Churches Guide #Dontgiveup SPRING/SUMMER 2016

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Churches Guide #Dontgiveup SPRING/SUMMER 2016 Churches Guide #dontgiveup SPRING/SUMMER 2016 EXCLUSIVE story from a church making a difference! FABULOUS FREE WORSHIP RESOURCES! Fairtrade FUN Fortnight help vulnerable farmers thrive Fundraising IDEAS Join ! in 29th Feb Today I am praying to God to 13th Mar Start Planning Your FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT! February – don’t let anybody be born like me or face situations like I have faced. Let it grow Life is hard for the people Traidcraft works Nobody should consider others as with. Churches across the country have stood up to represent Hold a inferior. I am a human being. the world’s poorest, but the job isn’t done. There’s so much potential in the developing world for families Traidcraft Please Premenanda Pradham to be fed, children to be educated and come to our Traidcraft Premenanda grows cotton and other poverty consigned to the history Big Brew BIG BREW... vegetables in Tentulipada in India. He books – but we need to Let it grow. or a breakfast, remembers his childhood as a time of Join us today and help farmers, or brunch, or “ The righteous extreme hunger and deprivation, but he families and communities to prayer breakfast … and help care about justice now grows cotton as part of the Chetna build a better future. vulnerable farmers to thrive. for the poor, but the Organic Project which is transferring to Download resources from Order your FREE pack from wicked have no Traidcraft. With the help of Traidcraft such concern.” he is improving his growing skills and Proverbs 29:7 making enough money to provide for his mother, sister and wife. ................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. Don’t forget ........................................................................... to set up CASE STUDY: Sharing God’s love from the heart of the city your church TRAIDCRAFT Craftaid in Lancaster started as a St. Thomas Everyone in the shop is a volunteer and they account Church initiative but is now an inter-church are open five days a week to the general shop. The church hosts the shop, uses public. Profits support Traidcraft and IN CHURCH Fairtrade tea and coffee and there’s a stall Tearfund and also subsidise a school bus for at the back of church before Christmas and disabled children in Peru and give grants to Easter. Members of the congregation also local young Christians for going on short- 235 churches have stalls in their homes at Christmas. The term missions to relieve poverty. signed up for new shop features in some services and supplies Corina Redmore says, Refreshment or Fair information, stalls and talks for church groups Trader accounts in 2015 looking at Fairtrade or Justice. The church “I very much see Fairtrade as an issue of hosts the Lancaster and Morecambe Fairtrade Justice. The worker is worthy of his hire and TOP 5 CHURCH BEST SELLERS GROCERIES CRAFTS (not including group meeting once a month and for the 10th it is only fair that people get a fair wage Christmas items) anniversary the Fairtrade District a special for their labours and reasonable and safe Cafedirect tub Freeze inter-church service was held at the church. working conditions. I also like the idea that dried coffee Bake a Difference the workers can choose what to spend the 24682 recipe book For other churches and Fairtrade groups in 3000 churches ordered from Fairtrade premium on as opposed to us Case of stem ginger cookies 65454 the area, the shop provides catering tea and telling them what they need. 54156 Buffalo coffee percolator Traidcraft during 2015 coffee, and goods on a sale or return basis. They also take stalls to fairs, and provide a I like the way that Traidcraft supports Cafedirect jar Freeze 64128 monthly term-time stall at the University of the businesses in the developing world dried coffee Mini Swazi candles Cumbria. The shop will supply local schools with all their difficulties and problems 37800 36268 Birmingham and purposefully works with the poorest with snacks, stalls, resources and talks about Case of the Real Easter Eggs Glitzy pens has the biggest cluster communities, the sort of places that big Fairtrade but they receive less demand for 25710 28048 of churches ordering this now. businesses would not be able to work in.” Case of Everyday tea boxes Olive wood holding cross 25114 66670 from Traidcraft 2 Traidcraft Church Guide Traidcraft Church Guide 3 29th #dontgiveup Feb Lent to 13th • #dontgiveup something in Lent. Do something March FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT! Mar positive instead. Take something on and make a difference, like switching all chocolate and coffee ........................................................................................................................ consumed to fair trade. SERVE fair trade refreshments after the service and at all your events Fair Trade Recipes • #dontgiveup supporting Traidcraft. We do not Whether it’s breakfast, benefit from the sale of fair trade products in CIRCULATE the catalogue and lunch or brunch, you’ll supermarkets. When people buy fairtrade from collect and distribute orders need some delicious supermarkets it jeopardises our pioneering fair trade recipes, such mission because we support the most vulnerable ENCOURAGE church members to as carbonara frittata, farmers and artisans who could not cope with the place regular Traidcraft grocery marmalade cake, breakfast demands or scale required by big business or the orders through you muffins and honey cake. supermarkets. Look no further than Traidcraft’s Bake Worship Resources FUNDRAISE with a Mothering A................................................... Difference cook book (code 65454). Ask your church leader to Traidcraft Big Brew Sunday make fair trade the theme God’s Justice Traidcraft’s March 6 of a whole church service. SHOW God is the lover Where the word Righteousness latest compelling videos 2016 You’ll find loads of free is used in English translations of downloadable worship of justice, one FAIR TRADE FACTS the Bible, that word in the original DISCOVER more about materials at www.traidcraft. who protects and Greek or Hebrew (eg dikaiosyne, Traidcraft’s life-changing work through One in four people live in champions the tsedeq and mishpat) can usually a Speaker or Traidcraft resources extreme poverty surviving on Including: oppressed; this is also be translated as Justice. • Lent, Palm Sunday and God’s righteousness and God’s DO TASTE TESTING less than one pound per day Easter reflections and God’s nature. If this Justice are almost the same thing. chocolate and coffee are ideal studies is the kind of God we Justice is ‘what is right’ or ‘what your stall. Buy and sell • A prayer for Mothering have, then clearly is normal’, the way things are SET OUT 50% gorgeous Traidcraft products. Get of the world’s Sunday divinely supposed to be. 50% God’s people have got crafty with a gifts and accessory stall, wealth is of hungry • A coffee based resource Try reading a well-known passage owned by just to be the same. or supply the church with snacks and people are about righteousness, but swap the • A look at food, fair trade of More than 9 out of 10 word righteousness, with the word kitchen cupboard basics farming and the book of Daniel 1%the farms in the world John Stott justice and hear what the Holy families a difference with a fair population are family farms • More Than Just Sunday Spirit has to say to you through it. BAKE – taking trade justice into trade cake stall or competition the rest of the week. GET YOUNG PEOPLE INVOLVED Three quarters of the Find a Stockist Tell them about fair trade at world’s poorest people live in If your church is too small, Sunday school and ask them rural areas and depend on Invite a Speaker busy or rural to offer a to help at your Big Brew agriculture for their livelihoods. Enthuse your church with regular stall don’t worry. profits a Traidcraft Speaker. Our There’s probably a Fair DONATE volunteers are based nation Trader near you who can to Traidcraft Exchange If women farmers had the same wide and will bring passion help out. Stand up for Justice access to resources as men, the to your event. CAMPAIGN and help change the law to stop number of hungry people in the world Book your Speaker at findastockist irresponsible companies causing could be reduced by up to 150 million serious harm in developing countries 4 Traidcraft Church Guide Traidcraft Church Guide 5 The Real Easter Egg Easter The only chocolate eggs to tell the Real Easter story April Coffee in Church ............................................................... What are your Church Values? Do they include… ...a lot less In short, it has been • being passionate about hospitality faffing with is and will continue to, and offering a warm welcome filters and be a success. Also the • doing mission work every day flasks. coffee grounds make • loving justice great compost. • sharing fellowship with families across the world? Buffalo ✔ Tick all these boxes by serving Collect orders for your church NOW delicious fair trade ground coffee at church Coffee (before they’re all snapped up because very few supermarkets will stock them) services and events. Percolator • Of the 80 million Easter eggs sold in the UK each year, the Real Ref 65128 Easter Egg is the only one to tell the story of Easter The easy way to Join the • For every original egg sold, a donation of 10p is made to It’s about the church offering serve Traidcraft’s Traidcraft Exchange to help their life-changing work. This good coffee because people are Fairtrade ground coffee. is in addition to the Fairtrade Premium that is paid for the campaign worth that..
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