Commonwealth of Pennsylvania LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 30
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COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1990 SESSION OF 1990 174TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 49 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I request a leave for the gentleman from Dauphin County, The House convened at 3:35 p.m., e.d.t. Mr. DININNI, for the day. I The SPEAKER pro tempore Without objection. the leave of absence is granted. THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE I (IVAN ITKIN) PRESIDING MASTER ROLL CALL PRAYER I The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair is about to take REV. CLYDE W. ROACH, Chaplain of the House of the master roll call. Members will ~roceedto vote. Representatives, from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: I (A roll-call vote was taken.) Let us pray: FILMING PERMISSION Almighty God, our Father, we recognize that Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory and that You have blessed The SPEAKER pro tempore. For the advice of the us with Your abundance beyond measure. We also thank You members, the Chair has given permission to Gabrielle DeRose for the amazing grace given to this House of Representatives of WTAJ-TV 10 to film on the floor of the House for the next to budget for this abundance. By it, may the citizens and insti- 10 minutes. tutions of this great Commonwealth be empowered to labor for You for another year. LEAVE OF ABSENCE And, precious Lord, as we enter another summer vacation season, help us to rest and relax our bodies and minds that our The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair will return to strength might be renewed like that of the eagle so that when leaves of absence and recognize the majority leader, who we return to this House, we will he ready to give our all for the amends the report that there are no leaves on the Democratic promotion of this great Commonwealth. side and indicates a leave for the gentleman from Philadel- In Your dear name we pray. Amen. phia, Mr. PIEVSKY. Without objection, the leave of absence is granted. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MASTER ROLL CALL RETAKEN (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and vis- itors.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair now will take the master roll over again to reflect the additional leave request JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED on the part of the gentleman from Philadelphia, Mr. Pievsky. Members will proceed to vote on the master roll. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the . The following roll call wasrecorded: Journal of Fridav, June 29. 1990. will be .oost~oned . until I printed. The Chair hears no objection. Acosta Donatucci Lashinger Ritter LEAVES OF ABSENCE Adolph Dorr Laughlin Robbins Durham Lee Robinson Angstadt Evans Leh Roebuck The SPEAKER pro tempore. Are there requests for leaves Argall Fairchild Leswvitz Rudy of absence? Barley Fago Levdansky Ryan The Chair is informed that there are no leaves of absence Battisto Farmer Linton Rybak for the Democratic members. Belardi Fee Lloyd Saloom Belfanti Fleagle Lucyk Saunnan The Chair now recognizes the minority whip, the gentle- Billow Flick McCall Scheetz man from Huntingdon, Mr. Hayes. Bimelin Foster McHale Schuler Mr. HAYES. Thank you. Bishop Fox McNally Scrimenti Black Freeman McVerry Semmel Blaum Freind Maiale Saaf~ Bomer Gallen Maine Smith, B 1342 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 30, Bowley Gamble Markosek Smith, S. H. The SPEAKER pro tempore. I think it is the cousin's Boyes Cannon Marsico Snyder, D. W. fiancee. Brandt Geist Mayemik Snyder. C. Broujos George Melio Staback Mr. WAMBACH. Oh. Thank you. 1 will relate that to his Bunt Gigliotti Merry Stairs mother, who is frantically on the phone right now. Burd Gladeck Michlovic Steighner Thank you very much. Bums Godshall Micozzie Stish The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair thanks the gentle- Bush Gruitza Mihalieh Strittmatter Caltadrone GNPW Miller Stuban man. Cappabianca Hagarty Mcehlmann Tangretti Carhn Haluska Morris Taylor, E. 2. Cam Harper Mowery Taylor. F. CALENDAR Cawley HWY Mrkonic Taylor, 1. Ccssar Hayden Murphy Telek BILLS ON THIRD CONSIDERATION Chadwick Hayes Nahill Thomas &era Heckler Nailor Tigue The House proceeded to third consideration of SB 1111, Ckk, B. D. Herman Noye TreUo PN 2352, entitled: clark, D. F. Hershey O'Brien Trich lark, J. H. Hess Olasz Van Home An Act ahending the act of November 24, 1976 (P. L. 1163, Clymer Howlett Oliver Van No. 259), entitled "Generic Equivalent Drug Law," further pro- Cohen Hughes Perzel Vroon viding for the addition and deletion of generic drugs from the for- ColafeUa Itkin Pesci Wambach mulary. ColaizLo Jackson Petrarca Wass Cole Jadlowiec Petrone Weston On the question, ComeU James Phillips Williams Jarolin Picoola Wilson Will the House agree to the hill on third consideration? Cowell Johnson Pistella Wogan Mr. KUKOVICH offered the following amendments No. COY Josephs Pitts Wozniak A3058: DeLuca Kaiser Pressmann Wright, D. R. DeWecsc Kasunic Preston Wright, J. L. Amend Title, page 1, line 4, by inserting a period after Dalcy Kenney Raymond Wright, R. C. "drugs" Davies Kondrich Reber Yandrisevits Amend Title, page 1, line 4, by striking out "from the formu- Dsmps~y Kosinski Reinard lary." Dietterick Kukovich Richardson O'Donnell, Distler LaGrotta Rieger Speaker Amend Bill, page 1, lines 7 through 18; pages 2 through 4, Dombrowski LangtrY lines 1 through 30; page 5, lines 1 through 24, by striking out all of said lines on said pages and inserting ADDITIONS-0 Section 1. The definition of "generically equivalent drug" NOT VOTING-0 in section 2 of the act of November 24, 1976 (P.L.1163, No.259), referred to as the Generic Equivalent Drug Law, is amended to EXCUSED-2 read: Section 2. As used in this act: Dininni Pievsky t** "Generically equivalent drug" means a drug product [having WELCOMES the same generic name, dosage form and labeled potency, meeting standards of the United States Pharmacopoeia or National Formulary or their successors, if applicable, and not The SPEAKER The Chair at this time is found in violation of the requirements of the United States Food pleased to welcome to the hall of the House Mike McCall, and Drug Administration or the Pennsylvania Department of who is the cousin of our Representative Keith McCall, and his Health.] that the Commissioner of Food and Drugs of the United fiancee, Sue Sandefer. They are the guests of Representative States Food and Drug Administration has approved as safe and Mc~a,and they are located to the left of the speaker. would effective and has determined to he therapeutically equivalent, as listed in "The Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equiv- they please rise and be recognized. alence Evaluations," ood and Dm Administration "Oran e The Chair also wishes to welcome to the House of Repre- ~~~kw), hotever,that dr:g products found by tEe smtatives Mr. and Mrs. Steven Delinko, Mr. Jeff Delinko, United States Food and Drug Administration to have a narrow Master David Delinko, and Master Jason Delinko, who are therapeutic range shall not be considered generically equivalent the guests of the gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. for!h:ypOses this act. Petrarca. Will the guests elease rise and be acknowledged. I Section 2. Section 3(a) and (f) of the act, amended helieve they are in the balcony. December 15, 1988 (P.L.1257, No.154), areamended toread: The Chair recognizes the from Dauphin, Section 3. (a) Whenever a pharmacist receives a prescrip- tion for a brand name drug [he shall, unless requested otherwise Wambach. by the purchaser, substitute a less expensive generically equiva- Mr. WAMBACH. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of Mary lent drug product listed in the formulary of generic and brand McCall, Representative McCall's mother, I would like to ask name drug products developed by the Department of Health as the Chair, was the fiancee you introduced Mike McCall, his provided in section 5(b) unless the prescriber indicates otherwise.1 cousin,s fiancee or Keith McCall,s fiancee? I think his mother the pharmacist shall substitute a less expensivegenerically equiva- lent drug unless requested otherwise by the purchaser or indicated would like to- otherwise by the prescriber. The bottom of every prescription blank shall be imprinted with the words "suhstitution permis- sible" and shall contain one signature line for the physician's or 1990 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE lldl 1344 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE JUNE 30, On the question, CoweU Johnson PisteUa Womn Will the House agree to the amendments? Joxphs Pitts Wovirak DeLuca Kaiser Pressmann Wright, D. R. The SPEAKER pro tempore. On that question, the Chair DeWeese Kasunic Preston Wright, J. L. I R. recognizes the gentleman from Westmoreland, Mr. Kukovich. Dalw Kenney Raymond Wright, C. Danes Kondrich Reber Yandrisevits I Mr. KUKOVICH. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Dempsey Kosinski Reinard If the members will recall, about 3 days ago we over- Dietterick Kukovich Richardson O'Domell, Distler LaGrotta Rieger Speaker whelmingly passed Representative Itkin's bill, HB 2635. SB Dombrowski Lanw 1111 is a companion bill coming over from the Senate. NAYS-0 There is agreement between the House and Senate leaders regarding this amendment into SB 1111. It would cause both NOT VOTING-0 i of the bils to conform and make sure that generic drugs approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) would Dininni Pievsky be available as substitutes in the Commonwealth. However, there was a question about certain generic drugs that might The question was determined in the affirmative, and the have a rather narrow therapeutic range. We dealt with that by amendments were agreed to. amendment to Representative Itkin's bill. This amendment On the question, adopts that review process that would then be required in SB Will the House agree to the bill on third consideration as 1111, and the two bills would at that point conform to the amended? review process.