Table 2 Classification of Macrobenthos from Kan Maw Island and Adjacent Areas

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Table 2 Classification of Macrobenthos from Kan Maw Island and Adjacent Areas Table 2 Classification of macrobenthos from Kan Maw Island and adjacent areas Sr . Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species n o. Mollusc Gastropo Archaeogastrop Neritidae Nerita 1 Neritalineata Gmelin, 1791 a da oda 2 Neritafuniculata (Menke,1850) 3 NeritacostataGmelin, 1791 Mesogastropod Potamidid Telescopiu Telescopium telescopiumlinnaeus, 4 a ae m 1758 Cerithidea 5 CerithideaobtusaLamark, 1822 6 Cerithideaalata (Philippi, 1847) 7 Cerithideacingulata Gmelin,1791 Littorinida Littorina 8 Littorina melanostoma(Gray) e 9 Littorina scabra Linnaeus, 1758 Naticidae Natica 10 Naticatigrina (Roding, 1798) Polinices 11 Polinices didyma Roding, 1798 Nassariida Neogastropoda Nassarius 12 NassariusnodifeursPowys 1835 e 13 Nassariusstolatus(Gmelin, 1791) 14 Nassariuspullus Linnaeus 1758 Nassariusfoveolatus (MSS Dunker, 15 Reeve) Thaididae Thais 16 Thais mubtablis (Link) 17 Thais blanfordi (Melvill) Muricidae Rhizomurex 18 Rhizomurexcapucinus Roding, 1798 Murex 19 Murex bibbeyiLinnaeus 1758 Melongeni Pugilina 20 Pugilinacochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) dae 21 PugilinaternatanaGmelin 1791 Turridae Turricula 22 Turriculajavana Linnaeus, 1767 Crassispira 23 Crassispira kulthi Jordan, 1936 Mollusc Gastropo Ellobiumaurismidae(Linnaeus, Neogastropoda Ellobiidae Ellobium 24 a da 1758) Columbelli Pseudanach Pseudanachisbasedowi(Hedley, 25 dae is 1918) Caenogastropo Planaxidae Planaxis 26 Planaxissulcatus (Born, 1778) da Nacellidae Cellana 27 Cellana radiata (Born, 1778) Systellommato Paromoionc Paromoionchistumidus(Semper, Ochidiidae 28 phora his 1880) Onchidium 29 Onchidiumsp. Mollusc Bivalvia Mytilida Pinnidae Atrina 30 Atrinapectinata (Linnaeus, 1767) a Pteriidae Pinctada 31 Pinctada radiata Leach,1814 Tegillarcagranosa(Linnaeus, Arcidae Tegillarca 32 1758) Tegillarcanodifera(Martens, 33 1860) 34 TegillarcarhombeaBorn, 1780 Mytilidae Perna 35 Pernaviridis(Linnaeus, 1758) Sepiferbilocularis (Linnaeus, Sepifer 36 1758) Enignomiaaenigmatica (Sowerby, Anomiidae Enignomia 37 1825) Veneroida Veneridae Meretrix 38 Meretrix meretrix (Linnaeus) Ostreoida Ostreoidae Saccostrea 39 Saccostrea cucullata (Born, 1778) Arthrop Amphibalan Amphibalanusreticulatus(Utinomi Crustacea Sessilia Balanidae 40 oda us , 1967) Chthamali Megabalan Megabalanustintinnabulum(Linna 41 dae us eus, 1758) Chthamalus 42 Chthamalusdepressa (Poli, 1795) ChthamalusmalayensisPilsbry, 43 1916 Tetraclitid TetraclitasingaporensisChan, Tetraclita 44 ae Tsang & Chu, 2007) Malacostr Oratosquill Oratosquillainterrrupta Stomatopoda Squillidae 45 aca a (Manning, 1995) Alpheusintrinsecus Spence Batem, Decapoda Alpheidae Alpheus 46 1888 Ocypodida Uca 47 Ucatetragonum (Herbst, 1790) e Ucaannulipes (H. Milne-Edwards, 48 1837) Continued Sr.n Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species o. Anthropod Malacostr Decapoda Ucididae Ucides 49 Ucidescordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) a aca Leucosiidae Philyra 50 Philyrapisum De Haan, 1841 Macrophtha MacrophthalmusmalayensisTween Menippinae 51 us die 1937 Myomenipp Myomenippeharduickii (Gray, 52 e 1831) Portunidae Scylla 53 Scylla serrata (Forskal, 1775) Episesarmaversicolour (Tweedie, Sesarmidae Episesarma 54 1960) Brachiopo Lingulata Lingulida Lingulidae Lingula 55 Lingula anatinaLamark, 1801 da Echinoder Holothuro Aspidochir Phyllophori Phyllophoru 56 Phyllophorus sp. mata idae ota dae s Polychaet Phyllodoci Annelida Nereididae Nereis 57 Nereis sp.1 a da 58 Nereis sp.2 59 Nereis sp.3 Perinereis 60 Perinereis sp. 1 61 Perinereis sp. 2 Lumbrinerid Lumbrinerei Eunicida 62 Lumbrineris sp.1 ae s 63 Lumbrineris sp.2 Euclymene 64 Euclymene sp. Errantia Onuphidae Diopatra 65 Diopatra sp.1 66 Diopatra sp.2 67 Diopatra sp.3 68 Diopatrasp.4 69 Echiuroide Thalassemat Anelassorhy Anelassorhyncusbranchiorhynchu a idae ncus s Annandale Haplotacid Lumbricida Clitellata Lumbrius 70 Lumbrius sp. a e Haliactinida Stephensona Stephensonactisornata Panikkar, Cnidaria Anthozoa Actiniaria 71 e ctis 1936 Hemichord Enteropne Enteropneu Harrimaniid Saccoglossu 72 Saccoglossussp. ata usta sta ae s Pilidiopho Heteronem Cerebratulu Nemertea Lineidae 73 Cerebratulus sp. ra ertea s .
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