The March Against Death will contribute its own tone to the call for an immediate end to the Vietnam War and the complete withdrawal of American troops; walking in solemn and dignified procession, the Marchers will be calling attention to the incomprehensible slaughter of lives, American and Vietnamese, our war policy has produced. The following information and directives are intended to facilitate this expression and focus, to have the intention of the March Against Death be writ large in its actual movement.

Led by a contingent of relatives of war dead, the March will begin at 6 p.m., Nov. 13; state contingents will march according to a prearranged schedule (see enclosed schedule). The March will begin at Arlington National Cemetery, go across the Arlington Memorial Bridge, to the , where each marcher will call out the name of the American serviceman or Vietnamese village he is carrying. Marchers will proceed to the Capitol Building, where they will deposit their placards in caskets set up at the Capitol. The entire March route is approximately 4-1/2 miles long, and requires about 2-1/2 hours of steady walking.

Placards will be distributed to state contingents at Arlington Cemetery when the contin­ gents enter the March at the prescribed time; candles for night Marchers will also be available. It is requested that groups which bring special identification posters or other placards not use them for the March Against Death, thus keeping an orderly and dignified character; such special'signs can be used for the mass march on Saturday, Nov. 15. Special memorial badges will be available for each marcher at Arlington.

For groups in town on Friday who either have completed the March Against Death or are scheduled to enter it as some other time (i.e. early Sat. morning), some Congressmen will be available in their offices to meet with you. Groups who wish to meet with their Congressmen should either write or phone to us the names of the Congressmen and the times for which appointments are desired so that we can make them.

On Friday evening, Nov. 14, there will be a special ecumenical service held at the Washington National Cathedral for those who wish to attend and who are not scheduled to walk at that time. Conducting the service will be Eugene Carson Blake, President, World Council of Churches; ; The Rev. William Sloane Coffin; Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J.; Robert Moss, President, United Church of Christ; and Bishop Paul Moore, Suffragen Bishop of Washington, D.C.

Finally, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you keep in communication with (i.e. relate to) the key people in your state who have been organizing for the trip to Washington; these are the people we keep in contact with, and our work is facilitated by this procedure. Names of key people in the states are available in our office — call or write if you have questions.