UNDER THE SKIN PRODUCTION NOTES A film by Jonathan Glazer Running time: 107 minutes FilmNation Press Contacts: Selena Saldana,
[email protected]. +1-917-484-8914 Sarah Jarvis,
[email protected], +1-917-484-8916 SYNOPSIS: UNDER THE SKIN is the story of an alien in human form. Part road movie, part science fiction, part real, it’s a film about seeing our world through alien eyes. Into the Unknown: The Making Of UNDER THE SKIN From Book to Script In the space of 12 years and three feature films, Jonathan Glazer has established himself as a director of style and innovation. His debut, Sexy Beast, invigorated the British gangster movie by infusing a tense London heist story with dark shades of Jacobean tragedy, a feat achieved largely by the unexpected and inspired casting of Sir Ben Kingsley as the film's sociopathic villain. The follow-up, Birth, took similar liberties, this time with the ghost story, starring Nicole Kidman as a woman who believes her late husband has been reincarnated as young boy. So it is perhaps significant that Under the Skin, which began development even before Birth, is another reinvention of genre. Based on Michel Faber's 2000 novel of the same name, it tells the story of a predatory female who cruises the streets of Scotland looking for men to seduce. Faber's novel is paced thoughtfully and slowly, until it is revealed that the heroine is an alien, looking for suitable specimens that can be turned into a type of meat, to be sent back to her starving homeland.