 and 7)

Large off stream storages D/S Yabba Creek  May be suitable for local 2700 ML 5 3,000 supply but not regional. (Reference 3 and 7)

Lockyer Valley - Laidley creek AMTD 50.5 (51) km  May be suitable for local 24,600ML 3,500 supply but not regional. (Reference 6) May also be contained in Reference 11

Lockyer Valley - Laidley creek AMTD 110.1 km  May be suitable for local 39,400 ML 4,700 supply but not regional. (Reference 6) May also be contained in Reference 11

Lockyer Valley - Ma Ma Creek AMTD 20.2 (21.9) km  May be suitable for local 24700 ML 4,900 supply but not regional. (Reference 6) May also be contained in Reference 11

Lockyer Valley - Tenthill Creek AMTD 29.8 km  May be suitable for local 46,700 ML 5,400 supply but not regional. (Reference 6) May also be contained in Reference 11

Maroochy River  May be suitable for local ? (Reference 6) supply but not regional.

Small Weirs on Mary River between AMTD 178.3 km and 185 km  May be suitable for local 1 500 (Reference 3) supply but not regional.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD LESS THAN 5,000 ML/a

Summary Projects Comment Cost Yield $/ML/a ($million) (ML/a)

Middle Creek  May be suitable for local AMTD 1.3 km 5,000 supply but not regional. Capacity 20,000 ML (Reference 16)

Munna Creek AMTD 36.0 km ??  (Reference 5)

 High priority but only in Noosa Shire apply for extra supply from drought? Lake MacDonald 0?  May be suitable for local (Reference 3) supply but not regional.

Noosa River?  May be suitable for local ? (Reference 6) supply but not regional.

Raise Baroon Pocket Dam 5m to FSL 222  May be suitable for local 3,000 Capacity 82000 ML supply but not regional. (Reference 5)

Small off stream storages  May be suitable for local ?? (Reference 3) supply but not regional.

 Detracts from Wivenhoe yield.

 322 people affected.

 Rain Forest.

 Eucalypt.

 1 known 2 likely Stanley River at Peachester rare/threatened species. AMTD 86.2 km ??  State forest and private (Reference 6) land.

 Department of Fisheries wish to stock with Mary River Cod.

 Reduce yield from Somerset divert to Caboolture.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy PROJECTS WITH POTENTIAL YIELD LESS THAN 5,000 ML/a

Summary Projects Comment Cost Yield $/ML/a ($million) (ML/a)

 May be suitable for local supply but not regional.

Teviot Brook – Croftby AMTD 83.3 km ?

(Reference 6)  May be suitable for local supply but not regional. Teviot Brook AMTD 88.3 km 4,825 (Reference 6)

Tinana Creek Weir?  Suitable for local supply ? (Reference 5 and 13) but not regional.

Warril Creek ?  Unlikely to be developed. (Reference 6)

Westbrook Creek  Likely to be too small a Dam and Pump Storage? ?". supply to be of regional significance. (Reference 15)

Legend 

 Bold Text and shaded cells indicate projects recommended for further evaluation under the desk top review as summarised in Table 1.

NOTE: Comments are in the main based on information contained in reports published in the 1990's and data may no longer be accurate.

41/14840/333302 South East Queensland Regional Water Supply Strategy Bulk Supply Infrastructure Task Group Desk Top Review and TOR Development Consultancy