of Ella Andrychowski The Charles K. Riepe Award to The John Carroll School Emily Baranoski The Outstanding Academic Achievement Scholarship to The John Carroll School Brianna Botkin The Mission Award to The Catholic High School of Baltimore The Athletic Award to The John Carroll School Emma Campitelli The Charles K. Riepe Award to The John Carroll School Anne Egbe The Spirit of Mercy Award to Mercy High School Lauren Fruhling The President’s Scholarship to The Catholic High School of Baltimore Eileen Gregory The Vocal Scholarship and the Mother Mary Francis Bachman Scholarship to The Catholic High School of Baltimore Charles Henry The Merit Scholarship, the Semper Fi Scholarship, and the Gerard E. and Constance Holthaus Scholarship to Archbishop Curley High School Elizabeth Lochte The Catherine McAuley Honors Scholarship to Mercy High School Olivia Lockett The President’s Award and the Academic Award to The John Carroll School Charlotte Michel The Catherine McAuley Honors Scholarship to Mercy High School The Archbishop John Carroll Scholarship to The John Carroll School Sarah Mitchell The President’s Scholarship to The Catholic High School of Baltimore Olivia Myers The Mother Mary Francis Bachmann Scholarship to The Catholic High School of Baltimore Zachary Rand The Semper Fi Scholarship, the Lumen Christi Scholarship, and the Merit Scholarship to Archbishop Curley High School Reilly Riemer The Notre Dame Preparatory School Scholarship and the Gateway Academic Achievement Award Scholarship to Notre Dame Preparatory School The Outstanding Academic Achievement Scholarship to The John Carroll School The Saint John Neumann Scholarship to The Catholic High School of Baltimore The Knott Scholarship of Baltimore Kamryn Rittmeyer The Outstanding Academic Achievement Scholarship to The John Carroll School Savannah Sheppard The Mission Award to The Catholic High School of Baltimore The President’s Award to The John Carroll School