
Delayed neurological sequelae of electrical injuries

Donald F . Farrell, M .D., and Arnold Starr, M .D.

Tms REPORT reviews the neurological disorders weakness of the left leg which did not interfere that follow to man to empha­ with his work and did not progress. He remained unchanged until June of 1966, two years after the size the long latent period that can intervene electrical injury, when he experienced lightning­ between electrical contact and the appearance like pains starting in the low back, radiating of neurological dysfunction. The existence of around the left hip, and descending down ilie such delayed effects received considerable medial aspect of the left leg to the ankle. The pains occurred repeatedly during twenty-minute mention in the past neurological literature,1 -'l periods and then subsided, only to recur for five but only a few sporadic cases have been re­ to six more periods each day. He also noted, for ported in the past fifteen years.6,7 The sig­ the first time, that this area of the leg was numb. nilicance of this problem for both clinical and He was seen by an orthopedist who noted the left medicolegal considerations can be infened thigh to be smaller than tl1e right. Lumbar spine Sims revealed mmimal osteoarthritis. The patient from the high mortality rate that exists at pres­ was placed in traction without relief. The leg ent from inadvertent electrical contact. Ap­ weakness, which up to this time had been slight, proximately l,000 occur annually in gradually progressed so that he had difficulty in the and the number of injuries climbing stairs and had to resort to a cane for walking. In August of 1966, twenty-seven months not resulting in must be of a far greater after his injury, he noted the muscles in the left magnitude. The fact that one-third of these thigh were twitching. At no time, however, did fatal accidents resulted from contacts with the patient experience difficulties in voiding or household currents indicates that electrical in­ defecation. A lumbar rnyelogram was performed jury is readily possible for most of the popula­ in the same month and was normal. Spinal fluid was not examined at that time. The ratient was tion. then referred to the Stanford Medica Center in November of 1966 for further evaluation. CASE REPORT The patient had been healthy all of his life, A 67-year-old right-handed man was injured on except for diabetes mellitus, c:Uscovered while in June l , 1964, by 18,000 (A.C., 60 H:z) from the hospital in 1961 for a suprapubic prostatecto­ a high-tension line while at work as a pipefltter. my for benign prostatic hypertrophy. The diabetes He was standing on a rock guiding one end of was well controlled by diet and phenformin ther­ a metal pipe with his right band when the other apy. end of the pipe hit the high-tension line. He re­ Physical examination: The blood pressure was members a loud "bang" and was told that he 160/90, pulse was 86, and respirations were 16. was thrown about 4 ft. from the rock. He was The general physical examination was normal ex­ dazed for only a few seconds and resumed work cept for bilateral pterygia and a brawny discolora­ immediately, even though he felt "shaky" for the tion of the skin over the tibiae. On neurological remainder of the day. examination, the patient's mental status, cranial The following day nght arm and interscapular nerves, and deep tendon reflexes were within nor­ pain developed and he went to his physician who mal limits except for an absent left patellar reflex. found an entrance bum on the right palm and The patient's gait was remarkable for bis inability an exit bum of the lateral aspect of the left little to completely extend the left knee on stepping toe. These minor bums healed without complica­ tion. The patient received several injections of a From the Oeputm~t of Neurology, Stanford Univusily local anesthetic intramuscularly around the right School of Medkine, Palo Alto, Calif. shoulder in the region of pain, with some relief Dr. Farrell's addres.i is Department of Neurology, Stanford over the next week. University School o( Medicine, 300 Pasteur Drive, Palo During that same week, he noticed minin1al Alto, Califomlo 94304. Neurology I Volume 18 I June 1968 601 602 NEUROLOGY forward with the left leg. The left thigh was who experienced a high-tension electrical in­ atrophied and a few fasciculations were seen in jury twenty-seven months prior to the study. the quadriceps. The right thigh measured 40 cm. and the left 36 cm., 10 cm. above the patella. The current passed from his right arm to his Both calves measured 32 cm., 15 cm. below the left foot. Twenty-four months after the injury, patella. The following muscles in the left leg were paresthesia, atrophy, weakness, and fascicula­ weak ( 4, on a 0 to 5 scale):• iliopsoas, sartorius, tions of the left thigh became apparent. Our quadriceps, adductors, hamstrings, and posterior studies were consistent with neurogenic atro­ tibial. The sensory examination was normal in the up­ phy in this region. per extremities. There was decreased sensation to pin, touch, temperature, and vibration in the dis­ DISCUSSION tribution of the left second through fourth lumbar We will discuss electrical injuries to the roots. In the area of the left tenth thoracic through first lumbar roots, diminution of the same modali­ nervous system in terms of [ 1] the types of ties was inconsistently reported. Vibration and clinical disorders seen (Table 1) and (2) the position senses were well preserved in the toes. possible mechanisms of such nervous system The laboratory studies revea1ed a fasting blood damage. glucose of 220 mg. per 100 ml. A lumbar puncture Cerebral syndromes. When the head is one showed an opening pressure of 140 mm. spinal Huid. The spinal fluid contained no cells, a fro­ of the contact points, the patient may suffer tein of 32 mg. per 100 ml., and a glucose o 90 of the scalp and underlying bone and mg. per 100 ml. An electromyogram revealed no become unconscious. Those patients noi: rend­ insertional activity, , or fasciculations. ered unconscious by the shock hear a loud About 50lli of the motor units in the left adductor and quadriceps were polyphasic in form, 3 to 4 sound or have tinnitus and may even become msec. in duration, with amplitudes of l to 1.5 deaf. Headache and giddiness may be experi­ millivolts. These same muscles showed a marked enced for a period of time following the in­ decrease in the number of motor units on maxi­ jury. Of more interest are the permanent neu­ mal contraction. The right adductor and quadri­ ceps muscles showed normal electromyographic rological deficits which follow electric shock patterns. Motor nerve conduction studies on the after a latent period. following nerves, tested bilaterally, were normal: Critchley9 reported a case of a 26-year-old common peroneals, posterior tibials, and ulnars. A man who was shocked by an unknown amount muscle biopsy of the left quadriceps revealed of cunent for about fifteen seconds. The pa­ groups of fibers that measured 15 to 20 µ in diameter among fibers of normal size. There were tient suffered a bum of two fingers, paresis no infiammatory cells seen. This pattem was felt of the right arm, and an inability to speak. to be consistent with a neurogenic atrophy. He recovered completely from the symptoms The patient's course has remained unchanged in a sho1t time. Nine months later, the patient since hospitalization ( as of May 1967). A diabetic amyotrophy or radiculopathy did not seem likely suddenly developed right hemiparesis with since the spinal fluid protein was normal and there aphasia. Critchley proposed that the recurrence was no evidence of slowed nerve conduction. of symptoms resulted from a delayed vascular In surrunary, the patient is an elderly man occlusion secondary to u;timal damage from the original electric shock. TABLE l Langworthy3 described one of Foster Ken­ CLASSIFICATION OF NEUROLOGIC DISORDERS nedy's patients, a man of 52, who was rend­ FROM ELECTRICAL SHOCK• ered unconscious by lightning while playing golf. Immediately, there was a partial paralysis Cerebral syndromes: of the right side of the face and a complete Hemiplegia, with or without aphasia; striatal syndromes; brainstem syndromes right hemiplegia. Movements returned within the next twenty-four hours. In the ensuing Spinal syndromes: three weeks the patient's face moved normally Spinal atrophic palsies; hematomyalia, on voluntary effo1t, but the right side of the spastic paraplegia face did not move during emotional expres­ Peripheral nerve syndromes: sions. The patient then developed a rhythmical Isolated or multiple radiculopathies or tremor of the right upper extremity, a loss neuropathies of associated movements of that aim, and some •Modified from Critchley, 1936 stiffness of the right leg while walking. It was DELAYED NEUROLOGICAL SEQUELAE OF ELECTRICAL INJURY 603 the author's opinion that the current from the but there was progression of the atrophy. The lightning had damaged the basal ganglia on lesion then stabilized and did not progress for the left side of the brain. the next two years when the patient was lost Haase and Luhan1 reported a case of de­ to follow-up. The author felt that the progres­ layed thrombosis of the basilar artery follow­ sion of neurological signs was due to a vasculi­ ing electrical injury. Their patient, a 45-year­ tis of the spinal cord caused by electric cur­ old man, was shocked by a high- trans­ rent. former and experienced no symptoms. He con­ Delayed quadriparesis has recently been re­ tinued to work for the next eighteen days. The ported.lo The patient, a 10-year-old boy, was patient's family noted some minor personality Hying a kite with a stainless steel fishing line changes during this period. Then, on the nine­ for a kite sb"ing when the wire came in contact teenth day, the patient suddenly collapsed to with a transmission cable carrying 75,000 the Boor with a right hemiplegia, became un­ volts. The boy suffered severe bums to the conscious, and remained in a deep coma until body, with an entrance wound in the right his death a year later. An autopsy revealed hand and an exit wound in the left heel. Fol­ occlusion of the basilar artery, resulting in lowing the accident, the patient did well. encephalomalacia of the rostral end of the Seven weeks after the injury, the patient was pons and thalamus. It was the contention of found confused and disoriented and, on the this group that the thrombosis was due to following day, developed a flaccid quadripare­ intimal damage of the basilar artery caused sis with a motor and sensory level at C 7. The by the electric shock. patient died and histological examination of Spinal syndromes. Spinal cord damage is by the spinal cord showed severe damage in the far the most common of the permanent seque­ lower cervical and upper thoracic regions re­ lae of electrical injury and occw-s when the sembling those of recent anoxia of the spinal path of the current is either from arm to arm cord. There was edema, minimal perivascular or from arm to the leg. infiltrate, intravascular thrombosis, and little Panse5 collected 20 cases from the literature evidence for an arteritis present in the involved and reported 9 additional cases. The spinal areas. No evidence was found suggesting an in­ forms may resemble either progressive muscu­ fectious process. lar atrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or a Radicular and peripheral neroe syndromes. transverse myelitis. Sensory changes in the In most of the cases where peripheral and affected limb are also very common. Most of radicular nerves are involved, there are exten­ the time there is pain and paresthesia in the sive burns to the limb. The peripheral nerves involved limb immediately, but this usually in the area may be directly burned or com­ clears in a short time. Permanent symptoms pressed by the resulting scar tissue, but a occur with a latent period of days to months, similar neurological picture may also develop are of gradual onset, and progress slowly. in the absence of obvious bums. Alexander's• second case is a good example Langworthy8 reported a 46-year-old switch­ of a spinal syndrome. The patient was a 46- board operator who received a shock of un­ year-old man who was holding an overhead known intensity from the switchboard. The socket with his left hand while screwing in a patient suffered no burns or loss of conscious­ light bulb with his right hand. Inadvertently, ness but immediately experienced pain in the the pull-chain was pushed into the socket and right shoulder and anesthesia of that same the patient was shocked on the left hand, ­ hand. The patient showed spasms of the right ing the middle finger. The current was esti­ shoulder girdle muscles and loss of sensation mated to be 2.5 milliamperes. The next morn­ over the right thumb and index and middle ing he awoke with pain and weakness of the fingers, extending up the volar surface of the left arm. The patient was seen three weeks right arm to the shoulder. The biceps and tri­ later and the left arm showed atrophy, fascicu­ ceps reBexes were depressed on that side. lations, and hyperesthesia in the distribution of Laboratory studies were reported as normal. the fifth through seventh cervical dermatomes. Thus, almost any combination of neurologi­ Over the next few months, the pain subsided cal signs and symptoms may follow electrical 604 NEUROLOGY mJWJ' and a period of time, up to many that a current of 0.2 to 0.33 milliampere ap­ months, may intervene between the inju1y and plied to the skin felt like a "tap," 0.75 to 1 the development of the neurological dysfunc­ milliampere felt like a "pinch," 1 to 4 milli­ tion. felt like a "grab," and 5 to 15 milli­ Mechanism of delayed infury. Experimental amperes caused muscle contraction. In experi­ studies have defined some features of exposure mental animals, tested with the same circuit, to electrical currents that are significant for 25 milliamperes or more caused permanent nervous system damage. The amount of cur­ damage to nerves and blood vessels and 70 rent passed through the body appears to be or more milliamperes could be lethal immedi­ the most significant factor in determining cel­ ately. lular damage. Alexander,4 in a study of the The skin provides protection from electric effects of a 60-cycle, HO- circuit, repo1ted shock. It has been estimated that a d1y, cal-


Delay f oUQwing Author 11nd 11ear Voltage Syndrome shock LeRoy de Mericourt, 1860 Lightning Atrophy, right hand Some clays (cited by Panse) Colling, 1891 (cited by Panse) 1,000 v. Atrophic paralysis of left deltoid Some days and teres minor Hoche, 1899 (cited by Panse) 1,000 v. Atrophic paralysis of right deltoid l year Eulenburg, 1905 (cited by Panse) 1,000 v. Atrophic paralysis of right deltoid 1 month Kurella, 1905 (cited by Panse) 500 v. Atrophy of left shoulder muscles 3 months Hoehl, 1906 (cited by Panse) 220v. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-like 15 months picture, starting right hand Minot, 1908 (cited by Panse) 1,000 v. Atrophy of right hand 5 weeks Horn, 1916 (cited by Panse) 120v. Atrophic paralysis, right aim 4 months Kramer, 1919 (cited by Panse ) 120 v. Diffuse atrophy of left arm 3 months Jellinek, 1921 (cited by Panse) 5,000 v. Atrophic paralysis of both arms 2 weeks Stier, 1926 (cited by Panse ) 550 v. Atrophic paralysis of left foot and 8 weeks lower leg Mendel, 1927 (cited by Panse ) 500v. Atrophic paralysis of ann and left leg 8 days Chartier, 1928 (cited by Panse) 500 v. Atrophic paralysis of right underarm 4 months Panse, 1931 200v. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-like 10 months picture, beginning left arm Panse, 1931 380 v. Atrophy, right thumb 3 days Panse, 1931 500v. Atrophy, right shoulder girdle Some days Panse, 1931 550v. Atrophic paralysis of left leg 2 months Panse, 1931 220v. Paresis of left arm 2 months Critchley, 1932 Unknown Right hemiparesis with aphasia 9 months Alexander, 1936 110 v. Spinal atrophic paralysis 3 weeks Langworthy, 1936 Lightning Left basal ganglion 3 weeks Haase and Luhan, 1959 Unknown Basilar thrombosis 3 weeks Jackson and associates, 1965 75,000 v. Transverse myelopathy 2 months Present case 18,000 v. Spinal atrophic paralysis 24 months DELAYED NEUROLOGICAL SEQUELAE OF ELECTRICAL INJURY 605 loused palm may have a resistance of up to slight weakness of the leg, experienced within 2 million ohms. Sweating decreases the re­ the week after injwy, only began to progress sistance 12 times and immersion of the hand twenty-four months later. Critchleyo similarly in water reduces the resistance 25 times. The repo1ted an individual with a prolonged inter­ duration of contact with the current is also val of nine months between electrical contact important since continued contact reduces skin and the development of neurological symp­ resistance signi£cantly.3 As the resistance of toms. the skin drops, current flow increases, in ac­ The existence of a latent period between cordance with Ohm's law, in which the current exposure and neurological disorder also occurs in amperes equals the applied voltage divided after irradiation of the nervous system: neuro­ by the resistance in ohms. It is easily seen that logical symptoms can appear up to thirty-six factors which reduce the resistance of the skin months following such exposure. It is known lead to the passage of increased currents and that irradiation induces structural alterations subsequent injury. in biological macromolecules such as deoxy­ The mechanisms by which electrical cur­ ribonucleic acid and enzyme systems that may rents applied to skin surfaces cause injury to be particularly lethal for cells undergoing di­ nervous structures remote from the site of vision.1~.10 It is likely that if such st1uctural application are not clear. We assume that if changes are not sufficient to cause cellular the shock is to be damaging, current must pass death, their presence may render the cell less through nervous tissue. Weeks and Alexander11 able to cope with previously tolerated environ­ measw·ed the passage of currents in various mental changes (hypoglycemia, infection, elec­ tissues in animals subjected to a shock applied trolyte changes). Such a mechanism may ex­ between the fore and hind limbs. They ob­ plain why animals irradiated with nonlethal served that the current traveled by the shortest doses of X-rays suffer senility and prematme route between the contact points and was of death. We suggest that the mechanism of equivalent amplitude in blood vessels, spinal delayed effects following elecb'ical injury may cord, and muscle. be similar. Biologically active proteins exposed The histopathological changes of acute elec­ to electrical fields undergo conformational trical injury in experimental animals have been change secondary to changes in weak chemical reported4,6,12-H and consist of perivascular bonds. 17 One of the consequences of passage hemorrhage, demyelination with vacuolization, of electrical cun-ents through nervous tissue reactive gHosis, and neuronal death. The may be the production of similar types of greater the number of electrical shocks or the structural alterations in biologically active pro­ longer the electrical contact, the more exten­ teins. This interpretation is compatible with sive were the pathological changes seen in the fact that blood vessels are most prominent­ the nervous system. Autopsies did not reveal ly affected both after irradiation and electrical any changes outside of the nervous system injury, since, within the cenb·al nervous sys­ other than venous congestion. tem, endothelial cells are perhaps the elements The histopathological studies of the acute that most frequently divide.is If, as a result effects of electric shock on nervous tissue sug­ of irradiation or electJically induced protein gest that the current damages by directly heat­ changes, these cells die or become manifestly ing the involved areas. Thus, the resultant abnormal following mitosis there would be a vacuolization, nerve cell loss, perivascular potential region for thrombosis and resultant hemorrhages,. and demyelination are not unlike alteration in blood How. Though there is veiy those seen following acute pyrexia of any little substantial evidence now at hand to sup­ cause. These acute studies do not clarify the port the proposed mechanism of delayed ef­ mechanisms by which electric shock can re­ fects of electJ·ic current, the phenomenon is sult in the delayed appearance of neurological of sufficient biological and clinical significance disorder. In man, the interval between the to merit fu1ther investigation. electrical contact and development of symp­ toms may be days or months (Table 2). SUMMARY In the patient described in this repo1t, the A case of delayed neurological injury follow- 606 NEUROLOGY

ing high-tension electric shock is reported. A delayed thrombosis of basilar artery followin& electrical injury. Arch. Neurol. l :19S, 1959. classi6cation of the various neurological syn­ 8. MEDICAL UBAllCK COUNCn.: Aids to the investigation of peripheral nerve injuries. Ed. 2. London: Her Maj­ dromes and examples of these syndromes are esty's Stationery Office, 1963, p. l. reviewed. A mechanism of delayed damage 9. CIUTCKLEY, M.: lndustrial electrict1l accidents in their secondary to changes in biologically active neurolopcal aspect. J, State Med. 40:459, 1932. 10. JACKSON, ' · a., MIJ\TIN, R., and DAVIS, 11.: Delayed macromolecules is proposed. The increasing quadriplegia following . Milit. Med. 130:601, 1965. number of individuals undergoing accidental 11. •VEEJ