THE M ARYLANDER AAUW Maryland Newsletter VOLUME 76, N O. 1 F ALL 2008 Fall Conference in Hagerstown Breaking through Barriers At our September 27 th conference in Hagerstown, The afternoon session is designed for sharing pro- Maryland state AAUW members are being asked to grams that fit into the PEARL concept. The plan is to put on their “goggles” and guide a pilot project initi- hear from as many branches as possible; depending ated by the Association. on the number of presentations, time may be limited. If your branch would like to share a program with the At the June 22, 2008 joint meeting of the AAUW and group, e-mail Pat Crane at
[email protected]. AAUW Educational Foundation Boards, both boards unanimously supported the Breaking through Barri- PEARL is a gem of an idea and we feel very honored ers as the unifying focus for AAUW. (Refer to the in being selected for this pilot project. We hope that AAUW Current Topics Briefing #5 issued by Linda as many of you as possible will come and share your Hallman, CAE, Executive Director on June 30 th , 2008 pearls of wisdom for advancing communication on page 7.) AAUW Maryland will roll out the new among the Association, the state and branches. Breaking through Barriers and utilize the PEARL Maryland can make this a real turning point for concept. This is the concept that Linda Hallman intro- AAUW; it should be an exciting day for all of us. duced to us at our state convention in April.