1 This draft was produced by the Peer Review national and international team members, with a support from the ADEA Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE). The comments, interpretations and opinions therein expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ADEA, its members, its Steering Committee or any person acting on behalf of ADEA. ADEA's Working Group on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE) BP 692, Ouagadougou CMS11, Burkina Faso Tel: +226 25 36 58 45
[email protected]; www.gtenf.org 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENT PAGE I.FOREWORD 04 II.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 05 III.ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 07 IV.SYNOPSIS 09 I. PART ONE: SELF ASSESSMENT REPORT BY NATIONAL PEERS 13 II. PART TWO: REPORT BY INTERNATIONAL PEERS 57 III.MAJOR RECOMMENDATIONS BY PEER REVIEWERS 97 IV.APPENDIX 102 3 Foreword Education and training play an important role in our developing societies with regards to qualitative transformation of human resources, essential to the growth of our countries. It is in this light that there was a peer review in Congo resulting from an agreement reached on 7 August 2013 between the Ministry of Primary, Secondary Education and Literacy (MEPSA) and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA). The objective of this review is to help the Republic of Congo improve its policies and practices for the development of Quality Education and Quality Training For All. The review targeted programs initiated within the framework of Education for All (EFA) and the Mellinium Devlopment Goals (MDGs) as well as those concerned with the training of teachers, inspectors and literacy tutors to provide qualified human resources for these programs.