PRESENT: Iain MacInnes (Chair), Tom Murray, Zak Gillan, Elizabeth Bain, Dianne Paton (Secretary) ATTENDING: PC Stephen Carr, Councillor Alan Reid and Mr Pete Clark NON ATTENDING: Ian Prescott

1. Convenors opening remarks: Iain welcomed everyone to the meeting. He welcomed Councillor Alan Reid to the meeting and thanked him for his great support since he took office. Iain also welcomed and introduced, Mr Pete Clark who would give a brief to everyone on Land Transfer. TM asked AR how many more meetings he would attend, AR replied that he would return for one more meeting, thereafter one of his colleagues would attend. 2. Apologies – Sue Morris, (FCS), Councillor Gordon Blair and Councillor Yvonne McNeilly 3. Declaration of Interest: None 4. Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 14th August 2017 were approved by Tom Murray and seconded by Zak Gillan. 5. Treasurers Report: EB reported that the current balance was £3,284.44 6. Matters arising: a. Broadband : Councillor Alan Reid reported that BT’s response to broadband in was that civil engineering works to install the fibre cabinet and associated fibre infrastructure were currently underway and that the work is complex and the expected completion date is by the end of December 2017, barring any unforeseen issues. b. Japanese Knotweed : Councillor Alan Reid reported that Amenity Services have now carried out weed spraying/treatment on the Japanese Knotweed located on common ground at the back of the church wall at the end of Invergoil. He would contact the estates department to try to establish ownership of the land. (AR to Act) c. Potholes on the road adjacent to the Caravan & Chalet Park : Councillor Alan Reid advised that he was still waiting on a response from the Roads Department and that he had sent a reminder.

7. General Update : 50/50 Draw: September

1. 198 Lesley Ann Smith 2. 6 Ellen Cushley 3. 89 Tom Evans 4. 92 Joan Nelson 5. 180 Colin Park

1 A83 Rest & Be Thankful Road & Bus Stop: IMacI stated that he would report on this agenda item with the assistance of Councillor Alan Reid and PC Stephen Carr. IMacI stated that the bus service stop at the Rest would close from 1 November till 1st March 2018. Travellers will still be able to travel from Ardgartan or Arrochar bus stop, however booking is advisable. AR advised that the official reason given is that drivers are concerned carrying out sharp turns at the Rest due to the possibility of icy conditions. EB remarked that the public would only be confident that the buses would stop once the TRO was in place as currently, if a coach was parked, the service bus would not stop. AR reported that a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is required to make it an offence for vehicles to block the bus stop. The TRO process has been started and the consultation for the TRO will be issued by 15th September. The consultation will actually be two consultations (emergency services / stakeholders and community groups) of 28 days which will be run concurrently. Thereafter, there is a notice of proposals published and a period for any further public input. If there are objections officers would aim where possible to resolve issues but if this is not possible a hearing may be required to determine the final terms of the order. There will then be advertising to notify potential users of the site that new rules are coming into force and then signs erected and the order brought into force prohibiting parking. EB asked it the TRO could be in place for 1/3/17 when the buses would commence service. Members of the local community have been of assistance in providing information on obstructive parking of vehicles at the location. This has helped the department who have contacted owners of identifiable vehicles to remind that the location is a clearly marked bus stop and that a TRO is to be introduced. The officer’s feedback is that contacting vehicle owners has been productive. A83 Unmanned Road Closures : IMacI reported that the recent unmanned road closures had caused frustration again with travellers due to a lack of information/communication between Police and Transport Scotland. PC Carr had raised the issue with his Inspector in and gave an update at the meeting. IMacI asked a local resident to give a brief report of his experience. The local resident advised that he had spent 4½ hours in his car and driven over 144 miles because of the unmanned road closure A83 on 2nd September. IMacI/SC both stated that this was unacceptable and should not happen. EB suggested that motorists should billed Bear Transport for the additional petrol costs incurred. IMacI advised that Police Scotland and George Fiddes, Area Manager Transport Scotland should be at the Transport Forum on 4th October and that he had requested this issue be an agenda item. IMacI hoped that he could count on Councillor Alan Reid’s support as he was the Chair of the Forum. “Give Way” sign and road markings at A83/B828 junction: AR reported that the Roads response was that the worn out road markings would be added to their list of outstanding lining works. The location and need for the sign would be reviewed, to ensure that if required it is located at the “right” position and not misleading. Roads: TM reported that the linings at the War Memorial junction and the Caravan Shop junction required to be renewed. (AR to act). Local residents attending the meeting advised that FCS/ National Park vehicles had parked in passing places on the Carrick Road, registration numbers to be passed to SC who will ask them to park at car park at Carrick Castle. SC and IMacI will also speak to Sue Morris (FCS). (IMacI/SC to act) Police Report: From 14/8/17 – 11/9/17. There were 40 incidents and 1 mountain rescue. Crime Report – 1 careless driving, 1 dangerous driving, 1 old incident (1 causing death by dangerous driving) 2 separate road traffic incidents, 1 seat belts/tachograph and 1 tachograph. Village Enhancement: IMacI reported that slugs had damaged the new plants in the flower boxes. Tom Ducat and Gordon Fletcher would spray Japanese Knotweed as soon as there was a dry spell. Tom Ducat is keeping the grass in the play area and the path down from the school to the police station under control. Litter pick up date is set for 16th & 17th September, booked uplift from the council which should take place on 18th or as soon as manpower is available. Entrust: EB advised that the next beach clean would take place on Sunday 17th September.

2 Forestry Commission: IMacI reported that David Robertson’s successor, Sue Morris hopes to be at the next Community Council meeting in October. Planning: TM reported the following planning applications :- • Proposed demolish and replace existing garage/workshop. Location : Burnknowe, Lochgoilhead • Proposed formation of enlarged service yard and installation of rock-armour banking (retrospective). Location : Drimsynie House Hotel, Lochgoilhead • Proposed construction of 2210 metres of new ATV access track. Location: Land at Forest Park and Land West of Lettermay Lochgoilhead. • Proposed erection of dwellinghouse. Location: Land West of Bell Cottage, Carrick Castle, . • Proposed construction of new telecommunications site comprising lattice tower mast, equipment cabinets and ancillary hardstanding, fencing etc and formation of 25mm long access track. Location: Loch Restil Co-location Near Loch Restil, Cairndow. • Proposed construction of 2210 metres of new ATV access track. Location : Land At Argyll Forest Park and Land West of Lettermay, Lochgoilhead. Donich Hydro Water Scheme : EB reported that the annual requirement had been generated. Land Transfer: Pete Clark gave a brief on land transfer from FCS to a Trust. He advised that if a community group identified an area of FCS land that they believed would be of social, environmental or economic benefit to the community they could applied for purchase under the Asset Transfer Scheme. He stated that there was a lot of funding available from various agencies for the purpose of purchasing land under the scheme. There was a meeting scheduled for 12th October between Land Transfer and FCS Representative to look at beginning the process. Currently Cormonachan Woodlands Association hold a Minute of Agreement with FCS for woodland all the way down to Carrick and the Community Council held Minutes of Agreement for the playpark and the Arboretum. He went on to say that there were lots of pockets of land in the area that would fall into the category and urged any interested parties to get in touch with the Community Trust so that a viable plan could be put in place. The Hub: No report lodged. It was agreed that a letter would be sent to ask if this should be removed from the Community Council agenda. Emergency Equipment : IMacI reported that replacement items for the Lochgoil Emergency Equipment, had still not arrived from A&B Council. AR offered to contact A&B Council to progress. (AR to Act) 8. Trust Reports:

Jetty Trust: No report.

Carrick Castle: No report

Hall Trust: IMacI reported that as soon as there was a dry spell Mr McGeachy would spray/coat the south wall and clean it. Waiting on costs for paint for the interior of the hall and kickboards/ fencing.

Lochgoil Community Trust: the next meeting would be on 12th September, 2017. Letters: No letters received.

3 9. Any Other Competent Business:

TM asked what provision had A&B made for providing electric hook up facilities in light of the Scottish Government’s proposals to phase out petrol and diesel powered cars by 2032. (AR to act)

EB reported that she had received an email from Douglas Locke, Secretary of Cormonachan Woodlands Association asking if the Community Council would write a letter in support of their bid for funding from the National Heritage Fund Scheme for a Red Squirrel Hide. (IMacI/DP to Act)

Residents from Carrick Castle complained that it was impossible to walk on the road because of the mud left by the logs being transported onto the Sea Princess at the new pier. Roads Department had been contacted, however the road is only cleaned once per day. (AR to Act)

Homes south of Carrick Bridge were without phone or internet connection as an overhead cable had been damaged. A local resident supplied his contact details and AR advised that he would contact BT on the residents behalf. (AR to Act)

IMacI reported that some time ago the question was raised about bus routes being subsidised. This system was done away with some time ago, therefore bus companies must tender for routes. Dunoon to Carrick Castle via Lochgoilhead, bus companies tender to A&B Council. Helensburgh to Carrick Castle via Lochgoilhead, the tender is through the SPT. Question from the floor : Why does the bus journey from Carrick Castle to Lochgoilhead cost £2 when the journey from Carrick Castle to Dunoon costs £5? Question from the floor : Could the timetable of the bus service from Carrick Castle to Dunoon be altered on non-school days i.e. 12.00 noon as per school days – both questions would be raised at the Cowal Transport Forum. (IMacI to act)

10.Date of Next Meeting: Monday 9th October, 2017