Optimizing Parser Combinators

Jan Kurˇs†, Jan Vran´y‡, Mohammad Ghafari†, Mircea Lungu¶ and Oscar Nierstrasz†

†Software Composition Group, ‡Software Engineering Group, ¶Software Engineering and University of Bern, Czech Technical University, Architecture Group, Switzerland Czech Republic Universtiy of Groningen, scg.unibe.ch swing.fit.cvut.cz Netherlands http://www.cs.rug.nl/search

Abstract also powerful in their expressiveness as they can parse Parser combinators are a popular approach to pars- beyond context-free languages (e.g., layout-sensitive ing. Parser combinators follow the structure of an un- languages (Hutton and Meijer 1996; Adams and A˘gacan derlying grammar, are modular, well-structured, easy 2014)). to maintain, and can recognize a large variety of lan- Nevertheless, parser combinators yet remain a tech- guages including context-sensitive ones. However, their nology for prototyping and not for the actual deploy- universality and flexibility introduces a noticeable per- ment. Firstly, naive implementations do not handle left- formance overhead. Time-wise, parser combinators can- recursive grammars, though there are already solutions not compete with parsers generated by well-performing to this issue (Frost et al. 2007; Warth et al. 2008). Sec- parser generators or optimized hand-written code. ondly, the expressive power of parser combinators comes Techniques exist to achieve a linear asymptotic per- at a price of less efficiency. A uses formance of parser combinators, yet there is still a sig- the full power of a Turing-equivalent formalism to rec- nificant constant multiplier. This can be further lowered ognize even simple languages that could be recognized using meta-programming techniques. by finite state machines or pushdown automata. That In this work we present a more traditional approach is, parser combinators cannot reach the peak perfor- to optimization — a compiler — applied to the do- mance of parser generators (Levine 2009), hand-written main of parser combinators. A parser combinator com- parsers or optimized code (see section 5 or (B´eguetand piler (pc-compiler) analyzes a parser combinator, ap- Jonnalagedda 2014)§4). plies parser combinator-specific optimizations and, gen- Meta-programming approaches such as macros (Bur- erates an equivalent high-performance top-down parser. mako 2013) and staging (Rompf and Odersky 2010) Such a compiler preserves the advantages of parser com- have been applied to Scala parser combinators (Moors binators while complementing them with better perfor- et al. 2008) with significant performance improve- mance. ments (B´eguetand Jonnalagedda 2014; Jonnalagedda et al. 2014). In general, these approaches remove compo- 1. Introduction sition overhead and intermediate representations. Many other parser combinator implementations battle perfor- Parser combinators (Wadler 1995; Moors et al. 2008) mance problems by using efficient structures, macros represent a popular approach to . They are etc. (see Parboiled 2,1 attoparsec2 or FParsec3). straightforward to construct, readable, modular, well- Nevertheless, none of the proposed optimizations yet structured and easy to maintain. Parser combinators are reach the performance of hand-written code. In our work we focus on the performance of PetitParser (Reng- gli et al. 2010; Kurˇset al. 2013) — a parser combi- nator framework utilizing packrat parsing (Ford 2002). We present a parser combinator compiler (pc-compiler)

1 https://github.com/sirthias/parboiled2 2 http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2014/05/31/attoparsec/ [Copyright notice will appear here once ’preprint’ option is removed.] 3 http://www.quanttec.com/fparsec/

1 2016/7/8 that utilizes standard compiler techniques and applies Operator Description optimizations tailored to parser combinators. Based on 0 0 a compile-time analysis of a grammar, we avoid compo- Literal string sition overhead, reduce object allocations, and optimize [ ] Character class choices to minimize the overhead when- [ ] negate Complement of a character class ever possible. The result of “compilation” is an opti- #letter Characters [a-zA-Z] mized top-down parser that provides performance as #digit Characters [0-9] fast as hand-written code. In particular, based on our #space Characters [\t\n ] benchmarks covering five different grammars for Petit- e? Optional Parser,4 a pc-compiler offers a performance improve- e∗ Zero or more ment of a factor ranging from two to ten, depending on e+ One or more the grammar. Based on our Smalltalk case study, our &e And-predicate approach is 20% slower compared to a highly-optimized, !e Not-predicate hand-written parser. e1 e2 Sequence The paper makes the following contributions: i) ap- e1/e2 Prioritized Choice plication of compiler-technology approaches to the do- e map: action Semantic Action main of parser combinators; ii) an identification of per- e token Build a token formance bottlenecks for PetitParser; iii) a description of optimization techniques addressing these bottlenecks; Table 1. PetitParser operators and iv) an analysis of their effectiveness. The paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we rule is a "class " keyword followed by a space. Identi- introduce PetitParser, and in section 3 we describe its fiers start with a letter followed by any number of letters performance bottlenecks. In section 4 we introduce a or digits. Class keyword and identifiers are transformed pc-compiler — a framework to deal with problems de- into instances of Token , which keep information about scribed in section 3. In section 5 we provide a detailed start and end positions and the string value of a token. performance analysis of a pc-compiler and its optimiza- There is a semantic action associated to a class rule tions. In section 6 we describe other approaches to im- that creates an instance of ClassNode filled with an prove parser combinators performance, and we briefly identifier value and a class body. discuss similarities and differences between them and A class body is indentation-sensitive, i.e., indent our approach. Finally, section 7 concludes this paper. and dedent determine the scope of a class (instead of 2. Petit Parser commonly used brackets e.g., { and } ). The indent In this section we introduce PetitParser and inspect in and dedent rules determine whether a line is indented, detail its implementation. In the following section we i.e., on a column strictly greater than the previous line describe performance bottlenecks of this implementa- or dedented, i.e., column strictly smaller than the pre- tion. vious line. The indent and dednet rules are repre- PetitParser (Renggli et al. 2010; Kurˇset al. 2013) sented by specialized action parsers that manipulate an indentation stack by pushing and popping the current is a parser combinator framework (Hutton and Meijer 9 1996) that utilizes packrat parsing (Ford 2002), scanner- indentation level, similarly to the scanner of Python. less parsing (Visser 1997) and parsing expression gram- The class body contains a sequence of classes and meth- mars (PEGs) (Ford 2004). PetitParser is implemented ods. 5 6 7 8 in Pharo, Smalltalk/X, Java and Dart. 2.1 Deep into PetitParser PetitParser uses an internal DSL similar to a stan- dard PEG syntax as briefly described in Table 1. A Figure 1 shows a composition of parser combinators grammar fragment describing a simple programming that are created after evaluating the code in Listing 1. language is shown in Listing 1. This composition is created “ahead-of-time” before a A program in this grammar consists of a non-empty parse attempt takes place and can be reused for multiple sequence of classes. A class starts with classToken , parse attempts. followed by an idToken and body . The classToken The root program rule is translated into a Plus parser referencing the class combinator. The class 4 arithmetic expressions, Java, Smalltalk and Python rule is an Action parser — a parser that evaluates 5 http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/˜Moose/PetitParser a block — specified by a map: parameter, the argu- 6 https://bitbucket.org/janvrany/stx-goodies-petitparser 7 https://github.com/petitparser/java-petitparser 9 https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_naalysis. 8 https://github.com/petitparser/dart-petitparser html#indentation

2 2016/7/8 letterOrDigit← #letter / #digit identifier ← (#letter letterOrDigit*) Plus idToken ← identifier token program classToken ← (’class’ &#space) token class ← classToken idToken body Action class ClassNode new map: [:classToken :idToken :body | id: idToken value ClassNode new map: body: body name: idToken value; Sequence body: body] body ← indent Token Token Sequence (class / method)* classToken idToken body dedent program ← class+ … Sequence Indent Star Dedent Listing 1. Simple grammar in PetitParser DSL. identifier indent dedent

CharClass Star Choice ments being collected from the result of an underlying #letter Sequence parser. The idToken and classToken rules are Token Choice Action letterOrDigit method parsers, which consume whitespace and create token in- stances. The ’class’ rule is a Literal parser, which is a leaf combinator and does not refer to any other com- CharClass … #digit binators. The classToken rule contains a sequence of Literal and AndPredicate combinators (omitted in the Figure 1). The identifier rule is a sequence of Figure 1. The structure of parser combinators created CharClass and Star parsers. The Choice parser after evaluating the code of Listing 1. letterOrDigit shares the CharClass parser with its identifier grand-parent. formation — parsing contexts (Kurˇset al. 2014) in the The body rule is a sequence of Indent , Star case of PetitParser. and Dedent combinators. The class combinator Parser Invocation When a root parser is asked to is shared by program and body . The structure of perform a parse attempt on an input, (i) context is method has been omitted. created; (ii) parseOn: context is called on the root All the parser combinators share the same inter- parser; and (iii) the result of this call is returned. During face, parseOn: context . The context parameter an invocation, parser combinators delegate their work provides access to the input stream and to other to the underlying combinators. information (e.g., indentation stack). The result of As an example, consider an Action parser imple- parseOn: context is either Failure or any other mentation in Listing 2. The underlying parser is invoked output. PetitParser combinators can be easily imple- and its result is forwarded to the block. In case the un- mented by following the parseOn: context contract. derlying parser fails a failure is returned immediately.

In the remainder of this section we discuss how Petit- Backtracking and PetitParser uti- Parser handles context-sensitive grammars, how are the lizes backtracking. Thanks to the backtracking capabil- parsers invoked, how the backtracking works and how ities, a top-down combinator-based parser is not limited PetitParser handles lexical elements as these are impor- to LL(k) grammars (Aho and Ullman 1972) and handles tant for the subsequent performance analysis. unlimited lookahead. In PetitParser, before a possible backtracking point, Parsing Contexts Parser combinator frameworks the current context is remembered in a Memento in- are very flexible, allowing for modifications of a parser stance. In case a decision turns out to be a wrong one, combinator graph itself. This gives them the expressive- the context is restored from the memento. The same ness of context-free formalisms. Context-sensitivity fa- memento is used when memoizing the result of a parse cilitates grammar adaptability (Reis et al. 2012; Chris- attempt (to allow for packrat parsing). A dedicated tiansen 2009) or adaptation of other of contextual in- Memoizing parser combinator creates a memento, per-

3 2016/7/8 forms the parse attempt and stores the memento-result ing. The and predicate creates a memento and the char pair into a buffer. Later, if the memoizing parser is in- operator moves in the stream just to be moved back by voked again and a memento is found in the buffer, the the and predicate in the next step. Ideally, the result result is returned directly. can be determined with a single comparison of a stream Creating a memento of a context-free parser is easy; peek. it is the current position in the input stream. However, for context-sensitive parsers, a memento is a deep copy 3.2 Superfluous intermediate objects of the whole context (Kurˇset al. 2014), e.g., for layout- sensitive grammars it is a position in the input stream Superfluous intermediate objects are allocated when an and a copy of the indentation stack (see Listing 10). intermediate object is created but not used. To see how PetitParser backtracks, consider the For example, consider an input "IWST " parsed by Sequence parser implementation in Listing 7. A se- idToken . The return value of idToken is a Token quence must iterate over all its children, collect their object containing "IWST " as a value and 1 and 5 results and return a collection of the results. In case of as start and end positions. Yet before a Token is cre- a failure, the context is restored to the original state ated, a Star parser (see Listing 8) and a Sequence and a failure is returned. parser (see Listing 7) create intermediate collections re- Note that a parser returning a failure from parseOn: sulting in (I,(W,S,T)) nested arrays that are later is responsible for restoring the context to its initial flattened into "IWST " in TokenParser (see List- state, i.e., as it was on the parseOn: invocation. ing 9) again. Furthermore Sequence creates a me- In PetitParser, the memoizing parser provides an mento that is never used because the second part of the ad hoc solution to detect the infinite recursive descent identifier sequence (i.e., letterOrDigit* ) never caused by left-. The parser mon- Memoizing fails.10 itors a number of mementos stored for a given parser Another example is the action block in the class . and position and fails if a threshold is exceeded. The classToken creates an instance of Token . Yet Trimming and Tokenization Because PetitParser the token is never used and its instantiation is in- is scannerless (Visser 1997), a dedicated TokenParser teresting only for a garbage collector. Moreover, the is at hand to deal with whitespaces. It trims the whites- Sequence parser wraps the results into a collection paces (or comments if specified) from input before and and the Action parser unwraps the elements from the after a parse attempt. As a result a Token instance is collection in the very next step in order to pass them returned holding the parsed string and its start and end to the action block as arguments (see Listing 2). positions (see Listing 9). 3.3 Backtracking Overhead 3. Performance Bottlenecks Backtracking overhead arises when a parser enters a In this section, we identify the most critical performance choice option that is predestined (based on the next k bottlenecks in PetitParser and explain them using the tokens) to fail. Before the failure, intermediate struc- example from Listing 1. tures, mementos and failures are created and the time is wasted. 3.1 Composition overhead Consider an input "123" and the idToken rule, Composition overhead is caused by calling complex which starts only with a letter. Before a failure, the objects (parsers) even for simple operations. following parsers are invoked: TokenParser (see List- For example, consider the grammar shown in List- ing 9), Sequence (see Listing 7), CharClass (see List- ing 1 and letterOrDigit* in identifier . This can ing 4). Furthermore, as TokenParser tries to consume be implemented as a simple loop, but in reality many a whitespace (e.g., using #space* ), another Star methods are called. For each character, the following parsers are invoked: A Star parser (see Listing 8 (see Listing 8) and CharClass (see Listing 4) are invoked. During the process, two mementos are cre- in Appendix A), a Choice parser (see Listing 5 in Ap- ated. These mementos are used to restore a context pendix A) and two CharClass parsers (see Listing 4 even though nothing has changed, because parsing has in Appendix A). Each of these parsers contains at least failed on the very first character. Last but not least, a five lines of code, averaging twenty lines of code per Failure instance is created. character. The same situation can be observed when pars- ing &#space . AndPredicate (see Listing 3) and 10 Zero repetitions are allowed, which means that empty strings CharClass (see Listing 4) are invoked during pars- are also valid.

4 2016/7/8 As a different example, consider letterOrDigit or the more complex choice variant class / method that Hand- Prototype Compile Deploy can be (for clarity reasons) expanded to: tune

((’class’ token) idToken body) / ((’method’ token) idToken body) Comprehension Expert’s Optimizations Performance The choice always invokes the first option and un- & Flexibility Insight derlying combinators before the second option. In some cases, e.g., for input "method bark ... " , based on Figure 2. Workflow of parser development. the first character of the input, it is valid to invoke the second option without entering the first one. In other cases, e.g., for input "package Animals ... " , it is Similar to standard compilers, a pc-compiler trans- valid to fail the whole choice without invoking any of forms from one code to another while performing vari- the parsers. ous optimizations on an intermediate representation re- Yet the choice parser invokes both options creating sulting in more efficient code. However, a pc-compiler superfluous intermediate collections, mementos and fail- compiles into host code (i.e., the language in which the ures before it actually fails. parsing framework is implemented), whereas a standard compiler compiles into machine code. 3.4 Context-Sensitivity Overhead In the following, we describe the intermediate repre- In case of PetitParser, the most of the context-sensitivity sentation of a pc-compiler, and what optimizations do overhead is produced in case a context contains com- we perform. plex objects (e.g., an indentation stack). When memo- izing a parser combinator deep-copies the whole context 4.1 Intermediate Representation (see Listing 10). The copy is needed in remember as In general, parser combinators form a graph with cycles. well as in restore: . If we restore a stack from a me- A pc-compiler uses the very same graph as its interme- mento without the copy and the stack is modified, the diate representation. The optimizations themselves are memento is modified as well. If the memento is accessed implemented as a series of passes over the graph, each in the future for another restore operation, we will need performing a transformation using pattern matching. the unmodified version. Particular nodes are moved, replaced with more appro- This is a valid approach in some cases, e.g., the body priate alternatives, or changed and extended with ad- sequence where indent modifies the stack (see List- ditional information. In the final phase, these nodes are ing 6): if any subsequent rule in body fails, the origi- visited by a code generator to produce the optimized nal stack has to be restored. In some other cases, e.g., host code. the identifier sequence where none of the underly- Contrary to other representations used for perfor- ing combinators modify the indentation stack, the deep mance optimizations (e.g., AST,12 Bytecode,13 SSA14 copy of the context is superfluous. or LLVM IR15) our intermediate representation is high- level, directly represent the target domain and therefore 4. A Parser Combinator Compiler allows for different kinds of optimizations. In partic- The goal of a pc-compiler is to provide a high-performance ular, the intermediate representation of a pc-compiler parser from a parser combinator while preserving the has the following advantages: First of all, parser com- advantages of parser combinators. binators allow us to analyze directly the properties of a Figure 2 shows the workflow of parser development grammar, e.g., to check if a choice is deterministic, or with the approach we present here. First, flexibility and to determine the set of expected characters. comprehensibility of combinators is utilized (prototype Second of all, any unknown parser combinator can phase). Then, a pc-compiler applies domain-specific op- be used as is, serving as an intermediate representation timizations, builds a top-down parser (compile phase) node. A parser combinator allows the referencing parser and allows an expert to further modify at her will11 to combinators to be replaced with an available compiled further improve the performance (hand-tune phase). In the end, the resulting parser can be deployed as an ordi- 12 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstract_syntax_tree nary class and used for parsing with peak performance 13 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bytecode (deployment phase). 14 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Static_single_ assignment_form 11 A pc-compiler recognizes a hand-tuned code and does not 15 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LLVM#LLVM_intermediate_ override it unless explicitly stated. representation

5 2016/7/8 version which gives the pc-compiler itself great flexibil- ity. letterOrDigit* ← Third of all, an intermediate representation is exe- In the final phase, the code generator produces the cutable, i.e., at any point it can be used as a parser. If, following code, which contains only three lines of code for some reason, the compilation to host code fails, the per consumed character: intermediate representation can be used instead. This simplifies the development of new optimizations, helps | retval | with testing and allows pc-compiler to optimize even retval ← OrderedCollection new. grammars with custom or third-party extensions. [context peek isLetter or: [context peek isDigit]] whileTrue: [ 4.2 Optimizations retval add: context next. In this section we describe pc-compiler optimizations ]. applied to the performance problems of PetitParser ↑ retval (section 3). These optimizations are mostly orthogonal, Returning to the problem with &#space in sub- i.e., they do not depend on each other and can be section 3.1, the whole rule is specialized as a single implemented without mutual dependencies. AndCharClass combinator. The classToken rule is We use the following syntax for rewriting rules. The rewritten as follows: specific class of combinators is in angle brackets <> , e.g., all the character class combinators are marked classToken ← ’class’ . Any parser combinator is . A parser combinator that is a child of a parent P is In the final phase, the code generator produces for AndCharClass the following code, which does not cre- marked P→∗ . ate any mementos and does not invoke any extra meth- A parser combinator with a property is marked ods: with : and the property name, e.g., . Adding a property to a parser combinator is marked ↑ context peek isSpace ifFalse: [ with + sign and the property name, for example Failure message:’space expected’. adds a nullable property. ] Delegating parsers embed the parser to which they We implement several similar specializations, includ- delegate in angle brackets, e.g., > ing the following: represents a sequence of two arbitrary combinators. An alternative syntax for sequences and choices and • A new is created from a choice of char other delegating operators is to re-use the PEG syntax, classes: e.g., is also a sequence of two arbitrary / combinators. The rewrite operation is ⇒. Merging a choice of two character classes into a single one is writ- • A new CharClass is created from the negation of ten as: a char class, e.g., [a-z] negate : / negate ⇒ 4.2.1 Specializations • Specializations reduce composition overhead by replac- CharClassStar is created from a star repetition of ing a hierarchy of combinators by a single specialized a char class (as we show in the example): combinator with the corresponding semantics. This spe- * ⇒ cialized combinator can be implemented more efficiently and thus improves the performance. • CharClassPlus is created from a plus repetition of Returning to the problem with letterOrDigit* a char class: in subsection 3.1, the whole rule is specialized as an instance of the combinator. The + ⇒ #digit / #letter rule is specialized using a sin- • AndCharClass (or NotCharClass ) is created from gle CharClass combinator [a-zA-Z0-9] , and a rep- char class predicates: etition of the character class is replaced by a special- ized CharClassStar combinator, which can be imple- & mented as a while loop. The letterOrDigit* rule is ! rewritten to the following:

6 2016/7/8 • AndLiteral (or NotLiteral ) is created from lit- return the failure. Consider the code generated from eral predicates: identifier :

& identifier ! | memento result1 result2 | memento ← context remember. result1 ← self letter. • TokenCharClass is created from a single-character result1 isFailure ifTrue: [ token: "no restore, letter did it" token ⇒ ↑ result1. ] result2 ← self letterOrDigitStar. 4.2.2 Data Flow result2 isFailure ifTrue: [ Data-Flow analyses target the problem of superfluous "but restore here" object allocations. This improves performance since ob- context restore: memento. ↑ result2 ject initialization methods do not need to be run and ] because it improves the efficiency of a typical Smalltalk ↑ Array with: result1 with: result2 garbage collector (Wilson 1992). We perform data-flow analysis in three different do- A nullable combinator accepts an empty string  and mains: (i) in tokens to improve the performance of lex- thus cannot fail (Backhouse 1979; Fabio Mascarenhas ical analysis; (ii) in sequences to avoid superfluous me- 2013). If a sequence is formed of combinators where mentos that are never used; and (iii) in action blocks all but first are nullable, the sequence is marked to not that are inlined and consequently analyzed for super- create a memento, because such a memento would never fluous object allocations. be used.

Token Combinators Combinators forming a Token > ⇒ parser are marked to avoid generating intermediate rep- +nobacktack> resentations — recognizers, because they only return > ⇒ whether a string is in their language or not. +nobacktack>

→∗→∗ For example, the identifier sequence is marked to avoid a memento. It is also marked to avoid an As an example, the CharClassStar parser special- intermediate representation, because it is inside a token: ized from letterOrDigit* inside the idToken is marked to avoid generating an intermediate represen- letterOrDigit* ← tation: CharClassStar[a-zA-Z0-9]:recognizer,nullable> identifier ← letterOrDigit* ← :nobacktrack,recognizer>

This results in the following code being generated: This results in the following code being generated: letterOrDigitStar identifier [context peek isLetter or: | result1 | [context peek isDigit]] whileTrue: [ result1 ← self letter. context next. result1 isFailure ifTrue: [ ↑ result ]. ]. self letterOrDigitStar.

Sequences Sequence combinators are inspected to Actions PetitParser actions introduce a level of in- determine whether a memento is necessary or not. direction that is difficult to optimize because an action Following PEG semantics, if the first parser of a can be an arbitrary user code. Consider the rule class sequence fails, it restores the context to the initial state from Listing 1. Without specialized optimizations the of the sequence and therefore the sequence can return generated code looks like this (error handling has been the failure directly. If the first parser succeeds and the omitted for clarity): second parser of the sequence fails, the context is now class that after the invocation of the first parser. Therefore, | collection | the sequence has to restore the context to the state as it was before the invocation of the first parser and collection ← OrderedCollection new.

7 2016/7/8 collection at: 1 put: self classToken. collection at: 2 put: self idToken. context peek isLetter ifFalse: [ collection at: 3 put: self body. ↑ Failure message:’letter expected’] self letter. ↑ block valueWithArguments: collection self letterOrDigitStar.

Clearly the collection is used only to pass ar- Choices A variant of guards is used to guide Choice guments to the action block via the reflective API combinators. A choice option is entered only if the ( valueWithArguments: ). Both the allocation and the stream peek is in the first set of the given option. block invocation impose a performance overhead. Any choice option marked for guarding To reduce this overhead, the parser compiler (i) in- is wrapped with OptionGuard . Some options do not lines the action, and (ii) replaces collection by local need to be guarded: variables. After these optimizations the generated code for class rule looks like this: / > / > class / > / | idToken body | / / > self classToken. idToken ← self idToken. For example the class / method choice is wrapped body ← self body. with OptionGuard like this: ↑ ClassNode new ← name: idToken value; body indent body: body (>/ >)* This way the superfluous allocation and block in- dedent vocation are avoided. Furthermore, such code can be This results in the following code being generated further optimized by the underlying just-in-time com- from the class / method choice: piler (H¨olzle1994). (context peek == $c) ifTrue: [ self class ]. 4.2.3 Guards (context peek == $m) ifTrue: [ self method ]. Guards prevent unnecessary invocations and allocations caused by backtracking. Guards allow for an early failure 4.2.4 Context-Sensitive Memoization of a parse attempt using the peek character of an input Context-sensitive memoization reduces the overhead of stream retrieved from a precomputed first-set. context-sensitive grammars. The deep copy of a con- During a dedicated optimization phase, character- text is performed only if necessary, i.e., for the context- based first sets (Redziejowski 2009; Grune and Jacobs sensitive parts of a grammar. The context-free expres- 16 2008b) are computed. The nodes with a reasonably sions use only a position in a stream as a memento. small first set (e.g., digits only) are marked to be suit- By default, combinators are marked as context- able for a guard ( +guard ). A guard is a combinator free ( +contextFree ). The context can be changed that prepends an underlying combinator with a code only in Action parsers, therefore the action blocks that fails immediately, without entering the underlying of Action are analyzed to search for mutating oper- combinator. ations. If they mutate the context, they are marked Sequences Sequences with a guard property are as context-sensitive ( +contextSensitive ). The ded- wrapped with a SeqGuard combinator: icated indentation combinators Indent and Dedent are also marked as context sensitive. Finally, all the > combinators delegating to the context-sensitive combi- nators are marked as context-sensitive: For example, identifier is prepended with the ∗ following code, which prevents extra invocations: →∗ identifier ← The memoization strategy of context-free parser :nobacktrack,recognizer,guard>> combinators is changed to use only a position in a stream as a memento. This results in the following code being generated: As an example, the sequence ’class’ &#space in-

16 Because PetitParser is scannerless, the characters represent side classToken is marked as context-free and the po- tokens. sition is used instead of a full memento.

8 2016/7/8 • Smalltalk parser23 on Pharo source code,24 class ← :contextSensitive> • Ruby and Python semi-parsers on several github classToken ← :contextFree> grant, Django, Reddit and Tornado.

Therefore classToken can be optimized using only The validation corpus with all the validation test-cases 26 position as a memento: is available online. classToken 5.2 Benchmarks | memento result predicate | memento ← context position. We measure performance on the following benchmarks: result ← self classLiteral. 1. Identifiers is a microbenchmark measuring the per- result isPetitFailure ifTrue: [ formance of a simple parser. The input consists of ↑ result. a list of identifiers. The parser contains one single ] predicate ← self andSpace. grammar rule — a repetition of an identifier tokens. predicate isPetitFailure ifTrue: [ 2. Arithmetics is a benchmark measuring perfor- context position: memento. mance while parsing arithmetic expressions. The in- ↑ predicate put consists of expressions with operators ( , ) , ] * , + and integer numbers. The brackets must ↑ Array with: result with: predicate be balanced. The operator priorities are considered. Backtracking is heavily used as the grammar is not 5. Performance analysis refactored to be LL(1). The parser contains eight In this section we report on performance of compiled rules. parsers compared to the performance of plain Petit- 3. Smalltalk is a benchmark measuring performance Parser.17 We also report on the impact of a particular of a Smalltalk parser. The input consists of a source optimization on the overall performance. Lastly, we pro- code from a Pharo 5 image.27 The parser contains vide a detailed case-study of Pharo’s native Smalltalk approximately eighty rules. parser. 4. Java is a benchmark measuring the performance of 5.1 PetitParser Compiler a Java parser. The input consists of standard JDK library files. The parser contains approximately two PetitParser Compiler is an implementation of a pc- hundred rules. compiler for PetitParser. The PetitParser Compiler ap- plies the pc-compiler techniques and outputs a class 5. Python is a benchmark measuring the performance that can serve as a top-down parser equivalent to the of an indentation-sensitive semi-parser. The input input combinator. consists of several github Python projects.28 The PetitParser Compiler is available online18 for Pharo parser contains approximately forty rules. The parser and Smalltalk/X. It is being used in real environments, utilizes islands (Moonen 2001) — it is not a full for example a language for Live Robot Programming19 Python parser, but extracts structural elements and and the Pillar markup language.20 skips the rest. Validation. The PetitParser pc-compiler is covered The presented benchmarks cover a variety of gram- by more than two thousand unit tests. Furthermore, mars from small ones to complex ones, ranging in we validated the pc-compiler by taking several existing size from one grammar rule to two hundred. They PetitParser combinators and comparing their results cover grammars with possibly unlimited lookahead with results produced by the compiled variant of a (arithmetic expressions) and almost LL(1) grammars particular parser. In particular, we validated results of: (Smalltalk).29 They also cover standard grammars • Java parser21 on OpenJDK 6 source code,22 23 http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/˜Moose/PetitParser 17 The pre-prepared image with sources and benchmarks 24 http://files.pharo.org/get-files/50/sources.zip can be downloaded from 25 http://scg.unibe.ch/research/ http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/˜JanKurs/PetitParser petitcompiler/iwst2016. 26 http://scg.unibe.ch/research/petitcompiler/iwst2016 18 http://scg.unibe.ch/research/petitcompiler 27 http://files.pharo.org/get-files/50/sources.zip 19 http://pleiad.cl/research/software/lrp 28 Cucumber, Diaspora, Discourse, Rails, Vagrant, Django, Red- 20 http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/˜Pier/Pillar dit and Tornado. 21 http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/Moose/PetitJava/ 29 The implementors did not bother to make it LL(1) as parser 22 http://download.java.net/openjdk/jdk6 combinators allow for unlimited lookahead.

9 2016/7/8 (Java, Smalltalk), island grammars, context-free gram- fact that Arithmetics performs a lot of backtracking and mars (Identifier, Java, Smalltalk), and context-sensitive the simplicity of the grammar does not allow for many ones (Python). optimizations. The trend for Arithmetics, Smalltalk and Java gram- How we measured. We ran each benchmark ten times mars shows that the more complex the grammar is, using the latest release of the Pharo VM for Linux. We the more speedup is gained. The Python grammar is measured only parse time, all parsers and inputs being not very complicated, yet it is very slow (see time per initialized in advance. We computed mean and standard character in Figure 4). This is caused by the overhead deviation of the results. of copying an indentation stack, which our pc-compiler We report on the speedup (ration between original mostly removes. PetitParser and compiled version) and average time per character. The speedup and time per character 5.3 Performance Details are represented by boxes. The standard deviation is The speedup with a particular optimization turned off visualized using error bars. is shown in Figure 5. We also visualize the average time per character in Figure 6. The graphs show how much Results. The speedup of a compiled version compared a particular optimization contributes to the overall per- to an original version is shown in Figure 3. We also formance of the grammars. visualize the average time per character for each of the grammars in Figure 4. Compilation Speedup Factor 12 Compilation Speedup Factor All Optimizations No Data Flow No Specialization No Guards 10 10 9

8 8

7 6 6 Speedup 5 4

Speedup 4

3 2

2 0 1 Identifiers Arithmetics Smalltalk Java Python

0 Identifiers Arithmetics Smalltalk Java Python Figure 5. The speedup of compilation for different grammars with a specific optimization turned off. Figure 3. The speedup of compilation for different grammars.

Time per Character of Particular Grammars 5 Time per Character of Particular Grammars All Optimizations No Data Flow No Specialization No Guards PetitParser 16 4 Compiled Petit Parser 14

12 3

10 2 8

6 1 4 Time per Character [microseconds] Time

2 0 Time per Character [microseconds] Time Identifiers Arithmetics Smalltalk Java Python 0 Identifiers Arithmetics Smalltalk Java Python Figure 6. The time per character for compiled and Figure 4. The time per character for compiled and non-compiled versions of the measured grammars with non-compiled versions of the measured grammars. specific optimization turned off.

The speedup in Identifiers is caused by the fact that Different optimizations have different effects on the we avoid unused collection allocations when parsing the benchmarked grammars. The Identifiers grammar is op- identifier token. The speedup of Arithmetics is only a timized mostly by specializations and data-flow opti- factor of two. We attribute such a mediocre result to the mizations.

10 2016/7/8 Interestingly, the Arithmetics grammar performs Speedup factor compared to the PetitParser version even better when guards are turned off. This can be explained by the fact that tokens in the Arithmetic 6 grammar are very short and the guards may do redun- 5 dant work, so their early reporting on failures does not outweigh this overhead. 4

The Smalltalk grammar is slightly improved by each 3 of the optimizations. The major impact for the Java Speedup grammar is caused by the context analysis which sug- 2 gests that the Java grammar creates a lot of mementos. 1 The fact that specializations have no impact on the Java 0 grammar indicates that the tokens in Java are complex PetitParser Compiled PetitParser SmaCC Hand-written and not sufficiently optimized in the current implemen- tation. Figure 7. Performance speedup of Smalltalk parsers The Python grammar is optimized only by the con- text analysis. Probably, other optimizations are not Time per Character of Particular Grammars suitable for a semi-parsing nature of a grammar. 2

5.4 Smalltalk Case Study 1.5 In this case study we compare performance of a Smalltalk parser implemented in PetitParser (plain and compiled 1 versions) and that of a hand-written Smalltalk parser used natively in Pharo. All of the parsers create an identical from the given Smalltalk 0.5 code. Time per Character [microseconds] Time

0 1. PetitParser is an implementation of a Smalltalk PetitParser Compiled PetitParser SmaCC Hand-written parser in PetitParser. Figure 8. Time per character of Smalltalk parsers 2. PetitParser Compiled is a compiled version of the above parser. 6. Discussion and Related Work 3. Hand-written parser is a parser used natively by Pharo. It is a hand-written and optimized parser In this section we discuss limitation of a pc-compiler and contrary to the previous parsers, it utilizes a and other approaches focusing on high-performance scanner. This parser can serve as a baseline. It is parsers. probably close to the optimal performance of a hand- 6.1 Limitations written parser as it is heavily used throughout the system and has therefore been extensively optimized Even though the pc-compiler is designed with flexibil- by Pharo developers. ity in mind, there are some limitations. The pc-compiler does not compile non-functional methods, i.e., parsers 4. SmaCC is a scanning and table-driven parser com- that invokes methods referencing instance variables. piled by a SmaCC tool (Brant and Roberts) from a The pc-compiler also cannot handle grammar adapta- LALR(1) Smalltalk grammar. tions, i.e., situations, when the parser graph changes The speedup comparison is shown in Figure 7. Aver- on-the-fly. Last but not least, the support for hand- age time per character for each of the parsers is shown tuning is in the current implementation limited and still in Figure 8. experimental. The native parser is approximately five times faster than its PetitParser counterpart. The compiled version 6.2 Related Work is approximately four times faster. The SmaCC parser There has been recent research in Scala parser combi- is approximately two times faster. The native parser’s nators (Odersky 2007; Moors et al. 2008) that is closely time per character is 0.27µs, the compiled parser’s time related to our work. The general idea is to perform is 0.33µs, the SmaCC parser time is 0.59µs, while Pe- compile-time optimizations to avoid unnecessary over- titParser’s time is 1.33µs. The compiled version is ap- head of parser combinators at run-time. In the work proximately 20% slower than the hand-written parser Accelerating Parser Combinators with Macros (B´eguet and two times faster than the SmaCC parser. and Jonnalagedda 2014) the authors argue to use

11 2016/7/8 macros (Burmako 2013) to remove the composition ActionParser>>parseOn: context overhead. In Staged Parser Combinators for Efficient | result | Data Processing (Jonnalagedda et al. 2014) the authors "evaluate the underlying combinator" use a multi-stage programming (Taha 2003) framework result ← child parseOn: context. "return if failure" LMS (Rompf and Odersky 2010) to eliminate interme- result isFailure ifTrue: [ ↑ result ] diate data structures and computations associated with a parser composition. Both works lead to a significant "evaluate block with result as an argument" speedup at least for the analyzed parsers: an HTTP ↑ block withArguments: result header parser and a JSON parser. Listing 2. Implementation of ActionParser . Similarly to our approach, ahead-of-time optimiza- tions are applied to improve the performance. In con- trast, our work does not utilize meta-programming to manipulate compiler expression trees in order to op- AndPredicateParser>>parseOn: context timize parser combinators. Instead we implemented a | memento | dedicated tool from scratch. In our work, we consider memento ← context remember. several types of optimizations guided by a need to pro- result ← parser parseOn: context. context restore: memento. duce fast and clean top-down parsers. ↑ result isPetitFailure ifTrue: [ Other approaches leading to better combinator per- ↑ result formance are memoization (Frost and Szydlowski 1996) ] ifFalse: [ ↑ nil and Packrat Parsing (Ford 2002) (already utilized by ] PetitParser). In Efficient combinator parsers (Koop- man and Plasmeijer 1998) Koopman et al. use the Listing 3. Implementation of AndPredicate . continuation-passing style to avoid intermediate list cre- ation. There are table-driven or top-down parser genera- tors such as YACC (Johnson 1975), SmaCC (Brant The Java and Python grammars were not sufficiently and Roberts), Bison (Levine 2009), ANTLR (Parr optimized by specializations as well. We would like to and Quong 1995) or Happy (Happy) that provide focus on these shortcomings and improve them. very good performance but they do not easily support We would like to apply some grammar rewriting rules context-sensitivity. The table-driven approaches can- (e.g., to refactor choices to be LL(1)), add more ad- not compete with the peak performance of top-down vanced specializations, improve the support for semi- parsers (Pennello 1986). parsers, add smarter guards that do not perform re- Our work is also related to compilers supporting cus- dundant operations and improve the support for user tom DSLs and providing interfaces for optimizations, optimizations. Last but not least, we would like to e.g., Truffle (Humer et al. 2014). Yet our approach is experiment with just-in-time optimizations. focused on concrete optimization techniques for parser combinators and we do not aspire for general DSL sup- Acknowledgments port. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundation for the project “Agile Software Analysis” (SNSF project No. 200020- 7. Conclusion 162352, Jan 1, 2016 - Dec. 30, 2018). In this work we present a pc-compiler, an ahead-of- time optimizer for PetitParser. The pc-compiler per- A. Implementation of Combinators formance speedup ranges from a factor of two to ten while preserving the advantages and flexibility of Pe- In this section we provide an implementation of all the titParser. Based on our Smalltalk case study, the pc- combinators mentioned in this work to help the reader compiler provides two times better performance than a better understand the overhead of a combinator library. table-driven parser compiled by SmaCC, and approx- imately 20% worse performance than a hand-written References optimized parser. M. D. Adams and O. S. A˘gacan. Indentation-sensitive Even though the results of our PetitParser pc- parsing for . In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM compiler are satisfying, there is a lot of room for im- SIGPLAN Symposium on Haskell, Haskell ’14, pages 121– provements. The Arithmetics grammar was not com- 132, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM. ISBN 978-1- piled into an optimal one and the Smalltalk grammar 4503-3041-1. doi: 10.1145/2633357.2633369. URL http: is still two times slower than the hand-written parser. //doi.acm.org/10.1145/2633357.2633369.

12 2016/7/8 StarParser>>parseOn: context CharClassParser>>parseOn: context | retval result | (context atEnd not and: retval ← OrderedCollection new. [predicate value: context peek]) ifTrue: [ [ ↑ context next result ← child parseOn: context. ] ifFalse: [ result isPetitFailure ↑ PPFailure message:’Predicate expected’ ] whileFalse: [ ] retval add: result ] Listing 4. Implementation of CharClassParser . ↑ retval

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