CABINET 31st October, 2018

A meeting of the Cabinet was held at the Town Hall, Nuneaton, on Wednesday, 31st October, 2018. Present

Councillor J.A. Jackson (Finance and Civic Affairs (Leader)) Councillor B.J. Longden (Housing, Health and Communities) Councillor Neil Phillips (Planning and Development) Councillor J. Sheppard (Central Services and Refuse)

Apologies were received from Councillor I. Lloyd (Arts, Leisure & Economic Development (Deputy Leader)) . CB36 Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 26th September, 2018 be approved and signed by the Chair.

CB37 Declarations of Interest

The Declarations of Interest for this meeting are as set out in the Schedule attached to these minutes.

CB38 HEART Service Procurement

Development sought approval The Director − Housing, Communities and Economic to go out to tender to award a contract for HEART Service associated with works carried out under its Housing Financial Assistance Policy. This will include disabled facility grants and other financial assistance for residents. • RESOLVED that to go out to tender for the services/works listed in Appendix I of the report be approved.

Speaker: None


To not approve the decision


Approving the decision will allow the procurement exercise to proceed and safeguard value and efficiency for its disabled and other service users 20

− −

CB39 Garden Waste Collections

The Executive Director − Operations submitted a supplementary report to the draft General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Budgets 2019/20 report. The report sought Cabinets approval to cease the current free garden waste collection service for a property's first green bin from 31st January 2019 and to introduce a chargeable (opt in) garden waste service from 1st February 2019 for all garden waste bins collected from a property.


a) the current free kerbside garden waste collection service for the first garden waste bin collected from property be ceased from 31st January 2019;

b) to introduce a chargeable (opt in) garden waste service from 1st February 2019 for all garden waste bins be approved; • C) the annual charge be set to £40 per bin irrespective of how many bins are collected from a property and that this charge be reviewed annually;

d) the income from introducing the chargeable (opt in) garden waste service from 1st February 2019 that will be received in the current financial year be used, by way of in−portfolio virements, to mitigate 2018/19 budget pressures within the central services and refuse portfolio arising from the increased costs of providing the kerbside dry recycling and refuse collection services; and

e) Delegated Authority be given to the Executive Director − Operations in consultation with Cabinet Member for Central Services and Refuse to take all steps necessary to implement the revised service, including making any necessary minor amendments as identified during project implementation.


Councillor Keith Kondakor Michele Kondakor Councillor Clare Golby


Do not approve the recommendations


The Borough Council's Medium Term Financial Plan [MTFP] 2018−2022, presented to Cabinet at its meeting of 26th September 2018, identified a General Fund funding gap of approximately £1 .6m over the life of the MTFP and a £0.955m funding gap for 2019/20.

The Local Government Finance Act 1992 requires councils to achieve a balanced General Fund budget each year. Therefore the Borough Council must take steps to −21−

close the £0.955 funding gap for 2019/20 through reductions in expenditure, increases in income or combination of both.

Against this very challenging financial back drop it has been identified that the Borough Council is no longer able to afford to provide a kerbside garden waste collection service for a property's first garden waste bin. It is therefore proposed that a chargeable, opt in, kerbside collection scheme for all garden bins should be introduced to assist the Borough Council in meeting the financial challenges it faces. The second and any other green waste bins collected from a property are already charged for at a rate of £40 per bin, per year.

There are some services that councils up and down the country are required to provide by law. These are known as "mandatory services" and include things such as refuse collection; street cleansing; dealing with planning applications and dealing with housing benefit claims. There are other services that councils up and down the country aren't required to provide by law but that they chose to provide. These are know as "discretionary" services and include things such as Leisure facilities; • museums, CCTV and public toilets.

Garden waste collections are a discretionary service and so the Borough Council could choose to cease the service completely. However, such an approach would take a well used and long established service away from residents completely and unilaterally, giving no customer choice whatsoever. While introducing a charge for all garden bins that are collected will not be popular, it does give households a choice as to whether they wish to continue to receive the service on a chargeable basis.

Results from the recent budget public consultation exercise indicate that some residents would be prepared to pay for a kerbside garden waste collection service in order to protect frontline services.

CB40 Draft General Fund and HRA Budgets 2019/20

The Executive Director − Resources presented Cabinet with the draft General Fund budget position for 2019/20 along with a number of savings proposals to ensure a balanced and sustainable budget is maintained. The report also gave an update on the HRA budget process for 2019/20.


a) the draft General Fund budget position for 2019/20 as set out at section 4.16 of the report be noted;

b) the savings proposed for 2019/20 as set out at section 4.17 of the report be approved and the remaining budget deficit for 2019/20 be noted;

c) due to the budget implications and the timescales required to either implement the savings at 4.17 of the report or seek alternative savings, that the item be marked not for call−in;

d) to comply with the Budget & Policy Framework Procedure Rules in part 4C of the Constitution, the Chairs of the Overview & Scrutiny Panels be notified of the budget proposals, as set out in paragraph 4.24 of the report; and L


e) Thanks be expressed to all staff for their hard work in enabling provision of effective and efficient services.


Councillor Keith Kondakor Michele Kondakor Councillor Clare Golby


To not accept the recommendations and propose alternative savings for 2019/20.


The Council must set and maintain a balanced budget each year

CB4I Local Development Scheme (LDS) Update

The report of the Director − Planning and Public Protection sought Cabinet to consider and approve the updated Local Government Scheme (LDS).

RESOLVED that the timescales identified within the revised LDS be noted and it be approved for the LDS to be adopted and published on the Council's website.


Councillor Keith Kondakor Michele Kondakor Councillor Clare Golby


Reflecting the fact that the adoption and review of a LDS is a statutory requirement, the options were as follows:

1) Accept the recommendation 2) Amend the LDS prior to adoption/publication on the Council's website.


To enable the Council to comply with the requirements of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and the associated Town and Country Planning (Local Development) () Regulations 2004 (as amended).

j − 23 −

CB42 Camp Hill Urban Village Project: Phase 3 Legal Structures and the Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3) Compulsory Purchase Order (Nol) 2018

The Pride in Camp Hill Programme Manager submitted a report to Cabinet to provide an update on the delivery of the Camp Hill Regeneration programme and to refresh the authority for the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order pursuant to section 226(1) (a) of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 in connection with the properties identified on the draft Order map attached at Appendix A of the report to enable the last phase of the Camp Hill Regeneration Scheme be completed.


a) a Compulsory Purchase Order be made in pursuant to section 226(1) (a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to be known as the Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3— Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order ) (the Order") in respect of • the land identified in the draft Order and shown on the draft Order Map at Appendix A to the report ("the Order Land") for the purpose of facilitating the carrying out of development, redevelopment or improvement of the land for the provision of approximate 143 residential units together with parking spaces, associated highway and other infrastructure, drainage, servicing and works, new public realm and improved pedestrian routes as detailed in the Statement of reasons in Appendix A of the report;

b) the Executive Director (Resources) in consultation with the Leader be authorised to take make minor amendments, modifications or deletions to the Order (including for the avoidance of doubt to the Order Map but not to extend the boundaries of the Order Land) and to the draft Statement of Reasons at Appendix B to the report if necessary and to finalise and make the Order;

c) to publish and serve all necessary notices consequent upon the making of the Order and to submit the Order to the Minister for Housing, Communities and Local Government ("the Minister") for confirmation and otherwise take all necessary steps, whether required by statute to otherwise, to secure confirmation of the Order by the Minister;

d) subject to confirmation of the Order by the Minister, to acquire title and possession of the Order Land (or any part thereof) whether by means of one or more General Vesting Declarations or Notices to Treat and Notices of Entry, including publishing and serving any notices and or executing any documentation required in connection with such acquisition or possession;

e) in the event that the Council is authorised to act as confirming authority, to confirm the Order;

f) to exercise such powers of entry onto the Order Land and to delegate such powers to officers of the Council and/or to otherwise authorise external consultants, contractors or other parties to act on the Council's behalf in that regard; −24−

g) to approve and enter into agreements and give undertakings to the owners of any interests in the Order Land and any objectors to the confirmation of the Order which may set out the terms of the withdrawal of objections to the Order, including where appropriate seeking exclusion from the Order;

h) in the event that the question of compensation is referred to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) to take all necessary steps in relation thereto including agreeing appropriate compensation payable;

i) to defend and/or participate in any proceedings and hearings challenging these decisions and/or the making or implementation of the Order or any notice, General Vesting Declaration or anything else made pursuant to, or in relation to, or which may have an impact on the making, confirmation, or implementation of the Order; and

j) to approve pursuant to section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 the appropriation of all land required for the Scheme that is currently held by the Council or to be acquired under the Order that is currently held by the Council for non−planning purposes to be held for planning purposes under Part IX of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended.


Councillor Keith Kondakor


To not make the Compulsory Purchase Order


The Council is obligated through the existing legal agreements to deliver a vacant site to the developer. The only method to guarantee this, within a reasonable timeframe, is by the compulsory acquisition of the land.

CB43 Procurement ofSingle Supplier Framework − Modular Housing

The Director − Housing, Communities and Economic Development submitted a report to Cabinet to seek approval to undertake a procurement exercise to establish a Single Supplier Framework for modular housing.


a) the procurement of a Single Supplier Framework for modular housing be granted;

b) the report be marked not for call in due to the timescales involved in relation to the procurement process and ensure the framework is in place to commence a larger scale new build programme as soon as possible; and

c) thanks be expressed to staff for all their hard work −25−


Councillor Keith Kondakor


To not approve the decision.


The establishment of a Framework will allow the Council to place orders across financial years, in line with approved capital funding, without the need for a lengthy procurement process for each development site. The Framework would exist for a period of four years with a total value of £0 to £25 million.

• CB44 Recommendations from Overview and Scrutiny Panels

25th Internal Overview and Scrutiny Panel − September 2018

SPEAKER: Councillor Keith Kondakor

At Cabinet on 13th June, 2018 it was resolved that:

'a detailed report be sent to the Internal Overview and Scrutiny Panel (IOSP) providing information on why there are a number of void properties as stated in 5.2 of the report. The outcome of IOSP report will then be brought back to Cabinet for further consideration.'

A report was then submitted to Internal OSP from the Director − Housing, Communities and Economic Development to the panel on 25th September 2018 and whilst there was no formal recommendation for Cabinet the minute of the item was • presented to Cabinet.


a) the minute from Internal Overview and Scrutiny be noted; and

b) any future report to Overview and Scrutiny Panel on Housing Voids would be welcomed, in addition to any recommendations for Cabinet.


PUBLICATION DATE: 5th November, 2018

DECISIONS COME INTO FORCE: 13th November, 2018 Cabinet − Schedule of Declarations of Interests

Name of Disciosable Other Personal Dispensation Councillor Pecuniary Interest Interest

General Granted to all members dispensations ofthe Council in the granted to all areas of: members Housing − matters under s.33 of Statutory − sick pay the Localism under Part XI of Act 2011 the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992

− An allowance, payment given to members 10

− An indemnity given to members

− Any ceremonial honour given to members

− Setting council tax ora precept under the Local Government Finance Act 1992

− Planning and Licensing matters Allotments B.J. Longden Member ofthe Stockingford Community Centre. B.J. Longden Member ofthe Veterans Contact Point Board. B.J. Longden Daughter and son−in−law work in the NHS B.J. Longden Member of Police and Crime Panel. J. Jackson Any matter relating Dispensation to speak to the employment and vote on matters that policies and do not relate specifically procedures of to her husband's contract Nuneaton & ofemployment Bedworth Borough Council orany matter relating to the contractual arrangements with Sport & Leisure Management Ltd. − J. Jackson Non−Executive Director Dispensation to speak & with Nuneaton and vote Bedworth Community Enterprises Limited J. Sheppard Partnership member of the Hill Top and Caldwell Big Local. J. Sheppard Director ofWembrook Dispensation to speak and Community Centre. vote on any matters of Borough Plan that relate to he Directorship ofWembrook Community Centre J. Sheppard Management Committee Member Mental Health Drop in AGENDA ITEM NO. 10.









69 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 CONTENTS



















2 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 70 Background and introduction

1.1 On [ ] 2018 the Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (the "Council") made the Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018 (the "Order").

1.2 The Order has been made under section 226(1 )(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

1.3 The Council via [its Cabinet Committee on 17th November 2017 and 31St October 2018 resolved to make the Order pursuant to its powers under section 226 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) (the "1990 Act"). The purpose of the Order is to enable the Council to purchase compulsorily, to facilitate the carrying out of development, redevelopment and improvement, certain land at the Camp Hill Estate, Camp Hill, Nuneaton (the "Estate"). The land which is the subject of the Order comprises and is shown edged in red and coloured pink on the map referred to in the Order (the "Order Land").

1.4 The Council's objective in seeking to acquire the Order Land is to assemble in its ownership the land and interests included in the Order, so as to continue to facilitate and enable implementation of the final phase of the Camp Hill Estate. ("the Camp Hill Regeneration Programme"). The order land forms part of a wider regeneration programme which has been implemented in a number of phases. Phase I which is complete saw the purchase and demolition of 10 residential units and a former industrial estate. Following clearance of the area, 172 new residential units were constructed along with associated highway infrastructure. Phase 2, the Camp Hill Village Centre saw the acquisition and clearance of 90 residential units along with 5 retail units. Following the demolition programme, 233 residential units were completed along with 8 retail units and new community facilities in the form of a youth and community centre. Phase 3, which also incorporates the order land is, due to its size and complexity is split further into a number of sub−phases. The Phase 3 site involves the demolition and clearance of 370 units and construction of approximately 777 residential units. To date, detailed planning permission is in place for 619 units, of which 456 have been completed.

1.5 The Order relates to a final phase of the Camp Hill Regeneration Programme which will provide approximately 158 units and associated highway infrastructure. The Order area forms part of a wider regeneration programme which seeks to deliver 1,172 residential units. During the period 2011 to 2031 Nuneaton and Bedworth have housing targets of 14,060 residential units.

• 1.6 The purpose of the Order is to facilitate the carrying out of development to include the demolition of 56 Residential units and the comprehensive redevelopment of the Order Land to deliver approximately 158 predominantly private residential units ("the Scheme"). At this stage the tenure breakdown between private and social I affordable housing has not been determined. The Scheme is an integral and vital part of the Council's proposals for the regeneration of the Camp Hill area. Successful delivery of the Scheme is critical to the completion of the Camp Hill Regeneration Programme.

1.7 The Order seeks to acquire all estates and interests in the Order Land, including rights, easements, the benefit of covenants, rent charges and options in the Order land, except where otherwise expressly stated. The Order Land also includes land in unknown ownership, or land reputed to be in unknown ownership, which needs to be compulsorily acquired to facilitate the delivery of the Scheme.

1.8 In preparing and making the Order and preparing this Statement of Reasons for the Order ("the Statement of Reasons"), the Council has had regard to the guidance on compulsory purchase, entitled "Guidance on Compulsory Purchase process and the Crichel Down Rules for the disposal of surplus land acquired by, or under the treat of, compulsion", introduced by the Department for Communities and Local Government in October 2015 and amended in February 2018 ("the Guidance").

Cabinet− 31st October 2018 71 1.9 Paragraph 1 of the Guidance notes that compulsory purchase powers are an important tool to use as a means of assembling the land needed to help deliver social, environmental and economic change and used properly can contribute towards effective and efficient urban and rural regeneration, essential infrastructure, the revitalisation of communities and the promotion of business − leading to improvements in quality of life.

1.10 Further, paragraph 2 of the Guidance advises that Acquiring Authorities should use compulsory purchase powers where it is expedient to do so. However, a compulsory purchase order should only be made where there is a compelling case in the public interest. This paragraph also states that the confirming authority will expect the acquiring authority to demonstrate that they have taken reasonable steps to acquire all of the land and rights included in the compulsory purchase order by agreement. Paragraph 2 also advises that compulsory purchase is intended as a last resort to secure the assembly of all of the land needed for the implementation of projects. However, if an acquiring authority waits for negotiations to break down before starting the compulsory purchase process, valuable time will be lost. Therefore, depending on when the land is required, it may often be sensible, given the amount of time required to complete the compulsory purchase process, for the acquiring authority to plan a compulsory purchase timetable as a contingency measure and initiate formal procedures. This will help to make the seriousness of the authority's intentions clear from the outset, which in turn might encourage those whose land is affected to enter more readily into meaningful negotiations. Paragraph 2 also advises that when making and confirming an order, acquiring authorities and authorising authorities should be sure that the purposes for which the compulsory purchase order is made justify interfering with the human rights of those with an interest in the land affected.

1.11 The Guidance also states, at paragraph 17, that:− "Undertaking negotiations in parallel with preparing and making a compulsory purchase order can help to build a good working relationship with those whose interests are affected by showing that the authority is willing to be open and treat their concerns with respect." Paragraph 17 also states: − "Acquiring Authorities are expected to provide evidence that meaningful attempts at negotiation have been pursued or at least genuinely attempted, save for lands where land ownership is unknown or in question". In accordance with the guidance, the Council has been carrying out negotiations and seeking to acquire the Order Land by agreement wherever possible, and is continuing to do so in parallel with making the Order.

1.12 The Council has already acquired 52 residential units within the Order land area by negotiation The Council will continue to seek to acquire other interests in the Order Land by agreement; however there are a number of interests that remain to be acquired. The scale and nature of the Scheme requires the making of the Order to enable the Order Land in its entirety to be assembled in the Council's ownership and the Scheme to be delivered with certainty and within a reasonable timescale.

1.13 The Council has entered into a Development Agreement with the Council's preferred developer, Barratt Mercia Limited ("Barratt's") to secure the Phase 3 Scheme..

1.14 The Guidance also states, in paragraph 12, that:− "A compulsory purchase order should only be made where there is a compelling case in the public interest", and that the purposes for which an authority is making an order justify interfering with the human rights of those with an interest in the land affected, having regard in particular to the provisions of Article 1 of the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights and, in the case of a dwelling, to Article B of the Convention. The Council is satisfied that there is a compelling case in the public interest for the Order to be made in respect of the Scheme and that compulsory acquisition of the Order Land is justified.

1.15 Paragraph 6 of the Guidance notes that all public sector acquiring authorities are bound by the Public Sector Equality Duty as set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 and in exercising their compulsory purchase and related powers these acquiring authorities must have regard to the effect of any differential impacts on groups with protected characteristics. The Council has had regard to this duty in preparing its proposals and the Order.

4 Cabinet −31st October 2018 72 1.16 Paragraph 15 of the Guidance also advises that the Acquiring Authority will also need to be able to show that the scheme is unlikely to be blocked by any physical or legal impediments to implementation. The Council is confident that there will not be any such impediments to the implementation of its proposals for the delivery of the Scheme on the Order Land.

1.17 The Council has consequently made the Order to secure all interests required to enable implementation of the Scheme, to achieve the Council's adopted planning policy objectives for the Camp Hill Regeneration Programme, and to meet identified housing need. Discussions will, however, continue with owners of relevant interests in the Order Land who are willing to sell their interest in the Order Land by agreement at market value in accordance with the terms of the compulsory purchase compensation code, where appropriate, with a view to limiting the number of interests which need to be acquired compulsorily pursuant to the Order. The approach adopted by the Council is in accordance with the advice contained in the Guidance.

1.18 The Council's reasons for making the Order are set out in greater detail below. On confirmation of the Order, the Council intends to serve a Notice (or Notices) to Treat and Notice (or Notices) of Entry and/or to execute one or more General Vesting Declarations in order to secure unencumbered title to the Order Land.


2.1 The Order Land forms part of the Estate and is within Camp Hill is situated to the north west of Nuneaton accessed from the B4114 Tuttle Hill which forms the northern boundary to the estate. Queen Elizabeth Road and Green Lane are the two main routes into the estate from Tuttle Hill. Camp Hill comprises approximately 3,000 dwellings with a population of approximately 6,000.

2.2 Full details of the Order Land appear in the Schedule to the Order but includes all interests in dwelling houses 1−18 Edinburgh Road, 2,4,6,and 8 Hillcrest Road, 19−36 Edinburgh Road and 10−44 Hillcrest Road (even numbers only) and is shown edged in red and coloured pink on the map referred to in the Order. Of the original 89 properties that were in this area, 36 properties remain to be purchased. All properties owners within the order area have been contacted and informed of the proposals for the area. All properties contacted are at varying stages of the voluntary purchase process.

2.3 The Schedule to the Order has been prepared based on information gathered through inspection of Land Registry title documents, site inspections and enquiries, and the responses to notices issued under section 16 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976. The Order Land does not include or affect (i.e. through demolition, alteration or extension) any listed buildings or any consecrated land. The Estate has long been in need of major capital investment. Camp Hill was built during the 1950s and 1960s by the local authority to provide social housing and by the National Coal Board (NCB) to provide accommodation for local mine workers. Most of the NCB properties were built on the steeply sloping area between Edinburgh Road and Queen Elizabeth Road. The Council housing was built on the plateau area between Edinburgh Road and Cedar Road. This lack of integration created a division within the Camp Hill community which still exists today. Many of the homes are of very poor quality, etc. The increased costs of management and maintenance are such that the Council considers there is a need for comprehensive redevelopment in accordance with its proposals for the area. The costs of repair and refurbishment of the Estate, to Decent Homes Programme standards would be significant and would not address the fundamental inadequacies of the homes within the Estate.

2.4 The existing estate at Camp Hill in Nuneaton has historically suffered from severe antisocial behaviour, and has been subject to economic decide over many years. Pursuant to an outline planning consent to redevelop the estate, the Local Authority established the principle that the area should be regenerated with a more positive approach to the creation of communities. It was also established that the spatial arrangement of the estate was a key player in the reason for the anti−social behaviour. The original development street layout (now partially removed by previous phases of the Barratt / David Wilson Homes development), created a large extent of

Cabinet − 31st October 2018 73 dead' streets. This is largely due to the approach taken to talking the quite extremely sloping topography, in which very steep and unusable rear gardens form the edge to a street, whilst elsewhere, homes sit high above brick retaining walls. Both arise in street where natural surveillance of the street from homes and residents is almost completely missing. As such, it has been viewed essential to the regeneration of the area successfully, that streets with 'active frontages' are essential.

2.5 The new proposals seek to create a full activated street network with homes facing both sides of all streets to encourage a more positive relationship between residents and ensure streets have natural surveillance throughout. This requires the street pattern to be altered to enable successful dimensions between homes and between homes and streets to be formed, whilst also carefully managing the changes in levels. These changes are also necessary to ensure that the new residential streets connect successfully with the new street pattern and utility services corridors established within previous phases of the development.

2.6 The Camp Hill Regeneration Programme will deliver a sustainable and deliverable package of redevelopment to address the identified problems of the Estate through a phased delivery of new housing


3.1 The Order has been made pursuant to the provisions of Section 226(1)(a) of the 1990 Act to facilitate the implementation of the Scheme upon the Order Land.

3.2 Section 226(1)(a) empowers an acquiring authority, on being authorised by the Secretary of State, to acquire compulsorily any land in their area:

3.2.1 If the acquiring authority thinks that the acquisition will facilitate the carrying out of development, redevelopment or improvement on or in relation to that land; and

3.2.2 The development, redevelopment or improvement is likely to contribute to the promotion or improvement of the economic, social or environmental well−being of their area.

3.3 The Council has had regard to the advice in paragraph 11 of the Guidance, which advises that acquiring authorities should look to use the most specific power available for the purposes in mind and only use a general power when a specific power is not available. The Council is satisfied that the use of the powers contained in section 226(1)(a) of the 1990 Act is the most appropriate power available for its purposes and will facilitate the carrying out of development, redevelopment or improvement on or in relation to the Order Land (which is in the Council's area); and that it will contribute to the development, redevelopment or improvement of that area, thus meeting the statutory tests.

3.4 Paragraph 95 of the Guidance advises that this power is intended to provide a positive tool to help acquiring authorities with planning powers to assemble land where this is necessary to implement proposals in their Local Plan or where strong planning justifications for the use of the power exist. The power is expressed in wide and general terms and can therefore be used to assemble land for regeneration and other schemes where the range of activities or purposes proposed mean that no other single specific compulsory purchase power would be appropriate.

3.5 The Guidance also provides general guidance to acquiring authorities on the use of compulsory purchase powers. The Council has taken full account of the guidance in making the Order. The Council is proposing to utilise its powers under section 226(1)(a) of the 1990 Act because it is not certain that it will be able to secure by agreement the land required for the delivery of the Scheme, although the Council's efforts to acquire the necessary land by agreement will continue in parallel with the compulsory purchase order process.

74 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 3.6 The way in which the Scheme is likely to contribute to the promotion or improvement of the economic, social or environmental well−being of the Council's area is described in Section 5 of this Statement of Reasons.

3.7 The proposed redevelopment of the Order Land in the Estate is detailed in various sections below.


4.1 In accordance with the saved policies of the Nuneaton and Bedworth Local Plan 2006, the Council seeks to redevelop the Order Land by delivering a residential mixed tenure development as part of a phased regeneration of the Estate. Proposals for the regeneration (detailed in section 6 of this Statement of Reasons) are derived from principles of the Government's policy for sustainable development as set out at paragraphs 7 − 14, paragraphs 59−76, paragraphs 91−101, paragraphs 102, 103 and 108−111, paragraphs 117−124 and paragraphs 127−131, paragraph 153, paragraphs 155−165 and paragraphs 178−183 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2018.

4.2 The Camp Hill Regeneration scheme, upon completion seeks to deliver 1,172 residential units. These units will contribute to the wider housing growth figure of 14,060 over the period 2011− 2031.

4.3 Pride in Camp Hill (PinCH) is an urban regeneration project and Company Ltd by Guarantee aimed at improving the physical environment of the Camp Hill estate and the economic and social well−being of its residents. In addition to the physical regeneration of the estate, PinCH aims to improve training and education opportunities, promote business, increase employment, and improve the welfare and safety of the community. As a partnership organisation, PinCH brings together the two local authorities of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and Warwickshire County Council along with local business and community representatives.

4.4 In addition to the PinCH Board, the scheme also has a dedicated staff team funding through the two local authorities. This staff team is based within the Camp Hill community and is responsible for the project management of the area's regeneration programme which include a range of social, economic and physical projects.The pace of delivery is fast; Camp Hill is changing. Completed phases for the schemed include, Phase 1, the demolition and clearage of 10 residential properties and a former industrial estate and the construction of 172 new residents units and associated infrastructure.

• 4.5 Phase 2, the Camp Hill Village Centre, which is also complete, incorporated the acquisition and demolition of 90 residential properties and district shopping centre block of five retail units. This phase saw the construction of 223 residential units and nine retail units along with a youth and community building with sports hall.

4.6 Phase 3 of the Camp Hill Regeneration, due to its size and complexity has been split in to a number of smaller construction phases. The purpose of seeking to acquire land compulsorily is to facilitate the comprehensive redevelopment of the Order Land. The Scheme has been identified by the Council as the best means by which to meet the Council's adopted strategic planning objectives for the Camp 1−1111 area as part of the wider Camp Hill Regeneration Programme. The role of the Order Land is identified in the Council's planning policy documents and its regeneration is a necessary and vital part of this plan. The Council fully supports the Scheme and wishes it to be brought forward in accordance with its adopted planning policies.

4.7 Compulsory purchase of the requisite land is essential to enable the Scheme to be implemented and for the Council to achieve its policy objectives within a reasonable timescale. The Council also considers that the Order is both necessary and justifiable in the public interest. Consequently the Council has made the Order to secure the outstanding interests required to facilitate implementation of the Scheme.


5.1 The Order has been made to ensure that all the land required for the Scheme can be secured within a reasonable timescale, thereby maintaining the affordability and deliverability of the Scheme and of the wider South Kilburn Regeneration Programme.

The compelling case in the public interest

5.2 The Guidance advises that an acquiring authority should only make a compulsory purchase order where there is a compelling case in the pubic interest to do so. The Council is satisfied that there is a compelling case for the use of its compulsory purchase powers for the reasons set out below in this section 5 of this Statement of Reasons.

5.3 The Order Land forms part of the Estate (and thus forms part of the area which is the subject of the wider Camp Hill Regeneration Programme). Although the Council is the owner of a number of properties, there are a number of outstanding interests within the Order land needing to be acquired in order to facilitate the Scheme. The Estate is suitable for a sustainable and phased approach to development and the Order is required to secure land and property rights to enable the Scheme to be implemented.

5.4 The purpose of the Order is to enable the Council to acquire: all freehold and leasehold interests not already in Council ownership; land the ownership of which it has not been possible to ascertain, notwithstanding diligent enquiry; land where agreement to acquire cannot be reached, and such acquisition is necessary in order to achieve delivery of the Scheme within a reasonable timescale.

5.5 The Council's negotiations with freeholders and other interests leaseholders have indicated that it is likely that the timely acquisition of these interests on reasonable terms and within a realistic timescale based on the Council's requirements will, in some instances, only be achievable through compulsory purchase. However, the Scheme will contribute to the improvement of the economic, social and/or environmental well−being of the Camp Hill area.

5.6 The Council has considered the reasons why it is necessary to acquire the property interests identified in the Schedule to the Order. The freeholders and other interests have been invited to enter into discussions with the Council with regard to compensation, in accordance with the advice contained in the Guidance

5.7 The overarching consideration for the Council when making the Order and for the Secretary of State in deciding whether it should confirm the order (as set out in paragraphs 12 to 15 of the Guidance) is whether there is a compelling case in the public interest which justifies the interference with the human rights of those with an interest in the land affected.

5.8 Paragraphs 2 and 12 of the Guidance advise that a compulsory purchase order should only be made where there is a compelling case in the public interest. An acquiring authority should be sure that the purposes for which the compulsory purchase order is made justify interfering with the human rights of those with an interest in the land affected. Particular consideration should be given to the provisions of Article 1 of the First protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights and, in the case of a dwelling, Article 8 of the Convention.

5.9 The Council considers there is a compelling case in the public interest for the making and confirmation of the Order for the reasons outlined in this Statement. The need for the comprehensive development of the Order land is acknowledged and supported in the adopted national and local planning policy framework as set out in section 7. Delivery of the Scheme would fulfil the Council's key planning policy objectives for the area and transform the Order Land. It would contribute significantly to the improvement of the economic, social and environmental well−being of the area as set out in this Statement. In relation to Phase 3, an outline application for residential development was approved in June 2006 under planning reference 010153. This permission expired in June 2009 and a subsequent outline application with an identical application site boundary was submitted in August 2009 and approved in November 2009. This permission remains extant. Applications for approval of reserved

8 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 76 matters have been submitted for some of the sub−phases of phase 3. An application for the approval of reserved matters for sub−phase 1 of phase 3 (reference no. 029498) was submitted in April 2009 and was for the erection of 158 dwellings and included the matters siting, design, external appearance, access and landscaping. It was approved in July 2009. An approval of reserved matters application for sub−phase 2 of phase 3 (reference no. 031216) was submitted in November 2011 and was for the erection of 141 dwellings and included the matters layout, scale, appearance and access. It was approved in March 2012. A reserved matters application relating to landscaping was submitted in July 2012 under planning reference 031574 and approved in October 2012. A further application for amendments to 8 plots was approved in August 2013 under planning reference 032172. In December 2012 an application for the approval of reserved matters for sub−phases 2a and 3 of phase 3 (reference no. 031849) for 134 dwellings and was subsequently approved in March 2013. An application for the approval of reserved matters for sub−phases 4 and 6 of phase 3 was submitted in May 2016 (reference no. 034128) for 163 dwellings and was approved in January 2017. An amendment to that application was (reference no. 034669) was approved in June 2017. The Council is confident that there is more than a reasonable prospect of the Scheme proceeding, given the commitment to the delivery of the scheme demonstrated to date, in securing planning consent for it, the acquisition of interests by agreement in the Order Land and the steps it is taking to deliver the Scheme. The Council also believes that there are no credible alternatives to compulsory purchase to achieve the purposes of the Order. It is highly unlikely that all the outstanding interests required could be assembled by agreement within a . reasonable timescale. In making its assessment of the justification of the Order, the Council has taken into account the rights of those who may be affected by the Order (as referred to in section 9 below). In addition, the Council has had due regard to its public sector equality duty under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (referred to in section 10 below). In the Council's view, the considerable public benefits to be derived from the implementation of the Scheme outweigh the harm caused by interference with the human rights of those likely to be affected by compulsory purchase and there is a clear compelling case, in the public interest, for the making and confirmation of the Order.

5.10 Paragraph 13 of the Guidance advises that the Minister confirming the Order has to be able to take a balanced view between the intentions of the acquiring authority and the concerns of those with an interest in the land that it is proposing to acquire compulsorily and the wider public interest. The more comprehensive the justification which the acquiring authority can present, the stronger its case is likely to be. However, the confirming minister will consider each case on its own merits and this guidance is not intended to imply that the confirming minister will require any particular degree of justification for any specific order. It is not essential to show that the land is required immediately to secure the purpose for which it is to be acquired, but a confirming minister will need to understand, and the acquiring authority must be able to demonstrate, that there are sufficiently compelling reasons for the powers sought at this time. If the authority does not:

have a clear idea of how it intends to use the land which it is proposing to acquire; and cannot show that all the necessary resources are likely to be available to achieve that end within a reasonable timescale

It will be difficult to show conclusively that the compulsory acquisition of the land included in the order is justified in the public interest, at any rate at the time of its making.

5.11 The Council considers it has demonstrated in this Statement that there are sufficiently compelling reasons for the powers to be sought at this time to enable the Scheme and the benefits it will bring to be delivered. The Council has more than a clear idea of how it intends to use the land which it is proposing to acquire. The land is required to deliver the Scheme in accordance with the outline planning, reference 029715 which was approved in November 2009 and in compliance with national and local planning. The proposals for the Order Land will deliver significant economic, social and environmental benefits to the area. Further, as explained within this Statement, the necessary resources are in place now to deliver the Scheme within a reasonable timescale. The Council also has the necessary resources to meet all land acquisition and compensation costs (including acquisition and compensation costs

Cabinet − 31st October 2018 77 arising from the service of any blight notice(s)). The Secretary of State can therefore be satisfied that the order is justified and in the public interest at the time of its making.

5.12 Paragraph 14 of the Guidance advises that the acquiring authority should provide substantive information as to the sources of funding available and the timing of that funding. In relation to sources of funding, the acquiring authority should provide substantive information as to the sources of funding available for both acquiring the land and implementing the scheme for which the land is required. If the scheme is not intended to be independently financially viable, or that details cannot be finalised until there is certainty that the necessary land will be required, the acquiring authority should provide an indication as to how any potential shortfalls will be met. This should include: the degree to which other bodies (including the private sector) have agreed to make financial contributions or underwrite the scheme; and the basis on which the contributions or underwriting is to be made.

5.13 Paragraph 14 also advises that in relation to the timing of funding, funding should generally be available now or early in the process. Failing that, the confirming minister would expect funding to be available to complete the compulsory acquisition within the statutory period (see section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965) following the operative date, and only in exceptional circumstances would it be reasonable to acquire land with little prospect of the scheme being implemented for a number of years. Evidence should also be provided to show lie that sufficient funding for could be made available immediately to cope with any acquisition resulting from a blight notice.

5.14 As explained in this Statement, implementation of the Scheme will be the responsibility of the Council. The Council's implementation strategy is a set out in section 8 of this Statement. The Council has the necessary resources and funding, available to deliver the Sscheme now. Works will commence on site once site assembly and title to all of the necessary interests in the land is secured following confirmation of the Order (assuming the Order is confirmed).

5.15 The Guidance considers impediments to the scheme proceeding, and notes that the acquiring authority should demonstrate that the scheme is unlikely to be blocked by any legal or physical impediments to implementation (paragraph 15).

5.16 The key issue affecting the delivery of the scheme relates to land ownership. To date it has not been possible to enter into agreements with all owners of interests required. Negotiations will continue with affected parties with a desire to conclude acquisition by agreement, but without the certainty of land assembly through the CPO process, the Scheme will not be realised.

5.17 Other than the need to secure land assembly, there are no known physical or legal factors which would prevent or impede development, nor are any special categories of land affected. There are a number of statutory undertakers who operate apparatus within the Order Land. The Council is in discussions with the undertakers concerned. There are no financial, physical, planning or legal impediments to the Scheme proceeding, subject to confirmation of the order to enable site assembly to be achieved.

5.18 Funding is in place to enable site assembly to be achieved. Funding to facilitate both the implementation of the Scheme and the payment of all land acquisition and compensation costs arising (including land and compensation costs incurred in consequence of any blight notice(s)) is available. Viability of the Sscheme is not in doubt. The Council is therefore confident that funding is in place to enable compulsory acquisition to be completed within the statutory period under section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965.

5.19 Paragraph 106 of the Guidance stipulates that, where a CPO is promoted under the provisions of section 226 (1)(a) of the 1990 Act, the Secretary of State will take into account the following issues when deciding whether to confirm a CPO:

(a) whether the purpose for which the land is being acquired fits in with the adopted Local Plan for the area or, where no such up to date Local Plan exists, with the draft Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework;

10 Cabinet −31st October 2018 78 (b) the extent to which the proposed purpose will contribute to the achievement of the promotion or improvement of the economic, social or environmental well−being of the area; and

(c) whether the purpose for which the authority is proposing to acquire the land could be achieved by any other means. This may include considering the appropriateness of any alternative proposals put forward by the owners of the land, or any other persons, for its reuse. It may also involve examining the suitability of any alternative locations for the purpose for which the land is being acquired.

(d) the potential financial viability of the scheme for which the land is being acquired. A general indication of funding intentions, and of any commitment from third parties, will usually suffice to reassure the Secretary of State that there is a reasonable prospect that the scheme will proceed. The greater the uncertainty about the financial viability of the scheme, however, the more compelling the other grounds for undertaking the compulsory purchase will need to be. The timing of any available funding may also be

− important. For example, a strict time limit on the availability of the necessary funding may be an argument put forward by the acquiring authority to justify proceeding with the order before finalising the details of the replacement scheme and/or the statutory Splanningposition. These are each considered below in relation to the Order and the Scheme.

(i) Whether the purpose for which the land is being acquired fits in with the adopted Local Plan for the area, or where no such up to date Local Plan exists, with the draft Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework

5.19.1 The Scheme was granted outline planning permission reference 010153 and complies with national and local planning policies. There are no relevant made or emerging neighbourhood plans.

5.19.2 The Council is satisfied that the Scheme is in accordance with the strategic objectives of the adopted planning policy framework for the area. These proposals will deliver significant economic, social and environmental benefits to the area, particularly in comparison to the existing use of the site for the reasons given below. A planning application for the final sub−phase of phase 3 has been submitted to date. However, it is understood that it is to be submitted shortly.

5.19.3 The proposals for the Order Land are also in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework ("the NPPF'). The NPPF must be taken into account in the preparation of local and neighbourhood plans and is a material consideration in planning decisions. The Council has had regard to the NPPF in developing its local planning policy. The NPPF states that the purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. A presumption in favour of sustainable development is central to the policy approach in the Framework, its purpose is to send a strong signal to all those involved in the planning process about the need to plan positively for appropriate new development; so that both plan−making and development management are proactive and driven by a search for opportunities to deliver sustainable development, rather than barriers. The need to proactively drive and support sustainable economic development to deliver the homes, business and industrial units, infrastructure and thriving local places that the country needs and promote mixed use developments are 2 of the 12 core planning principles set out in the Framework.

5.19.4 The proposals are in accordance with the with policies as explained in section 7

(ii) The extent to which the scheme will contribute to the achievement of the promotion or improvement of the economic, social or environmental well−being of the area

11 Cabinet −31st October 2018 79 5.19.5 The Council considers that, in line with the requirements of the enabling power, the land proposed to be compulsorily acquired will facilitate the comprehensive redevelopment of the Order Land in a manner which will positively contribute to the improvement of the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the Borough. This can be evidenced by considering the current status of the Order Land as described in section 2 of the Statement and the benefits with the planning application that the scheme will deliver for the locality, as explained in sections 6.and 7

5.19.6 The purpose for seeking to acquire the land and interests required compulsorily is to facilitate the comprehensive development of the Order land as part of the Council's proposals for Camp Hill in accordance with the approved outline planning application reference 010153 and the adopted planning policy framework, as explained in greater detail in section 6. The benefits that will arise are:

• Significant physical transformation of the Order land and surrounding area

• The Scheme aims to provide 158 new dwellings;

• The Scheme and wider proposals for Camp Hill will help to transform the status of Camp Hill and act as a catalyst for further investment and economic growth;

(iii) Whether the purpose for which the land is to be acquired could be achieved by other means. This may include considering the appropriateness of any alternative proposals put forward by the owners of the land, or any other persons, for its reuse. It may also involve examining the suitability of any alternative locations for the purpose for which the land is being acquired.

A. Generally

5.19.7 The Council has secured, by agreement, the interests of 52 properties within the Order Area and as explained further in section 1 above. Negotiations to secure all other lands and interests required are on−going. It is essential all outstanding interests are brought into one ownership and the whole site is made available to facilitate comprehensive redevelopment of the Order Land.

5.19.8 The Council has given careful consideration to the need for the land included in the Order Land. All of the land and outstanding interests are required to deliver the Scheme. The Council is satisfied that the redevelopment of the Order Land will result in a significant improvement to the economic, social and environmental well being of this area.

5.19.9 Assembly of all of the Order Land and all outstanding interests in it needing to be acquired will enable the Scheme to proceed. The Council has made the Order because it considers that the acquisition of all necessary interests by agreement within a reasonable timescale, to enable the Scheme to proceed, is unlikely.

5.19.10 The purpose for which Order Land is proposed to be acquired is to enable the comprehensive development of it to proceed in accordance with the approved planning permission and the adopted planning policy framework.

B. Alternatives

5.19.11 The Order Land may be capable of piecemeal development with individual areas of land being brought forward in isolation, provided satisfactory arrangements for access to serve such development could be made. However, the combined approach of using the whole site to secure comprehensive development (including highway access ) to serve the Scheme is considered to yield a significantly better redevelopment outcome for the area, particularly as it is one of a number of sites in

12 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 80 the area to be regenerated on a comprehensive basis as part of the Camp Hill Regeneration Programme.

5.19.12 A comprehensive approach is required to deliver the Scheme and the benefits it will bring

5.19.13 Overall, it is concluded that there is no credible alternative which could deliver a comprehensive scheme on the Order Land to meet the planning policy objectives within a reasonable timeframe. The scope for alternative locations is limited by the purposes of the Order, which is to facilitate the Scheme in line with the planning permission granted for it.

5.20 The Council will continue to seek to secure the outstanding interests in the Order Land by agreement, wherever possible.

5.21 The Council is satisfied that there is a compelling case in the public interest for compulsorily acquiring the Order Land, and believes that the benefits which the Scheme would secure in the public interest outweigh the effect of the acquisition on the rights of individuals. It is considered that in this case, the requirements of the guidance, domestic legal requirements and the requirements of the European Convention on Human Rights, are met.

5.22 It has long been recognised that the Estate is in need of regeneration. Camp Hill was built during the 1950s and 1960s by the local authority to provide social housing and by the National Coal Board (NCB) to provide accommodation for local mine workers. Most of the NCB properties were built on the steeply sloping area between Edinburgh Road I Hillcrest Road and Queen Elizabeth Road. The Council housing was built on the plateau area between Edinburgh Road and Cedar Road. This lack of integration created a division within the Camp Hill community which still exists today

5.23 The demise of the coal mining industry combined with the decline in manufacturing in the has led to significant socio−economic problems. Despite reductions in unemployment due to good national economic conditions since the late 1990s, Camp Hill ranked as one of the most deprived wards within Warwickshire and fall and fell within the top 10% in England. Some of the characteristics are; relatively low economic activity rates, poor skill levels with a very low proportion of people with vocational or professional qualifications, a high incidence of long term unemployment and, a general vulnerability to unemployment. Consequently there is a poor economic base and a low wage culture. In addition, there is a high proportion of single parent households, relatively high levels of crime, poor health statistics including a proportion of residents suffering from long term illness and, low car ownership reflecting low levels of household income.

5.24 The Council considers that the problems associated with the Estate has a negative impact on opportunities to improve its economic and social prospects, and that it also contributes to low aspirations and a lack of environmental well−being among residents of Camp Hill Socio− economic information and statistics highlight the problems faced by the Estate, which are typical of poor housing estate areas.

5.25 The Council's current phased approach to the regeneration of the Estate is a sustainable and deliverable proposal but still requires single ownership of property interests in the Estate. The Order is therefore necessary to secure that single ownership necessary to bring forward the comprehensive regeneration of the Estate.

13 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 81 Community Consultation

5.26 The preparation of proposals for the regeneration of the Estate has been supported by widespread consultation. The consultation undertaken has influenced the Camp Hill Physical Regeneration programme as well as the social and economic services provided in the area.

Consultation Event! Aim Date(s)

Consultations with Organisations and Residents in Camp Hill, by Arden May 1996 Consultancy for Nuneaton and Bedworth CVS. Two month To survey and report on the social needs for the whole of Camp Hill, and to identify local period people and groups who could become involved in local initiatives and the decision making process to regenerate the local area.

Resident and local organisations consultation.

January 2 Planning for Real Events. 1999 In short term, to consult upon the Urban Village proposals and secure the agreement of 21/2 the existing community to an implementation option. In the long term, to consult on and months. lay the basis for, structures and systems, which would ensure genuine local community, input into the development and management of the urban village. Daytime and Public Consultation. Over 500 people attended Planning for Real events Camp Hill Urban evening Village Community Consultation and Involvement, events

3 Camp Hill Questionnaire May/ June A detailed consultation in the form of a postal questionnaire, followed up with reminders !July 1999 and door knocking to discuss issues and collect a high response. 3 months To assist the Council in making a decision on whether to support the "Urban Village" proposal

Resident Consultation. Questionnaire sent to 615 dwellings across Camp Hill. There was a 79% response rate

4 Camp Hill Drop−in Centres From 18t A publicised facility where local residents were invited to call in with any queries on the May 1999 Urban Village' proposals and as part of the large−scale postal consultation detailed to January above. 2000

Drop−in 3 times per week

5 Urban Village and SRB feedback sessions 23rd & 24th To feedback on the findings of the questionnaire August 1999

6 A consultation exercise 2nd & 3rd Relating to "A Strategic Development Framework for Camp Hill Urban Village"(Gnmley) February was carried our by CDEC during March 2000 on behalf of the Camp Hill Steering Group. 2000. Involving a series of Open Day and Evening Events, and feedback questionnaires.

Resident Consultation/Questionnaire. Two public meetings and 190 returned questionnaires.

14 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 82 7 Supplementary Planning Guidance, July 2000. 7th July − Consultation prepared by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council Panning and 14th Development Services. August.

25th August 2000

8 Camp Hill Community Association. (CHCA) 20t Project Staff invited to attend the meeting to discuss the project and answer any February questions. 2001

Resident Association Meeting.

9 Camp Hill Community Association. (CHCA) 8th March Project Staff invited to attend the meeting to discuss the project and answer any 2001 questions.

Resident Association Meeting.

10 Question and Answer Booklet preparation. 5 days Consultation event with community groups. Community Groups with James Watson 4th, 9th, (Independent Consultant). 17th, 25th April and 4th May 2001

11 Production of Question and Answer Booklets July 2001 Consultation with current local community groups, to help address resident concerns. Groups involved were; Hillcrest Road Residents Association (HRRA), Camp Hill Against Demolition (CHAD), Camp Hill Residents Association (CHRA). This marked the beginning of the production of a series of Question and Answer Booklets, which has been continually updated and circulated. They give authoritative responses to questions asked by residents.

12 Pride in Camp Hill. Project Review Sessions. 4th & 5th Various focus sessions and seminars. May 2001

13 Camp Hill Community Association. (CHCA) 12th June Project Staff invited to attend the meeting to discuss the project and answer any 2001 questions.

Resident Association Meeting.

14 Camp Hill Community Association. (CHCA) 24TH July Project Staff invited to attend the meeting to discuss the project and answer any 2001 questions

15 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 83 15 Camp Hill Residents' Visit to Castle Vale Housing Action Trust. 7th A tour and meeting with residents was arranged. Involved prior detailed preparation of September ideas of questions for discussion by Camp Hill residents. 2001 Visit to similar project. 40 people attended.

16 Camp Hill Community Association. (CHCA) 19th Project Staff invited to attend the meeting to discuss the project and answer any October questions. 2001

Community Association Meeting.

17 Community Involvement 16th All community Groups invited, January 2002

18 Statuary Consultation period for Outline Planning Permission for Phase 1, New 301h Housing and New Access Road. Public Consultation around the planning application. January 2002 3 weeks

19 Pride in Camp Hill − Project Review Update. 5 days Well−publicised series of consultation events across the Camp Hill estate. Focusing on 22nd the whole project. Feedback forms were posted to the whole estate. February 2002− 26th Public Consultation Feb 2002

20 One to one interviews carried out in the Village Centre, April 2002 Carried out by independent consultants on behalf of Pride in Camp Hill, Aldbourne Associates. To visit with all residents in the Village Centre area to discuss individual housing options, housing needs, concerns.

One to one interviews carried out in the Village Centre.

21 Healthy Living Network Event. 16th May A Health Impact Assessment for Camp Hill and an action plan have been created to 2002 tackle local health issues in partnership with local people and service providers. In particular, this assessment explored the short and long term effects of the Pride in Camp Hill project.

Public Consultation, Health Impact Assessment and Action Plan.

22 Briefing Session with Shop Keepers 1 1th June In the Village Centre area. 2002

23 Resident Review Session. Public Consultation 22nd & 24th Focus on Phase One new housing and access road proposals and the outline proposals June 2002 for the Village Centre. Involvement from Pride in Camp Hill, Lovell, Touchstone, WCC and NBBC.

16 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 84 24 Statuary Consultation period for Detailed Planning Permission for Phase 1, new 20 August housing and new access road 2002 Public consultation as part of the planning application. By Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council.

25 Camp Hill Community Association. (CHCA) 7th Project Staff invited to attend the meeting to discuss the project and answer any November questions 2002

Community Association Meeting.

26 Public Consultation forthe Village Centre. 13th Village Centre Review Sessions, held by consultants Atkins for residents to agree their December preferred option. 2002

27 Briefing Session with local Shop Keepers as part of the Village Centre proposal 25th updates. February 03

28 Pride in Camp Hill − Community Survey. March Involving sending questionnaires to 558 properties in Camp Hill. 2003

29 Statuary Consultation period for Outline Planning Permission for Village Centre 16th July Developments. 2003

30 Residents' Housing Options and Compensation meeting. 17th July All residents living in the Village Centre area were invited to attend a meeting to discuss 2003 housing options and compensation packages and have the CPO process explained. In attendance: Independent surveyor, Housing Manager (NBBC) and Project Director.

31 Camp Hill Residents' visit to Royds, Bradford 26th Visit to a similar area to learn lessons for our project. November . 2003

32 Residents' Forum. 121h May Encouraging local people to take part in the creation of a Residents' Forum and answer 2004 any general questions about the project.

33 Open Day at Camp Hill Early Years Centre. 1st July Induction day for parents whose children are starting nursery. Pride in Camp Hill took part 2004 in displays and discussions.

34 Cedar Road August 04 To assess Residents concerns with regarding to the new road layout and gain information on which car parking options residents wanted us to provide.

17 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 85 35 Willow Road August 04 To discuss with residents the new link road to be constructed between Midland Quarry and Hillary Road.

The Dingle 36 Offer from Lovell, developer for phase I utilise spoil from development to create May − landscape form on Dingle. Opportunity to improve aesthetic appearance of the Dingle, August and enhance environment creating a community recreation area. Range of consultation − 2004 one to one interviews with householders adjacent to site, displays and open days and community festival and comments board display in reception.

37 Whittleford Park. As part of a community clean up event on Whittleford and consider August potential opportunities to improve the park. Various consultation methods have been 2004 used, including a display board at Camp Hill festival in August 04.

38 Community Hub August To reinvigorate community engagement on Camp Hill and provide a venue for local 2004 community and voluntary groups, and residents to work together to improve Camp Hill. Protect local Church PCC but supported through PinCH.

39 December Organised visit to Pye 5's Community Building in Cannock, Lea Hall Welfare Hall in 2004 Staffordshire, and Amington Miners Welfare in Tamworth as part of their options appraisal trail for the Church Hall refurbishment proposal.


The Scheme

6.1 In broad terms, the Scheme involves:

(a) The demolition of 87properties of which 56 remain to be demolished and the development of approximately 158 new dwellings for a mix of market sale and social rented accommodation;

(b) Retention of existing public amenity areas (including mature trees) as far as possible;

(c) Extensive landscaping will be undertaken as part of the development to integrate the proposals into the surroundings and improve existing pedestrian routes so as to enhance the overall streetscape of the area;

(d)• The creation of private and communal amenity spaces and landscaping enhancements including the provision of safe and stimulating play facilities for children aged under 5 years;

(e) Restoring a traditional network of connected streets and street frontages;

(f) High quality design of new homes with good internal space standards and public realm with secure cycle storage and refuse and recycling storage facilities.

(g) Provision of all necessary and associated infrastructure, drainage, servicing and works.

18 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 86 6.2 The existing estate at Camp Hill in Nuneaton has historically suffered from severe antisocial behaviour, and has been subject to economic decline over many years. Pursuant to an outline planning consent to redevelop the estate, the Local Authority established the principle that the area should be regenerated with a more positive approach to the creation of communities. It was also established that the spatial arrangement of the estate was a key player in the reason for the anti−social behaviour. The original development street layout (now partially removed by previous phases of the Barratt I David Wilson Homes development), created a large extent of 'dead' streets. This is largely due to the approach taken to talking the quite extremely sloping topography, in which very steep and unusable rear gardens form the edge to a street, whilst elsewhere, homes sit high above brick retaining walls. Both arise in street where natural surveillance of the street from homes and residents is almost completely missing. As such, it has been viewed essential to the regeneration of the area successfully, that streets with 'active frontages' are essential.

6.3 The new proposals seek to create a full activated street network with homes facing both sides of all streets to encourage a more positive relationship between residents and ensure streets have natural surveillance throughout. This requires the street pattern to be altered to enable successful dimensions between homes and between homes and streets to be formed, whilst also carefully managing the changes in levels. These changes are also necessary to ensure 10, that the new residential streets connect successfully with the new street pattern and utility services corridors established within previous phases of the development.

6.4 The Council is satisfied that the Scheme is in accordance with the strategic objectives of the adopted planning policy framework for the area. These proposals will deliver significant economic, social and environmental benefits to the area, particularly in comparison to the existing use of the site for the reasons given above.

6.5 The development of the Order Land to secure the Scheme will enable the Council's comprehensive proposals to be delivered in line with the Council's planning policy objectives for the area.

6.6 Paragraph 11 of the Guidance advises that Acquiring Authorities should look to use the most specific power available for the purpose in mind and only use a general power when a specific power is not available. Further, paragraph 96 of the Guidance adds that the power contained in section 226 of the 1990 Act should not be used in place of other more specific powers.

6.7 The Council is using its powers for the compulsory purchase of land contained in section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 because it believes that securing the acquisition of the land will transform the area by improving the physical environment and the economic well−being of its residents and thereby achieve development.

6.8 Mindful that it should not use a more general power when a more specific one is available, the Council considers that the section 226(1) (a) power is the most appropriate.


Policy Background

7.1 The Scheme is in accordance with the saved policies of the Nuneaton and Bedworth Local Plan 2006 and National; Planning Guidance

7.2 The National Planning Policy Framework ("the NPPF") promotes a presumption in favour of sustainable development and recognises three dimensions of this − economic, social and environmental. Local authorities are encouraged to maintain an up−to−date development plan and the NPPF provides that planning applications in accordance with the development plan should be determined positively without delay (NPPF 2018, paras 10 and 11).

7.3 The strategic objectives of the NPPF are to support economic growth, achieve a wide choice of high quality homes, widen opportunities for home ownership and create sustainable

19 87 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 inclusive and mixed communities. The NPPF also supports the highest standards of architectural and urban design

Local Policy Guidance

7.4 The Council adopted its current Local Plan in 2006, however, only the Local Plan Saved Policies are extant. The Council is currently working on an update to this plan called the Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Plan. The Borough Plan has been through examination, main modifications have been published and are being consulted on between 12' September 2018 − 7th November 2018. It is hoped that the plan will be adopted early in 2019.

7.5 The Borough Plan objectives promote the improvement of the lives of the residents within the Borough. This is most relevant in objective four which has a focus on providing the size, type and mix of housing that meets the specific needs of the Borough. In particular:

a) Aspirational housing that will attract residents who can make a significant investment in the development of businesses in the area.

b) Affordable housing of different tenures to meet identified housing need.

c) Housing options to meet the needs of the increasing number of older people in the Borough.

d) Providing smaller properties in Nuneaton, family housing in Bedworth and supporting the private rented sector across the Borough. − e) Continued regeneration and investment in areas where there is poor housing stock to improve energy efficiency, reduce fuel poverty and to bring empty properties back into use.

f) Adequate provision to meet the identified needs of gypsies and travellers

7.6 The scheme is in accordance with national and local planning policies including the adopted Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Local Plan (2006) and the emerging Borough Plan which is under examination.

Planning Permission

7.7 Alongside the planning policy framework in support of the regeneration of the Order Land which is outlined above, a planning application for the Scheme was approved in November 2009 reference 010153



8.1 As noted elsewhere in this Statement of Reasons, the Council's implementation strategy is to drive forward the regeneration of the Estate by reducing the risk to delivery of development opportunities by acquiring freehold and other property interests, securing planning permission and implementing the scheme

8.2 A comprehensive tendering exercise was undertaken by the Council for the procurement of phase 3. The contracted developer is Barratt Homes Limited who are responsible for the preparation and−submission of all applications for reserved matters approval, pursuant to the new planning consent, in consultation with PinCH and the implementation of the permission.

8.3 The Council, in conjunction with its partners, and with the County Council and PinCH have undertaken an assessment of the Barratt proposals and have concluded that they are both viable and likely to deliver the desired outcomes in terms of regeneration and social cohesion. They concluded that with public−sector support Barratts would undertake the development.

20 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 88 L • 8.4 The viability of the Regeneration Project is a robust and deliverable project. Adequate financial resources are therefore available for the implementation of this, the final phase of the physical regeneration proposals for Camp Hill.

8.5 To support residents and homeowners affected by the land assembly and acquisition programme, the Pride in Camp Hill team has a dedicated rehousing officer who works directly with all those directly affected by the regeneration programme.

8.6 As part of the this role, The PinCH team Phase 3 Regeneration officer liaises directly with Nuneaton and Bedworth Housing department to support the rehousing programme and ensure that all housing solutions provided are aimed at meeting the residents housing needs.

8.7 In July 2009 the Council introduced Choice Based letting, all applicants within the proposed redevelopment area can register onto NBBC Homes and their applications will be registered according to their housing needs and housing priority,

8.8 In addition the Council are working with a number of registered providers partners to develop new affordable homes on a number of sites across the Borough. The Councils Regestered Providers partners all offer shared ownership schemes. This will normally require the • purchase of an initial share of at least 40% of the property using a traditional mortgage and renting the remainder of the property on a pro−rata basis.



9.1 Section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998 prohibits public authorities from acting in a way which is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. The parts of the Convention rights which should be considered in the course of the making of the Order and leading up to the confirmation of the Order are set out below: Article I of the First Protocol and Articles 6 and 8 of the Convention are of particular relevance.

9.2 Relevant parts of Article I ofthe First Protocol ofthe Convention provide that:

"Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment ofhis possessions. No one shall be deprived ofhis possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles ofinternational law.

"The preceding provisions shall not, however, in any way impair the right ofa State to enforce such laws as it deems necessary to control the use of property in accordance with the general interest ...."

9.3 If confirmed by the Secretary of State, the Order will affect the Article 1 rights of the present leaseholders/occupiers resident within the Order Land. However, there will be no violation of those rights where the steps taken are in the public interest and are lawful, as is required by Article I of the First Protocol (above) and Article 8 of the Convention (below).

9.4 Relevant parts of Article 6 ofthe Convention provide that:−

"In the determination ofhis civil rights and obligations...... everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law".

9.5 The Order proposals have been extensively publicised and consultation has taken place with the communities that will be affected by the Order.

9.6 All those affected by the Order have been notified of its making and have the opportunity to make objections to the Order and to be heard at a public inquiry before a decision is made on whether or not the Order should be confirmed by the Secretary of State. Those persons

• 21 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 89 directly affected by the Order will also be entitled to compensation proportionate to any losses that they may incur as a result of any compulsory acquisition made pursuant to the Order.

9.7 Relevant parts of Article 8 of the Convention provide that:

"(1) Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.

"(2) There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests ofnational security, public safety or the economic well−being ofthe ccountry, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of heath or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedom ofothers".

9.8 Article 8(1) is a qualified right and interference with it may be justified in appropriate cases by reference to Article 8(2).

9.9 The Order has been made pursuant to section 226(1)(a) of the 1990 Act which authorises the Council to acquire land compulsorily subject to following the procedures laid down in the Acquisition of Land Act 1981. The Council considers that there is a compelling case in the public interest such that if the Order Land is acquired the public benefit will outweigh the private loss arising from that acquisition. In the circumstances, the compulsory acquisition of the Order Land will not conflict with the rights provided by Article 8(1) of the Convention as the qualifications in Article 8(2) apply.

Application of the principle that interference with Convention rights must be proportionate and justified in the public interest

9.10 In promoting this Order the Council has carefully considered the balance to be struck between individual rights and the wider public interest.

9.11 To the extent that the Order would affect those individual rights, the Council considers that proposed interference with them would be in accordance with the law, necessary in the public interest and proportionate.

9.12 All of those persons whose rights under Article 8 of the Convention and under Article 1 of the First Protocol of the Convention would be affected by the Order will have an opportunity to object to the Order and to have their objection considered at a fair and public hearing, in accordance with their rights under Article 6 of the Convention.

9.13 Appropriate compensation will be made available to those entitled to claim it under the relevant provisions of the statutory Compensation Code.

9.14 In addition, having regard to the provisions of the 1990 Act and the guidance, the Council considers that the Order Land is both suitable for and will facilitate the carrying out of development, redevelopment and improvement and will, for the reasons explained in this Statement, make a positive contribution to the promotion or achievement of the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of its area. The Council therefore has a clear idea of how it intends to use the land which it is proposing to acquire compulsorily. Further, the necessary resources are in place to achieve delivery of the Scheme within a reasonable timescale. Subject to confirmation of the Order (assuming the Order is to be confirmed by the Secretary of State) there are no impediments to its delivery.

9.15 It is therefore considered that the Scheme and the Order will not unduly infringe the rights of individuals which are provided by the European Convention on Human Rights. The Council is also satisfied that the requirements of the guidance are met.

22 90 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 10. EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT

10.1 The Council has had regard to the advice in paragraph 2 of the guidance regarding the duty it has under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. The Council has also undertaken an equality impact assessment to assess the impacts on groups with protected characteristics arising from its proposals and the Order.

10.2 A number of protected characteristics have been identified as potentially being subject to adverse impact, however all affected residents will be impacted by Phase 3.

10.3 Some positive impacts have also been identified as residents have benefited in moving to more suitable accommodation.

10.4 Adverse impacts have been mitigated by numerous support mechanisms offered by the Pride in Camp Hill Service.

10.5 This EIA will continue to be reviewed & and monitored should any further information/issues be identified during the implementation of Phase 3. S 11. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS AND SPECIAL CATEGORY LAND

11.1 There are no special considerations affecting the Order Land. No special category land is affected by the Order.

11.2 Apparatus of statutory undertakers will be affected by the Scheme and the Council with work with the undertakers concerned to ensure that their apparatus and facilities are protected or relocated as necessary includes land in which statutory undertakers have an interest which has been acquired for

11.3 Subject to confirmation of the Order to enable site assembly to be achieved, the Council considers there are no impediments to implementation of the Scheme.


12.1 The Council believes there is a compelling case in the public interest that decisively justifies the proposed compulsory acquisition of the Order Land and the Council respectfully requests the Secretary of State to confirm the Order accordingly.


13.1 This Statement of Reasons for making the Order is not intended to discharge the Council's obligations under the Compulsory Purchase (Inquiries Procedure) Rules 2007 (SI 2007 No.3617), should a public inquiry be held.

13.2 In the event of a Public Inquiry, a Statement of Case, further supporting material, plans and documents will be put in evidence by the Council. A list of these, together with the addresses at which they can be inspected, will be notified to the public in accordance with the relevant Rules.


14.1 Copies of the Order, Order Map, and this Statement of Reasons and of the documents referred to in the list below can be inspected between 2pm and 4pm on Monday, 3:00 pm to 6.00pm on Wednesday, and 2.00 pm to 4.00pm on Friday at Camp Hill Library and Information Centre, CHESS Community Centre, Cedar Road, Camp Hill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CVIO 9DN; between 8.30 am to 7.00pm on Monday, 10.00am to 6.00pm on Tuesday, 8.30 am to 6.00 pm on Wednesday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday and 10.00am to 2.00pm on Sunday at Nuneaton Library, Church Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire,

23 91 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 Cvii 4DR and between 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday at the offices of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Town Hall, Coton Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5AA and are available for inspection on the council's website

14.2 Individuals seeking advice regarding the Order should in the first instance contact one or other of the persons listed below, depending on the nature of the query:

For general queries about re−housing contact Kazim Datoo, Regeneration Officer, Pride in Camp Hill, Tel: 024 7639 9093 or email

For queries about legal issues contact Philip Richardson, Director − Arts, Leisure & Democracy, Tel: 024 76376233 or e−mail i)hilip.richardson(

For general inquiries contact Chris Egan, Programme Manager, Pride in Camp Hill Tel: 024 7639 9093 or email


15.1 No related orders have been made by the Council in connection with the Scheme.


16.1 The Council intends to refer to, or to put in evidence, the documents (or relevant extracts from those documents) which are listed below and which are referred to in this Statement of Reasons.

16.2 Documents to be listed: which will be used as evidence

[Council to identify all documents it is to rely upon or put in evidence]

Dated:1 ]2018


[Name and address}

24 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 92





The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (in this order called the acquiring authority) makes the following order:−

Subject to the provisions of this order, the acquiring authority is under Section 226(1)(a) of The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 hereby authorised to purchase compulsorily the land described in paragraph 2 for the purpose of facilitating the carrying out of development re−development or improvement of the land for the provision of [[x] residential units together with parking spaces, associated highway and other infrastructure, drainage, servicing and workS, new public realm and improved pedestrian routes [anything to add]].

The land authorised to be purchased compulsorily under this order Is the land described in the Schedule and delineated and shown coloured pink on a map prepared in duplicate, sealed with the common seal of the acquiring authority and marked Map referred to in the Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3—Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018".

Cabinet − 31st October 2018 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − andGorsyWay) Compulsory Purchase Order2018


Number on EXteflt description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

1 884 square metres. or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of public Town Mall Shire Mall adopted highway (Hillcrest Colon Road Warwick Road) situated to the north Nuneaton CV34 4RL of Edinburgh Road, Cvii 5AA (as highway authority) Nuneaton The Owner Shire Hall Warwick CV34 4RL (as highway authority)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1), situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

2 734 square metres, or Unknown − − The Occupier thereabouts, of public (Address as at parcel 1) adopted highway (Hillcrest The Owner (as highway authority) Road) situated to the north 1 Ell Lane west of Gorsy Way, Brinklow Nuneaton Rugby CV23 OLP (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 34 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 40 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CV10 9HB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 40 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 1 Ell Lane Brinklow Rugby CV23 OLe (in respect of subsoil to the rear of34 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

NumberandmapExtent, description on Qualifying under Section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

2 The Owner (contd) 258 Soho Road Handsworth Birmingham B21 9LX (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 12 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 2 Devoran Cross Exhall CV7 gNP (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 26 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 20 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CV10 9HB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 20 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 18 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 18 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

NumberandmapExtent, description on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

W Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

2 The Owner (cont'd) 38 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HB (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 38 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 24 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CV10 9HB (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 24 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 22 Hillcrest Road Camp Hill Nuneaton CV1O9HB (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 22 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 22 Hillcrest Road Camp Hill Nuneaton CV10 9HB (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear . of 22 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

2 The Owner (contd) 10 Hillcrest Road Camp Hill Nuneaton CV10 9HB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 10 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 36 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CVIO 9HB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 36 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 36 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton − CV1O OHB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 36 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 14 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0− 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − andGorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (2)Smap (1) situation of the land − − Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

2 The Owner (contd) (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting land to the rear of 82− 110 (even) Hillcrest Rood)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 80 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 8 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 51 Chippenham Road London wg2AA (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of44 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0− 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 100 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

2 The Owner (cont'd) 40 Chamwood Avenue Nuneaton CV10 7NZ (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 42 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 32 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CV10 SHB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of32 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 16 Hillcrest Road Camp Hill Nuneaton CV10 9HB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 16 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 16 Hillcrest Road Camp Hill Nuneaton CV10 9HB (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 16 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 101 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number Extent, on Qualifying under section I2(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) situation the land ) persons −

W Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

2 The Owner (confd) 117 Main Street I−Iigharn−on−the−Hill Nuneaton CV13 6AJ (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 42 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 30 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CV10 9HB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 28 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 30 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CVIO9HB (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 30 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 88 Hillcrest Road Nuneaton CV10 9HD (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 88 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet −3lst October 2018 102 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3— Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number Extent, description and on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map(l) ;situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

2 The Owner (contd) 88 Hillcrest Road − Nuneaton CV1O9HD (in respect of subsoil fronting 88 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (as highway authority)

3 3 square metres, or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of accessway situated to the south east of 64 Edinburgh Road, Nuneaton

4 687 square metres. or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of grassed area (Address as at parcel 1) (Address as at parcel 1) situated to the south of 158 (excluding mines and minerals) Hillcrest Road, Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 103 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I jExtent, Number on description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) A1111h map (1) situation of the land (2)

− Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

5 286 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and 34 Edinburgh Road 34 Edinburgh Road premises (34 Edinburgh Nuneaton Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9HF CV10 9HF

The Owner 34 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HF

Unoccupied 6 243 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (33 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Unoccupied 7 244 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and 13 Lilleburne Drive premises (32 Edinburgh Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9SE (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect ofmines and . minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 104 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

NumberandmapExtent, description on Qualifying under section 12(2Xa) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

8 284 square metres. or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and 31 Edinburgh Road 31 Edinburgh Road premises (31 Edinburgh Nuneaton Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9HF CV10 9HF (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Unoccupied 9 1292 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (30 Edinburgh Road), Nuneaton

10 242 square metres, or The Owner − Unoccupied thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel I) premises (29 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Unoccupied 11 271 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (28 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 105 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − andGorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

NumberandmapExtent, description on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

Unoccupied 12 322 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (27 Edinburgh Road), Nuneaton

13 361 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and 15 Sheepy Magna 26 Edinburgh Road premises (26 Edinburgh Meadow Close Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton Atherstone CV10 9HF CV9 3RA (excluding mines and minerals)

The Owner 15 Sheepy Magna Meadow Close Atherstone CV9 3RA (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Unoccupied 14 277 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (25 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton . Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16108/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 106 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 1

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

Unoccupied 15 302 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (24 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 16 374 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (23 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 17 350 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and 20 Edward Street • premises (22 Edinburgh Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton Cvii 5RH (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/0812018 Cabinet− 51st October 2018 107 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 −Name and Address (3) Aok map (1)Ownerssituationofthel:nd(2)

or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

Unoccupied 18 297 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (21 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 19 314 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and 20 Edinburgh Road premises (20 Edinburgh Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9HF (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 20 353 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (19 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) − Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and lei minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 108 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table 1

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2Xa) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

Unoccupied 21 1406 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and 2 Hillcrest Road premises (2 Hillcrest Road), Camp Hill Nuneaton Nuneaton CV10 9KB

The Owner 2 Hillcrest Road Camp Hill Nuneaton CV10 9HB

Unoccupied 22 248 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (4 Hillcrest Road), (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 23 222 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (6 Hillcrest Road), (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16108/2018 Cabinet− 31st October. 2018 109 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

Unoccupied 24 271 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (8 Hillcrest Road), (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

25 239 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) 10 Hillcrest Road premises (10 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CVIO 91−113 Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 26 189 square metres. or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) premises (12 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Unoccupied 27 179 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (14 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0—16108/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 110 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3—Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I Number on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map(l) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees orreputed lessees Tenants orreputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

Unoccupied 28 215 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) premises (16 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

29 207 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) 18 Hillcrest Road premises (18 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9HB Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

30 223 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) premises (20 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 —1610812018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 111 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees) _____

31 235 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) premises (22 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton The Occupier The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

32 225 square metres. or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) premises (24 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

33 245 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) 26 Hillcrest Road premises (26 Hillcrest Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV1O 91−1151 S

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet −3lsl October 2Ol8 112 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees orreputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

34 254 square metres. or The Owner − Unoccupied thereabouts, of house and 28 Hillcrest Road premises (28 Hillcrest Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9HB (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

35 253 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) premises (30 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

36 218 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) 32 Hillcrest Road premises (32 Hillcrest Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 91−113

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0— 16108/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 113 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3—Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, descriptionQualifyingand persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2)

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

37 236 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) 34 Hillcrest Road premises (34 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 91−113 The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

38 253 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) premises (36 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton The Occupier The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

39 256 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) premises (38 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road). Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 .114 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

40 222 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) premises (40 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton The Occupier Unknown 40 Hillcrest Road (in respect ofmines and Nuneaton minerals) CV1091−113

Unoccupied 41 217 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) premises (42 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 42 276 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) premises (44 Hillcrest (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 115 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

43 2659 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of site of former (Address as at parcel 1) (Address as at parcel 1) dwelling houses (46−63 Hillcrest Road) situated to the north east of Hotlyrood Court, Gorsy Way, Nuneaton

44 697 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of public (Address as at parcel 1) (Address as at parcel 1) adopted highway (Hillcrest (as highway authority) Road) situated to the north The Owner of Holyrood Court, Gorsy (Address as at parcel 1) Way, Nuneaton (as highway authority)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet −31st October 2018 116 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number Extent, description and Qmapon (2)ualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land persons − 16 − Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 1495 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of public (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 1) adopted highway (Hillcrest (in respect of subsoil fronting 34 (as highway authority) Road) situated to the north Hillcrest Road) of Holyrood Court, Gorsy Way, Nuneaton The Owner 8 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HE (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 8 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 40 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect of subsoil fronting 34 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 12 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet −31st October 2018 117 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation ofthe land (2)

Owners or reputed owners Lessees orreputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (contd) 13 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HE (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 13 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 26 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 92 Glen Road Leicester LE2 4PG (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 2 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 5 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV1O 91−IE (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 5 Edinburgh Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 118 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3—Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

NumberandmapExtent, description on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (cont'd) 5 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV10 ONE (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 5 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 20 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 15 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect of subsoil fronting 18 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 8 Oakwood Close Shenstone Lichfield WS14OJJ (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 14 Edinburgh Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16108/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 119 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

NumberandmapExtent, description on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (contd) 8 Oakwood Close Shenstone Lichfield WS14 OJJ (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 14 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect of subsoil fronting 38 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 24 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 22 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 22 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 120 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I Numberandmap1 Extent, description on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (contd) (Address as at parcel 21) (in respect of subsoil fronting 2 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 21) (in respect of subsoil fronting 2 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 183 Higham Lane i Nuneaton CV1I6AN (in respect of subsoil to the rear of9 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 183 Higham Lane Nuneaton CV116AN (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 9 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 10 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0− 16/08/2018 Cabinet −3lst October 2ol8 121 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3—Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (contd) 12 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HE (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 12 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 7 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HE (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 7 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 7 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HE (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 7 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect of subsoil fronting 36 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 122 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I 1S Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 −Name and Address (3) map (1)Ownersuation of the land (2) − or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (cont'd) (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 36 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect of subsoil fronting land to the west of 18 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 4,6 and 8 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 3 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 14 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 123 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay) Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 −Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2)

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (contd) (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 44 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 80 Hutton Lane Bolton BL3 4JD (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 6 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 52 Tiverton Drive Nuneaton Cvii 6YL (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 4 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 34) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 28 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 16 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vi.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet −3ist October 2Ole 124 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1901 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (cont'd) (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 16 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner 20 Great Western Road London W93NN (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 10 and 11 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 20 Great Western Road London W9 3NN (in respect of subsoil to the rear of I Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 16 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV10 9HE (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 16 Edinburgh Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vi .0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet −3lst October 2018 125 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (cont'd) 16 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV10 91−IE (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 16 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 12 Manor Park Road Nuneaton Cvii 5HR (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 18 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 30 Hillcrest Road)

Unknown (in respect ofsubsoil fronting accessway situated to the south of 42 Hillcrest Road)

Unknown (in respect ofsubsoil fronting accessway situated to the south of32 Hillcrest Road)

− − − −

Draft Referencing Schedule vi.O −16108/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 ie The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and Gorsy Way)Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 1

NumberandmapExtent, description on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

45 The Owner (cont'd) 17 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HE (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 17 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 17 Edinburgh Road Nuneaton CV1O 9HE (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 17 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (as highway authority)

46 8 square metres, or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of accessway situated to the south of 42 Hillcrest Road, Nuneaton

47 8 square metres. or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of accessway situated to the south of 32 Hillcrest Road, Nuneaton

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0− 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 127 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and • Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers SOwners (other than lessees)

48 5 square metres, or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of accessway situated to the south west of 20 Edinburgh Road, Nuneaton

49 9 square metres, or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of accessway situated to the south west of 20 Edinburgh Road, Nuneaton

50 10 square metres, or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of accessway situated to the west of 26 Edinburgh Road, Nuneaton

51 25 square metres, or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of accessway situated to the south west of 29 Edinburgh Road, Nuneaton

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 128 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) − S Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

52 2045 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of public 219 Queen Elizabeth Road (Address as at parcel 1) adopted highway (Edinburgh Nuneaton (as highway authority) Road) situated to the north CV10 9BS of Hazel Road, Nuneaton (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 219 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 5 Willington Street Nuneaton Cvii 5EU (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 221 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect of subsoil fronting 13 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 213 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV10 985 (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 213 Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 129 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) ofthe Acquisition ofLand Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

52 The Owner (cont'd) 213 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 213 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner Grove Farm Burton Hastings Nuneaton Cvii 6RJ (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 207 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner Grove Farm Burton Hastings Nuneaton Cvii 6RJ (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 207 Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 130 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table 1

Number Extent, description and (3)mapon Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (1) situation of the land (2) persons − ______Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees) •

52 The Owner (cont'd) Grove Farm Burton Hastings Nuneaton CVII 6RJ (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 209 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner Grove Farm Burton Hastings Nuneaton Cvii 6RJ (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 209 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect of subsoil fronting 15 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 211 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV109B5 I− (in respect of subsoil to the rear of211 Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 —16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 131 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (I) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

52 The Owner (contd) (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 14 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect of subsoil fronting 14 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 2) (in respect of subsoil fronting 9 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 21) (in respect of subsoil fronting 2 Hillcrest Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 21) (in respect of subsoil fronting 2 Hillcrest Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16108/2018 Cabinet −3lst October 2018 132 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

52 The Owner (cont'd) 217 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 217 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 225 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 225 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 211 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 211 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect of subsoil fronting 12 Edinburgh Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 1610812018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 133 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section I2(2)(a) of the Acquisition ofLand Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation ofthe land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees orreputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

52 The Owner (contd) (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect of subsoil to the rear of the former site of 4 Haze! Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect of subsoil fronting 23−25 and 27−30 Edinburgh)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 19 and 21 (odd) Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting land to the south of6 Edinburgh Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st Oober 2018 134 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

52 The Owner (contd) (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect of subsoil fronting land to the west of 18 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 217 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 217 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 14 Sherboume Avenue Nuneaton CV10 9JH (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 201 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 14 Sherboume Avenue Nuneaton Cv109J1−1 (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 215 Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 —16/0812018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 135 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay) Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table 1

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2)

or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers SOwners (other than lessees)

52 The Owner (cont'd) (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of223 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 205 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 10 and 11 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 16 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 16 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 18 Edinburgh Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet −31st October 2018 136 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table 1

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) − S Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

52 The Owner (cont'd) (Address as at parcel 17) (in respect of subsoil fronting 22 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect of subsoil fronting 17 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting 17 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 203 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CVIO 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 203 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (as highway authority)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2016 137 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants orreputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

53 268 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of grassed area (Address as at parcel 1) (Address as at parcel 1) situated to the south of 8 (excluding mines and minerals) Hillcrest Road, Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

54 11 square metres, or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of accessway situated to the west of 18 − Edinburgh Road, Nuneaton

55 204 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) 18 Edinburgh Road premises (18 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9HE Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 138 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 1

Number Extent, description and on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1901 Name and Address (3) map(l) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

56 163 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45) premises (17 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton The Occupier The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45) (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

57 185 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45) premises (16 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton The Occupier The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45) (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

58 152 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 2) (Address as at parcel 2) premises (15 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16108/2018 Cabinet −3lstOctober2Ol8 139 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent,description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

59 169 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) 14 Edinburgh Road premises (14 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9HE The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

60 233 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) 13 Edinburgh Road premises (13 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9HE Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

61 243 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45) premises (12 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton The Occupier Unknown 12 Edinburgh Road (in respect ofmines and Nuneaton S minerals) CV10 9HE

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet −31st October 2018 140 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3—Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way)Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number i Extent, description andQualifying on under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map(l) situation of the land (2) persons

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants orreputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

Unoccupied 62 224 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) premises (11 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 63 236 square metres. or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) premises (10 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

64 220 square metres. or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) 9 Edinburgh Road premises (9 Edinburgh Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton The Owner CV10 9HE (Address as at parcel 45)

Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet. 31st October 2018 141 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2Xa) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

65 197 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45) premises (8 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

66 199 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45) premises (7 Edinburgh Road), Nuneaton The Owner The Occupier (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45)

67 9 square metres, or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of accessway situated to the south of 6 Edinburgh Road, Nuneaton

Unoccupied 68 192 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) premises (6 Edinburgh Road), Nuneaton

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 142 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on I Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2Xa) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 −Name and Address (3) map(l) I situation of the land (2)

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

69 177 square metres. or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45) premises (5 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton The Owner The Occupier (Address as at parcel 45) (Address as at parcel 45) • (excluding mines and minerals)

Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 70 1 181 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) premises (4 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Road), Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Unoccupied 71 176 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 1) premises (3 Edinburgh Road), Nuneaton

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 143 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners orreputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants orreputed tenants Occupiers − (other than lessees)

72 184 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) 2 Edinburgh Road premises (2 Edinburgh (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Road), Nuneaton CV10 9HE Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Unknown 73 274 square metres, or The Owner − − thereabouts, of house and (Address as at parcel 45) premises (1 Hillcrest Road), (excluding mines and minerals) Nuneaton Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

74 1682 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of site of former (Address as at parcel 1) (Address as at parcel 1) dwelling houses (1−6 Gorsy Way) situated to the north of Holyrood Court, Gorsy Way, Nuneaton

75 100 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of public (Address as at parcel 1) (Address as at parcel 1) S adopted highway (Gorsy Way) situated to the north of Holyrood Court, Gorsy Way, Nuneaton

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 144 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay) Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number Extent, description and on Qualifying under section 12(2Xa) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map(l) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

76 39 square metres, or Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown thereabouts, of scrubland situated to the south of 1 Edinburgh Road, Nuneaton

77 74 square metres, or Unknown − − The Occupier thereabouts, of public (Address as at parcel 1) adopted highway (Gorsy The Owner (as highway authority) Way) situated to the north of (Address as at parcel 1) Holyrood Court, Nuneaton (in respect ofsubsoil fronting land to the south of 6 Edinburgh Road)

Unknown (in respect of subsoil to the south of I Gorsy Way)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (as highway authority)

78 1133 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of grassed area (Address as at parcel 1) (Address as at parcel 1) situated to the north west of (excluding mines and minerals) Gorsy Way, Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Schedule Draft Referencing v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 145 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

79 1532 square metres, or Unknown − − The Occupier thereabouts, of public (Address as at parcel 1) adopted highway (Hazel The Owner (as highway authority) Road) situated to the north 178 Birmingham Road of Queen Elizabeth Road, West Bromwich Nuneaton B70 6QG (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 263 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 245 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of246 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 251 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 251 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 247 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear . of 247 Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0− 16/08/2018 Cabinet −3lst October 2018 146 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3—Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

NumberandmapExtent description on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

79 The Owner (contd) 247 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 247 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 255 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 255 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 255 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 255 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 231 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of23l Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 147 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number Extent, description and on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons − Adikk map W Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

79 The Owner (conld) 235 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CVIO 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of235 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 233 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CVIO 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of233 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 233 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of233 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 261 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of261 Queen Elizabeth Road) I

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 148 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I t NumberNExtent,umber description and on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

79 The Owner (contd) 261 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CVIO 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 261 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 257 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 267 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 257 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 257 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 52) (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 225 Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O— 16/08/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 149 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

NumberandmapExtent, description on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

79 The Owner (contd) 271 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 271 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 253 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 253 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 253 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 253 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 229 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 229 Queen Elizabeth Road) S−− −−− − −−

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 150 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay) Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

79 The Owner (cont'd) 249 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 985 (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 249 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect ofsubsoil fronting former site of 4 Hazel Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect of subsoil fronting former site of 5−16 Hazel Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect of subsoil fronting former site of 1−3 Hazel Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 151 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners I Lessees or reputed lessees I Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees) I

79 The Owner (contd) (Address as at parcel 1) (in respect of subsoil fronting land to the west of 18 Edinburgh Road)

The Owner 267 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of267 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 245 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of245 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 227 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 985 (in respect of subsoil to the rear of227 Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16108/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 152 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

79 The Owner (cont'd) 259 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV10 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 259 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 56 Park Drive Ascot SL5 OBE (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 243 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 265 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV10 9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 265 Queen Bizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 45) (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 239 Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 —1610812018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 153 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3—Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Number on Extent, description and Qualifying persons under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) map (1) situation of the land (2) −

W Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

79 The Owner (contd) Avonbank Feeder Road Bristol BS2 OTB (in respect ofsubsoil fronting land to the north ofHazel Road)

The Owner 241 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O 9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 241 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 269 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 269 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 269 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CVIO9BS (in respect ofsubsoil to the rear of 269 Queen Elizabeth Road)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 154 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

NumberandmapExtent,descriPon on Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name and Address (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons −

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

79 The Owner (cont'd) 237 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 237 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner 237 Queen Elizabeth Road Nuneaton CV1O9BS (in respect of subsoil to the rear of 237 Queen Elizabeth Road)

The Owner (Address as at parcel 1) (as highway authority)

80 714 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of grassed area (Address as at parcel 1) (Address as at parcel 1) situated to the north of 237 (excluding mines and minerals) Queen Elizabeth Road, Nuneaton Unknown (in respect of mines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0— 16108/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 155 TheNuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road − and GorsyWay)Compulsory Purchase Order2018

Table I

Numberandmapon Extent description Qualifying under section 12(2)(a) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 Name (3) (1) situation of the land (2) persons − and Address

Owners or reputed owners Lessees or reputed lessees Tenants or reputed tenants Occupiers (other than lessees)

81 59 square metres, or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of electricity (Address as at parcel 79) (Address as at parcel 79) substation (Hazel Road) (excluding mines and minerals) situated to the north east of 237 Queen Elizabeth Road, Unknown Nuneaton (in respect of mines and minerals)

82 4111 square metres. or The Owner − − The Occupier thereabouts, of site of former (Address as at parcel 1) (Address as at parcel 1) dwelling houses (1−16 Hazel (excluding mines and minerals Road) situated to the north ofpart) of 241−271 Queen Elizabeth Road, Nuneaton The Owner (Address as at parcel 1)

Unknown (in respect ofmines and minerals)

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0− 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 ise The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 2

Number on Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(a) of the Acquisition of Other qualifying persons under section 12(2AXb) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 − map(4) Land Act 1981 (5) not otherwise shown in Tables I2(6)Descri& −−− − − tion of theiafld for which the person in adjoining Name and Address Description of Interest to be acquired Name and Address column is likely to make a claim −


− − − −

− 3 − − −

− 4 − − −

− 5 − − −

− 6 − − −

7 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner In respect of a − − The Mound legal charge dated 13 February 2008 registered Edinburgh under title WK327631 EH11YZ

8 −, − − −


10 − − − − −

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.O 16/08/2018 − 157 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 2

Other Number on qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(a) ofthe Acquisition of Other qualifying persona under section 12(2A)(b) ofthe Acquisition of Land Act 1981 − 4) Land Act 1981 (5) not otherwise shown in Tables 1 & 2 (6)

Description ofthe land for which the in adjoining Smap Name and Address Description ofInterest to be acquired Name and Address person column is likely to make a claim

12 − − − −

13 − − − −

14 − − − −

15 − − − −

16 − − − −

17 − − − −

18 − − − −

•:.2119 − − − −

Draft Referencing Schedule vl.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 158 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018


Number on Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(a) ofthe Acquisition of I Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(b) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 − map (4) Land Act 1981 (5) not otherwise shown in Tables 1 & 2 (6) Description of the land for whichthe in adjoining ' Name and Address Description of interest to be acquired Name and Address Person column is likely to make a claim


− − − −

23 − − − −

24 − − − −

25 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − − 135 Bishopsgate legal Charge dated 23 August 1996 registered London under title WK299446 EC2M 3tJR

26 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner In respect of a − 8−14 Canada Square legal Charge dated 22 November 2004 London registered under title WK266955 E145HQ

27 − −

28 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − − Nationwide House legal charge dated 9 August 1999 registered Pipers Way under title WK395215 Swindon SN38 1NW

29 − − − −

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2015 159 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 2

Number on Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(a) of the Acquisition of Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(b) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 map (4) Land Act 1981 (5) not otherwise shown In Tables I & 2(6)

Description ofthe land for which the in adjoining Name and Address Description ofInterest to be acquired Name and Address person column Is likely to make a claim

30 − − − −

31 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − (Address as at parcel 7) legal charge dated 18 September 1981 registered under title Wi<266615


− − − −

33 − − − −

34 − − − −

35 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner In respect of a − (Address as at parcel 26) legal charge dated 28 March 2003 registered under title WK268329

36 The Mortgagee As mortgagee tomeOwner in respect of a − − 2 Tritons Square legal charge dated 14 February 2008 registered Regents Place under title WK44420 London Ask NV/i 3AN

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October2018 ieo The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 2

Number on Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(a) of the Acquisition of Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(b) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 map (4) Land Act 1981 (5) not otherwise shown In Tables I & 2(6)

Description of the land for whichthe In adjoining Name and Address Description of Interest to be acquired Name and Address person column Is likely to make a claim

37 1 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − − Nationwide House legal charge dated 31 March 2016 registered Pipers Way under title Wl<276740 Swindon SN38 1NW


− − − −

39 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner In respect of a − − (Address as at parcel 36) legal charge dated 19 April 1996 registered under title WK314283

40 i The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − − P0 Box 10620 legal charge dated 13 June 2017 registered do Legal Aid Agency under title WK283749 Recovery Services Nottingham NG6 6DY


− − − −


44 • − : :− −: −: Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 • 161 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 2

Number on Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(a) of the Acquisition of Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A}(b) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 − map (4) Land Act 1981 (5) not otherwise shown in Tables I & 2 (6)

Descriptionthe In adjoining Name and Address Description of Interest to be acquired Name and Address person column is likely to make a claim

45 − − −

46 − − − −

47 .− − −

48 − − − −

49 − − − −

50 − − − −

51 − − −

52 − − − −



55 − − − −

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 1610812018 Cabinet −3lst October 2Ol8 − − 162 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 2

Number Other qualifying 12(2A)(a) on i persons under section of the Acquisition of Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(b) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 − map (4) Land Act 1981 (5) not otherwise shown In Tables I & 2(6)

− −− − Description of the land for which the Name and Address Description of interest to be acquired Name and Address person In adjoining column Is likely to make a claim


− − −


57 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − − Gresham Street legal charge dated 28 June 2001 registered London under title WK300266 EC2V7HN

58 − − − −

59 − − − −

60 − − − −

61 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − (Address as at parcel 36) legal charge dated 18 October 1991 registered under title WK264797

The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner In respect of a Mere Way legal charge dated 24 August 2000 registered Ruddington Fields Business under title WK264797 Park Ruddlngton Nottingham NG11 6NZ


− − − −

Draft Referencing Schedule v1.0 − 16/08/2018 Cabinet− 31st October 2018 163 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill Phase 3 − Hazel Road, Edinburgh Road, Hillcrest Road and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018

Table 2

Number on Other qualifying persons under section 12(2A)(a) of the Acquisition of Other qualifying under section 12(2A)(b) of persons the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 − map (4) Land Act 1981 (5) not otherwise shown in Tables i&2(6) − − − − −−− − Descriptionthe Name and Address Description of interest to be acquired Name and Address Person in adjoining column Is likely to make a claim


− − − −

− − 64 − −

− 65 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − (Address as at parcel 36) legal charge dated 24 August 1987 registered under title WK317817

− 66 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − (Address as at parcel 7) legal charge dated 22 August 1983 registered under title WK280310

− 67 − −

− 68 The Mortgagee As mortgagee to The Owner in respect of a − (Address as at parcel 57) legal charge dated 20 November 2007 registered under title WK244867


− − − −


− − − 71 −

Draft Referencing Schedule 0.0− 16/08/2018 Cabinet − 31st October 2018 164 The Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council (Camp Hill RI, se 3 −Hazel Road, Edinburgh 2ad,H!llcresoad and Gorsy Way) Compulsory Purchase Order 2018 *